Until now I have known nothing about him in the least, but another YTer touched upon him during his talk about Moor`s Law. It still seems to be very puzzling that Japanese media didn’t cover a lot about his arrest by SID - prosecutor’s office in 2017 and was convicted for fraud use of public fund and corporate tax invasion. I love his presentational skills of referring to quantum computing and super computers.
He argued that research using supercomputers would lead to nuclear fusion reactors, and that increasing the efficiency of solar panels would solve the energy problem forever. He also said that supercomputers would lower the cost of product development, and by automating farming in buildings, the price of food would go down. He was a proponent of 'zero marginal cost', where prices would be close to zero. I think I was banished because that was inconvenient for someone in Japanese industry. His downfall was a great loss for Japan.
wonderland alice He was arrested by traitor. Japanese should help him. We Japanese need not this traitor organization 'TOKUSO'. They hate japan and are known as trouble maker. Their purpose is to drain Japanese mind and to destroy japan's science, technology and politics.
Mmmm I remember WW 1 and 2
10:20 2021年5ナノメートルプロセスは実現したし、2022年3月現在のNVIDIAの最新チップH100は4ナノメートルプロセスで製造されている。同時にNVIDIAは1個のAI性能が最大4ペタフロップスになるH100プロセッサ8個をNVIDIA NVLinkで 1 つに接続するDGX H100を構築し、これはFP8精度で32 ペタフロップスのAI 性能になる。NVIDIAのEosスーパーコンピューターは、総計4608基の DGX H100を搭載する576 台のDGX H100 システムで構成される文句なく世界最速の AI システムだ。
NVIDIA Eos は18.4 エクサフロップスの AI演算性能を持ち、現在世界最速のシステムである日本のスーパーコンピュータ富岳の 4 倍の速さの AI 処理能力を持つ。一般的な科学計算の場合はEos は 275 ペタフロップスの性能を発揮する。NVIDIAチップはこのままいけば2023年には3ナノメートルプロセスで製造される可能性が高いし、既にTSMCは2024~2025年の2ナノメートルプロセスをチップベンダーに提示している。全ては齋藤氏の予測の通りに進んでいる。NVIDIAチップが非常に速く進歩していることによるAI処理の加速化によりシンギュラリティの実現はもはや既定路線と言っていい。また、イギリスのグラフコアは2024年の10エクサフロップスのAI性能を持つ「グッド・コンピュータ」の構築をアナウンスしたがそれは既にNVIDIAによって実現してしまった。それにしても一体、誰がなんのためにこの天才をハメたんだろう。
He is a proud genius of Japan.
At the same time it is the property of the world.
Until now I have known nothing about him in the least, but another YTer touched upon him during his talk about Moor`s Law. It still seems to be very puzzling that Japanese media didn’t cover a lot about his arrest by SID - prosecutor’s office in 2017 and was convicted for fraud use of public fund and corporate tax invasion. I love his presentational skills of referring to quantum computing and super computers.
He argued that research using supercomputers would lead to nuclear fusion reactors, and that increasing the efficiency of solar panels would solve the energy problem forever. He also said that supercomputers would lower the cost of product development, and by automating farming in buildings, the price of food would go down. He was a proponent of 'zero marginal cost', where prices would be close to zero. I think I was banished because that was inconvenient for someone in Japanese industry. His downfall was a great loss for Japan.
Motoaki Saito's new concept
english subs?
English subs please!
Wow, fantastic, when will this roll out?
Motoaki Saito's new concept
He was arrested for grant fraud on 12/5/2017.
wonderland alice He was arrested by traitor. Japanese should help him. We Japanese need not this traitor organization 'TOKUSO'. They hate japan and are known as trouble maker. Their purpose is to drain Japanese mind and to destroy japan's science, technology and politics.
He has been under the arrest and he lives in prison now,HAHAHA