Bought with a Price Part 1

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Filmed 11/1/2010


  • @vlachorumsapiens5571
    @vlachorumsapiens5571 5 років тому +8

    May God Almighty rest this man's soul and Jesus Christ our Lord gift him the crown of glory!

  • @Skinski7
    @Skinski7 5 років тому +12

    Good to see these back up. They really helped me back in the day.
    Thank you.

  • @D2Trust
    @D2Trust 5 років тому +12

    Thanks so much for more videos. I think I have watched around 3/4th's of Mikes videos on this channel and willing to watch them again . I will continue to pray for Mike's family and hope they were and are still comforted by The Lord. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4). I'm sure his videos have made a huge difference in many lives and especially mine. I love his lessons so much and he is one of very few I've found that shares the truth from the bible but Mike is by far the best and has great knowledge I'd say he is greater then Nicodemus remember when Jesus said Nicodemus was a great teacher but didn't know about being born again? Thanks again love your channel and thanks so much for keeping Mike's lessons alive!!

  • @20july1944
    @20july1944 5 років тому +8

    Godspeed, Mike Desario!

  • @jeffbanker4689
    @jeffbanker4689 4 роки тому +4


  • @repentjersey9971
    @repentjersey9971 5 років тому +5

    Thank you!!!

  • @kalmandittrich3846
    @kalmandittrich3846 3 роки тому +3

    Does anyone know Brother Dan?
    I would like to connect with him

  • @kenfroehlich444
    @kenfroehlich444 Рік тому +1

    Need to understand Leviticus 25 in order to deepen your understanding of Corinthians 55For unto me the children of Israel are servants; they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

  • @jeffreybanker6234
    @jeffreybanker6234 2 роки тому +2

    🔗❤️🔗 OKAY.

  • @Rabbitburnx
    @Rabbitburnx 5 років тому +2

    Thank you

  • @Ashqelon01
    @Ashqelon01 10 місяців тому

    For ever thankful YHVHs word Mike properly teaches.
    Means Ecactly what it says as taught. Few have ever spoke Straight like this. The Holy Spirit gives witness. I ignor all pther takes on views of mikes sound teaching that are mockery and slurs.

  • @bradbrown2168
    @bradbrown2168 Рік тому

    Atonement is not a blood sacrifice as we’re the pagans. YHWH Levitical sin sacrifices was about cleansing. Make the ordinary and profane clean to be able to be in Sacred space.
    Not about retribution. So my gentle push back is the need to get the concept of Atonement right.
    Jesus is our mercy seat not propitiation.
    We are cleansed by his sacrifice as we’re a high priest was cleansed to be on God’s presence.

    • @soundlycreative
      @soundlycreative Рік тому

      Brad, the point being made (as I understand), is that it’s not a magic covering for us to keep sinning. That we must actually follow the words of Christ, pick up are cross, deny ourselves and follow him.
      Now, u mention not a literal blood sacrifice… that sorta flys in the face of Christ’s works “drink my blood that was shed for you…” paraphrased… Christ’s blood is on the mercy seat! Not figurative, but literal as God’s word is true (see Ron Watt’s discovery of the Ark of the covenant). May God richly bless all those who search His word and Seek Him with deeds of righteousness 🙏🏼

    • @bradbrown2168
      @bradbrown2168 Рік тому

      @@soundlycreative mercy seat where the blood was sprinkled for a cleansing. So humans can Bevin sacred space.
      Blood sacrifice I mean, an appeasing act for a deity.
      Ron Wyatt was a fraud. There is no corroboration of his idea that blood seeped through rock and landed on the actual ark of covenant. It a fiction.

    • @soundlycreative
      @soundlycreative Рік тому

      @@bradbrown2168 can u post a me a link that shows Ron was a fraud? Because his work on Noah’s ark and on the Res Sea crossing have been substantiated I think. I can send u a link of a different team who recorded the wrecked chariots on the Red Sea floor.

  • @veritablerefined5856
    @veritablerefined5856 5 років тому

    Did Mike Desario teach that people who die in their sins, literally burn in flaming hellfire for all eternity?

    • @servantofourlordjesuschris6456
      @servantofourlordjesuschris6456 3 роки тому

      Do you believe that the seed off God still sins? Answer yes or no?

    • @sunchadesario8686
      @sunchadesario8686 2 роки тому +1

      @ veritable Refined
      Matthew 25:41 Then he will also say to those on the left hand, depart from me you cursed, Into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
      2 Thessalonians 2:8
      Inflaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      Revelation 19:20
      Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet Who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.
      Revelation 20:10
      The devil who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophets are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
      And please read the Mark 9:43-48.
      Study for your self and see that what is Lord is saying you with honest heart, He will Lead you to all truths.

    • @veritablerefined5856
      @veritablerefined5856 2 роки тому

      @@sunchadesario8686 I remember reading his website saying that literal hell fire is a folklore.

    • @sunchadesario8686
      @sunchadesario8686 2 роки тому +1

      All I know that Mike believed all the verses that I just wrote to you and more scriptures in the Bible.

    • @veritablerefined5856
      @veritablerefined5856 2 роки тому

      @@sunchadesario8686 on his website standing the gap. If you click on debunking false doctrines and click on "Revelation 20 explained". Mike desario explains that hell is just conscious(mental) burning. In the second to last paragraph.
      These remain in spiritual darkness forever wondering in the abyss of outer darkness, being separated from God for eternity. The lake of fire/hell is an eternal anguishing conscience where the worm never dies, the conscience burns forever having never been redeemed form sin, (not a literal fire, as Dante's inferno, but an anguish of separation from God and anything decent or holy)

  • @christianfollowerofchrist9513
    @christianfollowerofchrist9513 5 років тому +1

    Did not Christ die for the sins of the World?

    • @yestothetruth
      @yestothetruth 5 років тому +3

      Yes, He did. But we may differ on what that means. What that means, if you learn from the Bible, is that Jesus died so sinners could be set free from bondage to sin when they repent and believe in Jesus (obey Him/do what He says - Luke 6:46). They become his followers like your username says. They don't follow the ways of sin anymore. So, they are people who become righteous before God because their past sins are forgiven and they stay that way because they do righteousness going forward; they no longer sin presumptuously (read 1 John 3:6-9), they are no longer slaves to sin, they have been set free from sin (read John 8:31-36; Romans 6:12-18). In other words, they are not still sinners but righteous people who are careful to keep on walking on the narrow/difficult way to eternal life (Matthew 7:13-14; 1 Peter 4:18). That's the salvation that the grace of God brings (read Titus 2:11-14).

    • @christianfollowerofchrist9513
      @christianfollowerofchrist9513 5 років тому

      @@yestothetruth you never listed the plan of salvation. You jump around taking some scripture out of context. It's really simple the plan of salvation. Hear, believe, confess Christ Jesus is Lord, repent and be baptized in the name of Christ Jesus for the remission of sins. These guys on this channel deny baptism in water as a part of salvation but rather replace it with the Baptism of Repentance which is of John the Baptist who DID NOT DIE FOR THEM. They don't understand being born of the Spirit is obeying the Spirit. The Spirit spoke through Peter on the day of pentecost and all who obeyed the Spirit speaking through Peter was born again of the Spirit. That skinski7 guy is real devil, twisting Romans 6:3-6 to fit his doctrine of " stop sinning completely in order for God to save you". My question is those on the day of pentecost, did they stop all their wicked ways on that day? We know after they believe and change of mind (repent) they were baptized into Christ the same day. Also the Roman prison guard, Lydia in Acts 16 as well, the Corinthians in Acts 18, Samaria Acts 8 along with Simon the sorcer, strangers of Rome Acts 2:10 all became Christians in one day. Simon the sorcerer sin after his conversion folks that's why we have 1john 1:9 and 1john 2:1-2. 1john 1:6-8 we must walk in the truth which is the Word. Walking according to the Word will keep me from walking in sin.

    • @paulcollopy4043
      @paulcollopy4043 5 років тому +1

      Actually the plan of salvation begins in Romans chapter 2.

    • @christianfollowerofchrist9513
      @christianfollowerofchrist9513 5 років тому

      @@paulcollopy4043 that's a lie!!!! So are you saying NO ONE was saved before 57ad, because that's when the letter to the Roman's was written. Read Acts chp2 and pay close attention to Acts 2:10, then reason within yourself that the strangers from Rome obeyed Acts 2:38-47. Paul never preach the Gospel to the romans just read Romans 1:1-15, it was Peter. You have no clue what you're talking about.

    • @paulcollopy4043
      @paulcollopy4043 5 років тому +2

      @@christianfollowerofchrist9513 I was only commenting on your perspective on Romans 6. So slow down! Romans chapter 2, call's for the cessation of sin.