Sorry it's been so long, a lot of things came up. Remember to come to Zagreb next week if you can: Also, I'm about to hit 150k subscribers - if you have any celebratory ideas, I'd love to hear them.
They have to lie to themselves about this because we live in a time where everyone really knows that their central doctrine is awful. The lies take many forms, but they are all denials of the supposed teaching of Jesus.
Fox: Those liberal snowflakes are always getting offended and demanding you cater to their ridiculous beliefs, like using made up pronouns. Atheists: **Mock ridiculous Christian beliefs.** Fox: You can't do that, it offends me! You need to cater to my ridiculous beliefs and sensitive feelings!
Ben Krueger We need to keep an eye on both of them, plus Islam, plus the dumb Atheist that want to make Atheism into a religion. Jesus the world is filled with morons
Torture: the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain. Torment: cause to experience severe mental or physical suffering.
Alfredo Hutahaean Nothing should be free from criticism. in some parts of the world their religion condones them sacrificing people, am i not allowed to criticise that?
Hi there! Well that's a very poor understanding of God and what really is happening. God is not a mob he actually gets plenty that things are going wrong you need to change and repent. Because God doesn't allow evil, just like you. So when he asked you to pray it's to seek direction from him as to what is right and wrong. Because he punish evil.
@@kronos01ful "Any likeness or representation of him that is not him is blasphemy" 'ANY' 'REPRESENTATION' So anything that you point to or claim that represents God to you is actually Blasphemous according to your own Bible scriptures!
We should do that every day and not use an old pagan holiday as a reason to spend tons of money and fight over a fucking TV once a year at the retail stores as a "tradition".
In my family, we used to be very poor. Now that we're not so poor anymore, we kept the good habits and Christmas is, for us, a family party where we eat and happily spend 2 days together and the only ones receiving gifts are the children :p. The better gift for us grown ups is the good time we spend together.
@@1MDA Sure, a Christian can be a moderator, however the necklace is more a token of the larger problem. The necklace shows that she isn't just a Christian, but a *proud* christian. Over the debate she was *clearly* biased. Brushing off arguments from one side while plainly saying that the Christian side is giving more "facts."
Unfortunately, no. Freedom of Speech also covers arseholes who say things you'd rather they kept to themselves. Anyway, what would be much better is if these religious organisations just didn't have the money to pay for all those billboards in the first place - e.g. declining congregations, or for all religions to simply not get their tax exemption status anymore. (Well, they could still claim some tax relief for being "charitable organisations" - but there's rules and auditing for that. Proper oversight that they really are being genuinely charitable to earn the status. Having to open their books to show to the tax authorities that they are a charity, actually doing good works, and not just a money-making scam, trying to hide tax evasion. It's just asking for the exact same rules to apply to everyone equally - "equal justice for all" and all that jazz - and, if the religions are confident in their charitable nature, they really shouldn't have reason to reject this. If you're genuinely a charity doing good works - provably so - then you'll effectively get your "tax exempt" status back anyway. BUT YOU HAVE TO PROVE YOU DESERVE IT - through open books and regular audits, just like everyone else.)
Although I live in Los Angeles now, I grew up in the Bible belt, where atheism is pretty much forbidden and we are subject to Christian billboards all year long. I think the atheist billboards are very necessary, especially to bolster the spirits of the atheists who live in these areas and often feel alone and even ostracized. That is, if they're even out of the closet. Christians in these areas can be rather vicious, as they are also far right on the political spectrum. One might hear from these groups that only Christians are subject to freedom of religion because our country was founded as a Christian nation and therefore atheists shouldn't have any rights at all. They are proud of their anti-intellectualism.
Tony Bates, yes it is that bad for atheists in many parts of the country. Many, if not most, of my family, in-laws, neighbors, co-workers, my supervisors, etc, etc... openly hate atheists. I would be shunned, ostracized, hated, and feared by many of these people if I were "out" about it.
Bastian Wow. So you'd have to be careful not to let anyone know you were even watching this video? What would be worse, someone from your area coming out as gay or as an atheist? About the same? I'm English and virtually the only religious people here seem to be the Muslims, so it's hard to imagine.
Steven DuVall idk what the political ideology had to do with that but the rest of that statement makes a lot of sense and I know someday atheism will be accepted across the whole U.S.A.
Gawd: "I said that Adam and Eve were going to be punished, and their children, and their children's children's, children, but I feel bad, and maybe I went a little too far, so now I need a way to let them off of the hook - the worthy ones, anyways. I KNOW! I'll rape a young virgin, impregnate her without her consent, have her bear a child (who's really me) then after a short life, I'll sacrifice myself to myself by death from torture, and then I can allow the humans who believe in my son (who is really me!!) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when they die!" "NAILED IT!!! I really am a genius, aren't I?" Skeptic: "Umm.............why don't you just admit that you went too far, and forgive everybody, and start fresh?" Gawd: "ARE YOU SAYING I WAS WRONG??!??" Skeptic: "Umm...........mistaken, perhaps?" Gawd: "Well, you're obviously not worthy of heaven, so I guess you're going to the.........other place 'rubs hands with glee' all you had to do was tell me how wonderfully intelligent my master plan was, but no, you'd rather burn in Hell forever!!!!" Skeptic: "You're going to torture me forever because I suggested that you might have made a mistake?" Gawd: "No, YOU'RE responsible for your eternal torture, because all you needed to do was tell me how genius my master plan was! But NOOOOOOOOO, you'd rather put me down and disrespect me, wouldn't you? INTO THE FLAMES WITH YOU!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Yup. That's about right, yeah?
@Sam Bacon No, I'm referring to the book called "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist". I'm sorry you didn't find the Bible convincing. It is, however, preaching to the converted. It's not in itself an apologetic book.
@Sam Bacon Well, you still didn't answer my question, but ok. There are two _accounts_ of creation, not two stories. You know how sports moments get recap after recap? That's because there are more than one angle to the event. It's the same with Genesis. The order in which the animals and humans are placed, is not important. Strict chronology is a modern invention. Jesus had two geneologies, one spiritual through his father Joseph's house of David, and one genetic through his mother Mary. These are not hard, and there's probably lots of people who have answered them before. So why do it again?
It is always funny to hear religious people complain about Atheists daring to even let others know they exist, much less that others could and possibly should share their (lack of) belief. Meanwhile there is a sign in front of nearly every church. There are religious billboards all over. Religious literature is passed out all over the place. Hell, walk around today (in December) and count how many crosses, nativity scenes, etc.. you see.
@@loganleatherman7647 Reality is the unknowable truth, and perception and assumptions are stacked on top of it. Something like this:
@@Tasorius Reality is the unknowable truth, and perception and assumptions are stacked on top of it. Something like this: Surely such a point is benign when oversimplified to such a degree? Objectivity is a matter of observation ("experience" in the image linked) agreed upon by many which informs futher theories after which there would be feedback to beliefs and the process would continue without end. As for your first comment, I'm not so sure there was any hate expressed. Although if religion holds that someone will suffer eternally for not believing in it why shouldn't people who don't believe be resentful? (Towards the belief I mean, not the people). (Re-read the comment you were responding to. It doesn't seem resentful just seems to highlight hypocrisy)
Just remind them that Yule is a Pagan tradition and that Santa is just Odin in disguise. if you wanna be extra snarky, tell them that the very word 'God' comes from the name 'Goden' which was another name for Odin used by the WInnili/Lombards. SO in actuality, whenever people say 'God' they're actually praising Odin/Wodanaz/Goden. x)
@Fiend, now, that's a cool little Odin easter egg if I ever saw one... also the latin word for god "deus" comes from the greek god "zeus" (did you know?) :)
I don't know where Fox News gets the whole "War on Christmas" thing. I don't believe in that stuff and I still tell people "Merry Christmas" all of the time, I have a decorated tree in my house and my son is getting presents that morning. They should just be happy a holiday is named after their religion.
Same here. I do not know a single atheist that is in any kind of war with Christmas. Nor do I know a single atheist that is offended if anyone says merry Christmas to them. Myself and all other atheist friends and members of my family celebrate it traditionally. Actually the only person I know that was offended by Christmas was a JW who when I asked why he said, "because it is a pagan holiday".
Which god of thousands means nothing 😳 Indeed! The JW person was quite correct, as the early Christians subverted the Roman Saturnalia for their purposes. As an atheist myself, I would rather celebrate the pagan perspective on the significance of the natural world than a mythological faux birth.
This reminds me of long-standing billboard battle between a local church and a popular strip club in Texas when I was growing up. Driving down the highway, the first billboard was for the strip club called Heartbreakers. The church bought the billboard right after it, and it said, “Jesus heals the broken hearted”. Even as I kid I wasn’t into religion, but I gave them props for having a sense of humor. XD
Yeah, they took an already existing holiday from another religion and changed it to fit their religious beliefs... and now that people are trying to do the same to them, they're pissed.
robert kabus Even MORE amusing is that you actually think jesus existed, when 40+ Roman historians studying jewish cults in Jerusalem during jesus' supposed life and death never mentioned his name because they had never even heard of him. The gospels were written by between 1 and 4 anonymous persons who declined to even sign their name to their stories, the epistles were written by some guy in a cult who only accessed the archangel jesus from the old testament in dreams and visions, and knew nothing of any jesus on earth, and who believed in an archangel jesus was crucified in heaven somewhere under the moon by satan and his demons. There were NO temple records of any trial, NO Roman record of any execution of someone named jesus around passover, and NONE of these supposed "multitudes" who supposedly followed him around ever wrote or had written for them anything about this supposed jesus!! And there are NO records of the apostles, nothing. There are only apocryphal tales of them in church literature, and NO WHERE ELSE!! NO jesus ever existed. It was a story, like Robin Hoode.
I am incredibly amused driving by places and seeing how many xmas decorations are actually and openly PAGAN! It's quite funny really! So many of these "inflatables" are flagrantly pagan! I saw one which had an inflatable Santa leaning out of an outhouse, (now there is a real 'christian' message now isn't it?). I find it hilarious myself.
rstevewarmorycom umm, I never said I believe Jesus existed. if you look at my original post, I made it clear that it was an assumption that if he existed, he wasn't born on Dec 25. I have in fact made the argument against his existence when debating theists.
Ironically, the only crime deserving of eternal punishment in the Christian canon is the creation of a place of eternal torture i.e. hell. Therefore, God is the only being deserving of hell.
Sorry, but technically NO. The only 'unforgivable sin' is "whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin". Otherwise, according to Roman Catholic doctrine, you can do whatever you like and if you confess your sins, you will be forgiven. So, it is perfectly OK to murder someone, then confess to an RC priest, and you are free of all restraint to do it again. Really!
All of us here have know this man before the world has known him. We are so privileged to witness one of the greats before his rise to fame. You will most certainly do great things. I, and the rest of us, will be one of the few able to say they were there from the beginning. That is cool to think about.
Kai Widman l agree. Alex will mature to one of the finest atheist speakers of this century. The level of Hitchens is pretty high to shoot for yet also a noble bullseye.
Robert Buchanan can't make an actual point I see :) not that being gay affects intellect also how would you know hitchens wasn't a closet gay? Not saying he was but either way irrelevant assumption
@@damongreville2197 Have you never listened to an evangelical Christian speak? Hell, there's a sitting Congressman right now who thinks church attendance should be mandatory. If that's not "impose, inflict, and enforce" then I don't know what is.
@@loganleatherman7647 if that is true then that congressman is an ass. You can't legislate the state of the heart. Also, not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is one. Many want the label without the heart change or commitment to Christ.
@@damongreville2197 I moved to the Bible Belt and around here it is assumed you are a god-fearin' white-lovin' christian. If you show any signs of deviating from that, you are ostracized, discriminated against, you can lose your friends, lose your job. If you have to go to court in a divorce, the local judge will automatically grant custody to the spouse who is Christian, because "atheists have no morals and are a bad influence on children." The place is literally saturated with christianity. There is a mega-church on every corner, all the stores have religious signs and pictures, the cars have Christian bumper stickers paired with Trump bumper stickers, all the pickup trucks display some version of a proud 'God, Guns and America' flag sign, always implying that if you aren't a believer you aren't a true American, you must be a communist or something. When I went to my kids' band concert (at a public elementary school), there was a giant full-length banner across the back of the stage emblazoned with "JESUS CHRIST IS LORD" and a giant red cross on either end. When I took my 3rd grader to baseball practice there was a sign at the dugout entrance directed at the kids, I thought it would say something about good sportsmanship, but it read "I believe in God and pledge to do my best to honor him on the ball field, at home and in my school." All team activities, regardless of the sport, begin with "a word of prayer" led by the coach or a parent. The kids all bow their heads reverently, exactly like the Muslim kids prostrating themselves in their madrassas, only they don't go down that far. But the coerced feeling is the same. During the long summer break the kids have absolutely nothing to do except attend Vacation Bible Schools. The churches coordinate their times so they don't compete and so all the town's kids can attend their friends' VBS. So that's what they do, all summer long, go from one VBS to the next, until it's time to go back to school, where the first activity is a Prayer Rally At The Pole. If you aren't familiar with that, it means gathering around the American flagpole and holding a long prayer session with uplifted hands, in complete contradiction to the biblical command to pray quietly in your closet. The "See You At The Pole' thing is repeated often throughout the school year, with the teachers and principal leading and the kids eagerly going along. Obviously all the kids are pressured to be there, how could you possibly be the one kid who doesn't go along. My kids felt horribly uncomfortable and had to decide whether to skip it and be questioned, or participate while not believing. I told them you don't have to do anything you don't want to do but I will understand and support whatever you decide to do, just understand it can make your life miserable either way, either externally or internally. The oldest child chose to take a stand at first, but was treated so horribly that he relented. The others participated unwillingly from the start, and sort of half-raised their hands during prayer, enough to keep from being bullied, but not enough to make a full commitment to something they already realize at a young age can't possibly be true. In middle school and high school they attempt to teach Creationism instead of biology, so when the youth of our town go off to college (if any of them even go), they will be totally unprepared for higher education. Sex ed consists of 'abstinence only' and 'purity pledges' so of course we have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the country. Christian kids are only allowed to date other Christians, so non-Christian kids grow up alone or at least have a limited pool of romantic interests. Christian kids are only allowed to listen to Christian music, watch Christian films and read Christian books. Their homes and bedrooms are decorated with Christian themes and posters. Most kids wear t-shirts displaying Christian sayings or Bible verses. It most definitely feels like Christian Sharia. It's shocking to anyone visiting (or god forbid moving here like I did) but Christians are so used to it that it feels totally normal to them, it's like the air they breathe. And of course if you try to take a stand against any of it, they are totally shocked and immediately cry "Persecution!" while they are literally in control of everything.
To your point around the 10:00 mark, I think you're right. It's been my personal experience that most atheists I know were raised with a religious upbringing, and they're far more knowledgeable about religious scripture than the Christians I know. I'm reminded frequently how little most professed Christians know about their own holy texts. I can guarantee with almost certainty that Nick Fish has spent more time studying the Bible than this Fox News host has.
The take-home message is this: *Frank Turek, yet again, demonstrates that he is a bare-faced liar.* Whenever the _real_ core of his religion is on full display, he deliberately lies about it - pretending that hell is not described as _torture_ in the bible. He uses word-games and sophistry, instead just speaking the plain truth. Same as always!
However, he think that this nonsense is somehow truth. As such, I suppose that I will see you in the magic sky fairies easy bake oven sometime in our eternity of torture!
But guys, which hell are we going to? Christian? Jewish? Muslim? Nordic? Greek? Roman? Is there going to be a battle royale to decide who sends who to which hell?
@@WhatsTheTakeaway You really like to comment nothing but an insult to the credibility of the commentor, don't you? You see, if you knew anything about Frank, you'd know that he does this very regularly. He dumbs down concepts in his religion in order to try and appeal to the masses. "Know you aren't going to burn in hell, you just suffer eternally in your own mind". As if that's any better. Look, you really suck at making retorts since you are incredibly hypocritical. You don't research things before you say them and you claim others refuse to do the same. Stop.
@@lucasmillerthelewderofloli9327 As much to my knowledge, you are going to burn whichever you choose. There is really insufficient variety for methods.
@@Tasorius i have faith...too many beers make me drunk....they make me fall down... i might get a hangover....experience gives you faith and modifies behavior.....
@@helltanner3722 That's not faith. That's just common sense. Faith is the feeling of hope that we would just become nihilists without, and the desire to see things we can only currently see in our imagination, and the feeling that there is always something new to find... It is not the dogma of the main religions. Dogma just kills faith...
+Astral Haze Actually it was more pagan than christian. Because christians have adapted those pagan traditions and kind of reform ed it into a more judeo celebration of a birth of a savior which is Jesus Christ!
Yeah but its been celebrated by christians and atheists too, so its pretty much secular. It only really excludes islam and judaism, and other abrahamic religions
1 Atheist cannot convert people to "what they believe" because atheism is by definition NOT believing. 2 Offence is not given it is taken and that is the offended party's problem. 3 Even Christians admit the Nazarene Carpenter was not born at christmas so it is obviously NOT true from the get go. 4 Yet another Christian who does not understand her own religion? 5 Frank Turek now sounds like a broken record, repeating the same tired clicks and pops over failed soundbites that make sense only to those who have put their critical faculties on hold and to whom thinking rationally is the voice of the devil dragging them to hell by the lobes of their ears.
It still holds true though. All you used were words. They don't mean anything unless we give them meaning. We are the controllers of our emotions. She could have just as easily ignored you realizing that you don't know anything about her and a random comment from a stranger has little to no meaning. It's all about your perspective.
Yes they have meaning but the way we feel when we hear them is entirely up to us. Someone could be very offended to hear a swear word and others couldn't care less. The word isn't changing. Just the way the person feels when hearing them.
OneMoreDayMusic OMD While I don't disagree with any of your statement, it's still predicated upon the assumption of human agency and the belief that an individual has the free will to control the reaction or specifically chemicals causing the emotions in response to an external stimuli, in this case words.
That's a good point. My thought on that would be that even if it wasn't our "free will" to choose to be offended it still depends on the person as to if they will be offended meaning that still the words aren't inherently offensive.
I kept remembering my favorite ever UA-cam comment EVER. Kcock knock... "Who's there" "It's Jesus, let me in!" "Why should I?" "Because of what me and my Dad will do to you if you don't." Wish I could credit it preperly.
Mel l first saw it on a vid by Betty Bowers a parody channel, but it may have been around before it was used by "Americas' best Xian". I've also heard it used by quite a few YT atheists, including one of my favs, Seth Andrews.
Richard Edwards 😳 The assumption being made here, of course, is that any such person actually existed? There is no direct evidence of his being as described in biblical writings. Therefore, all attributes and circumstances associated with him are merely speculative.
Sir Meow The Library Cat Well, Jesus actually did exist, and he was crucified. That's historical fact. What's ridiculous about him was that he was also a magic bread multiplier/human water skier who occasionally healed people and brought them back to life and then defied death later on himself. Only the very gullible could actually believe that.
+qZhao NaCl historical fact? according to what evidence? where are the contemporary non-christian sources? the barabas story contradicts roman customs, but it fits well with the jewish passover tradition. jesus of nazareth, born in bethlehem because of a census with weird special rules that evidentially never happened? i guess there was a man with that name at the time. or 3. or 50. since the christians threw europe in a dark age and destroyed all records that opposed their viewpoint as heretic, it's impossible to prove or disprove the existence of a jewish street preacher with that name at the relevant time, or his crucifixion. i don't doubt a warlord named mohammed existed; his life is well documented even by his enemies. but jesus might or might not be pure fabrication. but if he did, christian zealots have destroyed most, if not all, unbiased evidence.
Douwe, could you point me to a source on that? I know that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is an old doctrine of the church, but I never heard mention of the phrase being used in catholic services. If the phrase was used in every single service held by the pope, I'm sure you would be able to find soundbites of it. I wasn't able so far, which makes me doubt the validity of your claim.
Robert Buchanan Alex could get more tang than the both of us combined. He simply buys a lady a drink, logically deduces they should shag and makes her breakfast in the morning. Typical Tuesday.
The only crime I can think about worthy of infinite punishment is punishing people infinitely for finite crime and there is only one character worthy of that crime 😂
Until this god wipes us all out (again) he must suffer the greatest punishment - being despised by so many of his creations!!! There are more that prefer to love another god all together!! That's gotta piss him off!! Then there are the atheists who don't even believe he exists!! THAT's gotta hurt!! Oh shit, it's all make believe anyway....
ray salmon damming people to eternal torture is NOT forgiveness. If he were merciful and forgiving he would shut down hell or at the very least not send people there for not paying attention to him 24/7 Yeah, God sounds like a narcissist to be honest
alic seprin "evangelize ɪˈvan(d)ʒ(ə)lʌɪz/ verb gerund or present participle: evangelising convert or seek to convert (someone) to Christianity. "some small groups have been evangelized by Protestant missionaries" synonyms:convert, proselytize, bring to God/Christ/Jesus, bring into the fold, redeem, save, make someone change their beliefs/mind, make someone see the light, spread the gospel/faith/word (to), preach (to), seek/make converts (among), act as a missionary;More preach the gospel. "the Church has a mission to evangelize and declare the faith" " Nope. By definition you only evangelise if it's trying to make someone christian
CoDa CoDa We need a word for it though because Atheist are indeed becoming very religious in being anti religious. It's almost becoming like a crusade at this point, at least they should start criticizing Islam more often
ThisisKyle If they're religious that's strictly the atheists that asserts things as truth like "God is nonexistent" But I hope you don't mean its comparable to a belief in some sort of deity* as a few theists would state atheists believe in human gods or something silly like that.
Darius Moon No I'm saying Atheist have a large hate boner for Christianity that's it's become an obsession or in another term a religion to them to bash on religion.
"What religion?" "Your religion!" "I'm not religious!" "Do you want a relationship with God?" "Which God?" "The God I worship!" "Do I have to worship this God?" "Yes!" "No thanks! I'm good at not being a hypocritical fool!"
Yeah, I noted that too. Might be the one takeaway from atheist/reasonable people talking points (or, let's be nice, one of a few) that he actually adopted. But (without going back to review), I'm pretty sure he shat on it immediately afterward.
I saw a billboard on the freeway the other day that said something along the lines of "Evolution? Yeah right!" It had the primate to man chart crossed out and some generic bible verses. I live in America.
I live in Ireland (quite the catholic place) and a sign like that would not exist. We were even the first country to legalise gay marriage despite 80% recorded Catholicism.
Even tho im an atheist and hater of fox news, i gotta give credit where credit is due. Starting out by calling it a “spirited debate” is a pretty a pretty clever “fuck you”, that need to be respected
I’m a hypocrite atheist because I know there is no god but I love Christmas , i have a tree , lights family etc I pray at funerals ( don’t know to who but I do pray ). . I got married in a church . I don’t go to church but I had my children blessed in churches lol. But I don’t lie to myself I know with no doubt there is no heaven , no helll. I also live a cleaner more honest life then some of my church going god fearing family and friends .
Great video, Alex. You hit the nail on the head (pun intended) yet again. I admire what you do and the way you go about doing it. We could sure use more like you here in the States. BTW... I can't listen to Frank Turek anymore without thinking of one of the all-time greatest Hitchslaps: Turek: "Let's say it's eeevil. And where does eeevil come from?" Hitchens (without hesitation): "Religion."
If we're taking evangelism on it's literal dictionary definition, it is only applicable to Christians. However if we take it in the broader sense of "propaganda for one's specific stance on religion," the billboard was, in all fairness, definitely evangelism.
On my first day of preschool I walked onto the playground and was confronted by a group of girls. They asked me what my religion was. I said “I don’t know”. They asked if I believed in god, and I replied “I don’t think so”. They told me I was going to to hell. When I found out what hell was, I was horrified, and I started wondering if I should be religious in order to avoid eternal suffering. As I grew up I got over it, but I’ll never forget what happened that day. If religious people think they’ve never hurt atheists, they’re wrong
When someone tells me I'm going to hell it offends me. Like who are you to say who's going to hell? They say only God can judge yet most of them walk around and judge everyone.
Saad Al-Khatoury 1. UA-cam is open 24/7 2. You seem to be suggesting that midnight is a bad time to post. Why would it be? Alex has school, a job?, a life. He also makes YT videos. If he has spent his evening (ie after school, job, etc) making a might be done and postable at, say, midnight. So what? 3. If it's because "I just got notified that Alex posted a video. I'll want to watch that. But jeez, it's pretty late (for me, where I am, on my schedule) to be watching a video" don't have to watch it immediately, while it still has that "new post" smell. You can watch it tomorrow. Or next week. Or at whatever "appropriate time to UA-cam" is for you. 4. Maybe he's got a lot of viewers in the US. Maybe they tend to watch his videos a lot in their morning hours. So dropping it at 5 am EDT will put it in THEIR feed at a good time for them? 5. Perhaps you could clarify. Specify the times it IS appropriate (either for you where you are in the world, or for creators where they are in the world) to post videos.
During church when i was little i would refuse to sing and read so i played on my i pod the entire time and only now that i look back on it i relize that i have always been an atheist.
I use the term "charlatan" for assclowns like Turek, because "used car salesman" would be an insult to people with higher standards of integrity, and I wouldn't want to insult people who actually work for a living.....
Saw one on my way to Dallas! It was a nice change from the billboard that asks you “If you die tonight? Heaven or hell?” with a nice fiery pit for me at the bottom 👍
Sarah Russell "a nice fiery pit"? Ah, but in Heaven you get that too! "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." Revelation 14:9-11 "in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb!" What a way to spend eternity - watching a barbecue! Form a queue, now, form a queue! Oh, I do hope all the smoke doesn't spoil my endless Hallelujahs.
Existential Transhumanist You mean taking about people that say there's systemic oppression or that white people are inherently racist, if that's considered bitching okay, I guess yes they're bitching because these dumbasses want to change laws over shit that can be so easily debunked but people still proceed to believe in them.
I think we are missing a point. We see this threatening gun as it is, a toy gun. We can see that it still has its price tag from the local toy store and the Toy Story brand on it. That is to say we know that the threat is not real. So they are not really threatening us more than a 3 year old waving his finger threateningly and shouting BANG BANG.... I feel this entire discussion is for the benefit of the faithfull... in the same way the threats do not really aply to them but only to nonbelievers. I am not threatened by eternal damnation, I find it cute and adorable. Any non believer should see it that way... it is an empty threat. You only ever have to be courageous if you are afraid of something. Now "Frank" is a weird one... he seems to try to convince people to have faith. I see that as an indicator that he does not have faith. Faith is inspired, not argued. If you say yes to something because of arguments you really do not have faith in it. You need to be inspired to have faith. It is like love, I cannot convince you that I love you through arguments....
This is really an excellent point to be made. In fact, if atheists start putting it this way, the believers will get even more angry, a largely desired outcome, I would say. Wow! and the second point made is also a great one. If the faith is like love, the actions (and in-actions) of believers should be such even a true non-believer should also start believing. On second thoughts, this is not going to happen, because it is the actions (and in-actions) of religious peoples have made us non-believers in first place. Very good points made indeed. Thank you!
If you ask me, Frank is either deep down the hole of credulity, and really buys into his crap, or he's well aware that he's preaching bullshit but can't quit now for 2 reasons: it's his job and he can't just stop milking the cash cow, and he fears public embarrassment.
+Miroslav Majestoroivc On similar lines, Aaron Ra mentioned in some video that Ray Comfort know preciously what he is doing but cannot stop doing it because what he gains from it. Aaron added that if just chooses to be dishonest with himself, he too would be making millions. It's a choice one have to take.
I love the point you made about atheists generally having more knowledge of scripture. I have Christian friends (and friends of other religions) who are always aghast that I know so much about the Bible. They’re constantly telling me, “Wow, you know more about my faith than I do.” I argue that’s why I’m an atheist. Fall too far into the rabbit hole that is the Bible and you’ll inevitably end up disbelieving, even if that wasn’t your intent.
The moment they start thinking about what it means to "not be christian" and the promised eternity in hell.... is the moment they desperately try to get away from the conversation or they insist that it's not god that's sending you, it's you sending yourself. Because god wouldn't do that... no no no. He's too awesome to be so viciously evil. Instead he created a system that forces you to send yourself to hell and he says "Uhhh... you did it, not me". If it's really up to me, I'm not going to hell. Will god allow me not to go to hell as my choice? If not, that means he is sending me there.
Alex I would like your help. I am an atheist who goes to a private catholic school and right now I need to write an essay about how I would reform the church with my 11 friends, sort of as the apostles. Now I can’t say how I really feel about the church because I would not pass this assignment and get into trouble. How exactly should I go about this while being intellectually honest?
l suggest you try to present it as a 'reboot' The need for reform and a presentation of how this may happen. Give specific suggestions, not offer yourself and your mates as that alternative. The paper is supposed to be about reform of an exsisting church/dogma right? Not about a new church/dogma based on yourself and your pals, which sounds like the paper you actually *want* to write.
Sadly, being intellectually honest in a catholic or any religious school is the exact way to get into trouble. So if you want to pass the assignment you are going to have to lie your ass off and NOT mention anything about the truth or how you really feel. Unless your particular catholic school is extremely liberal and pro free-thinking. Does not seem that way from your comment.
Have the church reformed as a scifi and fantasy literature fanclub. Always reading the same work of fiction over and over again must get really boring after a millennium or two. They need new material to obsess over. Alternatively, have them reorganize themselves as a communist revolutionary group with the goal of toppling the monarchy in the kingdom of heaven and making the afterlife into a socialist utopia. Sic semper tyrannis!
Gabe Holmes, please don't pay attention to people who don't really understand the your situation. YOU CAN WRITE THAT ESSAY AND BE INTELLECTUALLY HONEST. Nobody is asking you a declaration of faith, you ought to see yourself as a sort of consultant. My advice is to get inspiration from the liberation theology which actually tried to reform the Church and bring it back to the original message of Jesus. Here's the link. Hope this helps and good luck.
There are many things that I don't understand about Christianity. One of the main issues is, if Jesus died for our sins, why are all people born sinners.
I am not an american and I am an atheist, but was raised with the Netherlands Reformed Church (NH Kerk) which is a christian church and was the Church of State in the Netherlands. You are right if you take the scriptures and learnings litteraly, but a lot of people in the church took the most of the teachings as symbolic. Parts of the church however was deep in this guilt and forgiveness thing, but a lot were more from the love for your neighbour and turning the other cheek. So, yes it can be a rather strict faith, but also a more free faith. As my mother said: do not ask too much questions but experience it as a child, with wonder and joy.
Absolutely not. Allah is a pre-Islamic moon god. If you have read through the Quran and the Bible then you would realize that Allah and Yahweh are two very different personalities. They could not possibly be the same person.
@@damongreville2197 Have you read through the Bible? Internally, it portrays two very different deities between the OT and the NT. The OT god commands the genocide of entire peoples and sends bears to maul small children; the NT god is all about benevolence and inclusiveness. They could not possibly be the same person.
@@loganleatherman7647 The NT god is sold as benevolent and inclusive, but that cherry-picking is contradicted by the fact that he introduced for the first time the concept of eternal torture, and like a mob boss he "freely offers" you the chance to not be tortured by him. Just as bad as the OT god.
Humans need to stop believing in fantasy. Fantasy is to be enjoyed for entertainment, but not to be believed in. Believing in fantastical things is not child-like, it's childish, and should be abandoned -- if you have the nerve. Children vividly experience interactions with their invisible friends, but they almost always know that these friends aren't real.
Humans need to get the fuck over themselves and be able to believe and not believe what they want without assuming that they are right and the other "side" is wrong. Otherwise things will keep going back and forth between both extremes.
spot on! BINGO! damn....yr arguments supporting atheists was amazingly sharp and right on! too bad you weren't sitting in on the Fox news segment....was brilliant!
Not sure if someone already said this, I'll start by saying I love the videos, but I felt that it needed to be said that the "just-desserts" fire and torment version was invented by Dante Alighieri.
I feel like free speech is such a powerful thing that you should be responsible with it. I don’t believe in saying anything that encourages the oppression of another group unless what you’re saying is factually correct. However, I think it’s perfectly ok to say something offensive if it doesn’t encourage the oppression of another group. If you say “all Irish deserve to die” but only as a joke with no underlying political agenda, I am ok with you saying that because it’s not encouraging the oppression of all Irish people. Most sane people wouldn’t hear that and then think it’s a good idea to kill all Irish people.
The idea that dying on a cross was the idea of the God has to be a joke. Or is Frank Turek really saying *He never read the Old Testament?* Deuteronomy 21:22 - 23 *And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.* NOTE: *for he that is hanged is accursed of God* How the flying Jesus fuck could God be accursed of God? This makes no sense!
Here here, or is it hear, hear? In any case, Bravo for your well-spoken criticism of the condescending , holier than thou Christian attitude of Christian believers. "You don't have to worship our self-sacrificial deity, but you will suffer if you don't." If that isn't intimidation I don't now what is.
but what about THOR !! he eliminated the ice giants, didn't he?! you see no ice giants; and of Zeus, he totally rid us of the titans; and what about the thousands of Indian gods, don't they get to have a word?
Nope, because to Christians there's only what they believe and then the absence/rejection of those beliefs. The egocentrism is staggering among that narrow-minded lot.
A tad late to the party, but after hearing the part about torment being self inflicted, it reminded me of the show Lucifer, specifically the representation of Hell in that show. A place where people go , and relive the moment they feel most guilty about, but its the humans that send themselves to hell by feeling guilty, and the doors are never locked. so if you can let go of your guilt you could feasably leave. I do quite like that version of hell, its at least somewhat sensical in its workings to me
In that version of Hell it's still God that created Hell and God that created their soul and the mechanism for their guilt to be able to transport their soul to Hell to begin with - so God is still responsible in a sense, right? Of course that version of Hell (a sort of purgatory where the stay is finite) is not the mainstream Christian view Alex was critiquing. Cool show though ^_^ Looking forward to new episodes (finally). Waiting this long has been hell.
blackearl7891 You don't have to be a Stalinist to be a communist. All communists i know agree that what the Soviet Union became after Stalin took over was pretty much all a massive mistake. At any rate, that's definitely not the kind of "communism" most communists today want. Communists today want a democratic system not an authoritarian one, they consider authoritarian regimes like the Soviets or Mao's China degenerated workers' states because they have failed to achieve the goals of the proletarian revolution and instead eventually just became state capitalist.
Sorry it's been so long, a lot of things came up. Remember to come to Zagreb next week if you can:
Also, I'm about to hit 150k subscribers - if you have any celebratory ideas, I'd love to hear them.
Please make a video concerning Deism VS Atheism
+Diego Linares completely agree mate
Would love to see another Q&A session.
Dawn Shorey me too
They have to lie to themselves about this because we live in a time where everyone really knows that their central doctrine is awful. The lies take many forms, but they are all denials of the supposed teaching of Jesus.
Fox: Those liberal snowflakes are always getting offended and demanding you cater to their ridiculous beliefs, like using made up pronouns.
Atheists: **Mock ridiculous Christian beliefs.**
Fox: You can't do that, it offends me! You need to cater to my ridiculous beliefs and sensitive feelings!
Yeah, I hate the hypocrisy
Get Rekt You act like it's surprising for an evangelical Christian to act illogical.
Get Rekt Exactly, I'm getting tired of this moral outrage from both sides.
Ben Krueger We need to keep an eye on both of them, plus Islam, plus the dumb Atheist that want to make Atheism into a religion. Jesus the world is filled with morons
Get Rekt 😜
"It's not torture, it's just torment."
The fact that that was delivered and received as a legitimate statement is beyond ridiculous.
It's true, I suppose. With torture, there's an end game (confession, information). Torment in hell is just pointless sadism.
You're only looking at the words with a specific context.
Look at the literal definitions instead.
@@Richard_Nickerson they are synonyms of each other
Torture: the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain.
Torment: cause to experience severe mental or physical suffering.
It’s like saying “oh don’t be like that! I’m not stabbing you, I’m injuring you!”
Fox news: *constantly talks about people getting offended too easily*
Atheist: *puts up billboard*
Fox News: WAit no
You can Offend us all u want . But dont critize our religion
@@alfredohutahaean564 beacuse you cant handle being criticised. You have no real way to counter it without threatening people.
@@Sergei_kv82 nope, my religion teach me to be kind to each other.
@@alfredohutahaean564 why not? because you know how bad it is? lmfao. "No wrongthink allowed!" I'll criticize your religion all I fucking want
Alfredo Hutahaean
Nothing should be free from criticism. in some parts of the world their religion condones them sacrificing people, am i not allowed to criticise that?
One of those billboards is right down the highway from me here in Tulsa. You hear that? That's the winds of change.
Holy Koolaid Ooh, hey, my OTHER favorite atheist UA-camr.
Holy Koolaid Ayy, I'm in Oklahoma as well.
You're in Oklahoma?? Me too! OKC.
Thomas... Follow the Moskwa... down to Gorkiy park... ;-)
youre back in the states? i thought you were in thailand.
The christian god comes across like a mob boss. "Better pray really hard so I can protect you from what I'd do to you if you don't..."
*abrahamic god
Hi there! Well that's a very poor understanding of God and what really is happening. God is not a mob he actually gets plenty that things are going wrong you need to change and repent. Because God doesn't allow evil, just like you. So when he asked you to pray it's to seek direction from him as to what is right and wrong. Because he punish evil.
@@kronos01ful "Any likeness or representation of him that is not him is blasphemy"
So anything that you point to or claim that represents God to you is actually Blasphemous according to your own Bible scriptures!
Anyone who claims to "understand" god obviously is ignorant.......
Lmao the *”moderator”* was very moderate...
Love. Xmas. Hate trump and. Fux news.
@@og4372 that's a bit of an understatement
with the cross around her neck, the moderator will surely be neutral
She bad tho.
I just have to put it like my father did:
I don't believe in Christmas, i believe in a nice Tradition that brings people closer together.
We should do that every day and not use an old pagan holiday as a reason to spend tons of money and fight over a fucking TV once a year at the retail stores as a "tradition".
In my family, we used to be very poor. Now that we're not so poor anymore, we kept the good habits and Christmas is, for us, a family party where we eat and happily spend 2 days together and the only ones receiving gifts are the children :p. The better gift for us grown ups is the good time we spend together.
I believe in a day where I get to sleep in, and get fat. Fucking live for those days.
I believe in consumerism hiding in tradition pretending to be kindness.
MCOfficer CHRISTMAS IS NOT A FUCKING RELIGIUS HOLIDAY- also Christmas exists- it happens in December if you meant it like that
Should the moderator be wearing the main symbol of one side of the argument around her neck? I claim bias.
Dont think so, a Christian can be an moderator, even though its a Christian dont you think?wilding the simbol doesn't make a thing
@@1MDA You ignored the fact that the moderator was plainly biased! A MODERATOR should be neutral. The cross only shows where her sympathies lay.
@@1MDA Sure, a Christian can be a moderator, however the necklace is more a token of the larger problem. The necklace shows that she isn't just a Christian, but a *proud* christian. Over the debate she was *clearly* biased. Brushing off arguments from one side while plainly saying that the Christian side is giving more "facts."
@@TheVardener The worst thing is the FOX fanbase will eat this stuff all up and claim it's "yet another atheist rekt by facts and logic"
Let's be honest they need all the help they can get, it's not like religious arguments get that much better. btfoing 1 is easy.
Can religious organizations stop putting billboard signs up on the interstate? I’d love them to be removed.
No way, those things are my roadtrip entertainment
Unfortunately, no.
Freedom of Speech also covers arseholes who say things you'd rather they kept to themselves.
Anyway, what would be much better is if these religious organisations just didn't have the money to pay for all those billboards in the first place - e.g. declining congregations, or for all religions to simply not get their tax exemption status anymore.
(Well, they could still claim some tax relief for being "charitable organisations" - but there's rules and auditing for that. Proper oversight that they really are being genuinely charitable to earn the status. Having to open their books to show to the tax authorities that they are a charity, actually doing good works, and not just a money-making scam, trying to hide tax evasion.
It's just asking for the exact same rules to apply to everyone equally - "equal justice for all" and all that jazz - and, if the religions are confident in their charitable nature, they really shouldn't have reason to reject this. If you're genuinely a charity doing good works - provably so - then you'll effectively get your "tax exempt" status back anyway. BUT YOU HAVE TO PROVE YOU DESERVE IT - through open books and regular audits, just like everyone else.)
It's better to have Christian and athiest billboards than no billboards at all. Freedom of speech must be a two way street
I find it absolutely appalling that we are debating the existence of a Jewish zombie god at the end of 2017.
Michael Murray. demi-god
Jesus is not a zombie. He's a lich. We gotta get that right
MrMastercatfish fair argument. Yes, he is technically a lich.
mmm yes quite indubitably Morality is subjective
Dale Ritter Like what Social Justice is currently trying to do.
Although I live in Los Angeles now, I grew up in the Bible belt, where atheism is pretty much forbidden and we are subject to Christian billboards all year long. I think the atheist billboards are very necessary, especially to bolster the spirits of the atheists who live in these areas and often feel alone and even ostracized. That is, if they're even out of the closet.
Christians in these areas can be rather vicious, as they are also far right on the political spectrum. One might hear from these groups that only Christians are subject to freedom of religion because our country was founded as a Christian nation and therefore atheists shouldn't have any rights at all. They are proud of their anti-intellectualism.
Steven DuVall
Oh man, talking about atheists being out of the closet! Are non believers really that frowned upon there? It's utterly insane, isn't it?
Tony Bates, yes it is that bad for atheists in many parts of the country. Many, if not most, of my family, in-laws, neighbors, co-workers, my supervisors, etc, etc... openly hate atheists. I would be shunned, ostracized, hated, and feared by many of these people if I were "out" about it.
Wow. So you'd have to be careful not to let anyone know you were even watching this video? What would be worse, someone from your area coming out as gay or as an atheist? About the same? I'm English and virtually the only religious people here seem to be the Muslims, so it's hard to imagine.
Which is treated worse, gay or atheist? Kind of a toss up, depending on where you're at. Though I think my Mother would actually prefer if I were gay.
Steven DuVall idk what the political ideology had to do with that but the rest of that statement makes a lot of sense and I know someday atheism will be accepted across the whole U.S.A.
Gawd: "I said that Adam and Eve were going to be punished, and their children, and their children's children's, children, but I feel bad, and maybe I went a little too far, so now I need a way to let them off of the hook - the worthy ones, anyways. I KNOW! I'll rape a young virgin, impregnate her without her consent, have her bear a child (who's really me) then after a short life, I'll sacrifice myself to myself by death from torture, and then I can allow the humans who believe in my son (who is really me!!) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when they die!"
"NAILED IT!!! I really am a genius, aren't I?"
Skeptic: "Umm.............why don't you just admit that you went too far, and forgive everybody, and start fresh?"
Skeptic: "Umm...........mistaken, perhaps?"
Gawd: "Well, you're obviously not worthy of heaven, so I guess you're going to the.........other place 'rubs hands with glee' all you had to do was tell me how wonderfully intelligent my master plan was, but no, you'd rather burn in Hell forever!!!!"
Skeptic: "You're going to torture me forever because I suggested that you might have made a mistake?"
Gawd: "No, YOU'RE responsible for your eternal torture, because all you needed to do was tell me how genius my master plan was! But NOOOOOOOOO, you'd rather put me down and disrespect me, wouldn't you? INTO THE FLAMES WITH YOU!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"
That's about right, yeah?
Basically, YHWH is Kim Jong-un.
Kim Jong-un on crack, maybe? 😂
Crack... some experimental super-drug... same difference.
Divine Crack 😂
That's the GOOD shit!
The bag is emblazoned with that jacked Jesus breaking the cross. Of course it is the good shit.
If you put toilet paper on the wrong way you deserve eternal punishment.
Or you bathroom strewed about with the roll by the cat.
There is no wrong way. One of the great freebies in a give and take relationship.
William OVER or UNDER, that is the question.
OVER, you swine.
I dont have enough faith to be an athiest is something religious people say when they want to sound clever.
I instantly lose any interest in listening to what someone is saying when they say that
Anarcho Bearism it doesn't work. 🤣
Did you even read the book?
@Sam Bacon No, I'm referring to the book called "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist". I'm sorry you didn't find the Bible convincing. It is, however, preaching to the converted. It's not in itself an apologetic book.
@Sam Bacon Well, you still didn't answer my question, but ok. There are two _accounts_ of creation, not two stories. You know how sports moments get recap after recap? That's because there are more than one angle to the event. It's the same with Genesis. The order in which the animals and humans are placed, is not important. Strict chronology is a modern invention.
Jesus had two geneologies, one spiritual through his father Joseph's house of David, and one genetic through his mother Mary. These are not hard, and there's probably lots of people who have answered them before. So why do it again?
It is always funny to hear religious people complain about Atheists daring to even let others know they exist, much less that others could and possibly should share their (lack of) belief. Meanwhile there is a sign in front of nearly every church. There are religious billboards all over. Religious literature is passed out all over the place.
Hell, walk around today (in December) and count how many crosses, nativity scenes, etc.. you see.
It's always disgusting to hear people hate on all religions for the actions of the loudest ones...
@@Tasorius That's how the world works. Perception is reality for subjectively-perceiving organisms like ourselves.
@@loganleatherman7647 Reality is the unknowable truth, and perception and assumptions are stacked on top of it.
Something like this:
But will claim persecution and censorship if called out on their bullshit
@@Tasorius Reality is the unknowable truth, and perception and assumptions are stacked on top of it.
Something like this:
Surely such a point is benign when oversimplified to such a degree?
Objectivity is a matter of observation ("experience" in the image linked) agreed upon by many which informs futher theories after which there would be feedback to beliefs and the process would continue without end.
As for your first comment, I'm not so sure there was any hate expressed. Although if religion holds that someone will suffer eternally for not believing in it why shouldn't people who don't believe be resentful? (Towards the belief I mean, not the people).
(Re-read the comment you were responding to. It doesn't seem resentful just seems to highlight hypocrisy)
who else thinks this is a good response to those "keep Christ in Christmas" bumper magnets?
Noumenus agreed. but it's going to be difficult to fit that on a bumper magnet lol
Just remind them that Yule is a Pagan tradition and that Santa is just Odin in disguise.
if you wanna be extra snarky, tell them that the very word 'God' comes from the name 'Goden' which was another name for Odin used by the WInnili/Lombards.
SO in actuality, whenever people say 'God' they're actually praising Odin/Wodanaz/Goden. x)
So killing a tree and burning it (green) are not christian in origin? Yet it fits in so well with everything else they do.
@Mr Curly it only fits because they stole everything
@Fiend, now, that's a cool little Odin easter egg if I ever saw one... also the latin word for god "deus" comes from the greek god "zeus" (did you know?) :)
An upload! Hallelujah!
praise the lord!
How ironic
Asta Svane Bacchus I know, it's a good thing he's not a cult leader, he could get a LOT of people to drink the Ascension Koolaid.
wanted to check in and see if anyone deserved r/woooosh
Thank god!
"Or whatever vegans eat for Christmas"
Oh, how the turntables
Bruh ikr that was hilarious looking at this now
Was looking for this comment, hahaha
@@caliorbustarika3310 same
I don't know where Fox News gets the whole "War on Christmas" thing. I don't believe in that stuff and I still tell people "Merry Christmas" all of the time, I have a decorated tree in my house and my son is getting presents that morning. They should just be happy a holiday is named after their religion.
Same here. I do not know a single atheist that is in any kind of war with Christmas. Nor do I know a single atheist that is offended if anyone says merry Christmas to them. Myself and all other atheist friends and members of my family celebrate it traditionally. Actually the only person I know that was offended by Christmas was a JW who when I asked why he said, "because it is a pagan holiday".
Which god of thousands means nothing 😳 Indeed! The JW person was quite correct, as the early Christians subverted the Roman Saturnalia for their purposes. As an atheist myself, I would rather celebrate the pagan perspective on the significance of the natural world than a mythological faux birth.
A bullet is most certainly not the bulk of a loaded gun. It is, however, most exclusively the part that kills you.
Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people.
@@brucebaker810 unless you get beaten in the head by an empty one
Hell Tanner then it would not be a “loaded” gun !?
This reminds me of long-standing billboard battle between a local church and a popular strip club in Texas when I was growing up.
Driving down the highway, the first billboard was for the strip club called Heartbreakers. The church bought the billboard right after it, and it said, “Jesus heals the broken hearted”.
Even as I kid I wasn’t into religion, but I gave them props for having a sense of humor. XD
Yes. Dickinson, Texas... just north of Galveston...
I think the amusing thing is that, assuming he is real, Jesus wasn't born on Dec 25. early Christians stole a pagan holiday and rebranded it.
robert kabus it's kinda funny isn't it. Getting annoyed at a tradition being ruined that isn't even yours
Yeah, they took an already existing holiday from another religion and changed it to fit their religious beliefs... and now that people are trying to do the same to them, they're pissed.
robert kabus
Even MORE amusing is that you actually think jesus existed, when 40+ Roman historians studying jewish cults in Jerusalem during jesus' supposed life and death never mentioned his name because they had never even heard of him. The gospels were written by between 1 and 4 anonymous persons who declined to even sign their name to their stories, the epistles were written by some guy in a cult who only accessed the archangel jesus from the old testament in dreams and visions, and knew nothing of any jesus on earth, and who believed in an archangel jesus was crucified in heaven somewhere under the moon by satan and his demons. There were NO temple records of any trial, NO Roman record of any execution of someone named jesus around passover, and NONE of these supposed "multitudes" who supposedly followed him around ever wrote or had written for them anything about this supposed jesus!! And there are NO records of the apostles, nothing. There are only apocryphal tales of them in church literature, and NO WHERE ELSE!! NO jesus ever existed. It was a story, like Robin Hoode.
I am incredibly amused driving by places and seeing how many xmas decorations are actually and openly PAGAN! It's quite funny really! So many of these "inflatables" are flagrantly pagan! I saw one which had an inflatable Santa leaning out of an outhouse, (now there is a real 'christian' message now isn't it?). I find it hilarious myself.
rstevewarmorycom umm, I never said I believe Jesus existed. if you look at my original post, I made it clear that it was an assumption that if he existed, he wasn't born on Dec 25. I have in fact made the argument against his existence when debating theists.
Alex, thank you for making these videos. It's so nice to see another atheist speak out about these kinds of things.
Ironically, the only crime deserving of eternal punishment in the Christian canon is the creation of a place of eternal torture i.e. hell. Therefore, God is the only being deserving of hell.
This is a pretty commonly debated point. The God of the bible sounds a lot like the guy he's warning people clever.
Jesus sad few would find
truly ironic indeed
Sorry, but technically NO. The only 'unforgivable sin' is "whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin".
Otherwise, according to Roman Catholic doctrine, you can do whatever you like and if you confess your sins, you will be forgiven.
So, it is perfectly OK to murder someone, then confess to an RC priest, and you are free of all restraint to do it again. Really!
All of us here have know this man before the world has known him. We are so privileged to witness one of the greats before his rise to fame. You will most certainly do great things. I, and the rest of us, will be one of the few able to say they were there from the beginning. That is cool to think about.
Kai Widman
l agree. Alex will mature to one of the finest atheist speakers of this century.
The level of Hitchens is pretty high to shoot for yet also a noble bullseye.
But Hitchens wasn't a closeted homosexual.
Robert Buchanan can't make an actual point I see :) not that being gay affects intellect also how would you know hitchens wasn't a closet gay? Not saying he was but either way irrelevant assumption
Not that it is a bad thing if he is, but why do you think Alex is gay?
Just so you know Robert, Hitchens actually freely admitted to sleeping with multiple men during his time at university. Doesn't take much research.
evangelical christians here have the same goals as the taliban. to impose, inflict, and enforce their religious beliefs and rules upon everyone.
Absolute nonsense!
@@damongreville2197 Have you never listened to an evangelical Christian speak? Hell, there's a sitting Congressman right now who thinks church attendance should be mandatory. If that's not "impose, inflict, and enforce" then I don't know what is.
@@loganleatherman7647 if that is true then that congressman is an ass. You can't legislate the state of the heart.
Also, not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is one. Many want the label without the heart change or commitment to Christ.
@@damongreville2197 I moved to the Bible Belt and around here it is assumed you are a god-fearin' white-lovin' christian. If you show any signs of deviating from that, you are ostracized, discriminated against, you can lose your friends, lose your job. If you have to go to court in a divorce, the local judge will automatically grant custody to the spouse who is Christian, because "atheists have no morals and are a bad influence on children."
The place is literally saturated with christianity. There is a mega-church on every corner, all the stores have religious signs and pictures, the cars have Christian bumper stickers paired with Trump bumper stickers, all the pickup trucks display some version of a proud 'God, Guns and America' flag sign, always implying that if you aren't a believer you aren't a true American, you must be a communist or something.
When I went to my kids' band concert (at a public elementary school), there was a giant full-length banner across the back of the stage emblazoned with "JESUS CHRIST IS LORD" and a giant red cross on either end. When I took my 3rd grader to baseball practice there was a sign at the dugout entrance directed at the kids, I thought it would say something about good sportsmanship, but it read "I believe in God and pledge to do my best to honor him on the ball field, at home and in my school." All team activities, regardless of the sport, begin with "a word of prayer" led by the coach or a parent. The kids all bow their heads reverently, exactly like the Muslim kids prostrating themselves in their madrassas, only they don't go down that far. But the coerced feeling is the same.
During the long summer break the kids have absolutely nothing to do except attend Vacation Bible Schools. The churches coordinate their times so they don't compete and so all the town's kids can attend their friends' VBS. So that's what they do, all summer long, go from one VBS to the next, until it's time to go back to school, where the first activity is a Prayer Rally At The Pole. If you aren't familiar with that, it means gathering around the American flagpole and holding a long prayer session with uplifted hands, in complete contradiction to the biblical command to pray quietly in your closet.
The "See You At The Pole' thing is repeated often throughout the school year, with the teachers and principal leading and the kids eagerly going along. Obviously all the kids are pressured to be there, how could you possibly be the one kid who doesn't go along. My kids felt horribly uncomfortable and had to decide whether to skip it and be questioned, or participate while not believing. I told them you don't have to do anything you don't want to do but I will understand and support whatever you decide to do, just understand it can make your life miserable either way, either externally or internally. The oldest child chose to take a stand at first, but was treated so horribly that he relented. The others participated unwillingly from the start, and sort of half-raised their hands during prayer, enough to keep from being bullied, but not enough to make a full commitment to something they already realize at a young age can't possibly be true.
In middle school and high school they attempt to teach Creationism instead of biology, so when the youth of our town go off to college (if any of them even go), they will be totally unprepared for higher education. Sex ed consists of 'abstinence only' and 'purity pledges' so of course we have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the country. Christian kids are only allowed to date other Christians, so non-Christian kids grow up alone or at least have a limited pool of romantic interests. Christian kids are only allowed to listen to Christian music, watch Christian films and read Christian books. Their homes and bedrooms are decorated with Christian themes and posters. Most kids wear t-shirts displaying Christian sayings or Bible verses.
It most definitely feels like Christian Sharia. It's shocking to anyone visiting (or god forbid moving here like I did) but Christians are so used to it that it feels totally normal to them, it's like the air they breathe. And of course if you try to take a stand against any of it, they are totally shocked and immediately cry "Persecution!" while they are literally in control of everything.
I've checked into the exchristian reddit a couple times and the horror stories are insane
To your point around the 10:00 mark, I think you're right. It's been my personal experience that most atheists I know were raised with a religious upbringing, and they're far more knowledgeable about religious scripture than the Christians I know.
I'm reminded frequently how little most professed Christians know about their own holy texts. I can guarantee with almost certainty that Nick Fish has spent more time studying the Bible than this Fox News host has.
The take-home message is this:
*Frank Turek, yet again, demonstrates that he is a bare-faced liar.*
Whenever the _real_ core of his religion is on full display, he deliberately lies about it - pretending that hell is not described as _torture_ in the bible. He uses word-games and sophistry, instead just speaking the plain truth.
Same as always!
Paul Gross Baseless assertions.
However, he think that this nonsense is somehow truth. As such, I suppose that I will see you in the magic sky fairies easy bake oven sometime in our eternity of torture!
But guys, which hell are we going to? Christian? Jewish? Muslim? Nordic? Greek? Roman?
Is there going to be a battle royale to decide who sends who to which hell?
@@WhatsTheTakeaway You really like to comment nothing but an insult to the credibility of the commentor, don't you? You see, if you knew anything about Frank, you'd know that he does this very regularly. He dumbs down concepts in his religion in order to try and appeal to the masses. "Know you aren't going to burn in hell, you just suffer eternally in your own mind". As if that's any better. Look, you really suck at making retorts since you are incredibly hypocritical. You don't research things before you say them and you claim others refuse to do the same. Stop.
@@lucasmillerthelewderofloli9327 As much to my knowledge, you are going to burn whichever you choose. There is really insufficient variety for methods.
It's not possible to have a rational discussion with people of faith because faith is not rational. I think that's whole point.
Faith is not just a religious thing.
It's the driving force of everything.
Without it, we would barely be humans.
@@Tasorius i have faith...too many beers make me drunk....they make me fall down... i might get a hangover....experience gives you faith and modifies behavior.....
@@helltanner3722 That's not faith. That's just common sense.
Faith is the feeling of hope that we would just become nihilists without, and the desire to see things we can only currently see in our imagination, and the feeling that there is always something new to find...
It is not the dogma of the main religions.
Dogma just kills faith...
@@Tasorius fair enough i can agree with that
@@Tasorius You would barely, barely be human. Mature people don't need faith to guide them in morality or life.
I'm not Christian. Never will be. I wish everyone a Happy Christmas.
I'm glad I grew up with the celebration of Christmas, regardless of my beliefs.
Christmas is basically a secular holiday because of all the different religions it includes
+Astral Haze Actually it was more pagan than christian. Because christians have adapted those pagan traditions and kind of reform ed it into a more judeo celebration of a birth of a savior which is Jesus Christ!
Yeah but its been celebrated by christians and atheists too, so its pretty much secular. It only really excludes islam and judaism, and other abrahamic religions
1 Atheist cannot convert people to "what they believe" because atheism is by definition NOT believing.
2 Offence is not given it is taken and that is the offended party's problem.
3 Even Christians admit the Nazarene Carpenter was not born at christmas so it is obviously NOT true from the get go.
4 Yet another Christian who does not understand her own religion?
5 Frank Turek now sounds like a broken record, repeating the same tired clicks and pops over failed soundbites that make sense only to those who have put their critical faculties on hold and to whom thinking rationally is the voice of the devil dragging them to hell by the lobes of their ears.
It still holds true though. All you used were words. They don't mean anything unless we give them meaning. We are the controllers of our emotions. She could have just as easily ignored you realizing that you don't know anything about her and a random comment from a stranger has little to no meaning. It's all about your perspective.
Yes they have meaning but the way we feel when we hear them is entirely up to us. Someone could be very offended to hear a swear word and others couldn't care less. The word isn't changing. Just the way the person feels when hearing them.
OneMoreDayMusic OMD While I don't disagree with any of your statement, it's still predicated upon the assumption of human agency and the belief that an individual has the free will to control the reaction or specifically chemicals causing the emotions in response to an external stimuli, in this case words.
That's a good point. My thought on that would be that even if it wasn't our "free will" to choose to be offended it still depends on the person as to if they will be offended meaning that still the words aren't inherently offensive.
Existential Transhumanist Offense is taken not given, you can be offensive but again that comes back to person taking offense.
And couldn't even read properly...
Welcome to the US and Ass
I kept remembering my favorite ever UA-cam comment EVER.
Kcock knock...
"Who's there"
"It's Jesus, let me in!"
"Why should I?"
"Because of what me and my Dad will do to you if you don't."
Wish I could credit it preperly.
l first saw it on a vid by Betty Bowers a parody channel, but it may have been around before it was used by "Americas' best Xian".
I've also heard it used by quite a few YT atheists, including one of my favs, Seth Andrews.
The death of Jesus eliminated sin.
His resurrection restored the backups, and all the sin came back.
Richard Edwards 😳 The assumption being made here, of course, is that any such person actually existed? There is no direct evidence of his being as described in biblical writings. Therefore, all attributes and circumstances associated with him are merely speculative.
Isaiah 45:7
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
Sir Meow The Library Cat I'm pretty sure he was just making a joke?
Sir Meow The Library Cat Well, Jesus actually did exist, and he was crucified. That's historical fact.
What's ridiculous about him was that he was also a magic bread multiplier/human water skier who occasionally healed people and brought them back to life and then defied death later on himself. Only the very gullible could actually believe that.
+qZhao NaCl
historical fact? according to what evidence? where are the contemporary non-christian sources? the barabas story contradicts roman customs, but it fits well with the jewish passover tradition.
jesus of nazareth, born in bethlehem because of a census with weird special rules that evidentially never happened?
i guess there was a man with that name at the time. or 3. or 50.
since the christians threw europe in a dark age and destroyed all records that opposed their viewpoint as heretic, it's impossible to prove or disprove the existence of a jewish street preacher with that name at the relevant time, or his crucifixion.
i don't doubt a warlord named mohammed existed; his life is well documented even by his enemies. but jesus might or might not be pure fabrication. but if he did, christian zealots have destroyed most, if not all, unbiased evidence.
With every service the pope says: "There is no salvation without the Catholic Church" - He says this in Latin.
Douwe de Jong.
The Mormons feel the same about the L.D.S. Church.
Douwe, could you point me to a source on that? I know that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is an old doctrine of the church, but I never heard mention of the phrase being used in catholic services. If the phrase was used in every single service held by the pope, I'm sure you would be able to find soundbites of it. I wasn't able so far, which makes me doubt the validity of your claim.
Would too like to know
You doing alright Alex? You look a bit tired, don't overwork yourself
Asta Svane Bacchus school can do that to you and Jesus Christ it takes him at least an hour to edit these videos on top of that school :/
Yeah he looks like he needs some sleep
With what other guy?
Robert Buchanan Alex could get more tang than the both of us combined. He simply buys a lady a drink, logically deduces they should shag and makes her breakfast in the morning. Typical Tuesday.
An hour? Boy believe me, it takes longer than that, I guarantee.
"or whatever vegans eat on Christmas"
Hah! XDD
I made biscuits and gravy for the vegan Christmas :D
I wanna try tofurkey. Tofu keeps the taste of whatever you cook it in so if you cook it in gravy its gonna taste gravy.
He's vegan now hah 🌱🌱
he didn't die for our sins... he just gave up a weekend
It wasn't even 3 days. Friday evening to Sunday morning is around a day and a half. I think he disappeared on Sunday because he wanted to catch MOTD2.
@@XiagraBalls MOTD2 XD
Niche reference sir. I'd guess he was a goalie, as they say Jesus saves :)
@@XiagraBalls It's like that time Elaine and Jerry spent over at his parents' place.
Yeah, he just gave up his divinity that matters more than anything else and also came to the humans so that we can be saved.
No big deal right?
@@nevin8604 yeah, no biggie, I also gave up my divinity...but I don't expect praise from anyone.
How did he "save" us exactly?
The only crime I can think about worthy of infinite punishment is punishing people infinitely for finite crime and there is only one character worthy of that crime 😂
Until this god wipes us all out (again) he must suffer the greatest punishment - being despised by so many of his creations!!! There are more that prefer to love another god all together!! That's gotta piss him off!! Then there are the atheists who don't even believe he exists!! THAT's gotta hurt!! Oh shit, it's all make believe anyway....
No hell is only for those who do not want heaven
Fair isn't it...
I can think of a few things worth of an eternity of torment in hell.
Rejecting Gods forgiveness will
ray salmon damming people to eternal torture is NOT forgiveness. If he were merciful and forgiving he would shut down hell or at the very least not send people there for not paying attention to him 24/7
Yeah, God sounds like a narcissist to be honest
Atheist Evangelism. Oxymoron? The word evangelism seems to be exclusively from Christianity.
alic seprin "evangelize
gerund or present participle: evangelising
convert or seek to convert (someone) to Christianity.
"some small groups have been evangelized by Protestant missionaries"
synonyms:convert, proselytize, bring to God/Christ/Jesus, bring into the fold, redeem, save, make someone change their beliefs/mind, make someone see the light, spread the gospel/faith/word (to), preach (to), seek/make converts (among), act as a missionary;More
preach the gospel.
"the Church has a mission to evangelize and declare the faith"
" Nope. By definition you only evangelise if it's trying to make someone christian
CoDa CoDa We need a word for it though because Atheist are indeed becoming very religious in being anti religious. It's almost becoming like a crusade at this point, at least they should start criticizing Islam more often
ThisisKyle If they're religious that's strictly the atheists that asserts things as truth like "God is nonexistent" But I hope you don't mean its comparable to a belief in some sort of deity* as a few theists would state atheists believe in human gods or something silly like that.
Darius Moon No I'm saying Atheist have a large hate boner for Christianity that's it's become an obsession or in another term a religion to them to bash on religion.
ThisisKyle No. It's a reaction to Christians in the US trying to force their religion on everyone through legislation.
"What religion?" "Your religion!" "I'm not religious!" "Do you want a relationship with God?" "Which God?" "The God I worship!" "Do I have to worship this God?" "Yes!" "No thanks! I'm good at not being a hypocritical fool!"
6:17 Frank: "You don't have a right not to be offended." Nick: Raises his eyebrow in disbelief that he just said that.
Yeah, I noted that too. Might be the one takeaway from atheist/reasonable people talking points (or, let's be nice, one of a few) that he actually adopted. But (without going back to review), I'm pretty sure he shat on it immediately afterward.
Ah, your a SJW. Most atheists are.
@@WhatsTheTakeaway Ah, (you're) illiterate and ignorant. Most religious nuts are.
@@WhatsTheTakeaway I've found many libertarian atheists. What's your problem?
@@razalasreficul6902 Why did you put "you're" in parenthesis? My mistake was an auto-correct on a phone, yours, oh sorry, (yours) was intentional.
Alex, you are entirely too reasonable and thoughtful.
No such thing as "too reasonable and thoughtful".
I think it was a joke
I saw a billboard on the freeway the other day that said something along the lines of "Evolution? Yeah right!" It had the primate to man chart crossed out and some generic bible verses.
I live in America.
Where else except America?
I live in Ireland (quite the catholic place) and a sign like that would not exist. We were even the first country to legalise gay marriage despite 80% recorded Catholicism.
@@NegativeAccelerate You guys should thank Father Ted. 😂😉
I feel sorry for you living in America, you are welcom in Europe!
Even tho im an atheist and hater of fox news, i gotta give credit where credit is due. Starting out by calling it a “spirited debate” is a pretty a pretty clever “fuck you”, that need to be respected
One clever turn of words is not enough to command respect.
Sneeky sneeky.
Jeremy B its actually just the name of the show so not so clever
Jeremy B Do you hate CNN?
I’m a hypocrite atheist because I know there is no god but I love Christmas , i have a tree , lights family etc I pray at funerals ( don’t know to who but I do pray ). . I got married in a church . I don’t go to church but I had my children blessed in churches lol. But I don’t lie to myself I know with no doubt there is no heaven , no helll. I also live a cleaner more honest life then some of my church going god fearing family and friends .
The moderator needs to watch this.
Emily A. Davis
Illuminati 😂
Great video, Alex. You hit the nail on the head (pun intended) yet again. I admire what you do and the way you go about doing it. We could sure use more like you here in the States.
BTW... I can't listen to Frank Turek anymore without thinking of one of the all-time greatest Hitchslaps:
Turek: "Let's say it's eeevil. And where does eeevil come from?"
Hitchens (without hesitation): "Religion."
Always glad to see a new upload.
Sting SniperScope nice doggo, I r8.10/10 m8
Love the way he says "Christians" 😄
PfEMP1 I know right?!! Sexy as fuck
PfEMP1 chris tea inns
PfEMP1 as opposed to chris chins
literally love your videos, as well as the intellect and broad viewpoints you bring to the table. Keep up the great work brother
I cannot even begin to imagine what "atheist evangelism" would be. Sleeping in on Friday?
If we're taking evangelism on it's literal dictionary definition, it is only applicable to Christians. However if we take it in the broader sense of "propaganda for one's specific stance on religion," the billboard was, in all fairness, definitely evangelism.
A subset of the defenition of evangelism is:
"Zealous advocacy of a cause."
So, yeah. Atheist evangelism is sort of apt
I'm confused. You mean Sunday? What does Friday have to do with anything?
@@ryanalving3785 where have you met these zealous atheists advocating their non-beliefs
How about Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens?
On my first day of preschool I walked onto the playground and was confronted by a group of girls. They asked me what my religion was. I said “I don’t know”. They asked if I believed in god, and I replied “I don’t think so”. They told me I was going to to hell. When I found out what hell was, I was horrified, and I started wondering if I should be religious in order to avoid eternal suffering. As I grew up I got over it, but I’ll never forget what happened that day. If religious people think they’ve never hurt atheists, they’re wrong
“or whatever vegans eat at Christmas” how times have changed
Just watched this video and thought the same thing! hah
To refer to this woman a "moderator" is wrong, it's her and the xtian vs the atheist.
Instigator maybe?
Jack bassman "Inquisitor"?
this was a pretty damn good video
I get so engrossed in these videos because it's so well thought out. Bravo!
Again, Alex, you are brilliant! Well done!
This is one of the best arguments I have ever heard, Thank you for thinking.
I find it offensive that someone who looks about 16 can verbalise my own thoughts so much better than I can!! Excellent video. Well done!
When someone tells me I'm going to hell it offends me. Like who are you to say who's going to hell? They say only God can judge yet most of them walk around and judge everyone.
I'd respond with "They're both made up so whatever.". Totally understand though.
They say Jesus died on the cross for all of your sins past future and present
bloody hell Alex its midnight
Saad Al-Khatoury how do you know its midnight ?
Dominic Briggs Alex posted this at around Midnight GMT
Saad Al-Khatoury
1. UA-cam is open 24/7
2. You seem to be suggesting that midnight is a bad time to post. Why would it be? Alex has school, a job?, a life. He also makes YT videos. If he has spent his evening (ie after school, job, etc) making a might be done and postable at, say, midnight. So what?
3. If it's because "I just got notified that Alex posted a video. I'll want to watch that. But jeez, it's pretty late (for me, where I am, on my schedule) to be watching a video" don't have to watch it immediately, while it still has that "new post" smell. You can watch it tomorrow. Or next week. Or at whatever "appropriate time to UA-cam" is for you.
4. Maybe he's got a lot of viewers in the US. Maybe they tend to watch his videos a lot in their morning hours. So dropping it at 5 am EDT will put it in THEIR feed at a good time for them?
5. Perhaps you could clarify. Specify the times it IS appropriate (either for you where you are in the world, or for creators where they are in the world) to post videos.
Hahah! No worries, Mr. Baker. Just chill man, I wasnt objecting to anything
During church when i was little i would refuse to sing and read so i played on my i pod the entire time and only now that i look back on it i relize that i have always been an atheist.
As soon as Turek opens his mouth my blood pressure got through the roof! He’s just another fast talking scam artist
Daddy Havoc Well said, though you do a dis-service to the word "artist". I would conflate and use "scammer" or "scamhead" (if the word exists).
I use the term "charlatan" for assclowns like Turek, because "used car salesman" would be an insult to people with higher standards of integrity, and I wouldn't want to insult people who actually work for a living.....
3 years late but nice pfp
Saw one on my way to Dallas! It was a nice change from the billboard that asks you “If you die tonight? Heaven or hell?” with a nice fiery pit for me at the bottom 👍
Sarah Russell "a nice fiery pit"? Ah, but in Heaven you get that too!
"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." Revelation 14:9-11
"in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb!" What a way to spend eternity - watching a barbecue! Form a queue, now, form a queue! Oh, I do hope all the smoke doesn't spoil my endless Hallelujahs.
The Bible talks about wine a lot... is God an alcoholic
Alex, the bromance I have for you is real. You hit the nail right on the head. Awesome video!👍🏽
yes well put Alex! It is frustrating to live in America at the moment.
Audrey B I know, we have snowflakes on the left and the right and neither will shut up for five minutes
Existential Transhumanist You mean taking about people that say there's systemic oppression or that white people are inherently racist, if that's considered bitching okay, I guess yes they're bitching because these dumbasses want to change laws over shit that can be so easily debunked but people still proceed to believe in them.
Frank Turek makes me cringe every time.
Alex, between your videos and my ap world history class I am starting to question my entire exsistenceeeeeeeee.
I think we are missing a point. We see this threatening gun as it is, a toy gun. We can see that it still has its price tag from the local toy store and the Toy Story brand on it. That is to say we know that the threat is not real. So they are not really threatening us more than a 3 year old waving his finger threateningly and shouting BANG BANG....
I feel this entire discussion is for the benefit of the faithfull... in the same way the threats do not really aply to them but only to nonbelievers.
I am not threatened by eternal damnation, I find it cute and adorable. Any non believer should see it that way... it is an empty threat.
You only ever have to be courageous if you are afraid of something.
Now "Frank" is a weird one... he seems to try to convince people to have faith. I see that as an indicator that he does not have faith. Faith is inspired, not argued. If you say yes to something because of arguments you really do not have faith in it. You need to be inspired to have faith. It is like love, I cannot convince you that I love you through arguments....
This is really an excellent point to be made. In fact, if atheists start putting it this way, the believers will get even more angry, a largely desired outcome, I would say. Wow! and the second point made is also a great one. If the faith is like love, the actions (and in-actions) of believers should be such even a true non-believer should also start believing. On second thoughts, this is not going to happen, because it is the actions (and in-actions) of religious peoples have made us non-believers in first place. Very good points made indeed. Thank you!
If you ask me, Frank is either deep down the hole of credulity, and really buys into his crap, or he's well aware that he's preaching bullshit but can't quit now for 2 reasons: it's his job and he can't just stop milking the cash cow, and he fears public embarrassment.
But they believe they are....
+Miroslav Majestoroivc On similar lines, Aaron Ra mentioned in some video that Ray Comfort know preciously what he is doing but cannot stop doing it because what he gains from it. Aaron added that if just chooses to be dishonest with himself, he too would be making millions. It's a choice one have to take.
They do, we do not have to though
I love the point you made about atheists generally having more knowledge of scripture. I have Christian friends (and friends of other religions) who are always aghast that I know so much about the Bible. They’re constantly telling me, “Wow, you know more about my faith than I do.” I argue that’s why I’m an atheist. Fall too far into the rabbit hole that is the Bible and you’ll inevitably end up disbelieving, even if that wasn’t your intent.
it's more mental than that because "they" claim god is unknowable but are not happy when i don't want to know
The moment they start thinking about what it means to "not be christian" and the promised eternity in hell.... is the moment they desperately try to get away from the conversation or they insist that it's not god that's sending you, it's you sending yourself. Because god wouldn't do that... no no no. He's too awesome to be so viciously evil. Instead he created a system that forces you to send yourself to hell and he says "Uhhh... you did it, not me".
If it's really up to me, I'm not going to hell. Will god allow me not to go to hell as my choice? If not, that means he is sending me there.
Mars Argo Is My Mom 👏
your username 💕
You are so incredibly well spoken for someone of your age. On a side note, I would like to see you as a guest host on The Atheist Experience some day.
Alex I would like your help. I am an atheist who goes to a private catholic school and right now I need to write an essay about how I would reform the church with my 11 friends, sort of as the apostles. Now I can’t say how I really feel about the church because I would not pass this assignment and get into trouble. How exactly should I go about this while being intellectually honest?
l suggest you try to present it as a 'reboot'
The need for reform and a presentation of how this may happen. Give specific suggestions, not offer yourself and your mates as that alternative.
The paper is supposed to be about reform of an exsisting church/dogma right?
Not about a new church/dogma based on yourself and your pals, which sounds like the paper you actually *want* to write.
Sadly, being intellectually honest in a catholic or any religious school is the exact way to get into trouble. So if you want to pass the assignment you are going to have to lie your ass off and NOT mention anything about the truth or how you really feel. Unless your particular catholic school is extremely liberal and pro free-thinking. Does not seem that way from your comment.
Have the church reformed as a scifi and fantasy literature fanclub. Always reading the same work of fiction over and over again must get really boring after a millennium or two. They need new material to obsess over.
Alternatively, have them reorganize themselves as a communist revolutionary group with the goal of toppling the monarchy in the kingdom of heaven and making the afterlife into a socialist utopia. Sic semper tyrannis!
Gabe Holmes, please don't pay attention to people who don't really understand the your situation.
YOU CAN WRITE THAT ESSAY AND BE INTELLECTUALLY HONEST. Nobody is asking you a declaration of faith, you ought to see yourself as a sort of consultant.
My advice is to get inspiration from the liberation theology which actually tried to reform the Church and bring it back to the original message of Jesus. Here's the link.
Hope this helps and good luck.
There are many things that I don't understand about Christianity. One of the main issues is, if Jesus died for our sins, why are all people born sinners.
🤔.......I like that
I am not an american and I am an atheist, but was raised with the Netherlands Reformed Church (NH Kerk) which is a christian church and was the Church of State in the Netherlands. You are right if you take the scriptures and learnings litteraly, but a lot of people in the church took the most of the teachings as symbolic. Parts of the church however was deep in this guilt and forgiveness thing, but a lot were more from the love for your neighbour and turning the other cheek. So, yes it can be a rather strict faith, but also a more free faith. As my mother said: do not ask too much questions but experience it as a child, with wonder and joy.
Allah is Yahweh they are basically the same being. Arab Christians and Jews refer to Yahweh as Allah too. Allah is the Arabic word for God.
He is well aware of that. He just uses it in a sense that Turek (or Christians in general) don't think that the Allah version of the story is true.
Absolutely not. Allah is a pre-Islamic moon god. If you have read through the Quran and the Bible then you would realize that Allah and Yahweh are two very different personalities. They could not possibly be the same person.
@@damongreville2197 Have you read through the Bible? Internally, it portrays two very different deities between the OT and the NT. The OT god commands the genocide of entire peoples and sends bears to maul small children; the NT god is all about benevolence and inclusiveness. They could not possibly be the same person.
@@loganleatherman7647 The NT god is sold as benevolent and inclusive, but that cherry-picking is contradicted by the fact that he introduced for the first time the concept of eternal torture, and like a mob boss he "freely offers" you the chance to not be tortured by him. Just as bad as the OT god.
Humans need to stop believing in fantasy. Fantasy is to be enjoyed for entertainment, but not to be believed in. Believing in fantastical things is not child-like, it's childish, and should be abandoned -- if you have the nerve. Children vividly experience interactions with their invisible friends, but they almost always know that these friends aren't real.
Humans need to get the fuck over themselves and be able to believe and not believe what they want without assuming that they are right and the other "side" is wrong.
Otherwise things will keep going back and forth between both extremes.
spot on! BINGO! damn....yr arguments supporting atheists was amazingly sharp and right on! too bad you weren't sitting in on the Fox news segment....was brilliant!
Not sure if someone already said this, I'll start by saying I love the videos, but I felt that it needed to be said that the "just-desserts" fire and torment version was invented by Dante Alighieri.
Thank you!!! I don't know why more theists aren't aware of this.
Its like watching someone trying to convince us that bigfoot is real
You're so correct that no crime deserves eternal punishment. Congrats on hitting 150k+ subscribers! Happy Solstice!
the point is we do a couple of billboards they go mad they advertise everywere and what happens yep nothing
No matter how high a number is, it will always be closer to 0 than to infinite. Eternal punishment for finite sin is never justified in any way.
6:30 "We have free speech. You don't have the right NOT to be offended."
I wholeheartedly agree with the christian fundamentalist.
I feel like free speech is such a powerful thing that you should be responsible with it. I don’t believe in saying anything that encourages the oppression of another group unless what you’re saying is factually correct. However, I think it’s perfectly ok to say something offensive if it doesn’t encourage the oppression of another group. If you say “all Irish deserve to die” but only as a joke with no underlying political agenda, I am ok with you saying that because it’s not encouraging the oppression of all Irish people. Most sane people wouldn’t hear that and then think it’s a good idea to kill all Irish people.
The idea that dying on a cross was the idea of the God has to be a joke. Or is Frank Turek really saying *He never read the Old Testament?*
Deuteronomy 21:22 - 23 *And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.*
NOTE: *for he that is hanged is accursed of God*
How the flying Jesus fuck could God be accursed of God?
This makes no sense!
If I don't sin Jeusus died for nothing.
Here here, or is it hear, hear? In any case, Bravo for your well-spoken criticism of the condescending , holier than thou Christian attitude of Christian believers. "You don't have to worship our self-sacrificial deity, but you will suffer if you don't." If that isn't intimidation I don't now what is.
There's no point in dealing with Fox news anymore.
but what about THOR !! he eliminated the ice giants, didn't he?! you see no ice giants; and of Zeus, he totally rid us of the titans; and what about the thousands of Indian gods, don't they get to have a word?
Nope, because to Christians there's only what they believe and then the absence/rejection of those beliefs. The egocentrism is staggering among that narrow-minded lot.
A tad late to the party, but after hearing the part about torment being self inflicted, it reminded me of the show Lucifer, specifically the representation of Hell in that show. A place where people go , and relive the moment they feel most guilty about, but its the humans that send themselves to hell by feeling guilty, and the doors are never locked. so if you can let go of your guilt you could feasably leave. I do quite like that version of hell, its at least somewhat sensical in its workings to me
In that version of Hell it's still God that created Hell and God that created their soul and the mechanism for their guilt to be able to transport their soul to Hell to begin with - so God is still responsible in a sense, right? Of course that version of Hell (a sort of purgatory where the stay is finite) is not the mainstream Christian view Alex was critiquing.
Cool show though ^_^ Looking forward to new episodes (finally). Waiting this long has been hell.
I see a book on the October Revolution in the background.
Is Alex a comrade?
You can read about it without being a Marxist yourself.
No ash
Alex is just well-read.
You should try it, too.
Existential Transhumanist Which genocide do communists deny exactly? None of the communists i know deny any genocides. Enlighten me please.
C.F. Gauss he must mean Ukrainian starvation pulled by Stalin. Normally only tankies deny it though.
blackearl7891 You don't have to be a Stalinist to be a communist. All communists i know agree that what the Soviet Union became after Stalin took over was pretty much all a massive mistake. At any rate, that's definitely not the kind of "communism" most communists today want. Communists today want a democratic system not an authoritarian one, they consider authoritarian regimes like the Soviets or Mao's China degenerated workers' states because they have failed to achieve the goals of the proletarian revolution and instead eventually just became state capitalist.
"Its not MY fault I'm not convinced..." perfect. I love it.
Hi Alex, great episode
“Or whatever vegans eat” what a plot twist
did she actually say/mean that ? more facts ?
Awesome video cosmicskeptic
"Or whatever vegans eat at Christmas"
So what do you eat at Christmas?