Would you be interested in seeing a review of higher quality marker alternatives? (like Ohuhu, Promarker, Spectrum Noir, Touch etc) Let me know which brands you would like me to try out in another future video! 😘💖✨
Absolutely! Please do. Though, I wouldn't count Ohuhu to the high quality group. Though they are certainly one of the better cheap markers. As for the Touch Markers, I guess you are referring to the Touch Twin Markers/Brush from Shin Han. Not the cheap chinese rip offs under 20 different name variations (Touch Three, Touch too, Touch Five, etc). Shin Han has been in a legal battle with them for years, the main reason for the continuous design changes. Most folks, especially beginners, can't differenciate between them well.
Yayy so happy to see you again!! My dad has this saying "I'm not too broke to buy cheap things". And I totally agree. Buying poor quality materials is just a waste of money because they end up falling apart. But I think buying young kids cheap art materials at first is a bit better since they tend to be destructive and messy lol.
I started with Spectrum Noir because they were relatively cheap. You could buy packs of 6, but between the bullet nib and the fact that they dried out so damn quickly, they were only good for practice before I switched to Copics. I still remember the first 9 copics I got. Cost me a mint, but ooh so worth it😻
Haha I feel you! 😂 I used to have only coloured pencils and those felt-tip pens from Faber Castell, I believe PITT artist pens was the name (which are also not cheap and I would never buy them again! 😒) and then I got my first 3 Copics (the thick ones with only hard nibs 😭)... it was a whole new world for me and after I discovered brush nibs... omg heaven! 😂😂 I still have spectrum noir at home but only a few single ones that don't match lol
Oooh welcome back! I missed you here. I absolutely agree with you, cheap stuff is most of the time more expensive on long term. But I've heard from a professional artist once, that she often uses cheap markers for backgrounds, especially like the sky. Or for color blocking, when she needs to cover a bigger surface with color. She mostly has cheap pastell colors, later goes with her copics into shading, detailing, etc. I personally have been using the Shin Han markers for 15 years, and am now switching to their brush markers when one marker falls apart. As they don't have refills for all their colors, I use ink from either Stylefile refills or Copic. So it's ShinHan, Stylefile and Copic. I also have a handfull of Copic Sketch I'm using. TBH, for me Stylefile became the best alternative to Copic. Unfortunately, I absolutely cannot handle the form of the marker, my fingers and palm start to hurt after some time drawing with them. Copic Sketch and the latest design of ShinHan Brushes are the optimum form for me. PS: Just wanted to mention, while there are some issues with occasionally having a dried out marker or unfitting cap with the Shin Han markers, it happened to 4 times, and 2 of them i could exchange back with proper ones at the art store. And I bought over 200 of them over the years. There are still some of them that I bought over 15 years ago, and they are still juicy and working (without ever refilling them).
I collect cheap watercolors, it's an addiction. But i bought a large set of Ohuhu Brushmarkers right before Christmas, they are awesome and nice addition to the copic markers
What a fun video! 💞💞💞 I very much enjoyed it! The mini tutorial was so neat, and the suggestions are vigorously noted! I have used a very small variety of alcohol based markers, and my current favorite is the Ohuhu brand! I absolutely love them! I have...several sets....of the Ohuhu brand...😅 Great video!!! And I will be here for the next one! Much love to you!!!!💞💖💕💓
My main markers are copic sketch and sketchbooks i use my ohuhu brush. I've been collecting copic markers for over 15 years now and still love them the most. Love your art so much, so happy to see you on Twitch livestreaming now.
i really only use alchomarkers for sketching and coloring concepts so all i have is cheap markers and they work wonderfully for that. for people who make full illustrations i can see why theyd run into issues. but if i just need to throw a base of colors onto something to see how they look (espe for character design) they do the job i need. every art supply has its place. even if its for concepts cheap supplies are always helpful to have for some things.
Eeeee! Rambu! I was so excited to see a video from you. You mentioned other marker videos - maybe do one on Spectrum Noir and/or Promarker? :D Missed you!
back when i first started watercolour painting I only used cheap synthetic brushes and I hated painting. But one day I tried a nice sable hair brush and absolutely loved it! It's true you can make amazing art with any supplies no matter the cost, but sometimes you'll enjoy it more with higher quality supplies ^-^
Ich war immer recht zufrieden mit meinen Wasserfarben xD Also für die Schule war's auf jeden Fall gut genug. Alle waren immer begeistert wie gut die Farben bei mir waren xD allerdings waren die auch etwas besser als die normalen. Ich glaub irgendwo hab ich die noch 🤔 natürlich nichts im Vergleich zu Aquarell xD Es ist schön, wieder ein Video von dir zu sehen 😍 Ich werde wohl auch mal günstigere kaufen, für Experimente sind mir meine Copics nämlich zu schade, was dazu führt, dass ich sie schon länger nicht benutzt habe 😅😅 So wie ... so ziemlich all meine Zeichensachen. Ich muss mir dafür wenigstens einmal wie Woche wieder Zeit nehmen 😭 So oder so, sehr schönes Video! Ich liebe die Animation immer noch 😍
My first set were studio 71 markers and i really loved them they were cheap, at my local art store (sadly shut down now :( and they had pastel colors! But after 1 or 2 drawings they dried out and sometimes the nib would wear out really fast but i did learn a lot about blending and that helped when i moved on to my next set of markers Ohuhu which i also really love (i have the bullet and chisel 60 set for comics) So I think its okay to go cheap but maybe not too cheap :D
My Mom works at Woolworth and every time they get new art stuff she brings it home for me and, so I think the're art stuff isn't that good but I found the nicest Glitter Aquarells there
Soooo happy to see your videos again 🥺 I have always been a fan of your style / art and believe it or not, you were one of the artists that got me into alcohol markers esspecially copics! They are now my favourite brand of alcohol markers to use! Looking forward to your next video 💕 and stay safe!
Ich habe vor gut 15 Jahren (oder sogar länger) mit Copic angefangen und bis heute muss ich sagen, sind das einfach die besten Marker die ich besitze. Die halten einfach ewig und vor allem sind sie nachfüllbar, blenden super, ohne die vorherige Farbe groß zu verdrängen (wie du in deinem Video bei den Woolworth Markern angemerkt hast) oder zu stark auszubluten (habe ich auch schon gehabt, u.a. bei den Action Markern). Meine ersten Marker leben immer noch xD. Das einzige was mir bei denen bis heute fehlt sind ein paar schöne mittlere Töne in Lila und Violett. Als zweites hab ich die Chameleon Pens für mich entdeckt, sind zwar ein wenig gewöhnungsbedürftig, haben aber schöne Farben, man kann mit nur einem Stift Licht und Schatten erstellen. Mit den Color Tops kann man sogar die krassesten Farbblends mühelos erstellen. Lassen sich ebenfalls wieder nachfüllen, die Brush Nib ist jedoch leider extrem empfindlich. Ansonsten hab ich noch Spectrum Noir (Fundstück bei TKMaxx), Spectra Add (Scrawlrbox) und die Action Marker (mittlerweile auch mit Brush). Letztere passen in die Copic Air Brush, nicht schlecht für Hintergrund-Effekte, trocknen dabei aber recht schnell aus und man muss immer wieder pausieren, damit die Farbe nachläuft.
Beautiful artwork!!! And I agree, I wanted to get into watercolor and had a cheap set at home to start with. I hated it. In fact, it was so bad, I thought something is wrong with me, because all of the art I made turned out horrible :D :D :D But I bought good quality paper, good quality watercolor set and gave it a go...and it was mind-blowing :D
the problem is you get the cheap markers and keep shopping markers until you get up to the copics - you could of bought copics at the beginning and saved money in the long run. im speaking from experience haha! have a graveyard of cheap markers - got my copics like "Why didn't I start with this?!" - cause youtube artists told me too lmao
Danke für das informative Video, aber bei dir sieht wirklich alles super aus ^^ Die Ohuhu Brush Marker würden mich auch interessieren :) Oh Gott und ja, ich horte die billigen Action Marker, es ist echt schlimm 🤣
A person from Instagram once said to me 'Don't let your tools control you'. And it's kinda slap me bcs I often think we need expensive tools to make our arts look better🤣
Because of all this “you can only use Copics/expensive markers” I was really afraid of starting drawing using this “technique” of marker painting. Cheap markers are great for beginners!
There are a lot of cheap markers that are still good to use. Some can not be used like the copic kind of marker but with some adjustments they can still be good.
I find cheaper ones better to be realistic. Markers were not designed to be lightfast so if you want to spend $100s on Copics because they slightly blend better, they will still fade over time no matter if its directly in sunlight or in a dark drawer. So your art work won’t last with any markers on exception for paint ones. I personally don’t want to spend that much on markers that aren’t going to make the art work last longer. Tbh.
Totally relateable 😁👌 It doesn't have to be expensive Copics there are so many good alternatives where you don't pay extra just for a brand name. There are even different better alternatives to low quality dollar store markers that won't cost that much but stil have a very decent quality, more ink and especially: more shades which I really appreciate :) What I really do miss with all alternatives: Refills? So sad that empty markers just land in trash when you could refill them 😔
I personally think "Touch" markers are jut as good, if not better than copics. They´re a french brand and not exactly cheap but not as expensive as copics.
Okay, so I'm leaving this comment because I disagree with a lot of the things you say in your video, not because of any negative feelings against you or your drawings. Which are amazing even when you use poor quality supplies, by the way, but as a long-ish-time viewer, I've seen you demonstrate that quite a few times already. But some of your arguments are really misleading, and as someone who works with young children and sees everyday the effects of this type of discourse saying that only the super expensive brands should be bought, it bugs me. Your argument is not very convincing here : you are comparing ultra cheap markers with Copics, THE most well-known and expensive brand on the market. You say you don't mean only Copics, but at the end of the video you put Promarkers in the shot of cheap markers to use for alternatives and experimentation. PROMARKERS. Lady, these are neither cheap nor low quality... First, not all very cheap markers are created equal. Ohuhu, for instance, is famous for having very decent ink and nibs (though most artists "testing" them neglect to test how much ink is in them and thus fail to warn viewers that each individual marker will last a lot less longer). Second, good brush nibs are a lot harder to make than good chisel nibs, if the quality of lower price alternative is any indication. I'd recommend sticking to chisel nibs for the super cheap markers. And your video is very misleading on that front too, you can get a smooth blend with chisel nibs. Especially such "cheap" and "low quality" alternatives as Promarkers... Third, while I'm rambling about Promarkers, there is such a thing as middle range price, or other high quality brands that are not Copics (and are almost always less insanely expensive, because outside of Japan, Copics have a prohibitive pricetag). Promarkers and Brushmarkers, for instance. Spectrum noir. Prismacolor used to have good markers too. Fourth, you say you don't expect cheaper markers to behave like Copics, but you still put a "low quality" label on anything but Copics, so I sincerely doubt that statement. I know Prismacolors for instance used to get a lot of criticism because their color range was a lot brighter than Copics, for instance. And I use a middle priced local brand that gets a lot of flack because of that kind of thinking - because the markers are a lot juicer than Copics, you get less colors with a single marker by putting more than one layer, but they also make it incredibly easy to color large flat areas. People on the internet often "test" by seeing if a product behaves exactly like this brand they are used to and see as a universal standard, and it can be really unfair.
Would you be interested in seeing a review of higher quality marker alternatives? (like Ohuhu, Promarker, Spectrum Noir, Touch etc) Let me know which brands you would like me to try out in another future video! 😘💖✨
Yes please do marker alternatives!!
@@blackdemonheart9696 Roger that! 😁😋
@@RambutanIllustration yayyy!!! 🥰
Absolutely! Please do. Though, I wouldn't count Ohuhu to the high quality group. Though they are certainly one of the better cheap markers.
As for the Touch Markers, I guess you are referring to the Touch Twin Markers/Brush from Shin Han. Not the cheap chinese rip offs under 20 different name variations (Touch Three, Touch too, Touch Five, etc). Shin Han has been in a legal battle with them for years, the main reason for the continuous design changes. Most folks, especially beginners, can't differenciate between them well.
Ohuhu please!!!
Me who lives in a 3rd world country:
“Well one man's trash is another man's treasure”
Sad truth. That's why we need to appreciate the things we have!
Hahaha me too
You really can make anything with cheap art supplies and they all still looks beautiful 😩💕
Let's start an emoji-chain to push the algorithm!! 🌈 What are your most used emojis? :D
👌✨😭 And obviously this one 😂
☺ this and this😂
10:35 Totaly agree😍👌😏🙄
😁 aaaand xD
Yayy so happy to see you again!! My dad has this saying "I'm not too broke to buy cheap things". And I totally agree. Buying poor quality materials is just a waste of money because they end up falling apart. But I think buying young kids cheap art materials at first is a bit better since they tend to be destructive and messy lol.
I started with Spectrum Noir because they were relatively cheap. You could buy packs of 6, but between the bullet nib and the fact that they dried out so damn quickly, they were only good for practice before I switched to Copics. I still remember the first 9 copics I got. Cost me a mint, but ooh so worth it😻
Haha I feel you! 😂 I used to have only coloured pencils and those felt-tip pens from Faber Castell, I believe PITT artist pens was the name (which are also not cheap and I would never buy them again! 😒) and then I got my first 3 Copics (the thick ones with only hard nibs 😭)... it was a whole new world for me and after I discovered brush nibs... omg heaven! 😂😂
I still have spectrum noir at home but only a few single ones that don't match lol
That’s my only problem with cheaper brush markers too, they don’t get thin lines, but they are still really good
Oooh welcome back! I missed you here.
I absolutely agree with you, cheap stuff is most of the time more expensive on long term. But I've heard from a professional artist once, that she often uses cheap markers for backgrounds, especially like the sky. Or for color blocking, when she needs to cover a bigger surface with color. She mostly has cheap pastell colors, later goes with her copics into shading, detailing, etc.
I personally have been using the Shin Han markers for 15 years, and am now switching to their brush markers when one marker falls apart. As they don't have refills for all their colors, I use ink from either Stylefile refills or Copic. So it's ShinHan, Stylefile and Copic. I also have a handfull of Copic Sketch I'm using.
TBH, for me Stylefile became the best alternative to Copic. Unfortunately, I absolutely cannot handle the form of the marker, my fingers and palm start to hurt after some time drawing with them. Copic Sketch and the latest design of ShinHan Brushes are the optimum form for me.
PS: Just wanted to mention, while there are some issues with occasionally having a dried out marker or unfitting cap with the Shin Han markers, it happened to 4 times, and 2 of them i could exchange back with proper ones at the art store. And I bought over 200 of them over the years. There are still some of them that I bought over 15 years ago, and they are still juicy and working (without ever refilling them).
I collect cheap watercolors, it's an addiction. But i bought a large set of Ohuhu Brushmarkers right before Christmas, they are awesome and nice addition to the copic markers
I reaaaally want to try them out 😍 They have such nice sets of different colors and shades. I really miss this with other Markers 😆
@@RambutanIllustration I can totally recommend them. Ok the nibs aren't as flexible as the Copic ones but they aren't stiff either
What a fun video! 💞💞💞 I very much enjoyed it! The mini tutorial was so neat, and the suggestions are vigorously noted!
I have used a very small variety of alcohol based markers, and my current favorite is the Ohuhu brand! I absolutely love them! I have...several sets....of the Ohuhu brand...😅
Great video!!! And I will be here for the next one! Much love to you!!!!💞💖💕💓
My main markers are copic sketch and sketchbooks i use my ohuhu brush. I've been collecting copic markers for over 15 years now and still love them the most.
Love your art so much, so happy to see you on Twitch livestreaming now.
Welcome back
Thank you so much Bendan! Happy new year btw 🎉😊🎉
i really only use alchomarkers for sketching and coloring concepts so all i have is cheap markers and they work wonderfully for that. for people who make full illustrations i can see why theyd run into issues. but if i just need to throw a base of colors onto something to see how they look (espe for character design) they do the job i need. every art supply has its place. even if its for concepts cheap supplies are always helpful to have for some things.
Eeeee! Rambu! I was so excited to see a video from you. You mentioned other marker videos - maybe do one on Spectrum Noir and/or Promarker? :D Missed you!
So so so beautiful!! I love your art😭❤❤
Thank you so much 💗💗💗😘
Ich bin so froh wieder ein Video zusehen 😭❤️❤️
💕💕💕 Da bin ich wieder! 😘
commenting for the algorithm
Thank you so much 💞😍
@@RambutanIllustration you're welcome
back when i first started watercolour painting I only used cheap synthetic brushes and I hated painting. But one day I tried a nice sable hair brush and absolutely loved it! It's true you can make amazing art with any supplies no matter the cost, but sometimes you'll enjoy it more with higher quality supplies ^-^
Ich war immer recht zufrieden mit meinen Wasserfarben xD Also für die Schule war's auf jeden Fall gut genug. Alle waren immer begeistert wie gut die Farben bei mir waren xD allerdings waren die auch etwas besser als die normalen. Ich glaub irgendwo hab ich die noch 🤔 natürlich nichts im Vergleich zu Aquarell xD
Es ist schön, wieder ein Video von dir zu sehen 😍 Ich werde wohl auch mal günstigere kaufen, für Experimente sind mir meine Copics nämlich zu schade, was dazu führt, dass ich sie schon länger nicht benutzt habe 😅😅 So wie ... so ziemlich all meine Zeichensachen. Ich muss mir dafür wenigstens einmal wie Woche wieder Zeit nehmen 😭 So oder so, sehr schönes Video! Ich liebe die Animation immer noch 😍
My first set were studio 71 markers and i really loved them they were cheap, at my local art store (sadly shut down now :( and they had pastel colors! But after 1 or 2 drawings they dried out and sometimes the nib would wear out really fast but i did learn a lot about blending and that helped when i moved on to my next set of markers Ohuhu which i also really love (i have the bullet and chisel 60 set for comics) So I think its okay to go cheap but maybe not too cheap :D
My Mom works at Woolworth and every time they get new art stuff she brings it home for me and, so I think the're art stuff isn't that good but I found the nicest Glitter Aquarells there
That's so nice of your mom :3
Glitter Aquarell sounds kinda intresting to me :0
@@RambutanIllustration yes it is verry cool
Soooo happy to see your videos again 🥺 I have always been a fan of your style / art and believe it or not, you were one of the artists that got me into alcohol markers esspecially copics! They are now my favourite brand of alcohol markers to use!
Looking forward to your next video 💕 and stay safe!
Ich habe vor gut 15 Jahren (oder sogar länger) mit Copic angefangen und bis heute muss ich sagen, sind das einfach die besten Marker die ich besitze. Die halten einfach ewig und vor allem sind sie nachfüllbar, blenden super, ohne die vorherige Farbe groß zu verdrängen (wie du in deinem Video bei den Woolworth Markern angemerkt hast) oder zu stark auszubluten (habe ich auch schon gehabt, u.a. bei den Action Markern). Meine ersten Marker leben immer noch xD. Das einzige was mir bei denen bis heute fehlt sind ein paar schöne mittlere Töne in Lila und Violett.
Als zweites hab ich die Chameleon Pens für mich entdeckt, sind zwar ein wenig gewöhnungsbedürftig, haben aber schöne Farben, man kann mit nur einem Stift Licht und Schatten erstellen. Mit den Color Tops kann man sogar die krassesten Farbblends mühelos erstellen. Lassen sich ebenfalls wieder nachfüllen, die Brush Nib ist jedoch leider extrem empfindlich.
Ansonsten hab ich noch Spectrum Noir (Fundstück bei TKMaxx), Spectra Add (Scrawlrbox) und die Action Marker (mittlerweile auch mit Brush). Letztere passen in die Copic Air Brush, nicht schlecht für Hintergrund-Effekte, trocknen dabei aber recht schnell aus und man muss immer wieder pausieren, damit die Farbe nachläuft.
I agree with you!! Good quality art supplies are my life
I only use Copic for markers, I have big sets and I love them 🥺🥺
Ein spannendes Vergleichsvideo 👍🏻 trotz der billigen Marker sieht dein Bild schön aus!
Das ist super gemacht XD Besonders die Vergleiche ♥
I believe Copics or Ohuhu are great to use! Ohuhu is a great cheaper option for a budget.
Its been 3 months🥺🥺🥺
Love your art btw
Awww I know qwq
Thank you so much! Stay tuned! More videos are coming soon 😊
@@RambutanIllustration I can't wait!!!😍😍😍
Beautiful artwork!!! And I agree, I wanted to get into watercolor and had a cheap set at home to start with. I hated it. In fact, it was so bad, I thought something is wrong with me, because all of the art I made turned out horrible :D :D :D But I bought good quality paper, good quality watercolor set and gave it a go...and it was mind-blowing :D
the problem is you get the cheap markers and keep shopping markers until you get up to the copics - you could of bought copics at the beginning and saved money in the long run. im speaking from experience haha! have a graveyard of cheap markers - got my copics like "Why didn't I start with this?!" - cause youtube artists told me too lmao
Danke für das informative Video, aber bei dir sieht wirklich alles super aus ^^ Die Ohuhu Brush Marker würden mich auch interessieren :)
Oh Gott und ja, ich horte die billigen Action Marker, es ist echt schlimm 🤣
In my youth, it was crayola, then prismacolor, now copic. Tried sharpie markers but they were too dark in my opinion.
A person from Instagram once said to me 'Don't let your tools control you'. And it's kinda slap me bcs I often think we need expensive tools to make our arts look better🤣
7:29 I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂AHAahahahajhah aaaaaaaaaaaa, ssooo true!!!
one thing tho - expensive or cheap markers - they have 1 big foult - either of them are lightfast... :)
Because of all this “you can only use Copics/expensive markers” I was really afraid of starting drawing using this “technique” of marker painting. Cheap markers are great for beginners!
There are a lot of cheap markers that are still good to use. Some can not be used like the copic kind of marker but with some adjustments they can still be good.
The only cheap marker brand I trust is Ohuhu. They are really good for the price.
I use ohuhu markers uwu, they are cheap and un my opinion with good quality. I absoluty recommended
Ohuhus are the best non expensive markers.
Well I'm Indonesian here, and Surprise about Your name......hope You surprised too as well 🎉🎉😂😂😂😂
I find cheaper ones better to be realistic. Markers were not designed to be lightfast so if you want to spend $100s on Copics because they slightly blend better, they will still fade over time no matter if its directly in sunlight or in a dark drawer. So your art work won’t last with any markers on exception for paint ones. I personally don’t want to spend that much on markers that aren’t going to make the art work last longer. Tbh.
Totally relateable 😁👌 It doesn't have to be expensive Copics there are so many good alternatives where you don't pay extra just for a brand name. There are even different better alternatives to low quality dollar store markers that won't cost that much but stil have a very decent quality, more ink and especially: more shades which I really appreciate :)
What I really do miss with all alternatives: Refills? So sad that empty markers just land in trash when you could refill them 😔
I’m not sure if a lot of people who buy markers care about lightfastness tbh
@@blackdemonheart9696 I buy them because they are cheap, I'm curious and they can be so useful 😅
I personally think "Touch" markers are jut as good, if not better than copics. They´re a french brand and not exactly cheap but not as expensive as copics.
Is there any marker at all that is more expensive than copic? XD
@@mihu6604 I don´t think there is really =)
Okay, so I'm leaving this comment because I disagree with a lot of the things you say in your video, not because of any negative feelings against you or your drawings. Which are amazing even when you use poor quality supplies, by the way, but as a long-ish-time viewer, I've seen you demonstrate that quite a few times already. But some of your arguments are really misleading, and as someone who works with young children and sees everyday the effects of this type of discourse saying that only the super expensive brands should be bought, it bugs me.
Your argument is not very convincing here : you are comparing ultra cheap markers with Copics, THE most well-known and expensive brand on the market. You say you don't mean only Copics, but at the end of the video you put Promarkers in the shot of cheap markers to use for alternatives and experimentation. PROMARKERS. Lady, these are neither cheap nor low quality...
First, not all very cheap markers are created equal. Ohuhu, for instance, is famous for having very decent ink and nibs (though most artists "testing" them neglect to test how much ink is in them and thus fail to warn viewers that each individual marker will last a lot less longer).
Second, good brush nibs are a lot harder to make than good chisel nibs, if the quality of lower price alternative is any indication. I'd recommend sticking to chisel nibs for the super cheap markers. And your video is very misleading on that front too, you can get a smooth blend with chisel nibs. Especially such "cheap" and "low quality" alternatives as Promarkers...
Third, while I'm rambling about Promarkers, there is such a thing as middle range price, or other high quality brands that are not Copics (and are almost always less insanely expensive, because outside of Japan, Copics have a prohibitive pricetag). Promarkers and Brushmarkers, for instance. Spectrum noir. Prismacolor used to have good markers too.
Fourth, you say you don't expect cheaper markers to behave like Copics, but you still put a "low quality" label on anything but Copics, so I sincerely doubt that statement. I know Prismacolors for instance used to get a lot of criticism because their color range was a lot brighter than Copics, for instance. And I use a middle priced local brand that gets a lot of flack because of that kind of thinking - because the markers are a lot juicer than Copics, you get less colors with a single marker by putting more than one layer, but they also make it incredibly easy to color large flat areas. People on the internet often "test" by seeing if a product behaves exactly like this brand they are used to and see as a universal standard, and it can be really unfair.