***** Angra Mainyu CCC All the world's desire supposdly it's weakest when used against EMIYA no idea why it's supposed to do more damage the smarter the target and he's pretty smart especially in regards to weapons
Ahh another gravity based attack like in the FF series lol no wonder you didn't use the auto revive code cast i was wondering why you didn't for that attack especially since Caster doesn't have a revive/omni defence skill like Saber and EMIYA do
Once again awesome fight, good job
I really want to play CCC again but unfortunately I lost my old PSP and also can't seem to find it on Amazon it used to be there but isn't anymore :/
well you can try psvita or emulator it can work.
@@Phoniexwings Thanks for the advice ten I'll try an emulator instead.
That girl almost looked like she just did a justu from naruto
Hmmm too bad this game isn't multiplayer, it would be fun to challenge you
I think something happened below when she put the world between her legs (//_0)"
yep lol organism noble phantasm
Angra Mainyu CCC All the world's desire supposdly it's weakest when used against EMIYA no idea why it's supposed to do more damage the smarter the target and he's pretty smart especially in regards to weapons
MDKGunner the noble phantasm takes 90% of your hp & mp
Ahh another gravity based attack like in the FF series lol no wonder you didn't use the auto revive code cast i was wondering why you didn't for that attack especially since Caster doesn't have a revive/omni defence skill like Saber and EMIYA do