  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • I get the recording car noise blues as car noise hits the brick wall behind me and bounces into the microphone then out the speakers and sometimes overrides the music causing me to lose timing . Im getting used to it and doing my best to remain focused that the song is still playing as normal even though what my ears experience is a jumbled mess of sound .
    FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING ! the legal maxim that says if a document is created fraudulently or it promotes presumptions and assumptions of fact when it is actually just the delusional beliefs of one small group of people expressed on paper ,then it holds no authority over anyone else unless they are in that group and hold the same delusional beliefs , then if millions of other pieces of paper with words upon them are created and promoted as legislation or law all based upon the initial fraudulent document then those millions of purported laws also hold no authority over anyone ,nobody is under any obligation nor duty to believe in the words on paper nor obey anything the words on paper say nor submit to any other person claiming the words on paper do place us under obligation and duty , So the 3 step process is an act upon the fraud , if you believe you must engage in the three step process then you are admitting you believe in the fraudulent documents because the people who created the first fraudulent documents upon which they claim all law stands also created the paperwork that says ''you must do this 3 step process of creating your own documents before you can beat us'' and those rules are also fraudulent 😂 😂 So the process can be done in one notice but the same notice must be copied many times and sent to all the people claiming authority over you or your property ,it must be a perpetual notice to anyone and everyone who functions in whatever leadership role of the corporations they work on behalf of create , because if you write to ''Bob'' then Bob gets the sack or retires ''for family reasons'' then Jimmy steps up as the new boss of the corpse-oration then he can deny ever knowing anything about your notice and the battle must begin again if you don't address the perpetual position from the get go . Anyway here is the BOMBSHELL initial fraudulent document created upon presumptions that all legislation is created upon - IT IS THE CALENDAR ! The months , the days ,the date , is nothing more than the delusional creation of the Roman Catholic empire and can never be proven as fact , as soon as a document is created and the day and date is typed, stamped, written upon it then it becomes null and void , can you prove you did something on such such day and such such date ? No you can't , can governments prove they done something like create a law everyone in their country must obey on such such day and date ? No they can't , only if you believe in the fraud as fact will you prove you're just as delusional as your oppressors . 🙏 Just because billions of people believe in the same thing doesn't make it fact ,just because billions of people engage in the same behaviour doesn't make it morally correct behaviour . Is any of this getting through to you or touching a nerve ? if the latter then don't go off your nut abusing ,insulting ,gaslighting me with your negative worded projections and anonymous troll cowards you can stay completely quiet in your dank closet thank you very much .