I have such a fondness for Kevin and Kathi. Their teaching is so authentic. Not one single Christian I have listened to since 1988 have ever teached❤ such truth. God is amazing, merciful, true in what he has accomplished with this precious couple for our benefit❤
I loved what jumped out at me amongst all the gems in this talk: 'Jesus wants to lift us out of the hole that we're in, He doesn't want to get down in there with us'. And to me the inference was, when we're in the hole, we're examining it and replaying how we got there. He's not about that, He's about showing us what He has for us outside the hole. Thank you for faithful, strong, unapologetic preaching.
I accidentally added my comment before I was finished., hopefully this will be added. After my mother died, I was looked at through the image of my mother's death. I felt their pity and also felt their rejection of the burden of my life. As a child I couldn't put words to any of what I felt. My dad was a mighty man after the flesh that told me to believe in Jesus. I believed that Jesus was truly the God of the impossible, because of what He told me as a child. I am now 64 and have finally identified the stumbling blocks that kept me in the wilderness and the pit of hell for most of my life. The image of my parents and a husband that looked at me through condemnation. I am so thankful for all the trials for they led to the true Jesus. When listening to Kevin, l feel like I am going back in time where he puts words to what I felt as a child being indoctrinated by religion that made me a stumbling block against the Jesus I so desperately needed. By second grade I felt the full weight of the burden of my life feeling i had to hide while walking the goodie two shoe life, hoping Jesus would save me from the disappointment I felt I caused everyone around me. Today the devil has been truly found out and all his wickedness. I have renouncecall agreements with voice of condemnation. They never belonged to me and I also can truly forgive my parents that wanted to make life perfect for me not knowing, my soul was so tormented by their fiery tempers that I felt I lived in the valley of the shadow of death, not knowing then what I know now. Jesus was with me every step, strengthening me to go through every challenge of life. My goal as a child was not to get my parents mad at me so I wouldn't have to hear their condemning words. When I got married that goal switched to my husband. Because of a true woman of God who has counseled me and spoke truth to the lies Iearned through religion. I am being delivered daily and am so thankful for the deliverance from all lies of self. The Truth is being made flesh as I recieve from God and rest in HIS Finished Work, while I get out of the way! Thank you Jesus for sending Kevin back. The church needs to hear this pure Truth from Heaven!
So good. When I was raising my kids, I always had a place to go and grow. At the church I went to, the pastors wife, who was a grandmother, led a women's Bible study.
Praying for you Kevin And Kathi. I wasted about 6 - 8 months of my life year. I went to jail for 4 months on a three year old warrant. Then I backslid quite a bit. Finally I got better and I'm doing what God is telling me to do. I feel sorry for doing what I did. I'm able to come back from it thanks to God I should have lost my salvation but God's mercies are from everlasting to everlasting. The backsliding was not necessary. Forever grateful to God and grateful for everyone doing God's will when it's not easy. Thank you Kevin for being there for the body and raising up the true believers. You are changing the world and not even getting recognized for it. I can't even think about it without crying sheesh 😅😊🙏🔥🔥
Preparation time is never wasted time. We all fall short of the Glory but God is faithful & just to forgive. The Christians that have favor in their life are not the perfect Christians, they are the ones that know they are forgiven and can walk now because they are so thankful. We remember where we came from. God has intervened in your life and it has become so evident to you that everything you do is a gift and an offering to Him. Your willingness to be honest about what you went through shows accountability and will help minister to those going through something similar. I trust that God is working all of this together for your good and for His glory. Thank you for sharing so that we know how to better pray for you. God bless you!😇🙏
Those who have been forgiven much love much. ISAIAH 55:7 And whenever he comes near, the sinner shall forsake his way, banishing the very thought of doing wrong, let him return to me and I shall show love upon him, showing mercy, and will forgive him generously. ISAIAH 1:18 Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow;
“So don’t be impatient for Yahweh to act; keep moving forward steadily in his ways, and he will exalt you to possess the land. You’ll watch with your own eyes and see the wicked lose everything.” I studied Psalm 37 TPT a lot last week. And this verse came to mind when I saw your title!!😃. Please pray for Bend, Oregon brother Kevin. I want our town to make God’s heart happy. Thank you. Much love to you and your team.
I'm in bend too, wow so grateful for seeing someone here that believes in what kevin teaches. I'm new here blessings to you which church do you attend?
I am praying for the move of our Heavenly Father in our hearts minds and town. Amen I fully believe in the Lord taking me where I need to be to do the Lords will in myLife Praise God.
I can't thank you Kevin and Kathy enough. What an incredible blessing to the body of Christ. We are getting them saved baptized in the Holy Spirit here in New Zealand and putting them straight onto you, they are missing all the religious bs and this country is about to be shaken!
If anyone says anything negative about you, I'm sorry. You have laid down your life for most of your life now, and Kathi does too. You and Kathi are the hands and heart of Jesus, always!!
I was brought back to the truth a year and a half ago and since then I have had supernatural experiences with him every day. The modern church is basically giving 3/4 of the message but the 1/4 we are missing is the most important part…
Please pray for my 13 year old daughter who has a biopsy on Wednesday to determine if she has bone cancer , Jesus please heal my daughter from this fowl disease amen 🙏
Hoky Spirit is Moving in the Body of Christ and Leadership in churches! We are Seated at the Right hand of The Father In The Secret Place of The Most High! In Heavenly Realm. Only in Yeshua We Live! Move, and have our being!
I'm not a christain, I guess I don't put a name to where my faith is, I don't feel the need to do this, and I have been really turned off by most all religions including Christianity. I found this guy from my mom and have been binge watching his videos and so much of what he is saying I have known for a long time. It's nice to hear someone u never thought would speak such knowledge speak it. Opening they eyes of all walks of life.
I’ve had several dreams from the Lord, and showing me and told me not to worry and showing me the future he has for my son, and I even got electrocuted in my sleep , until I said, OK OK I hear him , Oh my goodness., and I’m telling you I was electrocuted. I woke up and was out of breath ..Lord says, don’t worry, but sometimes it just creeps in..
I think God for Kevin and Kathy, to help us to the leading of our Lord and Savior, and speak the truth above all, and love above all, thank you guys so much..
These good folks have been like hittin the spiritual lottery! I don’t miss ignorance, I don’t miss depression ANd I Really don’t miss religion!!! Thank you for the love, encouragement and the kick in the pants too!
I fully realize that I must look to Jesus continuously, he doing things supernaturally, as everything seems to be decayed and otherwise I cannot go on! I trust him fully! I thank you Jesus for impacting my mind, my emotions, my body and every area of my life. that your plan for me I can fulfill! You are almighty and I am obeying! Amen!
Watching from Perth Australia ❤ Such an impartation of Jesus' heart and passion. Wow we have so much to do. I ask for much grace from the Throne to live by the Faith of the Son, not trying to in my own limited measure 🙇
It can be so challenging to find the people who are willing to move from a game night to a flame night! I pray that the Lord may give us more people that are seeking God's flame and fellowship of flame and bring up leaders who will have disciples who make disciples Amen. I try so often to host times of fellowship and times to glorify God and learn about God but oftentimes people will be available for game nights but not for the Holy Spirit nights. It can be so disheartening for me. Jesus thank you for using Kevin Zadai, Dr. Kevin you and all those who warfare with you have been a blessing and an encouragement to keep me going and to keep leading by example. Pray for my patience on these friends and to keep loving them, but to keep poking them with a hot marshmallow roasting stick haha!!
11/30/2023 14:15 cst Dearly BelovedGeneral Kevin, I have had to go through something, but I’m on my way to Texarkana. I am so excited to feel the manifest presence of our heavenly father as a corporate body gathering
This was, is, Sooo good! I'm happy to hear God is redeeming the time the adversary has stolen from us, me, all my life! I've been hearing Redeeming the time the past week or so and this is confirmation
Well….God speaks to me mostly all day…he teases me and makes me laugh…..he even plays a song to me on the radio(no tv for 5yrs) It goes “ Never met a girl like you before”….I almost peed myself laughing. Angels and Holy Spirit talks to me through dream/visions/number on the clock…even making it spin. Angels on top of me re-wiring my trapped nerves from back injury….Holy Spirit Talking me through it, Even Arch angel michael standing over me keeping demons away…..then Jesus appeared hugging me kissing all over my face….my own love in….. have never had so many adventures…. I love it….Love Jesus …..xxxxx
I love the way you preach and you put it in layman's terms. So that just a simple person can understand exactly how to go about things. I love your Angel series and it really helped me to understand how God set things in motion. Put angels there for our behalf and that they are actually Serving us by personal servinge us for the work of the lord. When I listen to You I Feel like I've sat under the cloak of my spiritual father, which my father NEVER taught like this or demonstrated much of this. My entire life in the end. He was saved and very close to the Lord after a horrible painful divorce and my beautiful mother who remarried him. And narcissistic traits. But he was so regretful in the end and it could not be reversed. Any longer once she was gone, he cried all the time. I know he's with the Lord now. I know my mother's there. I can't wait to see them again. Thank you for your obedience and just your manner of preaching. I love it. It's drawn me in. It makes me want to serve the Lord with all my heart and never look back. Thank you I needed this today
The wisest man ive ever seen ! The most honest, humble, insightful, funny and my favorite person to listen to when im driving ! Which is ALOT. I wish he could pray for and / or prophecy into me , i hope to see him in person one day 🎉
Forget what you think you know church. This man is 100% telling the TRUTH that we let be hidden from us in plain sight. Gods been showing me exactly ALL of this over last several years, nobody around me cared or listens or believed , fought every day with giving up and just accepting maybe it is just me and I'm crazy, but THIS . And people are finally beginning to wake up and come together. Don't be afraid JuST BELIEVE
From India, very true brother Kevin, I am emotionally attached to my family and feel responsible for my family, I identify with the soul ties you are talking about. I feel exploited emotionally, please pray for my family and finances. Amen and shalom with love and prayers🕊
Had the sweetest encounter with Holy Ghost last night. I went to sleep after this message. I was told to drink what he poured something from his cupped hands and said I could only handle what he had, the fire with come later, carry what he gave me faithfully and don’t wait so long to obey it’s causing slow growth. It’s Christmas morning and I’m about to walk out my gift He poured into me….it’s between me and Holy Ghost!! Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Pray for me and my husband to impact the lives of our communities and making a difference, knowing that with the vision comes provision in Jesus Name 🙏 ❤
I am so blessed watching your journey. My late husband, Arlan Cokeley flew the F4D Navy Jet airplane, out of Moffet Field in Sunnyvale CA. That plane still holds the record for the fastest airplane to fly straight up. His captain was just retired from the Blue Angels when he was transferred to Sunnyvale to be his Squadron Leader. They were an all weather, night qualified, instrument only squadron. He taught the members of their members to fly just like the Blue Angels. This was during the time when we were fighting the “War that wasn’t aware.” My Irish German husband’s dream was to get shipped over and shoot down the enemy that was killing innocent people. The captain was not a good gunner, and did not like to fly that point position, so he put my husband in that position, and he dropped back to the left wing position. They used to practice over the area just like the Blue Angels with the colored smoke, flying upside down just like the shows in San Francisco and Alameda. When our first son was born, the squadron happened to be doing maneuvers in Alemeda. My husband jumped into the F4D without filing a flight plan, and flew to the Golden Gate Bridge and did a roll over, and then flew under the Golden Gate Bridge upside down. Then did another rollover. before flying straight up.
When he got to the top. He spun around and flew straight down and did another roll over before flying under the Golden Gate Bridge upside down, where he did another roll over and then flew back to the field, where he landed and was greeted by the squadron’s mechanic who told him to get out of his orange flight suit and report strait way to the Captains quarter’s immediately. He said, I will be stopping at the gas station to by something on the way. The mechanic said, he would not do that if I were you. My husband said you are not me, so wait outside and keep the keep running, and I will be right out. Of course My husband had to tell everyone inside why he was buying cigars, and then he bought more to give to everyone in the store. The mechanic decided to buy some gas because he thought they might run out of gas. So then he raced him to the captains quarters and escorted him across a large room and knocked on the door Where and said “ Ltjg reporting for duty sit. Someone opened the door and then they noticed some light under the door where the mechanic was lying on the floor wiring to hear how much trouble my husband was getting into. So the captain told someone to slowly walk around and open the door very quickly. When he did the door hit the mechanic’s head, and he could not help but yell out ouch.Then the door was opened a little and they handed him several Kleenex tissues to hold against his head, and ordered him to report to the doctor’s quarter’s immediately, and to mind his own business in the future. Then my husband handed out the fine Cuban cigars and suggested that they save them to smoke later at their I r leisure , because he was allergic to cigar smoke.
Then they all started slapping him on the back and congratulating him. They cut his black tie and went to the bar and hung it on the wall. And told him that his reward was to pay for everyone’s drinks all night. 5:47
He said, now can I fly over seas and shoot down the enemy. The captain said, no way. You have to stay here and teach the rest of us to be as gutsy as you are, except for, not another bridge trick. They might catch someone who ever tried that again. Several people had taken video’s of his stunt. and it was in all the newspapers and on the radio asking who the mystery pilot was.
Hi Kevin. I wanted to share something. I just became a partner, (with Warrior Notes) eand I'm laughing because of what Jesus whispered to me today. I was in the middle of watching a TV programme and he said to me, "so you have become a partner?"I said yes. He said "a partner with Kevin Zadai?" I said yes. Then He said "no!" "You have become a partner with me." A partner with Him through through giving to Warrior Notes was the thing He was saying. It was interesting to see how He sees things. Thought I'd just share with you and the team. I love you all and pray for the work you are doing. God bless.
Kevin I know you do not know me but man if I actually had the chance to sit in front of you. I would listen and take the direction that is given and ask questions on where Jesus needs me to go. God bless you
I needed to hear this. It’s so easy to get caught up in all that we can see around us and wonder if there’s something God would have us do about it. Needed this refocus. So grateful for your leadership. It has been lifesaving and life changing for me. 🙏🏼
For the last few weeks, I have been hearing this message of not being involved with current issues. I need to focus on fathers commands of love and obedience.
Kevin puts words to the the awful lies of religion and the image of the world using God and lost sheep to accomplish the works of satan. I grew up as a Catholic. My mother died a month before going to Catholic school. The Lord gave me a message after my mothe died. I heard all the adults talk about my dad and said, how is he goi 14:03 ng to take care of these kids? I never questioned that my dad could take care of me, until I heard that. My heart was gripped by a death grip of fear, thinking my dad would leave me too. Before I could think another thought, Jesus put 4 thoughts in my heart, I take care of the flowers of the field, the birds of the air, and you're more important than these and there is nothing impossible with Me. The fear left immediately and a Peace that passes all understanding encompassed my heart, with a knowing all would be well. I didnt that was in the Bible, I didn't know it was Jesus, I didn't understand that it was those 4 lines kept me alive growing up with two traumatized parents that survived Nazi oppression, one living in Germany as Hitler came to power and one that survived a death camp at the hands of the Russians because he was German. Before I listened to this message, I just renounced from my soul, the image that my parents unknowingly projected onto me to be perfect to save me from pain and suffering. My child heart was broken, not because my mother died, but I was now defined by my mother's d
Dear Kevin and Kathi, Hello from Nagaland, India. I Love your teachings. Sometimes I cant quite understand it but I still Love it the same. I have been so blessed by you. Hallelujah to Jesus. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I thank God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit for everything that l'm today. Please pray for my family to join me in Jesus Christ's name. Amen 🙏 🙌
Thank you for all your videos ❤ Please pray for my home based business. It is just beginning... Now I'm stuck and weary. My prayer is stuck and empty. Abba Father! Help me! Blessings for you Kevin and Kathi and the team from Finland ❤
Believe me ...I'm desiring more fruit too. I repent for a fruitless life,Jesus teach me to look like YOU here. No more letting others die carelessly around me.
URGENT PRAYER REQUEST. Please pray for my Brother-in-law, Mike. He is battling kidney and heart failure. The medical community is dropping the ball and he is desperatingly needing a MIRACLE FOR KIDNEYS AND HEART, IN JESUS NAME. THANK YOU!!
Hello Kevin. I have felt like I've been in the desert for 40 years. I am so glad to hear the Gospel being preached through you. Time to leave the desert and cross over into the Promised Land. No looking back. Thank you and God bless.
Did I tell you that I love you, Man of God. If I didn't tell you before, I scream it now! I love you, Dr. Kevin. I'm truly grateful to the Lord Jesus for sending you back 🙏
Thank you Dr Kevin for your message. You are so right! People just need to be loved. That is the absolute truth. We should strive to live in the here and now. Whatever we may have failed in the past, we should try to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and get on with living.
THANKYOU KEVIN for your love for TRUTH, COMPASSION, your testimony, your knowledge from the word and BEING WITH our Lord Jesus Christ ❤️ and yours and Kathy's love and faithfulness to each other.❤
I THANK JESUS, CPT Kevin for bringing you back just so I Sandra will NOT give up because even going to church is not easy now. But I JUST WANT TO OBEY JESUS when HE SAYS WE SHOULDN'T FORSAKE THE GATHERING OF THE SAINTS! Once again thank you all very much!!
Thank you holy spirit for revealing your truth. And for the understanding of the fear of the lord. Now we can walk closer to you and hear your voice. Because we believe your showing us the way.
Kevin and Kathi, please pray for me. I am born again and I am still dealing with demonic attacks mostly while I am asleep. I wake up with bruises almost every day. I have been dealing with this for many years. 😢
I'm just thankful to be getting sensible Bible teaching...without all the screaming and shouting...and so called "prophecies". God is God...and He's not complicated one tiny bit. God has His own ways of doing things...and putting our faith in HIM is what moves the mountains. Thank you for simple Bible teaching.
Thank you Cpt Kevin! God bless you, your family, and your ministry! You have brought forth such timely messages from the Lord! I receive it! For such a time as this! Thank you Jesus ❤
Wow, such a powerful message!! At times I find myself having to push pause so that I can ponder & meditate on the words being said. I can feel the words go deep in my spirit. I have listened to this message multiple times. When you talked about the the women & the oil lamps & the time growing short, I felt & still feel such a heaviness in my spirit for the lost. I have been praying for God to accelerate my revelation of knowledge, wisdom & understanding of his word & in my personal relationship with him because I feel I have wasted most of my life as a result of not knowing the truth. I want to be known as a friend of God. And to become a better witness for God to the lost. Personally I have found it most difficult to witness to the Catholics & Jewish people. I continue to pray that the scales be lifted off their eyes so that they may come to know the truth & be saved. May God continue to bless & protect kevin & Kathi & their ministry family. Feeling grateful & blessed for all your teachings that you have made available to us. Thank you.
I cut off any ungodly soutlties in my life and brake the power of it by the blood of Jesus and declared it null and void in Jesus Mighty Name above all names and by the power of the Holy Spirit❤. Thank you, Jesus ❤❤❤
Pray for me. I'm stuck in a place where nothing has moved for me spiritually. I hear prophecies from people here constantly for 2 years now that God wants to bless me and move me to the next level, but I am concerned that since none of these have happened, something must be wrong with me. Prophecies that say I would have a better job in my career. I also have health issues that may be keeping me to move in ministering as I feel that it would not represent God best if I have health problems myself. I am also not married and I am trying to find the will of God in this place of my life as well.
Thank you, Kevin and Kathi! I cannot find a message that’s as truthful and straightforward as you two! I’ve seen so much in ministry that before i found you, I had just given up on finding any ministry that was at the least honest and wasn’t manipulating people for money. You all are such a sweet gift to those of us who have been wandering looking for the real deal. I’ve seen the worst but finding you had been such a blessing!
Thank You Lord 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you so much, God Almighty bless you all 🙏🙏🙏
Рік тому
God Bless you Kevin and Kathy! I'm Living I'm the Shadow of The Most High since my healing going back to 2012! Holy Spirit lead me to you thru TBN Satellite Broadcast in Noth Pole Alaska. Sid Roth Show! Thanks Be To Yaweh! I was Highly Favored all my life, saved by God Almighty & escaped sure death three times ! Simply was wandering in desert aware! ❤ I grew up in Germany, post WW 2!
Can’t wait to see you in person in January, in Florida!!! Been listening every day for a few years now! I live in New Hampshire 🙂 truth is so refreshing and freeing!!❤
I have such a fondness for Kevin and Kathi. Their teaching is so authentic. Not one single Christian I have listened to since 1988 have ever teached❤ such truth. God is amazing, merciful, true in what he has accomplished with this precious couple for our benefit❤
So thankful for you 💓
Yes amen and you maybe interested in thamo naidoo and dr sagie govender. Teach doctrine and it will tweak your teaching weve all sat under since 80s x
Amen. Thank YOU HOLY GOD OUR FATHER in JESUS name Amen
I loved what jumped out at me amongst all the gems in this talk: 'Jesus wants to lift us out of the hole that we're in, He doesn't want to get down in there with us'. And to me the inference was, when we're in the hole, we're examining it and replaying how we got there. He's not about that, He's about showing us what He has for us outside the hole. Thank you for faithful, strong, unapologetic preaching.
I hate the emotional junk that sends me back to the squirrel cage
If Jesus makes the hole so comfortable with His presence we won't want to get out of it
I've been praying for Jesus to pull me out of this pit!
I don't want to be behind! I'm starting a small group in my home this Friday for young moms. God has put it together. The story is amazing. Only God!
That is so beautiful!!! Praise Him!
I accidentally added my comment before I was finished., hopefully this will be added. After my mother died, I was looked at through the image of my mother's death. I felt their pity and also felt their rejection of the burden of my life. As a child I couldn't put words to any of what I felt. My dad was a mighty man after the flesh that told me to believe in Jesus. I believed that Jesus was truly the God of the impossible, because of what He told me as a child. I am now 64 and have finally identified the stumbling blocks that kept me in the wilderness and the pit of hell for most of my life. The image of my parents and a husband that looked at me through condemnation. I am so thankful for all the trials for they led to the true Jesus. When listening to Kevin, l feel like I am going back in time where he puts words to what I felt as a child being indoctrinated by religion that made me a stumbling block against the Jesus I so desperately needed. By second grade I felt the full weight of the burden of my life feeling i had to hide while walking the goodie two shoe life, hoping Jesus would save me from the disappointment I felt I caused everyone around me. Today the devil has been truly found out and all his wickedness. I have renouncecall agreements with voice of condemnation. They never belonged to me and I also can truly forgive my parents that wanted to make life perfect for me not knowing, my soul was so tormented by their fiery tempers that I felt I lived in the valley of the shadow of death, not knowing then what I know now. Jesus was with me every step, strengthening me to go through every challenge of life. My goal as a child was not to get my parents mad at me so I wouldn't have to hear their condemning words. When I got married that goal switched to my husband. Because of a true woman of God who has counseled me and spoke truth to the lies Iearned through religion. I am being delivered daily and am so thankful for the deliverance from all lies of self. The Truth is being made flesh as I recieve from God and rest in HIS Finished Work, while I get out of the way! Thank you Jesus for sending Kevin back. The church needs to hear this pure Truth from Heaven!
me too❤❤GOD IS GOOD
Fruit that remains. We are with you❤
So good. When I was raising my kids, I always had a place to go and grow. At the church I went to, the pastors wife, who was a grandmother, led a women's Bible study.
Praying for you Kevin And Kathi. I wasted about 6 - 8 months of my life year. I went to jail for 4 months on a three year old warrant. Then I backslid quite a bit. Finally I got better and I'm doing what God is telling me to do. I feel sorry for doing what I did. I'm able to come back from it thanks to God I should have lost my salvation but God's mercies are from everlasting to everlasting. The backsliding was not necessary. Forever grateful to God and grateful for everyone doing God's will when it's not easy. Thank you Kevin for being there for the body and raising up the true believers. You are changing the world and not even getting recognized for it. I can't even think about it without crying sheesh 😅😊🙏🔥🔥
You are an inspiration ❤
Praying for you 🙏
Preparation time is never wasted time. We all fall short of the Glory but God is faithful & just to forgive. The Christians that have favor in their life are not the perfect Christians, they are the ones that know they are forgiven and can walk now because they are so thankful. We remember where we came from. God has intervened in your life and it has become so evident to you that everything you do is a gift and an offering to Him. Your willingness to be honest about what you went through shows accountability and will help minister to those going through something similar. I trust that God is working all of this together for your good and for His glory. Thank you for sharing so that we know how to better pray for you. God bless you!😇🙏
Those who have been forgiven much love much.
And whenever he comes near, the sinner shall forsake his way, banishing the very thought of doing wrong, let him return to me and I shall show love upon him, showing mercy, and will forgive him generously.
Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow;
Nothing in your life is wasted. God's Word doesn't return void. And he will turn what was meant for evil as good.
Blessings from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 please pray for my family and my national peace. Thank you!!!
“So don’t be impatient for Yahweh to act;
keep moving forward steadily in his ways,
and he will exalt you to possess the land.
You’ll watch with your own eyes
and see the wicked lose everything.”
I studied Psalm 37 TPT a lot last week. And this verse came to mind when I saw your title!!😃. Please pray for Bend, Oregon brother Kevin. I want our town to make God’s heart happy. Thank you. Much love to you and your team.
I'm in bend too, wow so grateful for seeing someone here that believes in what kevin teaches. I'm new here blessings to you which church do you attend?
I am praying for the move of our Heavenly Father in our hearts minds and town. Amen
I fully believe in the Lord taking me where I need to be to do the Lords will in myLife Praise God.
Watching from Kampala Uganda. Glory to Jesus.
All of Uganda shall be saved in Jesus name
i am ugandan....my GOD am so happy to know is drawn to Kevin Zadai....
I can't thank you Kevin and Kathy enough. What an incredible blessing to the body of Christ. We are getting them saved baptized in the Holy Spirit here in New Zealand and putting them straight onto you, they are missing all the religious bs and this country is about to be shaken!
Praise Jesus!
Hallelujah! Keep on going.
Hey Shirley! I didn't realise you had your own channel on here. Yay! I'm a subscriber to you too now. See you soon.🙏
All of New Zealand shall be saved in Jesus name. Fruit that remains
Glory be to God
If anyone says anything negative about you, I'm sorry. You have laid down your life for most of your life now, and Kathi does too. You and Kathi are the hands and heart of Jesus, always!!
Prayer for daughter GRANDson and his dad that we can be united and be in one accord to know and serve Jesus...
Amen. Flesh and the spirit has to bow to the KING of Kings.
I am asking for prayer of agreement that by Jesus Stripes I am healed and whole in Jesus name. Thank you Kevin and the family of God❤❤❤❤❤
Read God's word and receive his promises dear
"You're going to hear a voice behind you" has helped me so much in business knowing that the Holy Spirit was at work helping me
Listening for the 4th time and every single time I hear different things highlighted to me by the Spirit. So good.
I was brought back to the truth a year and a half ago and since then I have had supernatural experiences with him every day. The modern church is basically giving 3/4 of the message but the 1/4 we are missing is the most important part…
Please pray for my 13 year old daughter who has a biopsy on Wednesday to determine if she has bone cancer , Jesus please heal my daughter from this fowl disease amen 🙏
Please pray for the wisdom of Christ for me. I love to listen to you
Hoky Spirit is Moving in the Body of Christ and Leadership in churches! We are Seated at the Right hand of The Father In The Secret Place of The Most High! In Heavenly Realm. Only in Yeshua We Live! Move, and have our being!
Holy not Hoky!
I'm not a christain, I guess I don't put a name to where my faith is, I don't feel the need to do this, and I have been really turned off by most all religions including Christianity. I found this guy from my mom and have been binge watching his videos and so much of what he is saying I have known for a long time. It's nice to hear someone u never thought would speak such knowledge speak it. Opening they eyes of all walks of life.
You just made my day. Thank you...
I’ve had several dreams from the Lord, and showing me and told me not to worry and showing me the future he has for my son, and I even got electrocuted in my sleep , until I said, OK OK I hear him , Oh my goodness., and I’m telling you I was electrocuted. I woke up and was out of breath ..Lord says, don’t worry, but sometimes it just creeps in..
I think God for Kevin and Kathy, to help us to the leading of our Lord and Savior, and speak the truth above all, and love above all, thank you guys so much..
I pray no harm can come to you. The enemy may have an evil plan but God is greater. Life and life abundant be yours
This message has to be grasped ASAP!
Thank you soo much for your teachings, You, your wife, and your warrior notes team , are such a blessing to the body of Christ!
Amen! I receive.
These good folks have been like hittin the spiritual lottery! I don’t miss ignorance, I don’t miss depression ANd I Really don’t miss religion!!! Thank you for the love, encouragement and the kick in the pants too!
Thank you Jesus Christ for loving me even when l'm not worthy.
I fully realize that I must look to Jesus continuously, he doing things supernaturally, as everything seems to be decayed and otherwise I cannot go on! I trust him fully! I thank you Jesus for impacting my mind, my emotions, my body and every area of my life. that your plan for me I can fulfill! You are almighty and I am obeying! Amen!
Amen. No distractions in JESUS name Amen. Clarity of thoughts upon me in JESUS name Amen
Watching from Perth Australia ❤ Such an impartation of Jesus' heart and passion. Wow we have so much to do. I ask for much grace from the Throne to live by the Faith of the Son, not trying to in my own limited measure 🙇
I'm from Perth too..nice to see someone else is too! ❤
All of Australia shall be saved in Jesus name. Australia is a righteous nation to God
You are my favourite pastor. I’ve been binge-watching all your videos since I discovered you. Thank you!
Thank you ❤️.
Dr. Kevin, I’m currently going through some heavy trials and attacks from the enemy. Could you please keep me in prayer. Thank you so much ❤🙏
Jesus burden is light he has raised you up above life issues. God always makes a way. May you have joy.
Thanks for all the sacrifice you and kathi have given.. All your sermons help me pray longer and push deeper.
Praise God. So blessed by your ministry.
It can be so challenging to find the people who are willing to move from a game night to a flame night! I pray that the Lord may give us more people that are seeking God's flame and fellowship of flame and bring up leaders who will have disciples who make disciples Amen.
I try so often to host times of fellowship and times to glorify God and learn about God but oftentimes people will be available for game nights but not for the Holy Spirit nights. It can be so disheartening for me.
Jesus thank you for using Kevin Zadai, Dr. Kevin you and all those who warfare with you have been a blessing and an encouragement to keep me going and to keep leading by example.
Pray for my patience on these friends and to keep loving them, but to keep poking them with a hot marshmallow roasting stick haha!!
So thankful 🙏. Blessings to you.
Captain Kevin
11/30/2023 14:15 cst Dearly BelovedGeneral Kevin, I have had to go through something, but I’m on my way to Texarkana.
I am so excited to feel the manifest presence of our heavenly father as a corporate body gathering
Blessings from Mexico City. We are praying for you
All of Mexico shall be saved. Mexico is a righteous nation to our God
This was, is, Sooo good! I'm happy to hear God is redeeming the time the adversary has stolen from us, me, all my life! I've been hearing Redeeming the time the past week or so and this is confirmation
Blessings from Honolulu Hawaii 😇😇🙌🙌
All of Hawaii shall be saved in Jesus name
Well….God speaks to me mostly all day…he teases me and makes me laugh…..he even plays a song to me on the radio(no tv for 5yrs) It goes “ Never met a girl like you before”….I almost peed myself laughing. Angels and Holy Spirit talks to me through dream/visions/number on the clock…even making it spin. Angels on top of me re-wiring my trapped nerves from back injury….Holy Spirit Talking me through it, Even Arch angel michael standing over me keeping demons away…..then Jesus appeared hugging me kissing all over my face….my own love in….. have never had so many adventures…. I love it….Love Jesus …..xxxxx
I love to hear your teaching I would ask for prayer for my grandson and granddaughters thankful for God's grace to live for 81 years
Praying now
Wonderfull, thank you! What a blessing ! Thank you Dr Kevin and greatings from France
I suppose greatings are greater greetings 👍
All of France shall be saved. France is a righteous servant unto God
Kevin is so funny 😂 he makes knowing God to be so simple. Thanks Kevin and Kathi ❤
Thanks for blessing us with this powerful message from God! May God grant you long life and strength to keep doing what you’re doing.
Reconciling the Gap ! ❤️
I love the way you preach and you put it in layman's terms. So that just a simple person can understand exactly how to go about things. I love your Angel series and it really helped me to understand how God set things in motion. Put angels there for our behalf and that they are actually Serving us by personal servinge us for the work of the lord. When I listen to You I Feel like I've sat under the cloak of my spiritual father, which my father NEVER taught like this or demonstrated much of this. My entire life in the end. He was saved and very close to the Lord after a horrible painful divorce and my beautiful mother who remarried him. And narcissistic traits. But he was so regretful in the end and it could not be reversed. Any longer once she was gone, he cried all the time. I know he's with the Lord now. I know my mother's there. I can't wait to see them again. Thank you for your obedience and just your manner of preaching. I love it. It's drawn me in. It makes me want to serve the Lord with all my heart and never look back. Thank you I needed this today
We overcome satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony🥴❤❤❤There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in CHRIST💪🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
The wisest man ive ever seen ! The most honest, humble, insightful, funny and my favorite person to listen to when im driving ! Which is ALOT. I wish he could pray for and / or prophecy into me , i hope to see him in person one day 🎉
As you listen he is pouring into you
Amen amen
Forget what you think you know church. This man is 100% telling the TRUTH that we let be hidden from us in plain sight. Gods been showing me exactly ALL of this over last several years, nobody around me cared or listens or believed , fought every day with giving up and just accepting maybe it is just me and I'm crazy, but THIS . And people are finally beginning to wake up and come together. Don't be afraid JuST BELIEVE
I love you Dr Kevin
From India, very true brother Kevin, I am emotionally attached to my family and feel responsible for my family, I identify with the soul ties you are talking about. I feel exploited emotionally, please pray for my family and finances. Amen and shalom with love and prayers🕊
You are not alone. All of India shall be saved in Jesus name
Had the sweetest encounter with Holy Ghost last night. I went to sleep after this message.
I was told to drink what he poured something from his cupped
hands and said I could only handle what he had, the fire with come later, carry what he gave me faithfully and don’t wait so long to obey it’s causing slow growth.
It’s Christmas morning and I’m about to walk out my gift He poured into me….it’s between me and Holy Ghost!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I know its my husbands time soon to say yes to jesus... please agree with me..🙏🏼👊🏼
Pray for me and my husband to impact the lives of our communities and making a difference, knowing that with the vision comes provision in Jesus Name 🙏 ❤
I am so blessed watching your journey. My late husband, Arlan Cokeley flew the F4D Navy Jet airplane, out of Moffet Field in Sunnyvale CA. That plane still holds the record for the fastest airplane to fly straight up. His captain was just retired from the Blue Angels when he was transferred to Sunnyvale to be his Squadron Leader. They were an all weather, night qualified, instrument only squadron. He taught the members of their members to fly just like the Blue Angels. This was during the time when we were fighting the “War that wasn’t aware.”
My Irish German husband’s dream was to get shipped over and shoot down the enemy that was killing innocent people. The captain was not a good gunner, and did not like to fly that point position, so he put my husband in that position, and he dropped back to the left wing position. They used to practice over the area just like the Blue Angels with the colored smoke, flying upside down just like the shows in San Francisco and Alameda. When our first son was born, the squadron happened to be doing maneuvers in Alemeda. My husband jumped into the F4D without filing a flight plan, and flew to the Golden Gate Bridge and did a roll over, and then flew under the Golden Gate Bridge upside down. Then did another rollover. before flying straight up.
When he got to the top. He spun around and flew straight down and did another roll over before flying under the Golden Gate Bridge upside down, where he did another roll over and then flew back to the field, where he landed and was greeted by the squadron’s mechanic who told him to get out of his orange flight suit and report strait way to the Captains quarter’s immediately. He said, I will be stopping at the gas station to by something on the way. The mechanic said, he would not do that if I were you. My husband said you are not me, so wait outside and keep the keep running, and I will be right out. Of course My husband had to tell everyone inside why he was buying cigars, and then he bought more to give to everyone in the store. The mechanic decided to buy some gas because he thought they might run out of gas. So then he raced him to the captains quarters and escorted him across a large room and knocked on the door Where and said “ Ltjg reporting for duty sit. Someone opened the door and then they noticed some light under the door where the mechanic was lying on the floor wiring to hear how much trouble my husband was getting into. So the captain told someone to slowly walk around and open the door very quickly. When he did the door hit the mechanic’s head, and he could not help but yell out ouch.Then the door was opened a little and they handed him several Kleenex tissues to hold against his head, and ordered him to report to the doctor’s quarter’s immediately, and to mind his own business in the future. Then my husband handed out the fine Cuban cigars and suggested that they save them to smoke later at their I r leisure , because he was allergic to cigar smoke.
Then they all started slapping him on the back and congratulating him. They cut his black tie and went to the bar and hung it on the wall. And told him that his reward was to pay for everyone’s drinks all night. 5:47
He said, now can I fly over seas and shoot down the enemy. The captain said, no way. You have to stay here and teach the rest of us to be as gutsy as you are, except for, not another bridge trick. They might catch someone who ever tried that again. Several people had taken video’s of his stunt. and it was in all the newspapers and on the radio asking who the mystery pilot was.
Hi Family. Thank you for all you're Captain Kevin and Kathy I appreciate yall.
So grateful for Captain Kevin and Kathi Zadai ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hi Kevin. I wanted to share something. I just became a partner, (with Warrior Notes) eand I'm laughing because of what Jesus whispered to me today.
I was in the middle of watching a TV programme and he said to me, "so you have become a partner?"I said yes. He said "a partner with Kevin Zadai?" I said yes. Then He said "no!" "You have become a partner with me." A partner with Him through through giving to Warrior Notes was the thing He was saying.
It was interesting to see how He sees things.
Thought I'd just share with you and the team.
I love you all and pray for the work you are doing.
God bless.
This made it worth it for me. So thankful for you.
Plz join me in prayer that I can start a warrior notes fellowship in Albuquerque New Mexico in 2024. ❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thanks Kevin I pray we all look forward in Christ Jesus ❤️🇺🇸Wisconsin
Kevin I know you do not know me but man if I actually had the chance to sit in front of you. I would listen and take the direction that is given and ask questions on where Jesus needs me to go. God bless you
He's speaking through his videos, the messages are alive I would like to meet he and Kathi in person as well.❤❤
I needed to hear this. It’s so easy to get caught up in all that we can see around us and wonder if there’s something God would have us do about it. Needed this refocus. So grateful for your leadership. It has been lifesaving and life changing for me. 🙏🏼
Amen Dr Kevin! I’m learning a lot from YOU SIR!
For the last few weeks, I have been hearing this message of not being involved with current issues.
I need to focus on fathers commands of love and obedience.
Inspired Grateful Hearts in and for our Lord Jesus ~ Hallelujah!
Thank you Dr Kevin, Dr Kathi and the ministry team for all that you continue to do. God bless 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Thanks Jesus for sending us Kevin who consistently shows us THE WAY.
Kevin puts words to the the awful lies of religion and the image of the world using God and lost sheep to accomplish the works of satan. I grew up as a Catholic. My mother died a month before going to Catholic school. The Lord gave me a message after my mothe died. I heard all the adults talk about my dad and said, how is he goi 14:03 ng to take care of these kids? I never questioned that my dad could take care of me, until I heard that. My heart was gripped by a death grip of fear, thinking my dad would leave me too. Before I could think another thought, Jesus put 4 thoughts in my heart, I take care of the flowers of the field, the birds of the air, and you're more important than these and there is nothing impossible with Me. The fear left immediately and a Peace that passes all understanding encompassed my heart, with a knowing all would be well. I didnt that was in the Bible, I didn't know it was Jesus, I didn't understand that it was those 4 lines kept me alive growing up with two traumatized parents that survived Nazi oppression, one living in Germany as Hitler came to power and one that survived a death camp at the hands of the Russians because he was German. Before I listened to this message, I just renounced from my soul, the image that my parents unknowingly projected onto me to be perfect to save me from pain and suffering. My child heart was broken, not because my mother died, but I was now defined by my mother's d
Dear Kevin and Kathi, Hello from Nagaland, India. I Love your teachings. Sometimes I cant quite understand it but I still Love it the same. I have been so blessed by you. Hallelujah to Jesus. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
All of India shall be saved. India is a righteous servant of God
I thank God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit for everything that l'm today. Please pray for my family to join me in Jesus Christ's name. Amen 🙏 🙌
Thank you so much. I love your teaching of the word of God. Keep going.
Thank you for all your videos ❤ Please pray for my home based business. It is just beginning... Now I'm stuck and weary. My prayer is stuck and empty. Abba Father! Help me! Blessings for you Kevin and Kathi and the team from Finland ❤
Jesus has a home based business in Finland? With Jesus you cannot fail. All of Finland shall be saved. Finland is a righteous servant of God
Believe me ...I'm desiring more fruit too. I repent for a fruitless life,Jesus teach me to look like YOU here. No more letting others die carelessly around me.
Yes 🙏 Thank You Jesus.
URGENT PRAYER REQUEST. Please pray for my Brother-in-law, Mike. He is battling kidney and heart failure. The medical community is dropping the ball and he is desperatingly needing a MIRACLE FOR KIDNEYS AND HEART, IN JESUS NAME. THANK YOU!!
Praying now
@@KevinZadaiThank you!
Dr captain Kevin from heaven ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hello Kevin. I have felt like I've been in the desert for 40 years. I am so glad to hear the Gospel being preached through you. Time to leave the desert and cross over into the Promised Land. No looking back. Thank you and God bless.
I am so Thankful for each and every Spirit School, and each and every teaching you have made available! I will be forever Grateful! TY
Did I tell you that I love you, Man of God. If I didn't tell you before, I scream it now! I love you, Dr. Kevin. I'm truly grateful to the Lord Jesus for sending you back 🙏
Blessings K
I so agree with you. We love you Dr Kevin more and more
Thank you Dr Kevin for your message. You are so right! People just need to be loved. That is the absolute truth. We should strive to live in the here and now. Whatever we may have failed in the past, we should try to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and get on with living.
Brother Kevin! There's fruit! Thank you for the teachings, interpretations, encouragement.
Also prayer for uncle (bo) in hospital. cant walk. kidneys not working properly ..very lonely scared w no one there.
THANKYOU KEVIN for your love for TRUTH, COMPASSION, your testimony, your knowledge from the word and BEING WITH our Lord Jesus Christ ❤️ and yours and Kathy's love and faithfulness to each other.❤
I THANK JESUS, CPT Kevin for bringing you back just so I Sandra will NOT give up because even going to church is not easy now. But I JUST WANT TO OBEY JESUS when HE SAYS WE SHOULDN'T FORSAKE THE GATHERING OF THE SAINTS! Once again thank you all very much!!
Thank you Kevin and Kathy
Receiving so many gems from this teaching. I am so grateful 🙏🙏
Thank you holy spirit for revealing your truth. And for the understanding of the fear of the lord. Now we can walk closer to you and hear your voice. Because we believe your showing us the way.
Kevin and Kathi, please pray for me. I am born again and I am still dealing with demonic attacks mostly while I am asleep. I wake up with bruises almost every day. I have been dealing with this for many years. 😢
I'm just thankful to be getting sensible Bible teaching...without all the screaming and shouting...and so called "prophecies". God is God...and He's not complicated one tiny bit. God has His own ways of doing things...and putting our faith in HIM is what moves the mountains. Thank you for simple Bible teaching.
Blessings from Ontario Canada!
Thank you Cpt Kevin! God bless you, your family, and your ministry! You have brought forth such timely messages from the Lord! I receive it! For such a time as this! Thank you Jesus ❤
Thank you Dr Kevin Kathi and team.🙏🔥
Wow, such a powerful message!! At times I find myself having to push pause so that I can ponder & meditate on the words being said. I can feel the words go deep in my spirit. I have listened to this message multiple times. When you talked about the the women & the oil lamps & the time growing short, I felt & still feel such a heaviness in my spirit for the lost. I have been praying for God to accelerate my revelation of knowledge, wisdom & understanding of his word & in my personal relationship with him because I feel I have wasted most of my life as a result of not knowing the truth. I want to be known as a friend of God. And to become a better witness for God to the lost. Personally I have found it most difficult to witness to the Catholics & Jewish people. I continue to pray that the scales be lifted off their eyes so that they may come to know the truth & be saved. May God continue to bless & protect kevin & Kathi & their ministry family. Feeling grateful & blessed for all your teachings that you have made available to us. Thank you.
I cut off any ungodly soutlties in my life and brake the power of it by the blood of Jesus and declared it null and void in Jesus Mighty Name above all names and by the power of the Holy Spirit❤. Thank you, Jesus ❤❤❤
Thank Jesus for being the center of every relationship in our life's in Jesus Mighty Name I pray and amen❤
Pray for me. I'm stuck in a place where nothing has moved for me spiritually. I hear prophecies from people here constantly for 2 years now that God wants to bless me and move me to the next level, but I am concerned that since none of these have happened, something must be wrong with me. Prophecies that say I would have a better job in my career. I also have health issues that may be keeping me to move in ministering as I feel that it would not represent God best if I have health problems myself.
I am also not married and I am trying to find the will of God in this place of my life as well.
Thank you, Kevin and Kathi! I cannot find a message that’s as truthful and straightforward as you two! I’ve seen so much in ministry that before i found you, I had just given up on finding any ministry that was at the least honest and wasn’t manipulating people for money. You all are such a sweet gift to those of us who have been wandering looking for the real deal. I’ve seen the worst but finding you had been such a blessing!
Thank You Lord 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much, God Almighty bless you all 🙏🙏🙏
God Bless you Kevin and Kathy! I'm Living I'm the Shadow of The Most High since my healing going back to 2012! Holy Spirit lead me to you thru TBN Satellite Broadcast in Noth Pole Alaska. Sid Roth Show! Thanks Be To Yaweh! I was Highly Favored all my life, saved by God Almighty & escaped sure death three times ! Simply was wandering in desert aware! ❤ I grew up in Germany, post WW 2!
Thank you Kevin and Kathi and Warrior family you brought me hope in a very difficult year for my family and I. Keep on keeping on we are with you!
Can’t wait to see you in person in January, in Florida!!! Been listening every day for a few years now!
I live in New Hampshire 🙂 truth is so refreshing and freeing!!❤
All of New Hampshire shall be saved. New Hampshire is a righteous servant of God