I just hope that this means they are going hard on the next update. If they don’t add AT MINIMUM the SLAMRAAM, SPYDER AIO, Land Ceptor, Grifo, SAMP/T, SEPv3, MBT fixes, >Mach 2 AGMs for non-Russian nations, they’ve lost the plot
Why doesn't they hire players to create unique vehicles ? For example, the two user made models of the German aviation GE tree . If they ain't going to do it then have people who will and lets hope that if they do it , it'll be done right ( not cheated out )
It'll also help to get in contact with the other notable faces of warthunder, they'll most likely hear you out since your quite present to this point of WT content, get them to talk so this discussion isn't just restricted to your channel.
imo it feels a lot more of incompetency from who ever job it is to create the Battle pass rewards. The reason I Say this is because they have so many vehicle that never came to the game in the files that could make better vehicles. Almost no effort to add those as battle pass premiums. For example we have the 30mm F89, STRV103B, IA 58 Pucará so many different vehicles just in the files.
@@DawgIVLife making all those rewards cannot be cheap in the slightest. especially when it comes to paying devs and artists to make vehicles and decorations for the BP. either they never pay attention to where their revenue or expenses accumulate, or they just dont care enough to bother changing their methods
Yes, that might low effort, but then you still need to do balancing and probably trouble shooting to ensure everything works. Taking a existing vehicle, reskinning it and changing the country takes *no* effort.
@@CrispyMuffin2 the hell you mean? Oh wow, you adjusted an AI generated profile picture, or a bicycle you got off a 3D assets marketplace. So hard. Same with putting a different skin on a plane that's already in the game.
Battlepasses are really what gives me motivation to play. Doing missions forces me to go out of my "comfort zone", try new things, play bloody naval. But with "no" rewards it feels pointless. I did grind the He 177 this time but after that I felt so demotivated that I decided to take a vacation away from the game until new battlepass kicks in just to get rewards that I can get... And never, ever put into use...
Very relatable comment. I use the BP the same way and it keeps the game feeling a bit more fresh with all of the different tasks to complete. But at this point, that's pretty much all it's good for. The rewards are hardly enticing. I got to enjoy some of the better battle passes in the earlier days, so there's always this part of me that is holding out hope that they will bring back another great BP season. Though this has truly made me realise that those days are over. I hope they can make up for it with some good events soon, because I really don't think copy paste vehicles are an appropriate prize for events. Especially a BP which some people pay real money for.
I’d be willing to pay double the Battlepass price to be able to play past battlepasses. If warthunder neglected FOMO practices this game might improve a lot.
Not only is the battlepass terrible, and has been terrible, the part that annoys me more is the complete lack of engagement with anyone from Gaijin, either on the forums or whatever. If they'd look at the comments on the forums or suggestions the community is brimming with COOL vehicle ideas, and they just ignore us.
The worst problem War Thunder has right now is Gaijin Entertainment themselves. They just can't understand how to be kind to those who got their game where it's at right now, they only speak money. Pretty sure someone said something about similar issues at the recent Game Awards...
You see, this is actually gaijin being considerate. They make the worst, most skippable battle pass imaginable just in time for major games like Monster Hunter Wilds to release, so we as players don’t have to be grinding out the battle pass and can instead go focus on other games.
Gaijin is making record profits and spending nothing on fixing the broken servers, a skippable battle pass is the least of my reasons to not spend money on the game
Because they are lazy and procrastinate in the office, pretty much do nothing till last second and they're like "well since we are on such a time crunch we can just copy a vehicle"
"Buuuut, that's just an american patton? The players are gonna riot if we just keep adding copy-paste vehicles. " "....how about we just slap a french flag on it?" "....Bob, you're a f*cking legend"
I’m kinda tired of dealing with bugs in this game that make it unplayable. I have a video of me getting killed from my game stuttering so hard during an Anti-CAS, CAS run I didn’t even wanna try and get another shot because it’s such horseshit. Just like you sit on a pebble and suddenly your 50 ton tank can’t sit still. It’s quite annoying to try and get a shot off when your gun won’t settle for shit. It doesn’t matter if you have a stabilizer either, you literally chance luck when you decide to shoot if sitting on a rock
I haven’t bought a battle pass now in over two years I’ve played war Thunder now for 10 years.And with the battle ratings being so mixed mashed I just play now just a few hours a week to kill time when I perform my brokerage service from home business
for such a money hungry company, this is probably THE most wasteful thing they have done with their time and resources. i have only bought the battlepass once when they came out. but even with the premium benefits, it still felt like i had to take days off my real life job if i were to have any hope of getting anywhere near the advertised rewards. ever since i have never even bothered progressing them other than the occasional Warbond for free backups. pretty much everyone i know who play WT somewhat regularly also dont care about BP. just feels like Gaijin is wasting their stuff chasing trends without even making it a good mechanic maybe if there wasnt a time constraint, like in Helldivers, i would probably buy a lot of these battlepasses honestly. but thats not the case here
Im generally sad that event vehicles have been so shit for a long time. Back then wed get cool unique shit like the VT 1-2 and now we get copy-paste bullshit on every single occassion. Give me something cool to grind out: give me the Marder 2 man.
These low quality battle passes wouldn’t be bad if they weren’t every time. These passes seem to target new players. Low tier stuff to learn the game and bridge the skill gap to top tier premiums. That’s not a bad thing. But it can’t be like this EVERY TIME now. Top tier players need something to look forward too. Maybe have a rank 75+ battle pass with good gear. Idk.
Writing Gaijin off as simply incompetent is letting them off the hook. They are not incompetent. They know what they are doing at all times. Everything they do is a calculated choice. Even things that seem to the layman as "obvious" errors or bugs or "obvious" laziness are 100% intentional. Stop giving them the incompetence excuse. Incompetence implies they are still acting in good faith but just "suck." This is false. They are operating in bad faith, and are skilled at doing so.
@@DawgIVLife Failure does not necessitate incompetency. You can't just arbitrarily make up your own language rules. Furthermore, Gaijin most likely does not see any of this as a failure, since they do these things on purpose. You're dismissing my point out of hand because you don't like it. Maybe constantly saying "incompetent" gets you more clicks.
I think what it ultimately comes down to is that profit has gone down each battle pass, so in turn they reduce the effort/cost to create new seasons, which in turn reduces profits even further. So statistically it's just a downwards spiral of profit.
I actually like the current BP. So I can just ignore it all together and enjoy my normal game. I grinded BP once, bad experience, never again. And it was back in the day when we still had 3 vehicles per BP.
And to not have server clusters in other regions (Like Oceania) is bizzare, I am pretty sure ill be ending the War Thunder grind if they dont start changing.
Since the last 2 BPs were terrible, the last time I actually played was to grind the BP with sweden tiger2, so I feel like I'm basically quitting the game. I havent even bought premium time during winter sale or any pack and the only thing that kept me playing was battlepass, (and rarely an event vehicle I like, like the F14) doing missions and challenges, unlocking blueprints etc. I was logging in every day and playing a few matches, grinding the BP, now I dont even play it.. I just watch videos
I think the battle pass should’ve been playtime and challenges for all people to like, but not this challenges cause I never complete the battle pass and never get to the vehicles I want
Yeah, I never make it past level 50'ish. I miss a lot of the BP vehicles even after paying up at the start. I've gotten 2 event vehicles even though I make an honest stab at all of them.
How did we even came up from super corsair and other cool vehicles to this? I remember first battle passes had about 3-4 vehicles, now it’s just 2 copy paste and not even event vehicles, they are straight up from tech trees
I haven’t played in a few years, but I thought battlepasses had 4 vehicles? You got a low tier tank/plane at Rank 15, then a ship at 35, then usually a plane/tank at ranks 50 and 75, no?
I mean am I going to grind it yeah cause I need both those vehicles for my lineups, but it's still bad. The M47 with the F1 gun would have genuinely got me excited cause the F1 gun even with just the normal HEAT is really good but the M47 hull and turret would definitely be nice.
Something definitely needs to change, but removing the ability to sell vehicles for gjn coin would hurt alot of people who use the battle pass to farm it. We need better and more vehicles even if that means less battlepasses per year.
There comes a time when you have to kill off something to make it better. While it’s cool that people can sell the BP vehicles the low tier reward is like $3-8 and the major reward is hovering around $15-60 with above $50 being pretty rare for BP vehicles. The gain players would get being able to return to old battle pass seasons to unlock them in the future outweighs the couple of gaijin coin people make from Battle passes imo.
every time they added a good worth while machine into a BP id feel bad about not getting it since i cant be bothered to grind this crap day in day out year round, so seeing yet another tonk i never gonna need/want in BP makes my time in this game a bit better
Bruh. I wish it was the M48A3. Then we could've had the M48 variation that was in Vietnam. I know it's just an A2 with a snorkel and a taller cupola, but at least we'd have the Vietnam Patton. :'(
Theres a simple reason for it in my view. Lazy or penny pinching. Look at the last couple of months. The last major patch had every single model bugged that got released pretty much, you had M44s and eurofighters clipping through buildings and mountains. Then we go to the winter event where they had to completely change the vehicles out because the planned vehicles were not ready and in the case of the tank, not even started yet.... and the replacement vehicles were copy-paste and still held old damage models from the original vehicles they were copied off lol. Then we get to the Shir 2, which could have been way more interesting in my view but gaijin decided to not even attempt to implement the actual ammunition designed and developed for export to Iran (a HEAT-FS round and improved HESH round called PISH) and an actual improved L15a5 round. What we got was L23 as a 3rd rank module (thought gaijin was going to stop doing this...) and L15a5 is a copy of a3. Even if it had to be a lower BR without L23, it would have made it more interesting too with those other rounds at 9.3 imo. Now the BP is just copy paste with a box on the front of the M46. It isnt a case of "cant keep up", gaijin outsources a lot of their model selections, they can just keep doing that, they make pleeenty of cash to do so. I mean hell, theres still a perfectly fine OV-10 Bronco model made by a community member they could have pulled for the aviation part of the BP as an example too, but it is far more cost effective for gaijin to use their already paid for models and just reskin them a bit and try to live off the "success" previous works gave them.
the biggest additions to the game are damn reticles, post-match kill shots and Nvidia paying them to add blurlss and paytracing which still isn't implemented for other GPUs or smooth to play.
As someone who likes to play historical lineups, it really frustrated me when Gaijin puts an important vehicle like this as a battlepass or event vehicle. Please may the French M47 be a tech tree or premium vehicle.
I will wait for another game that properly allows me to enjoy captured and exported vehicles; there is nothing interesting about fighting the exact same vehicles over and over again in three-lane ahistorical cagefight maps where the only objective is to solo as many people as possible before the set amount of tickets depletes. Historical lineups are completely pointless in standard multiplayer, we either need better historical encounters or the ability to create cross-nation lineups in custom battles to create even a semblance of authenticity in this game.
They could atleast do some unique 3d cosmetics and even better base it off a historical vehicle with an interesting story. Copy pastes would be much more interesting to grind for...
Compare this to battle pass from Aug 2023 where we got a better Japan plane B7A2 Homare and a fantastic German SPz 12-3 LGS ... I'd say that was about the last good battle pass everything since then has been trash.
I’m so on board for the past season idea, I missed out on years of battle passes cause I couldn’t play, I’d love to go back and grind through n get some of these cool vehicles I see on the battlefield- and $20 isn’t that bad imo, I’d happily pay that for certain vehicles. Just kinda seems like they’ve lost all the steam n enthusiasm for making new, unique vehicles for the battle pass
I genuinely cannot stress how tired I am of gaijin and their laziness and ineptitude when it comes to war thunder. I’m burnt out on the game, they can’t balance for shit, they continuously come out with events that I can’t participate in as a full-time nuclear engineering student. I’m so sick of gaijin man.
I have FOMO the M551(76). I had to go to Japan to get my visa and was away from my PC for a month so I never got to grind it 😢 wish I had a chance to get it again
I think the battlepass should be stuff like this, having premium versions of existing tanks is pretty nice imo. I'd rather they add the more unique vehicles to the tech tree
The fact that these passes are only two vehicles...ones you have to grind for is stupid. Should be like how rocket league does it...unlock a vehicle immediately, then can grind for camos and other vehicles or variants...GE should be in the pass too
I get what your saying but we also get the option to get the Battle pass for Free if your willing to put in the time so its kind of one of those things you shoot yourself in the foot, because if they make more special rewards odds are we would lose that ability which is fine but be better if they would maybe discount the cost for battle pass instead of removing it all together also I don't mind buying the Battle pass but
What we must all keep in mind is that Gaijin like all other companies is being told what to do by either the accountants who I call "The Bean Counters" or worse the government, whom IRL has all the power to command companies to do things like say put DEI related content into a game that does not have a large player base to support that ideology and will not sale as well. I am willing to say that the guys who do the programing for the game want to give us cool shit but it would affect the labor cost and so they cannot do it.
@@whitephillip6997 I humbly disagree. The guys that get into programing do so because they have a love for it and gaming programmer more than the rest.
So glad I don't have time to grind the battle pass in the last year or two, I havent really missed anything important Damn glad we had a great start and I got all the good/interesting options😂
I wonder if you could grind the US versions in less time than the bp. I feel like you could. Atleast then youd have a nice line up by comparison. I might would even skip if this bp was free, just not worth my time.
i'll just take a brake from the game. My last game yesterday was just spading leclerc's, but another issue are unimaginable broken serwers and cuz of this it's just unplayable
I'm really glad i get all of these shitty, no effort battlepass for free. Haven't spent any money on BP since they introduced the coupon system. It feels more and more like Gaijin don't care any more about BP/events/patches any more.
Honestly why does Gaijin not listen to their partners and people that play the game. No where on any post whether it's the site or Instagram or UA-cam, do I see anyone excited for these rewards. Makes no sense.
This battle pass doesn't really interest me. However allow me play devils advocate for a second here. If Gaijin had an unique vehicle added to the battle pass you would have people complaining that a unique vehicle was locked behind a paywall. So they can't win. Personally my biggest problem is fewer vehicles overall in the battle pass. Back when it was introduced we got 4 new vehicles and now we only get 2.
But shouldn't be gate keeper by the battlepass sure a version of a unquie vechiles but if gajin shouldn't and unquie vechiles to the battlepass if there no tech tree version
Why would people buy the pass or play the game? MM is awful, Top tier is awful, the season passes are awful. Just played 7 games in a row all losses and the K/D is 1 to 3. I cant make up 15kills every game. The fane is trash and it's getting worse. World of Tanks is in the same boat, absolute trash. 6 and 9 on the day.... Why play tomorrow when this is the games everyday?
Yeah this is some of the worst battlepass ive ever seen. France has already one of the best 7.7 lineup and really dont need any 7.0. And the vehicles are as you say copy paste.
More lazy dev work. Are we really surprised? I myself did a review on this game myself today saying that I like this game but there are so many things wrong with it. It's not going to get better anytime soon, as this game literally improves at a snails pace.
Gaijins grind gameplay is annoying because its just to get player numbers up. You have so many incentives to have a gind mind set in this game or pay money. Wich can be fine but the battlepasses should be more rewarding or more forgiving lets be honest currently there such a huge grind that who would in there right mind whos not games content creator be happy about these rewards. And you as a content creator arnt even happy that just says enough. Remove the coupons give us chests that give old event vehicles and dont lock challanges to a time frame and boom. All the grief would be much less painful.
Really Crazy that somehow the Gaijin marketing team decided players would want straight copy paste this season.
Pretty sure Gaijin is being run by AI now.
I just hope that this means they are going hard on the next update. If they don’t add AT MINIMUM the SLAMRAAM, SPYDER AIO, Land Ceptor, Grifo, SAMP/T, SEPv3, MBT fixes, >Mach 2 AGMs for non-Russian nations, they’ve lost the plot
Why doesn't they hire players to create unique vehicles ? For example, the two user made models of the German aviation GE tree .
If they ain't going to do it then have people who will and lets hope that if they do it , it'll be done right ( not cheated out )
"Really crazy" 😂 they've been making copy and paste for years bruh
It'll also help to get in contact with the other notable faces of warthunder, they'll most likely hear you out since your quite present to this point of WT content, get them to talk so this discussion isn't just restricted to your channel.
Why do they do it? One word: laziness
imo it feels a lot more of incompetency from who ever job it is to create the Battle pass rewards. The reason I Say this is because they have so many vehicle that never came to the game in the files that could make better vehicles. Almost no effort to add those as battle pass premiums. For example we have the 30mm F89, STRV103B, IA 58 Pucará so many different vehicles just in the files.
@@DawgIVLife making all those rewards cannot be cheap in the slightest. especially when it comes to paying devs and artists to make vehicles and decorations for the BP. either they never pay attention to where their revenue or expenses accumulate, or they just dont care enough to bother changing their methods
Yes, that might low effort, but then you still need to do balancing and probably trouble shooting to ensure everything works. Taking a existing vehicle, reskinning it and changing the country takes *no* effort.
@@adjoran4789 i dont think balancing has ever been on their checklist
@@CrispyMuffin2 the hell you mean? Oh wow, you adjusted an AI generated profile picture, or a bicycle you got off a 3D assets marketplace. So hard. Same with putting a different skin on a plane that's already in the game.
Battlepasses are really what gives me motivation to play. Doing missions forces me to go out of my "comfort zone", try new things, play bloody naval. But with "no" rewards it feels pointless. I did grind the He 177 this time but after that I felt so demotivated that I decided to take a vacation away from the game until new battlepass kicks in just to get rewards that I can get... And never, ever put into use...
Very relatable comment. I use the BP the same way and it keeps the game feeling a bit more fresh with all of the different tasks to complete.
But at this point, that's pretty much all it's good for. The rewards are hardly enticing.
I got to enjoy some of the better battle passes in the earlier days, so there's always this part of me that is holding out hope that they will bring back another great BP season. Though this has truly made me realise that those days are over.
I hope they can make up for it with some good events soon, because I really don't think copy paste vehicles are an appropriate prize for events. Especially a BP which some people pay real money for.
I’d be willing to pay double the Battlepass price to be able to play past battlepasses. If warthunder neglected FOMO practices this game might improve a lot.
Not only is the battlepass terrible, and has been terrible, the part that annoys me more is the complete lack of engagement with anyone from Gaijin, either on the forums or whatever. If they'd look at the comments on the forums or suggestions the community is brimming with COOL vehicle ideas, and they just ignore us.
They don't care about the quality of the game they only care how much money you will spend
You should see the amount of threads they close/move. It's disgusting.
I don't bother posting there anymore.
The worst problem War Thunder has right now is Gaijin Entertainment themselves.
They just can't understand how to be kind to those who got their game where it's at right now, they only speak money.
Pretty sure someone said something about similar issues at the recent Game Awards...
You see, this is actually gaijin being considerate. They make the worst, most skippable battle pass imaginable just in time for major games like Monster Hunter Wilds to release, so we as players don’t have to be grinding out the battle pass and can instead go focus on other games.
Haha good point. I’ve actually been playing Elden Ring again while I was waiting for the new BP but they had to give us a Patton ffs
Them adding a battlepass was already a lazy way for monetization, but now it's just copy paste slop, which makes it even funnier.
"copy paste slop" about sums it up 😂
It's surprising that they don't want new player to have an incentive on top of their normal grinding through persistent battle passes.
Gaijin is making record profits and spending nothing on fixing the broken servers, a skippable battle pass is the least of my reasons to not spend money on the game
Combining them into like 3 BP a year seems like a really good idea, you can grind it more chill and get more rewards
Because they are lazy and procrastinate in the office, pretty much do nothing till last second and they're like "well since we are on such a time crunch we can just copy a vehicle"
War thunder has the worst battlepasses out of any game ive ever played
fr, you barely even level up in the pass unless you go out of your way to do so, ive only reached the free vehicle 2 times in 2 years
and worst maps, laziest devs.
The slug will take your money and leave you a shiny trail of nothing.
The good thing is:nobody has to pay the battlepass
Warthuder devs,"we should add a new vehicle,what shall we do?" that one dude,"Ctrl+C;Ctrl+V".
"Buuuut, that's just an american patton? The players are gonna riot if we just keep adding copy-paste vehicles. "
"....how about we just slap a french flag on it?"
"....Bob, you're a f*cking legend"
@@kaproskarleto5136 Yeah that's pretty much how I imagine the roadmap meetings going🤣
I’m kinda tired of dealing with bugs in this game that make it unplayable. I have a video of me getting killed from my game stuttering so hard during an Anti-CAS, CAS run I didn’t even wanna try and get another shot because it’s such horseshit. Just like you sit on a pebble and suddenly your 50 ton tank can’t sit still. It’s quite annoying to try and get a shot off when your gun won’t settle for shit. It doesn’t matter if you have a stabilizer either, you literally chance luck when you decide to shoot if sitting on a rock
I haven’t bought a battle pass now in over two years I’ve played war Thunder now for 10 years.And with the battle ratings being so mixed mashed I just play now just a few hours a week to kill time when I perform my brokerage service from home business
i do remember that they said this year they'll focus on filling the gaps in nations rather than adding new stuff
That's all good and well, but to achieve that via a battle pass is a strange choice.
Yeah by 'gaps in nations' they mean adding more top tier crap for a minority of short-term players
for such a money hungry company, this is probably THE most wasteful thing they have done with their time and resources. i have only bought the battlepass once when they came out. but even with the premium benefits, it still felt like i had to take days off my real life job if i were to have any hope of getting anywhere near the advertised rewards.
ever since i have never even bothered progressing them other than the occasional Warbond for free backups. pretty much everyone i know who play WT somewhat regularly also dont care about BP. just feels like Gaijin is wasting their stuff chasing trends without even making it a good mechanic
maybe if there wasnt a time constraint, like in Helldivers, i would probably buy a lot of these battlepasses honestly. but thats not the case here
Im generally sad that event vehicles have been so shit for a long time. Back then wed get cool unique shit like the VT 1-2 and now we get copy-paste bullshit on every single occassion.
Give me something cool to grind out: give me the Marder 2 man.
Exactly. I really want to play the Romanian TACAM T-60. That would be awesome.
Heck, give us the Bob Semple over this 😂
Yet another pass on the battle pass.... sad
Why am I not surprised. I hoped they'd read the room with the current one
Battlepass events turn games into jobs. That's not FUN
These low quality battle passes wouldn’t be bad if they weren’t every time. These passes seem to target new players. Low tier stuff to learn the game and bridge the skill gap to top tier premiums. That’s not a bad thing. But it can’t be like this EVERY TIME now. Top tier players need something to look forward too. Maybe have a rank 75+ battle pass with good gear. Idk.
Writing Gaijin off as simply incompetent is letting them off the hook.
They are not incompetent. They know what they are doing at all times. Everything they do is a calculated choice. Even things that seem to the layman as "obvious" errors or bugs or "obvious" laziness are 100% intentional.
Stop giving them the incompetence excuse. Incompetence implies they are still acting in good faith but just "suck." This is false. They are operating in bad faith, and are skilled at doing so.
I mean incompetency = Failure Gaijin has failed with these battle pass vehicles.
@@DawgIVLife Failure does not necessitate incompetency. You can't just arbitrarily make up your own language rules. Furthermore, Gaijin most likely does not see any of this as a failure, since they do these things on purpose. You're dismissing my point out of hand because you don't like it.
Maybe constantly saying "incompetent" gets you more clicks.
@ fair enough I don't negotiate with doomers.
@ It's not "doomerism" nor is this what negotiation is. You're immature.
@@johnroscoe2406jesus, get a life 😂
I think what it ultimately comes down to is that profit has gone down each battle pass, so in turn they reduce the effort/cost to create new seasons, which in turn reduces profits even further.
So statistically it's just a downwards spiral of profit.
Really good, insightful video! you provided some excellent solutions.
I haven't missed/had any fomo in quite sometime
I actually like the current BP. So I can just ignore it all together and enjoy my normal game. I grinded BP once, bad experience, never again. And it was back in the day when we still had 3 vehicles per BP.
And to not have server clusters in other regions (Like Oceania) is bizzare, I am pretty sure ill be ending the War Thunder grind if they dont start changing.
Since the last 2 BPs were terrible, the last time I actually played was to grind the BP with sweden tiger2, so I feel like I'm basically quitting the game.
I havent even bought premium time during winter sale or any pack and the only thing that kept me playing was battlepass, (and rarely an event vehicle I like, like the F14) doing missions and challenges, unlocking blueprints etc. I was logging in every day and playing a few matches, grinding the BP, now I dont even play it.. I just watch videos
This is an unacceptable battle pass
I think the battle pass should’ve been playtime and challenges for all people to like, but not this challenges cause I never complete the battle pass and never get to the vehicles I want
If they adopt the bp style of helldivers 2 i bet a ton of people would spend on bp, but most straight up just hate the fomo style
Yeah, I never make it past level 50'ish. I miss a lot of the BP vehicles even after paying up at the start. I've gotten 2 event vehicles even though I make an honest stab at all of them.
They've made enough money. They don't care about us any longer. And this is our fault! We paid for it. GG
How did we even came up from super corsair and other cool vehicles to this? I remember first battle passes had about 3-4 vehicles, now it’s just 2 copy paste and not even event vehicles, they are straight up from tech trees
I haven’t played in a few years, but I thought battlepasses had 4 vehicles? You got a low tier tank/plane at Rank 15, then a ship at 35, then usually a plane/tank at ranks 50 and 75, no?
You only have 2 vehicles now with a 3rd one being a rerun of past Battle pass seasons low tier rewards.
They reduced it.
I hate how they don’t base it off xp gained
I mean am I going to grind it yeah cause I need both those vehicles for my lineups, but it's still bad. The M47 with the F1 gun would have genuinely got me excited cause the F1 gun even with just the normal HEAT is really good but the M47 hull and turret would definitely be nice.
I think they are wanting to drop the battlepass system and don’t want a back lash.
Something definitely needs to change, but removing the ability to sell vehicles for gjn coin would hurt alot of people who use the battle pass to farm it. We need better and more vehicles even if that means less battlepasses per year.
There comes a time when you have to kill off something to make it better. While it’s cool that people can sell the BP vehicles the low tier reward is like $3-8 and the major reward is hovering around $15-60 with above $50 being pretty rare for BP vehicles. The gain players would get being able to return to old battle pass seasons to unlock them in the future outweighs the couple of gaijin coin people make from Battle passes imo.
every time they added a good worth while machine into a BP id feel bad about not getting it since i cant be bothered to grind this crap day in day out year round, so seeing yet another tonk i never gonna need/want in BP makes my time in this game a bit better
Bruh. I wish it was the M48A3.
Then we could've had the M48 variation that was in Vietnam. I know it's just an A2 with a snorkel and a taller cupola, but at least we'd have the Vietnam Patton. :'(
Hey everyone friendly reminder if you have gamepass you can get the Cobra King jumbo for free for a limited time!
Theres a simple reason for it in my view. Lazy or penny pinching. Look at the last couple of months. The last major patch had every single model bugged that got released pretty much, you had M44s and eurofighters clipping through buildings and mountains. Then we go to the winter event where they had to completely change the vehicles out because the planned vehicles were not ready and in the case of the tank, not even started yet.... and the replacement vehicles were copy-paste and still held old damage models from the original vehicles they were copied off lol.
Then we get to the Shir 2, which could have been way more interesting in my view but gaijin decided to not even attempt to implement the actual ammunition designed and developed for export to Iran (a HEAT-FS round and improved HESH round called PISH) and an actual improved L15a5 round. What we got was L23 as a 3rd rank module (thought gaijin was going to stop doing this...) and L15a5 is a copy of a3. Even if it had to be a lower BR without L23, it would have made it more interesting too with those other rounds at 9.3 imo.
Now the BP is just copy paste with a box on the front of the M46.
It isnt a case of "cant keep up", gaijin outsources a lot of their model selections, they can just keep doing that, they make pleeenty of cash to do so. I mean hell, theres still a perfectly fine OV-10 Bronco model made by a community member they could have pulled for the aviation part of the BP as an example too, but it is far more cost effective for gaijin to use their already paid for models and just reskin them a bit and try to live off the "success" previous works gave them.
the biggest additions to the game are damn reticles, post-match kill shots and Nvidia paying them to add blurlss and paytracing which still isn't implemented for other GPUs or smooth to play.
As someone who likes to play historical lineups, it really frustrated me when Gaijin puts an important vehicle like this as a battlepass or event vehicle. Please may the French M47 be a tech tree or premium vehicle.
I will wait for another game that properly allows me to enjoy captured and exported vehicles; there is nothing interesting about fighting the exact same vehicles over and over again in three-lane ahistorical cagefight maps where the only objective is to solo as many people as possible before the set amount of tickets depletes.
Historical lineups are completely pointless in standard multiplayer, we either need better historical encounters or the ability to create cross-nation lineups in custom battles to create even a semblance of authenticity in this game.
They could atleast do some unique 3d cosmetics and even better base it off a historical vehicle with an interesting story. Copy pastes would be much more interesting to grind for...
Compare this to battle pass from Aug 2023 where we got a better Japan plane B7A2 Homare and a fantastic German SPz 12-3 LGS ... I'd say that was about the last good battle pass everything since then has been trash.
I’m so on board for the past season idea, I missed out on years of battle passes cause I couldn’t play, I’d love to go back and grind through n get some of these cool vehicles I see on the battlefield- and $20 isn’t that bad imo, I’d happily pay that for certain vehicles. Just kinda seems like they’ve lost all the steam n enthusiasm for making new, unique vehicles for the battle pass
I genuinely cannot stress how tired I am of gaijin and their laziness and ineptitude when it comes to war thunder. I’m burnt out on the game, they can’t balance for shit, they continuously come out with events that I can’t participate in as a full-time nuclear engineering student. I’m so sick of gaijin man.
Either give us a coppy paste with a unique model at leat like an m4 with sand bags and thow in a few extra vehicles as well or 1 unique one
I have FOMO the M551(76). I had to go to Japan to get my visa and was away from my PC for a month so I never got to grind it 😢 wish I had a chance to get it again
buy it off the market...
I think the battlepass should be stuff like this, having premium versions of existing tanks is pretty nice imo. I'd rather they add the more unique vehicles to the tech tree
But you can add unique vehicles to both like the French M47 with the 105mm AMX-30 cannon. It would have made a better reward than a copy paste M46
Make an in-game marketplace (for everyone consoles too) like warframe and make a mobile app were you can access the marketplace and make trades or buy
The console market was stopped by Microsoft and Sony, warthunder would have made it happen if possible
Why are they doing this? MONEY. If gajin could get away with people paying real money for nonpremium vehicles they totally would.
I've not bought a battle pass season since the IKEA kingtiger. Not worth it.
Getting shafted on both gaijin games is sad
I enjoy not having to care about the battlepass cause the vehicles are always pointless lol
Wish they give the Tiger 105 or Panther 2 or even the flakpanzer for a reward!
For me this battlepass is more for new players than "veteran"
Only reason I get the passes these days is for the SL, Boosters and Backups. Vehicles have been meh for a while, always kinda meh vehicles.
Doesn't help that they have the BP vehicles been sellable so they won't rerun the old ones which is dumb as fuck.
The fact that these passes are only two vehicles...ones you have to grind for is stupid. Should be like how rocket league does it...unlock a vehicle immediately, then can grind for camos and other vehicles or variants...GE should be in the pass too
I get what your saying but we also get the option to get the Battle pass for Free if your willing to put in the time so its kind of one of those things you shoot yourself in the foot, because if they make more special rewards odds are we would lose that ability which is fine but be better if they would maybe discount the cost for battle pass instead of removing it all together also I don't mind buying the Battle pass but
i dont think it's as bad as the last one with the Ship no one cared about as free price, but it's at least as bad, it's copypaste as well.
If there going to make battle pass like this just make it playtime like other games than forcing task to complete
I kinda wish they let us buy the M64 now, because it looks cool with a M42 body with a M18 turret.
lol that was already a Battle pass reward about 2 years ago.
@@DawgIVLifeI didn't say it correctly, but I wanted to buy it that was my bad at wording it
Same with the sdkfz 251/22 I really love german mid war vehicles and it pisses me off they made it unobtainable unless you already have it
@@Yolaeth they still have not fixed the bugged handling of it, it can get stuck in small craters
@@N4CR but don't forget "esports ready"
bad battle pass + uninteresting event vehicle == more time to have a life doing something useful
What we must all keep in mind is that Gaijin like all other companies is being told what to do by either the accountants who I call "The Bean Counters" or worse the government, whom IRL has all the power to command companies to do things like say put DEI related content into a game that does not have a large player base to support that ideology and will not sale as well. I am willing to say that the guys who do the programing for the game want to give us cool shit but it would affect the labor cost and so they cannot do it.
I really doubt it... keep in mind it's a job to them
@@whitephillip6997 I humbly disagree. The guys that get into programing do so because they have a love for it and gaming programmer more than the rest.
So glad I don't have time to grind the battle pass in the last year or two, I havent really missed anything important
Damn glad we had a great start and I got all the good/interesting options😂
How long before they add a top tier jet or tank to the battlepass?
prob never since you can get it for $12
Don’t waste your money buying and grinding these out. They are just copy paste. Save your money for something better or something more important
I wonder if you could grind the US versions in less time than the bp. I feel like you could. Atleast then youd have a nice line up by comparison. I might would even skip if this bp was free, just not worth my time.
i'll just take a brake from the game. My last game yesterday was just spading leclerc's, but another issue are unimaginable broken serwers and cuz of this it's just unplayable
I'm really glad i get all of these shitty, no effort battlepass for free.
Haven't spent any money on BP since they introduced the coupon system.
It feels more and more like Gaijin don't care any more about BP/events/patches any more.
im just going to get the free plane
Honestly why does Gaijin not listen to their partners and people that play the game. No where on any post whether it's the site or Instagram or UA-cam, do I see anyone excited for these rewards. Makes no sense.
Battle Passes are a waste.. I’ll never get one again makes no sense..
I think it my time to leave warthunder bc I can't get behind this anymore
Tbf the M46 is quite good
This battle pass doesn't really interest me. However allow me play devils advocate for a second here. If Gaijin had an unique vehicle added to the battle pass you would have people complaining that a unique vehicle was locked behind a paywall. So they can't win. Personally my biggest problem is fewer vehicles overall in the battle pass. Back when it was introduced we got 4 new vehicles and now we only get 2.
Definitely that is the main issue... 2 vehicles could not possibly make it worth it
Can i get Thai plane WITHOUT buying battle pass?
I just want unique vehicles man :(
But shouldn't be gate keeper by the battlepass sure a version of a unquie vechiles but if gajin shouldn't and unquie vechiles to the battlepass if there no tech tree version
i won't lie, the japanese Cas will be half decent
Why would people buy the pass or play the game? MM is awful, Top tier is awful, the season passes are awful. Just played 7 games in a row all losses and the K/D is 1 to 3. I cant make up 15kills every game. The fane is trash and it's getting worse. World of Tanks is in the same boat, absolute trash.
6 and 9 on the day.... Why play tomorrow when this is the games everyday?
I think we should revolt
Sholef is atleast better, but this is THE worst BP yet.
Yeah this is some of the worst battlepass ive ever seen. France has already one of the best 7.7 lineup and really dont need any 7.0. And the vehicles are as you say copy paste.
Is this some sort of out of season April Fool’s joke?
More lazy dev work. Are we really surprised? I myself did a review on this game myself today saying that I like this game but there are so many things wrong with it. It's not going to get better anytime soon, as this game literally improves at a snails pace.
Gaijins grind gameplay is annoying because its just to get player numbers up. You have so many incentives to have a gind mind set in this game or pay money. Wich can be fine but the battlepasses should be more rewarding or more forgiving lets be honest currently there such a huge grind that who would in there right mind whos not games content creator be happy about these rewards. And you as a content creator arnt even happy that just says enough. Remove the coupons give us chests that give old event vehicles and dont lock challanges to a time frame and boom. All the grief would be much less painful.
both the event vehicle and battle pass are garbage , iv just not payed for the battle pass problem solved
Garçon, more American copy paste in other tech trees please.
More copy pasta
War Thunder is dying!
These battlepasses last almost nothing. Didnt the he 177 just come out? And its almost already over?
Oh well .....