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Приєднався 29 кві 2016
《輕談國學歌風雅》第二十七集 為萬世開太平之中華傳統文化基礎教育
Переглядів 19 тис.5 років тому
本集處理中華傳統文化在基礎教育的開展情況。我們選了中學和小學各一所為例子。山東濰坊的昌樂特師附屬小學,推行「五學並舉」,即以經典、歷史人物、禮儀、書法、武術五個內容組合成較全面的傳統文化教學結構,教學效果得到各方認可。北京匯文中學是一所有一百五十年歷史的著名學校,與中國近代史和中國近代教育史息息相關。這所中學由教會學校演變過來,與已解散的燕京大學關係密切。匯文中學以全人教育為宗旨,以智仁勇為校訓,使得這所中學沒有忽視傳統文化教育。 陳佳小姐選唱的《蕩起我們的雙槳》,是一首耳熟能詳的校園歌曲,反映小學階段的學習生活,又創作《再見的七月》,把自身的校園生活及感受,與母校匯文中學相結合,是一首具有學生情懷,內涵豐富而又優美動聽的校園歌曲。
《輕談國學歌風雅》第二十六集 《為往聖繼絕學之王守仁心學》(正體字版)
Переглядів 23 тис.5 років тому
本集處理明朝理學巨擘王守仁的心學。宋明理學影響中國歷久不衰,今天王學再度成為顯學,必有其所以長盛不衰的原因。王學體系與陸象山的教說合稱「陸王心學」。心學的重點在體認與處理「本心良知」,「良知」是一切道德價值所從出的先天根源,修德從這裡開始,陽明以「致良知」和「知行合一」作為下手工夫。陽明之學對� 何階層與文化背景的人都產生發聾振聵的效果,故追隨者衆多。今天當代新儒家大師牟宗三先生的講學教化,開現代王學一脈,門弟子在新時代中繼續倡導致良知之學以規正人心導正歪風。 陳佳小姐譜曲演唱陽明《龍潭夜坐》一詩,取名《夜溪聲》,帶出陽明對人生順逆的感觸,又因感悟陽明「吾心自有光明月」,譜曲作詞演唱《明月在我心》,是深有感於陽明良知教之光明圓成,實則也是陽明學説的薰陶所致。
《輕談國學歌風雅》第二十五集《為生民立命之宋明理學 - 朱熹與陸九淵》(正體字版)
Переглядів 24 тис.5 років тому
《輕談國學歌風雅》第二十四集《為天地立心之書院講學 - 千年學府嶽麓書院》(正體字版)
Переглядів 23 тис.5 років тому
第二十四集 《為天地立心之書院講學 - 千年學府嶽麓書院》 《心中的樹》創作專訪
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在岳麓山的古樹木林下,第24集將會以佳佳的全新創作《心中的樹》作結。 這首歌有何信息和含義?透過這個創作訪問便可知一二。
《轻谈国学歌风雅》第二十三集《教育特辑 中国教育百年风雨路之二》(简化字版)
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《轻谈国学歌风雅》 第23集 教育特辑 中国教育百年风雨路之二 出品 冯燊均 鲍俊萍 本集为中国教育百年风雨路的续编,探讨传统文化进入正规课程这一时代课题。政府的大力推动,教育界的大力配合,社会人心的大力支持,终将迎来传统文化复兴的新时代。 本集仍以访问为主,带出传统文化以经部典籍为根本,而经学复兴为传统文化复兴的指标。 传统文化经历了百年风雨,依然能在新时代生机蓬勃,就是靠一批又一批人文学者的薪火相传,这些学者又多在教学岗位上,故传统文脉虽弱而不断,而师道之可贵在此。 本集歌乐部分仍以校园合唱团的歌声为主,并加插校园京剧。本集之后陈佳小姐继续以说唱形式叙述中国传统文化教育的种种。
《輕談國學歌風雅》 第二十三集 《教育特輯 中國教育百年風雨路之二》(正體字版)
Переглядів 13 тис.5 років тому
《輕談國學歌風雅》 第23集 教育特輯 中國教育百年風雨路之二 出品 馮燊均 鮑俊萍 本集為中國教育百年風雨路的續編, 探討傳統文化進入正規課程這一時代課題。政府的大力推動,教育界的大力配合,社會人心的大力支持,終將迎來傳統文化復興的新時代。 本集仍以訪問為主,帶出傳統文化以經部典籍為根本,而經學復興為傳統文化復興的指標。 傳統文化經歷了百年風雨,依然能在新時代生機蓬勃,就是靠一批又一批人文學者的薪火相傳,這些學者又多在教學崗位上,故傳統文脈雖弱而不斷,而師道之可貴在此。 本集歌樂部分仍以校園合唱團的歌聲為主,並加插校園京劇。本集之後陳佳小姐繼續以說唱形式敘述中國傳統文化教育的種種。
《轻谈国学歌风雅》第二十二集 《教育特辑 中国教育百年风雨路之一》(简化字版)
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《輕談國學歌風雅》第二十二集《教育特輯 中國教育百年風雨路之一》(正體字版)
Переглядів 11 тис.5 років тому
Переглядів 30 тис.6 років тому
收錄在《輕談國學歌風雅》 第二十一集 鄒魯禮義地 母敎出聖賢 《陪伴》 作詞:楊思力 作曲:楊思力 主唱:陳佳 寒風起的夜 還沒下的雪 夢裡我又回到那個明媚的季節 你對我唱著歌 我和你聊著天 不知不覺日子已經這樣多少年 你把所有的陪伴 全部交給了時間 白天裡你忙碌 夜裡輕輕說晚安 你把所有的陪伴 全部交給了時間 就這樣陪著我 在這五彩的世界 我在你心中 輕輕揚起帆 乘著浪花我會飄向大海另一邊 等我回家時 你說門沒關 眼淚不知為何突然在眼眶打轉 你把所有的陪伴 全部交給了時間 白天裡你忙碌 夜裡輕輕說晚安 你把所有的陪伴 全部交給了時間 就這樣陪著我 在這五彩的世界
. * * . * ❣ * . * * .⬇ . *. . 🏆 . 20 25 . * . 🐰 . . 💎
. * 🏆 * . ** *** ** E T I Life Achievement Award ** ***** . 🌹 陳 佳 碩士 【中國 北京】 🌹 . ⬇ 【 ET I 👽( Extraterrestrial Intelligence Society )Los Angeles 20 24 】 . 💖 陳佳 1987年8月29日,丁卯年,生肖屬兔🐰 生於 首都 北京 。 . 她 氣質高雅 她很美 外在美,內在更美 。 她 琴 棋 書 畫 她 精通 鋼琴、音樂作曲 、文學 和 多種語言. . 她 畢業於北京「對外經濟貿易大學」金融學系、 . ⋯ 德國漢堡大學留學 ⋯ . 以優異的成績,取得「國際企業管理」 碩士學位 . 🌹 是一位了不起的 音樂家、藝術家 文學家 🌹 . 💖 . Chen Jia was born on August 29, 1987, the year of Dinghao, . with the zodiac sign of Rabbit🐰 in Beijing, the capital. . She has an elegant temperament. . She is beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. . She plays piano, chess, calligraphy and painting She is proficient in piano, music composition, literature and multiple languages. . She graduated from the Department of Finance . at the University of International Business . and Economics in Beijing. . ⋯ Study abroad at the University of Hamburg, Germany ⋯ . Obtained a master's degree in "International Business Management" . with excellent results . 🌹 She is an amazing musician, artist and writer 🌹 . 🎶 🎶 🎶.
蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方 (詩經)
Hope to see Chen Jia hosting more of these, perhaps with countries like Germany, which she studied, as this may bridge mutual understanding for the people with China and Chinese cultures, esp with these shifting times!
Chen Jia, concise summary of Singapore, its people, its multi-racial culture and its policies, which focuses on Racial Harmony. Hope you can revisit Singapore to witness again the transformations that Singapore is constantly reshaping towards a harmonious, progressive and relevant Singapore!
. * * . * ❣ * . * * .⬇ . *. . 🏆 . 20 25 . 🐰 . 陳 佳 . . . 💎
. * * . * ❣ * . * * .⬇ . *. . 🏆 . 20 25 . 陳 佳 . 🐰 . . 💎
Chen Jia, born in Beijing, is a female pop singer and songwriter from mainland China. (1) ***Before Debut*** **Extremely lnfatuated with Teresa Teng during Childhood** Although Chen Jia never met Teresa Teng, she was influenced by her family from an early age and developed a profound affection for Teng and her songs. She collected a large number of Teresa Teng's records, tapes, and posters. **Musical Training** • Piano and Classical Music Training: Starting at the age of three, Chen Jia studied piano and classical music diligently under the guidance of Professor Wu Yuan, a top piano educator at the Central Conservatory of Music. At thirteen, she obtained the highest-level certificates in piano grading exams. At eighteen, she earned the highest-level certificate for piano from Tsinghua University's National High School Specialty Students Piano Exam and won second place in Peking University's National High School Students Piano Exam. • Choir Training: At eleven, Chen Jia was admitted to the internationally renowned Beijing Philharmonic Choir (Yang Hongnian Choir), where she received rigorous training in pitch recognition and other skills. During her ten years in the choir, she performed in many countries, earning numerous accolades. **Education** Chen Jia graduated from the University of International Business and Economics with a degree in finance. She later pursued further studies in Germany, graduating with top honors from the University of Hamburg with a master's degree in international business management. **Carrer** After returning to China, Chen Jia worked at BOC International Securities Co., Ltd., specializing in A-share listings. (2) ***Transition to Professional Singer*** In 2011, to commemorate the 16th anniversary of Teresa Teng's passing, Chen Jia held a 1.5-hour online solo concert in her hotel room during a business trip. The video of this concert was discovered by Teresa Teng's third brother, Frank Teng Changfu, who is the chairman of the Teresa Teng Foundation. He was amazed by Chen Jia's voice, which closely resembled Teng’s, and invited her to sign with the Teresa Teng Foundation. After more than a year of consideration, Chen Jia finally gave up her stable, well-paid, and highly sought-after job in finance at the end of 2012 and accepted the invitation, signing with the foundation. She became one of two singers signed by the foundation. From then on, Chen Jia began to carry forward and promote Teresa Teng's songs and performed alongside Mandarin music giants such as Jay Chou and Faye Wong, as well as renowned Japanese singers Hiroshi Itsuki and Rimi Natsukawa. At the end of 2015, after her contract with the Teresa Teng Foundation expired, Chen Jia officially became an independent musician. (3) ***(a) Ambition, (b) Ability, and (c) Actions*** (a) ***Ambition*** In the 2015 BTV program, "My Family Has Stars," during the "How Can I Leave You" segment, Chen Jia said, "Teresa Teng is my lifelong passion, but certainly not my only pursuit." Chen Jia's ambition is not merely to carry forward and promote Teresa Teng's songs but to be committed to the comprehensive development and diversification of her singing career. (b) ***Ability*** **Image** Well-proportioned, beautiful, intelligent, elegant, dignified, articulate, with a sweet smile, amiable, and scandal-free. **Personality** Low-key, humble, easygoing, sincere, self-disciplined, diligent, eager to learn, persevering, and constantly striving for excellence. **Talents** In addition to being a proficient singer, Chen Jia is well-educated, has independent thinking, and loves writing essays, skilled in dance, an expert pianist, a good program presenter, and a capable songwriter and lyricist. **Language Skills** Chen Jia speaks Mandarin (native), Japanese, English, and German. She excels at singing songs in Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Hokkien, and English with almost standard pronunciation. She often performs songs in the local language during her concerts. She is currently the only singer who can accurately perform Teresa Teng's songs in multiple languages from memory. **Singing Skills** There are no audible breathing sounds during Chen Jia's performances. In live performances and broadcasts, she does not use a teleprompter, and the audience can freely request songs. She does not use auto-tuning technology and can deliver performances at a studio-level quality. Also, her music videos are never pitch-corrected. **Not Limited to Singing Teresa Teng's Songs** Chen Jia also excels at covering multilingual songs by other artists. **No Deliberate Imitation of Teresa Teng** • Teresa Teng's third brother once stated on a television program, "Chen Jia's singing is not imitation; her voice itself is similar to Teresa Teng's." • In November 2017, Chen Jia mentioned on Changzhou Radio that she no longer listens to Teresa Teng's songs. She explained that if she distorted herself by deliberately imitating others, her singing would become unnatural and less appealing. Instead, she sings based on her own feelings about the song. • In an interview with "HiFi168" in June 2020, Chen Jia mentioned that she never intended to imitate. While she studied Teresa Teng's singing techniques and song interpretation methods, she also learned other singing techniques. The voice she presents today is the result of comprehensive music training, not the result of imitating Teresa Teng. • On the evening of October 20, 2021, during a live stream on Douyin, a viewer asked Chen Jia to sing a pop song using Teresa Teng's voice. She responded by saying that she would only use her own voice to sing Teresa Teng's songs and pop songs. **Vocal Recognition and Singing Style** Although Chen Jia's singing voice and style are similar to Teresa Teng's, after we listen to her singing we will feel that her voice is highly recognizable, and her singing style is uniquely distinctive: natural, mellow, comfortable, delicate, emotionally resonant, and exuding an elegant scholarly aura. (c) ***Actions*** • Chen Jia continuously pursues vocal training to improve her singing skills, striving for perfection. • She consistently creates new songs and uploads them to music platforms. She hopes that more people will recognize and love her work, win awards, and even become widely recognized classic hits. • She continues to issue music albums. • She frequently holds solo concerts both at home and abroad. • She regularly conducts online live streams to interact with her fans. (4) ***Achievements*** Before her debut, Chen Jia studied and worked in finance rather than being a professional singer, making her achievements in the music industry all the more remarkable. Her success can be attributed to her deep passion for music and her unwavering commitment to continuously refining her singing skills. **Original or First-Performance Works** So far, Chen Jia has released over 40 original or first-performance songs. **Albums** • To date, Chen Jia has released a total of 16 albums (14 in China and 2 in Japan), including the original Mandarin album "Life in Drama", as well as cover albums in various languages. Many of these are highly acclaimed HiFi albums. • She won "Best HiFi Vocalist of the Year" at the 11th Golden Melody Awards and has received multiple awards from the Guangdong Musicians Association. Additionally, she has consistently been the best-selling vinyl record artist in China. • Her records are often chosen by domestic music enthusiasts and audio equipment manufacturers as a standard for sound quality testing. • Renowned record producer Liao Zhimao praised Chen Jia as a top-tier singer with a beautiful voice. He remarked that her talent is exceptional, and simply recording her voice can effortlessly result in outstanding work, making the process of producing records for her both time-saving and efficient. **Performance Footprintsr** Chen Jia has performed in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the USA. To date, she has successfully held over 100 solo concerts, covering approximately 60 cities in China, the USA, and Malaysia, and has earned a very good reputation. She is one of the Chinese singers with the most solo concerts at home and abroad. **Dual Hi-Fi Singer** Chen Jia is one of the most popular singers in the Chinese audiophile music community. Due to the different demands on various aspects of a singer, very few audiophile recording artists can also be successful concert stars, and Chen Jia is one of them. **Cultural Promotion** Due to her elegance, poise, eloquence, exceptional vocal skills, and warm, approachable personality, Chen Jia has been invited to serve as the host, lead singer, and music consultant for the Chinese core values and culture promotion music video series "Talking Leisurely about Chinese Studies and Singing in Style." **Singing on behalf of Virtual Teresa Teng** Teresa Teng's third brother greatly appreciated Chen Jia. Even after her contract with the Teresa Teng Foundation expired, Teresa Teng's third brother continued to follow her and invite her to provide voiceovers and performances for the virtual Teresa Teng at 3D concerts in China and abroad. Notably, in the Jiangsu TV 2022 New Year's Eve Gala, Chen Jia provided the voice for the virtual Teresa Teng and performed "Big Fish," "Small Town Story," and "Strolling Down the Road of Life" with popular singer Zhou Shen. Note: To make it easier for those who want to learn more about Chen Jia, I voluntarily wrote the above message. I am just an ordinary fan of Chen Jia; she does not know me, nor did she ask me to write this message. Aside from my personal opinions, all other content is based on publicly available information, which can be found on the internet. Appendix: (I) Released Albums (Il) Music Awards (Ill) Representative Works For the above information, please read the next message. Revision Date: Dec. 15, 2024.
Appendix (I) **Released Albums** Below is a detailed list in reverse chronological order of the 16 released solo albums (14 in China and 2 in Japan) by Chen Jia so far: 16. "Beautiful Silhouette " (倩影) Sep 19, 24 Cantonese 15. "Deep Love" (情深深) Nov 17, 23 Mandarin 14. "We Meet Again Teresa Teng V" (又見鄧麗君 V) Feb 6, 23 Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese 13. "Just Like the First Time" (再見如初見) Jun 28, 22 Mandarin 12. "The Old Friend Returns" (應是故人來) Dec 31, 21 Cantonese 11. "Life in Drama" (劇中人) Sep 29, 21 Mandarin, Original Songs 10. "We Meet Again Teresa Teng IV" (又見鄧麗君lV) Dec 24, 20 Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Japanese 9. "Seems Like an Old Friend" (似是故人來) Aug 11, 20 Cantonese 8. "We Meet Again Teresa Teng lll" (又見鄧麗君lll) May 13, 19 Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, English 7. "We Meet Again Teresa Teng ll" (又見鄧麗君ll) Jun 26, 18 Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese 6. "We Meet Again Teresa Teng" (又見鄧麗君) Aug 14, 17 Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese 5. "Melody in Memory ll" (去年今日ll) Jan 16, 17 Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien 4. Released in Japan "Kei 68 International" Apr 29, 16 Japanese, Mandarin, including three original Mandarin songs 3. Released in Japan "Kei 68" Apr 29, 16, Japanese 2. "Melody in Memory" (去年今日) Jan 30, 16 Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien 1. "Sakura Journey" (櫻花之旅) (now renamed to "Meet •Jia Chen" (遇見•陳佳) Jan 10, 12 Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese (Il) **Music Awards** Here is the list of music awards won by Chen Jia to date, detailed in reverse chronological order: 2023, 19th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Top Ten Audiophile Albums Award for "Deep Love" (情深深) • Shibazi Boutique Recommendation Award for "Deep Love" (情深深) 2022, 18th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Best LP Vinyl Record for "The Old Friend Returns" (應是故人來) 2021, 17th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Best Female Vocal Album for "Life in Drama " (劇中人) • Best Classic Songs Album for "Meet·Jia Chen" (遇見•陳佳) 2020, 11th Chinese Golden Melody Award: • Best HIFI Voice for "We Meet Again Teresa Teng II" (又見鄧麗君 ll) 2020, 16th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Best LP Vinyl Record for "Melody in Memory II. A Spray of Plum Blossoms" (去年今日•一剪梅) • Best LP Vinyl Record for "Seems Like an Old Friend" • Best Cantonese Songs Album for "Seems Like an Old Friend" (似是故人來) 2019, 15th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Best LP Vinyl Record for "We Meet Again Teresa Teng III" (又見鄧麗君 lll) • Best Female Vocal Album for "We Meet Again Teresa Teng III" (又見鄧麗君 lll) 2018, 14th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Best LP Vinyl Record for "We Meet Again Teresa Teng II" (又見鄧麗君 ll) 2017, 13th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Best LP Vinyl Record for "We Meet Again Teresa Teng" (又見鄧麗君) • Top Ten Audiophile Albums for "We Meet AgainTeresa Teng" (又見鄧麗君) 2016, 12th Ten Best Audiophile Albums: • Top Ten Audiophile Albums for "Melody in Memory" (去年今日) Note: Except for the "2020, 11th Chinese Golden Melody Award - Best HIFI Voice for 'We Meet Again Teresa Teng'(又見鄧麗君)" all awards listed above are presented by the Guangdong Musicians Association. (Ill) **Representative Works** Chen Jia's repertoire is diverse, including both modern songs and ancient-style songs composed for classical Chinese poetry. Her representative works include "Song of the Evening Breeze (晚風的歌), " "Suddenly Looking Back (驀然回首)," "The Place of Origin (來時的地方)," "Goodbye July (再見的七月)," "The Bright Moon in My Heart (明月在我心)," and "The Tree in My heart (心中的樹)," and many other compositions based on classical Chinese poetry, such as "Tears of the Spring River (春江淚)" and "Silk Strings (錦瑟)." Due to commercial considerations, the songs composed by Chen Jia for the music video series "Talking Leisurely about Chinese Studies and Singing in Style (輕談國學歌風雅)" have not been included in her albums. Revision Date: September 30, 2024
Appendix B (1) **Biography** Here is a chronological account of significant events in Chen Jia's singing career: - Starting at the age of three, under the guidance of the piano educator Professor Wu Yuan (吳元教授) from the Central Conservatory of Music, who is renowned for cultivating piano talent, she diligently studied piano and classical music for over a decade. - In her early years, she attended the primary school affiliated with the Central Conservatory of Music. - At the age of eleven, she was accepted into the internationally acclaimed Beijing Philharmonic Choir (Yang Hongnian's Choir) (北京愛樂合唱團-楊鴻年團), where she underwent highly rigorous pitch recognition training, among others. Over the ten years with the choir, she performed extensively in countries and regions including the United States, Russia, Italy, and others, and received numerous awards for her performances. - At thirteen, she earned the highest-level certificate in the National Musicians’ Association Piano Grading and the Central Conservatory of Music’s domestic and international piano grading exams. She also received multiple awards at the Beijing Secondary and Primary Student Art Festival. - At the age of eighteen, she obtained the Certificate of National High School Piano Specialty Grade 1 (the highest level) from Tsinghua University and won second place in the National High School Piano Examination of Peking University. - After graduating from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing with a degree in finance, she studied abroad at the University of Hamburg in Germany, earning a master’s degree in international business management with top honors. Upon returning to China, she worked at BOC International Securities Ltd., specializing in A-share listings. - In 2011, to commemorate the 16th anniversary of Teresa Teng’s death, she held a one-and-a-half-hour online concert in her hotel room while on a business trip. The video eventually caught the attention of Teng's third brother, Teng Changfu, chairman of the Teresa Teng Foundation. Impressed by her voice, which closely resembled Teng's, he contacted her and invited her to complete some of Teng’s unfinished songs and to promote Teng’s musical legacy. - In January 2012, she released her first solo album, "Sakura Journey" (櫻花之旅). - At the 2012 year-end, after more than a year of contemplation, she ultimately gave up a highly coveted, high-paying, and stable job in finance that many people dream of, signing with the Teresa Teng Foundation, becoming one of the two signed singers of the foundation, and became a successor to Teresa Teng's songs, recognized by the Teresa Teng family. In 2013, she performed the interlude "Spring Flower, Autumn Moon" (春花秋月何時了) for the martial arts drama "Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" (天龍八部). - On May 12, 2013, she performed at the "60th Birthday Anniversary of Teresa Teng" concert at the Taipei Arena, alongside Jay Chou, Jam Hsiao, Fish Leong, and others, singing "The Girl from South Sea" (南海姑娘) and "Endless Sorrows" (幾多愁). On May 19, she joined Faye Wong, Jane Zhang, and others at the "Beijing Superstars-Teresa Teng's 60th Birthday Anniversary" concert at the Beijing Capital Indoor Stadium, performing "Seeing Smoke Again" (又見炊煙). - On May 23, 2015, she took part in the "20th Anniversary of Teresa Teng's Passing" concert at the Shibuya Public Hall in Tokyo, alongside Japanese singers Hiroshi Itsuki, Rimi Natsukawa, and others, performing "You and Me" (我和你) and "Spring in the North Country" (北國の春). - On June 28, 2015, she held her first solo concert, "Thousand Miles of Love" (千里佳期), in Shanghai. - At the end of 2015, her contract with the Teresa Teng Foundation expired, and she officially became an independent musician. Teresa Teng's third brother greatly appreciated her and thanked her for the work she had done for the foundation. As always, she remained humble and did not take credit. After her contract expired, Teresa Teng's third brother continued to follow her closely, seeking her cooperation whenever there was a need for work. - In January 2016, due to her elegant and dignified demeanor, eloquence, singing talent, and approachable personality, which met the requirements for combining education and entertainment, she was invited to serve as the host, lead singer, and music consultant for the large-scale program promoting the core values and moral concepts of the Chinese nation. In the program, she narrated the history of Chinese culture and performed songs. She also wrote songs for the program, composed accompaniments for Tang and Song dynasty poems selected by the program, and performed piano playing along with singing, as well as Chinese classical dance, Malaysian dance, ballet, and tango. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the production of this program has been halted, and it has not yet resumed. Here is the link to the program: youtube.com/@user-ch2bn9fk2o - In 2016, she was invited to sign a contract with a Japanese record company. On April 29, she released two personal albums in Japan, "Kei68" and "Kei68 International," which include Japanese and Mandarin songs, including three original Mandarin songs. - In January 2017, she received her first music award for her album "Melody in Memory" (去年今日). The album was honored with the "Top 10 Audiophile Albums of the Year" award from the 12th Audiophile Albums Chart 2016. - In May 2017, she held her first North American solo concert tour, "Chasing Teresa Teng Dreams," (追夢鄧麗君) with three performances in Miami, New York, and San Francisco. - On March 10 and 11, 2018, she participated in the "Teresa Teng: I Only Care About You" concert organized by the Hong Kong Music and Art Association, where she performed multiple songs in different languages as the final act. - On September 10, 2019, she achieved Grade 8 (the highest level for amateur dancers) in ballet from the Royal Academy of Dance in the UK. - In early 2020, she began live streaming in China. Unless there are special events such as performances, she streams every Wednesday starting from 9:00 PM to 9:30 PM Beijing time for about two hours, with additional unscheduled streams. Domestic and international music fans are welcome to watch for free on Douyin or WeChat. - In April 2020, she won the "Best HiFi Vocal of the Year" award at the 11th Chinese Golden Melody Awards for her album "We Meet Again Teresa Teng II" (又見鄧麗君 Il). - In August 2020, she held her first solo online concert to promote her first solo Cantonese album "Seems Like an Old Friend" (似是故人來). - In October 2020, during an interview with NetEase, she mentioned that she still needed to take vocal lessons to improve her singing techniques, as she had never systematically studied vocal music. Additionally, she said that to maintain her stage presence, she also continues to practice dancing. - In January 2021, her first all-Cantonese album, "似是故人來," won the "Best Cantonese Vocal Album of the Year" and the "Best LP Vinyl Record of the Year" awards at the 16th Top Ten Audiophile Records Awards for 2020. - Since April 2021, she has been the brand ambassador for Shengya Studio (聲雅音響). - In July 2021, she was invited by renowned musician Xiao Ke (小柯) to star as the female lead in his classic musical "Steady Happiness" (穩穩的幸福). - On December 31, 2021, she dubbed and sang for the virtual Teresa Teng at Jiangsu Satellite TV's 2022 New Year’s Eve Gala, performing "Big Fish" (大魚), "Small Town Story" (小城故事), and "Strolling Down the Road of Life" (漫步人生路). - In early January 2022, she performed the original Chaozhou dialect song "Morning Light Shines on the Outer Road" (晨光照入外馬路) as an insert song in the Chaozhou New Year comedy film "Take You to See My Mom" (帶你去見我媽). - On January 11, 2022, she set up this channel. It is her sole channel on UA-cam. - In mid-January 2022, she was verified as a singer and musician on Weibo. - On January 16, 2022, her first original album, "Life in Drama" (劇中人), won the "Best Female Vocal Album of the Year" award at the 17th Annual Top 10 Audiophile Records Awards for 2021. - On April 15, 2023, she held her first solo concert in Malaysia, "Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of Teresa Teng's Birth," in Kuala Lumpur, alongside the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. - On March 10, 2024, she successfully held a solo concert with nearly 3,000 attendees at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou, marking her largest solo concert to date. Guangdong is the province where she has held the most solo concerts and where she has the most fans. Revision Date: July 15, 2024
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. * 🏆 * . ** *** ** E T I Life Achievement Award ** ***** . 🌹 陳 佳 碩士 【中國 北京】 🌹 . ⬇ 【 ET I 👽( Extraterrestrial Intelligence Society )Los Angeles 20 24 】 . 💖 陳佳 1987年8月29日,丁卯年,生肖屬兔🐰 生於 首都 北京 。 . 她 氣質高雅 她很美 外在美,內在更美 。 她 琴 棋 書 畫 她 精通 鋼琴、音樂作曲 、文學 和 多種語言. . 她 畢業於北京「對外經濟貿易大學」金融學系、 . ⋯ 德國漢堡大學留學 ⋯ . 以優異的成績,取得「國際企業管理」 碩士學位 . 🌹 是一位了不起的 音樂家、藝術家 文學家 🌹 . 💖 . Chen Jia was born on August 29, 1987, the year of Dinghao, . with the zodiac sign of Rabbit🐰 in Beijing, the capital. . She has an elegant temperament. . She is beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. . She plays piano, chess, calligraphy and painting She is proficient in piano, music composition, literature and multiple languages. . She graduated from the Department of Finance . at the University of International Business . and Economics in Beijing. . ⋯ Study abroad at the University of Hamburg, Germany ⋯ . Obtained a master's degree in "International Business Management" . with excellent results . 🌹 She is an amazing musician, artist and writer 🌹 . 🎶 🎶 🎶.
. * 🏆 * . ** *** ** E T I Life Achievement Award ** ***** . 🌹 陳 佳 碩士 【中國 北京】 🌹 . ⬇ 【 ET I 👽( Extraterrestrial Intelligence Society )Los Angeles 20 24 】 . 💖 陳佳 1987年8月29日,丁卯年,生肖屬兔🐰 生於 首都 北京 。 . 她 氣質高雅 她很美 外在美,內在更美 。 她 琴 棋 書 畫 她 精通 鋼琴、音樂作曲 、文學 和 多種語言. . 她 畢業於北京「對外經濟貿易大學」金融學系、 . ⋯ 德國漢堡大學留學 ⋯ . 以優異的成績,取得「國際企業管理」 碩士學位 . 🌹 是一位了不起的 音樂家、藝術家 文學家 🌹 . 💖 . Chen Jia was born on August 29, 1987, the year of Dinghao, . with the zodiac sign of Rabbit🐰 in Beijing, the capital. . She has an elegant temperament. . She is beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. . She plays piano, chess, calligraphy and painting She is proficient in piano, music composition, literature and multiple languages. . She graduated from the Department of Finance . at the University of International Business . and Economics in Beijing. . ⋯ Study abroad at the University of Hamburg, Germany ⋯ . Obtained a master's degree in "International Business Management" . with excellent results . 🌹 She is an amazing musician, artist and writer 🌹 . 🎶 🎶 🎶.
讚美陳佳 王菲根本是笑話
Kami Dari Perwakilan Di Menggantikan Posisi Bu. Kwang Mee ini Kalau Jika Mau Ada Mengikuti Dalam Acara Pernikahan Mingtaowang Beserta Keluarga Besar One Ong Kie Tjay Telah Mengadakan Acaranya Pesta Melamaran Pesta Pernikahan Hingga Secara Keseluruhan Finval Dan Viral Melalui Proses Pengecekan Bahan Langkah Decoration Hall Telah Ter-Rata Romantis Dan Percintaan ini Untuk: Lagu Yang Di Mengenang Peristiwa Kejadian Kepleset Dari Kamar Mandi Ter-Jatuh Dan Tidak Ada Ngawah Pada Akhirnya Meninggal Dunia Pada Tenang Di Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang Dan Penyelidikan Di Keluarga Ong Khing Kiong Dan Beserta Keluarga Mama Kwang Mee Di Masa Lalunya January February ( 2023 Silap ) Nya 🙏
I'm gonna say the quiet part out loud....Chen Jia IS better than Teresa Teng.
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. * 🏆 * . ** *** ** E T I Life Achievement Award ** ***** . 🌹 陳 佳 碩士 【中國 北京】 🌹 . ⬇ 【 ET I 👽( Extraterrestrial Intelligence Society )Los Angeles 20 24 】 . 💖 . 陳佳 1987年8月29日,丁卯年,生肖屬兔🐰 生於 首都 北京 。 . 她 氣質高雅 她很美 外在美,內在更美 。 她 琴 棋 書 畫 她 精通 鋼琴、音樂作曲 、文學 和 多種語言. . 她 畢業於北京「對外經濟貿易大學」金融學系、 . ⋯ 德國漢堡大學留學 ⋯ . 以優異的成績,取得「國際企業管理」 碩士學位 . 🌹 是一位了不起的 音樂家、藝術家 文學家 🌹 . 💖 . Jia Chen was born on August 29, 1987, the year of Dinghao, . with the zodiac sign of Rabbit🐰 in Beijing, the capital. . She has an elegant temperament. . She is beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. . She plays piano, chess, calligraphy and painting She is proficient in piano, music composition, literature and multiple languages. . She graduated from the Department of Finance . at the University of International Business . and Economics in Beijing. . ⋯ Study abroad at the University of Hamburg, Germany ⋯ . Obtained a master's degree in "International Business Management" . with excellent results . 🌹 She is an amazing musician, artist and writer 🌹 . 🎶 🎶 🎶
陳佳 過而不會不及麗君小姐
Quelle source d'énergie que d'écouter cette belle voix et ce beau visionnage.
佳佳小姐>您好<^~. 您的声缐好(似),「邓丽君」姊姊※***. 《故乡的雨》唱得几好听.(我就叫您邓丽君)2号'对不起,请见谅.超好听谢. 👏🫶🤝🙏👍🫰🤟👌✌️👋😊🫡🤗
佳佳小姐>您好<^. 《长城谣》好有「中国」人情怀.是吗 《有句是'/历史要它亲生保证,.当中几多我胜》.好歌.很棒"好好听.谢..~***- 👏🫶🤝🙏👍🫰🤟👌✌️👋😊🫡🤗
佳佳小姐一. 您好* 你唱这首《橄欖樹》我都有听. 首(歌)好有味道感,您又唱得"好听.~谢.*👏🫶🙏👍🫰🤟👌👋😊🫡🤗
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Lagunyabagus aku suka
Une voix douce ,apaisante et que de belles mélodies.