*To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life* 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Well thanks much Calm Cloud. Reading your benediction this morning promoted healing within my soul and indeed the peace and calmness you wish upon us has entered me. I must say that I've never, in a great many years online, come across anything like it as far as sincerity goes and again I say thanks.
I moved away from Toronto to Victoria BC 4 years ago in part to escape those endless winters and broiling summers and certainly thought of my old city on Monday as I rode my motorcycle to work. Hang in there as I’m sure it’ll all be melted in ohhh 4 months.😃👍🏾❤️🇨🇦
Beautiful downtown Toronto ❣️ thanks for the video, I can stay home warm and enjoy watching all these beautiful ❄️ snow. (Sorry that some people were trapped in traffic though.)
Nice to see Toronto being treated to what most of Canada gets to enjoy multiple times each winter. Winter is so much nicer with snow/blue skies than bare streets/grey. It looks wonderful out there today. Heading out for a walk in 20 minutes. Can't wait!
Thank you for another wonderful video. The city reminds me so much of NYC. I love sleeping to the sound of the snow plows at night and miss that sound during the non-winter seasons. I found an app with the sounds, but not the same LOL
When I was a child in S.central Pa. U.S. ,I' m going to be 73 yrs. In May 2022, this was a normal winter scene. I remember walking on top of frozen snow drifs 3+ feet deep. That was the norn back then.
An EXTREMELY rare occurrence in the 21st century. I can only remember such scenes from my youth in the 1970s. Downtown Toronto almost NEVER gets snowfall like this in modern times.
On a cold January morning in 1999, former Toronto mayor Mel Lastman enlisted the Canadian army for a historic battle against Mother Nature. The city had been under siege for over a week after the first snow emergency was declared on Jan. 4 when around 38 centimetres of snow crippled the city. As the snow slowly accumulated in the days after the first storm, Toronto was hit with another surprise attack on Jan. 14.
@@Kiska7118 I remember that time. A decisive move on the part of Mayor Mel. It brought the mayor's office a lot of criticism, yet the majority of Torontonians supported it.
@@Kiska7118 I remember that time. A decisive move by Mayor Mel, which brought a lot of criticism upon his office. However, it was a good call and it was supported by the majority of Torontonians.
4:22 guy walking on the road holding a phone. You're freaking nuts to be walking on the road. You think that Porsche has perfect control over his vehicle in a snow storm?!
First time seeing your great City. Keeping it a great city has become a Climate Change challenge. Climate Change needs to be the New Normal in the twenty-first century. Stay safe and be normal, Brian
@@gulumamu2472 Ok👍 😂😂😂 Where do you live? Are you educated? Because, anyone knows that *rain is snow* , the difference is that it rains when temperature is above freezing and snows when below freezing... 🙄
@@aquamastertheonlyone so it is rain due to temperature changes rain changes to snow and this requires clouds (initially asked this point).am i corect ?this is what i understood from u .thnx
@@gulumamu2472 No, water warms and evaporates, goes up in sky, condenses (cools down) and form clouds, after some time, precipitates as *snow* and, if it encounters *warm air* it rains. "Thx" -> welcome 👍
Foi assustador dia 17/ 01/2022, presenciei essa NEVASCA como nunca havia visto aí no Canadá , chocada, com a quantidade de neve que caiu , totalmente impossível pra alguém colocar o pé fora de casa .Já de volta ao Brasil, Graças a Deus, superei tudo, por mais difícil , que seja MEU PAÍS BRASIL É O MELHOR LUGAR DO MUNDO PRA VIVER. CANADÁ SE VIVE PRA TRABALHO ,SEM DESCANSO, FÉRIAS OU FOLGA . BRASIL: TRABALHA PRA SOBREVIVER, TEM FÉRIAS,DESCANSO, FOLGA. BRASIL
7 اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا : فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين ) وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... ) وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم ) وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم ) وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون ) وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين ) وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين ) يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ* يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا كل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا : هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ اي شفط نحو الفضاء الخارجي مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ...
@@lvfreeAdventures Your *new* reality will be lots of snow from now on. Wait until the end of the Winter... 👍 (Remember the floods?) Why? Because we in the biggest South Hemisphere country are "watering"/"wetting" our *semi-desert region* , using +- 50 dams, +1300km of artificial channels + natural rivers. In 2/2/22 we will start filling the biggest dam, "Castanhão", that has +6 billion m3 capacity. More water there, more vapour into the Atmosphere, more rain/snow/hail fall/storm somewhere, etc... 🙄
Matt. 24.20 but pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day. Matt. 24.21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the begining of the world, to this time no nor ever shall be. Romans . 10.13 whosoever shall call on the name of the lord, shall be saved, Jesus is lord.
If you enjoy this video - click Like button and Subscribe to support our channel.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe!
Love from sweden Stockholm ❤❤❤❤ thanks for the video
*To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life* 🙏🙏❤️❤️
Well thanks much Calm Cloud. Reading your benediction this morning promoted healing within my soul and indeed the peace and calmness you wish upon us
has entered me. I must say that I've never, in a great many years online, come across anything like it as far as sincerity goes and again I say thanks.
Thanks so much
Finally, real winter coming in Toronto! Great job! Thank you for the video!
Thank you
It was amazing
This is like the winters we used to have.
White with.snow
ThanksFOR.SHARING.Be.safe.. JAN.21.2022
Toronto is My Home city Toronto always be my home
une belle vidéo sous la neige💙💙💙🦌🦌🦌🦌
I moved away from Toronto to Victoria BC 4 years ago in part to escape those endless winters and broiling summers and certainly thought of my old city on Monday as I rode my motorcycle to work. Hang in there as I’m sure it’ll all be melted in ohhh 4 months.😃👍🏾❤️🇨🇦
Funny, not 😃
I did fifteen years in TO, moved to BC also lasted one year now SE Asia is home, love it but it is very hot
@Dan what about victoria's weather?
Good evening thankyou for beautiful snow walk great video ❄️❄️❄️💙🙏🏽✨
Thank you for sharing 🇨🇦
Try to stay warm 🥶
God Bless 🙏and stay safe 🇺🇸💞
Thank you. God bless you!
So jealous of you guys and all that snow..very picturesque and a great video. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing videos of winter in Canada awesome guy's ❄️❤️
Canada is so lucky to have snow
Amazing as always! Thanks for sharing such beautiful footage! Really feels like a proper winter =D
Thank you for watching
beautiful country i love this weather😍
Woo,the snow is heavy,thank Jehovah for the snow,the weather ahead will be awesome.
I am watching this video because I'll be in Toronto in january 2023. I can't wait
Beautiful downtown Toronto ❣️ thanks for the video, I can stay home warm and enjoy watching all these beautiful ❄️ snow.
(Sorry that some people were trapped in traffic though.)
Lucky you. I gotta shovel.
wow, it looks so fantastic 😮
Totally amazing. . .and again be safe ok !!
Thank you very much
Wow it looks so beautiful
Fantastic wintertime! Great view! Thank you for the video! ❤❄⛄
Thank you for watching
Magnifique /winter/hiver. Froide. En effet un peu problème.
Usually I go outside to get coffee in Tims, yesterday was an exception. 😅 Thanks for sharing bro. Stay warm!
Thanks for watching
Amazing... fabulous... I miss!
Beautiful snow..
I love much real winter with a lots snow , thankyou for sharing 👍💯👍
Very beautiful place. Be safe 🙏
Nice to see Toronto being treated to what most of Canada gets to enjoy multiple times each winter. Winter is so much nicer with snow/blue skies than bare streets/grey. It looks wonderful out there today. Heading out for a walk in 20 minutes. Can't wait!
Ur stuff not mine!
Thank you for another wonderful video. The city reminds me so much of NYC. I love sleeping to the sound of the snow plows at night and miss that sound during the non-winter seasons. I found an app with the sounds, but not the same LOL
Thank you for watching
No complaints ilove to Canada.
So beautiful 🦋🦋🦋
This is heaven ❤
🥶🥶omggg ❤️ thanks for sharing 🙂
Awesome! Very Relaxing, thank you for this!
The person that wrote the song Let it Snow obviously didn't have to shovel it.!!🌬🥶⛄
That Porsche struggling at 4:25 😂
When I was a child in S.central Pa. U.S. ,I' m going to be 73 yrs. In May 2022, this was a normal winter scene. I remember walking on top of frozen snow drifs 3+ feet deep. That was the norn back then.
I love watching your videos , nice content
Thank you so much 😀
An EXTREMELY rare occurrence in the 21st century. I can only remember such scenes from my youth in the 1970s. Downtown Toronto almost NEVER gets snowfall like this in modern times.
On a cold January morning in 1999, former Toronto mayor Mel Lastman enlisted the Canadian army for a historic battle against Mother Nature.
The city had been under siege for over a week after the first snow emergency was declared on Jan. 4 when around 38 centimetres of snow crippled the city.
As the snow slowly accumulated in the days after the first storm, Toronto was hit with another surprise attack on Jan. 14.
Here is 2019 storm: ua-cam.com/video/CTVUmnkfn8Y/v-deo.html
and 2020: ua-cam.com/video/x08IL4S1xvA/v-deo.html
@@Kiska7118 I remember that time. A decisive move on the part of Mayor Mel. It brought the mayor's office a lot of criticism, yet the majority of Torontonians supported it.
@@Kiska7118 I remember that time. A decisive move by Mayor Mel, which brought a lot of criticism upon his office. However, it was a good call and it was supported by the majority of Torontonians.
@@Kiska7118 yes I remenber...
Heavy snow fall all over europe, in sweden too
Ohh wow wish I cud experience this,thank you for the video
You’re welcome 😊
Снежная буря у нас в сибири столько снега нет именно в ХМАО
As beautiful as this is....its just toooooo much to handle. I would just say the heck with this I'm staying home.
Севастополь приветствует!
I live in Alberta Canada this year is lots of snow and long winter too cold as well.thanks for sharing
New subscriber here.god bless
Welcome to the channel, and thank you for watching. Have bunch of videos from Alberta from last summer
It's so weird to see empty streets of Toronto, where are all people?
Beautifully done ✔
Thanks a lot 😊
Many Torontonians think they live in New York, when New York gets way less snow, some times even no snow in winter.
Being out on a bike in all that 3:31 looks a bit crazy but I guess if it's all you've got ....
Great vid….Thank you 👍
Thank you
God bless you
Omg I went there with my family it's so cold
0:15 Really sad to see that plastic bag even in such developed city. Everyone must save environment at any cost to live and let others live. 🤞💚
Wow beautiful 💞
Recorded horizontally😀👍
Waw it's looks so fantastic 😍
its pretty there
Thanks for the video
Our pleasure!
Com todo essa neve deve ser bem complicado sair de casa, mas a paisagem fica linda.
I miss this 😊
Nice video
Thank you
I hope i can visit toronto. Beautiful video bro , thanks .. love from Bali, Indonesia
Thank you for watching
4:22 guy walking on the road holding a phone. You're freaking nuts to be walking on the road. You think that Porsche has perfect control over his vehicle in a snow storm?!
You think he is reading your lil rant?
Never really liked extreme winters but it’s okay.
Wow way so very awesome and beautiful Amen You do a good job Amen Keep up the good work Amen Thanks so much for sharing Amen May God always bless ya
Thanks so much
I would like live heree 🤩
looks very cold!
woo la
Detallaron bien el vídeo chekenlo!! Uff en diciembre hela asta los huesos jeje..
Strongly mes snow
People are not complaining about wearing those masks now that's it's keeping their faces warm.
But ... The virus cannot survive low temp. You don't need to wear mask now 😂😂😂🙄
Nossa ! 😏 tudo que é demais e assustador, o homem precisa repensar muito seriamente sobre a natureza.
Человек может выжить в таких условиях! Не надо отчаиваться!
sub zero, cool as ice :)
First time seeing your great City. Keeping it a great city has become a Climate Change challenge. Climate Change needs to be the New Normal in the twenty-first century. Stay safe and be normal, Brian
I chavol more than 4 hours I work in building 🏠 tenants make mi crazy
Which province or area is better to live for Indian .
Anyone suggest please.
There is big Indian community in Brampton Ontario near Toronto
??? 🤔 Are you joking or are you really asking? 🙄
@@aquamastertheonlyone bro!i am serious as i never gone to snow fall place .why should i joke ?
@@gulumamu2472 Ok👍 😂😂😂 Where do you live? Are you educated? Because, anyone knows that *rain is snow* , the difference is that it rains when temperature is above freezing and snows when below freezing... 🙄
@@aquamastertheonlyone so it is rain due to temperature changes rain changes to snow and this requires clouds (initially asked this point).am i corect ?this is what i understood from u .thnx
@@gulumamu2472 No, water warms and evaporates, goes up in sky, condenses (cools down) and form clouds, after some time, precipitates as *snow* and, if it encounters *warm air* it rains.
"Thx" -> welcome 👍
Canada im coming?????❤️
Foi assustador dia 17/ 01/2022, presenciei essa NEVASCA como nunca havia visto aí no Canadá , chocada, com a quantidade de neve que caiu , totalmente impossível pra alguém colocar o pé fora de casa .Já de volta ao Brasil, Graças a Deus, superei tudo, por mais difícil , que seja MEU PAÍS BRASIL É O MELHOR LUGAR DO MUNDO PRA VIVER.
Você está certo!
@@lvfreeAdventures certíssima
Hello yes Albania Yes Single no alcohol no smoking ok Camera
Agree, alcohol and smoking is bad!
اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا :
فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد
ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا
فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا
ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر
انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم
قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين )
وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... )
وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم )
وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم )
وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون )
وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس
مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين )
وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين )
يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ* يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ
الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ
وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا
كل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ
اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك
حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا :
هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار
ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء
وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة
ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة
ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ اي شفط نحو الفضاء الخارجي
مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات
وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا
ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ...
how do they go to school
When it snow like this - they don't
Why we live canada its painfull situation
ഇങ്ങിനെ അയാൽ വല്ല കാര്യവും നടക്കുമോ
omg, stay safe! best wishes suzypcosmetics
Thank for watching
Uh zime
Snow storm... LOL
Show this to potential immigrants.Let them see what it’s really like here 9 months of the year.
You mean it snows like this for 9 months. Be practical.
No, we have only few big storms in winter season - but we do get snow from Nov to May, sometime even in May
@@lvfreeAdventures Your *new* reality will be lots of snow from now on. Wait until the end of the Winter... 👍 (Remember the floods?)
Why? Because we in the biggest South Hemisphere country are "watering"/"wetting" our *semi-desert region* , using +- 50 dams, +1300km of artificial channels + natural rivers. In 2/2/22 we will start filling the biggest dam, "Castanhão", that has +6 billion m3 capacity.
More water there, more vapour into the Atmosphere, more rain/snow/hail fall/storm somewhere, etc... 🙄
Whoever needs caretaker house keeper cleaner in canada USA and Europe countries am available, thanks
Matt. 24.20 but pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day. Matt. 24.21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the begining of the world, to this time no nor ever shall be. Romans . 10.13 whosoever shall call on the name of the lord, shall be saved, Jesus is lord.