"get yourself ready thälmann" "you know whats coming now?" "yes, a better germany. a germany without you." "Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world ── the fight for the Liberation of Mankind"
Zitat aus Nikolai Ostrowskis "Wie der Stahl gehärtet wurde" Diese Einstellung sollten alle Menschen zu ihrer Lebensmaxime machen und wir hätten die beste aller Welten.
"Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world ── the fight for the Liberation of Mankind" Nikolai Ostrovsky, How the Steel Was Tempered
really fanatical book. Its written with a religious madness, everything is about the cause and the fight, individuals barely exist, socialism in its purest form, which is why so many people are rightfully appaled by it.
@@seb_5969 This book was entirely about how powerful an individual can be if he has desire to live and fight. If you don't like this idea, maybe increase in gas prices do make you cry + L + Ratio
@@Nikitoskh lol, no. This book is entirely about a fictonal person who cant let anything stand in its way to fight what he maniacally believes in to "inspire" others to do the same. Its nothing but cheap propaganda, the likes of which the Nazis produced plenty and US does too. Its just that you bought the idea and expect others to be also delusional
Me when I'm on the social democratic party council and I say that we should be more left wing instead of trying to appeal to centrist who doesn't have principles neither stand by anything.
Average social democrat experience sadly. In the end the state is made by the bourgeosie to fit their purposes, you can't sieze the ready made state machinery, you have to smash and and replace it with a proletarian state, otherwise you will either never get to power or to do so you will have to constantly compromise, eventually forgetting your principles just to win minor concessions and remain in power. In my country the greatest example of this is PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores) which slowly deviated right, from a broad coalition of syndicalist, trotskist and more moderate but still principled social democrats in the 80s to a neoliberal center party (tbf the actual party would still be social democratic or at least social liberal but whenever they get into the goverment the wing of it that does get in is always the right wing of the party, perhaps with the exception of Dilma but even her bent her knee to neoliberal austerity later in her presidency, which itself has been moving further and further to the right.) even the party that split from PT due to this right wing deviation (PSOL) has started moving to the right too.
Its about commodity production not what face capitalism has. I get China isnt actually socialist but you would be wise to remember what is actual liberation. Because its not fighting the hydra heads of capitalism, its the capitalist root.
@@formalist6096 Das "argument is over" kam später - einfach mal Zeit vergleichen und nachdenken. Außerdem zweifle ich nach wie vor daran, dass Sie - genau wie die meisten anderen "Experten" aus dem Westen, die sie beschimpfen und verdammen - überhaupt wissen, was ein Kommunist ist. So, und JETZT ist der Disput auch hier "over".
The SS Guard how Stops him has an Mkb 42 h. This Gun was more or less an early Version of the Famous Stg44 or Mp44. Really Seldome to see one in a Movie.
These are seldom seen even in arms museums. A few turn up in the WW2 German newsreels. The few that were issued for field trials were mostly lost on the Russian front.
That caught my eye. Wondering what in the world is that guy holding? With that said, this is an East German film. The East German Barracks Police were issued the Stg44 as well as PPSH shortly after the war.
Anybody has information about the soldier who tells him to make himself ready? I mean, he looks scared and unwilling to participate in the whole thing.
The portrayal of the officer is based upon a tale from the end of the Second World War. The Red Army sent German Communists as negotiators and envoys over no man's land to convince German units to surrender. In one case, one such envoy managed to get the Wehrmacht to send to send a delegation to for negotiations and talks, and one particular German soldier was enthusiastic to volunteer. When asked why later, he explained that his father was warden at a prison where Thalmann was held. The latter found out about the family circumstances (they had all been conscripted into military service), and urged him to tell the son to cross over to the Soviet lines so that he would not die for Hitler's clearly already lost cause, and survive to help rebuild his country. The warden subsequently secretly became sympathetic to Thalmann. None of the prison officials would have participated in the execution of Thalmann, though, as Hitler personally had him sent to Buchenwald specifically to make executing and disposing of Thalmann more efficient.
It is interesting to note that both here and in a novel about the battle of Berlin, "Berlin, Finale" (1947) by Heinz Rein, the civil officers are shown in a sympathetic way - uniformed men who serve the Nazi regime unwillingly, supportive of opposing forces (all of which wasn't really historically accurate). The novel, like the film, was published in accordance with the GDR propaganda
@@AradSPYes it is. However some of them did indeed oppose the Nazi Regime, Stauffenberg, Rommel, etc. Btw, Rommel's son ended up being the mayor of his native village and was fondly remembered, he also made sure that the Rote Armee Fraktion members from his town could have a proper burial.
@@SenyorCapitàCollons Yes, many of them indeed opposed - but many others were supportive of the Nazis, especially among the police; not necessarily Nazis themselves but weren't against them either. The DDR propaganda presented them as people who cooperated against their will, probably to justify the fact that they were still employed post-war.
@@Hanika-original y’all think the FRG were Nazis? What planets are you on? At least the FRG didn’t have the stasi who constantly surveyed every move that every citizen made.
@@formalist6096 No, not all of them were Nazis, but it is true that our country was annexed by the FRG. By the way: How long did you live in the GDR and how did you realize that you were being watched all the time? - "...every move thet every citizen made." What a nonsense. Do you have any idea how many inhabitants the GDR had and how many Stasi people there were? You should really think before you write such rubbish.
@@Hanika-original I have a friend who lived in the DDR and he also was an informer for the stasi film “the lives of others”. Did you ever live in the DDR? How old are you?
😊🎉🎉❤Sollte man mal drüber nachdenken denn es gilt und wird immer aktuell sein, wer Macht hat sollte sie sinnvoll nutzen und nicht anderen damit ausbeuten oder unterdrücken 🤠💡😎
Notice how the subtitles are not actually part of the video. I think he just has an ordinary German copy of the movie, and put the subtitles in himself. Unfortunately, I can't find a fully English-subtitled version.
sgt 44 were only available to ss units, but combat units only and other high ranking ss bodygaurds to the furehr. this is a prison gaurd ss, not very important.
The people who killed Thälman where not prison guards (like the officer dressed in green), they were SS dispatched by Hitler. The execution took place in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, run by the SS, not in prison. So it actually makes sense that it is two SS soldiers with SS weapons who are responsible to pick him up.
well, why would a prison guard be armed with an assault automatic rifle which is obviously more appropriate in battlefiled conditions taking into its firepower and range? It would make more sense for the guards to be armed with MP-38, or, even better with a plain Mauser rifle with a bayonet. Shooting automatic weapon in confined premises, especially with thick concrete walls of prision, would be suicidal because of guaranteed ricochets.
@@sonomacalendar9949 explain why would a guard have a rifle in a confined space where he'll have to chamber another round and possibly get killed? With an automatic weapon in a small space he won't have to worry about multiple people attacking at once is what I'm saying. Hell Hitler himself ordered some of his guards to carry STG's
Second, he could have used rifle bayonet, because ANY firing , especially automatic, is dangerous indoors because of ricochets, which follow unpredictable trajectories Third, Telmann was executed in 1944, when modern assault rifles were more important on battlefields rather than arming prison guards who could be armed even with outdated ww1 rifles
I wonder how Ernst Thälmann would have reacted to the leaders of the KPD after 1945, after they tried to use the imperial colors (black, white and red) at first for the German Democratic Republic. Would Ernst Thälmann have supported the GDR, its bourgeois structures and top-down system? East Germany did not call itself ''socialist'' until 1967. Although Stalin supported Thälmann, it remains to be seen if the KPD leader had supported the regime that came after the war. This is a interesting question since Moscow tried to make the GDR look like a second Weimar Republic, with a state-president, a parliament and ministers. It all had to look bourgeois-democratic, but total control was to be in the hands of the Stalinist: Socialist Unity Party of Germany!
Probably would have been the last wakeup call, after having implemented the stalinisation of the KPD himself. It certainly would have been too late tho
@Troy S The dirty little secret is that both Romania and GDR (as well as other self proclaimed "socialist states" ) had a managerial ruling class controlling both politics and economy, where the State had taken over the role of the "enterpreneur" , functioning with the same input & output logic of capitalist economies. The working class had no representation inside self-managed councils and even the so called "socialist institutions" copied bourgeois power structures in functions and names. 1989 just destroyed their hypocritical veil and officially revealed the true nature of those "popular democracies". Funny thing is that today's stalinists defend the "Axis of Resistance" siding with their fascist buddies in initiatives and comitees, but at the same time they STILL go on with the old "nazi-trotskite" plot tier.
Just so we're all clear here... this post is part of recent effort Communists and Red Socialists to portray themselves as heroes. This film was, in fact, a DDR propaganda movies that was required viewing in all secondary schools up until the day the Honnecker government fell. At 1:05 ... 'A better Germany. A Germany without you.' All very true. It just took 40 more years than Thalmann thought. The DDR wasn't any better than the Reich or it's Soviet masters. In point of historical fact, Thalmann was part of the Spartacists Revolt that tried to overthrow the government of Germany [and did, in several areas], and the rise of fascism in Germany is a direct consequence of their efforts. Right wing nationalistic 'Freikorps' formed to fight the Reds in the streets and the NSDAP was the end result of that fight. Remember, boys and girls, fascism and Communism are **equally evil** and any opinion otherwise is delusional. History has judged both, and found them sorely lacking.
@@rmcewan10 Then let me clarify... The Spartacists Revolts of 1918-23, along with the Polish Bolshevik invasion of the same era, galvanized all the right wing anti-Communist factions in Germany into forming a core of violent Nationalist political parties that: a] utterly rejected any Bolshevik rhetoric b] called for strong national leadership c] demanded the retention of certain German institutions. In the midst of this fray were the 'freikorps', pissed off combat veterans of War One who didn't understand how they had failed in the War and were **seriously** pissed off at being portrayed as the villain of the affair by France. Hardened by 4 years of the worst conditions in Europe since the Hundred Years War, these veterans were not at all adverse to countering the Reds in the streets, machine gun to machine gun. After the Kapp and Nazi Bierkeller Putsch attempts, the right-wing parties began to combine and morph themselves into stronger and more extreme movements as any attempt at moderation or Centrism was seen as 'weak' or 'vacillating'. This was how fascism started in Germany. Fascism's origins are different in each nation where that style of government takes control, but if you look at the historical trend you'll find a common theme: An entitled propertied class makes an error in statecraft and gets overthrown, there is a period of disorder or even anarchy where Communists attempt to seize control and then the rise of fascist 'strong-man' leadership as a counter-revolution, followed by the inevitable national decline into corruption that fascism always breeds. I'm not blaming fascism on Communism, but Communism is part of the equation a Hell of a lot of the time. And, in case you missed the salient point of my comment, Communism is **equally as evil** as fascism. They are part of the same disease, political extremism. Yeah, you might say that I'm a little 'read-in' on this subject and I might have my facts straight.
@@carlhicksjr8401 Sie sind ein unwissenden Mensch der die Geschichte so dreht wie er brauch.kommen bestimmt aus den Westen.nicht ein Kommunist ist dafür verantwortlich das hitler an die Macht kam müssen sie mal andere Parteien fragen die heute noch da sind.
@@rolandroland8512 Mein Straßendeutsch ist 40 Jahre alt, also benutze ich Google Translate. Dies ist ein Ausschneiden und Einfügen einer Antwort, die ich @mcewan10 gegeben habe Dann lassen Sie mich klarstellen... Die Spartacists-Revolten von 1918-23, zusammen mit der polnischen bolschewistischen Invasion derselben Ära, mobilisierten alle rechten antikommunistischen Fraktionen in Deutschland, um einen Kern gewalttätiger nationalistischer politischer Parteien zu bilden, die: a] jede bolschewistische Rhetorik strikt zurückgewiesen hat b] forderte eine starke nationale Führung c] forderte die Beibehaltung bestimmter deutscher Institutionen. Inmitten dieses Kampfes befanden sich die "Freikorps", angepisste Kriegsveteranen des Ersten Weltkriegs, die nicht verstanden, wie sie im Krieg gescheitert waren und *ernsthaft* sauer waren, von Frankreich als Bösewicht der Affäre dargestellt zu werden. Verhärtet durch 4 Jahre der schlechtesten Bedingungen in Europa seit dem Hundertjährigen Krieg, waren diese Veteranen überhaupt nicht dagegen, den Roten auf den Straßen entgegenzutreten, von Maschinengewehr zu Maschinengewehr. Nach den Versuchen des Kapp- und Nazi-Bierkeller-Putsches begannen sich die rechten Parteien zusammenzuschließen und sich in stärkere und extremere Bewegungen zu verwandeln, da jeder Versuch der Mäßigung oder des Zentrismus als "schwach" oder "schwankend" angesehen wurde. So begann der Faschismus in Deutschland. Die Ursprünge des Faschismus sind in jeder Nation, in der dieser Regierungsstil die Kontrolle übernimmt, unterschiedlich, aber wenn Sie sich den historischen Trend ansehen, werden Sie ein gemeinsames Thema finden: Eine berechtigte besitzende Klasse macht einen Fehler in der Staatskunst und wird gestürzt, es gibt eine Periode der Unordnung oder sogar Anarchie, in der Kommunisten versuchen, die Kontrolle zu übernehmen, und dann der Aufstieg der faschistischen Führung des "starken Mannes" als Konterrevolution, gefolgt von dem unvermeidlichen nationalen Niedergang in die Korruption, den der Faschismus immer hervorbringt. Ich schiebe den Faschismus nicht auf den Kommunismus, aber der Kommunismus ist verdammt oft Teil der Gleichung.
Impressive movie even I cant agree with this Germany "course" 100%. But sad and real story is that this man was betrayed by his beloved Soviet state. There were even negotiations between Germany and Russia about his release and change him for another prisoner in Russia and maybe he even knew about it in jail and waited for release. Anyway he was liked among normal people so he cant be controled like Walter Ulbricht after the war so he should be potential threat in politics. So these negotiations were canceled and he was shot because reich party dont want prominent communist in charge after the war because of ideology. But he became useful for afterwar agenda.
Nobody was betrayed by Russia. Stop making childish statements. The USSR diplomacy had no way of getting the German comrades released. Neither the Italian comrades released. The Soviet state had to secure its fortress and without diplomatic relations with Germany, the Soviet state could never buy enough time to industrialize and prepare for the war. Comrade Thalmann was killed by the Nazis, that's all.
@@satyakibhattacharya4802 You are pretty naive. Policy has its own way. You can look what they did with people who lead revolution in 1917. If Thalmann was in lead of DDR after war he should made republic more independent and that was last thing Stalin wanted.
I am a trotskyist but I like this small end monologue. If the stalinist leadership had been as resolute in facts as they were in their films, maybe the world revolution would have already happened at the time ;)
@@Ryan-dp4rs Stalinism is the bureaucratic degeneration of marxism, transforming this philosophical guide to revolutionary action of the working class into a mere book of quotes to be used to support whatever policy suits the higher echelons of the state apparatus. It developped because the poor level of the industry in the isolated USSR couldn't allow a sufficient level of material comfort to everyone, so that many people strived to get into leadership positions just to obtain priviledges for themselves and their families. They were the bureaucrats who supported Stalin in his ascension to power. Stalin became their man of choice because contrarily to most of the other bolsheviki, he had a narrower world-view and thought that socialism could be achieved in one country, without needing an international revolution. Through the Komintern, this bad influence spread to the newly founded communist parties in many countries, who were led into many mistakes, both of the opportunist and sectarian types. If you want to know more about what was Stalinism, I suggest you to read "The Revolution Betrayed" by Leon Trotsky
@@Ryan-dp4rs Trotskyism is really nothing but marxism/bolshevism/leninism: it advocates for the construction of an international revolutionary organization composed of cadres educated to marxist theory. Those militants must then be ready to intervene when working class movements arise, to defend a programm linking the current experiences/revendications of the masses in struggle to the need of overthrowing capitalism. Basically trying to use the methods of the bolsheviks who led the russian revolution. Personally, I am a member of the International Marxist Tendency, where we want to build a revolutionary organisation of this kind. Ofc, there are some groups who claim to be trotskyists while in practice they have abandonned those principles, and prefer to be loose on theory hoping to attract more people. But this lack of theoretical unity always leads to failure, because when the situation changes quickly(as it always does in a period of deep crisis of the capitalist system), that kind of party will get paralysed by an internal crisis, since every theoretical question they left unsettled ends up being posed concretely.
Sorry, but this made me laugh. The propaganda is very strong here I guess I'll watch this movie. I saw "Circus", it was great. This will surely be fun as well
There's nothing to laugh here. A heroic man that led the antifascist movement and tried to unite every antifascist force together (communists, social-democrats, socialists and democratic socialists) against the rise of the Nazis and also was directly helping the Spanish people to save their Republic and freedom against the fascist coup and regime of Franco, unfortunately was executed by the fascist scums that later were responsible for the destruction of Germany and the death of millions of people.
So, movies where Red Army soldiers run to german positions with no weapons and NKVD commissars' machine guns behind their backs is peak historical accuracy. Okay.
"get yourself ready thälmann"
"you know whats coming now?"
"yes, a better germany. a germany without you."
"Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world ── the fight for the Liberation of Mankind"
Zitat aus Nikolai Ostrowskis "Wie der Stahl gehärtet wurde"
Diese Einstellung sollten alle Menschen zu ihrer Lebensmaxime machen und wir hätten die beste aller Welten.
"Heimatland, reck deine glieder!"
"Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world ── the fight for the Liberation of Mankind"
Nikolai Ostrovsky, How the Steel Was Tempered
Diese Worte haben wir in der Schule gelernt !!!!
@@barnylisa Aber nur WIR, die das Glück hatten, auf der richtigen Seite aufzuwachsen.
What a beautiful movie about a selfless heroic man. May his deeds forever live on, in the hearts of the worlds proletariat
Ur not a real Marxist u edge lord😂
@@ahronthegreat how is honoring Ernst thallman Edgy? Get off the Internet
@@americanmarxist-leninist1214 🤣🤣
@@ahronthegreat cope
@@americanmarxist-leninist1214 😂😂 “American Marxist”😂😂😂😂😂 “cope”😂😂 get a fucking life u sad cunt🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ich habe diesen Film in der ddr mehrfach gesehen er brachte mir viel im Leben. Heute trifft er wieder auf die heutige Situation zu.es lebe thälmann
A man unafraid of what's to come. He died honorably.
Du Gehirngewaschener
1:23 A quote from "How the steel was tempered" book by Nikolai Ostrovskiy. Nice.
really fanatical book. Its written with a religious madness, everything is about the cause and the fight, individuals barely exist, socialism in its purest form, which is why so many people are rightfully appaled by it.
@@seb_5969 This book was entirely about how powerful an individual can be if he has desire to live and fight. If you don't like this idea, maybe increase in gas prices do make you cry + L + Ratio
@@Nikitoskh lol, no. This book is entirely about a fictonal person who cant let anything stand in its way to fight what he maniacally believes in to "inspire" others to do the same. Its nothing but cheap propaganda, the likes of which the Nazis produced plenty and US does too. Its just that you bought the idea and expect others to be also delusional
Our comrade and class brother Thälmann! May his name live forever! 🚩❣️
Where men cried 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Where everyone cried
Me when I'm on the social democratic party council and I say that we should be more left wing instead of trying to appeal to centrist who doesn't have principles neither stand by anything.
In which country?
@@SenyorCapitàCollons idk buy this applies for most countries
Average social democrat experience sadly. In the end the state is made by the bourgeosie to fit their purposes, you can't sieze the ready made state machinery, you have to smash and and replace it with a proletarian state, otherwise you will either never get to power or to do so you will have to constantly compromise, eventually forgetting your principles just to win minor concessions and remain in power. In my country the greatest example of this is PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores) which slowly deviated right, from a broad coalition of syndicalist, trotskist and more moderate but still principled social democrats in the 80s to a neoliberal center party (tbf the actual party would still be social democratic or at least social liberal but whenever they get into the goverment the wing of it that does get in is always the right wing of the party, perhaps with the exception of Dilma but even her bent her knee to neoliberal austerity later in her presidency, which itself has been moving further and further to the right.) even the party that split from PT due to this right wing deviation (PSOL) has started moving to the right too.
@@SenyorCapitàCollonsany of them
Ganz Deiner Meinung Genosse
Its about commodity production not what face capitalism has. I get China isnt actually socialist but you would be wise to remember what is actual liberation. Because its not fighting the hydra heads of capitalism, its the capitalist root.
@@BioChemistryWizardHe’s speaking in Japanese.
Ruhe in Frieden Ernst Thälmann!!!
Habe den Film früher mal gesehen. Natürlich war ich auch Thälmannpionier.
I am not crying... you are crying
I don’t cry for communists.
@@formalist6096 Okay
@@formalist6096 I'm sure you don't even know what a communist is. 😂
@@Hanika-original I do. And you literally said that the argument is over so what tf are u doingv
@@formalist6096 Das "argument is over" kam später - einfach mal Zeit vergleichen und nachdenken. Außerdem zweifle ich nach wie vor daran, dass Sie - genau wie die meisten anderen "Experten" aus dem Westen, die sie beschimpfen und verdammen - überhaupt wissen, was ein Kommunist ist. So, und JETZT ist der Disput auch hier "over".
The SS Guard how Stops him has an Mkb 42 h. This Gun was more or less an early Version of the Famous Stg44 or Mp44.
Really Seldome to see one in a Movie.
These are seldom seen even in arms museums. A few turn up in the WW2 German newsreels. The few that were issued for field trials were mostly lost on the Russian front.
That caught my eye. Wondering what in the world is that guy holding? With that said, this is an East German film. The East German Barracks Police were issued the Stg44 as well as PPSH shortly after the war.
@@clevlandblockWhat do you mean with field trials?
Glória eterna a Ernest Thalmann!!
I tried my best
Ich war Thälmann Pionier ❤❤
Comrade Thalmann will always live on in those of us fighting for a better world! Communism will win!
Anybody has information about the soldier who tells him to make himself ready? I mean, he looks scared and unwilling to participate in the whole thing.
The portrayal of the officer is based upon a tale from the end of the Second World War. The Red Army sent German Communists as negotiators and envoys over no man's land to convince German units to surrender. In one case, one such envoy managed to get the Wehrmacht to send to send a delegation to for negotiations and talks, and one particular German soldier was enthusiastic to volunteer. When asked why later, he explained that his father was warden at a prison where Thalmann was held. The latter found out about the family circumstances (they had all been conscripted into military service), and urged him to tell the son to cross over to the Soviet lines so that he would not die for Hitler's clearly already lost cause, and survive to help rebuild his country. The warden subsequently secretly became sympathetic to Thalmann. None of the prison officials would have participated in the execution of Thalmann, though, as Hitler personally had him sent to Buchenwald specifically to make executing and disposing of Thalmann more efficient.
@@dliu4827 Thanks! Beautiful story.
It is interesting to note that both here and in a novel about the battle of Berlin, "Berlin, Finale" (1947) by Heinz Rein, the civil officers are shown in a sympathetic way - uniformed men who serve the Nazi regime unwillingly, supportive of opposing forces (all of which wasn't really historically accurate).
The novel, like the film, was published in accordance with the GDR propaganda
@@AradSPYes it is. However some of them did indeed oppose the Nazi Regime, Stauffenberg, Rommel, etc. Btw, Rommel's son ended up being the mayor of his native village and was fondly remembered, he also made sure that the Rote Armee Fraktion members from his town could have a proper burial.
Yes, many of them indeed opposed - but many others were supportive of the Nazis, especially among the police; not necessarily Nazis themselves but weren't against them either. The DDR propaganda presented them as people who cooperated against their will, probably to justify the fact that they were still employed post-war.
This would be the ONLK time i have ever seen an Mkb 42H in a movie!
Классный фильм! Мужественный был Человек Ернст Тельман. С большой буквы Человек.
Indeed. We should remember the old lessions, especially since the capitalists are once again trying to drive the people against one another.
Rest in Piss Germany shall be freed of commies
Er war unser Held , ohne wenn und aber
ДЕФА фильмы - отличные фильмы .
Hitler called himself a Furher, Thalmann was called Fuhrer by the next generation. There's a difference
What is the instrumental piece at the end?
Ernst Thälmann-Lied
The Music In The End Is Beautiful.
I Wonder What the Title Is.
It is called Thalmannlied
Rest in peace Ernst Thälmann ❤🌹
Niemals vergessen,
Es lebe Teddy!
Es lebe Genosse Ernst Thälmann!
Du lebst in unserem Kampf!
Where men cried ❌
Where everyone cried ✅
Does anyone know what song is playing when he's walking towards the camera?
'Thälmann Lied'
@@pandaemonium9500 I meant before the Thälmann lied starts
@@snoekbaars1 I'm really interested in knowing as well
@Comrade Roderick That's the "Ernst Thälmann-lied", but I was talking about the other song
@@snoekbaars1 I think, the instrumental soundtrack is intended for that film.
Great Proleter Patriot is thalmann
@@vincentadams9569 Better than a god fearing fascist !
Unfortunately, the nazis from FRG annexed the best Germany in 1990
Bro what?
@@formalist6096 Learn to read and understand. He is absolutely right!
@@Hanika-original y’all think the FRG were Nazis? What planets are you on? At least the FRG didn’t have the stasi who constantly surveyed every move that every citizen made.
@@formalist6096 No, not all of them were Nazis, but it is true that our country was annexed by the FRG. By the way: How long did you live in the GDR and how did you realize that you were being watched all the time? - "...every move thet every citizen made." What a nonsense. Do you have any idea how many inhabitants the GDR had and how many Stasi people there were? You should really think before you write such rubbish.
@@Hanika-original I have a friend who lived in the DDR and he also was an informer for the stasi film “the lives of others”. Did you ever live in the DDR? How old are you?
Wow! What a raritat! Mkb 42(H) experimental assault rifle!
unser teddy wir werden ihn niemals vergeßen! in unseren herzen wird er ewig leben!
Sie müssen ganz schön bescheuert sein.
Stimmt !!!
Teddy lebt!!!
Der Genosse Telmann konnte noch nicht mal seine Unterschrift drunter setzen und das ist traurig
Thälmann konnte kaum besser schreiben als Sie....
@@thomasgongolla8841 tja und das weißt du genau stimmt Mainstream Nachrichten Nazipropaganda Nachrichten
ich hab mal in ernst thälmann park gewohnt
Ich finde toll, wie offen Du damit umgehst. 😎
Der Film heißt ....ernst thälmann SOHN seiner Klasse!!!!!!!! Wenn schon denn schon 👍🏻👍🏻😐
"Sohn seiner Klasse" war der erste Teil.
Wenn schon meckern, dann vorher richtig informieren, sonst wird's peinlich!
😊🎉🎉❤Sollte man mal drüber nachdenken denn es gilt und wird immer aktuell sein, wer Macht hat sollte sie sinnvoll nutzen und nicht anderen damit ausbeuten oder unterdrücken 🤠💡😎
Me getting sent to the principal for quoting Chomsky in class (denying the Cambodian Genocide)
The Cambodian genocide perpetrated by the U$ airstrikes? Or was there another Cambodian genocide?
Wow mkb 42 😍
Aber die Variante von Walther, konnte sich gegen die Version von Haenel nicht durchsetzen.
Er ist doch in Buchenwald gestorben. Warum wird stattdessen eine Gefängnisszene gezeigt? Egal, geht in dem Machwerk eh nicht um historische Wahrheit…
Is that an MKB42?
Yes sir
Ore a STG44
Where'd you find a subtitle version?
Notice how the subtitles are not actually part of the video. I think he just has an ordinary German copy of the movie, and put the subtitles in himself. Unfortunately, I can't find a fully English-subtitled version.
made them myself
does someone hass the full movie with english subtitles? i remeber wachting it with romanian subtitles on a taken down page
What is the name of the song at the end ?
just search for ernst thälmann song
just like the ending of THE ROBE
Я русский .Я хочу выразить максимальную поддержку немецкому народу !!!!Слава коммунистам , слава Тельману !!!!!
Mkb 42 predecessor of stg44?
this was in 44
Sozialist ist Sozialist. Egal welche Farbe er trägt.
Original : Ernst Thälmann Sohn seiner Klasse -
Günther Simon. Danke
Von Stalin verraten. Ich verneige mich vor diesem aufrechten Mann, Ernst Thälmann.
sgt 44 were only available to ss units, but combat units only and other high ranking ss bodygaurds to the furehr. this is a prison gaurd ss, not very important.
@@hzklo7995 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
The people who killed Thälman where not prison guards (like the officer dressed in green), they were SS dispatched by Hitler. The execution took place in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, run by the SS, not in prison. So it actually makes sense that it is two SS soldiers with SS weapons who are responsible to pick him up.
Rot! Front!
Die Freiheit der DDR dann und nun die sogenannte " Freiheit" BRD. 😂😂😂
Sad ending the man should have been born in America.
well, why would a prison guard be armed with an assault automatic rifle which is obviously more appropriate in battlefiled conditions taking into its firepower and range? It would make more sense for the guards to be armed with MP-38, or, even better with a plain Mauser rifle with a bayonet. Shooting automatic weapon in confined premises, especially with thick concrete walls of prision, would be suicidal because of guaranteed ricochets.
... close quarters combat come to mind to you???
I don’t get your point
@@sonomacalendar9949 explain why would a guard have a rifle in a confined space where he'll have to chamber another round and possibly get killed? With an automatic weapon in a small space he won't have to worry about multiple people attacking at once is what I'm saying. Hell Hitler himself ordered some of his guards to carry STG's
@@robertstaats7839 first of all there were 10-round semi automatic rifles, so no need to manually chamber
Second, he could have used rifle bayonet, because ANY firing , especially automatic, is dangerous indoors because of ricochets, which follow unpredictable trajectories
Third, Telmann was executed in 1944, when modern assault rifles were more important on battlefields rather than arming prison guards who could be armed even with outdated ww1 rifles
I wonder how Ernst Thälmann would have reacted to the leaders of the KPD after 1945, after they tried to use the imperial colors (black, white and red) at first for the German Democratic Republic. Would Ernst Thälmann have supported the GDR, its bourgeois structures and top-down system? East Germany did not call itself ''socialist'' until 1967. Although Stalin supported Thälmann, it remains to be seen if the KPD leader had supported the regime that came after the war. This is a interesting question since Moscow tried to make the GDR look like a second Weimar Republic, with a state-president, a parliament and ministers. It all had to look bourgeois-democratic, but total control was to be in the hands of the Stalinist: Socialist Unity Party of Germany!
Probably would have been the last wakeup call, after having implemented the stalinisation of the KPD himself.
It certainly would have been too late tho
@Troy S The dirty little secret is that both Romania and GDR (as well as other self proclaimed "socialist states" ) had a managerial ruling class controlling both politics and economy, where the State had taken over the role of the "enterpreneur" , functioning with the same input & output logic of capitalist economies.
The working class had no representation inside self-managed councils and even the so called "socialist institutions" copied bourgeois power structures in functions and names.
1989 just destroyed their hypocritical veil and officially revealed the true nature of those "popular democracies".
Funny thing is that today's stalinists defend the "Axis of Resistance" siding with their fascist buddies in initiatives and comitees, but at the same time they STILL go on with the old "nazi-trotskite" plot tier.
The real thing we can say is : If Thalmann was elected in 1932,some millions lives maybe safes....
How bout you stop shitting on former communist countries and actually be proud of this heritage ?
@@valveda1160 bravo!!! don't listen too the trotskyites!!
Das ende ist mist 😢
Etwas zu pathetisch, aber das Zitat von Ostrowski passt absolut.
I wish he was like that
he was
He was better
Mehr Führer seiner Kasse...seiner parteikasse
Just so we're all clear here... this post is part of recent effort Communists and Red Socialists to portray themselves as heroes. This film was, in fact, a DDR propaganda movies that was required viewing in all secondary schools up until the day the Honnecker government fell.
At 1:05 ... 'A better Germany. A Germany without you.'
All very true. It just took 40 more years than Thalmann thought. The DDR wasn't any better than the Reich or it's Soviet masters.
In point of historical fact, Thalmann was part of the Spartacists Revolt that tried to overthrow the government of Germany [and did, in several areas], and the rise of fascism in Germany is a direct consequence of their efforts. Right wing nationalistic 'Freikorps' formed to fight the Reds in the streets and the NSDAP was the end result of that fight.
Remember, boys and girls, fascism and Communism are **equally evil** and any opinion otherwise is delusional. History has judged both, and found them sorely lacking.
Outstanding and true comment. Both forms of government are all about power to the centralized government and their corrupt elites.
Blaming the rise of fascism on the communists really is a hot take my friend
@@rmcewan10 Then let me clarify...
The Spartacists Revolts of 1918-23, along with the Polish Bolshevik invasion of the same era, galvanized all the right wing anti-Communist factions in Germany into forming a core of violent Nationalist political parties that:
a] utterly rejected any Bolshevik rhetoric
b] called for strong national leadership
c] demanded the retention of certain German institutions.
In the midst of this fray were the 'freikorps', pissed off combat veterans of War One who didn't understand how they had failed in the War and were **seriously** pissed off at being portrayed as the villain of the affair by France. Hardened by 4 years of the worst conditions in Europe since the Hundred Years War, these veterans were not at all adverse to countering the Reds in the streets, machine gun to machine gun.
After the Kapp and Nazi Bierkeller Putsch attempts, the right-wing parties began to combine and morph themselves into stronger and more extreme movements as any attempt at moderation or Centrism was seen as 'weak' or 'vacillating'.
This was how fascism started in Germany.
Fascism's origins are different in each nation where that style of government takes control, but if you look at the historical trend you'll find a common theme:
An entitled propertied class makes an error in statecraft and gets overthrown, there is a period of disorder or even anarchy where Communists attempt to seize control and then the rise of fascist 'strong-man' leadership as a counter-revolution, followed by the inevitable national decline into corruption that fascism always breeds.
I'm not blaming fascism on Communism, but Communism is part of the equation a Hell of a lot of the time.
And, in case you missed the salient point of my comment, Communism is **equally as evil** as fascism. They are part of the same disease, political extremism.
Yeah, you might say that I'm a little 'read-in' on this subject and I might have my facts straight.
@@carlhicksjr8401 Sie sind ein unwissenden Mensch der die Geschichte so dreht wie er brauch.kommen bestimmt aus den Westen.nicht ein Kommunist ist dafür verantwortlich das hitler an die Macht kam müssen sie mal andere Parteien fragen die heute noch da sind.
@@rolandroland8512 Mein Straßendeutsch ist 40 Jahre alt, also benutze ich Google Translate. Dies ist ein Ausschneiden und Einfügen einer Antwort, die ich @mcewan10 gegeben habe
Dann lassen Sie mich klarstellen...
Die Spartacists-Revolten von 1918-23, zusammen mit der polnischen bolschewistischen Invasion derselben Ära, mobilisierten alle rechten antikommunistischen Fraktionen in Deutschland, um einen Kern gewalttätiger nationalistischer politischer Parteien zu bilden, die: a] jede bolschewistische Rhetorik strikt zurückgewiesen hat b] forderte eine starke nationale Führung c] forderte die Beibehaltung bestimmter deutscher Institutionen. Inmitten dieses Kampfes befanden sich die "Freikorps", angepisste Kriegsveteranen des Ersten Weltkriegs, die nicht verstanden, wie sie im Krieg gescheitert waren und *ernsthaft* sauer waren, von Frankreich als Bösewicht der Affäre dargestellt zu werden. Verhärtet durch 4 Jahre der schlechtesten Bedingungen in Europa seit dem Hundertjährigen Krieg, waren diese Veteranen überhaupt nicht dagegen, den Roten auf den Straßen entgegenzutreten, von Maschinengewehr zu Maschinengewehr.
Nach den Versuchen des Kapp- und Nazi-Bierkeller-Putsches begannen sich die rechten Parteien zusammenzuschließen und sich in stärkere und extremere Bewegungen zu verwandeln, da jeder Versuch der Mäßigung oder des Zentrismus als "schwach" oder "schwankend" angesehen wurde. So begann der Faschismus in Deutschland. Die Ursprünge des Faschismus sind in jeder Nation, in der dieser Regierungsstil die Kontrolle übernimmt, unterschiedlich, aber wenn Sie sich den historischen Trend ansehen, werden Sie ein gemeinsames Thema finden: Eine berechtigte besitzende Klasse macht einen Fehler in der Staatskunst und wird gestürzt, es gibt eine Periode der Unordnung oder sogar Anarchie, in der Kommunisten versuchen, die Kontrolle zu übernehmen, und dann der Aufstieg der faschistischen Führung des "starken Mannes" als Konterrevolution, gefolgt von dem unvermeidlichen nationalen Niedergang in die Korruption, den der Faschismus immer hervorbringt. Ich schiebe den Faschismus nicht auf den Kommunismus, aber der Kommunismus ist verdammt oft Teil der Gleichung.
mfw they have stg44s in 1934
Not a lot of period accurate guns survived the war, but yeah it's pretty funny.
Thalmann was executed in 1944, so the gun existed then. Though, prison guards typically didn't carry STG44s.
@@Reskov ohhh i didn’t know that, thought he died in 34
in 1944 ss in black uniform to kill him it's nonsense
Impressive movie even I cant agree with this Germany "course" 100%. But sad and real story is that this man was betrayed by his beloved Soviet state. There were even negotiations between Germany and Russia about his release and change him for another prisoner in Russia and maybe he even knew about it in jail and waited for release. Anyway he was liked among normal people so he cant be controled like Walter Ulbricht after the war so he should be potential threat in politics. So these negotiations were canceled and he was shot because reich party dont want prominent communist in charge after the war because of ideology. But he became useful for afterwar agenda.
Nobody was betrayed by Russia. Stop making childish statements. The USSR diplomacy had no way of getting the German comrades released. Neither the Italian comrades released. The Soviet state had to secure its fortress and without diplomatic relations with Germany, the Soviet state could never buy enough time to industrialize and prepare for the war. Comrade Thalmann was killed by the Nazis, that's all.
@@satyakibhattacharya4802 USSR was not socialist. Stop caping for a liberal state.
@BioChemistryWizard yet another child left behind.
@@satyakibhattacharya4802 You are pretty naive. Policy has its own way. You can look what they did with people who lead revolution in 1917. If Thalmann was in lead of DDR after war he should made republic more independent and that was last thing Stalin wanted.
I am a trotskyist but I like this small end monologue. If the stalinist leadership had been as resolute in facts as they were in their films, maybe the world revolution would have already happened at the time ;)
@@genericwhitekidthesecond4330 Learn to think, for real
Tf is "stalinism" ?
@@Ryan-dp4rs Stalinism is the bureaucratic degeneration of marxism, transforming this philosophical guide to revolutionary action of the working class into a mere book of quotes to be used to support whatever policy suits the higher echelons of the state apparatus. It developped because the poor level of the industry in the isolated USSR couldn't allow a sufficient level of material comfort to everyone, so that many people strived to get into leadership positions just to obtain priviledges for themselves and their families. They were the bureaucrats who supported Stalin in his ascension to power.
Stalin became their man of choice because contrarily to most of the other bolsheviki, he had a narrower world-view and thought that socialism could be achieved in one country, without needing an international revolution.
Through the Komintern, this bad influence spread to the newly founded communist parties in many countries, who were led into many mistakes, both of the opportunist and sectarian types.
If you want to know more about what was Stalinism, I suggest you to read "The Revolution Betrayed" by Leon Trotsky
@@turtlecraft7996 As a Trot, do you still support Marxist-Leninist vanguardism?
@@Ryan-dp4rs Trotskyism is really nothing but marxism/bolshevism/leninism: it advocates for the construction of an international revolutionary organization composed of cadres educated to marxist theory. Those militants must then be ready to intervene when working class movements arise, to defend a programm linking the current experiences/revendications of the masses in struggle to the need of overthrowing capitalism. Basically trying to use the methods of the bolsheviks who led the russian revolution.
Personally, I am a member of the International Marxist Tendency, where we want to build a revolutionary organisation of this kind.
Ofc, there are some groups who claim to be trotskyists while in practice they have abandonned those principles, and prefer to be loose on theory hoping to attract more people. But this lack of theoretical unity always leads to failure, because when the situation changes quickly(as it always does in a period of deep crisis of the capitalist system), that kind of party will get paralysed by an internal crisis, since every theoretical question they left unsettled ends up being posed concretely.
LOL communism
ok and?
ja und?
Propaganda film by the Communists. Keep moving.
mfw communists make media that is pro communism. (inconceivable how could they do this??)
Don’t care, Didnt ask.
Begone, lib
Don't care fash are gonna get bashed
you say that as if that makes it bad. it makes it extra cool
Sorry, but this made me laugh. The propaganda is very strong here
I guess I'll watch this movie. I saw "Circus", it was great. This will surely be fun as well
propaganda exists in almost all media, I don't why you think it's funny that it's in a movie about a communist
There's nothing to laugh here. A heroic man that led the antifascist movement and tried to unite every antifascist force together (communists, social-democrats, socialists and democratic socialists) against the rise of the Nazis and also was directly helping the Spanish people to save their Republic and freedom against the fascist coup and regime of Franco, unfortunately was executed by the fascist scums that later were responsible for the destruction of Germany and the death of millions of people.
@@stgr0186Franco was not fascist
So, movies where Red Army soldiers run to german positions with no weapons and NKVD commissars' machine guns behind their backs is peak historical accuracy. Okay.
@@throwfascistsintopits3062 I never said that. But it's indeed worth to point out wrong interpretations of "No step back" order
everything is propaganda dumbass
Ever played a CoD game?
Yessir 🫡🇨🇳🔛🔝🇺🇸🔚🔜🙏🏻
Oh Yä! The red Hitler!
That makes zero sense. Think before you type