Hi, We're truly sorry to hear about the issue you encountered with your purchase. Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you are not happy with what you bought, you may be eligible to return it and get a refund by following the simple procedure in this Return and Refund Policy page.
Ja sam kupio na aliexpressu Imou cruiser Se za 62 eura i jednu bullet 2 C za 41 euro to su veoma dobre kamere a ne ovo smeće za nekih 7 eura
hvala za info. :)
@@ZanimljivostiOnline imaš od 2,3,4,5,8 megapiksela i dobiješ karticu sd to su kamere veoma popularne a sada im se cijena povećala radi eura
Digoo kameru sam kupio prije 5 godina za nekih 20€ i dan danas radi, slika je ok.
super, znači više manje je sve ok.
Dali moze objasnjenje za nocno snimanje objasnjenje
može, recite što vas točno zanima ?
kolko para tolko muzike ....
Tako je 😎
Hi, We're truly sorry to hear about the issue you encountered with your purchase. Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you are not happy with what you bought, you may be eligible to return it and get a refund by following the simple procedure in this Return and Refund Policy page.
Password od čega? Ne mogu nikako da je povezem
password od vašeg routera, ako se naravno spajate na router.