Yes, Scaled Agile Framework provide practice quiz however the number is less. Only 2 practice quiz you will get from them. If you want to practice more than you have to check with your training provider.
You can't skip training as only your trainer will provide you access of the study materials from Scaled Agile Framework. You as an individual can not directly apply for exam from their website. It has to be routed from SPC (Scaled Program Consultant).
great video
I wrote my Leading SAFe exam last night, 87%. Its was hard!
hello Can you please tell from where I can get practice sets of SAFe Agile 5.1 apart from SAFe community practice test
Yes, Scaled Agile Framework provide practice quiz however the number is less. Only 2 practice quiz you will get from them. If you want to practice more than you have to check with your training provider.
Do I have to take the 2 days training before taking exam or I can skip training?
You can't skip training as only your trainer will provide you access of the study materials from Scaled Agile Framework. You as an individual can not directly apply for exam from their website. It has to be routed from SPC (Scaled Program Consultant).
How can I apply for these course like project manager, scrum master
Kindly call/whatsapp us at +91-9336581252, we will guide you with all the details and then you can accordingly enroll
Leading Safe 5.1, is it a open book exam??
No, it is closed book.
@@tiannawrona9269is it a proctored exam?