future priest cards from blizzard: Kabal Talonshredder: 4 mana 4/3 mech battlecry: summon a random 2 mana minion. Tirion Talonpriest: 8 mana 6/6 divine shield taunt battlecry: equip an Ashbringer Sylvanas Talonpriest: 6 mana 5/5 battlecry: take control of an enemy minion Kabal Creeper: 2 mana 1/2 beast battlecry: summon 2 1/1 spectral spiders Priest Belcher: 5 mana 3/5 taunt battlecry: summon a 1/2 slime with taunt Kabal Chow: 1 mana 2/3 battlecry: restore 5 health to enemy hero you get the idea.
Kyle Huber it amazes me that kabal talonpriest did in arena what people thought dark cultist would do in constructed before naxx came out. i dont think many people will remember the hype around that card, if they remember the card at all.
Dude, Priest has one op card (vs every other class having at least 3). The vast majority of Priest cards are horrible. Like unplayable bad. It has purify. You're doing this completely backwards.
Breaking news regarding next expansion. I can officially announce the Hunter common King crush's master: 3 mana 3/4 battlecry summon a king crush to help balance Hunter next expansion
In this video Kabal Talonpriest gives +3 health to: 9:35 a Spwan of Light 11:23 a Kabl Courier 15:26 no one 15:28 the first Kabal Talonpriest and gives a Spider Tank +6 health at 6:25 Other highlights: 6:12 Rapperino Kripperino 10:24 Red Mana Wyrm Effigy into Grim Patron You're welcome
My favorite Kripperino, you put some nice effort and I always use your highlights. If you played me I would give you 10 mana but wouldn't even discard your hand. FeelsGoodMan
So do I. I have way more fun on lower ladder where you can find actual variety in decktypes and people don't faceroll their keyboards or touchscreens to win.
Kripp has a point: If the entire class is buffed by giving them an obviously broken card, with none of their shittier cards actually buffed, it just leads to "use or lose" situations in both constructed AND Arena. Blizzard clearly has no idea how to balance a game. Instead of buffing base cards or giving them interesting new tools, they buff classes by giving them a Spider Tank with the battlecry of a six drop, or a Pit Fighter with the best discover mechanic in the game. What about buffing Mind Control? Or giving them a decent 2 drop? Or changing things up by giving them aggro options, like they did for Shaman? Or at least not giving them STRICTLY BETTER CARDS THAT CHOKE CARD DIVERSITY.
Ah. 3 mana 3/4 is too slow. 1 mana 3/2 that summons a 1 mana 1/1 with charge, which doesn't count as a battlecry, and fins your deck for 1 card is where it's at.
Let's see the Official Balance list... -Not a pirate -Not a 1 drop that has 2 drop stats -Doesn't have charge -Doesn't make you win by turn 5 LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE, WTF BLIZZARD
The problem is it is really good in a tempo meta, which arena is all about. Unlike Dark Cultist, this thing has immedieate effect on the board and can't be played around as well. With it being a common + occurency bonus due to being in latest set people end up with 9001 of those. Should be a rare, would fix arena.
I went 12-0 with Hunter. My opponent at 11-0 was Priest with a couple of Kabal Talonpriests. The least anticlimactic 11-wins match in my life. I just went face ignoring the board and won. Who cares about effectively 3/7 on the board when you can smorc?
kripp is rly good in arena => Kripp consistently gets high wins => Kripp gets those wins even with average decks => Kripp ends up playing with average decks against absurdly lucky deck drafts often => Kripp says "this guy's deck is insane a lot" => Kripp comes off as salty. I dont know why he doesn't understand that being better than most other players ends up with you having bad deck vs good decks at high wins XD
*Kripp complains constantly about how bullshit Talonpriest is and how unskilled priest is then gets a patron from rng and wins the game and calls it skill*
Temple Enforcer: 6 mana 6/6 Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 health Consider the power creep here. Same battlecry for 3 less mana, and with even better stats for its mana cost. Wow.
When Blizzard releases average win-rates for classes in arena, do they ever release the standard deviations for those averages? It could provide some interesting insights into the consistency of classes in arena and what classes are most dependent on the draft.
Ya'know, I just can't quite get Kripp's feeling on this card. I think Kripp needs to be a little bit less vague and just come right out and tell us what he thinks about it.
This card is nuts, but Kripp's 5 mana version wouldn't really work. Temple Enforcer would be 1 mana more and have +3/+2, and Temple enforcer has basically never seen play outside of a new player's basic deck.
hey kripp, i have a suggestion about this, that if you like it too, you can share it with the rest. Its pretty simple: NO duplicates in picks. That means if you have already picked a flamestrike, there should be a 0% chance that it would re-appear in the next picks. Lets bring the cancer of some cards to a bare minimum, while having more diverse decks. Win-win imo.
When Blizzard releases average win-rates for classes in arena, do they ever release the standard deviations for those averages? It could provide some interesting insights / confirmations of class consistencies.
I've played 6 Priest arenas since Gadgetzan. I've drafted 0 Kabal Talonpriests. My overall average has been 7.1 wins. My average with Priest has been 5.4 wins.
The printing of broken cards over the course of many sets is how a class's arena power gets increased in an actually interesting way. If they print more good arena cards for priest over the next few sets, then priest WILL have the "look at all these interesting new tools priest has" situation. You can't go from as garbage as priest is to an interesting and pretty ok arena class without this period in the game. How else would you print priest cards?
Was dominating as hunter and winning a lot in arena and got a priest who lightbombed, had healing 5 drop, a MOUNTAIN GIANT, and kabal tpriest, at 3/1. Fun game fun class.
I get that it was obviously the best play, but its still pretty crazy that he called that potion of madness into talonpriest. Blew my mind for a second lmao
Would it be a solution to the second vs. first problem, if the second player got a 0mana spell, that gives a minion charge but cant attack face? I think that could fix the problem in arena.
Had an arena where I got like 4 of these in one deck. Went 1/3 because I suck. Never got a perfect on-curve 2-drop into kabal talonpriest, even with 4 talonpriests. They actually suck, except for in that specific situation where you can keep a 2-drop alive. Which never happens.
Your analysis of this card is on point. The only thing I disagree with is that it would be fair making it cost 5 mana. At 5 mana it would just be a bad card that you wouldn't want to draft. Just think about it - even a plain 5/5 is *a little bit* better. I think it'd be good at 4 mana. It would still be a good card, but it would be balanced and no longer game breaking (arena breaking).
I LOVE Kripps reaction to that Patron drop. Such absolutely beautiful rng after that torrent of rng shit spewing directly into his soul up to that point.
What happens if you Potion of Madness an enemy minion and when it is at your side of the table you silence it? Does it return to the opponents side or it will stay at yours?
Was thinking of Kripp yesterday when I ran into a guy with FIVE kabal talonpriest, and kel'thuzad, and of the other dozen minions i saw before losing only 2 were low quality...
Hearthstone's aggression problem could be fixed by the addition of better comeback mechanics and healing. Outside of Reno there is basically no good healing right now. There are also few strong taunts and board clears are hyper specific and expensive and very few in number. There needs to be more ways to punish extremely aggressive cards.
I use it in a gurubashk based deck, I get out my gurubashi then just double talonpriest it and some other shenanigans and it gets 30hp and a taunt so it gets more and more attack until I win, i classify it as a troll deck bcs if I don't get gurubashi before turn 5 I lose 90% of the time
Botman what if your enemy has pain death hunters destroy 1 random minion or their mark or making it frog or sheep and equality and shit your deck is useless
Kripp: "Omg priest is so bad blizzard what are doing?? You need to give them better cards!" Blizzard: *Gives priest a good card* Kripp: "BLIZZARD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Priest is way too good I'd rather priest be terrible than it be good!"
Blizzard really needs to start considering cards in context. Stop printing cards that have NO answer at their mana cost. If opponent goes first, plays 2/3 Twilight Welp turn 1, there is no answer unless you coin out a War Axe, Frost Bolt or a competing two drop (a TWO DROP to just barely contest or even trade with a one drop). There goes your tempo, you had to use the coin to remove a 1 drop. Then they play a 2/4 Taunt Wyrmrest Agent on turn 2. Now there is even fewer answers, Flame Cannon is basically the only thing that can compete. Then they follow up with Talon Priest. There is no combination of answers or competing plays at 4, 5 or even 6 mana that can deal with a 2/7 and a 3/4. And they hit the board turn 3. Even fucking Pirate Warriors consistently concede to that opening. I have yet to see a card game where there are so many scenarios that just cannot be answered in the early game. 1 drops that grow to 4 attack or trade with two drops, two drops and three drops that require a total of like 7 mana to remove, aggressive Pirate openings that should cost about twice as much mana as they do if they are to be countered. The only real chance you get to counter these broken openings is to play a broken opening yourself (i.e. Dragon Priest vs Pirate Warrior, Tempo Mage vs Aggro Shaman, etc), or pray they can't do 7 damage by turn 2 to kill your Doomsayer.
Andrew Mabon Andrew Mabon Because you don't play around a top deck board clear in arena. Even if the opponent did top kek holy nova kripp still would've had a 3/3 patron a 3/1 patron and a 3/6 taunt against a 3/4
Cries about talon priest While: 1) Discovers polymorph boar (having drafted a brann) 2) Topdecks polymorph. 3) Develops a board with patrons I haven't seen since the ''charge forward'' era. Wow man...
The polymorph boar i think was a miss play. the 3 drop that does 1 to your opponents board would have done 2 because of bronze beard. his talon priest would have 2 health and you would have had a 2/2
10:42 pinging the 3/2 insted o the 3/3 wouldn't have been better? you can play around Holy nova a little bit better and ping the new 3/3s next turn. Specially since Ancient of blossom could save you some trading
While I agree on Kabal Talonpriest, its not only that. Im a mediocre Arena player and played Priest yesterday. Got no KTp or PoM but 1 Dragonfire Potion and the +12 Heal potion. I went 8-3 (drew the AoE in 8 games, guess in which -.-). Priest has a lot of really strong cards, so many combinations are powerful
I clicked on this video while playing arena myself, and the next opponent I queue up against plays 3 talonpriests on turns 3, 4 and 5 respectively... Safe to say I can relate to this issue
So, I've played as priest like 10 times since the expansion. I think I have, at most, gotten 1 talon priest OR one potion. I must be on some RNG shit list or something, because every priest I play against has like 6 of each.
It's basically a Dark Cultist without any condition on it... it's way too good, seriously even a 3 2/3 with that effect would be very strong. When you power creep on the power creep, you get game breaking cards like Talonpriest.
Well, I couldn't agree more: compare it with the Dark Cultist. Same stats, immediate impact (instead of having your opponent be able to play around it). This card should cost 5 mana and have 1 more health.
everything is i win the game with this guy. even if he beats people who use it or he loses despite using it. i've stopped taking his card reviews seriously for a while now and i suggest that everyone do the same.
Yeah, I played a decent aggressive deck against a priest, he went first, did noting until turn 3, on turns 3, 4 and 5 he dropped talonpriests and I lost very hard. I had no chance even with strong turn 1, 2 and 3 plays.
You know the only thing worse than being steamrolled by an insane deck? Having an insane deck, THEN getting steamrolled by a deck that makes your deck look positively fair.
The problem is not that talon priest exists. It's that talon priest is common. It's good but not OP in ladder. It's definitely OP in arena because it is A. Common and B. Arena is 99% minion stats. The card should be changed to epic, or in the very least rare.
Kabal Talonpriest is broken, all you need to do is draft it into a deck with some potions of madness and you win! Shows two clips of him beating two people with those exact cards played repeatedly.
I don't get it. The video talks about how OP the Talonpriest is, and then he shows 2 videos of him beating 2 priests who use the card. I guess the implication is the other player was bad, but he had a good arena record likely due to the card... but kripp beats him both times pretty easily.
Kripp goes on a rant about how overpowered Kabal Talonpriest is then wins both these matches against priest. proving that his point is invalid if priest lost both of those games even with Kabal Talonpriest.
future priest cards from blizzard:
Kabal Talonshredder: 4 mana 4/3 mech battlecry: summon a random 2 mana minion.
Tirion Talonpriest: 8 mana 6/6 divine shield taunt battlecry: equip an Ashbringer
Sylvanas Talonpriest: 6 mana 5/5 battlecry: take control of an enemy minion
Kabal Creeper: 2 mana 1/2 beast battlecry: summon 2 1/1 spectral spiders
Priest Belcher: 5 mana 3/5 taunt battlecry: summon a 1/2 slime with taunt
Kabal Chow: 1 mana 2/3 battlecry: restore 5 health to enemy hero
you get the idea.
systemsteven i feel as though that joke went over too many people's heads and its not full appreciated
Kyle Huber it amazes me that kabal talonpriest did in arena what people thought dark cultist would do in constructed before naxx came out. i dont think many people will remember the hype around that card, if they remember the card at all.
systemsteven Small time Kabal- 1 mana 3/2- Summon a 1/1 prophet Velen from your deck.
Dude, Priest has one op card (vs every other class having at least 3). The vast majority of Priest cards are horrible. Like unplayable bad. It has purify. You're doing this completely backwards.
this "upgraded" belcher is worst than the original I think.
Breaking news regarding next expansion. I can officially announce the Hunter common King crush's master:
3 mana 3/4 battlecry summon a king crush to help balance Hunter next expansion
AbzOnline it maybe needs to fill board full of king krush that WILL attack face no matter what
2 mana
all minions on your side of the field get +2 to attack this turn but can only hit face.
"3 mana 3/4 battlecry summon a king crush"
- Too slow for constructed. Next expansion Blizzard will print a 1 mana 7/7, overload 3.
Alien Hey, be fair to blizzard. It will be 2 mana. 1 mana will be a 5/5 overload 2
The joke went right over your head.
In this video Kabal Talonpriest gives +3 health to:
9:35 a Spwan of Light
11:23 a Kabl Courier
15:26 no one
15:28 the first Kabal Talonpriest
and gives a Spider Tank +6 health at 6:25
Other highlights:
6:12 Rapperino Kripperino
10:24 Red Mana Wyrm Effigy into Grim Patron
You're welcome
You are my favorite Kripperino though, too underrated..
This Kripperino puts effort
Spoilerino Kripperino hahaha rapperino
My favorite Kripperino, you put some nice effort and I always use your highlights. If you played me I would give you 10 mana but wouldn't even discard your hand. FeelsGoodMan
Next video - I Hate Hearthstone
SuperNovaPL lol
So do I. I have way more fun on lower ladder where you can find actual variety in decktypes and people don't faceroll their keyboards or touchscreens to win.
SuperNovaPL i agree
Pretty much almost every Kripp video.
Kripp has a point: If the entire class is buffed by giving them an obviously broken card, with none of their shittier cards actually buffed, it just leads to "use or lose" situations in both constructed AND Arena.
Blizzard clearly has no idea how to balance a game. Instead of buffing base cards or giving them interesting new tools, they buff classes by giving them a Spider Tank with the battlecry of a six drop, or a Pit Fighter with the best discover mechanic in the game.
What about buffing Mind Control? Or giving them a decent 2 drop? Or changing things up by giving them aggro options, like they did for Shaman? Or at least not giving them STRICTLY BETTER CARDS THAT CHOKE CARD DIVERSITY.
This is why I hate playing and playing against Dragon Priest. Just a hamfisted way of making a class more powerful.
Ah. 3 mana 3/4 is too slow. 1 mana 3/2 that summons a 1 mana 1/1 with charge, which doesn't count as a battlecry, and fins your deck for 1 card is where it's at.
Arrakiz666 You are first to fatigue though
Marian Psikuta Fatigue doesn't happen in turn 4 though
I mean, he's obviously stating this in arena. How many times have you seriously had a GOOD patches deck in an arena game?
Marian Psikuta Tell me when you reach fatigue with pirate warrior
I think zero Pirate games have ever gone to fatigue. They either win by 5 or they lose/concede by 10.
Let's see the Official Balance list...
-Not a pirate
-Not a 1 drop that has 2 drop stats
-Doesn't have charge
-Doesn't make you win by turn 5
The problem is it is really good in a tempo meta, which arena is all about. Unlike Dark Cultist, this thing has immedieate effect on the board and can't be played around as well. With it being a common + occurency bonus due to being in latest set people end up with 9001 of those. Should be a rare, would fix arena.
I know that he is OP in arena, but I was joking about the fact that there are cards even more OP
I went 12-0 with Hunter. My opponent at 11-0 was Priest with a couple of Kabal Talonpriests. The least anticlimactic 11-wins match in my life. I just went face ignoring the board and won. Who cares about effectively 3/7 on the board when you can smorc?
*the most anticlimactic
The mobile version doesn't allow to edit the comments.
huntah is op!!!111 u can go fais like nobd's busnez
u typed the same thing twice
that just means you had a good aggresive hunter, its not a easy task to build in arena.
IEatchalk do you even read bro?
kripp is rly good in arena
=> Kripp consistently gets high wins
=> Kripp gets those wins even with average decks
=> Kripp ends up playing with average decks against absurdly lucky deck drafts often
=> Kripp says "this guy's deck is insane a lot"
=> Kripp comes off as salty.
I dont know why he doesn't understand that being better than most other players ends up with you having bad deck vs good decks at high wins XD
sloesty True xd
Even though he wins against those "insane decks" majority of the time. He just need to make videos and entertain people on stream.
he also gets salty because his opponents play poorly at high wins, getting carried by the quality of their draft.
I hate Cabalist tome too...
why are you not at the top? up you go!
you are blind, not deaf tho..
I genuinely saw your nickname as Make no senserino Kripperino cause what you said made no sense xD
NEWS FLASH: Kripp hates a card. In other words, water is wet. More at 7.
*Kripp complains constantly about how bullshit Talonpriest is and how unskilled priest is then gets a patron from rng and wins the game and calls it skill*
Amy thechubbylittlesatan what is the connection between a broken card and lucky portal?
The fact that he calls picking good cards because you have to unskilled and getting lucky (when it's in his favour that is) skill
Amy thechubbylittlesatan Kinda xd
Skipperino Kripperino damn you're fast!
notification squad
ur a legend
you're a saint...
you're fast as hell
ereh nairrappirK gniog ti swoh syug yeH
not bad man
nairrappirK .
Flipperino Kripperino
Honestly died of laughter after I saw that potion of madness drop
(im a faster shifted cow)
You made it into the secret level!
you are a shifty looking cow...
Shifterinno Kripperino you're my new favorite kripperino, you've surpassed legends such as magmaragerino kripperino and bogcreeperino kripperino
Temple Enforcer: 6 mana 6/6
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 health
Consider the power creep here. Same battlecry for 3 less mana, and with even better stats for its mana cost.
Baladucci its a power creep on cultist which was op at the time
When Blizzard releases average win-rates for classes in arena, do they ever release the standard deviations for those averages? It could provide some interesting insights into the consistency of classes in arena and what classes are most dependent on the draft.
"if you get this card, you basically win every time. literally every time."
(first clip is him winning against priest with effectively 3 talonpriests)
Caveman Raveman He's the best Arena player in North America.
Ya'know, I just can't quite get Kripp's feeling on this card. I think Kripp needs to be a little bit less vague and just come right out and tell us what he thinks about it.
Mathmachine *reads title*
He was being ironic.
how you not see the problem in this card????
But health....
This card is nuts, but Kripp's 5 mana version wouldn't really work. Temple Enforcer would be 1 mana more and have +3/+2, and Temple enforcer has basically never seen play outside of a new player's basic deck.
I like Kripp's videos
Hecklerino Kripperino boo
You smell like a leper gnome
Your mother was a Murlock!
Kripp have been corrupted!
Kazakurino Kripperino I think you misspelled "Found the right way, the best classes" *Nudge nudge*
5:55 Incorrect! It was initially, but I got him from the Warcraft movie. Also came with Gul'Dan in HOTS and some other stuff.
hey kripp, i have a suggestion about this, that if you like it too, you can share it with the rest. Its pretty simple: NO duplicates in picks. That means if you have already picked a flamestrike, there should be a 0% chance that it would re-appear in the next picks. Lets bring the cancer of some cards to a bare minimum, while having more diverse decks. Win-win imo.
That bit at 6:10 was really impressive really shows how kripp is a real pro
Kripp, how do you feel about jousting for going first? This could give other decks a way to slow down aggro and it makes it less coin flippy
When Blizzard releases average win-rates for classes in arena, do they ever release the standard deviations for those averages? It could provide some interesting insights / confirmations of class consistencies.
I've played 6 Priest arenas since Gadgetzan. I've drafted 0 Kabal Talonpriests. My overall average has been 7.1 wins. My average with Priest has been 5.4 wins.
He freaking came in his pants when that Patron fell from the sky like manna from heaven!
Who else wants a "february cabal talon priest+potion of madness" compilation. Like 5 hours of salty Kripp and Cabal Talon Priests.
wait. this guy is talking about skill in hearthstone? 😂 this channel has the most comedic value out of all hearthstone streams.
He is winning and complaining?
Hell yeah, winning feels just slightly less bad than losing in this game right now. Blizz plz fix.
Kripp, you never seem to run out of things to complain about.
0:04 - [Talkerino]
5:11 - heavy breathing
13:14 - the trend
10:00 Polymorph saved Kripp's life!
Truly shows off how powerful and oppressive the card is when you beat both the priests in the video that have more than one of them.
When a card gets two videos you know it's serious.
Cowerino Kripperino Sheeperino Kripperino
i was faster than you.
Shifterinno Kripperino, might be news to you, but that's not the best skill in bed
Dmitry S. Its sad cause im too slow there the longest it took me was 3 hours...
Shifterinno Kripperino I was playing video gamoos :(
The printing of broken cards over the course of many sets is how a class's arena power gets increased in an actually interesting way. If they print more good arena cards for priest over the next few sets, then priest WILL have the "look at all these interesting new tools priest has" situation. You can't go from as garbage as priest is to an interesting and pretty ok arena class without this period in the game. How else would you print priest cards?
Was dominating as hunter and winning a lot in arena and got a priest who lightbombed, had healing 5 drop, a MOUNTAIN GIANT, and kabal tpriest, at 3/1. Fun game fun class.
I get that it was obviously the best play, but its still pretty crazy that he called that potion of madness into talonpriest. Blew my mind for a second lmao
Would it be a solution to the second vs. first problem, if the second player got a 0mana spell, that gives a minion charge but cant attack face? I think that could fix the problem in arena.
Had an arena where I got like 4 of these in one deck. Went 1/3 because I suck. Never got a perfect on-curve 2-drop into kabal talonpriest, even with 4 talonpriests. They actually suck, except for in that specific situation where you can keep a 2-drop alive. Which never happens.
Your analysis of this card is on point. The only thing I disagree with is that it would be fair making it cost 5 mana. At 5 mana it would just be a bad card that you wouldn't want to draft. Just think about it - even a plain 5/5 is *a little bit* better. I think it'd be good at 4 mana. It would still be a good card, but it would be balanced and no longer game breaking (arena breaking).
Peetah112 Noone cares.
Oh, so you speak for everyone, do you? Go be stupid somewhere else.
Make the card give +2 health instead of 3 or make it a 3/3 instead of 3/4. Then it would still be a good card but not super op
drafted 0 talon priest yesterday in a priest deck. you sure the expansion bonus is still in play?
I LOVE Kripps reaction to that Patron drop. Such absolutely beautiful rng after that torrent of rng shit spewing directly into his soul up to that point.
"Can you taste victory? It tastes sweet", "Oh fuck"
What happens if you Potion of Madness an enemy minion and when it is at your side of the table you silence it? Does it return to the opponents side or it will stay at yours?
Àngel Beltran you cant steal it I tried
Recker Silent thank you sir!
It returns back.
Àngel Beltran im pretty sure it goes back because it doesnt put an effect on the minion and that is what silence takes out, effects on the card
Kazakurino and Bellejulle thank you too!
Was thinking of Kripp yesterday when I ran into a guy with FIVE kabal talonpriest, and kel'thuzad, and of the other dozen minions i saw before losing only 2 were low quality...
Hearthstone's aggression problem could be fixed by the addition of better comeback mechanics and healing. Outside of Reno there is basically no good healing right now. There are also few strong taunts and board clears are hyper specific and expensive and very few in number. There needs to be more ways to punish extremely aggressive cards.
I use it in a gurubashk based deck, I get out my gurubashi then just double talonpriest it and some other shenanigans and it gets 30hp and a taunt so it gets more and more attack until I win, i classify it as a troll deck bcs if I don't get gurubashi before turn 5 I lose 90% of the time
Botman what if your enemy has pain death hunters destroy 1 random minion or their mark or making it frog or sheep and equality and shit your deck is useless
Yeah I can definitely agree with Kripp and the cards surrounding good priest drafts. Damn potions of madness drove me to madness.
Kripp: "Omg priest is so bad blizzard what are doing?? You need to give them better cards!"
Blizzard: *Gives priest a good card*
Kripp: "BLIZZARD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Priest is way too good I'd rather priest be terrible than it be good!"
just watched the Ranked Rant video and now this?! i'm guessing the Priest Arena is still same old XD
Kripp, we know. You've said this at least four fucking times
Blizzard really needs to start considering cards in context. Stop printing cards that have NO answer at their mana cost. If opponent goes first, plays 2/3 Twilight Welp turn 1, there is no answer unless you coin out a War Axe, Frost Bolt or a competing two drop (a TWO DROP to just barely contest or even trade with a one drop). There goes your tempo, you had to use the coin to remove a 1 drop. Then they play a 2/4 Taunt Wyrmrest Agent on turn 2. Now there is even fewer answers, Flame Cannon is basically the only thing that can compete. Then they follow up with Talon Priest. There is no combination of answers or competing plays at 4, 5 or even 6 mana that can deal with a 2/7 and a 3/4. And they hit the board turn 3. Even fucking Pirate Warriors consistently concede to that opening.
I have yet to see a card game where there are so many scenarios that just cannot be answered in the early game. 1 drops that grow to 4 attack or trade with two drops, two drops and three drops that require a total of like 7 mana to remove, aggressive Pirate openings that should cost about twice as much mana as they do if they are to be countered. The only real chance you get to counter these broken openings is to play a broken opening yourself (i.e. Dragon Priest vs Pirate Warrior, Tempo Mage vs Aggro Shaman, etc), or pray they can't do 7 damage by turn 2 to kill your Doomsayer.
i liked that call in the first game! 6:12
sir whine a lot, i bow to thee
Why didn't you play around holy nova at 10:40?
most of the times restricting yourself to play around something isnt as good as just not playing around things
Andrew Mabon Andrew Mabon Because you don't play around a top deck board clear in arena. Even if the opponent did top kek holy nova kripp still would've had a 3/3 patron a 3/1 patron and a 3/6 taunt against a 3/4
I meant shooting the 3/2 patron instead of the 3/3.
Andrew Mabon shooting the 3/3 would have made him even more vulnerable to holy nova
As I said below, I would've wanted him to shoot the 3/2.
Cries about talon priest While:
1) Discovers polymorph boar (having drafted a brann)
2) Topdecks polymorph.
3) Develops a board with patrons I haven't seen since the ''charge forward'' era.
Wow man...
ThermoNuclear GR poor man. He has to spend time to win.
A board with mutliple Patrons and BGH. Aaaa sweet memories.
The polymorph boar i think was a miss play. the 3 drop that does 1 to your opponents board would have done 2 because of bronze beard. his talon priest would have 2 health and you would have had a 2/2
Yeah Kripp, you just cherry pick these games.
10:42 pinging the 3/2 insted o the 3/3 wouldn't have been better? you can play around Holy nova a little bit better and ping the new 3/3s next turn.
Specially since Ancient of blossom could save you some trading
Yeah, this card *sucks*! Doesn't use any *Jade*!
Just look at all that *disgusting* red stuff!~
Ayarino Blackpawerino Kripperino you exist? I feel sad for your existence
Ayarino Blackpawerino Kripperino you exist? I feel sad for your existence
@Kripp 5 mana would probably be too expensive, compare to Temple Enforcer. 4 mana +2HP instead of 3 seems more fair.
what if they change it to "give a friendly minion 3 health, then deal 3 damage to it" so like empty health that you can heal afterwards
Title: I hate Talon priest.
Video: Proceeds to show Talon Priests loosing badly.
I used to play Priest almost exclusively pre Old Gods...I've since given up
While I agree on Kabal Talonpriest, its not only that.
Im a mediocre Arena player and played Priest yesterday.
Got no KTp or PoM but 1 Dragonfire Potion and the +12 Heal potion.
I went 8-3 (drew the AoE in 8 games, guess in which -.-).
Priest has a lot of really strong cards, so many combinations are powerful
I clicked on this video while playing arena myself, and the next opponent I queue up against plays 3 talonpriests on turns 3, 4 and 5 respectively... Safe to say I can relate to this issue
I think it should be a 3/2 gives +3 or a 3/4 gives +1 instead.
0:47 - "It's so, so crushing", "It's so soul crushing" or "It's soul soul crushing"? xD
Is this video number 3 about talonpriest?
So, I've played as priest like 10 times since the expansion. I think I have, at most, gotten 1 talon priest OR one potion. I must be on some RNG shit list or something, because every priest I play against has like 6 of each.
It's basically a Dark Cultist without any condition on it... it's way too good, seriously even a 3 2/3 with that effect would be very strong. When you power creep on the power creep, you get game breaking cards like Talonpriest.
can someone explain the best play for the opponent at 18:15?
Well, I couldn't agree more: compare it with the Dark Cultist. Same stats, immediate impact (instead of having your opponent be able to play around it). This card should cost 5 mana and have 1 more health.
everything is i win the game with this guy. even if he beats people who use it or he loses despite using it. i've stopped taking his card reviews seriously for a while now and i suggest that everyone do the same.
how about making it a 3/1 give any friendly minion +3?
what if it was nerf to be a 3 mana 2/2 that gives +2 healt
It should be a 3-mana 2/4 and buffs 2 health and maybe heal 1.
16:26 Just today i went 7 wins with a priest without a single Kabal Talonpriest or Potion of Madness. Get rekt Kripp.
Yeah, I played a decent aggressive deck against a priest, he went first, did noting until turn 3, on turns 3, 4 and 5 he dropped talonpriests and I lost very hard. I had no chance even with strong turn 1, 2 and 3 plays.
You wish to play Hearthstone forever?
Did Kripp know that in HS all based around RNG and talonpriest just small part of it?
You know the only thing worse than being steamrolled by an insane deck? Having an insane deck, THEN getting steamrolled by a deck that makes your deck look positively fair.
The problem is not that talon priest exists. It's that talon priest is common. It's good but not OP in ladder. It's definitely OP in arena because it is A. Common and B. Arena is 99% minion stats. The card should be changed to epic, or in the very least rare.
This is definitely not the most broken card. Abyssal Enforcer is way more annoying and warlocks always seem to have them.
Kabal Talonpriest is broken, all you need to do is draft it into a deck with some potions of madness and you win!
Shows two clips of him beating two people with those exact cards played repeatedly.
10:24 best part of the video
I don't get it. The video talks about how OP the Talonpriest is, and then he shows 2 videos of him beating 2 priests who use the card. I guess the implication is the other player was bad, but he had a good arena record likely due to the card... but kripp beats him both times pretty easily.
"This is such bullshit"
*Topdecks polymorph*
"No skill class"
*Rolls Grim Patron*
"None at all"
How i can get cards from mean streets of gadgetzan? I have to buy it or something?
i really dont see the problem, you won the games against these "broken" cards right?
Kripp goes on a rant about how overpowered Kabal Talonpriest is then wins both these matches against priest. proving that his point is invalid if priest lost both of those games even with Kabal Talonpriest.
because of this video i choose 4 kabal priest in my priest arena run