Super Mario Galaxy Final Boss and Ending

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,5 тис.

  • @908shane
    @908shane 9 років тому +1564

    Every time I see the Lumas sacrifice themselves to save everyone else it almost brings a tear to my eye, even Marios mortified when he sees his own Luma sacrifice itself for him.

    • @vincecarpenter661
      @vincecarpenter661 8 років тому +33

      Same except I cry so badly

    • @leenm1681
      @leenm1681 8 років тому +42

      I cried when all the lumas go risk their lives for saving the universe whenever I think about it a cry not tear I swear I keep crying I'm 11 years old girl I can't take seeing Luma go after all her help to Mario I just can't take it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭its just an animated game though but still I even feel bad for rosalina she's the most one who loves the Lumas and took care of them she must be sad. or proud of them I don't know but all the lumas are just gone😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @hi7232
      @hi7232 7 років тому +8

      shane lewis
      NO SHIT SHERLICK EVERYONE (well not everyone, I cried)

    • @davidthefrikr
      @davidthefrikr 7 років тому +6

      shane lewis "SHERLICK"

    • @thechurchofmasymas5017
      @thechurchofmasymas5017 7 років тому +4


  • @Mia-yx5gf
    @Mia-yx5gf 8 років тому +3546

    who else cried when thye saw the Lumas sacrifice themselves T_T

    • @NintendoGirl49
      @NintendoGirl49 8 років тому +34


    • @Mia-yx5gf
      @Mia-yx5gf 8 років тому +36

      ikr?! it's so sad TnT

    • @NintendoGirl49
      @NintendoGirl49 8 років тому +11

      +Mia Lane Yeah

    • @NintendoGirl49
      @NintendoGirl49 8 років тому +64

      But this ending is so beautiful even though it's sad

    • @Ty-L15
      @Ty-L15 8 років тому +47

      THIS GAME FEATURES SO MANY HAPPY MEMERIES but i cri evry tim :_:

  • @Cloudeusz
    @Cloudeusz 8 років тому +2450

    This game can literally be classified as art. It's the best thing Nintendo has ever made.

    • @leenleen5342
      @leenleen5342 7 років тому +3

      Happy Mask Salesman true゚(゚ノД`゚)゚

    • @antimatterstudios8395
      @antimatterstudios8395 5 років тому +11

      Echoes Act 3 anyone has ever made

    • @bendriscoll4758
      @bendriscoll4758 5 років тому +33

      A really amazing game is actually Link's Awakening, the ending was actually so sad what happened to link. As well as in Ocarina of Time, Link lives the rest of his life as now a mortal and he can't go back to his home at the Deku Tree.

    • @zecabone3850
      @zecabone3850 5 років тому +54

      Ben Driscoll No one asked, and technically that’s a spoiler for people who haven’t yet played those games.

    • @bendriscoll4758
      @bendriscoll4758 5 років тому +14

      @@zecabone3850 I just wanted to throw out other sad old titles, I don't care if I'm "offending" you or anything

  • @thespeedingmushroom7892
    @thespeedingmushroom7892 5 років тому +1000

    Where girls cry: Billie Elish
    Where boys cry: Death of Iron Man
    Where men cry: Gary Come Home
    Where legends cry: 15:08

  • @JordanViknar
    @JordanViknar 5 років тому +686

    14:00 I feel bad for Bowser a bit. He lost everything he worked for, he is stuck on a dying planet, soon to be absorbed by a black hole, and he is completely hopeless, as he watches his work crumble with him.
    17:52 Oh wait. He's fine.

    • @Dexuz
      @Dexuz 4 роки тому +122

      Bowser indeed died, just like everyone else, they got recreated after the Luma's sacrificed themselves to start the universe anew.

    • @erenyeager3655
      @erenyeager3655 4 роки тому +49

      @@Dexuz stone ocean basically

    • @cyan.6399
      @cyan.6399 4 роки тому +8


    • @kaiser1817
      @kaiser1817 4 роки тому +15

      bread water So Rosalina’s weakness is 100% pure oxygen?

    • @naomipascall4652
      @naomipascall4652 4 роки тому +1

      and in the second game he didnt get his giant cake

  • @ryang1ll
    @ryang1ll 8 років тому +750

    when the luma goes into the black hole that part was sad

    • @hi7232
      @hi7232 7 років тому +10

      Ryan Gill
      I cried everytime I see it.

    • @QuasarTheWacky
      @QuasarTheWacky 7 років тому +16

      Even makes 16 year old men cry....It..It's hard you know

    • @jurajsintaj6644
      @jurajsintaj6644 7 років тому +3

      But. a 10 year old doesent

    • @gojirael124-gojiraxrael4
      @gojirael124-gojiraxrael4 5 років тому +9

      They Created the big bang to reset the universe

    • @rewindoffical5280
      @rewindoffical5280 5 років тому +1

      NutRubber bro, you’re an adult now

  • @SoysauceForRob
    @SoysauceForRob 9 років тому +1750

    Luma: *Waves goodbye*
    Me: *almost tears*

    • @YAH93
      @YAH93 9 років тому +5

      +Robert Rosado So did I

    • @Zespeon
      @Zespeon 8 років тому +18

      +Robert Rosado i cried... i loved this game so much...

    • @Josh-vr4zc
      @Josh-vr4zc 8 років тому +21

      People who haven't played the game don't get it but once you have, you'll truly understand the somber of this moment

    • @woomyhunter3427
      @woomyhunter3427 8 років тому +2


    • @hi7232
      @hi7232 7 років тому +2

      Robert Rosado

  • @justinwalter4509
    @justinwalter4509 9 років тому +1693

    if a game makes you cry, like bawling, then that game is a godsend. super mario galaxy is one of those games and everyone can agree on that ;)

    • @wheeliemaster100
      @wheeliemaster100 8 років тому +34

      The ending jacks me up, like, tears...

    • @nestor7756
      @nestor7756 5 років тому +6

      You're right
      In my opinion this game was an incredible experience back when I played it

    • @sabiesaenz
      @sabiesaenz 5 років тому +7

      Right man. Galaxy 2's ending is kinda bland. I never like galaxy 2. I think 1 is the better one out of both of them

    • @kitman566
      @kitman566 5 років тому +1

      @@sabiesaenz I haven't played the rest of Super Mario Galaxy 2... so I don't know what the ending is like. NO SPOILERS, THOUGH. I want to see the ending for myself.

    • @jamescorrigan577
      @jamescorrigan577 5 років тому

      Kit Man you completed it yet?

  • @awakened_link1041
    @awakened_link1041 4 роки тому +228

    The scene at 13:14 when Mario catches Peach from falling and then they fly across the galaxy holding hands is incredibly lovely. It's my favorite bit!

    • @gamernation185
      @gamernation185 Рік тому +3

      she literally teleported into Mario's hand

    • @SoyGengar-oi8yx
      @SoyGengar-oi8yx Рік тому

      Tipico comentario deun negro, 🤮🤮🤮

    • @CrazyWeatherDude
      @CrazyWeatherDude 10 місяців тому +1

      @@gamernation185Power of the Grand Star!

    • @Mc.Lovin3756
      @Mc.Lovin3756 8 місяців тому

      I know right ❤

    • @marino._.
      @marino._. 7 місяців тому

      The distant "woo" it's funny for some reason

  • @jakedower97
    @jakedower97 4 роки тому +416

    For everyone, the ending:
    Basically Lumas sacrificed themselves in order to prevent the Supermassive Black Hole, originated from the previous Supernova (in turn originated from Bowser Star instabilities, caused by the lost power of the Grand Star) from causing the Big Crunch. Thanks to them, it turned into a singularity that gave origin to an explosion ( a sort of New Big Bang), restoring the Universe, with the particularity that everything in it was 'repeated' not the same way, which is made possible thanks to the Stardust's essence generated by Lumas (after their sacrifice), which now are reborn as new Lumas, stars, planets or galaxies, along with our characters like Bowser, Peach, Toads (Mario is the only saved, since he is the only one who has memories, also proved when he esclaims 'Welcome, welcome new Galaxy!' . The little pink Luma at the end just testifies how the cycle repeats itself.

    • @yungt320
      @yungt320 4 роки тому +15

      What little pink luma and how does it say the cycle keeps repeating?

    • @jakedower97
      @jakedower97 4 роки тому +42

      @@yungt320 that Luma at 24:31 is the pink Luma that accompanied Mario in his all adventure and that one who waved off before going into the Supermassive black hole. We can interpret this in 2 ways:
      -He is reborn again as a Luma, as Rosalina explains
      -He is the same Luma young Rosalina met at the beginning of her storybook. If you remember the pink Luma in the book said that he lost his Mama. A nice reference to the 'old' Rosalina that left with the Comet Observatory (like shown in the video), by missing that little Luma. So now the young Rosalina will find him etc. So the cycle will repeat

    • @sken1301
      @sken1301 4 роки тому +4

      It's sorta like 2014 Thanos in action, except that the black hole collapse wasn't intended.

    • @stankylad8815
      @stankylad8815 3 роки тому +8

      Bruh you making this sound like a science lecture.

    • @lonestarwolfentertainment7184
      @lonestarwolfentertainment7184 2 роки тому +31

      So Basically the Universe was destroyed and everyone except for Mario died but the Lumas recreated the Universe and everything in it leaving Mario as the only person with any knowledge of what happened? That’s actually pretty fucking dark.

  • @kristineperdomo21
    @kristineperdomo21 9 років тому +670

    They put a lot of effort into this game I love the ending

    • @treegirl5105
      @treegirl5105 9 років тому +6

      +Kristine Zeh Me to. :)

    • @overtimeworker59
      @overtimeworker59 4 роки тому +7

      Race Hallabrin yeah I think the second one the creator said he wanted the story to be as minimum as possible

    • @traviscunningham7062
      @traviscunningham7062 Рік тому

      To me, Galaxy 2 didn’t really need a story. Besides, the gameplay is kinda like telling a story.

  • @blazemachine2257
    @blazemachine2257 9 років тому +827

    Wow, 2007 was 8 years ago? Time has certainly passed.

    • @JacklostYedmore
      @JacklostYedmore 9 років тому +13

      +Pyrobear 2000 , Haha, i know right? :P I remember getting this game along with a wii back in january 2008 when i was 16 years old and i enjoyed this game :) The graphic sure has aged well, for a 2007 game it looks really good :)

    • @quin1841
      @quin1841 9 років тому +1

      +Pyrobear 2000 , it's now 9 years ago

    • @JacklostYedmore
      @JacklostYedmore 9 років тому +4

      10 next year O: I can't believe how fast 9 years have gone. The 9 years from 1998 to 2007 felt much more longer

    • @blazemachine2257
      @blazemachine2257 9 років тому

      Quin Balsan lol yeah it's 2016

    • @moonvesta979
      @moonvesta979 7 років тому +7

      Now it's 2017... :(

  • @coreynixuloalex7481
    @coreynixuloalex7481 8 років тому +836

    Damn, I used to completely go with amazement, but then realized that the ending was literally the destruction of the entire universe. Damn Nintendo.

    • @idioticlight
      @idioticlight 4 роки тому +1

      @@giovannib7388 kids*

    • @giovannib7388
      @giovannib7388 4 роки тому +1

      @@idioticlight thx

    • @Twocoolman115
      @Twocoolman115 3 роки тому +9

      @Virginia Tracking 1925 who’s to say it already hasn’t?

    • @gimo6881
      @gimo6881 2 роки тому +20

      It is not the destruction of all of creation, it is the birth of the new age of light, as the lumas sacrificed themselves to prevent the universe from collapsing into chaos and that caused a singularity that restored all of creation in a huge explosion of a its see produced the birth of new stars. (The new luma's offsprings)

    • @gimo6881
      @gimo6881 2 роки тому

      @Virginia Tracking 1925 We could imagine it but in the end it is something that will never happen since the universe will be eternal, because as it expands, it becomes more complex and at the same time more varied and structured that grows without borders through the multiverse and beyond since its energy, heat and complexity does not dissipate, it spreads and multiplies.
      (And yes, you can come to me with those theories that everyone already believes unconsciously. Well, first of all I tell you never to take a theory seriously since it is not and will never be the same as a fact, since, who can confirm a theory about something that escapes all understanding)

  • @Skyrunner210
    @Skyrunner210 6 років тому +263

    15:05 Admit it, we all cried the first time we saw this.

    • @SJ-eu3wg
      @SJ-eu3wg 5 років тому +10

      I didn't for some reason

    • @TheEmeraldCreeper
      @TheEmeraldCreeper 5 років тому +3

      @@SJ-eu3wg you monster

    • @TheEmeraldCreeper
      @TheEmeraldCreeper 5 років тому +3

      I do every time

    • @SJ-eu3wg
      @SJ-eu3wg 5 років тому +4

      @@TheEmeraldCreeper just because I didn't cry doesn't mean I aren't a bad person

    • @undergalaxy775
      @undergalaxy775 5 років тому +30

      I didn't because I didn't understand wtf it was going on. Playing it again tho, oh the feels

  • @benrosen3399
    @benrosen3399 6 років тому +2638

    Even Odyssey isn’t as good as Galaxy

    • @godzillacc5
      @godzillacc5 5 років тому +224

      Strongly agree

    • @brianjude6789
      @brianjude6789 5 років тому +41

      Pumpkin S. how come Dry Bowser and the Koopalings (Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig, Roy, Wendy, and Larry) WON’T appear in Super Mario Galaxy & Super Mario Galaxy 2?

    • @BurritoGaming
      @BurritoGaming 5 років тому +170

      @Pumpkin S. I'm sure Super Mario Odyssey isn't as great as Galaxy, Galaxy has the best Mario story of all games :)

    • @BluestSoldier
      @BluestSoldier 5 років тому +171

      @Pumpkin S. Imagine rating games by their graphics

    • @isaacrodriguez4773
      @isaacrodriguez4773 5 років тому +12

      Well at Least I s’all the 8-bit Rosalina on the Dark side of the Moon Kingdom.

  • @mechieboii
    @mechieboii 8 років тому +543

    Well now i know who created the big bang

    • @TODFXMEN2000
      @TODFXMEN2000 5 років тому +22

      Mom and dad

    • @kitman566
      @kitman566 5 років тому +5

      LOL. That's a roasted joke, LOL.

    • @erenyeager3655
      @erenyeager3655 5 років тому +6

      Enrico pucci

    • @havenmj
      @havenmj 5 років тому +1


    • @DavidLopez-up3qm
      @DavidLopez-up3qm 5 років тому +1

      @@erenyeager3655 Truly Made in Heaven. Though I was sad that JoJo was no more.

  • @x007hunterx4
    @x007hunterx4 9 років тому +428

    Like if you cry every time...
    ... No, but seriously. I was looking through this game's soundtrack when I thought of the final boss, and decided to google it. So here I am, giving the video a Like, when 15:05 comes along...
    ... And even after beating this game almost 8 YEARS ago... I started crying. Legitimately crying at this same exact part that I've already seen so long ago.
    Galaxy will( and does) remain as one of the best entries of the entire Super Mario series, and one of the most memorable games ever made in history.

    • @posyonose14
      @posyonose14 6 років тому +6

      "Nintendo Selects"

    • @ArynBendah
      @ArynBendah 6 років тому +9

      @@MrNineFive Odyssey tops this one, but it doesn't have the emotional punch Galaxy has

    • @ZupperWill
      @ZupperWill 5 років тому +8

      @@ArynBendah maybe the gameplay but not the story

    • @rushikakkirala948
      @rushikakkirala948 5 років тому +2

      @@ArynBendah and yet, the plot to galaxy actually has substance

    • @ArynBendah
      @ArynBendah 5 років тому +2

      @@rushikakkirala948 save the universe from Bowser, Rosalina has a background story. More substance than most traditional Mario games

  • @finleymorris04
    @finleymorris04 8 років тому +671

    We need SMG3 right now.

    • @prof.torcoolguy7060
      @prof.torcoolguy7060 8 років тому +89

      No, we don't! He's SMG4's evil clone! That is, unless you used a confusing abbreviation.

    • @bendover7280
      @bendover7280 8 років тому +10

      +Prof. Tor Coolguy Super Mario Galaxy 3.

    • @prof.torcoolguy7060
      @prof.torcoolguy7060 8 років тому +29

      +Ben Dover I know, it was a joke.

    • @HavenMarches
      @HavenMarches 7 років тому +18


    • @RemHayden1806
      @RemHayden1806 7 років тому +8

      H.F Gaming SMG3=Super Mario Galaxy 3

  • @ObscurePixeI
    @ObscurePixeI 4 роки тому +333

    This is the first time I actually cried after finishing a game when i was young, and it still affects me today. Nintendo did such an amazing job with this game and its music and story. Absolutely amazing.

    • @lorenzoaguilera8736
      @lorenzoaguilera8736 Рік тому +3

      This ending is probably a part of my childhood that convinced me that there is more to space and time it also what inspired me to discover it

    • @User71537
      @User71537 Рік тому


    • @nicotheprogamer2175
      @nicotheprogamer2175 Рік тому +1

      Nintendo makes magical games, masterpieces!

    • @R4YSx
      @R4YSx Рік тому +1

      First and only game I cried to as a kid

    • @keybladegames_real
      @keybladegames_real Рік тому

      Same, just damn its a perfect game

  • @vegas3352
    @vegas3352 6 років тому +127

    This part is actually terrifying.
    You can see that something want to get out and something else is holding it back.

    • @cringelord778
      @cringelord778 5 років тому +2


    • @minmin-t1v8e
      @minmin-t1v8e 2 роки тому +5

      The Big Crunch!
      Edit: Is Also Called The Freeze Or Rip. :\

    • @gimo6881
      @gimo6881 2 роки тому +3

      @@minmin-t1v8e Nothing of that, That's is the born of the New star generation (And the Restoring of the infinity of universe)
      That is just a theory who can be easily debunked in any time.

  • @CaptainCobvious
    @CaptainCobvious 10 років тому +408

    The ending always makes me cry

    • @SketchCast64
      @SketchCast64 10 років тому +1

      It almost made me cry

    • @omarvelasco2704
      @omarvelasco2704 9 років тому +1

      Anarcho Tom Me tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    • @SketchCast64
      @SketchCast64 9 років тому +1

      Diego Velasco I think it makes every1 cry

    • @yukariyakumo7242
      @yukariyakumo7242 7 років тому


    • @the.abhiram.r
      @the.abhiram.r 7 років тому +2

      Random terrarians am I the only one who doesn't cry

  • @TheNicksflicks
    @TheNicksflicks 8 років тому +1247

    Games like this prove that the magic that Nintendo brings to our lives will never be matched by any other company

    • @Anonymous-gq4gq
      @Anonymous-gq4gq 8 років тому +18


    • @jsgoed9160
      @jsgoed9160 8 років тому +16


    • @gamingwithevan8545
      @gamingwithevan8545 8 років тому +36

      NJF Productions yea Nintendo rules sega drools but some of sega games like sonic are good, but still nothing can compare with Nintendo

    • @Gamerpro-yr4pq
      @Gamerpro-yr4pq 7 років тому +4

      NJF Productions also that there are sad parts to Nintendo games

    • @GaryLuKOTH
      @GaryLuKOTH 7 років тому +8

      Sega is probably Nintendo's best competitor in terms of games, even though they are struggling in the past few couple of decades (Yes, I know that there were some good Sonic games but there were not as many as Mario and the best Sonic games did not appeal to me as much as Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2). Sega could possibly be on the same level as Nintendo soon enough since they are finally learning from their mistakes.

  • @BoomingGoomba
    @BoomingGoomba 10 років тому +195

    When I first beat this 8 years ago I cried, re-watching it now, and I still want to cry. This is one of the saddest endings to a video game ever.

  • @masonbraun3734
    @masonbraun3734 4 роки тому +124

    Miyamoto: If Mario games have big stories, it can detract from the experience.
    All Mario fans:

    • @endoskel9262
      @endoskel9262 2 роки тому +18

      Just look at the Mario rpgs and the paper mario games( well the first three mostly)

    • @El_Silveiro
      @El_Silveiro Рік тому +3

      We don'talk about Sticker Star

    • @traviscunningham7062
      @traviscunningham7062 Рік тому

      And Paper Jam.

  • @NintendoGirl49
    @NintendoGirl49 3 роки тому +77

    If you think about it, Mario is truly a good man. He didn't only see his allies as things who give him powers or people who help him, but he saw them as true friends. That's why in Sunshine, Mario cried when he believed F.L.U.D.D. died, and tried to stop the Lumas from risking their lives here.

  • @dannyphantomfan1356
    @dannyphantomfan1356 8 років тому +171

    LOL! 13:15 to 13:18= Bowser Jr.: No! You killed my dad. Here's your stinkin' princess! *throws Peach overboard*

    • @enchantra35
      @enchantra35 7 років тому +4

      Sarah Patterson That comment made my day! Thank you 😂😂😂

    • @thekilkgamer6526
      @thekilkgamer6526 7 років тому +1

      Sarah Patterson lmoa

    • @Pasteliimp4
      @Pasteliimp4 7 років тому +4


    • @goose9656
      @goose9656 6 років тому +2

      Lol I’m ded! 🤣

    • @The_Homie_Huevon
      @The_Homie_Huevon 4 роки тому +3

      Yeeted her off the ship

  • @QuasarTheWacky
    @QuasarTheWacky 8 років тому +1197

    Saddest ending in video game history..

    • @Cosmic76Guardian
      @Cosmic76Guardian 8 років тому +17

      Me too. :(

    • @coolbros1112
      @coolbros1112 8 років тому +24

      +CodenameJackimo it is a great one though

    • @laurenwagy801
      @laurenwagy801 8 років тому +51


    • @Swoot
      @Swoot 7 років тому +11

      Lauren Wagy That was also a good one.

    • @manofsteel4260
      @manofsteel4260 7 років тому +1

      Jackson Wheelock I don't get how it's sad..

  • @hmvideos6247
    @hmvideos6247 10 років тому +1034

    Mario can survive a black hole vut he cant survive getting touched by a koopa....

    • @HeliosThor64
      @HeliosThor64 10 років тому +136

      Technically, Mario did die, he was just reborn.

    • @jakandratchet9930
      @jakandratchet9930 9 років тому +43

      +HeliosVenomMage64 same with bowser

    • @sansdeltarune7510
      @sansdeltarune7510 6 років тому +61

      He didn’t die he is the only one that remembers what appended in the ending

    • @NintendoGirl49
      @NintendoGirl49 6 років тому +14

      @@sansdeltarune7510 Yes, you're the one that's right.

    • @antimatterstudios8395
      @antimatterstudios8395 5 років тому +25

      hm videos lol Rosalina saved all their asses

  • @celestialrosalina677
    @celestialrosalina677 2 роки тому +68

    This ending… will never fail to make me emotional. I don’t care how many times I have seen it, it will always get the best of me.

  • @j.aj.g5251
    @j.aj.g5251 Рік тому +12

    That Rosalina speech about how everything has a cycle and lowkey telling that in Mario Universe may come as they were but not do the same is pure art 16:00

  • @surgemendoza5252
    @surgemendoza5252 8 років тому +296

    For anyone wanting to argue saying Sunshine is better than Galaxy, watch this and your argument is invalid.

    • @NoriakiCuckyoin
      @NoriakiCuckyoin 8 років тому +38

      +Daniel Mendoza Except no, because they have a right to that opinion.

    • @surgemendoza5252
      @surgemendoza5252 8 років тому +16

      +That Guy Who Sleeps in the Hood of Your Car Chillax. Don't take this comment seriously

    • @Aito4896
      @Aito4896 8 років тому +18

      Personally i like both. I never really understood sunshine as i was 6 at the time of playing, yet it was always really fun. But this game right here, this is the definition of my childhood

    • @k-leb4671
      @k-leb4671 7 років тому +6

      I don't know if I can trust people who think Super Mario Sunshine is the best 3D Mario game unless they played it as a kid or otherwise have nostalgia for it.
      From my perspective, the development team made a lot of poor design choices.

    • @PYC128
      @PYC128 7 років тому +4

      Caleb Jaaniste I have nostalgia for Sunshine and highly negative nostalgia for Galaxy, but having replayed Galaxy recently the story isn't as poorly executed as I remembered. The game still feels awful to play though, unlike Sunshine. Galaxy's graphics also don't hold up as well as I feel Sunshine's does.

  • @pokestarx1376
    @pokestarx1376 10 років тому +139

    15:10-15:36 always made me cry when I was little

    • @BPR2799
      @BPR2799 10 років тому +1

      respect bro ;)

    • @hgxnorton1986
      @hgxnorton1986 10 років тому


    • @hgxnorton1986
      @hgxnorton1986 10 років тому +1

      its just how they sacrifice themselves

    • @schwarzerritter5724
      @schwarzerritter5724 10 років тому +1

      Harvey Norton The Lumas don't sacrifice themselves, they turn into a new universe. It's part of their lifecycle.

    • @BoomingGoomba
      @BoomingGoomba 10 років тому

      Yeah, I cried too haha. It was just so sad to hear their sacrifice.

  • @DarkAnomaly
    @DarkAnomaly 10 років тому +176

    I'm glad i'm not the only one who finds the ending here sad. I know the first time i seen it i was taken completely by surprise (yes i did cry) something i didn't expect at all in a Mario game.

    • @lordscorch3167
      @lordscorch3167 10 років тому +2

      dude it STILL makes me cry... Q.Q

    • @DarkAnomaly
      @DarkAnomaly 10 років тому +4

      Caleb Clark Me too. I guess some people are just weak when it comes to emotion sometimes.

    • @swaggynick1658
      @swaggynick1658 10 років тому +1

      When I was little I made it 98% I think and I was scared of the black holes im 10 now and not scared. I beat the 2nd one but not S world I ALSO CRIED

    • @swaggynick1658
      @swaggynick1658 10 років тому

      Never mind in remember beating it but not wit all stars

    • @thetruecorrectguy8537
      @thetruecorrectguy8537 10 років тому +4

      Benjamin Rose No, Galaxy 2 was Rosalina retelling the story of Galaxy in a more cheerful fashion for her luma children.

  • @princesscadance197
    @princesscadance197 5 років тому +15

    The Lumas looked death straight in the eye and said, “No. We won’t let you.”

  • @eddiesandoval1291
    @eddiesandoval1291 Рік тому +10

    The last Rosalina's scene is so gorgeous. Never get bored of watching it.

    • @Bloodborne..
      @Bloodborne.. 4 місяці тому

      I didn’t understand this scene

  • @novastargaming8146
    @novastargaming8146 10 років тому +63

    Normally, I never cry because a Videogame, but this Part of the Ending was so emotionally that I must cry :,(

  • @chulissa
    @chulissa 9 років тому +147

    We'll miss you Luma ; -;

    • @Nichijouforfun
      @Nichijouforfun 9 років тому


    • @chulissa
      @chulissa 9 років тому


    • @brucewayne4886
      @brucewayne4886 9 років тому +8

      +JasonMunizProductions bowsers galaxy created a giant blackhole,and everything was getting destroyed by it. all the lumas then sacrificed themselves to stop the blackhole,yet it wasnt enough and the whole universe got destroyed. everyone died,not a single person was alive. except for rosalina. rosalina explained stuff about the stars and stardust and recarnation and stuff,and she reset the whole universe. that caused everyone to reborn on the same planet where peaches castle is. hope this helped.

    • @RemoteLogic
      @RemoteLogic 8 років тому

      Does this make Galaxy 1 non-canon then?

    • @relldb2792
      @relldb2792 8 років тому +2

      +MarioaddictC no it has to be canon cuz rosalina appears in sm3dw

  • @TheNicksflicks
    @TheNicksflicks 8 років тому +153

    Best moment for me is when Mario is flying with the grand star and he grabs peach and she says "Mario!" and they twirl around. It just makes me feel so happy.

    • @captainjaf7611
      @captainjaf7611 6 років тому +1

      NJF Productions So True!

    • @AngieMarioFreak2001
      @AngieMarioFreak2001 5 років тому +2

      Then bowser’s planet collapses into a black hole and then all the lumas sacrifice themselves

    • @cooperschlickau4062
      @cooperschlickau4062 4 роки тому +1

      Satisfying for mario and peach

    • @kylegaddison709
      @kylegaddison709 4 роки тому +5

      Ugh it's such a rollercoaster of emotions, that whole ending sequence :')

  • @seaweed._.5392
    @seaweed._.5392 5 років тому +154

    This game was my entire childhood
    The end

  • @pixelitalian
    @pixelitalian 6 років тому +97

    15:07 This part always gets me with the feels....
    The music...
    The Lumas...
    Brings back so many memories...

    • @efrainchavez1374
      @efrainchavez1374 Рік тому +1

      I do agree but the Luma saying Goodbye, it's still a sacrifice just like Android 17 sacrifice to save Goku and Vegeta for a attack from Jiren

    • @hobomike6935
      @hobomike6935 11 місяців тому

      Nothing will ever recapture the sweaty hands, dopamine/adrenaline, and sheer excitement as the transition between 1:21 into 1:30 and then the music coming back full-blast at 1:50

  • @iCupcakeMelaniex3
    @iCupcakeMelaniex3 9 років тому +72

    I'm crying. This is the first game I have ever completed since the start of the game. Brings back memory.

    • @alexiswii3710
      @alexiswii3710 9 років тому +3

      itself , the sad part is that The Luma had to leave quickly, according to never get back , because he gave his life like others, to save to Mario, Peach... Bowser. The black hole...

    • @kanda8157
      @kanda8157 8 років тому

      how do bowser manage to have a black hole in his body

    • @papermariotheoverpoweredpa7317
      @papermariotheoverpoweredpa7317 8 років тому

      Ask Nintendo.

    • @LyokoisGreat2
      @LyokoisGreat2 7 років тому

      王兆陽 the planet looked like it went super nova. Bowser just happened to be there at the time

  • @TheWillikids
    @TheWillikids 8 років тому +162

    I love how everything is breaking part except Peach's Castle XD

    • @NintendoGirl49
      @NintendoGirl49 8 років тому +5

      Are you sure you loved that part? I think it was scary.

    • @BenLockZelGaming
      @BenLockZelGaming 8 років тому +19

      ikr look at 14:59 it must have taken forever to fix the observatory

    • @grandpasoldier8580
      @grandpasoldier8580 8 років тому +11

      I love how everything that isent peaches castle or the observatory gets pulled in 10 times more fast

    • @camcookie9467
      @camcookie9467 5 років тому

      Ludum40 , that seen was to stressful for me and still is I cried and nearly had a panic attack

  • @cptndltrne
    @cptndltrne 7 років тому +91

    The chills. Every time
    Nintendo is god like

  • @Mark-fc7tu
    @Mark-fc7tu 4 роки тому +19

    The ending was a magical thing. You've had your fun adventure, you've collected all of the power stars and grand stars, you've even learned about Rosalina's surprisingly tragic tale of loss... but at the end of everything, a black hole consumes the universe. And then? The Lumas, the adorable critters who've followed you on your journey, all sacrifice themselves by throwing themselves into the abyss. Why? It might seem illogical at first, but then you remember that Lumas become celestial bodies when the time is right.
    And as you hear the crying of a newborn baby while silently floating through the vast cosmos, you come face to face with Rosalina, who gives you a very confusing speech about life, death, and rebirth, involving the Lumas and the starts. She tells you that this cycle is natural, and while it seems sad that death in inevitable, there is no need to be sad forever, because the cycle always has something new and wonderful to offer.
    When you wake up, you find yourself in front of Peach's castle, and everything is back to the way is was meant to be. The grass is swaying in the wind, the birds are flying high above, and all of the friends you've made along the way are now throwing a celebration. Looking around, you see that the Princess and Bowser are coming to their senses, and they look just as confused as you do.
    Up in the sky, you see a brilliant white light, shimmering for the world to see. You hear a faint, familiar whisper, and suddenly, it clicks.
    You open your mouth to welcome the new galaxy with all of your heart and soul, because it's time for a new day, and a new adventure.

  • @overitspeaks39
    @overitspeaks39 2 роки тому +24

    It's insane how even almost a decade has passed and I can feel my teen self playing this through on my wii.
    Takes me back, jerks the tears.
    Life is hard

    • @hobomike6935
      @hobomike6935 11 місяців тому +1

      Remember the sheer adrenaline back in 2006 when you saw 1:30 pop up on your screen with the music going full-blast for the very first time?

  • @pidgeysquad3019
    @pidgeysquad3019 9 років тому +81

    I think the Luma said goodbye and Mario said wait come back

    • @themrzetha
      @themrzetha 8 років тому +4

      but he is a baby now :3

  • @m1ghtyboy
    @m1ghtyboy 7 років тому +64

    The best ending to any game. ever.

  • @zottffss
    @zottffss 7 років тому +37

    Luma's sacrifice....and the other stars......O.o. It really is heart wrenching.

  • @YTSirBlack
    @YTSirBlack 10 місяців тому +6

    15:48 lemme tell ya, the Wiimote vibration went wild here

  • @RichardDong68
    @RichardDong68 4 роки тому +47

    "Welcome New Galaxy!"
    Just looks like Gusty Garden to me.

  • @thedeergod435
    @thedeergod435 7 років тому +15

    14:51 can we just appreciate how calm peach looks when she gets sucked into a black hole

  • @J-T-M619
    @J-T-M619 8 років тому +58

    This is my favorite Mario game ever perhaps one of the best Mario games to come out in a long time

    • @jamesmuise2499
      @jamesmuise2499 8 років тому +1

      +JT M perhaps one of the best games to come out? Are you sure you wanna put perhaps in there? Ha!

    • @J-T-M619
      @J-T-M619 8 років тому

      James Muise Nothing tops the original Super Mario Bros.

    • @J-T-M619
      @J-T-M619 8 років тому

      ***** Well you got your opinions and we got ours

    • @J-T-M619
      @J-T-M619 8 років тому

      ***** Never heard of them so were good

    • @jamesmuise2499
      @jamesmuise2499 8 років тому

      JT M I just realized. In your comment above the one I commented to you said this your favorite Mario game ever. But if nothing tops the original super Mario bros, then how can this game be your favorite? That doesn't make sense, nor does you saying this game is perhaps one of the greatest after you said it's your favorite.

  • @awakened_link1041
    @awakened_link1041 8 років тому +37

    I absolutely love the bit at 13:14 where Mario catches Peach and she says his name, and they fly through the stars to the Good Egg Galaxy theme. It's so freakin' beautiful!!!

    • @missangelpirateprincesspea7263
      @missangelpirateprincesspea7263 5 років тому +5

      I love peach and Mario flying
      *somewhere out there* if love can see us through
      Can see us through
      *Then we'll be together somewhere out there out where dreams*
      *Come true*

  • @shrimpybebo2736
    @shrimpybebo2736 5 років тому +13

    13:16 when Good Egg Galaxy sets in I get the most intense chills I have ever felt.

  • @willy1074
    @willy1074 5 років тому +182

    Marvel: We killed more than half of our cast in infinity war, In endgame we said goodbye to iron man we have the mos saddest parts in the whole world
    Mario: Hold My Luma... LUMA?!

    • @TwilightLink77
      @TwilightLink77 4 роки тому +3

      Willy DC: We wipeout a entire multiverse, and said goodbye to Oliver Queen after he rebooted the multiverse.

    • @sniperdude4956
      @sniperdude4956 3 роки тому +2

      Everyone keeps saying the Luma sacrificed itself. When I first played this I was young so I thought they went into that hole to reset the universe but I didn’t understand that sacrifice part. Can you explain this? To me I thought this was more of their duty rather than a decision which is what everyone seems to be making it out to be.

    • @MariaHernandez-ff6rd
      @MariaHernandez-ff6rd 3 роки тому +4

      @@sniperdude4956 I think people are saying that it's sacrifice because lumas didn't necessarily have to do what they did; to my knowledge, they wouldn't be affected by the blackhole.
      Recalling Rosalina's Storybook, on one page, a red luma mentions how it's their destiny to transform into something, whether that be a planet, galaxy, star, etc. In the finale, by becoming a force that stops the blackhole from destroying the universe, they are essentially giving up what they had planned for their destiny. On the same page of the storybook, a green luma says that they want to be a star that will make someone smile.
      Overall, its sacrificial because they didn't have to do it and because they gave up their dreams, outcome, plans of their destiny.

    • @sniperdude4956
      @sniperdude4956 3 роки тому +2

      @@MariaHernandez-ff6rd Ah, that is a very good take on that. Like it’s probably the only idea that actually has made sense to me. Man this was such a great game. Thx so much for trying to explain this to me.

  • @Schimnesthai
    @Schimnesthai 9 років тому +24


  • @FluxMD
    @FluxMD 8 років тому +30

    How is this kind of genius even possible?

  • @arminarlert9761
    @arminarlert9761 8 років тому +42

    I actually cried at this scene when I played it myself. Super Mario Galaxy 3 would be cool. I mean, this Galaxy theme is just too awesome.

  • @alexgotwifi8253
    @alexgotwifi8253 5 років тому +32

    This game, man... I swear. Just this final sequence alone makes me feel so many intense emotions. Seeing the observatory transform in preparation for the final battle pumps me up so much, Mario and Peach's reunion warms my heart in a pure way, and then the intense melancholy of the Lumas' sacrifice that brings me to tears. All in less than 20 minutes.
    Nintendo outidid themselves with this one I tell ya.

  • @RSwizard101vids
    @RSwizard101vids Рік тому +14

    Now that's a happy ending. Or is it?
    Because everything's over now. And all that's left is you and the infinite void.
    Kind of makes you want to play saxophone, huh?

  • @chessislive2790
    @chessislive2790 Рік тому +6

    This game was so great it is actually kinda crazy, it was literally beyong anything, greatest of appreciation

    • @hobomike6935
      @hobomike6935 11 місяців тому

      nothing will ever quite recreate the feelings you got back in 2006/2007 when you saw and heard the transition between 1:30 pop up on your screen one last time for the final battle.

  • @TheNicksflicks
    @TheNicksflicks 8 років тому +18

    That moment when all the Lumas go in the black hole makes me cry every time....

    • @SoniKendoDJ
      @SoniKendoDJ 8 років тому +3

      Same,when people that don't know Mario and say that's it's stupid and for babies i always think of this moment in Mario Galaxy but they don't understand :p

    • @NintendoGirl49
      @NintendoGirl49 8 років тому

      +「 SoniKendo 」 But it's so sad.. -_-

  • @domstarrett8720
    @domstarrett8720 5 років тому +28

    Nostalgia, this is literally my childhood

  • @drummerboy0620
    @drummerboy0620 5 років тому +23

    It’s the final battle. You’ve gone through hell and back to collect the power stars and Grand Stars. You’ve faced off with Bowser Jr + his bosses three times and Bowser twice. You’re almost done the final observatory. But you realize this wasn’t the end. There was no finale
    You go talk to Rosalina to get advice. She asks if you are ready to travel to the center of the universe. With reluctance, you say yes
    When you land, you see the monstrosity of a castle before you. You begin the trek through the humongous final challenge. And then you make to the final staircase
    Bowser Jr taunts you in his new Airship. A couple steps up and he launches cannons at you. Your heart is beating so hard that it feels like it might come out of your chest
    You get to the top of the stairs and the fight begins
    The fight starts like normal. Shockwaves? Check. Fireballs? Check
    But you get to the third and final planet of the battlefield and something is different. The music changes. You realize that the Grand Star in the middle of the planet is at the exact center of the universe. You are fighting inside of a giant fireball
    Let the true finale begin

  • @bhartichouhanchauhan42
    @bhartichouhanchauhan42 5 років тому +20

    15:09 is the moment where everyone in the universe cried

  • @pointpoint8445
    @pointpoint8445 9 років тому +15

    I swear the first time I saw this and heard the Good Egg Galaxy music I was like "YEAH SUPER HAPPY FUN ENDI-

  • @johnaustinkaohelaulii8224
    @johnaustinkaohelaulii8224 4 роки тому +10

    This game taught me how important it was to cherish everyday with your loved ones, no matter how bad it all is. Mario waking at the Mushroom Kingdom with everybody still alive just proves how much the adventures affected his life.

  • @SmeiskAudio
    @SmeiskAudio 4 роки тому +33

    8 years ago, my cat was two days away from dying. I was finishing up this game under Luigi. His breathing was heavy, and he had put his paws on my feet as if to show his love for me yet also try to ask for help from his mortal heart condition. I remember getting to this scene, where everything was destroyed. Every time I get to this screen now, I think of Snickers. I miss him. He stayed waiting for me back at home for 6 years while I was largely away at college, and lasted four more months when I was finally back home with him again. I loved him so.

  • @Jazz-cd5mu
    @Jazz-cd5mu 4 роки тому +4

    I see a lot of people talking about the Lumas sacrificing themselves but not about the post-credit scene from 22:56 to the end. There’s so much mystery surrounding that bit with the old starshroom sitting in the gateway galaxy. And talk about heart wrenching. That’s just super emotional.

  • @GraefinEB
    @GraefinEB 7 років тому +10

    I have already played the game but I just wanted to watch the end again... I really LOVE the cutscenes! I even cry everything I watch this...

  • @stevenarmstrong13
    @stevenarmstrong13 10 років тому +14

    I love it when peach begins to pray
    Makes me wonder if Mario could have lost this battle :o

  • @a.v.8781
    @a.v.8781 2 роки тому +3

    I especially like how even with the hidden backstory in Galaxy 2, we never find out quite what the heck Rosalina IS. Fun mystery.

  • @blackorder817
    @blackorder817 4 роки тому +5

    This scene It broke my heart, since I thought that Flash went to the "black hole" and I thought I died in the exploitation, I say that because in the same Explosion "screams" of the stars sounded, and, well, I thought they all died in the explosion, in addition to the sad musical theme and a farewell to Mario

  • @wiisalute
    @wiisalute 2 роки тому +5

    Mario and Peach flying together is probably the most touching moment in video game history, like Wendy and Peter Pan

  • @Bellbeing
    @Bellbeing 2 роки тому +16

    Honestly it's such an amazing scene.
    The standard ending at the beginning of Mario and Peach flying away as if it's a standard Mario ending.
    Then everything crumbles.
    The black hole scene is avsolutely terrifying. But with the sacrifice of the Lumas, it's strangely beautiful and really sad.
    This is my favourite Mario game, and it always will be.

  • @leenm1681
    @leenm1681 8 років тому +18

    I bet luma was so lonely at the end
    she was like "Hello anybody here?"😭😭

  • @edmaster235
    @edmaster235 9 років тому +24

    This looks like something from a movie

  • @marynmangle
    @marynmangle 8 років тому +38

    15:14 Omg! i cant stop crying in this part!!!

  • @CrazyWeatherDude
    @CrazyWeatherDude 9 місяців тому +1

    13:13 this scene isn’t talked about enough. It’s PERFECT!

  • @gemstonegynoid7475
    @gemstonegynoid7475 11 місяців тому +2

    All the different creatures and races are present in the mushroom kingdom at the end. From the pumpkins to the bees. Its like the universe was remade to have all your friends closer, with the promise of new life further out

  • @JacklostYedmore
    @JacklostYedmore 7 років тому +21

    Played this first time 9 years ago when I was 16, now I'm 25 and I still love the game :D You just don't outgrow good games :)

  • @efra_archived
    @efra_archived 5 років тому +8

    15:05 Es una de las pocas veces que un videojuego me ha sacado una lágrima.

  • @ethangoesvroom
    @ethangoesvroom Рік тому +3

    Ah galaxy, one of the few games to actually still make me cry. Even just listening to the music score makes me tear up. Reminds me of the simple times. Oh how I’m glad to have lived in that era as a child. Beautiful.

  • @chrisomaticchaotix
    @chrisomaticchaotix 10 місяців тому +2

    I always cry during this scene

  • @alexalmeida_013
    @alexalmeida_013 Рік тому +4

    16:36 when I finished SMG in 2008 and read these words, I was thrilled to know that a sequel was possible. Then came 2010 and the rest is history! ❤

  • @lucasn0tch
    @lucasn0tch 8 років тому +51

    This is depressing

    • @griddyboi350
      @griddyboi350 6 років тому

      Luckily no one got hurt

    • @titan-1802
      @titan-1802 4 роки тому

      @@griddyboi350 "luckily no one got hurt" uhhh actually EVERYONE GOT HURT

    • @giovannib7388
      @giovannib7388 4 роки тому

      The ending gives existential crisis

  • @diedchanneldead4858
    @diedchanneldead4858 4 роки тому +36

    Girls listening to Billie- "OMG Thats so sad..."
    Boys- "Not really"
    Girls- "I bet you dont even know what emotional means"
    Boys- 15:09

  • @willy1074
    @willy1074 5 років тому +15

    After 7 years why this part still making me cry goddammit 😭

  • @Erencikefe
    @Erencikefe Рік тому +2

    I remember crying a lot when i finished this game back then. I was like 7 years old, and Lumas sacrificing themselves literally stunned me...

  • @kingbopit9318
    @kingbopit9318 10 місяців тому +5

    16:47 see what? Wait Rosalina! Don’t go I need to know what I’ll see!!

  • @sssspnl8699
    @sssspnl8699 7 років тому +8

    As a child I cried so much when the Lumas sacrificed themselves to save everyone else.

  • @sunnywdysmb348
    @sunnywdysmb348 7 років тому +38

    15:59 made me cry so hard I got depression for almost 1 year

  • @nicgaming4694
    @nicgaming4694 8 років тому +18

    remember how addicting this was when it came out

  • @thezeon5
    @thezeon5 4 роки тому +5

    18:17 That “Yes.....” is just one of most aesthetic things I’ve ever heard.

    • @Rebootedpatoz
      @Rebootedpatoz 8 місяців тому

      YEA I KNOW😭😭😭😭😭

  • @PandaVlogsYT
    @PandaVlogsYT 7 років тому +11

    I'm crying my eyes out right now

  • @amazingcereal2686
    @amazingcereal2686 Місяць тому +3

    17 years later and this is still the greatest mario game of all time
    suck it 64 and odyessy

  • @havenmj
    @havenmj 5 років тому +6

    Black hole: *exsists*
    Lumas: oh no I guess this is the part where we die
    Also lumas: weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Me: *throws remote* nooooooooo I don’t want them to die whyyyyyyyy

  • @Okeana_Aster
    @Okeana_Aster 5 років тому +6

    WELCOME NEW GALAXY ! I think it's the more complicated thing Mario ever said. More complicated than Yahou ! It's-a me ! or Let's-a go !
    Of course there's Thank you so much for playing my game but it was kinda obvious for him to say that. Instead of Welcome new galaxy which is original and said at the right place at the right moment.

  • @embodimentofameme5624
    @embodimentofameme5624 4 роки тому +2

    I remember playing this game in ‘10 and crying my eyeballs out during the ending. 10 years later and after listening to this again, I’m crying

  • @Excalibur9905
    @Excalibur9905 6 місяців тому +1

    17:12 Idk why, just the soft music, the sunny sky, the birds flying by…
    *that’s what broke me.*