We Are What We Crave: ...Crave the Kingdom of RighteousNess, Justice, and be SetApart Everlasting!!! Walk with the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah: (withIN one body, and one spirit) ...One-on-one through the sWORD Spirit and Truth that IS withIN His (own), ...and be one step closer IN knowing the Kingdom of RighteousNess; with the Father and the Son. (echad; OneWith) Get Wisdom, Get Understanding, Get Revelation!!! Logic IS (the) fear of the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah: ...Seek out a matter IN truth with all one(s) being. ...Seek for one(s) own salvation with fear and trembling. (revere) ...Seek repentance and forgiveness for we sKin daily. (Proverbs 1:7) The sWORD WithIn One(s) Heart; Immersion and Seal. Begin one(s) journey on the narrow path, admitting that (the) anointed Hebrew Son Yahu'Sha Messiah died on a stake/tree for the remission of sKin: ...He conquered and has VICTORY over death IN His blood atonement. ...He resurrected, and IS First Fruits from the grave. ...He came and dwelt with hu'man'ity TO guide and lead home those that are the lost amongst the (nations): Return back IN covenant with His AbbA Father, the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah sovereign. (180) ...He came for His (own) that “Hear Ye Him!" ...He IS now reigning at the Right Arm of the Heaven's Throne IN RighteousNess with His Father the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah! (Ephesian 4:4-7)(Luke 3:16) Sing the Songs of VICTORY Over Death!!! Praise, thank, and pray TO the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah all day/night and esteem the Son Yahu'Sha Messiah, the sWORD unTO Life: ...The bosom/womb/abode of the Father's heart, ...The teacher, good shepherd, and vine unTO the Ab Yahu'Ah everlasting, ...The Spirit Light of Truth IN the (verses) of the Whole Living WORD; "Hear Ye Him!" (Isaiah 50:4) (Psalm 110:3) Thy people shall be willing: ...IN the day of Thy power, ...IN the beauties of RighteousNess, Justice, and SetApart, ...from the (womb) of the morning thou hast the dew of thy youth: ...Morning by morning!!!
Great teaching!
This is an amazing teaching ❤️
Excellent delivery of truth!
Beautiful teaching on this Torah portion! Thank you
We Are What We Crave:
...Crave the Kingdom of RighteousNess, Justice, and be SetApart Everlasting!!!
Walk with the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah: (withIN one body, and one spirit)
...One-on-one through the sWORD Spirit and Truth that IS withIN His (own),
...and be one step closer IN knowing the Kingdom of RighteousNess; with the Father and the Son. (echad; OneWith)
Get Wisdom, Get Understanding, Get Revelation!!!
Logic IS (the) fear of the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah:
...Seek out a matter IN truth with all one(s) being.
...Seek for one(s) own salvation with fear and trembling. (revere)
...Seek repentance and forgiveness for we sKin daily. (Proverbs 1:7)
The sWORD WithIn One(s) Heart; Immersion and Seal.
Begin one(s) journey on the narrow path, admitting that (the) anointed Hebrew Son Yahu'Sha Messiah died on a stake/tree for the remission of sKin:
...He conquered and has VICTORY over death IN His blood atonement.
...He resurrected, and IS First Fruits from the grave.
...He came and dwelt with hu'man'ity TO guide and lead home those that are the lost amongst the (nations):
Return back IN covenant with His AbbA Father, the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah sovereign. (180)
...He came for His (own) that “Hear Ye Him!"
...He IS now reigning at the Right Arm of the Heaven's Throne IN RighteousNess with His Father the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah! (Ephesian 4:4-7)(Luke 3:16)
Sing the Songs of VICTORY Over Death!!!
Praise, thank, and pray TO the Most High Ab Yahu'Ah all day/night and esteem the Son Yahu'Sha Messiah, the sWORD unTO Life:
...The bosom/womb/abode of the Father's heart,
...The teacher, good shepherd, and vine unTO the Ab Yahu'Ah everlasting,
...The Spirit Light of Truth IN the (verses) of the Whole Living WORD; "Hear Ye Him!" (Isaiah 50:4)
(Psalm 110:3) Thy people shall be willing:
...IN the day of Thy power,
...IN the beauties of RighteousNess, Justice, and SetApart,
...from the (womb) of the morning thou hast the dew of thy youth:
...Morning by morning!!!
Thank you. That was really good.