Is the new Windtrace unfair? (Genshin Impact)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @MakiseKurisu13
    @MakiseKurisu13 4 місяці тому +27

    almost never lost as rebel, i was thinking it’s super hard to be hunter here🤷🏼‍♀️

    • @Azaril_
      @Azaril_  4 місяці тому +5

      I think it's pretty balanced. It mostly depends on how competent the hunter is and whether all the rebels are actually trying to repair. Sometimes you get teammates who just hide, which makes it a lot harder.

    • @mr.fabulousmegardev6256
      @mr.fabulousmegardev6256 4 місяці тому +1

      yeah, it can be a tossup at times. Hunter has advantage if the rebels foolishly repair themselves into a corner where hunter can watch over the last two easily. Rebels have advantage if they repair from opposing ends of the map, and/or have good distraction.

    • @bananenhamster3551
      @bananenhamster3551 4 місяці тому +1


    • @melodyvonderpfalz4289
      @melodyvonderpfalz4289 4 місяці тому

      @@Azaril_ nope as rebel you can cheese the repair process whithout been seen in this case you could win with onl 2 not caught rebels without ever been detected while repairing

  • @ericcardinal9138
    @ericcardinal9138 4 місяці тому

    whenever i'm the hunter, i just wait it out. for me, being a hunter is boring. no matter the pvp game, i've always prefered being chased over chasing others. the only times i was genuinely trying as the hunter, instead of wait it out, was at day 1, while getting the side objective rewards.
    still, i'd have prefered a simple hide and seek. i'm not against the idea of trying new things, but hoyo could have simply give us the choice via a game mode selector. throwing the old game mode in the trash can, just because there's a new one is just plain stupid. by keeping both, they could have checked which game mode is played the most. if there's barely anyone playing one compared to the other, then it's proof there's no point in keeping both next time. instead, they just ditched the old version neglecting the possibility the new one could be shit compared to the old one, for the player base. not only that, but some map were issing. where were the sumeru map?

  • @TrooperTree
    @TrooperTree 4 місяці тому

    I think i have learned that I'm just really bad at playing a rebel XD. I've only won 1 rebel game and I've won all of my hunter games lol

  • @dallasfuns6476
    @dallasfuns6476 4 місяці тому +14

    Think it depends on your team.. if your team is repairing t h en you win but if they just hide you won’t

    • @jsoimn6812
      @jsoimn6812 4 місяці тому +2

      From my experience, hunter is a little bit better because you can still win against a team that repairs if you are good. For rebels to win against a good hunter, all 3 rebels need to be good, and that is uncommon. Hunter is better for the sole fact that you only depend on yourself so if you are good you can almost always win. The only map where not so good rebels have a chance against a good hunter is the hilichurl camp one, because it's super easy for rebels

  • @uraninezak
    @uraninezak 4 місяці тому +6

    My trick to winning consistently is to pick a character with the sprinting stamina adventure passive. I find Kaeya super useful because of that passive plus tall male model for high sprint speed. If you have Chiori with a custom glider, her flat bonus movespeed can also greatly help. You could also use Gaming, Heizou, Rosaria, or Xinyan as well. Xiao with his climbing passive is also useful in stages with climbing.

  • @VanHaiNguyen
    @VanHaiNguyen 4 місяці тому +4

    Asymmetric game is hard to balance. But i think it's good for Hunter got the upper hand, because if it's rebels naturaly stronger it's just like bullying 1 player. It all depend of capacity of rebels to teamwork with stranger (if not, Hunter is strong).

  • @candii1246
    @candii1246 4 місяці тому +4

    Depends. There's a lot more liability as a rebel because it doesn't depend on just your skill, but everyone else's. The only way a hunter can lose is
    1) they are absolutely awful at the event or they decide to forfeit or
    2) all the rebels are extremely competent and farm at opposite ends of the map
    I've gotten multiple under 1 minute clears as a hunter in the easiest map for rebels, as well as losing as a rebel multiple times simply because only one, or both team mates were bad, or the hunter just kept dashing around the beacons because of the map size. In a match where there's a bad hunter and both bad team mates, you will still lose because of the time constraint for repairing beacons. To win as rebel you have to:
    1) have bad hunter and minimum 1 competent team mate or
    2) have a good hunter, but everyone is extremely competent but STILL pray it's not a bad map (hunter can just camp 3 beacons around the center at dawn winery, and they can camp the 3 remaining beacons in other maps too, but dawn winery is the worst, which is why I always try to get the center ones at dawn done first).

    • @candii1246
      @candii1246 4 місяці тому +2

      I really enjoyed this version so played a lot of times, mainly on EU because lowest ping but also on Asia and NA. I always look forward to hunter because my win rate is like 90 percent, with my fastest match being under 30 seconds. As a rebel it's just a gamble on who you end up with, my win rate is about 70 percent as rebel (and that's also because I tend to play with a friend), but if I'm random matching with team mates that get caught easily its just zero. Even if I survive to the end doing as much beacons as possible with 2 lives left hunter still wins

    • @candii1246
      @candii1246 4 місяці тому +1

      But yes you're pretty much right and honestly, it feels kinda annoying where your win heavily depends on other people. If marginally fine, but you literally cannot win if your two team mates are bad even if the hunter is equally bad sadge.

    • @candii1246
      @candii1246 4 місяці тому

      but yeah the chances of 3 competent rebels vs a single competent hunter..the odds are clearly in favour of one kek.

  • @jakubmedved679
    @jakubmedved679 4 місяці тому +1

    I think it is well balanced
    In theory at least
    One problem I encountered is when a rebel teammate doesn´t understad how you´re supposed to play the new windtrace and tries to hide the whole game, because that´s what they´re used to doing.
    The rebels also have to be all trying. And sometimes, they´re not. Some players are simply there for the rewards and don´t five a damn about the game.
    I absolutely love windtrace. There were times where I haven´t played Genshin in months, but got into it again when windrtace came back. I can´t say this one is bad, but I wish I could play the old windtrace. I found it fun to search for ridiculous hiding places.
    The main difference between the old and the new one is how they feel. The old windtrace was very chill. Just casual fun. In this new one, if you want to win, you need to try-hard.
    I can´t blame them for trying something new. I am sure there are players who prefer the new, more involved version. I like the idea of letting players choose which mode they prefer. I always get matched into a game instantly, so I don´t think lack of players would be an issue.

  • @Jinni-iras17514
    @Jinni-iras17514 4 місяці тому +8

    There has to be a serious server diff going on.
    In NA everyone knows the hunter can just camp the 4 devices in front of the Dawn Winery and win easily.
    Also some of the map spawns put every rebel together and that gives hunters with the hunch ability an easy win. Lost a game in 17 seconds with that. I also won as a hunter because of it too.
    I think it would have been a huge help to know where your teammates are so you could reposition accordingly.

    • @Azaril_
      @Azaril_  4 місяці тому +1

      My alt account is on NA server, and it doesn't feel any different. There are hunters and rebels who don't know what they're doing as well as competent hunters and rebels on both servers. I've definitely lost a few times on the dawn winery map against competent hunters on EU.
      On the maps where the rebels spawn together, the hunter is usually too far away to reach them before they disperse, at least from my experience. I never felt like the spawn points were an issue.
      And I think knowing your teammates positions all the time would make it a bit too easy for the rebels. You can already kinda see were your teammates (or at least one of them) are when one of the devices pings. I usually just go to a device on the opposite side of the map after a ping, while the hunter is distracted.

  • @Leon_LF
    @Leon_LF 4 місяці тому +1

    Idk I played like 20 matches and everytime I got hunter I won and only managed to win as rebel 3 times out of like +10 times I played as them. One was because I managed to solo the hunter basically, where I got 3 of the 4 things you have to fix (last one was pretty epic I managed to fix the last one just as the hunter ALMOST got to me) and the other two were because I was blessed with the most competent team ever and we repaired everything in literally no time.

  • @flapperbeacon3527
    @flapperbeacon3527 4 місяці тому

    I've lost a 1 hunter game of 2 because just didn't care much about even memorizing buttons, and won only 1 rebel by repairing THREE FUCKING POINTS MYSELF, so i agree - mode looks isn't fair for me.
    But TBH - i've played for primos only, so i just don't care

  • @tanjazujchenko7066
    @tanjazujchenko7066 4 місяці тому

    Maybe next time they give us chance to choose between "classic" and "new" Windtrace. As I see, every next event they add something new for fun playing. I'm a new one in Genshin, and play myself only the newest version. But it was so fun! I just can't have enough rounds. So, let's be optimistic :)

  • @Duhgel
    @Duhgel 4 місяці тому

    I'm on EU, so personally, 90% success rate as rebel. I always suck as the hunter and tbh, the inazuma map was the worst as hunter. Dawn Winery was the bread and butter of hunters though, I hate that map since I was 9/10 of games a rebel.

  • @queen_sabeen
    @queen_sabeen 4 місяці тому

    I am new to Genshin so I have never played the original form of this event. That being said, I never lost as Rebel. In my opinion there should be 2 Hunters to make it more fair.
    Rebels have it very easy, especially when you play with a friend, then the Hunter has absolutely zero chance.

  • @atomotron
    @atomotron 4 місяці тому

    Agreed. This time the game heavily favors hunters, especially on small maps like the winery, where three of these fixie things are too close together. I literally have to stand there between the three and no rebel can do nothing. The only way rebels can get an upper hand this time is playing as a proper team, communicating by voice. Otherwise there is simply no time to do anything.

  • @tangerine5903
    @tangerine5903 4 місяці тому

    I refused to do Dawn Winery because that map gave me little chance of winning, from the way the gadgets were positioned and the way I constantly ran into poles when fleeing from the hunter. I've lost in other areas, but it felt less one sided at least. I think in the other maps, it's pretty balanced so it was fun, both to win and to lose.

  • @Error403HRD
    @Error403HRD 4 місяці тому

    I always get afk teammates so i've never once won a game as a rebel lol. My fault for playing at 6am i guess.

  • @jirik1123
    @jirik1123 4 місяці тому

    I find it hard to suffer through this event... I liked the prop hunt that was fun but this... I will just get enough to get primos end never again

  • @plsnoteli
    @plsnoteli 4 місяці тому +3

    Idk man, I haven’t lost as a rebel yet 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @Azaril_
      @Azaril_  4 місяці тому +1

      Then you had decent teammates. Sometimes there are rebels who just hide instead of repairing, which makes winning a lot harder. It also really depends on how good the hunter is. Some hunters have no idea what they're doing.

    • @loreyxillumina
      @loreyxillumina 4 місяці тому


  • @NohAotori
    @NohAotori 4 місяці тому

    When Im the hunter i let the rebels win 😅😅😅😅 I hate being the hunter
    In this new windtrace its been very balanced the winning/losing for me

  • @sinclaire5479
    @sinclaire5479 4 місяці тому

    Weird take cuz I have both won n lost as both Hunter and rebel I feel like it depends on the team and the mechanics u choose on both sides

  • @Art.f.d
    @Art.f.d 4 місяці тому

    Aaa I won multiple time as a rebel you just need to hide and repair
    Its super easy

  • @user89389
    @user89389 4 місяці тому

    I just wish they'd let players play with friends and still get points. That would solve so many of the problems people have;
    On one hand you have the people who need the primos but don't like windtrace / co-op games / co-op games with strangers, so they have a bad time trying to farm up the rewards doing content they don't enjoy / AFK-ing.
    On the other hand you have people who like the game and want to enjoy the game, but they keep getting teammates who are just AFK or have no idea how to play, making the actively participating players suffer and lose matches because of incompetent / unwilling teammates.
    If they just changed that setting and let people earn rewards with friends, then most of the unwilling, AFK-ing people who want the rewards would probably just form teams within themselves to farm the primos without bother. The actively playing people would be less likely to get AFK / unwilling teammates as a result, leading them to probably enjoy the games more. They could also form groups with other people who like windtrace and are good at it, and complete the event by playing with them in a REAL match.
    BAM. Literally 80% of the windtrace problems solved with that simple change in settings. The players would benefit from it hugely, and MHY wouldn't lose anything, AFK people would still AFK, playing people would still play, they would just be more likely to do it separately and happier than they are now.
    I don't know why they simply refuse to do it.
    The game that doesn't want to add endgame content because it doesn't want to "stress its players out", forcing the same players it "doesn't want to stress out" to compete in co-op games in order to get primos, even if they don't want to co-op with strangers, all because they refuse to let them earn rewards through playing with the people of the player's choosing.
    Ironic, really.

    • @user89389
      @user89389 4 місяці тому

      Also they should bring back the old windtrace and give people the option of choosing between the two.
      I don't like this style of gameplay, the repairing thing. It's not something I enjoy. What I enjoy is running from the hunter.
      I had one match where I taunted the hunter, and they spent almost the entire game chasing me, trying to catch me. They got close a few times but ultimately the only pleasure they got was staring at Wriothesley's behind as I ran. And tbh, that was fun! I think they had fun too, because at any point they could've just stopped and went to the towers, but we kept this up.
      Ultimately we still lost anyway because even though it was safe to repair (since the hunter was after me the entire time, and I didn't go near the towers), nobody did anything. If this was the old windtrace, then at least my efforts would've been rewarded because I didn't get caught. Now, it was just a loss because everyone else was AFK probably.

  • @tanjazujchenko7066
    @tanjazujchenko7066 4 місяці тому

    In Round 2 your team was very lucky to have the friendly hunter ;)

  • @bvflyer141cs2
    @bvflyer141cs2 4 місяці тому

    Never won as a rebel, even on games where I repaired 3 beacons by myself.

  • @Luky_gamez
    @Luky_gamez 4 місяці тому

    I'm never the hunter 😭🥲

  • @glory_m99
    @glory_m99 4 місяці тому

    I won as rebel 80% of the time
    and as a hunter almost 50%, so I could say it's fair enough in my experience

  • @Querinosa
    @Querinosa 4 місяці тому

    just a skill issue tbh