Originally telecast on October 11, 1951. This was the first episode, as George noted at 28:23, to be seen "live" from coast to coast. Before that, programs originating from the West Coast were presented a week or more later, via kinescope film, to the East- and vice versa; the coaxial cable enabling national telecasts was completed in September 1951, although kinescopes continued to be seen on some stations for delayed telecast purposes.
Originally telecast on October 11, 1951. This was the first episode, as George noted at 28:23, to be seen "live" from coast to coast. Before that, programs originating from the West Coast were presented a week or more later, via kinescope film, to the East- and vice versa; the coaxial cable enabling national telecasts was completed in September 1951, although kinescopes continued to be seen on some stations for delayed telecast purposes.
Thank you, Barry. I've appreciated your informed commentary for years.
I wish they had done a whole show doing carnation recipes.i can't find a carnation cookbook
$120 in 1951 is worth $1500 in 2024 😮