I was trying to determine your board setup, where you put the P10s, where the longest leads were, etc. Some guys go shallow outside, others put longest leads outside. Nice video! liked and subbed.
Here is a link to a generic Bandit, you will have to find the colors you want! The lures we ran off the corner of the boat are called Perfect 10’s. A little different style bait than a bandit. ads.midwayusa.com/product/1021786928?pid=819998&BADL%5D_%5BPMAX%5D_%5BNBC%5D_%5BCategory%5D_Fishing&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-kRFRM8ColGhpPKFN3APGECR_pS&gclid=Cj0KCQjwt4a2BhD6ARIsALgH7DptMN7WPDRkgcY5FXZX8R-YhFdSgAOOaiJMs6CqgoYH55HVChyQzSIaAplqEALw_wcB
The Ohio sport fish advisory says, “for most fish out of Lake Erie, 1 meal per month” So yes they are safe to eat, you want to be aware of precautionary advisories. Link below! odh.ohio.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/cd619fce-6bcb-4e15-9bf4-8d4d50e4155f/2021+Ohio+Sport+Fish+Consumption+Advisory+Final_05.11.2021_Final.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_M1HGGIK0N0JO00QO9DDDDM3000-cd619fce-6bcb-4e15-9bf4-8d4d50e4155f-nDcENzX#:~:text=Some%20fish%20are%20even%20safer,like%20bluegill%20and%20green%20sunfish.
Nice to see you catching big fish on those custom baits I made for you. Nice work!!
Very nice walleyes that's where we go jigging at in the springtime April on the reef
Thank you! It’s a good spot!!
Wow what a day.
I was trying to determine your board setup, where you put the P10s, where the longest leads were, etc. Some guys go shallow outside, others put longest leads outside. Nice video! liked and subbed.
Thank you! Really appreciate it!
Very familiar with that area. Looks like you were around A and B can. How deep were you
Around 30ft was were they wanted to be!
Looks like West Sister island in the background.
M from Canada. Could you please put a link to those lures?
Here is a link to a generic Bandit, you will have to find the colors you want! The lures we ran off the corner of the boat are called Perfect 10’s. A little different style bait than a bandit.
Are those big fish safe to eat coming out of Lake Erie?
The Ohio sport fish advisory says, “for most fish out of Lake Erie, 1 meal per month”
So yes they are safe to eat, you want to be aware of precautionary advisories. Link below!
Ice free then?
This video was shot in December, can’t confirm or deny a recent ice report