@@CrankCase08 yeah... its like an voicelless anthem... altought the legend is said to have no offical lyrics, but many versions of lyrics... but now is better... Its the hymn to say Urrah... 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
How it's a wonderful national anthem. One of the best national anthem in this world, that make a deep feeling of pride and patriotism. God bless Russia. Uraaaaa....!!! 🙏💖🇲🇨 with love from Indonesia for Russia 🇷🇺and the president Mr. Putin.
Я индус. Я не знаю русского языка, но я очень рад слышать этот государственный гимн, и этот государственный гимн очень хорош и прекрасен для меня, и я хочу сказать всем своим русским братьям, что мы считаем Россию нашим лучшим и близким другом. С тех пор Индия стала независимой. С тех пор мы с вами еще со времен Советского Союза. Ближайший друг Индии не только находится под чьим-либо влиянием, но и Россия - единственная страна, и никакая другая страна. Мы очень любим народ России. Мы считаем Вас нашим самым близким другом России.
The most beautiful anthem in the whole world. It touches my very soul each time I hear it, and I am not even a Russian. However like every Serb I love Russia with my whole hearth. Бог с нами. Нас и Руса 300 милиона.
That's really the greatest and most impresive and emotional national anthem on earth. It's Russia, it's russian history, it's russian culture. I love every single tone of this ANTHEM. Respect from Germany Russia & russian people !
To mine too. Russia is an incredibly strong, resilient and cohesive country that will never be defeated, and "we" in the West better come to terms with that soon unless we want to destroy ourselves. Love from Sweden.
The only way for this world is to make US and Russia cooperate to the benefit of all of us. Roosevelt cooperated with Stalin. Chrustschow cooperated with Kennedy. Carter cooperated with Breshnev. Gorbachev cooperated with Reagan. Bush cooperated with Putin.
@@gammal586so you don’t have any issues with them attacking a sovereign country? I guess when they attack Sweden we can just let them take over your country without giving a shit, huh?
I am from Pakistan. I had a chance to visit the Munich olympics in 1972. At one of the athletic events a Russian girl happened to win the gold medal, and that was the first time ever that I heard the Russian national anthem. It went straight to my heart and I just couldn't get rid of the urge to listen to it again and again. From that time onwards I tried to be present at every event where a Russian participant had a chance to win a gold medal, just to be able to listen to the anthem one more time. The love continues to this day.
I am an Indian. I do not know the Russian language but I am very happy to hear this national anthem and this national anthem is very good and beautiful to me and I would like to say to all my Russian brothers that we consider Russia as our best and close friend. Since then, India has become independent. Since then we have been with you since the Soviet Union. India's closest friend is not only under the influence of anyone but Russia is the only country and no other country. We love the people of Russia very much. We consider you as our closest friend to Russia.
That's really the greatest and most touching national anthem on earth. Tak bylo, tak yest, i tak budyet vzegda! Greets from Germany to our Russian brothers and sisters.
I am mexican, but the Russian Anthem makes me feel a deep feeling of pride and patriotism . This has to be the most beautiful national anthem in the world. May God bless Russia and his president Vladimir Putin.
It is a great song. However, to praise as you do why don't you and your people migrate to Russia instead of the USA? If you think they are such a wonderful country get on a boat instead of invading the US. They don't want your drugs, disease, violent behavior, etc. Nor does Russia.
@@cherylevans23 Lol! After seeing what the democraps had done with the USA, believe me, that would be the last country I would immigrate to. By the way, "my people” is just recovering the lands that were stolen from us in 1836 and 1845: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. "Violent behavior” LMAO! Hello! Just look at the rioters of the BLM movement! 😂 definitely I wouldn’t immigrate to such a country. Bye Felicia!
Luggi ... no digas estupideces!!! Si tanto te gustan los rusos, largate a vivir a Rusia!! Y ni siquiera menciones que eres mexicano, pues no todos pensamos como tu. Menso!!
I remember that you stole Texas, California and the southern states to my country. And your people is paying with their dirty money the drugs. And Arizona sold their dirty weapons to Mexican cartels, and these weapons kills many youth people in Mexico ... So ... be quiet and do not use drugs~!!
I love the Russian culture, their love of their country, how they protect their traditions, their Red Square parades. They have such love for their country that puts many other nations to shame. I love how they honour their armed forces, compared to how we here in the UK treat our own. We have a lot to learn from Russia.
🙌🫶 But victory is most important, nato must be stoped here..the power of a Russia must not be undoned. Im truly sory for people of Ukraine 😢 they died for nothing, send in to war by men that does not care for them, getting killed bu soldiers who are not their enemies..
Best anthem in the world. Greetings from Croatia my Slavic brothers and thank you very much for the world cup 2018 best memory in my life that I will rember. спасибо братья
Ek Stem!!! Die Stem is net so roerend! Ek dink ook dis die twee mooiste volksliedere!!! Ons moes nooit bondgenote van die weste gewees het nie. As ons saam Die USSR gekant het sou hul nie teen ons gedraai het nie. En dit was nie hulle wat ons vernietig het nie, maar die weste.
I'm russian, and let me say when I sing or listen to the national anthem, I feel proud, I feel I'm alive❤ Россия любимая наша страна🇷🇺❤ Respect to all of the world 🌹
Eine wunderschöne Nationalhymne. Ich bin Deutscher und Liebe Russland und Deutschland und stehe hinter Russland es ist nur schade das unsere Regierung und teil der Bevölkerung so Kriegsgeil sind gegen Russland statt auf Frieden und Deplomatie zusetzen. Russland ist nicht der Feind sondern ein Freund. Russland ist ein echt wunderschönes Land und ein toles Volk und eine sehr gute Regierung. Ich kann zwar kein Russich aber Russich ist echt eine schöne Sprache und eine echt Wunderschöne Hymne hat Russland
@@MaxxxxximSame here in France. We French have no grudge towards you Russian. Putin has his own reason why such things on Ukraine Me neitheir can't speak Russian We have a long History between that goes back Hundred Years ago 🇫🇷❤️🇷🇺
Die Geschichte hat gezeigt, dass ganz Europa leidet, wenn Russische und Deutsche von Angesicht zu Angesicht konfrontiert werden. Wenn wir Freunde sind, geht es allen anderen gut. Russland und Deutschland verbindet vieles. Unsere große Kaiserin Katharina war Deutsche, aber sie ist die größte Frau, die auf dem russischen Thron war und Russland sehr liebte. Grüße aus Sibirien vom Baikalsee
Bài quốc ca thật hùng tráng và tự hào. Nước Nga Xô Viết sẽ sống mãi trong lòng các thế hệ đã từng chiến đấu, hi sinh vì nền độc lập tự do cho tổ quốc, các thế hệ sau sẽ mãi ghi nhớ công ơn của các anh hùng, liệt sĩ trong cuộc chiến đấu giữ nước vĩ đại. Cảm ơn Liên Xô, cảm ơn nước Nga đã cho nhân loại được sống trong nền hòa bình mà ở đó chúng ta được sống, chiến đấu, lao động và học tập theo lý tưởng của Người. Tôi là người Việt Nam.
keepinitreal Yeah, in my opinion, America’s anthem is boasting about the flag. Plus the accent isn’t as good as a Slavic/Georgian accent. For some reason, we all have a taste for Russian music. This anthem is just so much like...an anthem
I'm straight, but a fair comparasion would be this: 🇩🇪 and 🇷🇺:Apologizing for genocide ,admitting to it, and repaying victims. 🇹🇷:Denying genocide even though everyone knows you did it. 🇺🇸:*Star spangled banner playing* boasting about mass genocide, not paying repair damage, and mocking the victims of genocide.
@@johanvandermeulen9696 Methodius of Olympus, who lived in the 4th century, a Saint that lived before ottomans conquered Byzantine once stated a prediction in his writings that Constantinople will be captured by Mohammedans (turned out to be ottomans), but later will become Christian again. One of the greatest Russian National goals was the taking of Constantinople, of course - it becoming Christian once again. History pointed to Russia many times to take this city. Prophecy of Cosma Aetoli on Turkey and Constantinople: "When you will hear, that a fleet is sailing through the Mediterranean, - know, that the Constantinople question will soon resolve."
@@WasabiTheInkling Tak sal du have. Thank you very much. Vielen Dank. Merci beaucoup. Mille grazie. Evcharistó. Es lebe die russisch-deutsche Freundschaft.
There is no other hymn with such Grandeur. Sublime and Beautiful reaches the Soul, to the depths of one. A Wonderful Anthem of a Great Nation! No hay otro himno con tanta Grandeza. Sublime y Bello llega al Alma, a lo más profundo de uno. ¡Un maravilloso himno de una gran nación!
I was born in the USSR, but I have never lived. I like Russia, Russian people are scribes, cultured, love sports. I really love St. Petersburg, a real romantic city. I listen to Russian songs, watch movies, sports fan. It is strange that the anthem of Russia makes me cry. Good luck to Russia, I love her
@@jadranlucin5457 😂 God is on the side of Russia. And Russia will take 4 more of the Russian speaking oblasts. And leave the Nazi regime in pieces as a buffer state between NATO
Greetings from USA. That has got to be the most beautiful anthem ever written. Including the old Soviet lyrics. I only wish here in the US we had a President like Mr. Putin
Nice one yall and all countrys are patriotic but there is no such country as poland that never stopt planning an uprysing even right after that last one feiled and now poles are woted most nationalistik country in the word
Des frissons me parcourent et les larmes d’émotion s’échappent à l’écoute de ce chat magnifique à la gloire d’un peuple patriote. Nous avons besoin d’être fiers de notre famille, de nos amis, de nos entreprises, de nos voisins, de notre pays
Lyrics: RUSSIAN: Россия-священная наша держава, Россия-любимая наша страна. Могучая воля, великая слава- Твоё достоянье на все времена! Припев: Славься, Отечество наше свободное, Братских народов союз вековой, Предками данная мудрость народная! Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой! От южных морей до полярного края раскинулись наши леса и поля. Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая- хранимая Богом родная земля! Припев Широкий простор для мечты и для жизни, грядущие нам открывают года. нам силу даёт наша верность отчизне. так было, так есть и так будет всегда! Припев Transliteration: Rossiya-svyashchennaya nasha derzhava, Rossiya-lyubimaya nasha strana. Moguchaya volya, velikaya slava- Tvoyo dostoyan'ye na vse vremena! Pripev: Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye, Bratskikh narodov soyuz vekovoy, Predkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya! Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya toboy! Ot yuzhnykh morey do polyarnovo kraya Raskinulis' nashi lesa i polya. Odna ty na svete! Odna ty takaya- Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya zemlya! Pripev Shirokiy prostor dlya mechty i dlya zhizni, Gryadushchiye nam otkryvayut goda. Nam silu dayot nasha vernost' Otchizne. Tak bylo, tak yest' i tak budet vsegda! Pripev English: Russia-our sacred power, Russia-our beloved country. A mighty will, great glory- These are yours for all time! Chorus: Be glorious, our free Fatherland, Age-old union of fraternal peoples, Popular wisdom given by our forebears! Be glorious, our country! We are proud of you! From the southern seas to the polar lands Spread our forests and fields. You are unique in the world, one of a kind- Native land protected by God! Chorus Wide spaces for dreams and for living, Are opened for us by the coming years. Our loyalty to our Motherland gives us strength. Thus it was, thus it is, and thus it will be forever! Chorus Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_anthem_of_Russia I just love this anthem I could help but to share lyrics. Thank you :)
@@simoncussonet Since childhood, I considered Ukraine a part of my country (Russia). I have been communicating with Ukrainians since childhood, they all speak Russian very well, most of them spoke Russian at home. Ukrainians are a great people who will soon return to the arms of Russia. In part, this has already happened, because 7.5 million Ukrainians are now in the territories controlled by Russia. This is almost a quarter of the population of Ukraine (although, taking into account refugees, there are no more than 25 million people in Ukraine now). This is inevitable. Ukrainian brothers will be with us and this is inevitable, the Kiev authorities will not be able to resist this. And I am ready to work for the good of Russia and Ukraine, I want to improve Ukraine to the level of Moscow. I hope I can do it one day.
Mr Putin a strong leader like you can lead Russia as a Tough Military nation with good military capabilities. Russia is the only country that has more than 9 time zones. Imagine the size of this country.Truly amazed by your National Anthem
Love to Mother Russia. Love From India 🇮🇳🇷🇺🚩.
Love from Pyongyang. 💕
They aren't too fond of your kind in Russia.....ijs 😂
This anthem seems like it was invented and written in heaven and handed down to the people of Russia. So beautiful. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️
Kurvo ruska death
More like an relecture of the russian soviet socialist republic by the cccp anthem then...
@@raulseixasdasilvasauro4962 It's just a fantastic tune, with a revised lyric. Far superior to the dreary instrumental imposed by Yeltsin.
@@CrankCase08 yeah... its like an voicelless anthem... altought the legend is said to have no offical lyrics, but many versions of lyrics... but now is better... Its the hymn to say Urrah... 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
@@CrankCase08 im referring to the pre putin version... Yeltsin... Just listen to variants... but I dunno if its the "official unnoficial version"
How it's a wonderful national anthem.
One of the best national anthem in this world, that make a deep feeling of pride and patriotism.
God bless Russia.
🙏💖🇲🇨 with love from Indonesia for Russia 🇷🇺and the president Mr. Putin.
It’s the only anthem that makes me cry, and I don’t understand a word.
Bev Lamorandiere You can find a word in the Internet
I read the letter is the best meaning of a great anthem and I feel as mine
This anthem is too much EPIC!!!
same but i know i heard this when i was a baby thats why i like it
I get emotional too, but because of world war 2 and war in the eastern front. I'm not Russian btw.
As an American, The Russian national Anthem is truly one of the most glorious and heartfelt.
Politics aside, bless the Russian people.
Наша Мајка РУСИЈА! 🇷🇸❤️🇷🇺
Слушам...и плачем...срце хоће да пукне!!!!
Хвала Зоране!
Ты мой брат! Привет из Сибири!
Explota mi alma. Y mi sangre rusa. Abrazo grande para todos mis hermanos
I am american and this anthem gives me chills, absolutely amazing. HUZZAH!
American anthem is also an old Russian song: 2:10 ua-cam.com/video/t4swu-vj6Lw/v-deo.html
@@nou-rt9oy Whats up in your shithole princess
So much power and beauty in a hymn. Inspiring for all humanity.
Я индус. Я не знаю русского языка, но я очень рад слышать этот государственный гимн, и этот государственный гимн очень хорош и прекрасен для меня, и я хочу сказать всем своим русским братьям, что мы считаем Россию нашим лучшим и близким другом. С тех пор Индия стала независимой. С тех пор мы с вами еще со времен Советского Союза. Ближайший друг Индии не только находится под чьим-либо влиянием, но и Россия - единственная страна, и никакая другая страна. Мы очень любим народ России. Мы считаем Вас нашим самым близким другом России.
Спасибо большое 🌹🌹🌹мы знаем, что Индия любит нас!! Мы любим Индию!! У нас смотрели раньше индийские фильмы!! Митхун Чакраборти великий актёр
OUR favorite anthem
If i had a penny for everytime i saw your comment, i would be a millionaire
just figured out the russian and soviet anthems are not the same lol
Shut up you haven't been relevant for 10 years
@@gustavofring9148 always has been
No I’m Ukrainian
When your country has the best national anthem in the world, there's only thing to do : sing it.
@i love Latinas death to the nazis. Glory to Russia.
@@brenda9410 🇺🇦💙🇷🇺
Played this in Alaska. Now it's Siberia.
So you literally CAN see Russia from your front door!
Russian far east
you mean Alyiaska
It's beautiful - and STRONG! Thanks, Russia - love from England.
@Иван Иванов ✅
The most beautiful anthem in the whole world. It touches my very soul each time I hear it, and I am not even a Russian. However like every Serb I love Russia with my whole hearth.
Бог с нами.
Нас и Руса 300 милиона.
A great anthem for a great people. Love from Italy.
That's really the greatest and most impresive and emotional national anthem on earth. It's Russia, it's russian history, it's russian culture. I love every single tone of this ANTHEM. Respect from Germany Russia & russian people !
The Russian anthem: majestic, moving, grandiose. Even more if sang by these boys and girls. Love to Russia from Italy.
This brings tears to my eyes. Glory to this strong and resilient people. Love from the United States.
To mine too. Russia is an incredibly strong, resilient and cohesive country that will never be defeated, and "we" in the West better come to terms with that soon unless we want to destroy ourselves. Love from Sweden.
The only way for this world is to make US and Russia cooperate to the benefit of all of us. Roosevelt cooperated with Stalin.
Chrustschow cooperated with Kennedy. Carter cooperated with Breshnev. Gorbachev cooperated with Reagan. Bush cooperated with Putin.
How to say you’re a Trump supporter without saying you’re a Trump supporter.
@@gammal586so you don’t have any issues with them attacking a sovereign country? I guess when they attack Sweden we can just let them take over your country without giving a shit, huh?
This is the most beautiful and strongest anthem I have ever heard. Absolutely beautiful
I am from Pakistan. I had a chance to visit the Munich olympics in 1972. At one of the athletic events a Russian girl happened to win the gold medal, and that was the first time ever that I heard the Russian national anthem. It went straight to my heart and I just couldn't get rid of the urge to listen to it again and again. From that time onwards I tried to be present at every event where a Russian participant had a chance to win a gold medal, just to be able to listen to the anthem one more time. The love continues to this day.
🇷🇺 ❤️ 🇵🇰
The GDR (DDR) one was pretty good too. However, the girl could have been from another republic in the USSR, other than Russia.
@@romario_de_souza_faria What?
Я знаю слова этого прекрасного гимна! С любовью из Сербии, братья Русские!
Pozdrowienia z Polski dla braci serbskich !!!
привет, мои русские братья, а вы русский, вы говорите свободно?
🇷🇸 🇷🇺 ❤️💪🏼🤝✊🏼
Русские и сербы братья!
Хвала Бранка! Спасибо сестра!
I am an Indian. I do not know the Russian language but I am very happy to hear this national anthem and this national anthem is very good and beautiful to me and I would like to say to all my Russian brothers that we consider Russia as our best and close friend. Since then, India has become independent. Since then we have been with you since the Soviet Union. India's closest friend is not only under the influence of anyone but Russia is the only country and no other country. We love the people of Russia very much. We consider you as our closest friend to Russia.
I don't care whether they are our enemy or friends as I ain't into politics. Russia,China,Japan and Australia are my favorite nations.
This is an anthem the entire world can stand up to. Здравствуй из Канады 🇨🇦🇷🇺
oof. What a statement.
Kevin Wang Красоткин
@Haha Haha have you ever Indian national anthem if not then go for it hope you will love it too!!😊
Привет, привет...
Najlepsa himna na svetu. Veliki pozdrav iz Srbije!
Da. Tak je. Pozdrav zo Slovenska.
Srbja je z nami💪
Hvala Dejane. pozdrav is Russii! Jivela Srbia!!!
That's really the greatest and most touching national anthem on earth. Tak bylo, tak yest, i tak budyet vzegda!
Greets from Germany to our Russian brothers and sisters.
I will stand up for this great anthem although I'm not Russian. This song has magic power that makes you want to be a part of Russia.
Same with me
Lol russia dont nead an army to make a country part of russia it neads that anthem
The soviets did know their ****. They were masters at using art to seduce. Yes, even for propaganda purposes.
You can be a Part,if you marry russian.
Russian music off ll kind comes from the heart and it's felt by people o all nationalities. Matushka Russia!
I am mexican, but the Russian Anthem makes me feel a deep feeling of pride and patriotism . This has to be the most beautiful national anthem in the world. May God bless Russia and his president Vladimir Putin.
It is a great song. However, to praise as you do why don't you and your people migrate to Russia instead of the USA? If you think they are such a wonderful country get on a boat instead of invading the US. They don't want your drugs, disease, violent behavior, etc. Nor does Russia.
@@cherylevans23 Lol! After seeing what the democraps had done with the USA, believe me, that would be the last country I would immigrate to. By the way, "my people” is just recovering the lands that were stolen from us in 1836 and 1845: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. "Violent behavior” LMAO! Hello! Just look at the rioters of the BLM movement! 😂 definitely I wouldn’t immigrate to such a country. Bye Felicia!
Grasias Mexico!
Luggi ... no digas estupideces!!! Si tanto te gustan los rusos, largate a vivir a Rusia!! Y ni siquiera menciones que eres mexicano, pues no todos pensamos como tu. Menso!!
I remember that you stole Texas, California and the southern states to my country. And your people is paying with their dirty money the drugs. And Arizona sold their dirty weapons to Mexican cartels, and these weapons kills many youth people in Mexico ... So ... be quiet and do not use drugs~!!
I'm in the US ARMY yet I love every single tone of this ANTHEM. Much Respect from the USA.
Stop saying that, you're gonna piss off Trump !!!!!!!!!
@@RoiJuba2 Trump is Putins Bitch💪😂
Trump sucks
@@anthonynigri8585 lol he's the one that's going to save your country (If your American) 😂
Love to USA from Russia 🇺🇲🇷🇺♥️
Nádherná hymna ♥️🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 pozdrav z české republiky 🇨🇿
Привет Чехия, дружеский привет из России.
The Best National Anthem Ever! RUSSIA 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪💪💪🤍💙❤
Love from the Philippines.
I love the Russian culture, their love of their country, how they protect their traditions, their Red Square parades. They have such love for their country that puts many other nations to shame. I love how they honour their armed forces, compared to how we here in the UK treat our own. We have a lot to learn from Russia.
The West is now under the control of degenerates.
Bože Blagoslovi Veliku Rusiju ☦️♥️🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺❤️🇷🇸 našu poslednju Nadu
С любовью к братьям, из России ❤❤❤
🙌🫶 But victory is most important, nato must be stoped here..the power of a Russia must not be undoned. Im truly sory for people of Ukraine 😢 they died for nothing, send in to war by men that does not care for them, getting killed bu soldiers who are not their enemies..
Один из красивейших гимнов в мире!❤️🇷🇺🇺🇿
Чего уж там. САМЫЙ!
То же, что и СССР, но бескостная версия
The most beautiful Anthem in the world and this version with choirs is just breathtaking!
I m a German but I love Russia and this Anthem. Germany and Russia are the best country’s ❤️🌷
Ich liebe euch auch )
hungaryan boy alles gut
@@bencebalog407 Hitler wouldn't have gone war with Russia... He actually hated communism...
The clashes of Russia and Germany have always been beneficial to the Anglo-Saxons.
I hate Russians Hater's😡
Лучший гимн мира
полный отваги и героизма (。♡‿♡。) 🇷🇺
Priveyte Ruski, greeting from your old allies Angelina .....miss u 😀
@@yosbudi5708 У русских два alliesа, армия и флот.
Ты кто, allies?
Best anthem in the world. Greetings from Croatia my Slavic brothers and thank you very much for the world cup 2018 best memory in my life that I will rember. спасибо братья
Best national anthem I have ever heard. The Russians know their music - South Africa
South Africa too man
@@alidaloubser4166 My favorite national anthems are tied at number 1 for Russia and South Africa. Such great national anthems.
South Africa has a fabulous one too.
Ek Stem!!! Die Stem is net so roerend! Ek dink ook dis die twee mooiste volksliedere!!! Ons moes nooit bondgenote van die weste gewees het nie. As ons saam Die USSR gekant het sou hul nie teen ons gedraai het nie. En dit was nie hulle wat ons vernietig het nie, maar die weste.
Love from the West to Russia! Please know that in the west many people are seeing what's going on and supporting Russia!
I don't blame those that don't see what's going on, because they're just being racist. Slava Rossiya.
Thanks, greetings from Russia 🇷🇺
Even most germans still loving russia.
I love your comment 🤗 Greetings from the UK
@@Yuri_Rus God bless you, your nation and your country 🙏🏻
I'm not russian, but i'm crying when hear this anthem
I am russian and among others.
Read about the murderous Soviet Union and then think it over...
Every time
@@U100Maciek at that time there was choice between nazis and soviets. So what do you choose?
Anthem for the world. So majestic, emotional, unifying and above all proud. Love from Canada
I am an American now, but born as Austrian and I think it's the best anthem in the world. It reflects the Russian soul, culture etc.
I'm russian, and let me say when I sing or listen to the national anthem, I feel proud, I feel I'm alive❤
Россия любимая наша страна🇷🇺❤
Respect to all of the world 🌹
I am British, But love thus anthem.
Not with that English, you're not.
Oh my, you are a disgrace to your. Other thung
I am not Russian but i feel that i will cry when hearing this amazing anthem
I'm mexican, our national sport is soccer but after listening to the Russian anthem now I love hockey. :)
Nobody cares stick to soccer
Grasias Carlos!
I'm American but gotta say I love this anthem
Blond and beautiful
(。。(º º(。。(º º
Я Русский. И все же Американский гимн не чуть не хуже Российского
Your government supports Islamic extremists yank
@@ab8588 No falta el latino pendejo toxico por eso nunca seremos como ellos por creer que por la culpa de otros somos miserables
Eine wunderschöne Nationalhymne. Ich bin Deutscher und Liebe Russland und Deutschland und stehe hinter Russland es ist nur schade das unsere Regierung und teil der Bevölkerung so Kriegsgeil sind gegen Russland statt auf Frieden und Deplomatie zusetzen. Russland ist nicht der Feind sondern ein Freund. Russland ist ein echt wunderschönes Land und ein toles Volk und eine sehr gute Regierung. Ich kann zwar kein Russich aber Russich ist echt eine schöne Sprache und eine echt Wunderschöne Hymne hat Russland
Freundschaft zwischen unseren Ländern und unseren Völkern. Grüße aus Russland.
Ja ja zer gut
@@MaxxxxximSame here in France. We French have no grudge towards you Russian. Putin has his own reason why such things on Ukraine
Me neitheir can't speak Russian
We have a long History between that goes back Hundred Years ago
Ce sont les Américains qui ne sont pas d'accord, @@christophermichaelclarence6003.
Die Geschichte hat gezeigt, dass ganz Europa leidet, wenn Russische und Deutsche von Angesicht zu Angesicht konfrontiert werden. Wenn wir Freunde sind, geht es allen anderen gut. Russland und Deutschland verbindet vieles. Unsere große Kaiserin Katharina war Deutsche, aber sie ist die größte Frau, die auf dem russischen Thron war und Russland sehr liebte. Grüße aus Sibirien vom Baikalsee
The best edition of the Russian anthem I've ever heard! From Japan, Ура!!!!!!
Russian anthem is the best in the world. From UK
By far it is
"Britain rull the sees" is pretty imperial. I like it very much.
Listen Catalonia anthem
Thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Definetly better thatn Uk's.. Like God save the queen??
Esht himni me i bukur ne bot respekte ❤ RUSIA!
Nejkrásnější 100%
I suddenly became Russian for 4 minutes and 10 seconds.
4 min 9 sconds to be exact
I listen it 2 time so im 8 minutes 20 second
I'm Algerian but I don't understand why this hymn always makes me cry - Long life Russia !!!!!
Because of the oppression it represents?
sensible melody
Cuz it's fookin epic bro! EPIC
L'algérien ferme ta gueule les Russe n'aime pas l'Algérie….Qui aime l'Algérie ????pays de merde...Parole de Russe.
@@igorhusky4845 un autre qui se fait martyrisé un Algérien !
Bài quốc ca thật hùng tráng và tự hào. Nước Nga Xô Viết sẽ sống mãi trong lòng các thế hệ đã từng chiến đấu, hi sinh vì nền độc lập tự do cho tổ quốc, các thế hệ sau sẽ mãi ghi nhớ công ơn của các anh hùng, liệt sĩ trong cuộc chiến đấu giữ nước vĩ đại. Cảm ơn Liên Xô, cảm ơn nước Nga đã cho nhân loại được sống trong nền hòa bình mà ở đó chúng ta được sống, chiến đấu, lao động và học tập theo lý tưởng của Người. Tôi là người Việt Nam.
Que gran verdad has dicho
I grew up in America with Slavic roots and this anthem gives me goosebumps each time. Something the US anthem doesn’t do. Mother Russia I love you!
😏 come back to me
shyboi 0002 Still tho this is better, even with any choir
shyboi 0002 just not the same, us anthem is ok. It doesn’t sound powerful like the Russian one does
keepinitreal Yeah, in my opinion, America’s anthem is boasting about the flag. Plus the accent isn’t as good as a Slavic/Georgian accent. For some reason, we all have a taste for Russian music. This anthem is just so much like...an anthem
I'm straight, but a fair comparasion would be this:
🇩🇪 and 🇷🇺:Apologizing for genocide ,admitting to it, and repaying victims.
🇹🇷:Denying genocide even though everyone knows you did it.
🇺🇸:*Star spangled banner playing* boasting about mass genocide, not paying repair damage, and mocking the victims of genocide.
Wow, Russian national anthem is so beautiful ❤❤❤
I'm italian, and i love my land, but this is the most emotional anthem i've heard.
God bless Russia and his president Vladimir Putin.
A pity Meloni's government is siding with the US against Russia. An appalling betrayal of conservatism in favour of American globalist degeneracy.
0:34 Putin is crying with happiness listening Russian children,teens choir sang the beautiful Russian anthem.
one of the best and most moving national anthems.
love from Greece.
From Greece with love
@@mikeportarakis9189 Russia should help you to reconquer Constantinoupolis.
@@johanvandermeulen9696 Methodius of Olympus, who lived in the 4th century, a Saint that lived before ottomans conquered Byzantine once stated a prediction in his writings that Constantinople will be captured by Mohammedans (turned out to be ottomans), but later will become Christian again. One of the greatest Russian National goals was the taking of Constantinople, of course - it becoming Christian once again. History pointed to Russia many times to take this city.
Prophecy of Cosma Aetoli on Turkey and Constantinople: "When you will hear, that a fleet is sailing through the Mediterranean, - know, that the Constantinople question will soon resolve."
@@WasabiTheInkling Tak sal du have. Thank you very much. Vielen Dank. Merci beaucoup. Mille grazie. Evcharistó. Es lebe die russisch-deutsche Freundschaft.
No sé hablar ruso,pero este himno transmite esa emoción patríotica, que hermoso, saludos desde Perú.
I am Cuban and I love Russia too, studied there and proud of Russia as Russian People
This is the best Anthem in the whole world, Love from Australia
There is no other hymn with such Grandeur. Sublime and Beautiful reaches the Soul, to the depths of one. A Wonderful Anthem of a Great Nation! No hay otro himno con tanta Grandeza. Sublime y Bello llega al Alma, a lo más profundo de uno. ¡Un maravilloso himno de una gran nación!
❤ спасибо, привет вам из России❤
Absolutely my hearts gies in overdrive when I hear it, been there 10 times? Hope to go soon again after their glorious victory ❤❤🇷🇺❤❤
Russian national anthem is one of my favorite anthem.
Spasibo, long live Russia🇷🇺🇷🇺
Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭
for the motherland comrade
pozhalujsta :)
Me too, I love it
From Philippines too
Pronounced - Spasiba
Love to Russia from Germany 🇷🇺❤️🇩🇪
Maravilloso. El himno más precioso y emotivo.
Saludos desde Catalunya.
Glory to Motherland !!
From Indonesia 🇮🇩
The most beautiful anthem in the world! Best wishes to our Russian neighbours from Norway!
Thank you🌏🌞🌈👍🎈🎈🎈
Kari Gregersen Jeg har laeset Vid Ishavet fra dansk forfatter Lars Johansson. Fortaelling spiler paa Finnmarken 1940/1944. Hilser fra Holland. Johan.
Hilsener fra nabolandet Russland! 🇷🇺✌️🇳🇴
@@ansvart lang liv venskab mellem Ruser og Vikinger. Hilsner fra Holland.
Kalau dengar lagu kebangsaan Rusia merinding jadinya penjiwaannya sangat dalam penuh makna dan penuh penghayatan yang mendalam. Ura..... 🇷🇺 from 🇮🇩
Orang indo nyasar 😅
I'm a Brit.
And let me say...it's lovely to see so many people sing their anthem
Wow....thx for the likes every1
nobody takes a knee during the Russian National Anthem. Way tog o Russia! love your national anthem
I was born in the USSR, but I have never lived. I like Russia, Russian people are scribes, cultured, love sports. I really love St. Petersburg, a real romantic city. I listen to Russian songs, watch movies, sports fan. It is strange that the anthem of Russia makes me cry. Good luck to Russia, I love her
I'm South Korean, but I have cried for no reason while watching it
@Tidder T excuse me, are you trying to be funny?
Hands down a beautiful anthem , and I.live in America.
I feel you brother
I'd learned to love Russia after seeing their culture and history. Love from PH
Je suis Polonais et j‘ai un respect profond pour la nation russe car je vis grace aux courageux soldats russes il n’y a pas tellement longtemps.
Slava Ukraini
@@jadranlucin5457Eastern Ukraine is gone forever. It’s is part of the glorious Russian Federation now
@@jadranlucin5457 😂 God is on the side of Russia. And Russia will take 4 more of the Russian speaking oblasts. And leave the Nazi regime in pieces as a buffer state between NATO
Pričaš gluposti
Having those adorable kids sing this beautiful anthem makes it more lovely.
I am somalia 🇸🇴🇸🇴 and i love all russian brothers and sisters
Greetings from USA. That has got to be the most beautiful anthem ever written. Including the old Soviet lyrics. I only wish here in the US we had a President like Mr. Putin
Great country.. great people..great culture....Love you RUSSIA....KEEP IT UP FROM SRI LANKA
I live in Russia, i study in Russia and Russia is a part of me..
Mulia Michael do you indonesian?
А ты жил в России(сомневаюсь, все кто там жил уже давно мертвы) или в light версии советского союза?
Vieni dall'Italia? Grande fra!!! 😂😂
Mulia Michael and when you finish your studies tell the whole world that Russia you love Russia. Wishing you success with love from Canada.
Ты молодец!!!
No soy Rusa, pero amo al pueblo ruso. Es un símbolo de dignidad y valentía. T_T 😍😍
Russians are most patriotic people. Love from USA.
Xidong Wu
Capitalist will be send to Gulag
@Ameen Shindolinain
Different Vid Yes... you are right 👍 love from NE India
Nice one yall and all countrys are patriotic but there is no such country as poland that never stopt planning an uprysing even right after that last one feiled and now poles are woted most nationalistik country in the word
triggered American over here
Best anthem From Portugal
Да здравствует Россия
Most beautiful song and people in the universe. God bless Russia and Russian People!!!
@Chuck Da duck lol
showed this to my labrador,
and it turned into a siberian husky .......
moi, j'ai fait part de ta remarque à mon chien et il m'a dit""qu'il est con ce type""!!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ......very funny !!!.......
I cry always when i listen to this fantastic anthem
Des frissons me parcourent et les larmes d’émotion s’échappent à l’écoute de ce chat magnifique à la gloire d’un peuple patriote. Nous avons besoin d’être fiers de notre famille, de nos amis, de nos entreprises, de nos voisins, de notre pays
This anthem is beautiful ♥️🇷🇺
Россия-священная наша держава,
Россия-любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава-
Твоё достоянье на все времена!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
От южных морей до полярного края
раскинулись наши леса и поля.
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая-
хранимая Богом родная земля!
Широкий простор для мечты и для жизни,
грядущие нам открывают года.
нам силу даёт наша верность отчизне.
так было, так есть и так будет всегда!
Rossiya-svyashchennaya nasha derzhava,
Rossiya-lyubimaya nasha strana.
Moguchaya volya, velikaya slava-
Tvoyo dostoyan'ye na vse vremena!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Bratskikh narodov soyuz vekovoy,
Predkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya!
Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya toboy!
Ot yuzhnykh morey do polyarnovo kraya
Raskinulis' nashi lesa i polya.
Odna ty na svete! Odna ty takaya-
Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya zemlya!
Shirokiy prostor dlya mechty i dlya zhizni,
Gryadushchiye nam otkryvayut goda.
Nam silu dayot nasha vernost' Otchizne.
Tak bylo, tak yest' i tak budet vsegda!
Russia-our sacred power,
Russia-our beloved country.
A mighty will, great glory-
These are yours for all time!
Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
Age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Popular wisdom given by our forebears!
Be glorious, our country! We are proud of you!
From the southern seas to the polar lands
Spread our forests and fields.
You are unique in the world, one of a kind-
Native land protected by God!
Wide spaces for dreams and for living,
Are opened for us by the coming years.
Our loyalty to our Motherland gives us strength.
Thus it was, thus it is, and thus it will be forever!
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_anthem_of_Russia
I just love this anthem I could help but to share lyrics. Thank you :)
Sovok Nr.2
Indo sub please
It does seem a bit contradictory that the anthem refers to Russia as both 'Motherland' and 'Fatherland'. After all, gender is NOT a social construct.
Unbeatable nation. Love from Sri Lanka🇱🇰❤🇷🇺
The most wonderful anthem
Glory and happiness to you RUSSIA 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺!!!FROM INDIA🇮🇳
Самое красивое исполнение гимна Российское Федерации, которое я когда-либо слышала 🇷🇺 И слышала я его вживую ♥️♥️♥️
Another selfish idiot who wants all of the language in anglosajón. All of the languages are correct to explain the situation
One of the best National Anthem ever. This song goes straight to the Heart.
When we start competing at the intergalactic level, I want the Russian National Anthem as the anthem for Earth
No other people in the world can sing patriotism better than this one. Glory RUSSIA!
except ukrainian
@@simoncussonet Zzzzz sleep in your dream world Russia is a great country Z🇷🇺
@@Ghfvhvfg go to live in this wonderful country if you want if it s your dream
@@simoncussonet да уж, " ще не вмерла" полна героизма и патриотизма)
@@simoncussonet Since childhood, I considered Ukraine a part of my country (Russia). I have been communicating with Ukrainians since childhood, they all speak Russian very well, most of them spoke Russian at home. Ukrainians are a great people who will soon return to the arms of Russia. In part, this has already happened, because 7.5 million Ukrainians are now in the territories controlled by Russia. This is almost a quarter of the population of Ukraine (although, taking into account refugees, there are no more than 25 million people in Ukraine now). This is inevitable. Ukrainian brothers will be with us and this is inevitable, the Kiev authorities will not be able to resist this. And I am ready to work for the good of Russia and Ukraine, I want to improve Ukraine to the level of Moscow. I hope I can do it one day.
One of the greatest anthem in the World. Love from France for our Russian friends.
Love Russia from Indonesia... one of the best anthem
Mr Putin a strong leader like you can lead Russia as a Tough Military nation with good military capabilities. Russia is the only country that has more than 9 time zones. Imagine the size of this country.Truly amazed by your National Anthem
Spasibo from an Americanskiy. May our nations and people carry on in friendship rather then as foes.
Of course my friend 🇺🇲♥️🇷🇺
May we be the best of friends forever
🇺🇸❤️🇷🇺 ?????
ct katik yea
Strong friendship between our countries and our peoples. Greetings from Russia 🇷🇺🇺🇸