Who Were the Sons of God? - Rick Renner
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
- The “sons of God” described in Genesis referred to fallen angels united in rebellion against God. Learn more about this in today’s powerful program! To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.
Rick Renner has unlocked the mystery surrounding the “sons of God” and the “giants” that appeared in the earth before the Flood during the days of Noah. Rick says, “This is THE series I’ve wanted to teach for decades. With the research we conducted at the real Noah’s Ark, along with amazing historical records, I believe this long-awaited series will answer a multitude of questions for people who have wondered about the strange events that occurred before the Flood and what Jesus said about them being repeated at the end of the age.” renner.org/pro...
Giants, Fallen Angels, and the Return of the Nephilim by Dennis Lindsey will discuss biblical prophecies of giants on the earth, the Last Days demonic plot of engineering genetic hybrids, and what all of it has to do with Israel and the Middle East.
This study series is awesome. The Arafat mountains are so beautiful and hold so many secrets to be unveiled. Amen
Finally an exciting approach to daily study the Bible the Word of God and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Thank you.
Yes. Praying for a Revival of the Bible
Thank you for your very generous gift! We so appreciate it as it helps us reach out part of the world for Jesus! God bless you! -Team Renner
Enjoy your teaching! My late great friend Ron Eldon Wyatt is almost synonymous with this location🙏
Wonderful! Glad you are enjoying it! -Team Renner
Praise Lord Jesus!
It gives me great joy to see you sharing this with your audience.😊❤
This is precisely what we've been teaching for some time now, especially on our Table Talk programs. Thank you, Ps. Rick, for bringing this series! It is needed for the times we are living in.
Thank you so much for English version . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thanks 😊 for sharing 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿😊😊🙏🏿
Hi Rick. Thanks for a very informative teaching. God bless you and your family.
Thank You , Minister Rick. I’ve have enjoyed You Love and Understanding of The Living Word Of Gather God. For A long Time . I do Pray for your work in Russia. Those Prayers change the events and people and. Great Support for the Church there. We do know that . In Him Joy Joy Joy
Thank you for your generosity! God bless you, Sara!! -Team Renner
@@RennerMinistriesi would like to send more but for now it just this, one day i Will Bless this minitry cause i can't explaine How much our church have been blessed with this teachings thank you Renner team
I read the book of Enoch bout 20yrs ago and I knew it was legit. It made so much sense and it also connected the dots in Genesis 6👍🏻this series is much needed in this generation and it is right on time. Just like Enoch said that the prophecies in his writings were for our generation. Keep up the great work Renner ministries!💯
@@alhart6126actually, scholars agree the first book of Enoch is authentic, however second and third Enoch are completely made up.
Jesus makes it known to us, as All authority is given to him to 'REVEAL' the old testament!
The books of Mathew and Luke informs us of Jesus Genealogy....... where both Mary and Joseph come down through the royal lineage of Judah ( Jacob's 4th son from his first wife Leah): and Tamar where the BREACH will come: Perez holds the earthy crown for the Southern tribes and Zarez becomes a back up of the Overthrown CROWN from the Holy Land.......and so both these son's seed will eventually Wear A CROWN: but only the southern tribe of Judah will bring in both Mary and also Joseph........( Jews under HEROD and the Synagogue of Satan : CUT off Flesh of ABRAHAM'S illegal fiirst son Ishmael!
But the Crown will be restored on earth of the Northern Kingdom of the Birthright Sons of God in Joseph/ Ephraim united in Jack 🇬🇧 of the Emerald Isles FAR OFF who were known as SAX sons of ISAAC where King Charles holds the crown in Judah!
Jesus tells Paul that His Sheep will HEAR His Voice: because Paul at that time doesn't know where the Northern kingdom of Israel has gone: he ONLY understands that the Royal house of Judah was CUT OFF in 70 BC and Daniel ( of king David's seed) stayed in Babylon: so Paul is then directed to find ISRAEL ( of the Birthright of of the OLD tribe, Joseph/Ephraim in amount the Gentiles starting with building his 7 churches in what is Now named Turkey......and the capital city has now become ISTANBUL........ exactly where the Northern tribes went OUT from.....( under the BIRTHRIGHT of Joseph/ Ephraim of the Emblem of the BULL in Sinai!)
If Jesus Christ isn't a LEGAL BIRTHRIGHT SON of God coming through the lineage of the First Son of God, ADAM to SETH ( image of Adam and certainly not of Cain ) all the way down to Noah and Shem to Abram...( restoration of Eve's CURSED WOMB) and LEGAL Birthright of ISAAC.....from his legal mother and First wife, Sarah....
If the Sons of God we're Not of Adam and BIRTHRIGHT inheritance to Seth.....
Then HOW could Jesus PAY the PRICE on the Cross and shout: IT IS FINISHED!! ?😮
Confusion ONLY comes from the DRUNKS of EPHRAIM, and Messianic Jews spewing their vomit over the sleeping church ( unwise virgins!)
Jesus has FREED us from superstition of the Satanic Mythology of Saxons and the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan...... who say they are Jews ( royalty in God the Father): but are NOT!
Blessings ❤
It ain't legit. It has errors in it. Major errors. Please stick with the Bible.
@@clellaadams Jesus is Lord, and His blood is the only way to the Father🙏🏻I am all for the finished Canon. I respectfully disagree with you on this book of Enoch material, being that Christ is saturated all over his book. Also because the apostles quoted verses from it in their writings. But I agree with you brother, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The finished Canon is my final authority💯🙏🏻Lord bless u.
@@constantinesal732 I agree on the 66 books. And John 14:6. Yessir.
But the book of Enoch has gross errors. The issue is, that one may try to read into the Scriptures something from the apocryphal books and be misled.
Praise the LORD
Thank you again, that is so interesting, I am learning new facts each broadcast. 👏🤗❤️
Genesis 5 are the sons of God in Genesis 6,
Genesis 5 Genalogy line. The names listed in Genesis 5 and the meaning of the names in Hebrew and also their ages.
Adam (Genesis 5: 3-5) Lived: 930 Years. Adam means “Man”
Seth (Genesis 5: 3, 6-8) Lived: 912 Years. Seth means “put” or “appointed” or "Substitute"
Enosh (Genesis 5: 6, 9-11) Lived: 905 Years. Enosh mean a " mortal man"
Cainan (Genesis 5: 9, 12-14) Lived: 910 Years. Cainan means dwelling place
Mahalalel (Genesis 5: 12, 15-18) Lived 895 Years. Mahalalel means "praise God or God be praised"
Jared (Genesis 5: 15, 18-20) Lived 962 Years. Jared means "descend"
Enoch (Genesis 5: 18, 21-24) Lived 365 Years/Translated never saw death. Enoch means "to initiate or discipline:-dedicate, train up"
Methuselah (Genesis 5: 21, 25-27) Lived 969 Years. Methuselah means" [his] death will send away, cast out.
Lamech (Genesis 5: 25, 28-31) Lived 777 Years. Lamech means " to be low, depressed or grow poor or impoverished"
Noah (Genesis 5: 28-29) Lived 950 Years. Noah’s name means "comfort or rest" Note: The "ONE" Family spared from the flood.
Shem (Genesis 10: 10-11) Lived 600 Years. Shem's name means "renown, fame, famous"
When putting the meaning of these names in a Phrase this is how it reads. >>>>>>Man [is] appointed a mortal man [in his] dwelling place. Praise God, [He] descended to discipline and train-up.
[His] death will send away, cast out, the depressed, the despairing. The One [Jesus] will comfort us and give us rest renown name.
>>>The sons of God in Genesis 5 point to the Son of God>>Nephilim/Giants an offspring list.
Explaining the wordf Nephilim (Hebrew) and the word Giantes/Giants (Greek/English), how the words are used in context, explaining Genesis 6 that are refer to Geneis 5, because there were no chapter breaks and verse breaks when Genesis was originally written. Have to remember the OT was written in Hebrew and the NT was written in Greek, also what is different of the OT and NT is that the animal sacrifices/burnt offerings (First Covenant) are found in the OT, while the sacrifice of Jesus (New Covenant) is found in the NT. The First Covenant was just temporary used for atonement, worship, prayer and sanctification, was only good until the next sacrifice was offered, and they had to be offered repeatedly. The other purpose of the "First Covenant" was looking forward and foreshadowing the "New Covenant" which is the final sacrifice and the Promise in Jesus on the Cross for the FINAL payment for sin.
Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim/Giants were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
This is broken down in two sections, Section A and Section B.
---SECTION A: Explaining the Nephilim, a Hebrew word meaning 'those who have fallen' or 'the fallen ones.
Strong's Concordance for Nephilim (Hebrew) is H5303 and is derived from the word Nephal is H5307. Nephal is to fall, lie or cast down.Naphal is a Hebrew word.Using the Hebrew word Naphal which you get the Hebrew word Nephilim.
Job1:20 "Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he FELL to the ground and worshiped."
The word "FELL" in Job 1:20 when translated to Hebrew is the word Naphal. Job also presented God with burnt offerings found in Job 1:5, which is fitting Job 1:5 is right before Job 1:6. Job 1:6 and Job 2:1 mentions "sons of God", basically this is about the "First Covenant" of the animal sacrifices/burnt offerings.
Hebrew use is the Nephilim would fall (Naphal) to the ground like Job 1:20 mentions, so it would be in a state of worship, probably on their knees.
A person can find the "First Covenant" in Job 1:5 "And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and consecrate them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually."
Job is a "Patriarch" and had priestly duties, and in a covenant relationship with the Lord God. NOTICE in Job 1:5, Job with the "First Covenant" when presented the animal sacrifice/burnt offering unto the Lord, the sacrifice "Sanctified" Job's children. Sanctify means to set apart as or declare holy; consecrate, make legitimate or binding by religious sanction, free from sin; purify, cause to be or seem morally right or acceptable. This entire list of Sanctification/Sanctified is all qualifications for "sons of God" as well as preistly duties, angels do not have preistly duties, sanctification and the "First Covenant"
Noah also who is listed in Genesis 5 also offered (First Covenant) the animal sacrifices/burnt offerings unto the Lord right after the flood when Noah got out of the ark, found in Genesis 8:20 "Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar."
In Genesis 6:4 the Nephilim (Hebrew) are in a position of worship or falling to the ground while presenting (First Covenant) a sacrifice/burnt offering to the Lord God. Man has twisted the meaning of the word and changed the meaning of the word "Nephilim" to some a giant form of hybrid that is a result of angels and human women procreating. That is how deception works and many are mislead and deceived. By twisting and changing the word Nephilim which is a state of worship towards God, it is now a word that takes away the worship to God and how man worshiped and was presented before God in that day or time period. Man also mixes in the Greek/English word "Gigantes/Giant" to make this sound believable with this giant hybrid.
---SECTION B: Explaining the word Gigantas/Giant (Greek/English) is primarily referring to YEARS. The word Giant (English) comes from the Greek word gígantas/gigantes>>>AB Number G1095.2 Genesis 6:4 γίγαντες - giants
When translated into Greek as gigantez, gigantes, or 'giants in Genesis 6:4. That is how we get the English word Giants. The use of this Greek/English word Giants in CONTEXT is Primarly referring to Years or the life spans of Genesis 5, but the people of that day since they had such a longevity of life might have had a different physical stature, Adam and Eve may have been up to 10-12 feet tall, so stature/height could apply as well.
Genesis 5 has a genealogy list that tells of individuals that lived these enormous/Giant life spans. Genesis 5 is probably the "sons of God". The word Giants is just explaining the "sons of God" and the geneolgy line (offspring list) of Geneis 5. Even Noah and others of Genesis 5 lived a Giant and enormous life spans before and after the flood. Life spans started to Shrink after the flood up until today. Methuselah who lived the longes (Genesis 5: 21, 25-27) Lived 969 Years, a "Giant" life span compared to today.
Moses who is the Author of Genesis also is the Author of Psalm 90, which was also originally written in Hebrew. Moses mentions life spans in Psalm 90 as well. "Psalm 90:10 The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away."
We notice the life spans got "shrunk", they were not so "giant" anymore.
With using both Hebrew and Greek/English there is more than one meaning or use of the words Nephilim and Gigantes/Giants. There is a DOUBLE meaning and use on how the words Nephilim and Gigantes/Giants is used in Genesis 6:4 , because of Hebrew, Greek and English or to say which language is used, it is basically a play on words of the Hebrew, Greek, and English languages.
Looking at Geneis 6:4 using (PARANTHESES) as Commentary in Genesis 6:4
Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim (First Covenant/fallen ones/Patriarchs) Giants (Years/enormous life spans/Genesis 5 Patriarchs) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God (Genesis 5/Patriarchs) came in to the daughters of man (daughters of Adam/women) and they bore children (Human/Genesis 5) to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
In the Old Testament, the Hebrew term used for “sons of God” is “bene elohim,” while in the New Testament, the Greek term used is “huios theou”. However, both terms refer to the same concept: Human beings who possess a special and covenant relationship with God referring to BOTH the "First Coveant" of animal sacrifices/burnt offerings found in the OT and the "New Covenant" which is the Sacrfice of Jesus on the Cross found in the NT.
Hi SEVEN-7! Thank you for watching and your participation! --Team Renner
God is so merciful
This is so stinking awesome ❤❤❤❤
Adam: man
Seth: appointed
Enosh: mortal, frail, or miserable
Kenan (Cainan): sorrow, dirge, elegy
Mahalalel: the Blessed God (coming from Mahalal: blessed or praise | El: name for God)
Jared: this is from the verb which means “shall come down”
Enoch: commencement or teaching
Methuselah: his death shall bring (coming from Meth: death | Shalach: to bring/send forth)
Lamech: despairing (root of this word is where we get our English word lament or lamentation)
Noah: comfort, rest (derived from nacham: to bring relief or comfort
Thanks for your teaching
I am blessed by RR teaching. The meat of the lesson needs to be 10 or 15 min longer. Subtract the history intro the ending prayer and contact info that doesn't leave much time for the actual lesson. More time for the meat please.
Thank you for this teaching and praying for us Gods sweet blessings upon everyone see you tonight home group
The new place it is beatiful like all the others from Brasil thank you RENNER FAMILY
Thanks too. In addition to those authors below I'd recommend Jeff Benner's translation of Genesis from the ancient pictographic Hebrew. Once the outline you and they give is understood that ancient worldview will explode in a way not yet translated in English.
Jesus makes it known to you: as All authority is given to him to 'REVEAL' the old testament!
The books of Mathew and Luke informs us of Jesus Genealogy....... where both Mary and Joseph come down through the royal lineage of Judah ( Jacob's 4th son from his first wife Leah): and Tamar where the BREACH will come: Perez holds the earthy crown for the Southern tribes and Zarez becomes a back up of the Overthrown CROWN from the Holy Land.......and so both these son's seed will eventually wear A CROWN: but only the southern tribe of Judah will bring in both Mary and also Joseph........( Jews under HEROD and the Synagogue of Satan : CUT off Flesh of ABRAHAM'S illegal first son Ishmael!
But the Crown will be restored on earth of the Northern Kingdom of the Birthright Sons of God in Joseph/ Ephraim united in Jack 🇬🇧 of the Emerald Isles FAR OFF who were known as SAX sons of ISAAC where King Charles now holds the crown in Judah!
Jesus tells Paul that His Sheep will HEAR His Voice: because Paul at that time doesn't know where the Northern kingdom of Israel has gone: he ONLY understands that the Royal house of Judah was CUT OFF in 70 BC and Daniel ( of king David's seed) stayed in Babylon: so Paul is then directed to find ISRAEL ( of the Birthright of of the OLD tribe, Joseph/Ephraim in among the Gentiles; starting with building his 7 churches in what is Now named Turkey......and the capital city has now become ISTANBUL........ exactly where the Northern tribes went OUT from.....( under the BIRTHRIGHT of Joseph/ Ephraim of the Emblem of the BULL in Sinai!)
If Jesus Christ isn't a LEGAL BIRTHRIGHT SON of God coming through the lineage of the First Son of God, ADAM to SETH ( image of Adam and certainly not of Cain ) all the way down to Noah and Shem to Abram...( restoration of Eve's CURSED WOMB) and LEGAL Birthright of ISAAC.....from his legal mother and First wife of his father Abraham, Sarah!
If the Sons of God we're Not of Adam and BIRTHRIGHT inheritance to Seth.....
Then HOW could Jesus PAY the PRICE on the Cross and shout: IT IS FINISHED! 😮?
Confusion ONLY comes from the DRUNKS of EPHRAIM, and Messianic Jews spewing their vomit over the sleeping church ( unwise virgins!)
Jesus has FREED us from superstition of the Satanic Mythology of Saxons and the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan...... who say they are Jews ( royalty in God the Father): but are NOT!
Blessings ❤
I’m glad you are teaching this.
I’ve just finished reading Michael Heisser’s Unseen Realm & he presentsbiblical evidence about these, too.
How was it? I learned about him on “Blurry Creatures” podcast.
he was a good teacher if somewhat esoteric
Thank you! I will be following the series.
I recently read The Final Nephilim by Ryan Pitterson . I thought it was very good.
Jesus makes it known to you who the Sons of God are: as All authority is given to him to 'REVEAL' the old testament!
The books of Mathew and Luke informs us of Jesus Genealogy....... where both Mary and Joseph come down through the royal lineage of Judah ( Jacob's 4th son from his first wife Leah): and Tamar where the BREACH will come: Perez holds the earthy crown for the Southern tribes and Zarez becomes a back up of the Overthrown CROWN from the Holy Land.......and so both these son's seed will eventually WEAR A CROWN: but only the southern tribe of Judah will bring in both Mary and also Joseph........( Jews under HEROD and the Synagogue of Satan : CUT off Flesh of ABRAHAM'S illegal fist son Ishmael!)
But the Crown will be restored on earth of the Northern Kingdom of the Birthright Sons of God in Joseph/ Ephraim united in Jack 🇬🇧 of the Emerald Isles FAR OFF who were known as SAX sons of ISAAC where King Charles now holds the crown in Judah!
Jesus tells Paul that His Sheep will HEAR His Voice: because Paul at that time doesn't know where the Northern kingdom of Israel has gone: he ONLY understands that the Royal house of Judah was CUT OFF in 70 BC and Daniel ( of king David's seed) stayed in Babylon: so Paul is then directed to find ISRAEL ( of the Birthright of of the OLD tribe, Joseph/Ephraim) in among the Gentiles, starting with building his 7 churches in what is Now named Turkey......and the capital city has now become ISTANBUL........ exactly where the Northern tribes went OUT from.....( under the BIRTHRIGHT of Joseph/ Ephraim of the Emblem of the BULL in Sinai!)
If Jesus Christ isn't a LEGAL BIRTHRIGHT SON of God coming through the lineage of the First Son of God, ADAM to SETH ( image of Adam and certainly not of Cain: FALLEN Man ) all the way down to Noah and Shem to Abram...( restoration of Eve's CURSED WOMB) and LEGAL Birthright of ISAAC.....from his legal mother and First wife, Sarah!
If the Sons of God we're Not of Adam and BIRTHRIGHT inheritance to Seth.....
Then HOW could Jesus PAY the PRICE on the Cross and shout: IT IS FINISHED! ?😮
Confusion ONLY comes from the DRUNKS of EPHRAIM, and Messianic Jews spewing their vomit over the sleeping church ( unwise virgins!)
Jesus has FREED us from superstition of the Satanic Mythology of Saxons and the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan...... who say they are Jews ( royalty in God the Father): but are NOT!
Blessings ❤
Matthew 22:30
New International Version
30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
I always believe these teaching because I hear it before, and I say to my self something very bad had happens in order for God , decided to destroy the human kind and all the earth, now people contradict me with the verse I upload , they say how can you explain Mathew 22:30, can someone please advise on the Verse Mathew 22:30. Thanks , and love these teaching so much.
Because the Sons of God are not fallen angels but men that belonged to a godly lineage. The godly lineage are the descendents of Seth. Which we refer to as "the Sons of God". The women refered to in the bible as "The daughters of men", are the descendants of Cain. The idea that angels being able to reproduce with humans is contraindicated a few times in the bible. One is in the scripture you mentioned (Matthew 22:30) where Jesus says, "for in the resurrection they neither marry nor a given in marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven". So if angels have no need to marry each other why would they want to take the daughters of men. The other is a law God gave to all living, reproducing creatures in the visible world. Which is that each was to reproduce after its own kind. (Genesis 1: 21 - 25). So the belief that these fallen angels were able to reproduce with the daughters of men breaks this fundamental law.
Thanks for your prayers Gods Blessings on everyone see you tomorrow morning home group
Thx you Renner Ministry ,you give sooo much christian knowledge that we dont get other .,thx you for the deep knowledge for us Christian need
I ordered the book and the cd and dvd of the program
But if these were fallen angels, wouldn’t they have known that if God said it was about to rain, and flood the earth,don’t you think if anyone or anything had a reason to believe that was about to happen, that the “son’s of God” would believe, that if God said it, he could make that happen?! I mean they were thrown out of heaven! They had to know He means business!
There was no rain prior to the flood. the ground was watered from below.
They probably prepared too, which is how they were here afterwards.
They had already fallen and were plotting to overthrow God and Heaven. That's what I understood about this book.
YES the Truth is majorly under Attack, and JESUS said Iam the truth and JESUS said Iam the Word!😇🔥✝️🙏💒👆
Jesus is Lord! -Team Renner
The Seventh Day Adventist Ron Wyatt must receive all the credit for showing to the western christian world the location of the arc.
no he was a humble man and gave all the credit to God!
@@hpinchen9451yeah, good point! i've seen A LOT of Ron's videos..pretty incredible! thanks! 🙏👍🏻😇💜
Amen Thank you dear papa and yours explained the mistery of the Gods word 🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏
We appreciate your comments! God bless! - Team Renner
I’ve read Michael Heiser’s books on this and they make sense until I contemplate how angels have seed, although they can eat, etc. Peter also said, when did God ever call an angel a son? So hummm. In Hebrew the word angel is not used but a word for human man. So I get confused!
hebrew word for angel is Malek.
Read my comment up.
Job 38 says the morning stars AND the sons of God. There are 2 classes of beings mentioned there. Pastors read newspapers better than their Bible.
Sir, sons of God, to me means a being & direct creation of God. Angels are beings created by God. We humans today are considered sons of Man (Adam).. hope this distinction helps... 😊
How did you get there? I thought they didn't allow any foreigners inside their borders. I'm so glad you were able to get there! 👏👍🏼
Thanks for sharing with us! Lum 💖
it’s in turkey. you can visit!
@@hpinchen9451 Thanks!
So, was there a second fall/rebellion of angels, after the initial rebellion in heaven, where satan was cast out like lightening?
There was. Will be a third (at least) coming up. Before and after Noahide flood..after producing likes of Goɔiath and brothers.
At least 2. One during Satan's rebellion at the 1st, afterwards he seduced Eve. And then 1 other after Noahide flood. Likely producimg the likes of Goliath and brothers. There is a third upcomimg 'as in the days of Noah' angels will be 'marrying' human females and doing business with these women's fathers/brothers etc.
Deception breeds confusion!!
Adam was Son of God!
Cain was FALLEN MAN= seed of Serpent without law of God!
No second rebellion.
Just one by Lucifer.
The sons of God of Gen 6 are grandsons/descendents of Adam.
The daughters of men are the idolatrous gentile women from the other races.
God created all races gen 1 v 26,
Then later Adam , ,followed by Eve later on.
May be fallen line of Cain. Where is real proof of army caught Kandahar Giant?
2:12 Pastor Renner says that there were angels who God put on the earth but then rebelled. Am I to understand that there were two rebellions? The first one is at the start of creation led by Lucifer, would this be a second?
Maybe the same event manifested at different points in our timeline. I'm pretty sure there is a lot we don't fully understand concerning the spirit world. Certain angels written of have eyes fore and after and can seemingly move through time, wheels within wheels. The book of Revelation.... John was seeing things in realtime that had not happened yet. He time travelled....
Thank you pastor
thank you, praise God.
Great teaching!!!...any way to decrease the echo?? Thank you!!!
Don't be deceived!
I love your studio!!!!!
Enjoying the teaching. There is a slight echo in the recording.
Perhaps the Holy Spirit is coughing at the deception of this guy!!😮😅
@@ValerieLorna1 your response is not welcomed or appreciated please move on.
@@williamrivera8686 Not a TRUTH SEEKER.........SAD!
@@ValerieLorna1 If you were a truth seeker like you're pretending to be then you would have left your own comment to the video, and not attached yourself to my comment.
@@williamrivera8686 obviously my comment had upset you: but the truth isn't always pleasant......
Why would I not comment on the fact that there are many things said by this 'teacher' that are totally against scripture, and perhaps I do hope you will certainly pray for confirmation of why this recording is a little shaky........to say the least!!
This message was for you: or do you really think this guy would take any notice of the Holy Spirit!!?🙄
Can we please get the dvd'd in Australia?
Genesis 5 tells us that the sons of God were the children of Seth. So the children of Seth looked upon the other children that were there and chose them wives of all do you really think fall an angels need to get married? It doesn't say they uncovered the neckedness of or they lay with.
You are right. Even when you look at the genealogy of Jesus in Luke chapter 3 which is the genealogy of his mother Mary. Right in the end in verse 38 it says, 'who was the son of Enosh, who was the son of Seth, who was the son of Adam, who was the son of God'. Indicating that the Sons of God refered to in Genesis are from the lineage of Seth.
@@alfredgiglio2692So who were the Sons of God in Job 38:7 who shouted for joy at the creation of the Earth?
Did you check the original meaning of Sons of God used in Old Testament?
How can you just assume Seth?
If it is Seth, a human being, how can a giant or titan was born from them? Human and human= giant?
Who is the sons of God , Are they Angels or giants , teach us in the South we want to know ,thx you pastor Rick ❤❤❤❤❤🙏💖
Jesus said: My sheep listen to MY VOICE!
Christ told us TWICE in scripture that HE came through the lineage of ADAM = SONS of GOD!!!
Cain's seed (FALLEN MAN without Law) = Marked for Death!
Adams sons FELL from the law of God by taking Cain's seed of lawless daughters as wives= breeding corruption because Cain came from the seed of the Serpent!
There were giants in the earth in those days .........and BEFORE THIS 'MEN' of renown'!!
Read scripture: this teacher is totally deceived!!
Genesis 6:3 KJV. "My spirit shall not always strive with MAN (seed of Cain= lawless) that HE is ALSO FLESH!!"
NO ANGELIC PERSONS ARE FLESH.......or have the need to marry!!!
ADAM was FLESH = son of God!
CAIN was FLESH = lawless Man :seed of Serpent!
Read my comment up
Jesus makes it known to you: as All authority is given to him to 'REVEAL' the old testament!
The books of Mathew and Luke informs us of Jesus Genealogy....... where both Mary and Joseph come down through the royal lineage of Judah ( Jacob's 4th son from his first wife Leah): and Tamar where the BREACH will come: Perez holds the earthy crown for the Southern tribes and Zarez becomes a back up of the Overthrown CROWN from the Holy Land.......and so both these son's seed will eventually WHERE A CROWN: but only the southern tribe of Judah will bring in both Mary and also Joseph........( Jews under HEROD and the Synagogue of Satan : CUT off Flesh of ABRAHAM'S illegal fist son Ishmael!
But the Crown will be restored on earth of the Northern Kingdom of the Birthright Sons of God in Joseph/ Ephraim united in Jack 🇬🇧 of the Emerald Isles FAR OFF who were known as SAX sons of ISAAC where King Charles holds the crown in Judah!
Jesus tells Paul that His Sheep will HEAR His Voice: because Paul at that time doesn't know where the Northern kingdom of Israel has gone: he ONLY understands that the Royal house of Judah was CUT OFF in 70 BC and Daniel ( of king David's seed stayed in Babylon: so Paul is then directed to find ISRAEL ( of the Birthright of of the OLD tribe, Joseph/Ephraim in amount the Gentiles starting with building his 7 churches in what is Now named Turkey......and the capital city has now become ISTANBUL........ exactly where the Northern tribes went OUT from.....( under the BIRTHRIGHT of Joseph/ Ephraim of the Emblem of the BULL in Sinai!)
If Jesus Christ isn't a LEGAL BIRTHRIGHT SON of God coming through the lineage of the First Son of God, ADAM to SETH ( image of Adam and certainly not of Cain ) all the way down to Noah and Shem to Abram...( restoration of Eve's CURSED WOMB) and LEGAL Birthright of ISAAC.....from his legal mother and First wife, Sarah!
If the Sons of God we're Not of Adam and BIRTHRIGHT inheritance to Seth.....
Then HOW could Jesus PAY the PRICE on the Cross and shout: IT IS FINNISH!! ?😮
Confusion ONLY comes from the DRUNKS of EPHRAIM, and Messianic Jews spewing their vomit over the sleeping church ( unwise virgins!)
Jesus has FREED us from superstition of the Satanic Mythology of Saxons and the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan...... who say they are Jews ( royalty in God the Father): but are NOT! 🫣
Blessings ❤
If the Sons of God are NOT ADAM to SETH down to Noah: Shem, right down to Abram and RESTORATION in Isaac....
Then HOW could Jesus PAY the DEPT OF ADAM's SIN on the CROSS!!!....?🙄
@@ValerieLorna1Sons of God were also created by God but not for mankind. Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God; a special creation of God in the flesh yet separate from the Ancient of Days.
I've never found any Bible scholar who would or could offer an answer to my question: I have long wanted to know why the SEPTUAGINTAL VERSUS MASORETIC CHRONOLOGY IN GENESIS 5 AND 11 assign the patriarchs vastly differing ages. How can people have confidence in the biblical texts God's word if there are such amazing differences in the texts?
There were giants even after the flood.
DNA of Ham and his mother breeding a corrupted seed called Canaan: named after the seed of his ancestor CAIN!
15:05 it is not saying what he just claimed it said.
Yeah he seemed to have pulled it out of context.
@@alfredgiglio2692I did not. The passage was about angels leaving the place/position God had for them. That passage did not mean they married humans and had man/angel babies. For Jesus himself said, “At the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
@markoconnell804 I was agreeing with you. When I said he, I meant the guy in the video.
@ okay got it. Thanks for clearing that up.
Amen 🙏 and amen
Amen and Amen!!!❤
Where did Jesus quote The Book of Enoch?
Hello, I respectfully think Pastor you’ve missed it. Angels are NOT the sons of God. The Hebrew word for angels is Malik. The Hebrew for sons of God is ha Ben Elohim. Most scholars including you categorize the sons of God as angels. I beg to differ. We are the sons of God. Go to 1 Samuel 28:13-14 where King Saul goes to the witch of Endor and calls up the prophet Samuel who had died. Look at the Hebrew that says, “I saw a god (Samuel) coming up out of the earth. Also go to Psalm 29:1 and John 10:34-36 where the sons of God are mentioned.
first time i heard of this i never read any books or heard teaching on this subject little that i
know on angels is that they are spirits and they cannot reproduce they were not created with that gift or power so how did they get women pregnat?
I’m curious about this idea of angels and women breeding. There is a question I have that maybe you could answer. I can’t seem to find an explanation for. In Mathew 22 it’s said that angels aren’t given in marriage. Now I could see because they are fallen they may do something like this but my main question is in the account of creation in genesis God says they reproduce By their own kind. Angels are not human, even when they take on a form that looks human they are not of human kind. I’m not saying you’re right or wrong but this is a red flag for me we are “different kinds”. Just was wondering what your thoughts are on this?
We would love to speak with you more in depth and answer any questions you might have! Please email social@renner.org to speak with a member of our team.
-Team Renner
Would this not entail a second fall of angels after original fall that tempted Adam and Eve?
I believe it was possible that there were billions of people on the Earth in Genesis 6:1. Not just a few million.
Question .. Were the Giants both male and female??
2:24 this is such an outlandish claim. This is not what scripture says this is what you think it’s saying. Please quit misleading people.
The sons of god in the old testament are always referring to angels or Adam. Reference chuck missler, David Jeremiah, John MacArthur and other key biblical scholars. I’m not a major fan of Renner but most biblical scholars would agree with that point about sons of god.
@ we were a part of Adam when he was in the garden of Eden. Our DNA was in him. 2 chapter 6 is about mankind becoming corrupt and how it happened and how upset God was of mankind. God said nothing about fallen angels causing it. Godly sons married ungodly women and had tyrannical kids because of it. This is the same problem Israelite men had when they married nonbelieving women. Corrupted offspring.
This is surelly a teach we can trust.
How is possible that the fallen angels were able to reproduce? Didn’t God made humans only with that ability?
Marry conceived JESUS by the power of GOD through the HOLY spirit.
After humans ate of the TREE of knowledge JESUS told SATAN I will put division between GOD seed, and satan seed.
JESUS also told certain Jewish religious leaders you are from the seed of SATAN.
Luke 4 The Temptation of Jesus 5Then he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant. 6The devil said to him, “I shall give to you all this power and their glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish.d 7All this will be yours, if you worship me.” 8Jesus said to him in reply, “It is written:
‘You shall worship the Lord, your God,
and him alone shall you serve.’ ”e
Book of Jubilees , The Book of Enoch , reveal more secrets about creation. Why don't you talk about them?
Because these books are not Bible.
Read the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible. It talk about this in more detail than Genesis.
12:45 this is false. “AND it came to pass when men began to be numerous upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God having seen the daughters of men that they were beautiful, took to themselves wives of all whom they chose.”
Who are the armies of God?
Is there a difference between Gods armies, and the armies that support Jesus at the battle of Armageddon?
I'm glad you are sharing this info. Christians really need to understand this. More ministeries need to share this. BUT what takes away from all this is that you, Dr. Renner, claim YOU discovered this. That is so untrue. Many Biblical scholars have researched this. This puts a big stain on what you are trying to share.
Your Noah's ark is nothing but an amazing rock formation. There is more credibility with the discoveries of another site which has been completely ignored by Ron Wyatt and you. Please check into the Russian, Japanese and other evidences. They're far more credible.
Matthew 4 The Temptation of Jesus 8Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, 9and he said to him, “All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.”* 10At this, Jesus said to him, “Get away, Satan! It is written:
‘The Lord, your God, shall you worship
and him alone shall you serve.’ ”f
11Then the devil left him and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.
Most don't realize that if Adam, and Eve didn't sin they would have never died!!!
Sons of God are those who worshipped God. They lusted after the daughters of men who worshipped idols and the devil. The story repeats itself all throughout the Scripture. Even Solomon did it.
still hearing ECHO in this new studio
Yes, I hear it, too. Such a big space...
God always makes away
The Gospel for the N.T. Age of Grace/Church Age is 1 Cor. 15: 1-4 KJV. Other verses: Rom. 3: 25 KJV, Rom. 3: 23 KJV, Rom. 10: 6&10 KJV and Ephesians 2: 8-10 KJV.
It's what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us that we're saved and it's by faith alone, not works. We're forgiven for all sins by the Lord Jesus Christ's shed blood. Amen!! Remember to study and rightly divide the word of truth (2 Tim. 2: 15 KJV).
Can a human mortal body live in heaven currently ? (Enoch)
We would love to speak with you more in depth and answer any questions you might have! email at social@renner.org to speak with a member of our team!
-Team Renner
So why did Augustine deceive all generations after him, trying to get us to believe that sons of God were the descendants of Seth?
Greek and Roman mythology would have made so much more sense in middle school if I had known the timelines and their interconnection with the bible.
Thank you for your question! We apologize, we do not have room to comment in great length on here. We invite you to email your doctrinal questions to social@renner.org. -Team Renner
Jesus said Abel was the first prophet in Luke 11:50-51
Sometimes I wonder if you're presenting these videos to teach us or to sell your books! GOD only knows.
Pastor Rick's heart and the vision of the ministry is to bring people teaching that they can trust. Strong biblical teaching, UA-cam, social media, and Renner.org allow us as a ministry to provide many resources for free. Other physical products due cost money to produce but we also try to do many free offers, giving away books as well. Hope this helps, thank you so much for watching and for taking the time to comment. We appreciate it! - Team Renner
That would be cool
Pastor I hold u as one of the greatest teachers in the kingdom, with that being said how can angels who don't carry any sperm in them empregnate a woman ? And why if true don't we see it happen today?
It was simply poetic license , "" and the sons of God married the daughters of men == men and women married and had children. Those people, being so close to pristine Creation were Great men, Giants of men, Men of Renown, etc.
All Jewish scholars agree that Genesis is written in a narrative literal first person observation. There is nothing poetic about it.
@@Jesse_was_here Since when have angels been having intercourse, producing sperm. marrying, producing offspring ???? Have you an argument against Christ ??? Have you never read, "" In the Ressurection there's neither marrying nor giving in marriage, BUT ARE AS THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN ."" . They are neither male, nor female. Your teachers are ridiculous.
Men of renown were obviously Violent without laws of God : FALLEN CAIN = marked for death!
Doesn’t the Bible say angels are not man or woman?
Hi CK! Good Morning, thank you for your question! We apologize, we do not have room to comment on here. We invite you to email your doctrinal questions to social@renner.org. -Team Renner
He starts this video by misusing Scripture. Look at Jesus' words in context:
"For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man."
The context makes it clear: Jesus was not talking about supernatural events before the flood but rather how judgment will come suddenly while life seems normal. People were living their lives ignorant of God's coming judgment.
The Hebrew phrase "sons of God" (bənê ʼĕlōhîm) does not always mean angels. While it may sometimes refer to them (like in Job), it also refers to humans in other passages.
The 'sons of God' in Genesis 6 refer to the godly line of Seth, not angels.
Angels are spirits (Hebrews 1:14) and don’t reproduce (Matthew 22:30).
Even if they could take physical form, why would they have human-compatible DNA? That would mean God gave them the ability to corrupt humanity-why would He do that?
The real issue in Genesis 6 was moral corruption, not supernatural genetics.
The Bible repeatedly warns against believers marrying unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14).
Seth’s descendants intermarrying with Cain’s led to widespread wickedness and apostasy.
The flood was God’s judgment for human sin (Genesis 6:5), not because fallen angels corrupted human DNA.
The Sethite view fits Biblical teaching and doesn’t require extra-biblical assumptions. Meanwhile, the fallen angel theory is built on speculation, not Scripture.
This video is based more on assumption than sound Biblical interpretation. If Rick Renner misuses Scripture here, how can you trust his teaching on anything else? This is NOT someone to listen to.
One final though: We would he or anyone want it to have been angelic hybrids? I personally think this shows a potentially dangerous leaning toward the occult.
But how could Seth's lineage create Giants though. They were still human so it wouldn't make sense that their line would create monstrous abominations.
Thank you for watching and your participation! We apologize; we do not have room to comment in great length on here. We invite you to email your doctrinal questions to social@renner.org. -Team Renner
The sons of god are rebelous aka.fallen angels.Also mentioned in book of Job.
The Sons of God mentioned in Job are not fallen angels (the angels that rebelled with satan) but unfallen angels, as in angels that did not rebel against God. No where in the bible are fallen angels referred to as Sons of God.
Since angels are neither male nor female, the seed of the angel has to be the serpents seed that Satan promised the serpent if he would deceive Eve
I read a book by astronaut James. Irwin's wife. He thought he had spotted the ark. He did lead an expedition to try and find it. He did have a piece of wood.
Does this mean the sons of God had free will?
Apparently angels are all male in whatever form they take.
Flesh and Blood cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven... So Enoch is not in human blood body form, and it does not say that he is anywhere... It says God took him - perhaps just like we will be caught up in the clouds to meet him and will be forever 'changed'...?
So, who can tell why the book of Enoch is not in the Bible. Rick Renner!?
Read The Great Controversy by EG white before its too late
Hi from north industry Ohio home group
Truly this is a teaching we can trust
No you can't!!!
Jesus said "My sheep listen to MY VOICE!"
Jesus made known TWICE that HIS lineage is from ADAM = SON of GOD!!!
Cain's seed of FALLEN FLESH of the Serpent (corrupted DNA) without law of God: bred daughters.......who we'd Adams seed......breeding corruption and deformations!
No Angelic persons are FLESH.......or have need of marriage!!!
Wondering why anyone thinks God would have created angels with the ability and body parts to procreate?
Job 38, if the sons of God were angels, then who were the morning stars mentioned that most Bible scholars and pastors like you, missed.
Let that prayerfully sink in your head: Sons of God are the DEMIGODS that shows up in mythology and are worshipped as gods in many religions.
Morning stars are Angels.
Job 38 shows 2 classes of beings, how could you miss that? Are you really using the Bible or following the mainstream?
❤ From Mauritius