RA500 Q60 Gets an AMS Heat Exchanger TWICE THE SIZE OF OEM

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ThePandasian34
    @ThePandasian34 3 роки тому +5

    In terms of the intake air boxes being dirty, I can tell you straight away that it's not neglect. The reason being is because of the air coming from the front inlets behind the grille is just straight dirty. Before I got my AMS intakes I got new factory paper filters and only 5k miles, they were already getting shades of black.

  • @robertbaker3296
    @robertbaker3296 2 роки тому +2

    I love the info you share as you go along.

    • @maperformance
      @maperformance  2 роки тому

      Glad it was helpful!

    • @jayjohnson-t2y
      @jayjohnson-t2y Рік тому

      how long was the job? just so i know if i go somewhere they dont fk me over and b.s the installation times lol (i know every workshop is different give or take but just a rough estimate on job time?)@@maperformance

  • @blackhorus7139
    @blackhorus7139 7 місяців тому

    Information as you go along with the build is great!

  • @hawkman8835
    @hawkman8835 2 роки тому +4

    As an Infiniti tech I can tell you that just vacuum purging that system is not enough to get all the air out. You have to use consult 3 (or bidirectional scan tool) to cycle the pump duty in order to completely bleed the system. When the ecm detects low load/high duty from the pump (80+% duty) for an extended period of time it will set a code for the pump.

    • @hawkman8835
      @hawkman8835 2 роки тому

      @Yervand Mikayelyan it’s the nissan factory scan tool. If you know someone with a good bi directional scanner you may be able to run the pump with an active test or special function

    • @hawkman8835
      @hawkman8835 2 роки тому

      You still need that tool to do the initial fill on the system but you also need a bidirectional scan tool to purge all the air out.

    • @rsvr-kr2sn
      @rsvr-kr2sn 2 роки тому

      thanks for the info! nobody includes this part at all. if i were to take my q50 to the dealer to fully bleed the system will they do it?

    • @hawkman8835
      @hawkman8835 2 роки тому +1

      @@rsvr-kr2sn yes. When you have the vehicle written up make sure the writer specifies on the ro that you vacuum purged the charge cooler system but need it manually purged via the factory scan tool.

    • @rsvr-kr2sn
      @rsvr-kr2sn 2 роки тому

      @@hawkman8835 great appreciate your help man. would this job cost me? even under warranty?

  • @brentbonham9427
    @brentbonham9427 3 роки тому +1

    I really like this q series. Im looking to buy the new Z in a year or two so this is really valuable information.

    • @maperformance
      @maperformance  3 роки тому +2

      That is kind of our reasoning for the series, to get people excited about this platform and the new 400z! There will be much more on that car to come... 😉

  • @EllisBatishchev
    @EllisBatishchev 3 роки тому +1

    Is this the new race HX that is a larger size?

  • @boxingfan5742
    @boxingfan5742 Рік тому

    Where are you guys located? I might be interested in these upgrades and it looks like you guys do it properly.

  • @bubskrz7647
    @bubskrz7647 2 роки тому

    What is your take on the AAM HX and AAM lower down pipe resonated? Can you do video install about AAM HX and lower down pipe? I believed that is AMS competitor but AAM is cheaper but quality built as well.

  • @daltonsmith5256
    @daltonsmith5256 6 місяців тому

    Oil cooler for the AWD non-sport

  • @metaldetectingthenortheast1294
    @metaldetectingthenortheast1294 3 роки тому

    Is that a white 4c hiding in the background?

  • @hypebeast2063
    @hypebeast2063 2 роки тому +2

    How much hp gain do you get out of a heat exchanger ams

    • @Biglofty
      @Biglofty 2 роки тому

      I'm wondering the same

    • @locationly7355
      @locationly7355 2 роки тому +6

      @@Biglofty there's no HP gain with a heat exchanger, it's made so you can keep your power at a constant level and be able to do back to back pulls and not heat soak

  • @franksevoxfe
    @franksevoxfe 3 роки тому +3

    You guys are about to make the used q60 market boom 🤯 🤣

  • @briankress9997
    @briankress9997 10 місяців тому

    What do you guys think about using that intercooler radiator for a transmission cooler? Do you think that would work?

  • @alovesaandn
    @alovesaandn 3 роки тому

    I like when you share your thoughts

  • @geoking23
    @geoking23 3 роки тому

    Started to look into modding my q60 so let's go bring them videos on!!!

    • @extraterestrial
      @extraterestrial 3 роки тому

      There are plenty of videos on UA-cam to get you excited over it. What did it for me was a video from a few years ago of a q50 in a half mile drag race beating a viper, ferrari, a camaro ss with nitrous and I think a few others. But with just a few mods and a good tune, they're hella fun and a force on the road.
      Join the Q50/Q60 Facebook group if you haven't yet. But yeah, if you like spirited driving and racing, definitely do it.

  • @JS-mz7ly
    @JS-mz7ly 3 роки тому

    Thank you 🙏🏾

  • @ddsdwedqwed362
    @ddsdwedqwed362 Рік тому

    How much time should this take?

  • @mrrogers8158
    @mrrogers8158 3 роки тому

    Yes more q60 videos please

  • @mariobrothersdeliveryllc6873
    @mariobrothersdeliveryllc6873 3 роки тому

    Good stuff👍

  • @samuelaza9959
    @samuelaza9959 2 роки тому

    when you guys use the airlift tool/vacuum did you drain all the coolant out first or can you pull the vacuum with the current coolant still left inside.

    • @SimplesolutionTS
      @SimplesolutionTS 2 роки тому

      heat exchanger for the intake is divorced from the main cooling loop

  • @mike112693
    @mike112693 3 роки тому

    link for q60 parts doesnt work

    • @maperformance
      @maperformance  3 роки тому

      Fixed! Thank you for letting us know.
      For your convenience 😎

  • @lionjklwlf
    @lionjklwlf 2 роки тому

    “Steal your heart away from Honda”? Bro that’s so 2001 😂 Good stuff though

  • @kebomotovibez8511
    @kebomotovibez8511 3 роки тому

    What about the Q50

    • @maperformance
      @maperformance  3 роки тому

      We offer parts for the Q50 as well! There's a lot of similar engine components throughout the 3.0 platform 🤘

    • @extraterestrial
      @extraterestrial 3 роки тому

      Almost all the parts are interchangeable unless it specifically says for q50 or q60, awd or rwd. Exhausts differ between q50 and q60, and driveshafts differ between rwd and awd for example

  • @nickskolsky2560
    @nickskolsky2560 3 роки тому +1

    Is this the new “race “ HE ?!

    • @heemdollas8016
      @heemdollas8016 3 роки тому +1

      I don’t think so bro the race he is nearly triple the size of oem I just purchase it few days hope to have mine in few days

    • @nickskolsky2560
      @nickskolsky2560 3 роки тому +1

      @@heemdollas8016 Where did ya get it from brah ? How much

    • @heemdollas8016
      @heemdollas8016 3 роки тому +1

      @@nickskolsky2560 ams performance bro it was $950 for the race hx but the original one is now $800 I believe on there site

  • @anonamoose1891
    @anonamoose1891 2 роки тому

    More CARB legal parts please

  • @aceblund3134
    @aceblund3134 2 роки тому

    q50 parts!!!!!

    • @maperformance
      @maperformance  2 роки тому

      Many of the parts are interchangeable as long as it has the 3.0t! What are you looking for?

  • @VanekLarson
    @VanekLarson 3 роки тому +1

    Getting famous off of comments day 280, so I can live the dream, live every day like it’s your last🚀🚀

  • @odl3053
    @odl3053 3 роки тому +1

    Talk too much

  • @Fingamyaz
    @Fingamyaz 3 роки тому

    Belts. Turbo. Bye bye

    • @David-um4dy
      @David-um4dy 3 роки тому


    • @Fingamyaz
      @Fingamyaz 3 роки тому

      @@David-um4dy those are known issues for q50 amd q60

    • @David-um4dy
      @David-um4dy 3 роки тому

      @@Fingamyaz I gotta do my research, I've heard that the belts were an issue but not the turbos. Thinking of getting the ams hx and the intakes as well

    • @Hitch_49
      @Hitch_49 3 роки тому

      My belt snapped out 2 weeks after buying my q50

    • @jayjohnson-t2y
      @jayjohnson-t2y Рік тому

      parts to stock up on, belts, turbos, breaks. in most cases everythjing else is fine up to 600hp..b4 need start changing it to stronger components @@Hitch_49