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As a Namibian living overseas, i absolutely appreciate and adore the love and passion behind every story. To your UA-cam team; thank you for the effort of even being active on this platform. Cheers to a prosperous 2025 🙌
I absolutely love this content ❤ A very big Thank you to the carte blanch team 🙏 I am always amazed to watch the work you guys are doing. A total inspiration, for a future TV PRESENTER like myself 🥰
*NB: Please read our rules before commenting.
Please alert us by emailing report[at]carteblanche[dot]co[dot]za should you see any comments or threads that contain the below:
Racist and/or homophobic comments will not be tolerated and users will be banned immediately.
1. Hate speech, defamation & hostility inciting comments.
2. Harassing (incl. sexual), threatening, embarrassing, swearing at, or abusing of another participant.
3. Acting as employees of Carte Blanche.
4. Spam links or comments.
5. Crude or offensive language.
Your privacy is important to us. Please do not share personal details in the comments as they will be removed for your safety.
This was an awesome segment.
The real people behind the real stories.
Thank you CB team!!
As a Namibian living overseas, i absolutely appreciate and adore the love and passion behind every story. To your UA-cam team; thank you for the effort of even being active on this platform. Cheers to a prosperous 2025 🙌
Big love and Respect to the entire team .
Love this seeing how they enjoying their job.
Great team and I appreciate your reporting❤
Love you guys ❤
❤ your stories🎉
I absolutely love this content ❤ A very big Thank you to the carte blanch team 🙏 I am always amazed to watch the work you guys are doing. A total inspiration, for a future TV PRESENTER like myself 🥰
I love love love this
"There's no way [we] can pay you back, but the plan is to show you that we understand. You're appreciated!"🫡