Blade polishing with 3D printed skate sharpener

  • Опубліковано 29 гру 2024


  • @issacasimov
    @issacasimov 9 місяців тому

    I was thinking whether to customize a buffering wheel or 3000 grit grinding stone for IE machine just to polish the hollow. The thickness of the wheel has to be thin.

    • @Annisk8s
      @Annisk8s  9 місяців тому

      @issacasimov I have tried Blademaster BW3 (Norton 66261019852) buffing wheels which are thinner. They have some amount of thickness variation and axial runout which lead to edge rounding. If you have exact proposal of wheel type what to test, I can try that.
      Problem in 3000 grit wheel would be that it would spin too fast. It would require also constant liquid cooling to prevent grinding wheel clogging. I have tried ones wheels which were custom made with correct radius, but they were not working at all. They just "jumped" on the blade and basically didn't cut anything and it cause terrible noise!

  • @gerardmarc5926
    @gerardmarc5926 9 місяців тому

    ouah, ouah. cela m'interesse beaucoup. mais il faudrait trouver une solutions pour eviter d'arrondir les bords. la glisse de la pierre est magnifique , c'est pourquoi cela m'interesse beaucoup et c'est logique, le patineur ira plus vite avec la même force.
    je pense que la pierre qui est au milieu et qui polit , il faudrait qu'elle soit certainement un peu ovale pour appuyer plus au milieu et peut etre jusqu'au 3/4 des bords taillant

    • @Annisk8s
      @Annisk8s  9 місяців тому

      @gerardmarc5926 J'ai fabriqué près de 10 pièces d'outils de polissage très similaires avec des diamètres de cylindre différents. J'ai réduit le diamètre par pas d'environ 2 à 3 mm, mais ils ont quand même arrondi le bord. Les cylindres imprimés n'ont pas de remplissage à 100 %, donc je ne sais pas s'ils sont trop mous, ont-ils trop d'écart de rondeur, se déplacent-ils de manière non parallèle sur la rainure ou est-ce la poussière de meulage qui arrondit le bord. Il serait plus facile de résoudre le problème si je savais ce qui cause cet arrondi des bords.
      Votre idée de faire un cylindre ovale est intéressante, mais ne serait-ce pas fondamentalement la même chose si je réduisais le diamètre du cylindre?
      I have made close to 10 piece of very similar polishing tool with different cylinder diameters. I did reduce the diamater apporox 2-3mm steps, but still they did round the edge. Printed cylinders does not have 100% infill so I am not sure if they are too soft, do they have too much roundness deviation, do they travel unparallel on groove or is it the grinding dust which round the edge. It would be easier to solve the problem if I would know what causes this edge rounding.
      Your idea to make oval cylinder is interesting, but wouldnt it be basically same thing is I reduce the diameter of cylinder?

  • @ziadkhedr4244
    @ziadkhedr4244 5 місяців тому

    Where can i buy this contraption ?????

    • @Annisk8s
      @Annisk8s  5 місяців тому

      @ziadkhedr4244. This is something what I made by my selves. First made 3D model and then I printed it with 3D printer. Unfortunately tool is less or more blade specific and rounds the edge quite easily. As it uses sand paper, and papers thickness also vary, it cause some problems. I have never used it to any skater blades. I have used it to study if hollow polishing is possible without rounding the edge. If you are living in Europe and are interested to test it, we may find some solution for it.