This is a music video created by a fan. The main part of the music video is from the movie - Battle of Vienna from 2012. There are also scenes from the movie - With Fire and Sword from 1999. There are also scenes from the Russian film Taras Bulba (2009 film). But it's not a problem . Several of Sabaton's music videos have been created by fans. Sometimes fan videos are better than the original ones and the band has no problems with that.
Thing is, when they did the charge the speed they accumulated from the downhill, made it impossible for them to stop. So the commander didnt even try, they just pushed down into the Ottoman lines. Is cool this is what Tolkien made into the Rohirrim charge at Helms deep. But what a catchy song this is and when u know whats it about its an awesome song.
@@jenswurm Yeah, but no... These is the number of riders, actually the hill was that steep, that only perhaps 100 made it down in time and decided to charge - way before the league was ready. It still worked.I guess, having a winged horse in your back stresses everyone =D
@@bugfisch7012 as I read it there was an initial "test attack" involving about 120 hussars, and later that day a full charge of all 18000 riders in four detachments occurred.
@@jenswurm Yeah, that's right - but it was not ment to be a test, it was just a mess to get downhill and therefore the first group that made it did attack before the Turks can form ranks. And it was demolishing - even though it were just a small group, they basicly broke the whole army and the rest destroyed it, when they arrived.
you write nonsense. Hussar horses were trained to fight from an early age. they stood in a two-meter circle and ran 25 meters at full gallop and stopped immediately in a two-meter circle. selling a hussar horse was punishable by death. There has been no better cavalry in the history of mankind. The battle of Hodów 400 hussars vs 40,000 Tatars. the hussars win. Battle of Kłuszyn 2,500 hussars vs 16,000 Russians and 8,500 Swedes. the hussars win. and this is just an introduction.
Młody człowieku !!! W tym okresie Francja sprzyjała Osmanom więc nie brała udziału w w walce. Sceny walki są z różnych polskich filmów ,a tam gdzie kopie są krótkie to sceny z filmu "Bitwa pod Wiedniem". Kopie husarii miały 6 m , a piki piechoty 5 m wiec mur pik piechoty był do pobicia przez husarię. Na kopie nabijano rekordowo do 6 piechurów, a 2-4 to normalna sprawa . Zdarzało się , że wojska zaciężne w kontraktach zaznaczały , że NIE będą walczyć z polską husarią . Pozdrawiam
skoro tak pięknie o kopiach husarskich, to pozwolę sobie dodać, że konstrukcja tej kopii była szczególna. wydrążona w środku przez niemal całą długość, co bardzo obniżało jej ciężar, miała zakończenie przystosowane do ułamania się po pierwszym kontakcie z ciałem, w którym zostawała do końca życia :) reszta nadziewań to bardziej legendy, ale pokruszona kopia też mogła zrobić krzywdę. bitwa polegała zwykle na kilkukrotnej szarży i za każdym razem kopia była nowa, a przewozili je na wozach z rezerwowymi drzewcami. bez kopii husaria była jedynie ciężką jazdą, która jednak dzięki wyszkoleniu przewyższała inne jednostki ciężkiej kawalerii.
now if only Jackson put that inspiration to good use in the movies. We see hardly any lances in the first lines of cavalry which was a signature of the hussars. Hussars developed this lance to help counter pikes.
Przerażenia wojsk wroga nie da się pokazać na filmie. Kiedy zbliżała się husaria w ciasnym szyku noga w nogę z powiewającymi proporcami, piórami i skórami dzikich zwierząt, wróg czuł się jakby nadchodził koniec świata. Fenomenem była lanca husarska. Rekord napitych na taką lancę wynosi 6 Rusinów w bitwie pod Połonką. Wojska wroga na ogół nie wytrzymywały ciśnienia i uciekały zanim husaria do nich dojechała.
Polska Husaria miała skrzydła nie dla ozdoby. W galopie wiatr przepływał przez metalowe ich pióra i wydawał złowrogi świst. Robiło to przerażające wrażenie na przeciwniku - oddziaływanie psychologiczne. Husaria była jazdą ciężką. Rozpędzona była nie do zatrzymania. Tratowała szergi przeciwnika. Atak na Husara był niemożliwy, bowiem metalowa konstrukcja skrzydeł chroniła plecy. Jechali w zwartej grupie, koń przy koniu, jak jeden wielki organizm. Husarzy byli wychowywani w spartańskiej dyscyplinie - może dlatego mówiono o nich polscy Spartanie. Dodam, że Husaria nigdy nie poniosła klęski w bitwie.
Witam serdecznie. Bez urazy ale w pani komentarzu jest stek bzdur. Bardzo polecam książki i filmy na YT Radosława Sikory - prawdziwego znawcy i badacza tematu husarii. Przede wszystkim pióra nie były metalowe. Nie będę tu opisywał szczegółów bowiem w/w R.Sikora zrobi to zdecydowanie lepiej. Naprawdę baaardzo polecam jago rozmowy na YT by nie rozpowszechniać błędnych informacji . Podsyłam link poniżej - proszę skorzystać.
Do końca nie jest to zbadane (skrzydła). Niektórzy są przeciwnego zdania. Jedno jest wiadomo, że husaria istniała przez 300 lat. Również jest znane, że wojska najemne pisemnie miały zagwarantowane, że nie będą walczyć z husarzami. To równie podobne, jak Włosi nie chcieli walczyć w bitwach lotniczych nad Anglią, gdy brali w nich udział polscy lotnicy. Taki jest polski żołnierz, tacy Polacy!
In Russian movie '1610' (about Polish winged hussars that conquered Moscow, the deed which cound not be followed by Napoleon nor Hitler) there is a scene where attacking hussars are called angels. So you were absolutely right here. In 1610 there was another battle involving hussars - battle of Klushino, when army of 30k was literally devastated by Polish-Lithuanian army of 5k. Because the winged hussars arrived. It's safe to say that back then winged hussars were like a nuclear weapon on the battlefield. The scenes are from movies: "The Day of Siege: September Eleven 1683" (2012), and "Taras Bulba" (2009) - see more here:, pretty much based on Nikolai Gogol novel. I would also recommend movie "with fire and sword" and the most realistic sabre duel in history from "Potop" ("The Deluge"). Skallagrim commented on this, although he's lame and does not have polish sabre.
Mixed scenes from polish-italian movie Bitwa pod Wiedniem (it. 11 settembre 1863) 2012; russian movie Rok 1612 from 2007; polish movie With fire and sword (pol. Ogniem i mieczem) 1999; and one more movie that I don't recognize
I wanted a better idea of how massive this Calvary charge was so i did so math and giving a little space between each horse i came up with 14 football fields worth of horsemen lol. Thats not a single line btw, the width of the field in depth as well.
As a fellow history nerd, you may appreciate this...I have a book on the history of cavalry throughout the ages, one part has the winged hussars. The book explains that the function of the "wings" was both cosmetic and practical. At times, the enemies the winged hussars would face were light cavalry i.e. Cossacks, Turkish Akinji (raiders), etc. One of the weapons of such light cavalry was a lasso, where they would rope and pull the hussar off his horse! But the wings were meant to break away, easily and the lasso would catch them first. So the wings were both practical and ornamental! I knew that the Sassanid Empire's cavalry used the lasso as one of their weapons, but I think it goes back even farther than that. If you think about it, a people pretty much born in the saddle probably use a lasso both in their every day life and in war. It's a tool they are well familiar with and if you can pull a horseman off his horse, you've defeated him (not to mention perhaps broken some bones).
It's not about the wings, they were used in some state events(mostly), it's the fluttering of pennants in the charge they were that so terrifying the enemy, if you look at the Battle of Hodow or Battle of Kircholm and you will see why those hussars were so deadly (spoiler: in one battle the infantry just stopped to watch the Hussars Charge).
I have a book on the history of cavalry which talks about the winged hussars "wings." In the book, it said that the "wings" were ornamental and meant to be terrifying as you mention, but it also says that they served a functional purpose. Because the Kingdom of Poland was often facing Cossack and Tatar light cavalry, one of their tactics was to lasso enemy riders and forcibly dismount them. The lasso would catch on the wings, which were meant to easily break away, thus saving the rider.
You know your history. From the 2016 album, The Last Stand. Last album recorded with Thobbe Englund on guitar, Tommy Johansson would replace him later that year. There is a list of films in the description of the video you watched, guessing that's where they got the footage.
The piura on the back were not an ornament, and during a fast ride they made a noise that scared the opponent's horse. It was like an approaching whist
The only powers in Europe at that time were France, Austria, Poland, France took advantage of the opportunity and attacked the lands of German principalities while the troops of these principalities were fighting the Turks, England had no threat from Turkey due to the alliance of France and Turkey, so Spain was also not threatened by the Turks, it was fenced off by France.
"We saw it… the hussars let loose their horses.God ,what power! Thay run through the smoke and the sound was like that o a thousand blacksmiths beating with a thousand hammers. We saw it... Jesus Maria! The elite's lances bent forward like stalks of rye, driven by a great storm, bent on glory! The fire of the guns before them glitters! They rush on to the Swedes! They crash into the Swedish riters…. Overwhelm them! They crash into the second regiment - Overwhelmed! Resistance collapses, dissolves, they move forward as easily as if they were parading on a grand boulevard. They sliced without effort through the whole army already. Next target: the regiment of horse guards, where stands the Swede King Carol. And the guard already wavers!" Description from Potop "Deluge" by Henryk Sienkiewicz
And after 89 years (The Battle of Vienna - 12 September 1683) was the First Partition of Poland took place in 1772 as the first of three partitions that eventually ended the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by 1795 by Habsburg monachy, Kingdom of Prussia and Russian Empire. In other hand, according to the 19th century tradition, with the demonstrative question "Has the envoy from Lechistan arrived yet?" official audiences were to begin with the Turkish Sultan, expecting an envoy from Poland, which no longer existed on the map of Europe at that time.
And then the likes arived! (And message to the sky is very literal. Firing signal flares into the sky. Primitive GPS saying "HERE" and hoping to see a response.)
The Polish hussars were one of the best cavalry in world history. In 1683, the Polish hussars saved Europe from the Ottoman threat by coming to the aid of and saving besieged Vienna. Austria expressed its gratitude 100 years later by joining Prussia and Russia in dismembering the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Poland ceased to exist for 123 years. Today, Europe is once again under threat from an invasion of Muslim immigrants, and there are no longer any hussars to defend it. **** Huzarzy polscy byli jedną z najlepszych kawalerii w historii świata. W 1683 roku huzarzy polscy uratowali Europę przed zagrożeniem ze strony Imperium Osmańskiego idąc na odsiecz i ratując oblężony Wiedeń. Austria wyraziła swoją wdzięczność 100 lat później,. Austria wyraziła swoją wdzięczność w ten sposób, że wspólnie z Prusami i Rosją rozebrali Rzeczpospolitą i na 123 lata Polska przestała istnieć. Dzisiaj ponownie Europa zagrożona jest przez najazd muzułmańskich imigrantów i nie ma już huzarów, którzy ją obronią.
Teraz znów Polska i Wegry walczą o niepodleglisc i wolność Europy w unii europejskiej Polacy to odważny NARÓD jestem POLKĄ kocham Polskę i jestem dumna że jestem Polką
Not a movie... this is a pure made Sabaton music video :P What I do know about this battle is that it was the inspiration for alot of the Lord of the Rings stories.... like the horse charges and explosives under the walls.... Tolkien took his stories about Tlotr from alot of places, and this was one of the historical once
@@wiolettajankowska1183 Thanks for that :) I learned something new I didn´t know. I do all my comment without looking things up, so it is all from what I hear or have learned previously more or less. Thanks again
Basically, the battle of Vienna was not such a defeat for the Turks, because after some time they realized that the battle was lost and started to slowly retreat and this extraordinary charge of the Hussars already hit the retreating Turkish troops, although it is true that when the hussars moved into battle, the Austrian and German units stopped the fight to see this extraordinary charge, while on the Turkish side there were not many losses because the Turks withdrew to the Hungarian town of "Parkany" and set up camp there, the Polish hussars started chasing them, initially the situation was very unfavorable for us because our troops, contrary to the king's orders, started an unprepared charge that was not supposed to take place at all, the effect was such that the Turks launched such a violent counterattack that all the Polish soldiers started to run away, leaving the king to his fate, even the king did not care about him, apparently unknown to him named Rajtar protected King Jan III Sobieski, the King couldn't run away so quickly because the horse he was riding was already tired, and the Rajtar behind the king protected the king, fending off Turkish attacks, one version mentions that he even gave him his horse, another version doesn't mention it, we don't know even if this reiter survived this clash, but the fact is that the King survived, the next day the royal riposte was terrible, the entire Turkish army was slaughtered, and the Sultan, who looked back at the battle, cried, the Sultan cried when he saw what 2,000 Polish cavalry could do with his 15 thousand Janissaries, and although this Victory of Vienna is very famous, in terms of losses, the Turks suffered such a real defeat at Parkany
POLAND and it's Winged Hussars were superpower in the world on that time
This is a music video created by a fan. The main part of the music video is from the movie - Battle of Vienna from 2012. There are also scenes from the movie - With Fire and Sword from 1999. There are also scenes from the Russian film Taras Bulba (2009 film). But it's not a problem . Several of Sabaton's music videos have been created by fans. Sometimes fan videos are better than the original ones and the band has no problems with that.
Thing is, when they did the charge the speed they accumulated from the downhill, made it impossible for them to stop. So the commander didnt even try, they just pushed down into the Ottoman lines. Is cool this is what Tolkien made into the Rohirrim charge at Helms deep. But what a catchy song this is and when u know whats it about its an awesome song.
In the LOTR movie there are 6000 riders depicted.
The charge in the siege of Vienna involved about 18000-20000 riders
@@jenswurm Yeah, but no... These is the number of riders, actually the hill was that steep, that only perhaps 100 made it down in time and decided to charge - way before the league was ready. It still worked.I guess, having a winged horse in your back stresses everyone =D
@@bugfisch7012 as I read it there was an initial "test attack" involving about 120 hussars, and later that day a full charge of all 18000 riders in four detachments occurred.
@@jenswurm Yeah, that's right - but it was not ment to be a test, it was just a mess to get downhill and therefore the first group that made it did attack before the Turks can form ranks. And it was demolishing - even though it were just a small group, they basicly broke the whole army and the rest destroyed it, when they arrived.
you write nonsense. Hussar horses were trained to fight from an early age. they stood in a two-meter circle and ran 25 meters at full gallop and stopped immediately in a two-meter circle. selling a hussar horse was punishable by death. There has been no better cavalry in the history of mankind. The battle of Hodów 400 hussars vs 40,000 Tatars. the hussars win. Battle of Kłuszyn 2,500 hussars vs 16,000 Russians and 8,500 Swedes. the hussars win. and this is just an introduction.
Młody człowieku !!! W tym okresie Francja sprzyjała Osmanom więc nie brała udziału w w walce. Sceny walki są z różnych polskich filmów ,a tam gdzie kopie są krótkie to sceny z filmu "Bitwa pod Wiedniem". Kopie husarii miały 6 m , a piki piechoty 5 m wiec mur pik piechoty był do pobicia przez husarię. Na kopie nabijano rekordowo do 6 piechurów, a 2-4 to normalna sprawa . Zdarzało się , że wojska zaciężne w kontraktach zaznaczały , że NIE będą walczyć z polską husarią . Pozdrawiam
skoro tak pięknie o kopiach husarskich, to pozwolę sobie dodać, że konstrukcja tej kopii była szczególna. wydrążona w środku przez niemal całą długość, co bardzo obniżało jej ciężar, miała zakończenie przystosowane do ułamania się po pierwszym kontakcie z ciałem, w którym zostawała do końca życia :) reszta nadziewań to bardziej legendy, ale pokruszona kopia też mogła zrobić krzywdę. bitwa polegała zwykle na kilkukrotnej szarży i za każdym razem kopia była nowa, a przewozili je na wozach z rezerwowymi drzewcami. bez kopii husaria była jedynie ciężką jazdą, która jednak dzięki wyszkoleniu przewyższała inne jednostki ciężkiej kawalerii.
Byłeś? Widziałeś? przestań być niepotrzebnym materacem Polskiej Historii
Przynajmniej jedna scena jest z rosyjskiego filmu o tym jak zajeliśmy moskwę
Tolkien put the mines in the walls in the Helm's Deep battle and the winged hussars in both battles (helm's deep and Minas Tirith). Nice to see it.
now if only Jackson put that inspiration to good use in the movies. We see hardly any lances in the first lines of cavalry which was a signature of the hussars. Hussars developed this lance to help counter pikes.
Przerażenia wojsk wroga nie da się pokazać na filmie.
Kiedy zbliżała się husaria w ciasnym szyku noga w nogę z powiewającymi proporcami, piórami i skórami dzikich zwierząt, wróg czuł się jakby nadchodził koniec świata.
Fenomenem była lanca husarska. Rekord napitych na taką lancę wynosi 6 Rusinów w bitwie pod Połonką.
Wojska wroga na ogół nie wytrzymywały ciśnienia i uciekały zanim husaria do nich dojechała.
Polska Husaria miała skrzydła nie dla ozdoby. W galopie wiatr przepływał przez metalowe ich pióra i wydawał złowrogi świst. Robiło to przerażające wrażenie na przeciwniku - oddziaływanie psychologiczne. Husaria była jazdą ciężką. Rozpędzona była nie do zatrzymania. Tratowała szergi przeciwnika. Atak na Husara był niemożliwy, bowiem metalowa konstrukcja skrzydeł chroniła plecy. Jechali w zwartej grupie, koń przy koniu, jak jeden wielki organizm. Husarzy byli wychowywani w spartańskiej dyscyplinie - może dlatego mówiono o nich polscy Spartanie. Dodam, że Husaria nigdy nie poniosła klęski w bitwie.
i to kurwa bylo piekne-tylko z silnymi inni sie licza
Witam serdecznie. Bez urazy ale w pani komentarzu jest stek bzdur. Bardzo polecam książki i filmy na YT Radosława Sikory - prawdziwego znawcy i badacza tematu husarii. Przede wszystkim pióra nie były metalowe. Nie będę tu opisywał szczegółów bowiem w/w R.Sikora zrobi to zdecydowanie lepiej. Naprawdę baaardzo polecam jago rozmowy na YT by nie rozpowszechniać błędnych informacji . Podsyłam link poniżej - proszę skorzystać.
Taa jasne w pożodze bitewnej było słychać jakieś piórka, proszę nie powielać bzdur.
Do końca nie jest to zbadane (skrzydła). Niektórzy są przeciwnego zdania.
Jedno jest wiadomo, że husaria istniała przez 300 lat. Również jest znane, że wojska najemne pisemnie miały zagwarantowane, że nie będą walczyć z husarzami.
To równie podobne, jak Włosi nie chcieli walczyć w bitwach lotniczych nad Anglią, gdy brali w nich udział polscy lotnicy.
Taki jest polski żołnierz, tacy Polacy!
Przede wszystkim pióra nie były metalowe. Oddziaływanie psychologiczne to jedynie widok a nie szum czy świst. Polecam opracowania Radosława Sikory.
In Russian movie '1610' (about Polish winged hussars that conquered Moscow, the deed which cound not be followed by Napoleon nor Hitler) there is a scene where attacking hussars are called angels. So you were absolutely right here. In 1610 there was another battle involving hussars - battle of Klushino, when army of 30k was literally devastated by Polish-Lithuanian army of 5k. Because the winged hussars arrived. It's safe to say that back then winged hussars were like a nuclear weapon on the battlefield.
The scenes are from movies: "The Day of Siege: September Eleven 1683" (2012), and "Taras Bulba" (2009) - see more here:, pretty much based on Nikolai Gogol novel. I would also recommend movie "with fire and sword" and the most realistic sabre duel in history from "Potop" ("The Deluge"). Skallagrim commented on this, although he's lame and does not have polish sabre.
Mixed scenes from polish-italian movie Bitwa pod Wiedniem (it. 11 settembre 1863) 2012; russian movie Rok 1612 from 2007; polish movie With fire and sword (pol. Ogniem i mieczem) 1999; and one more movie that I don't recognize
Poland has always saved Europe and will always do so!!
So the fourth conquest of Poland is just to begun 😂😂😂
@annsaparova1044 well, they are holding the border with Belarus like Rourk's Rift.
I wanted a better idea of how massive this Calvary charge was so i did so math and giving a little space between each horse i came up with 14 football fields worth of horsemen lol. Thats not a single line btw, the width of the field in depth as well.
As with any Sabaton song, you can get more information by watching the Sabaton history episode.
As usual, you impress me w your knowledge of the history! And a great reaction, Velcro!
Thank you Amy!
As a fellow history nerd, you may appreciate this...I have a book on the history of cavalry throughout the ages, one part has the winged hussars. The book explains that the function of the "wings" was both cosmetic and practical. At times, the enemies the winged hussars would face were light cavalry i.e. Cossacks, Turkish Akinji (raiders), etc. One of the weapons of such light cavalry was a lasso, where they would rope and pull the hussar off his horse! But the wings were meant to break away, easily and the lasso would catch them first. So the wings were both practical and ornamental!
I knew that the Sassanid Empire's cavalry used the lasso as one of their weapons, but I think it goes back even farther than that. If you think about it, a people pretty much born in the saddle probably use a lasso both in their every day life and in war. It's a tool they are well familiar with and if you can pull a horseman off his horse, you've defeated him (not to mention perhaps broken some bones).
The movie is Day of the Siege from 2012. It's a Turko-Polish co-production.
Thank You! I'll look it up
Seriously ? :0 I'm surprised...usually the ones who were defeated wouldn't work on something that show their defeat
It's not about the wings, they were used in some state events(mostly), it's the fluttering of pennants in the charge they were that so terrifying the enemy, if you look at the Battle of Hodow or Battle of Kircholm and you will see why those hussars were so deadly (spoiler: in one battle the infantry just stopped to watch the Hussars Charge).
I have a book on the history of cavalry which talks about the winged hussars "wings." In the book, it said that the "wings" were ornamental and meant to be terrifying as you mention, but it also says that they served a functional purpose. Because the Kingdom of Poland was often facing Cossack and Tatar light cavalry, one of their tactics was to lasso enemy riders and forcibly dismount them. The lasso would catch on the wings, which were meant to easily break away, thus saving the rider.
russians did call hussars angels of death
You know your history. From the 2016 album, The Last Stand. Last album recorded with Thobbe Englund on guitar, Tommy Johansson would replace him later that year. There is a list of films in the description of the video you watched, guessing that's where they got the footage.
There is a movie about it called "The Day of the Seige"
The piura on the back were not an ornament, and during a fast ride they made a noise that scared the opponent's horse. It was like an approaching whist
The only powers in Europe at that time were France, Austria, Poland, France took advantage of the opportunity and attacked the lands of German principalities while the troops of these principalities were fighting the Turks, England had no threat from Turkey due to the alliance of France and Turkey, so Spain was also not threatened by the Turks, it was fenced off by France.
Polskie wojska,w tym husarią uratyly Wiedeń i cała Europe przed orda osmanska,a w tedy oni byli potezni
"We saw it… the hussars let loose their horses.God ,what power! Thay run through the smoke and the sound was like that o a thousand blacksmiths beating with a thousand hammers. We saw it... Jesus Maria! The elite's lances bent forward like stalks of rye, driven by a great storm, bent on glory! The fire of the guns before them glitters! They rush on to the Swedes! They crash into the Swedish riters…. Overwhelm them! They crash into the second regiment - Overwhelmed! Resistance collapses, dissolves, they move forward as easily as if they were parading on a grand boulevard. They sliced without effort through the whole army already. Next target: the regiment of horse guards, where stands the Swede King Carol. And the guard already wavers!"
Description from Potop "Deluge" by Henryk Sienkiewicz
And after 89 years (The Battle of Vienna - 12 September 1683) was the First Partition of Poland took place in 1772 as the first of three partitions that eventually ended the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by 1795 by Habsburg monachy, Kingdom of Prussia and Russian Empire.
In other hand, according to the 19th century tradition, with the demonstrative question "Has the envoy from Lechistan arrived yet?" official audiences were to begin with the Turkish Sultan, expecting an envoy from Poland, which no longer existed on the map of Europe at that time.
The movie the clips are from is called "September Eleven 1683 (2012)" a great watch too
Ponad 100 lat husaria Polska była nie pokonana
Hussars never lose any fight .
And then the likes arived!
(And message to the sky is very literal. Firing signal flares into the sky. Primitive GPS saying "HERE" and hoping to see a response.)
Thank you so much! Also didn't know that, that's very interesting.
,,We came, we saw, God won"
Sobieski's words to the Pope
The Polish hussars were one of the best cavalry in world history.
In 1683, the Polish hussars saved Europe from the Ottoman threat by coming to the aid of and saving besieged Vienna. Austria expressed its gratitude 100 years later by joining Prussia and Russia in dismembering the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Poland ceased to exist for 123 years.
Today, Europe is once again under threat from an invasion of Muslim immigrants, and there are no longer any hussars to defend it.
Huzarzy polscy byli jedną z najlepszych kawalerii w historii świata.
W 1683 roku huzarzy polscy uratowali Europę przed zagrożeniem ze strony Imperium Osmańskiego idąc na odsiecz i ratując oblężony Wiedeń. Austria wyraziła swoją wdzięczność 100 lat później,. Austria wyraziła swoją wdzięczność w ten sposób, że wspólnie z Prusami i Rosją rozebrali Rzeczpospolitą i na 123 lata Polska przestała istnieć.
Dzisiaj ponownie Europa zagrożona jest przez najazd muzułmańskich imigrantów i nie ma już huzarów, którzy ją obronią.
Other knights at the siege: we can’t be them with guns, what could you possibly have?!
Winged hussars: *L o n g p o i n t y s t i c k*
with the occasional sharp bit for choppy chop
Teraz znów Polska i Wegry walczą o niepodleglisc i wolność Europy w unii europejskiej Polacy to odważny NARÓD jestem POLKĄ kocham Polskę i jestem dumna że jestem Polką
Deus Vult, Bóg Honor Ojczyzna
According to the lie I just made up, one of my ancestors was a Winged Hussar.
Not a movie... this is a pure made Sabaton music video :P What I do know about this battle is that it was the inspiration for alot of the Lord of the Rings stories.... like the horse charges and explosives under the walls.... Tolkien took his stories about Tlotr from alot of places, and this was one of the historical once
not true. the music video contains scenes from the Polish movie ,,Ogniem i mieczem'' /"With Fire and Sword")
@@wiolettajankowska1183 Also the movie "The Day of the Siege: September Eleven 1683"
@@wiolettajankowska1183 Thanks for that :) I learned something new I didn´t know. I do all my comment without looking things up, so it is all from what I hear or have learned previously more or less. Thanks again
@@CoCooMa11 yeah this is fan made Sabaton didn't make movies for their songs that long ago lol
Atakujaca husaria najpiekniejszy widok przed smiercia
łOt lengłydż du ju społke, unkhnown someone xd
The movie is called "Day of the siege" but it's kina meh to be honest
Basically, the battle of Vienna was not such a defeat for the Turks, because after some time they realized that the battle was lost and started to slowly retreat and this extraordinary charge of the Hussars already hit the retreating Turkish troops, although it is true that when the hussars moved into battle, the Austrian and German units stopped the fight to see this extraordinary charge, while on the Turkish side there were not many losses because the Turks withdrew to the Hungarian town of "Parkany" and set up camp there, the Polish hussars started chasing them, initially the situation was very unfavorable for us because our troops, contrary to the king's orders, started an unprepared charge that was not supposed to take place at all, the effect was such that the Turks launched such a violent counterattack that all the Polish soldiers started to run away, leaving the king to his fate, even the king did not care about him, apparently unknown to him named Rajtar protected King Jan III Sobieski, the King couldn't run away so quickly because the horse he was riding was already tired, and the Rajtar behind the king protected the king, fending off Turkish attacks, one version mentions that he even gave him his horse, another version doesn't mention it, we don't know even if this reiter survived this clash, but the fact is that the King survived, the next day the royal riposte was terrible, the entire Turkish army was slaughtered, and the Sultan, who looked back at the battle, cried, the Sultan cried when he saw what 2,000 Polish cavalry could do with his 15 thousand Janissaries, and although this Victory of Vienna is very famous, in terms of losses, the Turks suffered such a real defeat at Parkany
I po co nam to było jak teraz nawet władze wiednia wycofały się z budowy pomnika upamiętniającego to wydarzenie z powodu zamieszek islamistów
A Turcy nas szanują za swoją przegraną.
Other powers you don't know what you are talking about
You don't know what you talking... better you read something before you comment something...I don't believe what you say
Please guys if you going into this be read on it and know what you are talking about nit jus play a song and want like . Horrible sir.