[hate5six] No Zodiac - July 25, 2015

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Grimdarklul
    @Grimdarklul 6 років тому +54

    00:15 - Constant Decay
    03:17 - Drowning
    05:12 - King of Scorn
    09:27 - Rise of Unholy
    11:55 - Population Control

    • @BRILLiantMindzMedia666
      @BRILLiantMindzMedia666 5 років тому +6

      Grimdarklul doing the lords work out here on these internet streets

    • @xWARPATH777x
      @xWARPATH777x 5 років тому +6

      Man looking at this setlist and I’m realizing it’s actually insane.

  • @cassiusgaio9524
    @cassiusgaio9524 5 років тому +96

    Pre-breakdown: everybody killing eachother
    Breakdown: everybody tired 'cause of the pre-breakdown.

  • @cloud_3nv
    @cloud_3nv 8 років тому +53

    this bassist is badass! finger picking, low tuning, and the overall tone is like a punch to the gut

  • @ScottxJones
    @ScottxJones 4 роки тому +63

    No denying this was the band most of the 2018/19 beatdown deathcore bands took their beatdowns from

    • @xWARPATH777x
      @xWARPATH777x 3 роки тому +6

      THANK YOU!

    • @Broimsatan
      @Broimsatan Рік тому +2

      Absolutely agree, friend. I lived in PHX, and the Nile was my second home. I'm 44,l now i moved to Colorado about 5 years ago, and I'm sad to say I'm disabled from a bad snowmobile accident. I have nothing but nostalgia watching No Zodiac play. Man, being in the A.Z.H.C scene, I felt safe, and all of them were friends, and we all knew we could get violent a.f. and know it was all good fun. I can't think of another band before NO Zodiac that was more Beat Down. Much love to Ian, and I forget the drummers' name, but I still owe you 10 bones for the hoodie. Despite being in chronic pain, I will not miss your show when you pass through Denver. Thank you for the beautiful memories
      Sorry, this was a novel comment

    • @uoke55
      @uoke55 18 днів тому +1

      @@Broimsatan never been to a No Zodiac show (I'm from the other side of the pond), but aren't Drowning shows more violent? Or at least as far as yt recordings go. Not saying anything, it's just that most of Drowning lives are kinda tame in comparison.

    • @Broimsatan
      @Broimsatan 16 днів тому

      @uoke55 my apologies, buddy. What do you mean by Drowning. I have heard it before, but im not positive what you mean, brother. I have been in all kinds of pits. I just wanna answer your question correctly. I'll just say the two gnarliest pits I was ever in were at Slipknot and I Declare War. That was intense. Im grateful that you're asking me a question, though.

    • @ScottxJones
      @ScottxJones 16 днів тому +1

      @@uoke55 Drowning once were hard af but haven't done anything in a minute. They probably at one point were on par but NZ have always been harder imo

  • @theinformantdude
    @theinformantdude 4 роки тому +13

    This is legit top 10 footage and performance of band and genre in past decade if not 20 years.

  • @Ohvain
    @Ohvain 7 років тому +36

    "Ewase they whoman whace" 💕 god his voice.

  • @dickboinglol8158
    @dickboinglol8158 8 років тому +58

    that bass tone is disgustingly heavy

  • @nikosdmk3696
    @nikosdmk3696 4 роки тому +12

    This vocalist is a beast!

  • @philipposkasotis8658
    @philipposkasotis8658 6 років тому +16

    Great band with a great mix of hardcore and slam.

    • @Jorgeisla20
      @Jorgeisla20 2 роки тому +1

      In the Slam you can do quiet headbanding in your position but here there are only karate fighters so they don't have anything about slam, it's music for people who don't know how to enjoy slam

  • @hate5six
    @hate5six  5 років тому +1

    No Zodiac at The Electric Factory in Philadelphia, PA on 2015-07-25
    Other NO ZODIAC Videos:
    2016-08-06 - Philadelphia, PA - ua-cam.com/video/S7hMBFyfRp8/v-deo.html
    Other Videos From The Show:
    Turnstile - ua-cam.com/video/LN_1a1EyUW4/v-deo.html
    Bane - ua-cam.com/video/DA0c0mXAqiQ/v-deo.html
    Biohazard - ua-cam.com/video/f2M-XsbY12U/v-deo.html
    Lifeless - ua-cam.com/video/PbVHVTwtNK0/v-deo.html
    Sand - ua-cam.com/video/vKjJoNw0ZrE/v-deo.html
    Xibalba - ua-cam.com/video/VBOpupMYWNE/v-deo.html
    Misfits - ua-cam.com/video/fQFp59KJHNo/v-deo.html
    Wisdom in Chains - ua-cam.com/video/8XLKq3euTcc/v-deo.html
    Cro-Mags - ua-cam.com/video/N7pIWEFqkv8/v-deo.html
    Absolute Suffering - ua-cam.com/video/oUsKSAFvsaM/v-deo.html
    Suburban Scum - ua-cam.com/video/lk36IjKsTBc/v-deo.html
    Killing Time - ua-cam.com/video/V0H3fhzhLUY/v-deo.html
    Rock Bottom - ua-cam.com/video/52ZSfoGBDUU/v-deo.html
    Reach the Sky - ua-cam.com/video/Z5AOyYdVgi8/v-deo.html
    Timebomb - ua-cam.com/video/lVeSN8D5ddo/v-deo.html
    Sicker Than Most - ua-cam.com/video/LbdvLTVPdw0/v-deo.html
    Bands Similar to NO ZODIAC, computed by Sage (hate5six.com/sage)
    Knuckledust - ua-cam.com/video/3FWXVXMhcQI/v-deo.html
    Level 4 - ua-cam.com/video/BfNQ3RSjatU/v-deo.html
    Betrayal - ua-cam.com/video/zXJE4rPLpiI/v-deo.html
    Desolated - ua-cam.com/video/GBe4MlGR4PU/v-deo.html
    First Blood - ua-cam.com/video/1WFbg4FxiWI/v-deo.html
    Knocked Loose - ua-cam.com/video/pfIqDq9Enno/v-deo.html
    Hoods - ua-cam.com/video/BdtGhkoTIpw/v-deo.html
    World of Pain - ua-cam.com/video/z3_2RO8cBPg/v-deo.html
    Laid 2 Rest - ua-cam.com/video/1s8AFGHFBcU/v-deo.html
    Defendant - ua-cam.com/video/uCtFxic_Dxs/v-deo.html
    Become a member of hate5six and gain access to exclusive interviews, early access to live sets, apps and other bonus content: patreon.com/hate5six

  • @lamaenfeu9804
    @lamaenfeu9804 8 років тому +28

    1:05 looks like smeagol trying to do hardcore dancing.

    • @Giga_Ninja
      @Giga_Ninja 4 роки тому

      You wrong for that! XD

  • @MrThor98
    @MrThor98 8 років тому +45

    1:47 when you have water in your ear

  • @DBUP-l8h
    @DBUP-l8h 7 років тому +7

    These dude's were really chill. I saw them at don't call it a fest in Detroit. Good times!

  • @jebadiahhickman4404
    @jebadiahhickman4404 8 років тому +27


  • @glowskullsmedia1499
    @glowskullsmedia1499 8 років тому +73

    the vocalist, is he son of brock lesnar? look alike :D

  • @kneestothechin
    @kneestothechin 8 років тому +70

    Lol I guess it's mandatory crowd killing at their shows

  • @fatefatefate
    @fatefatefate 5 років тому +11

    I miss this lineup. Erik is the only person in this video still in the band

    • @MAXXvzammy
      @MAXXvzammy 4 роки тому +2

      Sadly they broke up for now

  • @HomeoftheHashbrown
    @HomeoftheHashbrown 8 років тому +30

    best no zodiac live video yet!

  • @tas9158
    @tas9158 8 років тому +18

    Did I just see the guitarist from suicide silence 😂

  • @adamclark5459
    @adamclark5459 6 років тому +7

    respect to that dude in the mexigorge shirt

  • @tomazing5707
    @tomazing5707 4 роки тому +5

    i love that this guy can go camo shirt and dri fit. and he has killer vocals.

  • @MetalVolcano
    @MetalVolcano 8 років тому +9

    Does anyone know why No Zodiac changed their line-up (again)?

    • @Apolarcat
      @Apolarcat 8 років тому +12

      Connor (vocalist) wanted to focus on school I believe.

    • @justthebassist7311
      @justthebassist7311 6 років тому +4

      From what they said in an interview in Birmingham (UK) the drummer relocated and the other members just didn't wanna focus on touring

    • @AlexGarcia-rm5km
      @AlexGarcia-rm5km 5 років тому +2

      Also the og line up is not in a band called Bodybag and Dan bond the guitar player in the hat is no longer alive

    • @xVinnieCx
      @xVinnieCx 4 роки тому +5

      @@AlexGarcia-rm5km nah, I was in the band in 2011. Dan was out of the band at this point. So Erick and Jeff (blond hair guitar player) moved to AZ since half the band was No Alters. I think NZ is done. I know Erik has a kid and is a barber

  • @Broimsatan
    @Broimsatan 11 місяців тому

    I think im going to make the 14 hour drive from Littelton C.O. to see you guys play on the 9th. I really miss so many of you in the A.Z.H.C. scene. I didn't know how much fun I really had and all the great friends I made until I looked back after moving to C.O.
    Cliff W

  • @Apolarcat
    @Apolarcat 7 років тому +16

    best version of this band

  • @TheOriginalPhatMan
    @TheOriginalPhatMan 7 років тому +5

    11:03 dude in the minion shirt is like fuck these dudes in particular lmao

  • @philipposkasotis8658
    @philipposkasotis8658 6 років тому +6

    I love this channel. There are so many awesome videos

  • @xWARPATH777x
    @xWARPATH777x 5 років тому +6

    “We’re not slam”

  • @TheZambou
    @TheZambou 8 років тому +14

    I've seen this video at least 30 times and everytime I wonder if the black guy in the pit wears a disgorge shirt

    • @music.fan.23
      @music.fan.23 7 років тому +1

      Zambou Scum I'm pretty sure it is

  • @tayo1580
    @tayo1580 7 років тому +3

    That beginning of constant decay was like destroy the whole planet man, what the fuck

  • @socialswine3656
    @socialswine3656 8 років тому +6

    what about the bearded bloke in red eating ramen on the side of the stage though

  • @goregangsta
    @goregangsta 4 роки тому +5

    That kid is wearing a Mexican disgorge shirt 🤘

  • @dzott75
    @dzott75 6 років тому +11

    Unleash the ninjas! Im crowdkilling my family and pets at this very moment!!!!

  • @Broimsatan
    @Broimsatan Рік тому +1

    Please dont stop making music No Zodiac. Im not saying this because im looking for a pity party. Im disabled now from my Snowmobile landing on top of me. I lived in PHX and the Nile was my second home. I have lived in Colorado for 5 years now. I had the best times in my life goung to shows with my friends in the A.Z.H.C scene No Zodiac you make a positive difference in my life and always will. Your art is needed. My life is better with artists like yourselves. Miss seeing you guys at the Nile

    • @devvoncrowder5057
      @devvoncrowder5057 11 місяців тому

      Magically come home Jan 9th, their playing in the basement big dawg

    • @Broimsatan
      @Broimsatan 11 місяців тому

      @devvoncrowder5057 I know right brother. Damn.

    • @Broimsatan
      @Broimsatan 11 місяців тому +1

      @devvoncrowder5057 I actually may be coming, its a 14 hour drive from Littelton, CO. I miss all of you in PHX since i left 4 or 5 years ago... Cliff W

    • @devvoncrowder5057
      @devvoncrowder5057 11 місяців тому

      @@Broimsatan well it’s also Rollies birthday party gig, going to the titty bar after with everyone. Gtfo out here!

  • @kingscannotfall
    @kingscannotfall 5 місяців тому

    My favorite version of them

  • @Broimsatan
    @Broimsatan Рік тому

    To the young bloods be grateful for those in Navy Blue or yellow. Soon us oldtimers will not be at shows or not nearly as much with families or passing om. Please always remember the hate for Skin Heads. We shed blood for you because no one should own hardcore or say you can't go see a show because of your color. Hardcore is so precious to me and given me so much as well as my friends. Never ever tolerate Skins. They have no place amongst unless they choose the right way and take there hate towards something positive. Much love and kind words to any of you that choose to live hardcore. Even if you are not straight Edge you are amongst friends but remember straight edge is a huge part of the foundation of Hardcore. I only want good for you and this scene. I hope you say the same thing in a comment when you are 44 as well someday. Much love. FUCK CANCER. MEAN PETE YOU ARE SO MISSED YOUR ART AND BANDS ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE A STAPLE IN HARDCORE

  • @vitalr3mains720
    @vitalr3mains720 6 місяців тому

    Constant decay as an intro is too hard god damnnnn

  • @xWARPATH777x
    @xWARPATH777x 4 роки тому +3

    God doesn’t forgive he only FORGETS

  • @SuffokateAegaeonDLK
    @SuffokateAegaeonDLK 2 роки тому +3

    Still come to this live vid from time to time to see the best live beatdown performance and the strongest vox in the game
    not some weeb sht like modern bands

  • @xeverettx2564
    @xeverettx2564 3 роки тому +2

    Fucking BRUTAL!!!!!! First time hearing these guys!!

  • @diamondstaterecordchaser8286
    @diamondstaterecordchaser8286 8 років тому +25


    • @fuckyoujesus666
      @fuckyoujesus666 6 років тому +5

      defend your face been hearing quite a bit of slam infused hardcore lately. Can’t get enough!

    • @BRILLiantMindzMedia666
      @BRILLiantMindzMedia666 5 років тому

      defend your face 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻

    • @mile0141
      @mile0141 5 років тому +2

      Scott Smith beatdown hardcore is just slam with tough guy vocals, bro

    • @jasonalexanderreyesaguilar4437
      @jasonalexanderreyesaguilar4437 4 роки тому

      @Scott Smith Cerebral Incubation don't like your comment.

    • @RibeiroGames12
      @RibeiroGames12 4 роки тому

      Slamming Beatdown

  • @Alexanderfailure
    @Alexanderfailure 8 років тому +8

    brock lesnar vocal !

  • @coffin_eater_9105
    @coffin_eater_9105 8 років тому +8

    Tough d00d crowd.

  • @SpamCanSlam
    @SpamCanSlam 8 років тому +1

    Has NZ gotten three vocalists?

    • @jillesWeakLink
      @jillesWeakLink 7 років тому +2

      Reyndall Fajota yes they have, a new vocalist for each record they've put out

  • @gutternutbutter5666
    @gutternutbutter5666 8 років тому +6


  • @jasonalexanderreyesaguilar4437
    @jasonalexanderreyesaguilar4437 4 роки тому +1

    Hardcore o more specifically Beatdown?

  • @armandpaypay5475
    @armandpaypay5475 4 роки тому +2

    Raw energy...just watching the video your face/body get numb you DONT even need a key line of coke!

  • @k.w.a.s
    @k.w.a.s 3 місяці тому

    6:57 when you're 5 years old and doing pretend power ranger moves

  • @mca..
    @mca.. 7 років тому +4

    clean kraanium shirt

  • @blgdinger3
    @blgdinger3 8 років тому +6

    not sure how they're hardcore, since it's really slamming brutal death metal. meh, who gives a shit cuz it's so fucking heavy god dammit

    • @xxogzigzagxx_4457
      @xxogzigzagxx_4457 8 років тому +5


    • @x518BEATDOWNx
      @x518BEATDOWNx 8 років тому +3

      They're actaully a beatdown band. Listen to their older recorded material blgdinger3

    • @turdfergeson8641
      @turdfergeson8641 8 років тому

      No Zodiac? Heavy? LOL

    • @turdfergeson8641
      @turdfergeson8641 8 років тому

      +Turd Fergeson and brutal? and DEATH METAL? this isn't even metal lmao

    • @damiansuken
      @damiansuken 8 років тому +1

      well,yes it's more SLAM DEATH METAL

  • @Qwertyuiop99833
    @Qwertyuiop99833 3 роки тому +2

    The fill at 4:40 is absolutely disgusting

  • @gbmbPurple222
    @gbmbPurple222 Рік тому

    Yooo you know that elbow to the head at 11:00 mins had to fuckin hurt, ouch.

  • @52radikal46
    @52radikal46 5 років тому +2

    sledghammer music

  • @darthinneratorsith9353
    @darthinneratorsith9353 2 роки тому +2

    more slam than many slam bands.

  • @ramonvilla6120
    @ramonvilla6120 8 років тому +4

    this is hard as fuck

  • @fuckyoujesus666
    @fuckyoujesus666 6 років тому

    Fucken HELLLLL I need to know dood’s snare setup!!! Anyone have a clue?? Shit sounds like the tin man getting punched in the head

  • @Jorgeisla20
    @Jorgeisla20 2 роки тому

    I love this band but not their mosh, I prefer the headbanding that you can do quietly with bands like "extermination dismemberment" or the mosh in circles of "Gutalax", they are more fun than being among these karate fighters

  • @effx9788
    @effx9788 4 роки тому

    What genre is this?

    • @roseboy9638
      @roseboy9638 2 роки тому +2

      hardcore slam or slam beatdown

  • @NjvsValhalla
    @NjvsValhalla 8 років тому +21

    damn this shit prolly takes so much time to write

  • @downhatehardcorebeatdown9925
    @downhatehardcorebeatdown9925 7 років тому +3

    porrada brutal massa 👊👊👊👊👊

  • @jaek3424
    @jaek3424 3 роки тому

    7:18 doooooope minion shirt in the crowd

  • @MAzXzT
    @MAzXzT 8 років тому +6

    Voice from hell

  • @Ryansaghost
    @Ryansaghost 4 роки тому

    No zodiac broke up because, Conor told them to

  • @calamitosisbandec3168
    @calamitosisbandec3168 3 роки тому

    esta brutal esta banda

  • @hrlnfdlh1804
    @hrlnfdlh1804 Рік тому

    sound like shattered realm

  • @x518BEATDOWNx
    @x518BEATDOWNx 8 років тому +4

    I like their original singer better. This is still damn good, though.

    • @kneestothechin
      @kneestothechin 8 років тому +5

      original singer definitely had a much more traditional hc sound but yea this is still dope af

    • @joshcannonball
      @joshcannonball 8 років тому +8

      this guys lows are so good tho...

    • @x518BEATDOWNx
      @x518BEATDOWNx 8 років тому +4

      Agreed. I just think with their new singer they sound like an entirely different band. I still dig them, though. Just enjoy the earlier stuff with the original singer. He's in another band called Bodybag, i'd check them out for sure!

  • @hiyall524
    @hiyall524 7 років тому +1

    7:41 must be good soup

  • @tmadox
    @tmadox 2 роки тому

    kraanium shirt is mad hard

  • @Drew_Tries
    @Drew_Tries 16 днів тому

    Singer looks like a division 1 linebacker but this my shyt though

  • @stanleyhudson6597
    @stanleyhudson6597 4 роки тому +1

    Big rip

  • @chrisx7683
    @chrisx7683 3 роки тому

    Hier wird ordentlich die Bude zerfickt!

  • @BRILLiantMindzMedia666
    @BRILLiantMindzMedia666 7 років тому

    so good

  • @xWARPATH777x
    @xWARPATH777x 6 років тому +5

    That chick ruined the best call out of population control.

  • @hannesmaertens6249
    @hannesmaertens6249 Рік тому


  • @borntohula
    @borntohula 8 років тому

    too basic

  • @samuelmagnum6047
    @samuelmagnum6047 6 років тому +8

    Vocals "Bee bee, beeee, grrrrrgh, bee bee, wee wee, beee!!!"
    Non existent riffs. Just chug chug

    • @Kekster3000
      @Kekster3000 5 років тому +8

      Lol, you'll get it someday, thought the same quite a time ago

    • @tylerjodeblock1224
      @tylerjodeblock1224 4 роки тому +6

      leave.... search for bon jovi on the search bar to fullfill your weak soul

  • @Inhalin1514
    @Inhalin1514 7 років тому

    I've been a metal head for over 30 years and I tell you what if I get hit by one of my little brothers big brother gonna put you down

    • @jillesWeakLink
      @jillesWeakLink 7 років тому +15

      Inhalin1514 lmao you won't do shit & why even mention that you've been a metalhead for 30 years? What does that have to do with anything

    • @chromegnats
      @chromegnats 6 років тому +3

      Ok, tough guy.

    • @witchblades6979
      @witchblades6979 6 років тому +6

      Inhalin1514 actually no no you wont lol you will get jumped and stomped the fuck out

    • @LoopyWorld716
      @LoopyWorld716 6 років тому +4

      I'm so happy yall niggas defending our culture, we all with the violence. Obviously this isn't for you Holmes.

    • @garretts431
      @garretts431 5 років тому

      lol it's not how shows work, but if you wanna be an asshole then you'll get what you deserve right in the jaw.