The way you guys are approaching this by not only learning, but also putting out information for your fans and followers is the way everyone should handle stuff like this. Much love and respect. 💪
The issue is they're getting information from a white dude at some University. White people being offended on behalf of a minority is literally 2022 Twitter in a nutshell. Very few actual Inuit have an issue with the term Eskimo. How do I know? I live in the North of Canada with them. I've lived here for 20 years. We literally have lakes called Eskimo Lakes. No one is trying to change the name.
Why are you encouraging them in this ridiculous endeavour? NO ONE is offended by the word eskimo. It's not a slur. It's a bunch of woke shit. I absoultely HATE that wokeness is taking over my favorite music, too. F*ck this leftist insanity.
@@clothbooster and yet here you are being sensitive about the name change guess what dont like it stop listening to the band no one will care if you go a true fan stays for the music i could care less about the name.
I’m half-Inuk myself and living in Nunavut and honestly my feelings on the word Eskimo can be kind of complicated sometimes. I used to kinda hate it, when I lived further south, felt like the stereotypes about it were all that the people around me knew. Now I’m usually more laid back about it, doesn’t feel quite as important. But for some people I know the word Eskimo is tied up in forced relocation, residential schools, Eskimo disc numbers (numbered dog tags used instead of names by the gov’t), and more. That being said I also know people who wouldn’t really care. I don’t know, myself. But I do think it’s important to know the history, and I’m glad you’re making an effort to learn.
@@pasi123567 Nunavut is in Canada, so correcting me with what Wikipedia says about Alaska hardly makes sense. But, yes, in my experience people do tend to be more upset about the term Eskimo in Canada. Part of it is probably that the eastern arctic is mostly Inuit. There are definitely Alaska natives who don’t want to be called Inuit, because they’re not Inuit. They might be Yupik or Aleut or Inupiat (Inupiat are sometimes called Alaskan Inuit, but some don’t really self-describe as such). Many people in Alaska definitely resent Inuit being used as an umbrella term because it’s not accurate for them. But that doesn’t mean it’s universally accepted in Alaska or universally rejected in Canada. There are people in Alaska who resent being called Eskimo, and would rather just be called Yupik or Aleut or Inupiat, and people in Nunavut who don’t really care if they’re called Eskimo. It’s a little complicated, reality usually is.
I can only speak for myself as an indigenous person but I really appreciate what you guys are doing not only acknowledging there's an issue but trying to educate your audience.
After being known as Eskimo Callboy for so long, a re-brand is a very challenging position to be in. You've a huge loyal fan base and whatever you decide, you'll still be phenomenal 🤩
You know for being such a goofy band that you are, you take this topic and your music very seriously. Quite a lot of us would possibly just change the name or ignore the topic, but you took your time to understand the whys and hows. I am truly impressed with your journey and how open you are about this.
I only learned about your band a week ago from a coworker who showed me Tekkno Train. As if that stellar video and music wasn't enough to love this band, your introspective about your name change and taking the time to learn about the 'why' just elevates you so much more. Thank you for sharing the journey. I'm only sorry that I am so late to this bangin' party. Viele Danke.
Also ganz ehrlich.. Es ist unglaublich, wieviel Gedanken und Überlegungen ihr euch, zwecks einer Namensänderung macht. Dafür habt ihr richtig Fetten Respekt verdient. Ich habe, bis vor diesem Video, die Aufregung nicht Verstanden, weil einfach keine Böse Absicht von euch, hinter dem Namen, stand und steht. Dieses Video hat mir doch die Augen geöffnet, was der Name für die Inuit bedeutet. Man macht sich halt nicht wirklich Gedanken über Sowas. Aber egal wie eure Entscheidung ausfallen wird, ihr und eure Musik bleibt ja dieselbe. Und Fans werdet ihr durch eine Namensänderung bestimmt nicht verlieren. Also bleibt so wie ihr seid, denn so liebe eure Fans euch. LG aus Hessen.
Besser spät als nie, aber wieso erst jetzt? Die wussten doch von der Problematik seit Jahren und plötzlich wenn der ESC bevorsteht und man dort nicht mit dem Namen auftreten darf, ist der richtige Moment gekommen? Obwohl der bessere Moment doch gewesen war als Sushi die Band verlassen hat. Aber trotzdem, besser spät als nie.
Das sie dann keine Fans verlieren wage ich mal maximal zu bezweifeln. Und in der heutigen Zeit würde es mich nicht wundern wenn sie dazu noch Hater, oder wie der Sport auch immer in Neudeutsch heißt, dazu gewinnen. Metal und Woke geht zum Glück mal überhaupt nicht zusammen. Und das werden unsere "Wir wollen es allen recht machen, und werden kläglich scheitern" Freunde auch noch ganz schnell merken.
In alten Videos haben die erzählt dass die schon seitenweise Briefe bekommen haben darüber dass das Wort nicht angemessen ist. Nur damals haben die offen rausgesagt dass denen das scheißegal ist
@@gegendenklimagemachtenmenschenMinderheiten nicht mehr diskriminieren = "allen recht machen". Mach den Kopp zu und schau einfach mal ein bisschen über deinen eigenen Tellerrand. Ich weiß, sich mit Ronny in der Stammkneipe treffen und "Ausländerz sind doof" in den Tisch ritzen ist leichter; aber versuch es einfach mal. LG, ein woker Metalhead.
I just got introduced to your music a few days ago. Such fun music, guys. And the fact that you're rethinking your name in this way speaks volumes to your integrity. Props to you for keeping open minds. This is incredibly inspiring.
I gotta say, it's an odd position to be in. You guys are so wholesome and it's clear that there's no ill will in pretty much anything you all do. The term has baggage behind it and I think it's a testament to how chill you all are that you brought the attention to it yourselves and are going out of your way to learn about it. Whatever ya'll end up deciding to do, will definitely still be listening.
Love how consistently NICE you guys are; you get that everything has it’s time and place, and if somebody’s feelings are getting hurt you’ll hit pause and rethink. Nothing from Hypa on-out has been about “shock” factor, just great tunes and hilarious antics. I don’t care what you call yourselves, it isn’t like you’re Eminem saying your band name every other lyric… it’s all good. 💜
this just popped up on my news feed! I am so proud of these guys for being brave and doing this, It just feels right that they are electric Callboy now it was a smart move and it marks the shift in the group when Nico joined and they should be really proud x
This is one of reasons why I respect you guys. You are mature people, who aren't afraid of learning and changing things. Love your music, keep going! ❤️💪
I am very impressed with how transparent you folks are being. It is testament to how open minded and just plain good people to be doing something like this. You are not only responding to critique, but actually acting on it in the best way possible. You are making a very tenuous and complicated situation in a learning opportunity for some many people. I think the world is a better place with people like you and things would go much better if more people acted in the way you are right now. Thank you.
Really good to see you guys getting all the info and sharing it with us ☺️ Just from a continuity perspective, I like the idea of Electric Callboy or something like that so that the band initials stay as EC
I admire how you guys are approaching this. You're willing to learn, to listen, and grow. Even if you decide to just go by Callboy, I think the fans will still listen.
It's so amazing that you guys approaching this from such an open-minded and mature place. It's really amazing to be included in this process. Also the fact that you guys are doing this all with pictures of you guys on a toilet in the background is HYSTERICAL!!!!
Rename it "eXimo Callboy", case closed ! nah but to be honestly, this is how I would want more people engage with difficult topics hittng them out of the blue.
The least serious band, handling racial issues like adults, asking to authorised voices about factual sources? What a rare sight nowadays! This is amazing guys.
The name of the band won't affect the quality of the music. Do what feels right for you guys. If people want to get cross either at changing, or not changing, that's their choice and you can't worry about them. Kisses back guys.
I'm Canadian,and I gotta say, I dont think I've ever heard anyone say "Eskimo" as a bad thing, or anyone say it was a bad label to use. Odd that I've not heard this discussion. BUT if the groups of people that that word describes don't like the word, we have an obligation to listen, because everyone should feel included. People should be called what THEY want to be called. I only recently came across you guys and can understand how hard of a decision this would be, but I love how open minded you guys are being about this whole thing. I was already becoming a fan, this discussion is making me moreso.
Big powers love to do labels for people they enslave, even my country and several neighbors got one despite being common europens, russia calls us pribaltyka for some reason, to dehumanify us, at least 3 countries. the Innuit and similar cultures has much worse
I'm also Canadian and it took me far too long to learn anything about residential schools, and all the fucked up things Canada did to native people all over our country. It's not something they put in the school curriculum for some reason.
@@Scotty_Shines whitewashing history to make people feel more comfortable is a very real problem with western countries, especially when those countries have imperialistic, genocidal, and enslavement prominent in their history, but it's an uncomfortable conversation, so it's easier (but absolutely wrong) to just brush that stuff aside or change details about historic events and people. Source: I'm an American who didn't learn about 95% of the messed up stuff we as a country have done to other nations and the indigenous people living in North America before Europeans arrived.
@@mechadrake Everyone labels people, that's human brain.. we put everything in groups and categories. Stop pushing woke academia narratives. You should start with learning why instead of "some reason" lol. It's a soviet era and russian empire term for countries "by the Baltic Sea". There was even a german word for that area before that that means exactly the same thing. Are people by the Baltic Sea not humans according to you? Sound more like the other way around, it was used to acknowledge the difference
The issues is; is woke academia speaking for the people or for itself? Removing "Eskimo" doesn't have one sided support by the people within the group. And as you mention, the word is not really used to offend unlike what woke academia tells us. And a lot of americans have gone insane with this stuff, trying to speak for the whole west and all white people. Those people can't even name 3-5 countries in Europe xD
Keine großen Worte nötig... Ihr habt ein Problem erkannt, ihr habt euch informiert und werdet nun eine Entscheidung fällen. Sehr stark und auch ein großes Zeichen für jeden einzelnen der dieses Video sehen wird. Genau so regeln Erwachsene Menschen Probleme. Danke und macht weiter so! 🤘
Ja aber sie lügen auch nicht wie der nette Herr in dem Video-Call. Die Inuit nennen sich zwar nicht Eskimo aber andere arktische indigene Völker haben damit kein Problem. Eskimo“ ist eine ursprünglich von Cree- und Algonkin-Indianern verwendete Sammelbezeichnung für die mit ihnen nicht verwandten Völker im nördlichen Polargebiet. So man stelle sich jetzt mal historisch vor wie das ganze zusammenpasst. Weiße Europäer kommen auf einem Land an auf welchem Menschen leben, die nicht die gleiche Sprache wie sie sprechen. Sie lernen die Sprache langsam, historisch ist nicht belegt welche arktische Bevölkerungsgruppe man zuerst vorfand und nun stelle man sich mal vor, dass es nicht die Inuit waren (welche als einzige große Gruppe ein Problem damit haben). Und die tatsächliche Fremdbezeichnung von den Cree und Algonkin stammt, welche man zuerst traf. So klingt das historisch gesehen nicht ein bisschen logischer als "man will sie zu Kindern machen", "Es war ein Mittel ihrer Macht" und welch bescheuerte Aussagen der Kerl noch getroffen hat, der keine Ahnung zu haben scheint wie SPRACHE funktioniert.
Es gibt kein Problem. Noch vor 5 Jahren würden wir über so belanglosen Mist nicht reden. Der einzige Grund für die überflüssige Diskussion ist eine kleine, laute, linke toxische Woke-Minderheit, die meint bestimmen zu können wie wir zu denken oder reden zu haben. Eskimo Callboy haben meinen Respekt verloren, dass sie sich jetzt auch diesem Cancel Culture Mist unterwerfen
@@gaud92 "Eskimo" bedeutet "Fleischfresser", "Inuit" bedeutet "Menschen". Es gab mal über 500 ursprüngliche Völker, die teilweise auch gegensätzliche Kulturen hatten, sich teilweise gegenseitig bekämpften und/oder verunglimpften - und "Fleischfresser" ist eine Verunglimpfung. Verallgemeinerungen gab es zuhauf, zum Beispiel fassten die Römer mal viele Stämme als "Germanen" zusammen, was in dem Fall zu einer Stärkung führte. Kolonisierung allerdings war allgemein darauf bedacht, die Ureinwohner zu unterdrücken oder umzuerziehen, ob das nun die Aborigin in Australien, Verschleppung und Ausbeutung von Afrikanern oder Vertreibung der so genannten "Indianer" aus unfruchtbaren Gebieten in Nordamerika waren. Es wird immer Leute geben, die glauben, den Ureinwohnern durch die Umerziehung zu helfen aber das Gegenteil ist der Fall bzw. sie glauben überlegen zu sein. Eltern sind ihren Kindern überlegen, deshalb redet der Experte von "man will sie zu Kindern machen" und von "Mittel der Macht". Sprachen sind nicht immer leicht zu lernen, angeblich stammt die Bezeichnung "Känguru" davon dass die Ureinwohner von Australiern den angekommenen Europäern entgegneten "Ich kann dich nicht verstehen" als sie nach dem Namen der hüpfenden Tiere gefragt wurden. Stell dir vor, dein Volk lebt schon seit Jahrtausenden auf einem bestimmten Gebiet mit eigener Sprache und Namen und dann kommt plötzlich ein anderes Volk, spielt sich als Herrscher auf, nennt dein Volk anders und will deine Gebräuche ausrotten um sie durch andere zu ersetzen, wie würdest du das finden?
I’m blown away that you guys actually went an educated yourselves on this topic. Aside from the details of it, this is a class in how educate one’s self in a world full of misinformation; talk to the experts. Thank you for that message.
How mind blowing..... standing ovation for the ones who got socially pressured into changing who they are for other people being butt hurt over something retarded. Shows real character and strength....... smfh
What happens when experts disagree? Right now it seems to be a world of only highlighting the "approved" experts and suppressing the others who also have very valid credentials, data and points to discuss as well. Unfortunately because of this, "misinformation" has just become a word to attack dissent.
@@HasPotatoAim When a band reaches a certain level of recognition, I'd say the band's name is a huge part of who a band is. This only continues to be true as the band gets bigger. If you change it when you're not well known it probably won't effect much, and if you change it when you are mega huge, people will probably be confused but follow along well enough because you have tons of PR exposure to help, but when you are up and coming and have a decent size following and looking to grow, a name change could potentially be devastating.
@@TheMicado16 don't call other people butthurt when you yourself feel so attacked by it you have to attack others in the comments about it. reflect on yourself please before posting.
@@grenademaster8981 i mean, yeah, we could just trust every man on the street with information. That's how you stop all progress. define "valid credentials, data and points". most people who claim they're only attacked due to their dissent don't have any definition for that. i was listening to a lot of so-called experts when they wanted to claim they know more than the "approved" experts, but most of them were self-referential or with miniscule data. There were some valid ones as well, but they were very rare. Maybe 5% or something like that. and in the last 2 years, it's only gotten worse, because even more people claim to have any idea about subjects they only grasped the surface of and now think of themselves as experts. because "i know my body" "i know my children" etc just aren't valid points. But your other point about the name change is correct, but if they make a large enough fuss about changing their name (as they are doing right now) i'm pretty sure they don't have to worry about losing their following. Ofc, only time will tell
It's really nice to see people reflect on things they've done that could be problematic and then seek out information on the topic and learn and try to become better, more caring people. It's a difficult thing to do, and I commend your journey of education! 💚
I think it's really impressive that you're learning about this topic, taking it seriously and sharing it with us. Good luck with whatever decision you will make in the end. No matter what, I'll keep listening to your music. 💪
I'm from Quebec and i work in the mining industry. Many mines are in the great north and we work with local Inuit communities. I understand that it's very abstract for you people in Germany, but whenever I'm over there, I can see for myself the kind of racism that is lobbed at these people. It's hard to imagine if you've never been here and if you've never met one of them before, but racism is alive and well in Canada. (and then there is the question of whether the mining industry is inherently imperialist, but that's a whole nother kettle of fish.) I really appreciate the work that you guys are putting in regarding this question and hopefully will be able to change your band name.
Ich glaube ich habe wirklich noch nie ein Kommentar unter Videos da gelassen, aber hier brennt es unter den Fingern. Es ist wirklich krass wie professionell Ihr euch hier Gedanken um dieses Thema macht. Ich habe vor eurer Diskussion zwar um das Problem mit dem Wort gewusst, aber es war wirklich interessant dieses Video zu sehen. Egal wie ihr euch entscheidet, die Musik bleibt auch ohne dem Name einzigartig. Großartige Arbeit!
You guys should legit just do a whole EP or album of workout songs at this point, I’d have that shit on repeat every time I’m at the gym and I’m sure others would too 💪🏼
Showing respect for people who have been degraded, insulted, and harmed is always the correct decision in my opinion. I am so glad to see you are taking the topic seriously and at the same time exposing your fans to a discussion about it. It must be a scary thing to consider rebranding at a time when you are gaining popularity and notice. I hope you know we are listening to your music not because of the name, but because of the catchy hooks, the jokes, and the absolutely brutal breakdowns.
I love the way you guys are approaching this with open minds and open hearts. This truly shows the band's character and how awesome you guys are. No matter what happens I will always be a fan for life, name change or no name change.
The fact that a band... sorry, HUMANS... the fact that people can have empathy for others around themselves, however close or distant, and to really consider that instead of just taking offense and telling people "It's just a joke" or "it doesn't have any meaning, calm down," but to actually say, "No, if we're being honest no just with you, but with ourselves, this is a genuine issue. And we're willing to look at it, discuss it, and change/grow from it." That's... that's beyond inspiring at this point in time. As a US American, I'm so damn envious of that kind of humanity. I love that your music makes people feel good, I love that you guys just want to make people happy and have fun and just get into the vibe you put out there. This video has made me even more endeared to you all. Hope everyone is doing well (you too, UA-cam commenters)!
This is awesome!! So very proud with how serious you guys are taking this. I do think with the information provided it would be a good idea for a name change. Even if you guys just changed it to Callboy! Much love and respect from a fan in America who purchased tickets and can't wait to see you.
I've got nothing but absolute respect for you guys. Whatever name you chose, should you rebrand, I'll certainly keep following you. I'm sorry I won't be able to see you in Turin, but maybe soon, somewhere else. Cheers from Italy!
This gentleman was a really great guest to have. He was very clear, cohesive, and informative for all of us. As a long time fan, I knew this name change would come eventually. Proud of your growth and for sharing this with your fans. :)
Except most Eskimos dont have a problem with the word Eskimo... only white liberal intellectuals (like this guy), who want to save all those poor minorities from the bad white man, have. Btw... stop calling us Germans. Cause the word was invented by the Romans who tried to conquer our land. They used it to brush all tribes living west of the rhine river together. You know, all those savages who weren as technologically and socially advanced as they were!
I have nothing but love for you all. I look forward to the future of your music, regardless of the band's name. What you're doing to further the education of yourselves and your fans is tremendously encouraging, and as many below have said, it warrants true respect.
*ESC!NO CALLBOY* Ein Vorschlag, um zwei Herausforderungen der jüngeren Vergangenheit in einem Abwasch zu bewältigen und den Klang, sowohl bei der Musik als auch beim Namen, beizubehalten.
You are truly amazing for acknowledging the name and then not only taking the appropriate steps but making your fans aware of the appropriateness and education of why certain terms should not be used. When I first heard this I thought it couldn't be real but great approach and handling of the entire situation. We cannot wait to see you down under!
Your level of self reflection is very high, while at the same time showing a huge vulnerability. My sincere compliments for that! Just do whatever you think is right. And whatever the decision will be, and whatever the old/new band name will be, I will keep following you guys, and appreciate not only the insane music and humor, but also your human approach. Greetings from The Netherlands
This is how the civilized world is supposed to work. You don't blindly jump one way or the other, you collect the facts and you come to an educated decision that you feel puts forward the best of who you are. This is how you should judge the character or a person or persons
You are definitely two of the best boiz on the internet, loved your music and it served as an inspiration for me to visit Berlin recently (although the clubs were closed), and pick up learning german again. p.s. I would totally request one of your songs from the dj there. Herzliche Grüße aus Griechenland
I am so glad that you took the opportunity to learn the history and why we need to be kind to everyone around us in this world. I’ve known a few and have studied a bit about their culture. It is fascinating yet I felt that they deserve respect.thank you for sharing the conversation! Even our signed names for them has changed so much that I am still learning. (American Sign Language)
I'd only discovered you guys in the past couple of weeks and the music already impressed me. To see that you're also considering the history and impact of your band name earns a lot of respect from me ♥️ Rock on!
All I can say is, do whats best for you two and the band as a whole. Whatever feels right to you all. Your true fans wont be going anywhere! We love yall! Love from Michigan
Well done again guys. This is exactly the right way to do it. Your band is growing massively in the last 2 years so as much as the name is important to any band, you don't want it to hurt you in the long run by not being inclusive and thinking about how it affects others. We are all of us your fans because of the music and the humour, but videos like this show us the people behind the band... the real you. So glad I discovered you guys last year as it was a pretty tough year spent in and out of hospital (I won't go into details as this is not about me) and late last year I was somehow randomly recommended the We got the moves video, and was hooked from there and I can honestly say as someone who was struggling to get back into listening to music due to my health issues, you were the first guys I just kept playing over and over again, and it inspired me to start listening to all my music again. So thank you for that too.
You guys are an inspiration, and are modelling a truly mature and educated approach to looking at all aspects of the issue. I'm sure we can all understand how complex it is to consider rebranding what is essentially a business that relies on brand recognition to continue to prosper. The whole conversation is generating further conversations and attention, so I believe that should a name change occur, you will only grow stronger! Rock on boys.
Thank you guys for getting educated on this topic and educating your followers! I sincerely appreciate this as an Alaskan Inuk (one of the races generalized as Esk!mo)
Good lord I love you guys for, not only giving a damn, but also for consistently giving such fun and sometimes deep music. I’m so damn proud of you guys for how far you’ve come and it makes me happy to see y’all continuing to make music for your fans.
Gents, never one to comment but love the music; no matter what keep it going you are appreciated more than you know. Take the time to reach out to Canadian Inuit groups please if you can as this is where the term originated and I wasn't sure the lean/message from your interviewee was accurate. The etymology of “Eskimo” According to Inuk author and translator Mini Aodla Freeman, the term “Eskimo” came from another Indigenous language in Canada: Cree. In Cree, the word is “escheemau” which roughly means “eaters of raw meat.” Freeman explains the word developed after the Cree first encountered Inuit and found them eating raw meat-a way of life the Inuit proudly continue on until this day. [1] Another theory is that the word has an Innu-aimun origin, a language spoken by the Labrador and Northern Quebec-based Innu. This word is “awassimew/ayassimew” which means, roughly, “one who laces snowshoes.” Originally it may have been used by the Innu to describe the Mi’kmaq and later transferred to the Inuit. Over time, this word too developed into “eater of raw meat” as in Ojibwa (similar to Cree), the prefix “ashk” can mean raw or fresh. The French later translated the word to “esquimaux” which made its way into English use Why “Eskimo” is pejorative Using “Eskimo” today is considered pejorative or derogatory simply because “eater of raw meat” is not how Inuit choose to refer to themselves, and they never did. The word is an exonym-a name given to a group by another group-and its continued use can perpetuate harmful stereotypes. [3] As Mini Aodla Freeman has written: “To me the word ‘Eskimo’ does not mean anything. […] Inuit differentiated themselves from the animals of nature, not other races.” [4] The name “Inuit,” however, comes directly from the Inuktitut language and is the preferred term of the Inuit. In 1977, a group of Inuit delegates from across the circumpolar region met in Alaska for the first Inuit Circumpolar Conference. There, they discussed Inuit rights and self-determination. The ICC proceeded to adopt the term “Inuit” to designate all Inuit within the circumpolar region, thereby rejecting the use of “Eskimo.” This is stated in the ICC charter, signed in 1980. [5] To continue to refer to Inuit as “Eskimo” can be viewed as disrespectful toward Inuit self-determination.
Very good point. But i would like to emphasize that exonyms aren't necessarily bad. A simple example would be the name of Deutschland in French & English. It is part of our own culture, heritage and language to call what is foreign to us. While i agree with the anti-colonialist view and acknowledge the pejorative use within Canada of the word, it's root isn't the "raw meat eater". According to José Mailhot, the root comes from proto-alguoquian and means "speaking the language of a foreign land". Furthermore the word doesn't carry any negative other language like French. In my opinion, the band is right to research it and make an informed decision, not associated with a pejorative word, but acknowledging that the crusade against this word could be wrong and keeping the name would be also fine.
E-Callboy I don't know when or where to suggest it, if at all, but I'll make it short; the first time I've heard you'll change your band name, this was the first idea that came to my mind. It cyphers the original word and gives it a new atmosphere, and at the same time I think it still leaves room for you guys and the old fans to recognize it. Just an idea. Cheers from Hungary!
How about "Ewok Callboy"? It doesn't change it to much still very recongicable, it's unique, it's a fun band name, and it is easier to say than "E-callboy" (which to be frank I think will just be pronounced by many as "eskimo callboy" unfortunately).
@@puglosipher1666 I was just thinking of it as a letter, which is usually used for digital services (e-mail, e-book), since the band is quite modern and energetic
Große Liebe für euch, dass ihr euch so öffentlichen darum kümmert und die Welt auf diese Reise mitnehmt, ihr macht nicht nur gute Musik, seid super sympatisch und jetzt auch noch sowas 🥰🥰🥰 keep on keeping on ❤️
The only weird thing about this is that it is a white professor telling white people about this and there is no actual Inuit taking part in this discussion! Lol
Kudos to y'all for doing proper research! it's great to see you are taking criticism seriously, not getting defensive, not people-pleasing without forming an own opinion first either. And handing out transparent actual information so more people understand why this is important! i don't even know your music yet - i knew the old band name, recently heard the new band name, wanted to know if it's the same band, and now i'll definitely give your music a listen!
Sehr informatives Video! Frank hat sehr gut Fakten geliefert, die das ganze viel besser aufklären! Ich bin gespannt auf eure Entscheidungen in den nächsten Wochen und natürlich auf neue Mucke...
Respekt, einfach Respekt! Da sollten sich andere eine Scheibe abschneiden... Wahnsinn, dass ihr euch damit auseinandersetzt und euch international hier austauscht um möglichst viel über euren damals gewählten Bandnamen zu erfahren und zu hinterfragen. Mega!
I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada, where the name of our football 🏈 team was called the Edmonton Eskimos. It is only recently that the name changed due to its connotations. So, even here in Canada where we have a huge population of First Nations, we are still learning the meaning of that word. I applaud you for becoming informed and learning about this, it is great. I wish other Canadians would do the same as you.
I love this so much. I'm proud of you guys for taking the right path. So many people try to bury their mistakes and never take complete accountability for them. This is very refreshing to see. Much love to you guys! Edit to add: my fiance and I have been calling you guys Escreama Cowboy for a few years now-I think that would be such a good name lol
My first reaction to your bands name was "wtf really?" My first reaction to your music was "wtf this is awesome!" Changing your name will have no impact on me, and I think it might introduce more people who might be put off from it. Whatever you do, please know that I will be eagerly looking forward to your bands future endeavors.
My respect for you all as a band has just shot up immensely. Such mature and wonderful reflection and discourse about your band that you are undertaking here. This is not cancel culture, this is learning culture, and learning is METAL!!! 💪
For me, "esquimau" (in french) is natives form Far North. It was never a racist or power over people name. So, it was never a problem form my point of view. But I get it. If natives tell you to change, do it, but if they don't care, because you obviously do not try to harm them in any way, don't change. At least, if you change stay with an "EC" name. I see so much "fights" about diverse subjects ruined because of outsiders of that specific community. Ask directly to the "eskimo" communities, they will tell you.
There are a lot of people starting arguments over "political" issues that are not even actually part of the communities they're "defending." The notion might seem kind, but if the "affected" community is not affected at all and doesn't care, then leave it alone. Tired of people assuming that "minorities feel this way or that" about something without actually giving said minorities a voice.
i'm pretty sure "they asked to be called differently" is a good indicator that they might disagree with the old terminology ofc, not everyone will be affected by it, same as not every black person is affected by the n-word, but some are.
Yeah. If they can find one actual indigenous person who doesn’t like their name and thinks they should change then they should. But if they can’t, then why bother
@@Logovanni I get where you're coming from BUT if only one or a handful of those people don't like the name and the rest doesn't care, honestly I personally don't think you'd have to change it. You could but there will always be snowflakes in every ethnicity so I guess don't have to listen to those, if you know what I mean.
Whatever you guys choose, the music is the language! My 2 year old son wants to start and end his day with hypa hypa. Big smile on his face and dancing through the whole chamber! So the music is the language everyone understand
I have been very impressed that y'all are sharing your struggle in this position, and seeking more knowledge, and then sharing some of your newfound knowledge too. You have a fantastic attitude and approach that speaks volumes about who you all are as real people and not just the public persona. Thanks for giving everyone a glimpse into this challenging process. Wishing you all the best as you continue growing, and I can't wait to hear more music to get stuck in my head, lol. 😁
I love how you take us with you on your thought process/journey and by that reach out to a lot of people that might not have been aware of this issue before. Make something good out of it....:)
Your music is so crazy and fun. Turns out, you may actually be the only grown ups in the whole world! I really appreciate you all leading by example and showing all of us how to be intelligent and thoughful human beings. The oversaturation of cancel cancel culture makes it easy to have a knee jerk reaction to issues like this. You wonderful men are focused on the people this issue is really about and not all of the PC noise. Whatever you decide, we should learn a lesson from how you have approached this!
honestly they should've just ignored a "problem" that's not a problem for 99,9% of humanity, including Eskimos lol This is a narcisstic circle jerk of woke Twitter at its finest.
@@hitthegoat Twitter is a bubble for communists that's why I talked about leftists in the context of this social media platform. Context matters. What you did is called whataboutism. Conservatives were not the topic.
After watching the last two videos, watching you guy reflecting upon the matter, researching about it and sharing información with your fans... All I can say is RESPECT. You have a fan in me, even if you change your name to La Sonora de Castrop
Just want to start off with, I've been listening to Eskimo Callboy since the Bury me in Vegas days and still have most of your music on my daily playlist. With Neco on board now it's definitely changed the sound but still amazing super catchy music where you just fist pump in the car at the red light and people next to you are just looking at you like wtf is wrong with you 😂. As an american we grew up with terms as such in our education text books. Speaking for myself on this, I didn't really associate a german band name with said groups of peoples though. But it's really cool that you're looking into the history of the word and taking it into consideration the offensive nature it does have while including your fans in the process. I appreciate you guys.
It's one thing to make a name change because public pressure tells you to but it's a whole different thing to start this process on your own terms and actually get informed on why it may or may not be necessary to do so. And you're even doing it more or less public which in itself is good. In the end it's your name and your decision with all the consequences both decissions will bring with them. At this point it's clear that either decision will have consequences. What you decide on is your thing. If you change your name please just make sure it's jsut as stupid as Eskimo Callboy was 10 years ago. :D Love you guys. Keep on making awesome and fun music.
Doing a serious interview with pictures of the band on toilets in the background lol. But seriously, this is the right way to do things. Learning why you're changing your name and the history of the word is incredible. I definitely learned something new from this.
Thanks for being incredibly nuanced guys. And thanks to frank for being able to say so much in so little time. These are insanely complex issues and it's incredibly difficult to digest and analyze.
Speaking to the rebranding that was mentioned, here in Canada a football team changed their name from the Edmonton Eskimos to the Edmonton Elks. There has been a massive shift in the conversation around indigenous people in Canada, and how they have been and are still being treated today. Some of this conversation comes back to Truth and Reconciliation regarding the treatment of indigenous people, and the cultural genocide they experienced. Thank you for brining more light to this subject!
Much respect to you guys trying to educate yourselves as much as possible before making any kind of decision. Especially impressed with how much you're putting this out here for fans to see each step of the process, too. It's obvious to see that this is not an easy decision and from all sides here and it's a complex issue. I really hope you guys don't change the name because I feel like it can hurt the momentum and viral nature of how you guys have progressed the last few years and it's obvious you guys have had no bad will when choosing this name. That said, if you do change your name, I'll always keep listening.
Ich finde das absolut großartig das ihr so selbst reflektierend seid, da freue ich mich gleich noch viel mehr auf die Tour. Ganz egal wie ihr zu diesem Zeitpunkt heißen werdet.
It's just so fucking impressive to see more maturity and thought coming out of you guys than we see out of most world leaders. You guys continue to save the world one song at a time, it doesn't matter what you are called.
The way you guys are approaching this by not only learning, but also putting out information for your fans and followers is the way everyone should handle stuff like this. Much love and respect. 💪
The issue is they're getting information from a white dude at some University. White people being offended on behalf of a minority is literally 2022 Twitter in a nutshell. Very few actual Inuit have an issue with the term Eskimo. How do I know? I live in the North of Canada with them. I've lived here for 20 years. We literally have lakes called Eskimo Lakes. No one is trying to change the name.
Why are you encouraging them in this ridiculous endeavour? NO ONE is offended by the word eskimo. It's not a slur. It's a bunch of woke shit. I absoultely HATE that wokeness is taking over my favorite music, too. F*ck this leftist insanity.
@@Zombot012 thank you! I guarantee if they bend the knee they will lose more fans then the opposite. I'll be the first
@UC3R9EYzct-oHUEG38TU1x_w lmfao
This is fantastic, guys. It really shows how you're maturely addressing fan concerns!
Which fans? No one gives a sht about the word eskimo. Maybe a few over sensitive Twitter sjw.
@@clothbooster and yet here you are being sensitive about the name change guess what dont like it stop listening to the band no one will care if you go a true fan stays for the music i could care less about the name.
@@Kazumatempest I'm offended by the name Kazuma you need to change it NOW!
I don't think any band has ever done this. This is how we discuss sensitive issues.
@@clothbooster If you are right and no one cares about the name, then why are you so worried if they want to change it?
I’m half-Inuk myself and living in Nunavut and honestly my feelings on the word Eskimo can be kind of complicated sometimes. I used to kinda hate it, when I lived further south, felt like the stereotypes about it were all that the people around me knew. Now I’m usually more laid back about it, doesn’t feel quite as important.
But for some people I know the word Eskimo is tied up in forced relocation, residential schools, Eskimo disc numbers (numbered dog tags used instead of names by the gov’t), and more. That being said I also know people who wouldn’t really care. I don’t know, myself. But I do think it’s important to know the history, and I’m glad you’re making an effort to learn.
But what i find online is that Alaskans still accept the term Eskimo and don't want to be named Inuit
@@pasi123567 The expert states otherwise. Not everything presented online is the truth.
@@jz8978 Then you go and change The Wikipedia article on this on multiple languages with different soruces linked
Its amazing how incredibly important people like you take yourself.
@@pasi123567 Nunavut is in Canada, so correcting me with what Wikipedia says about Alaska hardly makes sense. But, yes, in my experience people do tend to be more upset about the term Eskimo in Canada.
Part of it is probably that the eastern arctic is mostly Inuit. There are definitely Alaska natives who don’t want to be called Inuit, because they’re not Inuit. They might be Yupik or Aleut or Inupiat (Inupiat are sometimes called Alaskan Inuit, but some don’t really self-describe as such). Many people in Alaska definitely resent Inuit being used as an umbrella term because it’s not accurate for them.
But that doesn’t mean it’s universally accepted in Alaska or universally rejected in Canada. There are people in Alaska who resent being called Eskimo, and would rather just be called Yupik or Aleut or Inupiat, and people in Nunavut who don’t really care if they’re called Eskimo. It’s a little complicated, reality usually is.
I can only speak for myself as an indigenous person but I really appreciate what you guys are doing not only acknowledging there's an issue but trying to educate your audience.
After being known as Eskimo Callboy for so long, a re-brand is a very challenging position to be in. You've a huge loyal fan base and whatever you decide, you'll still be phenomenal 🤩
You know for being such a goofy band that you are, you take this topic and your music very seriously. Quite a lot of us would possibly just change the name or ignore the topic, but you took your time to understand the whys and hows. I am truly impressed with your journey and how open you are about this.
It's a German band, Germans know their Ideologiekritik :D
I’m really proud to be a fan of a band approaching this in a really mature and open-minded fashion.
I only learned about your band a week ago from a coworker who showed me Tekkno Train. As if that stellar video and music wasn't enough to love this band, your introspective about your name change and taking the time to learn about the 'why' just elevates you so much more.
Thank you for sharing the journey. I'm only sorry that I am so late to this bangin' party.
Viele Danke.
Also ganz ehrlich.. Es ist unglaublich, wieviel Gedanken und Überlegungen ihr euch, zwecks einer Namensänderung macht. Dafür habt ihr richtig Fetten Respekt verdient.
Ich habe, bis vor diesem Video, die Aufregung nicht Verstanden, weil einfach keine Böse Absicht von euch, hinter dem Namen, stand und steht. Dieses Video hat mir doch die Augen geöffnet, was der Name für die Inuit bedeutet. Man macht sich halt nicht wirklich Gedanken über Sowas.
Aber egal wie eure Entscheidung ausfallen wird, ihr und eure Musik bleibt ja dieselbe. Und Fans werdet ihr durch eine Namensänderung bestimmt nicht verlieren. Also bleibt so wie ihr seid, denn so liebe eure Fans euch. LG aus Hessen.
Besser spät als nie, aber wieso erst jetzt? Die wussten doch von der Problematik seit Jahren und plötzlich wenn der ESC bevorsteht und man dort nicht mit dem Namen auftreten darf, ist der richtige Moment gekommen? Obwohl der bessere Moment doch gewesen war als Sushi die Band verlassen hat. Aber trotzdem, besser spät als nie.
Das sie dann keine Fans verlieren wage ich mal maximal zu bezweifeln. Und in der heutigen Zeit würde es mich nicht wundern wenn sie dazu noch Hater, oder wie der Sport auch immer in Neudeutsch heißt, dazu gewinnen.
Metal und Woke geht zum Glück mal überhaupt nicht zusammen. Und das werden unsere "Wir wollen es allen recht machen, und werden kläglich scheitern" Freunde auch noch ganz schnell merken.
In alten Videos haben die erzählt dass die schon seitenweise Briefe bekommen haben darüber dass das Wort nicht angemessen ist. Nur damals haben die offen rausgesagt dass denen das scheißegal ist
@@ottowelt4378 so a vocal minority complained? They wouldn't have time to read pages from the people that don't care
@@gegendenklimagemachtenmenschenMinderheiten nicht mehr diskriminieren = "allen recht machen". Mach den Kopp zu und schau einfach mal ein bisschen über deinen eigenen Tellerrand. Ich weiß, sich mit Ronny in der Stammkneipe treffen und "Ausländerz sind doof" in den Tisch ritzen ist leichter; aber versuch es einfach mal.
LG, ein woker Metalhead.
I just got introduced to your music a few days ago. Such fun music, guys.
And the fact that you're rethinking your name in this way speaks volumes to your integrity.
Props to you for keeping open minds. This is incredibly inspiring.
I gotta say, it's an odd position to be in. You guys are so wholesome and it's clear that there's no ill will in pretty much anything you all do. The term has baggage behind it and I think it's a testament to how chill you all are that you brought the attention to it yourselves and are going out of your way to learn about it. Whatever ya'll end up deciding to do, will definitely still be listening.
I reckon they're gonna change it. Too many bad vibes behind Eskimo
@@Cuzjudd Exactly, also because like they told in their last video, if they keep it, they may not be able to play in certain places
@@silver6071 I vividly remember that there is a band who had a second bandname for said places... I don't remember which band it was...
Love how consistently NICE you guys are; you get that everything has it’s time and place, and if somebody’s feelings are getting hurt you’ll hit pause and rethink. Nothing from Hypa on-out has been about “shock” factor, just great tunes and hilarious antics.
I don’t care what you call yourselves, it isn’t like you’re Eminem saying your band name every other lyric… it’s all good. 💜
this just popped up on my news feed! I am so proud of these guys for being brave and doing this, It just feels right that they are electric Callboy now it was a smart move and it marks the shift in the group when Nico joined and they should be really proud x
This is one of reasons why I respect you guys. You are mature people, who aren't afraid of learning and changing things. Love your music, keep going! ❤️💪
I love how you are approaching this topic with so much openness and educating us at the same time. Thank you so much!
I am very impressed with how transparent you folks are being. It is testament to how open minded and just plain good people to be doing something like this. You are not only responding to critique, but actually acting on it in the best way possible. You are making a very tenuous and complicated situation in a learning opportunity for some many people. I think the world is a better place with people like you and things would go much better if more people acted in the way you are right now. Thank you.
Really good to see you guys getting all the info and sharing it with us ☺️
Just from a continuity perspective, I like the idea of Electric Callboy or something like that so that the band initials stay as EC
Electric Core-boy
Electric Callboy is pretty good.
I might like Electric Callboy better, actually
This is a great option, big fan of it. I hope they go with this one!
Great suggestion.
I admire how you guys are approaching this. You're willing to learn, to listen, and grow. Even if you decide to just go by Callboy, I think the fans will still listen.
People with an Eskimo callboy tattoo: “wtf am i supposed to do now”
Listen to Tenacious D
It's so amazing that you guys approaching this from such an open-minded and mature place. It's really amazing to be included in this process. Also the fact that you guys are doing this all with pictures of you guys on a toilet in the background is HYSTERICAL!!!!
Rename it "eXimo Callboy", case closed !
nah but to be honestly, this is how I would want more people engage with difficult topics hittng them out of the blue.
The least serious band, handling racial issues like adults, asking to authorised voices about factual sources? What a rare sight nowadays! This is amazing guys.
@@dylanthompson8425 you’re the cringe here, kiddo
The name of the band won't affect the quality of the music. Do what feels right for you guys. If people want to get cross either at changing, or not changing, that's their choice and you can't worry about them. Kisses back guys.
I'm Canadian,and I gotta say, I dont think I've ever heard anyone say "Eskimo" as a bad thing, or anyone say it was a bad label to use. Odd that I've not heard this discussion.
BUT if the groups of people that that word describes don't like the word, we have an obligation to listen, because everyone should feel included. People should be called what THEY want to be called.
I only recently came across you guys and can understand how hard of a decision this would be, but I love how open minded you guys are being about this whole thing. I was already becoming a fan, this discussion is making me moreso.
Big powers love to do labels for people they enslave, even my country and several neighbors got one despite being common europens, russia calls us pribaltyka for some reason, to dehumanify us, at least 3 countries. the Innuit and similar cultures has much worse
I'm also Canadian and it took me far too long to learn anything about residential schools, and all the fucked up things Canada did to native people all over our country. It's not something they put in the school curriculum for some reason.
@@Scotty_Shines whitewashing history to make people feel more comfortable is a very real problem with western countries, especially when those countries have imperialistic, genocidal, and enslavement prominent in their history, but it's an uncomfortable conversation, so it's easier (but absolutely wrong) to just brush that stuff aside or change details about historic events and people.
Source: I'm an American who didn't learn about 95% of the messed up stuff we as a country have done to other nations and the indigenous people living in North America before Europeans arrived.
@@mechadrake Everyone labels people, that's human brain.. we put everything in groups and categories. Stop pushing woke academia narratives.
You should start with learning why instead of "some reason" lol. It's a soviet era and russian empire term for countries "by the Baltic Sea".
There was even a german word for that area before that that means exactly the same thing.
Are people by the Baltic Sea not humans according to you? Sound more like the other way around, it was used to acknowledge the difference
The issues is; is woke academia speaking for the people or for itself? Removing "Eskimo" doesn't have one sided support by the people within the group. And as you mention, the word is not really used to offend unlike what woke academia tells us. And a lot of americans have gone insane with this stuff, trying to speak for the whole west and all white people. Those people can't even name 3-5 countries in Europe xD
Keine großen Worte nötig...
Ihr habt ein Problem erkannt, ihr habt euch informiert und werdet nun eine Entscheidung fällen. Sehr stark und auch ein großes Zeichen für jeden einzelnen der dieses Video sehen wird. Genau so regeln Erwachsene Menschen Probleme. Danke und macht weiter so! 🤘
Ja aber sie lügen auch nicht wie der nette Herr in dem Video-Call.
Die Inuit nennen sich zwar nicht Eskimo aber andere arktische indigene Völker haben damit kein Problem.
Eskimo“ ist eine ursprünglich von Cree- und Algonkin-Indianern verwendete Sammelbezeichnung für die mit ihnen nicht verwandten Völker im nördlichen Polargebiet. So man stelle sich jetzt mal historisch vor wie das ganze zusammenpasst.
Weiße Europäer kommen auf einem Land an auf welchem Menschen leben, die nicht die gleiche Sprache wie sie sprechen. Sie lernen die Sprache langsam, historisch ist nicht belegt welche arktische Bevölkerungsgruppe man zuerst vorfand und nun stelle man sich mal vor, dass es nicht die Inuit waren (welche als einzige große Gruppe ein Problem damit haben). Und die tatsächliche Fremdbezeichnung von den Cree und Algonkin stammt, welche man zuerst traf. So klingt das historisch gesehen nicht ein bisschen logischer als "man will sie zu Kindern machen", "Es war ein Mittel ihrer Macht" und welch bescheuerte Aussagen der Kerl noch getroffen hat, der keine Ahnung zu haben scheint wie SPRACHE funktioniert.
Es gibt kein Problem. Noch vor 5 Jahren würden wir über so belanglosen Mist nicht reden. Der einzige Grund für die überflüssige Diskussion ist eine kleine, laute, linke toxische Woke-Minderheit, die meint bestimmen zu können wie wir zu denken oder reden zu haben.
Eskimo Callboy haben meinen Respekt verloren, dass sie sich jetzt auch diesem Cancel Culture Mist unterwerfen
@@florianhaffner3910 wenn du probleme mit linkem Mist hast, garantiere ich dir, die Band gibt einen scheiss auf deinen Respekt
@@florianhaffner3910 was bist du denn für ne snowflake? Die Metal Scene ist zum großen Teil linksliberal, also cope oder geh weg lol.
@@gaud92 "Eskimo" bedeutet "Fleischfresser",
"Inuit" bedeutet "Menschen".
Es gab mal über 500 ursprüngliche Völker, die teilweise auch gegensätzliche Kulturen hatten, sich teilweise gegenseitig bekämpften und/oder verunglimpften - und "Fleischfresser" ist eine Verunglimpfung.
Verallgemeinerungen gab es zuhauf, zum Beispiel fassten die Römer mal viele Stämme als "Germanen" zusammen, was in dem Fall zu einer Stärkung führte.
Kolonisierung allerdings war allgemein darauf bedacht, die Ureinwohner zu unterdrücken oder umzuerziehen, ob das nun die Aborigin in Australien, Verschleppung und Ausbeutung von Afrikanern oder Vertreibung der so genannten "Indianer" aus unfruchtbaren Gebieten in Nordamerika waren. Es wird immer Leute geben, die glauben, den Ureinwohnern durch die Umerziehung zu helfen aber das Gegenteil ist der Fall bzw. sie glauben überlegen zu sein. Eltern sind ihren Kindern überlegen, deshalb redet der Experte von "man will sie zu Kindern machen" und von "Mittel der Macht".
Sprachen sind nicht immer leicht zu lernen, angeblich stammt die Bezeichnung "Känguru" davon dass die Ureinwohner von Australiern den angekommenen Europäern entgegneten "Ich kann dich nicht verstehen" als sie nach dem Namen der hüpfenden Tiere gefragt wurden.
Stell dir vor, dein Volk lebt schon seit Jahrtausenden auf einem bestimmten Gebiet mit eigener Sprache und Namen und dann kommt plötzlich ein anderes Volk, spielt sich als Herrscher auf, nennt dein Volk anders und will deine Gebräuche ausrotten um sie durch andere zu ersetzen, wie würdest du das finden?
My vote goes to "Estragon Callboy"
I’m blown away that you guys actually went an educated yourselves on this topic. Aside from the details of it, this is a class in how educate one’s self in a world full of misinformation; talk to the experts. Thank you for that message.
How mind blowing..... standing ovation for the ones who got socially pressured into changing who they are for other people being butt hurt over something retarded. Shows real character and strength....... smfh
What happens when experts disagree? Right now it seems to be a world of only highlighting the "approved" experts and suppressing the others who also have very valid credentials, data and points to discuss as well. Unfortunately because of this, "misinformation" has just become a word to attack dissent.
@@HasPotatoAim When a band reaches a certain level of recognition, I'd say the band's name is a huge part of who a band is. This only continues to be true as the band gets bigger. If you change it when you're not well known it probably won't effect much, and if you change it when you are mega huge, people will probably be confused but follow along well enough because you have tons of PR exposure to help, but when you are up and coming and have a decent size following and looking to grow, a name change could potentially be devastating.
@@TheMicado16 don't call other people butthurt when you yourself feel so attacked by it you have to attack others in the comments about it. reflect on yourself please before posting.
@@grenademaster8981 i mean, yeah, we could just trust every man on the street with information. That's how you stop all progress.
define "valid credentials, data and points". most people who claim they're only attacked due to their dissent don't have any definition for that. i was listening to a lot of so-called experts when they wanted to claim they know more than the "approved" experts, but most of them were self-referential or with miniscule data. There were some valid ones as well, but they were very rare. Maybe 5% or something like that. and in the last 2 years, it's only gotten worse, because even more people claim to have any idea about subjects they only grasped the surface of and now think of themselves as experts. because "i know my body" "i know my children" etc just aren't valid points.
But your other point about the name change is correct, but if they make a large enough fuss about changing their name (as they are doing right now) i'm pretty sure they don't have to worry about losing their following. Ofc, only time will tell
It's really nice to see people reflect on things they've done that could be problematic and then seek out information on the topic and learn and try to become better, more caring people. It's a difficult thing to do, and I commend your journey of education! 💚
I think it's really impressive that you're learning about this topic, taking it seriously and sharing it with us. Good luck with whatever decision you will make in the end. No matter what, I'll keep listening to your music. 💪
Thank you guys for being open minded enough to seek out the information and doing it publicly. I learned a lot from this as well.
I'm from Quebec and i work in the mining industry. Many mines are in the great north and we work with local Inuit communities. I understand that it's very abstract for you people in Germany, but whenever I'm over there, I can see for myself the kind of racism that is lobbed at these people. It's hard to imagine if you've never been here and if you've never met one of them before, but racism is alive and well in Canada. (and then there is the question of whether the mining industry is inherently imperialist, but that's a whole nother kettle of fish.) I really appreciate the work that you guys are putting in regarding this question and hopefully will be able to change your band name.
Ich glaube ich habe wirklich noch nie ein Kommentar unter Videos da gelassen, aber hier brennt es unter den Fingern. Es ist wirklich krass wie professionell Ihr euch hier Gedanken um dieses Thema macht. Ich habe vor eurer Diskussion zwar um das Problem mit dem Wort gewusst, aber es war wirklich interessant dieses Video zu sehen. Egal wie ihr euch entscheidet, die Musik bleibt auch ohne dem Name einzigartig. Großartige Arbeit!
You guys should legit just do a whole EP or album of workout songs at this point, I’d have that shit on repeat every time I’m at the gym and I’m sure others would too 💪🏼
Setting a GREAT example, if only politicians behaved more like this....actually willing to learn and really giving a shit about other people.
Showing respect for people who have been degraded, insulted, and harmed is always the correct decision in my opinion. I am so glad to see you are taking the topic seriously and at the same time exposing your fans to a discussion about it. It must be a scary thing to consider rebranding at a time when you are gaining popularity and notice. I hope you know we are listening to your music not because of the name, but because of the catchy hooks, the jokes, and the absolutely brutal breakdowns.
Very cool, love how you are thinking about this!
I love the way you guys are approaching this with open minds and open hearts. This truly shows the band's character and how awesome you guys are. No matter what happens I will always be a fan for life, name change or no name change.
The fact that a band... sorry, HUMANS... the fact that people can have empathy for others around themselves, however close or distant, and to really consider that instead of just taking offense and telling people "It's just a joke" or "it doesn't have any meaning, calm down," but to actually say, "No, if we're being honest no just with you, but with ourselves, this is a genuine issue. And we're willing to look at it, discuss it, and change/grow from it." That's... that's beyond inspiring at this point in time. As a US American, I'm so damn envious of that kind of humanity. I love that your music makes people feel good, I love that you guys just want to make people happy and have fun and just get into the vibe you put out there. This video has made me even more endeared to you all. Hope everyone is doing well (you too, UA-cam commenters)!
This is awesome!! So very proud with how serious you guys are taking this. I do think with the information provided it would be a good idea for a name change. Even if you guys just changed it to Callboy! Much love and respect from a fan in America who purchased tickets and can't wait to see you.
I appreciate the way you guys are handling this. Not rushing a discussion, taking it seriously, but also learning about where the issue stems from.
@wnnalis cioov it's was what the British called the indigenous people in the North artic areas
I've got nothing but absolute respect for you guys. Whatever name you chose, should you rebrand, I'll certainly keep following you.
I'm sorry I won't be able to see you in Turin, but maybe soon, somewhere else. Cheers from Italy!
I really appreciate how you are approaching this. I'm so happy that I stumbled upon your music this last year. You've been a great mood booster
This gentleman was a really great guest to have. He was very clear, cohesive, and informative for all of us. As a long time fan, I knew this name change would come eventually. Proud of your growth and for sharing this with your fans. :)
Except most Eskimos dont have a problem with the word Eskimo... only white liberal intellectuals (like this guy), who want to save all those poor minorities from the bad white man, have.
Btw... stop calling us Germans. Cause the word was invented by the Romans who tried to conquer our land. They used it to brush all tribes living west of the rhine river together. You know, all those savages who weren as technologically and socially advanced as they were!
@@Smido83 Gonna need your source on the "most don't have a problem with the word", chief.
@@Smido83 bruh, the dude in the video literally discusses how Inuits specifically requested they not be referred to as eskimos
I have nothing but love for you all. I look forward to the future of your music, regardless of the band's name. What you're doing to further the education of yourselves and your fans is tremendously encouraging, and as many below have said, it warrants true respect.
Ein Vorschlag, um zwei Herausforderungen der jüngeren Vergangenheit in einem Abwasch zu bewältigen und den Klang, sowohl bei der Musik als auch beim Namen, beizubehalten.
You are truly amazing for acknowledging the name and then not only taking the appropriate steps but making your fans aware of the appropriateness and education of why certain terms should not be used. When I first heard this I thought it couldn't be real but great approach and handling of the entire situation. We cannot wait to see you down under!
Your level of self reflection is very high, while at the same time showing a huge vulnerability.
My sincere compliments for that!
Just do whatever you think is right.
And whatever the decision will be, and whatever the old/new band name will be, I will keep following you guys, and appreciate not only the insane music and humor, but also your human approach.
Greetings from The Netherlands
I respect you guys so incredibly much for this. I'm happy to see you guys take this so seriously.
New Names possible: Eskalation Call, Eskalate Callboy, Eternal Callboy dont know. Acually only the short name of EC would be fine i guess
This is how the civilized world is supposed to work. You don't blindly jump one way or the other, you collect the facts and you come to an educated decision that you feel puts forward the best of who you are. This is how you should judge the character or a person or persons
You are definitely two of the best boiz on the internet, loved your music and it served as an inspiration for me to visit Berlin recently (although the clubs were closed), and pick up learning german again.
p.s. I would totally request one of your songs from the dj there.
Herzliche Grüße aus Griechenland
I am so glad that you took the opportunity to learn the history and why we need to be kind to everyone around us in this world. I’ve known a few and have studied a bit about their culture. It is fascinating yet I felt that they deserve respect.thank you for sharing the conversation! Even our signed names for them has changed so much that I am still learning. (American Sign Language)
I'd only discovered you guys in the past couple of weeks and the music already impressed me. To see that you're also considering the history and impact of your band name earns a lot of respect from me ♥️ Rock on!
All I can say is, do whats best for you two and the band as a whole. Whatever feels right to you all. Your true fans wont be going anywhere! We love yall! Love from Michigan
Well done again guys. This is exactly the right way to do it. Your band is growing massively in the last 2 years so as much as the name is important to any band, you don't want it to hurt you in the long run by not being inclusive and thinking about how it affects others. We are all of us your fans because of the music and the humour, but videos like this show us the people behind the band... the real you. So glad I discovered you guys last year as it was a pretty tough year spent in and out of hospital (I won't go into details as this is not about me) and late last year I was somehow randomly recommended the We got the moves video, and was hooked from there and I can honestly say as someone who was struggling to get back into listening to music due to my health issues, you were the first guys I just kept playing over and over again, and it inspired me to start listening to all my music again. So thank you for that too.
Shut up with the inclusiveness bullshit.
You guys are an inspiration, and are modelling a truly mature and educated approach to looking at all aspects of the issue. I'm sure we can all understand how complex it is to consider rebranding what is essentially a business that relies on brand recognition to continue to prosper. The whole conversation is generating further conversations and attention, so I believe that should a name change occur, you will only grow stronger! Rock on boys.
Thank you guys for getting educated on this topic and educating your followers! I sincerely appreciate this as an Alaskan Inuk (one of the races generalized as Esk!mo)
Good lord I love you guys for, not only giving a damn, but also for consistently giving such fun and sometimes deep music. I’m so damn proud of you guys for how far you’ve come and it makes me happy to see y’all continuing to make music for your fans.
Suggestion: if you want to change your name, I'd just drop Eskimo and go by Callboy.
But then you’d have to risk offending male prostitutes.
Bravo on you guys for not only acknowledging the bands name and how it could be offensive but you went out and educated yourselves. Fan for life here!
Gents, never one to comment but love the music; no matter what keep it going you are appreciated more than you know. Take the time to reach out to Canadian Inuit groups please if you can as this is where the term originated and I wasn't sure the lean/message from your interviewee was accurate.
The etymology of “Eskimo”
According to Inuk author and translator Mini Aodla Freeman, the term “Eskimo” came from another Indigenous language in Canada: Cree. In Cree, the word is “escheemau” which roughly means “eaters of raw meat.” Freeman explains the word developed after the Cree first encountered Inuit and found them eating raw meat-a way of life the Inuit proudly continue on until this day. [1]
Another theory is that the word has an Innu-aimun origin, a language spoken by the Labrador and Northern Quebec-based Innu. This word is “awassimew/ayassimew” which means, roughly, “one who laces snowshoes.” Originally it may have been used by the Innu to describe the Mi’kmaq and later transferred to the Inuit. Over time, this word too developed into “eater of raw meat” as in Ojibwa (similar to Cree), the prefix “ashk” can mean raw or fresh. The French later translated the word to “esquimaux” which made its way into English use
Why “Eskimo” is pejorative
Using “Eskimo” today is considered pejorative or derogatory simply because “eater of raw meat” is not how Inuit choose to refer to themselves, and they never did. The word is an exonym-a name given to a group by another group-and its continued use can perpetuate harmful stereotypes. [3] As Mini Aodla Freeman has written: “To me the word ‘Eskimo’ does not mean anything. […] Inuit differentiated themselves from the animals of nature, not other races.” [4]
The name “Inuit,” however, comes directly from the Inuktitut language and is the preferred term of the Inuit. In 1977, a group of Inuit delegates from across the circumpolar region met in Alaska for the first Inuit Circumpolar Conference. There, they discussed Inuit rights and self-determination. The ICC proceeded to adopt the term “Inuit” to designate all Inuit within the circumpolar region, thereby rejecting the use of “Eskimo.” This is stated in the ICC charter, signed in 1980. [5] To continue to refer to Inuit as “Eskimo” can be viewed as disrespectful toward Inuit self-determination.
Very good point. But i would like to emphasize that exonyms aren't necessarily bad. A simple example would be the name of Deutschland in French & English. It is part of our own culture, heritage and language to call what is foreign to us. While i agree with the anti-colonialist view and acknowledge the pejorative use within Canada of the word, it's root isn't the "raw meat eater". According to José Mailhot, the root comes from proto-alguoquian and means "speaking the language of a foreign land". Furthermore the word doesn't carry any negative other language like French. In my opinion, the band is right to research it and make an informed decision, not associated with a pejorative word, but acknowledging that the crusade against this word could be wrong and keeping the name would be also fine.
Very wise and proud of the way you are going into this. I support it. I do hope the new name reflects your energy and crazy personality as a band!
I don't know when or where to suggest it, if at all, but I'll make it short; the first time I've heard you'll change your band name, this was the first idea that came to my mind. It cyphers the original word and gives it a new atmosphere, and at the same time I think it still leaves room for you guys and the old fans to recognize it. Just an idea. Cheers from Hungary!
That’s good!
How about "Ewok Callboy"?
It doesn't change it to much still very recongicable, it's unique, it's a fun band name, and it is easier to say than "E-callboy" (which to be frank I think will just be pronounced by many as "eskimo callboy" unfortunately).
@@puglosipher1666 I was just thinking of it as a letter, which is usually used for digital services (e-mail, e-book), since the band is quite modern and energetic
Or maybe something that sounds similar like:
- Asking a Callboy
- Ass-kim 'o Callboy
Or retaining the context:
- Inuit Escort
@@puglosipher1666 Ewok is funny too. Though I d rather like Eldrich Callboy, with a sexy cthulhu as their logo.
Große Liebe für euch, dass ihr euch so öffentlichen darum kümmert und die Welt auf diese Reise mitnehmt, ihr macht nicht nur gute Musik, seid super sympatisch und jetzt auch noch sowas 🥰🥰🥰 keep on keeping on ❤️
The only weird thing about this is that it is a white professor telling white people about this and there is no actual Inuit taking part in this discussion! Lol
I’m so invested in this.
Thank you for using your platform for promoting education and respect.
If those who that name was used for ask not to use the word, I think the decision is clear and it is only right to change the name.
Kudos to y'all for doing proper research! it's great to see you are taking criticism seriously, not getting defensive, not people-pleasing without forming an own opinion first either. And handing out transparent actual information so more people understand why this is important!
i don't even know your music yet - i knew the old band name, recently heard the new band name, wanted to know if it's the same band, and now i'll definitely give your music a listen!
Sehr informatives Video! Frank hat sehr gut Fakten geliefert, die das ganze viel besser aufklären! Ich bin gespannt auf eure Entscheidungen in den nächsten Wochen und natürlich auf neue Mucke...
Respekt, einfach Respekt! Da sollten sich andere eine Scheibe abschneiden... Wahnsinn, dass ihr euch damit auseinandersetzt und euch international hier austauscht um möglichst viel über euren damals gewählten Bandnamen zu erfahren und zu hinterfragen. Mega!
I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada, where the name of our football 🏈 team was called the Edmonton Eskimos. It is only recently that the name changed due to its connotations. So, even here in Canada where we have a huge population of First Nations, we are still learning the meaning of that word. I applaud you for becoming informed and learning about this, it is great. I wish other Canadians would do the same as you.
Thank you to the speaker, and thank you to The Call Boys, for being so open about the situation, and forward with the discussion.
I love this so much. I'm proud of you guys for taking the right path. So many people try to bury their mistakes and never take complete accountability for them. This is very refreshing to see. Much love to you guys!
Edit to add: my fiance and I have been calling you guys Escreama Cowboy for a few years now-I think that would be such a good name lol
The bands name doesn't change the fact that you guys make absolute bangers !
My first reaction to your bands name was "wtf really?" My first reaction to your music was "wtf this is awesome!" Changing your name will have no impact on me, and I think it might introduce more people who might be put off from it. Whatever you do, please know that I will be eagerly looking forward to your bands future endeavors.
I doubt more than 3 people who ever came across "Eskimo Callboy" were put off by it, and thousands intrigued.
@@Raghzor Agree.
My respect for you all as a band has just shot up immensely. Such mature and wonderful reflection and discourse about your band that you are undertaking here.
This is not cancel culture, this is learning culture, and learning is METAL!!! 💪
I think it's always a good thing to gather as much information, and to grow and evolve. Much respect to you, and so much love to you all!
Thank you for the update! Happy to tag along with you on this journey, and as always, you have my full support!
For me, "esquimau" (in french) is natives form Far North. It was never a racist or power over people name. So, it was never a problem form my point of view.
But I get it. If natives tell you to change, do it, but if they don't care, because you obviously do not try to harm them in any way, don't change.
At least, if you change stay with an "EC" name.
I see so much "fights" about diverse subjects ruined because of outsiders of that specific community.
Ask directly to the "eskimo" communities, they will tell you.
There are a lot of people starting arguments over "political" issues that are not even actually part of the communities they're "defending." The notion might seem kind, but if the "affected" community is not affected at all and doesn't care, then leave it alone. Tired of people assuming that "minorities feel this way or that" about something without actually giving said minorities a voice.
i'm pretty sure "they asked to be called differently" is a good indicator that they might disagree with the old terminology
ofc, not everyone will be affected by it, same as not every black person is affected by the n-word, but some are.
Yeah. If they can find one actual indigenous person who doesn’t like their name and thinks they should change then they should. But if they can’t, then why bother
@@Logovanni I get where you're coming from BUT if only one or a handful of those people don't like the name and the rest doesn't care, honestly I personally don't think you'd have to change it. You could but there will always be snowflakes in every ethnicity so I guess don't have to listen to those, if you know what I mean.
I think french people who were a huge colonial force should especially listen to people of former colonies lol.
Whatever you guys choose, the music is the language! My 2 year old son wants to start and end his day with hypa hypa. Big smile on his face and dancing through the whole chamber! So the music is the language everyone understand
well then take "Kimono Callboy"
I have been very impressed that y'all are sharing your struggle in this position, and seeking more knowledge, and then sharing some of your newfound knowledge too. You have a fantastic attitude and approach that speaks volumes about who you all are as real people and not just the public persona. Thanks for giving everyone a glimpse into this challenging process. Wishing you all the best as you continue growing, and I can't wait to hear more music to get stuck in my head, lol. 😁
I love how you take us with you on your thought process/journey and by that reach out to a lot of people that might not have been aware of this issue before. Make something good out of it....:)
Your music is so crazy and fun. Turns out, you may actually be the only grown ups in the whole world! I really appreciate you all leading by example and showing all of us how to be intelligent and thoughful human beings. The oversaturation of cancel cancel culture makes it easy to have a knee jerk reaction to issues like this. You wonderful men are focused on the people this issue is really about and not all of the PC noise. Whatever you decide, we should learn a lesson from how you have approached this!
honestly they should've just ignored a "problem" that's not a problem for 99,9% of humanity, including Eskimos lol
This is a narcisstic circle jerk of woke Twitter at its finest.
@@ragnarlmao9511 Please don't say the truth, it could hurt some leftists on Twitter. 😭
@@ragnarlmao9511 they should have just ignored it and continued using what’s considered a pejorative term in their band name?
@@blessyou5081 and the right is any different? Look at how angry people are that they decided to remove a racist term from their name
@@hitthegoat Twitter is a bubble for communists that's why I talked about leftists in the context of this social media platform.
Context matters.
What you did is called whataboutism. Conservatives were not the topic.
Eskimo is an ice cream in post soviet countries, what are you talking about? Just google "Эскимо" and see pictures
After watching the last two videos, watching you guy reflecting upon the matter, researching about it and sharing información with your fans... All I can say is RESPECT. You have a fan in me, even if you change your name to La Sonora de Castrop
Just want to start off with, I've been listening to Eskimo Callboy since the Bury me in Vegas days and still have most of your music on my daily playlist. With Neco on board now it's definitely changed the sound but still amazing super catchy music where you just fist pump in the car at the red light and people next to you are just looking at you like wtf is wrong with you 😂. As an american we grew up with terms as such in our education text books. Speaking for myself on this, I didn't really associate a german band name with said groups of peoples though. But it's really cool that you're looking into the history of the word and taking it into consideration the offensive nature it does have while including your fans in the process. I appreciate you guys.
It's one thing to make a name change because public pressure tells you to but it's a whole different thing to start this process on your own terms and actually get informed on why it may or may not be necessary to do so. And you're even doing it more or less public which in itself is good.
In the end it's your name and your decision with all the consequences both decissions will bring with them. At this point it's clear that either decision will have consequences. What you decide on is your thing. If you change your name please just make sure it's jsut as stupid as Eskimo Callboy was 10 years ago. :D
Love you guys. Keep on making awesome and fun music.
Doing a serious interview with pictures of the band on toilets in the background lol. But seriously, this is the right way to do things. Learning why you're changing your name and the history of the word is incredible. I definitely learned something new from this.
Thanks for being incredibly nuanced guys. And thanks to frank for being able to say so much in so little time. These are insanely complex issues and it's incredibly difficult to digest and analyze.
Fetten Respekt das ihr euch darüber so viele Gedanken gemacht habt und diese mit uns teilt. Eure Musik bleibt geil, egal welchen Namen ihr habt!
Really impressive to see how you guys are approaching this 🤟
You guys are wonderful musicians and people!!!!! Keep rocking!!!
Speaking to the rebranding that was mentioned, here in Canada a football team changed their name from the Edmonton Eskimos to the Edmonton Elks.
There has been a massive shift in the conversation around indigenous people in Canada, and how they have been and are still being treated today. Some of this conversation comes back to Truth and Reconciliation regarding the treatment of indigenous people, and the cultural genocide they experienced. Thank you for brining more light to this subject!
I honestly respect you guys so much for this.
Much respect to you guys trying to educate yourselves as much as possible before making any kind of decision. Especially impressed with how much you're putting this out here for fans to see each step of the process, too. It's obvious to see that this is not an easy decision and from all sides here and it's a complex issue.
I really hope you guys don't change the name because I feel like it can hurt the momentum and viral nature of how you guys have progressed the last few years and it's obvious you guys have had no bad will when choosing this name. That said, if you do change your name, I'll always keep listening.
Top work, thank you for raising this subject!
Ich finde das absolut großartig das ihr so selbst reflektierend seid, da freue ich mich gleich noch viel mehr auf die Tour. Ganz egal wie ihr zu diesem Zeitpunkt heißen werdet.
So cool of you to have taken this step. Lots of love from Namibia..!
It's just so fucking impressive to see more maturity and thought coming out of you guys than we see out of most world leaders. You guys continue to save the world one song at a time, it doesn't matter what you are called.
Well said!
imagine thinking this is maturity and thought lmao
@@dylanthompson8425 imagine thinking it isn’t