Joni Eareckson Tada Shares Her Story | Kirk Cameron on TBN



  • @elizabethribera5657
    @elizabethribera5657 Рік тому +47

    My husband is a quadriplegic due to a diving accident as well and his story is similar to hers. He prayed to God a few weeks before his accident that he doesn't want to party and go to bars anymore and asked God to break his hands and feet. Well he broke his neck and can't use his hands and feet anymore for the last almost 12 years. Ironically my husband paints also, but he doesn't use his mouth, just adapts with both his hands. My husband struggled and thought he knew the Lord, so now he needs prayers to know Him

    • @mattdiaz9648
      @mattdiaz9648 Рік тому +2

      Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.
      Proverbs 13:3 NIV
      The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
      Proverbs 18:21 NIV
      Our words have immense power. I would suggest you read "The Toungue, A Creative Force" by Charles Capps.

    • @antonego7950
      @antonego7950 Рік тому +1

      Praying for your hubby! Praying that God works it all out for his good ❤

    • @JenniferSim-so7xi
      @JenniferSim-so7xi 10 місяців тому

      It’s true that God does answer our prayers - we need to be careful what we ask for..
      I prayed that I would be baptised by fire (when I was in my 20’s and so passionate and zealous for God) and didn’t understand or really know what I prayed for. I was super spiritual. God has humbled me and I have been through hell in many ways for the last forty plus years. I have physical health but have suffered mentally and emotionally.

    • @lindarose8668
      @lindarose8668 6 місяців тому

      🙌Prayers for your husband and you. lord Jesus please bring him to yourself🙌❤️‍🩹

    • @MekhiLewis-i6h
      @MekhiLewis-i6h 6 місяців тому

      @@mattdiaz9648 Thats super insensitive of you to just throw a bible verse at the lady like that, how about you pray for her husband wise guy…

  • @bornagainbeliever1429
    @bornagainbeliever1429 Рік тому +139

    What an inspiration and sweet soul Joni is! I needed to hear this too… dear Lord forgive me for complaining about my physical pain, and remind me to be thankful in all circumstances ‼️🙏🏻

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Рік тому


    • @shalomsister
      @shalomsister Рік тому +11

      Amen, I feel the very same way. I feel ashamed to complain about my pain when I see someone like Joni. She's a true inspiration to all of us!

    • @matthewkeeley4479
      @matthewkeeley4479 Рік тому +6

      @@shalomsister I would encourage you to keep in prayer about your personal trials of pain. I was in chronic intractable pain for many years. I did not think I would experience substantial relief in this life. There are new modalities and treatments coming down the pike. Seek out the medical specialties that recognize you're diagnosis. There are many " Dr. Luke's " out there! In the Psalms find the spiritual healings of the soul and Spirit.

  • @timwilliams126
    @timwilliams126 Рік тому +6

    YOU NEVER KNOW Who is watching you or listening to you, Lots of people are strengthened by seeing and hearing you, so keep doing what you're doing. IT AIN'T OVER YET!

  • @helenehobbs2671
    @helenehobbs2671 Рік тому +3

    Ever morning I say n do this myself. I’m not quadriplegic but have fibromyalgia disc problems n arthritis n I understand to a great degree what your saying. But I must say the battle later is so hard I want to give up but can’t and I’m glad. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  • @deannalindsey7888
    @deannalindsey7888 Рік тому +18

    Joni, sister in Christ Jesus! The Lord sure has used you to be an encourager and share with us what you have learned from the Lord and His Word. You tell the truth that life isn't easy and it can be very hard with the daily struggles. Thank you for sharing your burdens and challenges that you face every morning, every day. And how Jesus comes and manages to help you have a smile on your face for the ladies that helps take care of you. Oh, how none of us can make it without Jesus. We must learn to depend upon Him, our only Hope and Salvation! All Glory goes to Jesus! For there is none like Him! May the Lord Jesus bless you!

  • @kimberlydodder8198
    @kimberlydodder8198 Рік тому +4

    I used to get upset and think God could have forgiven our sins any way he wanted. He didn't have to do it by sacrificing Jesus on a cross in such a horrific way, but then someone told me it wouldn't have meant the same. What made it so amazing and will bring tears to your eyes is the pain and suffering he went through because he loved us. Then it hit me there was NO other way. God knows what is best, even when we think it can't be right. This is where trust and faith come in. It will keep you out of trouble all of the time if you choose God's way over your own.❤

  • @aquamarine5180
    @aquamarine5180 Рік тому +10

    Love her quoting of Psalm 63:8 "My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me". Her testimony of God's living Word dwelling in her is powerful. My clinging is weak "Oh, but I've got the Right Arm of God's Strong Salvation gripping me." Thank you Joni, thank you Kirk.

  • @carynmason3421
    @carynmason3421 Рік тому +88

    I love that she shares how hard it is, how she doesn't want to do this...and how God gives her the strength. Joni, I can't wait for you to hear those beautiful words, "well done good and faithful servant"!! You encourage me so much.

    • @karenjohnson5634
      @karenjohnson5634 Рік тому +4

      I’m glad she said that too. Some Christians paint a rosey picture and act like everything is wonderful. I’m glad she said her situation is hard and that she was very real in this interview.

    • @carynmason3421
      @carynmason3421 Рік тому +1

      @@karenjohnson5634 absolutely! Then we are left feeling like what's wrong with me?? Elisabeth Elliott is another one who teaches about suffering. Good stuff!!

    • @eccrawford7759
      @eccrawford7759 Рік тому +2

      "It is hard...." Jesus said "narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." I get humbled by listening to people like Joni. I'm ashamed to call myself a Christian when I hear her. I forget too that Paul wrote, "For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to SUFFER for His sake..." I look at people like Joni and think I don't even have a clue what suffering for Christ is. I need to be reminded DAILY by watching videos like this.

    • @carynmason3421
      @carynmason3421 Рік тому +2

      @@eccrawford7759 yes, with so much prosperity theology out there especially in USA, we miss the reality of the call for suffering. It can look,like so many different things. It humbles me to think that Christ "learned obedience through suffering".

  • @cindymeyer982
    @cindymeyer982 Рік тому

    What a wonderful inspiration! Love Joni!! Joni looks so young!! ❤️🙏✝️

  • @alexandrakumar8621
    @alexandrakumar8621 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful Joni. Such an inspiration Kirk you as well, to everyone. Praying for you my dear. I hear you Joni I go through a lot too but thank God for His grace and mercy. He promise never to leave us nor forsake us. He is the greatest of all Physician. Love you. God bless🙏❤️🤗

  • @sandrawarren4926
    @sandrawarren4926 Рік тому +1

    Joni...Just so wonderful to hear you again...Fresh in the Lord!! Praise be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, forever!.

  • @tonyhayes9827
    @tonyhayes9827 Рік тому +1

    If anyone else has done more for the glory of God in this life I have not met them

  • @susanbade9773
    @susanbade9773 Рік тому

    Our God is a mighty God and He NEVER punishes us..........just wants the best for us always and I say often, He wraps His gifts funny............He loves us so

  • @jaynewilson5063
    @jaynewilson5063 Рік тому +1

    She gives meaning to "Never let go of the Hope we have in Jesus Christ for purpose & meaning in this life" and indescribable JOY in the next!!!

  • @Shofargirl1
    @Shofargirl1 Рік тому

    GOD BLESS You Joni and Kirk.❤❤❤

  • @larhondadodd8839
    @larhondadodd8839 Рік тому

    You are a good person. I have a lot going on with my life and the love God is what brings me though.

  • @debbiemartin2026
    @debbiemartin2026 Рік тому +1

    So is so fortunate to have round the clock help, and not have to suffer in some nursing home.

    • @debraarnold3703
      @debraarnold3703 Рік тому

      That's very true. Although Joni made made herself available to us in a way that glorified God. He's not interested in our ability. Only in our availability can anyone be of any use. It's a remarkable thing for anyone to do, let alone a quad. Maybe it's in her honesty and surrender that she finds the strength to be bigger than anger and bitterness. Many paralyzed feel betrayed by God, yet Joni is made of something else that's everything good.

    • @debbiemartin2026
      @debbiemartin2026 Рік тому

      @@debraarnold3703 I love Joni and her music and I remember as a teenager getting her hand painted cards in the mail to buy. I wasnt a Christian then and an artist myself , and I knew nothing about her but was intrigued she used a paintbrush with her mouth.
      Of course she isn’t like others who would feel betrayed by God,
      All I am saying is that she grew up wealthy , and was able to have round the clock health care because her family was very well off- from the time of her injury, unlike others who spend their lives in a state run nursing home. She has people that come in the morning and put her makeup on and take care of every need she has so she can have dignity, and so her husband doesn’t have to do it.
      She did not want him to have to take care of her.
      But how many men have to do just that? He doesn’t.
      He can play golf or whatever he does. I forget. Many men spend their lives taking care of their wives and being the only caregiver.
      My mother was that to my father for 15 years when he was in a wheelchair and she had to change his diapers.
      No one was there to help her.
      She didn’t put makeup on herself. She had no time. She wanted to complain to me but I was raising my kids working and it was hard to listen to.
      Joni is fortunate and has her own ministry and much wealth and is a multi millionaire.
      She is very very fortunate. But yes she is an inspiration.
      But no- she is not an average quad.
      I was disappointed after reading her book that her movie contained much fabrications. I had in on VHS.
      I would have thought she would not let them make up lots of things that never happened.
      Read her book then watch her movie and you will see.
      I guess if you want the $ you do what Hollywood tells you…even if you know things are lies..even as a Christian.

  • @freddywilson9484
    @freddywilson9484 Рік тому

    I have experienced this differently. I think God allowed me to sin so He could let me experience His love for me when I confessed my sins to Him. He has proven this over and over again to me. Jesus came to Save, Heal and Deliver us from sin. He even healed the ungrateful lepers. God made healing so easy in the Old Testament all they had to do was look 👀 at a serpent on a pole and they were healed. I just can’t imagine God wanting His children to remain a quadriplegic just so they can Glorify Him, that was what Jesus had to do so we could be restored, healed and delivered. The child was born blind not to remain that way, but to bring Glory to God by being Healed by Jesus, not remaining that way like all the people Jesus healed did. God takes no pleasure in His children’s suffering, would you ? If you could heal them, would you, if they let you ? If God needed us to suffer to bring Him Glory then why did Jesus heal everyone who asked Him ? Was He working against God ? I think not. Repentance means to change the way you think, if you do, I believe Jesus will heal you to
    Do you really think God wants to punish you for 50 years and counting over something most all of us have done, when Jesus healed everyone.
    That sounds like hell instead of heaven to me.
    If this is your view or opinion of The Most Loving Father in The Entire Universe, Please Repent and change the way you think about a Father who has withheld nothing so you could have everything for All Eternity. Jesus paid for it with His 🩸
    He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and by His stripes, we are healed
    Wouldn’t it be just as easy to believe the promises on healing as Well ? Those who wait upon the lord, shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary and walk and not faint.
    Although the Shepherd may have to brake the sheep’s leg, the sheep’s 🐑 leg still gets healed.
    Job is the book 📕 on suffering, the testing of your faith, Testimony. What was the end result ? We overcome by the 🩸 of The Lamb and the word of our Testimony. We know Jobs testimony, what Will be yours ?

  • @Bellbell01137
    @Bellbell01137 Рік тому +124

    Hi everyone. I’ve been going through this similar situation. I’m in unbearable pain every day. I have no quality of life. So I understand this lady’s situation. I never thought at 53 I’d be disabled. One thing that keeps me going is keeping my faith, but it hasn’t been a easy journey. God bless . Don’t give up. 🕊️

    • @maryfolks9368
      @maryfolks9368 Рік тому +14

      I'm 53 too. My story is identical to your😢

    • @Bellbell01137
      @Bellbell01137 Рік тому +5

      @@maryfolks9368 I’m so sorry to hear that. Sending you love 💕 God bless you. 🕊️❤️xx

    • @maryfolks9368
      @maryfolks9368 Рік тому +5

      @@Bellbell01137 And to you too. I pray that God heals you immediately so that you can live your life for Him and free of pain!!! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen and AMEN!

    • @Bellbell01137
      @Bellbell01137 Рік тому +7

      @@maryfolks9368 thank you so much my sister in Christ. You are so lovely 🥰 and so sweet. I pray and ask Jesus to help you with whatever you are going, to strengthen you, and keep you safe with your family and friends. God bless you . I am so blessed that I am meeting amazing people on these comments. I really look forward to meeting each and everyone of you in heaven. That be awesome. 🕊️❤️

    • @maryfolks9368
      @maryfolks9368 Рік тому +3

      @@Bellbell01137 🤗🤗🤗

  • @timheavrin2253
    @timheavrin2253 Рік тому +59

    Joni makes growing old for the rest of us seem like a cakewalk by comparison. I've read her books and watched her movie. What a courageous lady. Respect to her husband too for being her helper and best friend.

    • @dogsareawomansbestfriend
      @dogsareawomansbestfriend Рік тому +1

      Haven't heard, read, or seen Joni for over 25 years. She is the strongest Christ follower throughout the worid!

  • @WeepingWidowSueAna
    @WeepingWidowSueAna Рік тому +33

    I have tears running down my face watching this because I am living a life of daily debilitating chronic pain, too, and it is one difficult road. Every morning it is a struggle just to want to live another day... especially since my husband, best friend, and caretaker died last year. I find it difficult to even want to keep going. Every day is like torture. But like Joni, I say.. where else would I go? There is no other hope than Jesus.

    • @dianefuller3242
      @dianefuller3242 Рік тому +4

      Oh sister hang on! It will all be worth it in the end. In this upsidedown world where the ungodly live well and the righteous suffer. He will turn it all around!

    • @mattdiaz9648
      @mattdiaz9648 Рік тому +3

      Pray in the name of Jesus for healing and believe it in your heart. Doesnt matter what you feel. Believe it and it will come.

  • @mrRithems
    @mrRithems Рік тому +39

    Thank You for posting this story. I've been a paraplegic for 38 years. 38 years ago I turned away from God and everyone. Stubborn and foolish, I lived by: "I don't need anyone or anything." Now, at 61, I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I've been an idiot my whole life.

    • @jaynemarshall9304
      @jaynemarshall9304 Рік тому +10

      Prayers for your relationship journey - may you grow ever closer to the Lord! Just like the father in the prodigal son story, you only need to start your trip home and your Father will run out to welcome you with open arms! 🙏

    • @karenjohnson5634
      @karenjohnson5634 Рік тому +6

      Praying for healing in your heart and that God will restore your relationships.

    • @annbutler9658
      @annbutler9658 Рік тому +5

      Your life wasn’t wasted. It is never too late to start serving God. Things will start looking hopeful

    • @doubletakejake2664
      @doubletakejake2664 Рік тому +5

      Bless you for sharing.l too am 61yrs and have come to seek God through health problems

    • @crownofsplendor2023
      @crownofsplendor2023 Рік тому +2

      Thanks for sharing

  • @michaelsmith2733
    @michaelsmith2733 Рік тому +27

    She looks so well and young for the condition that she is in. I am 70 yrs. old now and have been very ill for several yrs. and I thank God I heard this, I feel the same way she has, frustrated , in constant pain, days I wish I would just leave this world etc. How wonderful Joni, You are a blessing to me.

  • @fozziethebigbear
    @fozziethebigbear Рік тому +5

    All I can do is thank you Joni, Kirk, and all the commenters on here. I'm in the thick of it, each moment of the day. 39 and I cant walk, and about 60% use of my arms. About to lose everything after years of fighting this, and it feels like an impossible situation. God is good, I do believe that. I just pray for all of us, I truly pray for strength, peace, and some amount of joy for even a moment, for us all. This is a temporary body, experiencing a temporary situation.

  • @Kendall1518
    @Kendall1518 Рік тому +26

    When you hear the testimony from someone like this it really puts things into perspective. It makes you realize that most of the things we constantly complain about are nothing more than minor inconveniences. A tragic event like this really makes you have to dig deep into your faith and shows you there's no way without Jesus.

    • @eccrawford7759
      @eccrawford7759 Рік тому +1

      Well said. That's exactly what I was thinking too.

  • @haleallison7340
    @haleallison7340 Рік тому +40

    I used to listen to her almost everyday on a Christian radio station. I worked by myself and looked forward to her encouraging words. The Lord is our strength and she proved that and helped me so much. My mom met her and she prayed for my family. Thank you God for Joni and friends!

    • @sandyjuntunen4088
      @sandyjuntunen4088 Рік тому +2

      I think many of us are facing this battle, & it tests our endurance so much, but people like Joni sure help encourage us.

    • @joyjulian433
      @joyjulian433 Рік тому +2

      As a polio survivor I look to her example for strength and endurance. Christ is the only One that can walk me through a difficult day now that I’m aging and dealing with Post-polio Syndrome.

    @JBIRDRN8 Рік тому +39

    I saw Joni many years ago at a convention center. She was amazing and still is. Love your love for God Joni!

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Рік тому


  • @catherinemelnyk
    @catherinemelnyk Рік тому +14

    Oh, this interview is so good! I'm just into my 70th year on this planet and thankfully not in a wheelchair. But I absolutely realize Jesus is ALL there is. There is nowhere else and no one else to turn to. Thanks for another wonderful guest.

  • @kandi_canel.5730
    @kandi_canel.5730 Рік тому +6

    My son was involved in a single car accident back in 2005 at the age of 19. With that, he now has a paralyzed left arm/hand. The worst day of a mother's life!! About a year later he had nerve graft surgery (doctors where optimistic in a 2 yrs. span he'd have movement in his hand.... but not sure of the arm) Now its 2023. Nothing! I have prayed and prayed for my son for nearly 20 yrs. now. I still believe God will restore my son's arm in His own timing. Though my son has been through all this, he's a very active and positive person, heart of gold. Of course, he has his moments of phantom pain. Please keep my son in your prayers! .✝✝💗TY

  • @wendimooreart
    @wendimooreart Рік тому +32

    I love Joni! She’s so inspiring. ❤

  • @savedbysecondchance
    @savedbysecondchance Рік тому +7

    Thanks to this wonderful lady my friend in Mexico got a wheelchair for her quadrapraligic son......noone could make her son one and I knew if I asked joni and friends they would get it for her and my friend was so thankful .....they made it to his specific fittings.....he passed away not to long ago but for years that wheelchair gave him something comfortable to be in instead of a bed or floor.....thank you again Joni and if you wouldn't of been in this situation so many people would not be blessed with you and we have been so blessed I thank you.....

  • @Biblino
    @Biblino Рік тому +27

    Joni is a woman of whom this world isn't worthy. What a legacy! 🙏

  • @raccoondon488
    @raccoondon488 Рік тому +3

    My wife is in a nursing home in bed flat on her back. She can’t move her legs and arms much at all….maybe an inch now and then. She is 65 years old. She is in constant pain….often extreme pain. This video makes me very sad. I’m crying now ! I hate this world…..but I love God / Jesus Christ.

  • @normul5984
    @normul5984 Рік тому +6

    How easy it is to complain about….everything. And then I see this and I’m so ashamed. Joni is a precious woman of God, and her witness and perseverance is a real blessing.

  • @sararempel7956
    @sararempel7956 Рік тому +4

    I pray for you Joni. Whenever my pain flares up and things seem unbearable, I think of your testimony. And I pray for you. You are such an inspiration. Thankyou

  • @Kissmymezuzah
    @Kissmymezuzah Рік тому +5

    What a precious sister. God bless her now and into eternity.

  • @cynthiagoble7006
    @cynthiagoble7006 Рік тому +2

    Wow! Joni, you are the real deal in Christ. You look wonderful. Thank you for your honesty & witnessing in Christ. God bless you.😊❤

  • @annhenry3135
    @annhenry3135 Рік тому +9

    My heart hurts for Joni. I know life is painful for her. God has blessed us in her pain and faith.

  • @lianeblair6181
    @lianeblair6181 Рік тому +6

    This woman is so inspiring. I wish the whole world could and would watch this video..

  • @debh3947
    @debh3947 Рік тому +5

    I love this!!! I have always loved Joni. First heard her on Focus on the Family radio in the 1980s. Such an amazing inspiration!!!

  • @charliebrooks2570
    @charliebrooks2570 Рік тому +9

    This was a great video! Kirk and Joni are two of my Christian heroes! Great interview!

  • @angelesmeadowjonske
    @angelesmeadowjonske Рік тому +2

    God didn't permit this or want this to happen. It wasn't His will. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus heals ALL and if someone doesn't have the manifestation of healing, it's not because of God. Stop blaming God for what isn't His fault. This is COMPLETELY unbiblical!

    • @ArtisticMysticSoul
      @ArtisticMysticSoul Рік тому +1

      Agree. I find it very disturbing she thinks this was God's answer to her prayer. That's messed up.

  • @monicadaniel9439
    @monicadaniel9439 Рік тому +3

    Joni Thank you for being Obedient to the Ministry God has given you. I am going through some health issues and not only did I feel convicted but now I know I have not reached out to the Source of my help and strength.

  • @jamesholmes5631
    @jamesholmes5631 Рік тому +4

    Thank you, Kirk. Totally love Jonie Erickson Tata.

  • @charliechambers9074
    @charliechambers9074 Рік тому +7

    Joni has been an inspiration to me since I was a child - I am 56, now. My mom got me to read her book when I was about 10. When I was 30, my mom was dying of cancer and on a trip back from Greenville, SC to Greenville, NC I stopped by Charlotte and saw Joni at a Billy Graham Revival in 1997. It was a blessing. Coach Gibbs was there as well. God Bless

    • @sl4983
      @sl4983 Рік тому

      Amazing story thank you

  • @joanhenschel3511
    @joanhenschel3511 Рік тому +8

    What a beautiful testimony - thanks for sharing this, Kirk. I needed to hear this, right time.

  • @dee9230
    @dee9230 Рік тому +5

    Love Joni. She has been encouraging me for decades. Remember her in your prayers.

  • @Bertuosity
    @Bertuosity Рік тому +6

    Perfect timing...really needed to see this. Thank you for sharing.

  • @greatgastly9625
    @greatgastly9625 Рік тому +2

    So thankful that the Lord uses our pain and suffering for His purposes. It's never meaningless and He gives the grace we need in it. The godliest people I've heard and met are those that have suffered. Joni is a great testimony to that.

  • @lanaperry9400
    @lanaperry9400 Рік тому +5

    I went to sleep tired and emotional about my "current state"...I woke telling God I need to hear You...Your heart ,Your words....He directed me to Joni. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  • @JackieSuz917
    @JackieSuz917 Рік тому +4

    i admire Joni sooooo much! she is an absolute Godly inspiration and i love to hear her sing and preach her story! God bless her and her walk with Jesus!!

  • @amyfaith2350
    @amyfaith2350 Рік тому +5

    Joni is my perspective when I'm struggling. Snaps me right out of it. Then I send a prayer up for her.

  • @sisterb8688
    @sisterb8688 Рік тому +2

    Dear Joni, I was a teenager living in eastern Europe. Your book was changed me in my youth. How nice to see you in reality. I live for Jesus and His kingdom as religious sister. Thank you.

  • @dixiemerchant1052
    @dixiemerchant1052 Рік тому +2

    I have never heard and been given insight into suffering, purpose, and certain aspects of relationship with God until watching this.

  • @loriforges6304
    @loriforges6304 Рік тому +1

    I asked God lately to let the rest of her days be pain free. There is no worry that she'll backslide!😢

  • @joeys8780
    @joeys8780 Рік тому +3

    Words can not express how much I needed to hear this this evening.

  • @nataliehagman2432
    @nataliehagman2432 Рік тому +2

    Oh Joni , you are my encouragement! As a young girl I read your story, being I had entered the world of chronic illness, but not realizing yet how difficult things would get for me. I am in no way saying my problems are as serious as yours. I'm bed ridden, my legs can't dangle or I can't bear the pain , I require neck surgery but cannot have it due to my numerous symptoms, so hope for pain relief is diminishing . I have a great church family !!! My family is supportive too. My husband is my strong support and ever so loving to me and the Lord. His faith encourages me as well. Blessings to you and your TEAM ! Praise Almighty GOD for who He is and all He accomplished on the cross.

  • @homeworshipwithmartyandamy7754

    Thank you for being real, Joni. That's so refreshing and encouraging!

  • @dmm6341
    @dmm6341 Рік тому +2

    I cant wait to see you in heaven Joni...if we can stop your dancing for a minute to speak with you😂❤

  • @bobbyjones8752
    @bobbyjones8752 Рік тому +5

    I hear Joni on BBN radio nearly every day when driving down the road. What a blessing she is I encourage anyone who will to listen

    • @sl4983
      @sl4983 Рік тому

      What's that?

  • @lorrainethomas4736
    @lorrainethomas4736 Рік тому +3

    Joni…has a wonderful way with words!😊 She’s brilliant! How greatly God has gifted her!🙏

  • @jphillips4509
    @jphillips4509 Рік тому +4

    Joni has inspired me for decades because of what she has been through. I can trust her knowing that her struggle is tremendous making her testimony one of the most powerful. When I was in school she came to speak with us. My teacher was a friend of Joni’s. Ty.

  • @bornfree0507
    @bornfree0507 Рік тому +3

    I love Joni! Used to listen to her on gospel radio on my way home from work. She always gave me hope and joy.

  • @gracegracie4403
    @gracegracie4403 Рік тому +2

    Thank you Joni. God Bless you✝️🙏🏼❤️

  • @yvonnew5186
    @yvonnew5186 Рік тому +3

    I remember seeing her books on our family's bookshelf as a kid. I was always impressed by her perseverance!

  • @Ouch_TheseAreTheDaysOfElijah
    @Ouch_TheseAreTheDaysOfElijah Рік тому +1

    Lord Jesus I confess I'am a sinner, I believe you shed your blood on the old rugged cross for my sins, was buried, and on the third day rose again. I repent of my sins, Please forgive me for my sins, I accept you as my Lord and Savior, I hear your footsteps coming, I hear you knocking on my Heart's Door, Please come in and be Lord of my Life, Amen.

  • @meggrotte4760
    @meggrotte4760 6 місяців тому +1

    Hi Joni,
    I met you at biola university eighteen years ago. I think you were doing something with nick and his ministry life without limbs
    It was your book that I still have.That was given to me by my friend
    I read it often when I was in taiwan doing missionary work
    I met you after coming back in to the states.
    I wasn't sure if I would make it the first time back from taiwan. The second time was harder
    Your book helps me to get through a lot of stuff

  • @evangelineking3930
    @evangelineking3930 Рік тому +1

    I love you both Kurt and Joni. You are both such a light for the Lord Jesus and shining examples of what a true Christian should be and how we should think and pray. God bless you both!

  • @annechris2677
    @annechris2677 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this interview Kirk. I finally get the courage to buy her book! Sumitra from.Singapore

  • @baulhabooysen9556
    @baulhabooysen9556 Рік тому +1

    Wow I am from South African today I was sooo depress and I asked asked Holy spirit so help me and then Lord show me Joni for the first time.....I just want to be like her no matter what and love Jesus He died on the cross for me and while hanging there He still give His love for the man hanging next to him

  • @tsm7964
    @tsm7964 Рік тому +3

    Her ministry is located right near where I live in California.

  • @kaidotran2302
    @kaidotran2302 Рік тому +1

    So sorry Mrs. Joni Eareckson Tada what a life of tragedy that you had to live. No one should have to go through what you have been going through without having a normal life. But you have to see the love God has bestowed upon you by giving you people in your life who is there to help you. There are many people who are suffering alone or not having the people to help them get around or take care of their daily needs. Please feel bless that God has given you so much blessings from your tragedy.

  • @juliebarnett9812
    @juliebarnett9812 Рік тому +3

    For years, I bought Joni's Christmas cards she painted with her mouth.

    • @debbiecaldwell489
      @debbiecaldwell489 Рік тому +1

      Wow!! I wonder if she is still painting the card's?

    • @juliebarnett9812
      @juliebarnett9812 Рік тому +1

      @@debbiecaldwell489 Not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if she still is.

  • @lindseyroundtofive8072
    @lindseyroundtofive8072 Рік тому +1

    She is so incredibly beautiful🕊+♡
    Thank you❤

  • @anonymouspost9144
    @anonymouspost9144 Рік тому +2

    I hope someone like you guys will reach out to Micheal Fox.

    • @oppressednolonger1497
      @oppressednolonger1497 10 місяців тому

      what a fantastic deliverance or turning it could be - you mean the actor, correct?

  • @JackieJP
    @JackieJP Рік тому +3

    Such a powerful message. Just what I need to hear tonight. 🙏🏼❤️

  • @Michelle062970
    @Michelle062970 8 місяців тому +1

    I love how ALL my influencers are connected. ❤❤

  • @yvonnekneeshaw2784
    @yvonnekneeshaw2784 Рік тому +1

    I suffer with chronic pain daily. Ive listened to Joni over years & todays interview was esp articulate/raw/honest with Christ glorified at the same time. I appreciate that. Will I choose to turn to Him daily or not? I have no option left except to turn to HIM DAILY. Otherwise I would be in mentally unstable, have a heart of stone, Christ not glorified. ❤️🇨🇦✝️

  • @tana5098
    @tana5098 Рік тому +1

    I met Joni and her husband at Joni and Friends ministry years ago as a volunteer. The employees and building are such an inspiration to me. Because of her unwavering faith in God, Joni has managed to help millions of disabled persons be able to get a wheelchair, go to camp, and literally save someone both physically and spiritually through her ministry. What a huge difference she has made in life of others. Her life is a difficult one, but through God, she is one of the oldest quadriplegic persons living today. That's true faith and love for God. Thank you, Joni and your husband for putting your heart into helping others suffering from physical disabilities. You are an inspiration to me. May God continue to bless you in your work at Joni and Friends. 🙏🙇‍♀️🙌🕊⛪️⚘️🌺❤️✝️

  • @patpickard6195
    @patpickard6195 Рік тому +2

    I understand the lady with the pain. Now I've been diagnosed with lung cancer. Times are tough. Also at this time I'm living with a daughter who is manic and causing me great anguish. Have to move out into my car tomorrow. Please pray for me.

  • @anniepenner2699
    @anniepenner2699 Рік тому +1

    Yes you are not the only one. Thank God for all the people that take care of you. Yes constant pain is real ,my son had an accident n he is a quadriplegic. God is our hope and comfort.

  • @hildynoblebright4536
    @hildynoblebright4536 Рік тому +2

    FatherGod in heaven - this is something else! Just the other day - I prayed a miracle for Joni and I hadn't seen her in years! she is in my UA-cam feed! Lord - I hope this is answered prayer for her. I believe in miracles because of my belief in You! ✝️🙏🕊️❤️

  • @renateduneman2748
    @renateduneman2748 Рік тому +2

    I so appreciate Joni’s honesty! What a gift and encouragment!

  • @tanyafoss4839
    @tanyafoss4839 Рік тому +5

    Glory to God

  • @maryscarcelli7569
    @maryscarcelli7569 Рік тому +1

    I always enjoy watching JONI ! She is encredable .

  • @kristenspencer9751
    @kristenspencer9751 Рік тому +2

    Joni became famous...were it not for the accident, no one would know her today. God used her to be an inspiration and encourager in the faith...even through her suffering, it's what makes her such an admired woman of God. And God has used her mightily DESPITE her physical limitations. Really amazing.

  • @hensyrodriguez482
    @hensyrodriguez482 Рік тому +1

    I had to watch it over and over and just crying every time.

  • @stevencohn922
    @stevencohn922 Рік тому +1

    I’m wondering why Joni Tada has never been a guest on Joni Lambs Daystar network show?

  • @nagrabagra4924
    @nagrabagra4924 Рік тому +1

    I love how much more real Joni has become through the years. It's difficult to be transparent about your suffering, but, by doing so the heart of another may be touched deeply, as mine is, after listening to her today. TY Joni.

  • @LE64SAM-IAM
    @LE64SAM-IAM Рік тому +1

    0:30Actually, being involved in all of these activities - particularly, the high-risk ones like horseback riding, and diving from cliffs without regard to the clarity or depth of the water - put Joni in a much higher-risk group to possibly end up as a quadriplegic. With all of the time on her hands that being stuck in a wheelchair provides, it's hard to believe that she wouldn't have come to this conclusion.
    My intention is not to be cynical, but to point out that, sadly, sometimes our anticipated possible results of an action don't align with reality.
    I don't think that Steven Curtis Chapman intended for his song, "Dive", to be taken as a comparison quite this way (as a CONTRAST with diving into unexperienced, SHALLOW waters) - as a matter of fact, I believe that he might have ignorantly thought of it as a GOOD comparison - but every time I hear that song, I think of Joni; how she first did the unwise thing of diving into "unclear, unexperienced, shallow" waters, followed by the wise thing of diving into the "clear-view, YET UNEXPERIENCED, deepness" of God.

  • @bethtaylor9773
    @bethtaylor9773 Рік тому +1

    I'm so glad that when Christ raptures us, Joni will be instantly transformed physically too! It will be glorious!

  • @lorraineaguirre9201
    @lorraineaguirre9201 Рік тому +1

    I far Joni, think this is easy”, you’ve always, your testimony, has been incredibly inspirational!
    Thank you!!!!

  • @fredsmith62
    @fredsmith62 Рік тому +1

    Ask God for a pathway for healing, follow that path, and when God says, get to a faith meeting, go and stretch your faith ! But in God's time !

  • @lidiawangari9031
    @lidiawangari9031 Рік тому +1

    You are a beautiful spirit inside and it radiates on the outside. At over 70 years you are stunning. What a testimony to the grace and power of our Lord Jesus. You are an inspiration to many to keep their eyes on Him alone in the midst of our various trials. I cannot wait to shake your hand when we all finally go to our eternal home. I love you.

  • @elothegreat3011
    @elothegreat3011 Рік тому +1

    Wow!! Its so hard to find joy in the midst of pain and suffering, but wow what an inspiration!! I have way less to complain about and lots more to be thankful for

  • @patriot4amer
    @patriot4amer Рік тому +1

    Joni is an example of the victory in spite of impossible situation...

  • @karenlong5622
    @karenlong5622 Рік тому +1

    "Where else do I turn - You have the Words of Life" - AMEN Joni Eareckson Tada, and thank you for this message today with Kirk Cameron - so Timely. Our only Hope and Anchor: Yahshua haMashiach

  • @debbiemartin2026
    @debbiemartin2026 Рік тому +1

    She is very fortunate. She grew up with wealth and the means to have others full time care for her.
    My mother was saved 4 days before her death in hospice listening to Joni’s songs.
    Others are not as fortunate as she was in her day to day life, but she is a great inspiration of faith.

  • @Repent4JesusChrist
    @Repent4JesusChrist Рік тому +1

    Just a closer walk with THE🙏✝️🕊...newly subscribed and blessed for hearing Joni's Godly testimony, praise be to God 🙌

  • @sl4983
    @sl4983 Рік тому +1