陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。 On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe. ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱: On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe: ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱: On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe: ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。 On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe. ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。 On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe. ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。 On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe. ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱: On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe: ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
Translation and Pinyin to singalong 我张开一双翅膀 (wǒ zhāng kāi yī shuāng chì bǎng) - I spread my wings 背扛着一个希望 (bèi gāng zhe yī gè xī wàng) - Carrying a hope on my back 飞过那陌生的城池 (fēi guò nà mò shēng de chéng chí) - Flying over the unfamiliar city walls 去到我向往的地方 (qù dào wǒ xiàng wǎng de dì fāng) - Heading towards the place I long for 在旷野中 我嗅到芬芳 (zài kuàng yě zhōng wǒ xiù dào fēn fāng) - In the wilderness, I smell the fragrance 从泥土里 我摄取营养 (cóng ní tǔ lǐ wǒ shè qǔ yíng yǎng) - From the soil, I absorb nutrition 为了吐丝蚕儿要吃桑叶 (wèi le tǔ sī cán ér yào chī sāng yè) - For the silkworms to spin silk, they must eat mulberry leaves 为了播种花儿要开放 (wèi le bō zhòng huā ér yào kāi fàng) - For the flowers to bloom, they must be sown 我走过丛林山岗 (wǒ zǒu guò cóng lín shān gǎng) - I've walked through forests and over hills 也走过白雪茫茫 (yě zǒu guò bái xuě máng máng) - I've also walked through vast snow 看到了山川的风貌 (kàn dào le shān chuān de fēng mào) - I see the features of the mountains and rivers 也听到大地在成长 (yě tīng dào dà dì zài chéng zhǎng) - And hear the earth growing
Natives Lead singer: Chen Jia Word: ZhuangNu Composer: Tony I open a wing With a hope on his back Fly to that strange city pool Go where I want In the wilderness, I smell the fragrance. From the dirt, I get nutrition. In order to spit silk silkworms to eat mulberry leaves To plant flowers to open I walked through the jungle hills Also through the snow I saw the mountains and rivers. and see the earth growing.
What I noticed: JJ used a wig (long hair almost to waist) in her roles as a modern photographer/sports-car-driver! Want to confirm whether my observation is true? If so, I believe it's 1st time I see her wearing a wig!!!
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱: On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe: ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
< the original > Lead singer: Chen Jia Lyrics: Trang slave Composer: Tony I spread a pair of wings Carry a hope behind your back Fly to that strange city Go to the place I yearn for In the wilderness I smell the fragrance From the dirt I take nutrients In order to spit on the silkworms eat mulberries In order to sow flowers, open them I walked through the jungle mountains Also walked through the snowy expanse I saw the scenery of the mountains and rivers I also heard that the earth was growing
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。 On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe. ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。 On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe. ua-cam.com/channels/PuJ7rYykOj_ZHbakUTF2ig.html
2021年听到最美丽的歌声! 如果有同感请给赞。。。
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe.
陳佳小姐 謝謝你對鄧麗君的致敬
唱鄧麗君歌曲, 陳佳真的是最佳最似之人, 其他有些只是聲線有些相似, 但歌藝不足。。
佳佳除了聲線相似, 唱腔一樣, 最重要是歌藝唱功也是一流, 她唱其他歌手的歌也一樣美好動聽,
內地應該給她多些機會, 別浪費了這麼優秀的歌手
在 一片 Lavender 田中,佳佳好清秀美麗.,優美的歌聲,令人陶醉👍👍👍👍👍👍
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱:
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe:
Pak Suen 陳佳抓住影相機的身影我差點認不出是陳佳因為這個打扮太美太美極有時代感女子
K 100 是的,佳佳宜古宜今,古裝扮相是古典美人,現代打扮已是走在時代的尖端,不比任何超級模特兒遜色,佳佳身材太好了,你上次也說過的。哈哈哈~~~
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱:
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe:
有陳佳 世界不寂寞
ctkuo6565 兄,您好!佳佳的嗓音太美了,您也讚賞啊,哈哈~~
Pak Suen 兄,日安。 是啊,有了佳佳,世界更美好,個人一直心存感激呢。
ctkuo6565 兄,佳佳能唱得如此之美,我們做歌迷的也非常高興,佳佳真是難得一見的好歌手,做主持說話得體大方,完全是位全能歌星!
+Pak Suen 深有同感。 ^_^
佳佳: 您盪鞦韆哪種溫婉嫻淑真是教人陶醉,宛如凌波仙子下凡麈,美艶不可方物,極之賞心悅目!
@@hongzhen2194 你耳朵不是生瘡 流膿 長瘤 化癌 就是廢渣一坨 孽畜一隻 鄧麗君小姐已逾藝術鉅作之巔 陳佳充其量不過是世俗粗鄙的藝匠模仿之作 如雲泥疏途 天壤之別 根本沒得比 忠心誠懇的建議你去死吧 速速去死吧 廢渣 孽畜
@@kingleo8037 废話連篇黏撚線,人哋留言贊陳佳,你唔鍾意睇!就鬧人一餐,使唔使我通知青山神經病院送你入去呀?
@@kingleo8037 你係咪变态?你唔鍾意聽陳佳唱歌咪算啦,人哋赞陳佳你就鬧到人哋,狗血淋頭唉。
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe.
陈 佳 歌 起 好 听 情 人 你好
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe.
Kei Chen is de beste!
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe.
@@ssu2736 有没有貢献並不是大問題 中共国衹付持對共產黨聽話的人 有沒有能力也沒有問題 你看李强可以坐到第二位就見一二了
Love love...so nice n beautiful song
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱:
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe:
🇧🇷 💖 美妙的歌,我喜欢听。
Maria das Graças Oliveira 陳佳小姐的声音太美妙了!优秀的人材呀!
Chen Jia Keiは、UA-camに彼女の唯一の個人的な公式ウェブサイトを開設しました。チャンネル登録を歓迎します。
โอ้โห๋ ร้องยังกะเติ้งลี่กวิ้นมาร้องเองเลยครับ เพราะมากชอบครับ 🇹🇭😘
Watched multiple time one day.
🇧🇷💖Bom ver de novo. Chen Jia maravilhosa 👏👏👏👏👏💐🤗💖🇧🇷
陳佳剛剛在UA-cam設立自己的唯一官方平台, 請留意其他用陳佳或Kei的名字在UA-cam設立的平台, 都是未經陳佳批准的, 以下是她的唯一官方youtube 平台:
K 100 日有所思,夜有所夢。佳佳的確令人魂牽夢繋,難怪你有此夢,鐵杆粉絲也,哈哈哈……………
Pak Suen 可能係呀,陳佳唱得非常好聽,不看畫面真係以為鄧麗君架,聽説還不斷拍下去那我們有耳福了
Translation and Pinyin to singalong
我张开一双翅膀 (wǒ zhāng kāi yī shuāng chì bǎng) - I spread my wings
背扛着一个希望 (bèi gāng zhe yī gè xī wàng) - Carrying a hope on my back
飞过那陌生的城池 (fēi guò nà mò shēng de chéng chí) - Flying over the unfamiliar city walls
去到我向往的地方 (qù dào wǒ xiàng wǎng de dì fāng) - Heading towards the place I long for
在旷野中 我嗅到芬芳 (zài kuàng yě zhōng wǒ xiù dào fēn fāng) - In the wilderness, I smell the fragrance
从泥土里 我摄取营养 (cóng ní tǔ lǐ wǒ shè qǔ yíng yǎng) - From the soil, I absorb nutrition
为了吐丝蚕儿要吃桑叶 (wèi le tǔ sī cán ér yào chī sāng yè) - For the silkworms to spin silk, they must eat mulberry leaves
为了播种花儿要开放 (wèi le bō zhòng huā ér yào kāi fàng) - For the flowers to bloom, they must be sown
我走过丛林山岗 (wǒ zǒu guò cóng lín shān gǎng) - I've walked through forests and over hills
也走过白雪茫茫 (yě zǒu guò bái xuě máng máng) - I've also walked through vast snow
看到了山川的风貌 (kàn dào le shān chuān de fēng mào) - I see the features of the mountains and rivers
也听到大地在成长 (yě tīng dào dà dì zài chéng zhǎng) - And hear the earth growing
🇧🇷💖 I love this music and the beautiful voice of Chen Jia👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🤗😍💖🇧🇷
Ren liang ge tian...... bashi!
산과 들, 꽃과 노래 정말 좋습니다~!!
Lead singer: Chen Jia
Word: ZhuangNu
Composer: Tony
I open a wing
With a hope on his back
Fly to that strange city pool
Go where I want
In the wilderness, I smell the fragrance.
From the dirt, I get nutrition.
In order to spit silk silkworms to eat mulberry leaves
To plant flowers to open
I walked through the jungle hills
Also through the snow
I saw the mountains and rivers.
and see the earth growing.
What I noticed: JJ used a wig (long hair almost to waist) in her roles as a modern photographer/sports-car-driver! Want to confirm whether my observation is true? If so, I believe it's 1st time I see her wearing a wig!!!
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱:
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe:
Chen Jia Keiは、UA-camに彼女の唯一の個人的な公式ウェブサイトを開設しました。チャンネル登録を歓迎します。
Lijun relives.
Teacher...what is the meaning of this v good song?
< the original >
Lead singer: Chen Jia
Lyrics: Trang slave
Composer: Tony
I spread a pair of wings
Carry a hope behind your back
Fly to that strange city
Go to the place I yearn for
In the wilderness I smell the fragrance
From the dirt I take nutrients
In order to spit on the silkworms eat mulberries
In order to sow flowers, open them
I walked through the jungle mountains
Also walked through the snowy expanse
I saw the scenery of the mountains and rivers
I also heard that the earth was growing
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe.
Chen jia ร้องได้ไพเราะมากเลยครับผมชอบมากครับ
已经不仅仅是模仿邓丽君了 这是“邓派”唱腔
陳佳今年1月11日設立她在UA-cam 的個人唯一官方頻道, 歡迎訂閱。
On January 11th this year, Chen Jia set up her only official UA-cam channel. You are welcome to subscribe.
Aku baru saja situ ada yang satu tahun rek
👉 ua-cam.com/video/t5PX-QnpDhA/v-deo.html
@@hongzhen2194 你绝对是耳残!
@@天生丽质-y3l 你全殘 而且還是隻全殘孽畜
@@flowerslin5230 陈佳就是唱得比A片女优还要骚,你全身上下全残缺!
@@天生丽质-y3l 你媽就是騷妓女,你媽把你的屌夾成殘 絕子絕孫 去死吧 孽畜
@@flowerslin5230 你家没女人吗?你老姆这种廉价犬妓含咬断你吊变太监,怪不得需要这种陈佳的A级女优的骚嗓嘹残你!
Chen Jia have beautiful face but her voice not sweet as Teng
世界末日 陳佳唱歌你唔钟意聽,咁你咪死番去你偶像!!果度聽佢唱歌啰,重喺度讲讲讲。
@@UgU-tl4ew 我就是钟意批评陈假怎么样?网络是你家开的喔?多管闲事!你省省吧~
Linus Grant 不明白你在说什麼?