Scott Pilgrim Didn't Deserve a Happy Ending

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @McBreadbox
    @McBreadbox 11 місяців тому +13

    I remember reading the comics back in high school, but I was far too young to understand Scott or Ramona as anything but the heroes. This definitely deserves a reread!

  • @TheFuzzyOcelot
    @TheFuzzyOcelot 11 місяців тому +31

    I appreciate you actually reading the comics since those have the time to really hammer home the point that "Scott is a bad person", but I still think I disagree with his ending being "too happy". I think the idea that it's a "happily ever after" is a misinterpretation of the story the comic is presenting. You're right that his work towards self improvement is only just starting by the time he beats Gideon, which is exactly what the comic is saying. Him going off to live with Ramona is **not** a happily ever after. Scott and Ramona aren't going to live a peaceful life, but rather now armed with the understanding that they are flawed people who need to improve, are going off to *begin* their journey of becoming better people. What we see is only really the first chapter of what is implied to be a long, long journey to self improvement, rather than the ultimate end product. That's what the subspace door represents: They aren't riding off into the sunset or settling down to live a comforting life, they're walking forward into the next stage of their improvement.
    TL;DR, I agree that by the end of the story Scott is still a flawed person, but that's sort of the whole point the comics/movie is trying to make: The ending is him and Ramona starting their roads to self-improvement, not ending it.

    • @dearestdimple
      @dearestdimple  11 місяців тому +4

      I really appreciate your point of you and thanks for taking the time to write it out, I can tell you’re a lover of the comics! You could be absolutely right who knows what happens after they walk through that subspace door. How are you feeling about the new animation coming out?

    • @TheFuzzyOcelot
      @TheFuzzyOcelot 11 місяців тому +3

      @@dearestdimple I'm super hyped for the animation, with all the clips we've seen it seems like they'll be going over a lot more of the books than the movie did, plus some new stuff we've never even seen before. Edgar Wright really does get the vibe of what Scott Pilgrim was all about, but having to crush the story down into one 2 hour experience definitely made it more rough around the edges, so the fact that he's also directing the animation is phenomenal.

    • @dearestdimple
      @dearestdimple  11 місяців тому +2

      I totally agree @@TheFuzzyOcelot !

    • @xparana
      @xparana 11 місяців тому +1

      I totally agree with you, bro! After defeating Gideon, it was shown that there is room for change within him, besides Ramona. It is a journey of self-discovery that the two will go through together, with ups and downs.

  • @gartsur84
    @gartsur84 11 місяців тому +9

    Have to say, it was a great video and I support your point of view. But I never thought that the ending was a "happy for ever after", it was a more a "they deserve each other" kind of deal.

    • @dearestdimple
      @dearestdimple  11 місяців тому

      Fair enough! I can definitely see your point of view on that, they are both far from perfect.

  • @ladypriere
    @ladypriere 11 місяців тому +3

    (around 9:20) You COULD argue that this is for Ramona's benefit, but not in the way Scott thinks. After all, this whole thing wouldn't be happening if she had just, y'know, SPOKEN to her exes at any point. She IS benefitted because this clears up the problems that (for the most part) SHE caused, it's just Scott doesn't know he's being suckered. They both selfish, in other words. I'm sure I don't have to tell YOU this tho, given you read the comic 😅
    (sorry for all the caps, i forget how to italicise on yt)
    Thank you for also calling out Ramona, even briefly. SO many people just brush off her issues even though she's just as bad, if not worse than Scott, but because most people only watched the movie they don't know the whole story behind her. Movie kinda drives me nuts for that reason (i don't hate it, it's just mid to me...)
    Didn't mean to write a novel 😅 Glad to see you back 😁

    • @dearestdimple
      @dearestdimple  11 місяців тому +1

      Oh, absolutely! For the longest time I had only ever watch the movie and I thought I felt really bad for her because she seems like such a victim in the movie, but in the comics it’s clear that the league of evil exes was created because she was in capable of communicating with any of them! Thanks for your support and your long thoughtful comment😊

  • @Chucky_the_killerdoll
    @Chucky_the_killerdoll 7 місяців тому +1

    It's not really about the excuse of "nobody's perfect" the main principle is aiming for perfection. Except... nobody wants a perfect person, otherwise whats the point of the journey and understanding of those flaws? It wouldn't feel real if he didn't have those flaws, that's why we learn and strive to earn that and being a better person in the best way we can.

  • @OkamiHowls
    @OkamiHowls 11 місяців тому +3

    I have to be honest, I forgot this film existed. I remember watching it when I was a kid but not really understanding it (I was 9 when it came out). I remember finding Ramona cool and just being happy for them getting together because he was the nerdy, socially awkward kid and she was Miss Popular in my perspective. I think this is a cool analysis and it's always interesting to hear people's takes on old media watching as an adult versus a kid. Maybe I should revisit the movie sometime.

    • @dearestdimple
      @dearestdimple  11 місяців тому

      I completely agree! When I wash it for the first time, I had Rose cut tinted glasses on about the whole situation, and I thought Scott was really cool! But looking back as a grown-up, not so much😅

  • @ironpiyepic2666
    @ironpiyepic2666 11 місяців тому +4

    When you finally realize the point the series was making without realizing what they were trying to say. (No matter how much of a fuck up you can be, you can always learn from it)

  • @areakastudios6704
    @areakastudios6704 10 місяців тому

    I think you’re missing a lot of context about Scott making advances with knives. He wasn’t actually that interested in her at all, not even sexually. Wallace, ironically enough, was heavily pressuring Scott to go meet other women since he was certain that Ramona wasn’t coming back. This causes Scott to be rather blunt and forceful with his actions. He even admits this after he says that infamously hilarious line.
    Does that excuse his moves? No, but it’s less bad than him trying to groom knives for his own desires. Plus, when they made out, they both hated it.

  • @Cyclops_Devil
    @Cyclops_Devil 10 місяців тому

    listen, we all know Scott Is an Asshole (sorry for the cursing) but he has a heart, Scott was an Asshole because he didn't take things too seriously, but when he realizes life wasn't easy for him anymore when he met Ramona, I know he deserves a fate worse than death, but he's not a bad guy, maybe when being a child, he had some complicated stuff with his parent's and he thought life was easy for him, so don't hate on Scott, I mean, I would hate him too, but I'm not the kind of person who does that. I know that deep down, Scott is a good person, you just have to give him a chance.

  • @johnbloem3536
    @johnbloem3536 10 місяців тому

    What's the song that's playing in the background???

  • @Infinite_Repeat
    @Infinite_Repeat 11 місяців тому

    Its hard to criticize something you like without coming off as nit picky nowadays but think you did a good job.

  • @emilyekeylime
    @emilyekeylime 11 місяців тому +4

    I’m so glad you’re back! Scott is absolutely the worst, but I didn’t realize it until I was an adult. I didn’t read the comics, so I’m glad to hear it portrayed Ramona as being more multidimensional.
    PS my loser high school boyfriend who was a drummer for a mediocre band also had that Smashing Pumpkins shirt. We really are all Knives 😅

    • @dearestdimple
      @dearestdimple  11 місяців тому +1

      Why did loser high school boyfriends have to be so lame? I was also very interested to learn that she has a more interesting character. In the comments in the movies! Thank you for watching.😊

  • @kjtj397
    @kjtj397 9 місяців тому

    0:19 it may be a visually stunning animation but god damn the story is convoluted and bad

  • @Ian-ky5hf
    @Ian-ky5hf 11 місяців тому

    Why is only Scott a loser he is not the only one with significant problems. I guess you can never grow beyond your faults you will always be a loser.

    • @dearestdimple
      @dearestdimple  11 місяців тому +2

      There is also a section of the video about Ramona’s flaws as well. Nobody is perfect but yeah Scott is a loser, freeloader, and scumbag. But that’s the point of the story right? Even a loser can do a noble thing?

  • @arialexei7630
    @arialexei7630 11 місяців тому +2

    scott pilgrim vs the world ruined a whole generation of women

    • @KaiMCGRPS
      @KaiMCGRPS 11 місяців тому +3

      and men too (shout out neg xp)

  • @brianinfante9757
    @brianinfante9757 11 місяців тому

    They literally kill people xD

    • @BucketIHead
      @BucketIHead 11 місяців тому

      Brian Lee O'Malley said on a blog that the exes just teleport back in their bedroom and stop being evil