I heard a station tonight on 6000kHz - eibispace.de frequency list showed it as Radio Habana Cuba, it was in Spanish, but not very good of a signal. I know they had damage to their transmitters during the last two hurricanes, but maybe they are working on getting back on the air.
@@SWLSignals23-hp6vpthat's interesting at 21.04 utc hr in Scotland I'm picking up a Spanish station (Cuba) I guess very weak I am lucky enough to live in rural low noise area . I'm getting 2 stations at once . Listening on a xiegu g90 and a 164feet boublet at 40 feet .
Good to here the BBC is still out there. I used to listen to Cuba a lot, I don't think its on the air anymore.
I heard a station tonight on 6000kHz - eibispace.de frequency list showed it as Radio Habana Cuba, it was in Spanish, but not very good of a signal. I know they had damage to their transmitters during the last two hurricanes, but maybe they are working on getting back on the air.
@@SWLSignals23-hp6vpthat's interesting at 21.04 utc hr in Scotland I'm picking up a Spanish station (Cuba) I guess very weak I am lucky enough to live in rural low noise area . I'm getting 2 stations at once .
Listening on a xiegu g90 and a 164feet boublet at 40 feet .