The movie is Forrest Gump, with Tom Hanks :) "Life is like a box of chocolates..." I have seen very few of the films in this calendar (I'm more a TV person), but luckily they are very well known here in UK culture so it's still enjoyable!
Yes! I found out googling something like "bench chocolate movie" and it was all over the place ahahah I also haven't watched many (Home Alone, Men in Black for sure, then some Star Wars and Back to the Future here and there, but not much more) but all of these movies are super famous and I can (almost) always pick up the reference!
The movie is Forrest Gump, with Tom Hanks :) "Life is like a box of chocolates..."
I have seen very few of the films in this calendar (I'm more a TV person), but luckily they are very well known here in UK culture so it's still enjoyable!
Yes! I found out googling something like "bench chocolate movie" and it was all over the place ahahah I also haven't watched many (Home Alone, Men in Black for sure, then some Star Wars and Back to the Future here and there, but not much more) but all of these movies are super famous and I can (almost) always pick up the reference!