I really like how you hid the canopy latch! Tons of great tips. I am definitely making a soldering board like you have. I really struggle with soldering. I feel like I need a 3rd hand. Or 4th and 5th hand!
you may know that an edf exit duct Should taper down, a bit. specifically, the area of the exit opening should be equal to the Effective swept area of the impeller.
1000 in order to minimize the amount of 'flutter' that occurs when the edfs are running, those flexible exit ducts should be adequately supported over their length, radially and longitudinally.
Excellent work and I love your videos. Please do not stop.
Great work ! Thx
I really like how you hid the canopy latch! Tons of great tips. I am definitely making a soldering board like you have. I really struggle with soldering. I feel like I need a 3rd hand. Or 4th and 5th hand!
That’s Awesome
you may know that an edf exit duct Should taper down, a bit. specifically, the area of the exit opening should be equal to the Effective swept area of the impeller.
1000 in order to minimize the amount of 'flutter' that occurs when the edfs are running, those flexible exit ducts should be adequately supported over their length, radially and longitudinally.