I was as well. The time-lapse which was taken over a ten day period capture the event. I did not realized that more than one method could be used for disassembling the cranes. The third cranes is being taken apart now using the same method as the red crane.
Always curious about how to assemble and dissemble the tall and heavy cranes at the construction site.
I was as well. The time-lapse which was taken over a ten day period capture the event. I did not realized that more than one method could be used for disassembling the cranes. The third cranes is being taken apart now using the same method as the red crane.
If you play the video in reverse, it's the assembly of two tower cranes!
How do they get rid of the other one tho
I believe once the second crane is close to the ground they bring in wheel-based crane to complete the disassembly.
lit af