I'm glad this is the first demo I selected for this. I'm in love. Instantly subscribed. I'm looking forward to trying one and exploiting the expression/cv option!
Your playing is gorgeous and your dress and shoes look awesome and the pedal demo world needs both more ladies AND more players who use this in actual songwriting so I'm just all around on board with all this.
i am a huge fan of your music, Thank you so much for all inspiration, Love & Light to you =)
Between you and The pedal Zone I could honestly say y’all have best reviews and demo presentation. I purchase based on both reviews. Great work 👍🏼🌹
This is awesome!
I'm glad this is the first demo I selected for this. I'm in love. Instantly subscribed. I'm looking forward to trying one and exploiting the expression/cv option!
Thank you! I hope you get to try it out for yourself soon. Enjoy!
Very nice music!
Love the music and the demo. Thanks for the video.
Cool to see an actual recording artist doing pedal demos, especially an ambient artist.
Thanks for a review that isn't just a couple of clean notes plucked in a dark room illuminated by rays from the setting sun!
i love it
great taste...I love this sounds....
Mines coming today in the mail. It’s always a big day when the new EQD pedal arrives.
Excited for you!
😎👍💗🇺🇸🎸🔥🎼 SARAH!!!
Your playing is gorgeous and your dress and shoes look awesome and the pedal demo world needs both more ladies AND more players who use this in actual songwriting so I'm just all around on board with all this.
Look what you did, now I'm in love.
The camera work ruined this.