7- In the Battle of Uhud (Book of Hazrat Ali) - Mahmud Sami Ramazanoğlu

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024
  • The Battle of Uhud took place in the third year of the Hegira. Although the Quraysh Army was superior to the Muslims in both numbers and equipment, the Muslims succeeded in defeating their enemies at the beginning of the battle, but the Muslims who saw the enemy withdrawing from the battlefield forgot the order of the Prophet Muhammad and left their places. After the archers left the retreat line open, the enemy cavalry took advantage of this opportunity and turned and attacked the Muslims. The archers' abandonment of their positions defeated the Muslim army and as a result, the Muslims were in disarray. After the polytheists martyred Mus'ab bin Umeyr, who resembled the Prophet Muhammad, they declared that the Prophet Muhammad was martyred, which spiritually defeated the Muslims, and many of them no longer wanted to fight. He left the war, thinking it was pointless.
    According to the narration of Safd bin al-Museyyeb radıyallahu anh, on the Day of Uhud, Hazrat Ali radıyallahu anh was wounded in sixteen places. Each of his wounds was severe enough to prevent him from combat and require rest and treatment. On that day, Gabriel was assisting Ali.
    According to the narration of Bukhari, at this time the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was also injured and one of his teeth was broken. Hazrat Ali opposed Abu Said bin Abi Talha, the standard-bearer of the polytheists, and defeated him.
    After Muslims realized that the Prophet Muhammad was alive, they surrounded him and tried to protect him. Hazrat Ali tried to defend the Prophet Muhammad with all his heart during the Battle of Uhud.
    When he returned from the Battle of Uhud, Hazrat Ali came to his wife Hazrat Fatima and said:
    - Take this sword, I am neither a coward nor a degenerate. He said, "I swear, I fought for the sake of helping Muhammad and for the sake of Allah, who knows His servants well." Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (Prophet Muhammad Mustafa) addressed Ali:
    - Like you, Sahl bin Huneyf and Ibn al-Simme fought very well today, he said. At that time, Gabriel Aleyhisselam said:
    - Oh Muhammad, I swear this is superior. "He helped you more," he said. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said (Prophet Muhammad Mustafa):
    - O Gabriel, Ali is not a stranger, he is from me, he said. Gabriel said:
    - I am one of you, he said. (Hayatü's-Sahaba 2/546)
    After the Battle of Uhud, Hazrat Ali participated in the movement to expel the Banu Nadir Jews, who betrayed their promise to Muslims, from the vicinity of Medina.


  • @AbdullahCANCAN
    @AbdullahCANCAN  3 місяці тому +2

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