5 positive lessons I learned through minimalism🇯🇵

  • Опубліковано 23 лип 2024
    Hi. I'm Aki, a minimalist who is a school teacher living in a small village in Japan.
    Today, I would like to share with you 5 positive lessons I learned through minimalism.
    I think you’ll see the appeal of minimalism, so please continue watching till the end.
    So, let's get started.
    WHO AM I:
    Welcome to samurai matcha journey! I'm Aki, a minimalist, kimono style school teacher in Japan. I make videos about my usual life in really country side of Japan. You can enjoy beautiful scenery, learn about Japan, and pick up some interesting lifestyle tips.
    Minimal lifestyle
    Japanese food
    BLOG samuraijourney.com/​
    INSTAGRAM / samuraimatcha.journey
    FACEBOOK / mizuno.akihito
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  • @moniquemuramatsu8199
    @moniquemuramatsu8199 10 місяців тому +6

    I am 71 years trying to declutter my life as I want to travel. The more I get rid of the more creative I am . I created a great idea. I have two large cedar chests. I started putting in memories of moments when I was younger. I put in my dancing heels. This morning I came upon an idea. You will instead of keeping these tangible things I can take a picture then create a memory book instead. I truly find joy in your videos .

  • @saradarwish8418
    @saradarwish8418 2 роки тому +50

    I learnt through minimalism that it's okay to say goodbye not only to your old things but also your old hobbies and your past self and start loving and caring about your personality right now
    I used to be a crafty person I did a lot of diy's but now I'm no longer interested in crafts so a few years ago I got rid of most of my art supplies and now I'm happy with just journaling 💞💞💞

  • @asheralexandersmith
    @asheralexandersmith 2 роки тому +51

    I grew up in a house that was totally cluttered so bad it was hard to walk through lol. So as an adult I’ve “rebelled” and usually had just enough possessions, allowing me to move 15 times in the past 11 years (in Japan and the USA) and also it feels so much cleaner and easier.

  • @SusanBame
    @SusanBame 2 роки тому +101

    I love your videos. Some new neighbors started moving in next door to me, back in December. They showed up one evening on my porch. I invited them inside. They looked around my living room (at my WAY-not-as-minimalist-as-you-are home) and really admired how it looks inside here, simply decorated and natural. They are retired, from Utah, and since December I think itʻs taken at least four U-Haul moving trucks packed to the max to bring all their stuff here. Iʻm not sure theyʻre done moving yet. Every now and then their garage door is open and I can see in: theyʻve got half the garage set up with a shelving system full of boxes and bins and everything that doesnʻt fit in the house. The guy chatted with me one day about my lack of things compared to their huge amounts of things. They have how many sets of dishes? I asked him how many dishes they actually use daily. Well...they have to have this set for Christmastime, other sets for other purposes...they couldnʻt *possibly* bear the idea of letting go of a single set of dishes and just keep what they actually use. And it goes on and on. I mentioned to him that I watch a Japanese minimalist whose idea of a set of dishes is a pair of chopsticks and a few bowls, and a cup for tea. To him, thatʻs unimaginable. Last year he planted 143 tomato plants, and canned the produce -- and moved it all, from Utah to Oregon. All that work, just taking care of your stuff: do they have time to actually live life? I havenʻt seen them living life yet, only moving and packing and unpacking. Theyʻre worried that in this house (a lovely three-bedroom with an open living room/kitchen/dining room floor plan) they have to really downsize, and where will they put all their stuff?!

    • @quinten382
      @quinten382 2 роки тому

      Sounds interesting😊

    • @windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823
      @windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 2 роки тому +2

      Omg. I hope they don't bring vermin or bugs with them...yuck.
      I've had tomato plants. NOBODY needs 143 of them! They grow. 9 FEET up the wall!

    • @Ssaidak
      @Ssaidak 2 роки тому +15

      I only have had a set of dishes all my life and I am not a minimalistic. I didnt know that is minimalism.

    • @SamuraiMatcha
      @SamuraiMatcha  2 роки тому +17

      Thank you for sharing your experiences!! That's interesting!!

    • @lester51494
      @lester51494 2 роки тому +4

      143 tomato plants sounds cool if they let the neighborhood come pick them, but ya moving is a good time to realise you don't need multiple dish sets.

  • @jillknox1406
    @jillknox1406 Рік тому +3

    I believe in minimalism and, if I can overcome my severe Depression, I plan to adopt a more minimalist lifestyle. I LOVE this video, because it shows the positive psychological effects of minimalism, such as: learning to value better quality food, because you only want to store the amount that is “necessary;” learning to value your belongings, because you are now surrounded only by things you love; being able to have the space to appreciate when ordinary items have been well-crafted with pride, to be a thing of beauty; being able to have the time to create Zen routines - but what stood-out the most, to me, is “character.” I love that it encourages the valuing of independent thinking. And I have always loved the beauty of Kintsugi - because it gives each completed work its “own” individual character…like a work of Nature.♥️

  • @snakeli8880
    @snakeli8880 Рік тому +10

    I am working on being a minimalist and the way advertising becomes less effective is really a game changer since not only all of the things you mentioned in the video are true, but I also feel less pressure to keep up with or conform to what others have. I feel that so far this has been the biggest benefit. I am also happier engaging in experiences or doing things rather than buying things.

  • @molayadiaz
    @molayadiaz 2 роки тому +4

    I love minimalism because live becomes something very simple 💐

  • @SouadMinimaliste
    @SouadMinimaliste 2 роки тому +22

    Your videos are VERY VERY inspiring ! Thank you

  • @nadineleboeuf3046
    @nadineleboeuf3046 2 роки тому +5

    I love the concept of the art of repairing. Thank you for sharing this disappearing art form.

  • @lillyfahey1921
    @lillyfahey1921 Рік тому +2

    I Started Spring Cleaning and Purging Last Year and after I got rid of old stuff that did not represent me anymore, I felt so free. Now I am down to only the few stuff I really love and honestly, it feels so great. I have so much peace, freedom, and mental clarity that I never had before. Simplicity is definitely the way of life for me. It helps get to the bottom of who I really am. ✨

  • @agatadziedzic-dean3961
    @agatadziedzic-dean3961 2 роки тому +16

    Hi Aki! Thank you for showing your very inspiring journey in the most beautiful way🙏
    I love your peaceful and joyful attitude, presence and simplicity. Even that we don’t know each other in real life UA-cam makes it possible to have a “friend” to learn from and be inspired by!
    Thank you brother! Many blessings!

  • @mjploszaj
    @mjploszaj 2 роки тому +40

    A monty ago, I was diagnosed as an adult with mixed type of ADHD. I am starting my health plan and challenge to reduce things around me to make my life more efficient. Watching your videos, short yet focused on important things, made me realize how in one part of my life, more restrictive minimalism made me more calm and less stressed. Thanks for being on this platform and encouraging me to focus more on my life!

    • @ladybirb
      @ladybirb 11 місяців тому +1

      I have autism, and I find that minimalism makes me feel calmer and less stressed, too. When I’m surrounded by clutter and disorder, my brain feels ‘cluttered’ too, and I can’t relax or concentrate.

  • @wastelandpotential4609
    @wastelandpotential4609 2 роки тому +14

    i only found your videos recently and i have watch all of it. even if there isnt alot of it .i am thoroughly inspired by you and your way of life . thank you so much for continuing to share so much with us!

  • @erichoward6006
    @erichoward6006 2 роки тому +7

    best youtuber on 🌏

  • @karlchen7013
    @karlchen7013 2 роки тому +11

    I've learned exactly the same things! Not quite there, but it's a journey isn't it ☺️

  • @pintoeatmyhw
    @pintoeatmyhw 2 роки тому +32

    Hi, I've been a minimalist for about a year an I feel really happy. The struggle I have is with my wife to understand the benefits of being a minimalists. But, little by little she starts to realize the benefits of a minimal life. If you have discussions and problems regarding that you can always use your life as an example, and tell your story.
    Thanks for sharing! Great video

  • @paolasignorio3089
    @paolasignorio3089 2 роки тому +4

    Sei mitico!! Un grande abbraccio dall'Italia

  • @marie4peace
    @marie4peace Рік тому +3

    I so love your videos they are uplifting and inspiring
    My number one problem with extreme downsizing is Im a sentimentalist
    On a hike I find a small rock and keep it with me as a reminder of that hike so I have things tied to memories
    Its a process & your videos are helping shift my lens on this
    Thank you awaiting more of your videos soon

  • @mischavandenburg
    @mischavandenburg Рік тому +2

    Living as a minimalist has indeed taught me to be content with whatever I have at that moment. I was fortunate enough to get the chance to live as a buddhist monk in the Thai Forest tradition for two years. I had a small room and I slept on a mat on the floor and focused on mindfulness and meditation. That experience has had a profound effect on my life. Even though I returned to lay life I still live very much like a monk, and I recognize a lot of that in your videos as well. Thank you for the great content!

  • @mojyoqueen350
    @mojyoqueen350 2 роки тому +2

    Minimalism is making my life funnier - thinking of creative metods to do something without a certain equipment is fun, rewarding and satysfying.

  • @mariavictoriasalita5273
    @mariavictoriasalita5273 Рік тому +2

    Minimalism is truly beautiful!

  • @estherphiri764
    @estherphiri764 2 роки тому +1

    The village is beautiful and peacefull so therapeutic

  • @nathanglynn7443
    @nathanglynn7443 2 роки тому +5

    what ive learnt so far..
    Hi, ive been into self improvement for a few years now and minimalism for just over half a year.
    I have found that minimalism is a journey and it takes time to rewire our brains as to what we do or dont keep in the home. Along my journey ive had to declutter several times, as much as we try, sometimes things tend to build up again after we have decluttered especially if you live with someone else. We humans have a deep animalistic tendency to compare ourselves with others, its part of our evolution and sadly as much as we deny it we are often influenced by others, as a result unless we consume minimalist content such as this video constantly, the ads and material consuming content can sometimes make us lose track of our goals. I think its important not to be harsh on yourself in these situations and to take a step back, breathe and re-evaluate where you stand and where along your goal line you are. Minimalism has made me the happiest ive been in years and i stand by that but also realise we are human and its not the cure to end all cures. You will still have bad days, sad days, days filled with regret and if youre in a western culture you will face constant questioning and judgement at times as maximalist ideologies are the norm in these places. As ive let go of things, including sentimental or expensive items i just never wore or used i became lighter, you start becoming detatched from the world and feeling free once more. Minimalism has allowed me to gain back a lot of time and focus that I thought i would use for gaming, instead ive come to realise im more interested in books now as i get older and creating things. I am struggling to get away from my social media addiction and phone use when i was doing so well a few weeks ago, now ive got instagram again and i am using it daily, it is very addictive. I think the internet is a great tool to connect to the outside world and meet like minded people but the trick is making sure its a tool you use rather than having it use you (getting stuck scrolling reels etc).
    Minimalism for me is a constant journey and I will be continually working towards it and improving things as i go. No one is perfect and minimalism will look different to everyone, so i think its a case of a lifestyle, it takes time and patience and constant decluttering and revaluation but within that journey i feel you start finding yourself more, what you stand for as you shed the layers of opinions, gifts and influences of other people to the core. At that core you might realise half of your hobbies you dont actually enjoy and that you do them out of aesthetic influence. Lastly i swear by minimalism with my whole being but its also not for everyone, some people can own a lot of things and hold no attachment to them and still have a clear focus, mindset and happiness. I feel myself talking about minimalism to everyone i meet and i feel like a cult leader at times when expressing the life changing benefits ive found. Again, everyones different and if youre reading this because you want to give minimalism a try than youre at the right place, Aki has some amazing and inspirational videos, honestly this ideology has saved my life and i dont mean that in a life or death situation i mean its brought me out of materialism and into seeking real life wholesome experiences.
    thank you Aki!

    • @kayzero1320
      @kayzero1320 2 роки тому +2

      Hi Nathan, yeah it is a journey, keeping the focus on the good things - the here and now.
      Please consider that what you feel is not smartphone addiction - it is bigger than that. That "little monkey in your hand" is designed to go for habits. And habits are fair deeper rooted in your brain than addiction. You have to "overwrite" the habit. Maybe mindfulness and meditation could help you with this. Change your mindset and the habit will follow.

  • @DropsOfJupit3r
    @DropsOfJupit3r 2 роки тому +12

    This video really resonated with me. While I'm close to my minimalist goals, the biggest thing has been the change in mindset. It completely transformed my life and I couldn't be happier! I can't imagine living any differently.
    That said, love your channel! Looking forward to more videos. ^^

  • @janetatuniquerawfoods2361
    @janetatuniquerawfoods2361 2 роки тому +3

    I just ordered from Kyoto a kintsugi kit. Because I dropped someone else’s clay bowl. Traditional Japanese arts are appealing and from what I have seen… also peaceful. Plus to learn a new beautiful skill at the time is efficient. I think of how you dropped your little terrarium. That must have been a devastating moment. Minimalism helps with detachment…too. And moving on to new experiences in life. Be well. Thank you.

  • @lynnescherr2174
    @lynnescherr2174 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you for this video! It sparks joy for me! I am in the process from moving from a three bedroom house to a tiny one bedroom apartment. I am already a minimalist, but this move (and your videos) are helping me evaluate what it is I need going forward. I'll be selling and donating a few things, that's for sure!
    Stay safe, and I look forward to your next video.

  • @quinten382
    @quinten382 2 роки тому +10

    Very interesting video Aki. I have noticed, in the past few weeks of my journey to minimalism, that many of the things I learned from you automatically pop up in my mind automatically. I don't even need to think about whether I need to buy things or not. Thank you.

  • @reinholdmaximilian214
    @reinholdmaximilian214 Рік тому +2

    Klasse Kanal von dir. Ich wäre gerne Minimalist ist aber mit Familie schwer umzusetzen. Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland 👍

  • @prabakark6791
    @prabakark6791 Рік тому +1

    I have been buying things a lot and recently became aware that it is becoming a burden to maintain and takes lot of effort and time. I wanted to get rid of things. Then found your videos. What a blessing 🙏

  • @prietom1031
    @prietom1031 Рік тому

    There is true joy and accomplishment in repairing. I agree that advertising does affect me very little. Thank you for sharing the value of minimalism.

  • @serendipitysisters84
    @serendipitysisters84 Рік тому +1

    Kintsugi gives the dishes a wabi-sabi feel! 💚

  • @erakkovaatainen148
    @erakkovaatainen148 2 роки тому +2

    I counted every stuff and I am less than 300 stuff in my house. Your videos inspired me, because year ago I had 400+ stuff. I realised it was just a stuff. Before that I had over 700 items living my single life with everything I didn't need mostly. It makes, like you said, appreciate your stuff once you have everything you need and everything you don't need is out of your life. Simply :)
    Just recently canceled my last subscription, Spotify, and now listen same music ads going on. Like you said stuff they advertise might be good, but minimalists we don't need it!

  • @fancynancy2870
    @fancynancy2870 2 роки тому +5

    Great video Aki! Keep up the great work 😊

  • @simini1837
    @simini1837 2 роки тому +2

    Minimalist habits are very common for folks that are poor and/or in difficult circumstances. For example my parents didn't own a lot of stuff and were creative with the things they had. The reason was both didn't grow up in abundance (during and after World War II in Europe). My father was in a family of five children and after his father died my grandmother was a widow on her own with only a very small income. Every purchase was extremely difficult and bringing food on the table a big challenge. But it was normal for a lot of people back then (and of course still today). Thank you for your very inspiring videos!

  • @lauraflores7796
    @lauraflores7796 2 роки тому +1

    Samurai matcha genki desu ka
    Nah...ur cool..ur happy!stay safe!❤️

  • @jwave16pro
    @jwave16pro Рік тому

    Every Morning and Night i watch your vlogs sir .Full of peace to me. Thankyou for sharing your wisdom .God bless you

  • @stephenanthonythomas3533
    @stephenanthonythomas3533 2 роки тому +4

    I've started the minimalist journey this year. So far I've learned how indoctrinated I was that capitalism was god and to be a good American in the consumer class I was supposed to want and buy things. And i wondered why the wanting never stopped. The wanting just created intense desire and caused incredible suffering. What inspires me about your videos is that they have a peaceful honesty that comes through. A deliberate lifestyle also comes through. This is aspect is very appealing. 🙏💯🌌

    • @DCB938
      @DCB938 2 роки тому +2

      Don’t blame it on Capitalism, the same consumerism happens in communist countries. I know I’ve lived there before coming to the US. Blame it on all the ads and you going along with them. Most of us have done it.

    • @stephenanthonythomas3533
      @stephenanthonythomas3533 2 роки тому +2

      @@DCB938 not blaming anything or anyone. Learning and taking responsibility for my decisions and actions as I go on this journey. To do so requires a lot of awareness and un-learning.

    • @SamuraiMatcha
      @SamuraiMatcha  2 роки тому

      Thank you so much;-D

  • @germaineboatwala-sidhva1079

    Your videos are very inspiring. I've never been a minimalist, but I'm drawn to it now. Makes life easier, happier in the realest sense. Inner freedom. To grow from within. ☀️🌈💕👍

  • @1980maranda
    @1980maranda Рік тому +1

    Just stumbled upon you, subscribed immediately. Your videos are so relaxing and uplifting. Thanks so much.

  • @a.g.4843
    @a.g.4843 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks to you i drink matcha tea. Kind regards from berlin Germany

  • @herbert1804
    @herbert1804 2 роки тому +1

    Just found your channel today. Loving it! Nice work.

  • @jawad736
    @jawad736 2 роки тому +2

    I became minimalist before a year ago my life changed and i feel more freedom and happy then before , really simply life is key to happiness and freedom and to any thing good🌱

    • @erakkovaatainen148
      @erakkovaatainen148 2 роки тому +2

      Same. Stuff is no more stealing your money and time... cleaning is easy thing. I am still not as extreme as the blogger, but it does help to live happy.

  • @2urh
    @2urh Місяць тому

    It is because of the "most of the situation" plus the "less effected by advertisements" lessons that I have bought items from 2nd hand stores, eco friendly stores and getting items from friends and family to as much of a merciless extent as possible, if the item is essential. As an example: I was able to get a glass flask with a pressure closed lid from my aunt to store citric acid fabric softener and I feel so greatful for it

  • @acrobaticanna
    @acrobaticanna Рік тому

    True...minimalism helps us to be more objective. And doing a "Spending Freeze" is very helpful for building self-control like when you did you item.per day 30 days challenge.and only bought food and essential items.

  • @anniecochrane3359
    @anniecochrane3359 Рік тому

    I only came across your channel a few weeks ago and am so very impressed by it. I'm in the process of downsizing as my advancing age makes it increasingly difficult to manage a big house and garden with lots of stuff. Your channel shows me how its not just about getting rid of stuff to make life easier, it's that yes, but much, much more as you outline here. Thank you!!!

  • @lisalisa3515
    @lisalisa3515 2 роки тому +2

    Another great and useful video Aki San. To me, minimalism brings peace to the mind and time. Time is a commodity that we cannot recover once it is lost..coz we cannot bring back time.

  • @girlhappy6442
    @girlhappy6442 2 роки тому +1

    Omg im so happy I’ve discovered your channel ❤️

  • @milugarseguro1025
    @milugarseguro1025 2 роки тому +3

    Holaa! Me encantan tus videos, siempre me motivan cada vez mas a empezar a practicar el minimalismo en mi vida diaria, muchas gracias por todos los consejos y lecciones! Espero que tengas un lindo día, saludos desde México. 👏🌱

  • @alsifjlasieflooo
    @alsifjlasieflooo 2 роки тому +1

    I'm still on my journey to become a minimalist and there's still ways to go. But I've made progress compared to how I was living 5 years ago. Speaking to No. 1: Today I found myself needing to dry bicycling gloves after washing them. I didn't have clothes-pegs, so I said "It's time to get creative" and just used the velcro strap of the gloves to fix them to the drying rack :) They dried beautifully. Thinking of my Mum (with horder tendencies) who owns a rather large bag filled with several dozens of clothes-pegs, I feel so much better. And my laundry dries too! Maybe it's less elegant or sometimes it may dry slower but that doesn't bother me. I'm just so happy I don't have to own a bag the size of a melon filled with clothes-pegs.

  • @katrinabellingham4405
    @katrinabellingham4405 11 місяців тому

    I have been reducing my inventory over the last 4 years. It certainly gives a sense of freedom.

  • @marbenlawas3143
    @marbenlawas3143 2 роки тому +1

    Officially subscribed to you, great contents Aki!

  • @theSolitudeMonk
    @theSolitudeMonk 2 роки тому +2

    Your videos always put a smile 😊

  • @xmerys
    @xmerys 2 роки тому +2

    I love your channel!

  • @rosedewittbukater4203
    @rosedewittbukater4203 Рік тому

    I am extremely impressed, Aki! Love from Germany (Bavaria) ❤

  • @thelibrarymouse7473
    @thelibrarymouse7473 2 роки тому +1

    Always love the videos! Please keep making them.

  • @kiarntz
    @kiarntz 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for your videos🤗

  • @ButterFly-cw7sj
    @ButterFly-cw7sj 2 роки тому +1

    I love watching your videos!! Thanks a lot! I hope to learn from you and apply the principles in my own context. Love from the Philippines!!! 💞🙂💕😊🙏

  • @andrewcarlile6232
    @andrewcarlile6232 2 роки тому +1

    Loved your ideas on exercise!

  • @johnsjourney2221
    @johnsjourney2221 2 роки тому +1

    I would recommend a sandbag or kettle bell for at home training. A sandbag can be emptied and packed easily but takes up more space when filled. A kettle bell is smaller but is cumbersome to travel with. Food for thought.

  • @jelynsanchez7422
    @jelynsanchez7422 29 днів тому

    I love your videos. It awakens my minimalistic attitude. Thank you.

  • @tomarbut3174
    @tomarbut3174 2 роки тому +3

    Hello Aki! You should look into the framework laptop. It's a laptop that you can fully repair on your own. Something you could never do with a MacBook. I don't think it's being sold in Japan yet, but maybe it's something to look into by the time you need to replace your laptop.

  • @Boondockmum
    @Boondockmum 2 роки тому +1

    So happy to have discovered your videos! Informative, inspiring. Wishing you well. Will continue to follow.

  • @kayzero1320
    @kayzero1320 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the summary and the inspiration. I like your videos and your wisdom.
    When I was very young, I had the vision of me being old one day and having only a few things left (in a trunk). Over the years I reduced my stuff. Even when my mother died early and I got to handle all her posessions, I reduced them again and again, time after time, to a minimum that I loved to keep.
    I am keeping my vision in mind. I will not become a puristic minimalist in a few weeks, but I will grow into one day by day.
    Yesterday I reduced 2 boxes of old photos into one. I know that there were 4 really big boxes before. now I have one. In a few years there will be just a handful photos left. and I don't digitalize all of them, because that is hidden hoarding!
    It is a process coming in waves of letting go. When things become a burden, I let them go. When I am feeling that, I call it "everything must go"-phase. I enjoy feeling lighter and lighter.
    And when I die, they can just get rid of that trunk. No worries.

  • @jaqueline1
    @jaqueline1 2 роки тому +1

    Great vídeo. Thank you! 🙏

  • @jeansaben9954
    @jeansaben9954 2 роки тому +1

    I appreciate you videos, thank you

  • @susanhunter8126
    @susanhunter8126 Рік тому

    You are so inspiring! I’m trying some of your ideas. Thank you!

  • @walterscott2286
    @walterscott2286 2 роки тому +1

    Sam-Mat! You've changed my life for the better! I'm so happy 😊 to have been eliminating unnecessary things from my apartment in the last 4 days! I feel so much freer and am now greatly relaxed knowing I am putting everything in such easily manageable order. I found I had so many DUPLICATE items! Such as scissors, forks, spoons, cups, bowls, plates. Even two electric hair clipping kits! And yet, last time I checked I had only one balding head above my shoulders! 😁
    Next area to pare down is clothing. What I'm going to do with great courage and fortitude is to eliminate HALF of all my nice clothing collection. I will gladly give these clean clothes to the charity thrift store. And then repeat the process, letting go again of HALF of the remaining clothing items. The idea is to end up with only the best of the BEST of clothing this way!
    Hey! By the way I think you must practically be a genius to have learned to understand English so well! Especially when we say stupid things that make no sense at all. For instance, I've been wondering recently why we refer to pants and underwear as a "PAIR" of pants, or a "PAIR" of underwear? When clearly the word "pair" means TWO of a kind.
    Anyway, I must compliment you again for bringing life-changing progress and joy to people's lives by your exquisite examples of how to live simply, finely, and beautifully! All done with such pleasant good-natured personality, fun, and care. Thank you, thank you for all you do! And please continue onwards in sharing your highly interesting life adventures and discoveries.👍🏼

  • @jamiekarlsson6859
    @jamiekarlsson6859 2 роки тому +1

    I found you very inspersionell.And helping on my way to become a minimalsit.

  • @elanorthehobbit8493
    @elanorthehobbit8493 2 роки тому +1

    Your content always makes my day! Thank you, my dear ☺️

  • @k.h.8897
    @k.h.8897 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for a great video!

  • @felipecolmenares2597
    @felipecolmenares2597 Рік тому +3

    Gracias por subir contenido de valor y de motivación, llevo un tiempo aplicando este estilo de vida y es genial, de verdad todo se hace más ligero!!

  • @PetraDobrovolna7
    @PetraDobrovolna7 Рік тому

    Hi Aki, extreme minimalism gave me ability of resiliency. And it's absolutely amazing! Thanks for your videos, I really love them. 😉

  • @redclover5662
    @redclover5662 2 роки тому +2

    I truly enjoy your videos! As a minimalist I completely agree with you, I’ve experimented the same things. Love from France! 🫶🏻

  • @thyphuong6092
    @thyphuong6092 28 днів тому

    1. You will learn to make the most out of a situation with only a few things
    2. You will realize the joy of repairing
    3. You will be able to accomplish tasks efficiently when you have less things
    4. It became easier to move physically
    5. You will become less affected by advertising and consumerism

  • @yuugihasgalaxy
    @yuugihasgalaxy 2 роки тому +1

    Damn like really i love your content that you are sharing 🙏
    Thanks to you I've started little by little to think about what i really need and what I don't...
    Such a inspiration was something I needed,I'll try harder to make my life happier and less consumed by many things

  • @Dani-pv7vr
    @Dani-pv7vr 2 роки тому +2

    the less i have the more i can store in my heart

  • @si.risarisa
    @si.risarisa 2 роки тому +1

    Very inspiring & true indeed. 👌🏼❤️

  • @Eis4Electric
    @Eis4Electric 2 роки тому +1

    A drawer just for chopsticks. I love that. Thats actually the first time I had seen something like that.

  • @paulinebono4012
    @paulinebono4012 11 місяців тому

    A couple of year ago my house burnt down. I was left with nothing but the clothes I was wearing. This changed my life. I was able to realize how much emotiom we put to THINGS. Today I don't buy what I don't need and I give away what I don't need as well. Things are just that, things.

  • @anamt585
    @anamt585 2 роки тому +1

    Very informative loved this video

  • @Pawsitive_Influence
    @Pawsitive_Influence Рік тому

    I love your videos❤!

  • @nicoihs1893
    @nicoihs1893 2 роки тому +1

    Super vidéo !!! Je te regarde depuis Paris je vais m'inspirer de tes conseils

  • @DnAnZ1066
    @DnAnZ1066 2 роки тому +5

    I think minimalism is often taken to the extreme. It can be devastating when old age creeps up to an extreme minimalist - having no place to call home; perhaps frail, unwell and debilitated. Unless they have big savings or have a pension to fall back on, life could be quite devastating. When you're old, you don't want to be cycling around with a backpack. Altho money can't buy happiness, it can buy some comforts and medicines, which poverty can't. I'm not criticising anyone ... just live a simple balanced life coz it might be wisdom.

    • @aquietwild
      @aquietwild Рік тому

      Everyone has their own definition of balance, for some it’s travelling the world on a bike and for others it’s not. But I’d like to say that my minimalistic lifestyle has enabled me to save all the money I need for retirement by age 34.

    • @DnAnZ1066
      @DnAnZ1066 Рік тому +1

      @@aquietwild Not talking about minimalist lifestyle (which some choose; and others have a right to not follow), BUT was referring to minimalism taken to the extreme.

  • @DCB938
    @DCB938 Рік тому

    I love watching your videos and each time I do I get rid of a few of my items that I don’t use and that are packed in boxes. So thank you for lightening my load.

  • @flyingcat2054
    @flyingcat2054 Рік тому

    I watch one of your vids each day at breakfast😀. Getting new ideas on thinking about “things” so I can downsize and be more mobile. Tired of being a slave to stuff! Yes, marketing is very slick, the stores are very enticing to convince us we need to acquire stuff!

  • @projetoculturaldelas
    @projetoculturaldelas 2 роки тому +1

    Your videos are really joyful Aki! Thanks for sharing. I traveled by bicycle too and also with my backpack for 3 years as a digital nomad. During the pandemic, however, I came back to my home country and needed to be back to the normal lifestyle. I've been struggling a lot, to be honest. We are bombarded with so many ads that sometimes it's hard to go back to the right mindset... sometimes I feel like I have two I's inside myself... One that wants stuff and another that reminds me all the time that I don't need this to be happy.

  • @stevenpace1849
    @stevenpace1849 Рік тому

    I subscribed to your videos. Your environment is so serene. I'm now on the road to becoming a minimalist. Thank you so much. You are a wonderful inspiration.

  • @sinchitasur3212
    @sinchitasur3212 Рік тому

    Very educative, thanks for sharing

  • @iamtheonedotcom
    @iamtheonedotcom 2 роки тому +2

    Aki! Thank you for making such great videos. I’m always inspired and motivated by the changes you have made to live a simple life. One of the traps I find myself falling into is buying “things” that minimalist UA-camrs (like yourself and Minimalist Sibu) own. Would love to see a video detailing your thoughts whenever you purchase something. Come visit Canada again soon!

  • @damsna4090
    @damsna4090 11 місяців тому

    i'm currently on a journey to being a minimalist. your youtube channel helps me be on track :)

  • @petitegirl2109
    @petitegirl2109 Рік тому

    Love your videos Aki, you’ve become an inspiration for me. I started getting rid of stuff I never use and it feels great. Thank you for sharing your experience. Love from Miami

  • @estherkinzelmann4875
    @estherkinzelmann4875 2 роки тому +1

    Love it 👍

  • @wanderlustandrecluse7692
    @wanderlustandrecluse7692 2 роки тому +1

    Great video!

  • @ajjudge7983
    @ajjudge7983 Рік тому

    Aki-san you are inspiring me! Arigatou gozaimasu! 🙏🌸💮

  • @SeforaBermudez
    @SeforaBermudez 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you. Always inspire me. I'm in Spain. 🤗

  • @JasonPatrick-tj4xj
    @JasonPatrick-tj4xj 2 роки тому +1


  • @baishalideb5565
    @baishalideb5565 Рік тому

    kintsugi is beautiful.i love minimalism ..started using konmari method ..i live in a country of repair ...anything from slippers to minor damages in clothes ...cut tyres to broken jars ...and i love it .good wishes from india.

  • @janinedekoker9405
    @janinedekoker9405 2 дні тому

    I like the habit of typing practice. That would be very useful for me to do as well, thank you.

  • @geethamenathil979
    @geethamenathil979 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you All from India Thiruvananthapuram 😊😊

    • @fathimas8929
      @fathimas8929 17 днів тому

      ❤From Kanyakumari... Ur neighbour

  • @lucianamartins6257
    @lucianamartins6257 2 роки тому +3

    5 lições positivas que (Aki aprendeu) através do minimalismo
    O teu eu minimalista do futuro está te esperando!
    1 - Tu aprende a aproveitar o máximo de uma situação apenas com as poucas coisas que tu tem. Garrafas = vasos de flor e recipientes de amaciantes caseiros. “Posso usar isso para aquilo”;
    2 - Alegria em reparar. “Linha inicial” é consertada e re-consertada pois é essencial;
    3 - Realizar tarefas de modo eficaz já que não há tantas coisas. Saber onde estão as roupas e quais são, os utensílios de cozinha, limpeza rápida e duradoura. Economizar tempo e energia. Ter teu próprio tempo e tranquilidade;
    4 - Maior facilidade nas mudanças de localidade. Não gastar tanto dinheiro e tempo em mudanças, fazer sozinho. Poder viajar com liberdade de não se prender aos pertences;
    5 - Sofrer menos influência da publicidade e consumismo. Não comprar coisas inúteis. Manter na vida o que traz alegria. Saber o que realmente é necessário e o que é apenas legal. Economia de dinheiro, maior saúde.

    • @olaola333
      @olaola333 2 роки тому +1

      Dziękuję za streszczenie 👍👍