very interesting, we have bene using this in the British Army for 16+ years, we give our 9 liners first then the MIST report is given to the actual medics when we do the hand over at the HLS. Our 9-liners are a bit more stream lined as well i have to say.
very interesting, we have bene using this in the British Army for 16+ years, we give our 9 liners first then the MIST report is given to the actual medics when we do the hand over at the HLS. Our 9-liners are a bit more stream lined as well i have to say.
Hearing him call in the 9 line hurt my brain, can't imagine myself doing it, and 100% not under stress and enemy fire
Dude they ain't coming, air is black
Imagine doing this as non English native speaker. And i have to teach this to soldiers who cant even speak English, tomorrow. RIP
@@Asraeks i'm not a native english speaker and ik it sucks so bad, hope the teaching went well though
Not too hard if you do it more than like 3 times. I learned MEDEVAC niners in 3 days and cas nines and fives in 2. Just got to put it to practice.
Shoot at both sides this and that remember God is great Allah AKBAR har Krisna same words EAT SGI