Miscarriage | Sarah Lavonne

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @ArielChadwick
    @ArielChadwick 2 роки тому +6

    I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks that was fairly easy to walk through. I was young, naive, and didn't have any living children to know exactly how much I had lost. Then a few months later I had a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks. I almost passed out on the toilet at work, all by myself, because I wouldn't let anyone come help me. Then, the next year, I had a stillborn girl at 24 weeks. Her name is Aliya, which means "to ascend." We don't know why I lost any of those babies, and through it all God was so good and gracious with all the support I had from my family! I never quite lost hope. And now I have two beautiful babies! Not even 5 years after my first miscarriage. There is always hope.

  • @cheyennesmith7667
    @cheyennesmith7667 2 роки тому +2

    going through my fourth miscarriage right now, so the timing of this video is perfect for me. thank you for talking about it.

  • @kim6433
    @kim6433 2 роки тому +1

    I am currently experiencing a miscarriage. I am waiting to see if it will naturally start on its own. I found out I was pregnant on September 7th, but began spotting the same day for 5 days. I wrote it off as just implementation bleeding. Up until I was 9weeks and 5days everything seemed normal. I began spotting again and went to the ER. They said the baby looked too small to be 10 weeks and they couldn't see a heartbeat. They also noted a minor subchorionic hemorrhage. I always felt like I knew something wasn't right deep down. I have an almost 18 month old daughter and I carried her for 41 weeks and 3 days she was born healthy and I never realized how much I took that for granted. Our church family has been so gracious and so supportive through this time 💕 My husband and I had nicked named the baby "Pip" short for pip squeak but decided on giving him or her a proper name as well. We decided on Selah "Pip" and then our last name 💕 Selah in the Bible means to pause and reflect or praise. And that's simply all this is, it's a time to pause and reflect on the Lord and to praise Him. Job 1:21 says "The Lord gave, and then Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Its hard to understand why right now and maybe I won't this side of heaven but I do know the Lord has a purpose and a plan for this trial and for my pain. I longed to meet this baby. To stay up all night nursing, rocking and caring for this baby. To know if it was a boy or a girl, the color of its hair and eyes. To hear its cry... just to simply hold this sweet baby. To see my daughter take on the roll of a big sister. I have reached out to other women and talked to them about their stories and they have helped maybe know what to expect in the following days and weeks. Its been such a blessing. Most importantly I have let this draw me closer to the Lord because He is my rock and my strength and He has been so gracious to me 💕 its hard to understand why but I am trusting in the Lord and His promises I understand this is for my good and for His glory!!💕

  • @victoriablack2093
    @victoriablack2093 2 роки тому +1

    I’ve never had a miscarriage/stillbirth. I can’t even imagine that pain. That’s why I’m watching this video, have so many friends who have gone through it and I love knowing all this

  • @hannahgleason9885
    @hannahgleason9885 2 роки тому

    Sarah you're the best. I've had a miscarriage and it was pretty painful for me, but I know people who grieved their miscarriage very differently than me in many ways. I love your comments that there's no single way to process those losses.
    Thank you for addressing this topic so kindly and sensitively.

  • @Aryanna182
    @Aryanna182 2 роки тому +9

    Thank you for covering these topics, Sarah. I personally experienced a stillbirth right at 20 weeks this year and am up for learning more about it.
    To answer your questions of support at the end of this video, my baby's name is Charlie. My pregnancy was my first and was rough from the beginning. I had a subchorionic hemorrhage since week 6 that was supposed to go away, but didn't. My doctor was worried about the pregnancy being an ectopic or molar pregnancy (which would have been really crazy if it had been a molar because my cousin had just been told she had a molar pregnancy), but my pregnancy was neither of those. Things were looking to be resolving themselves around week 16, but a little over a week later my bleeding increased again and my doctor informed us that my water had broken. After going to an MFM and my husband and I having to make the most difficult decision we'd ever made I was induced for medical reasons and Charlie was stillborn at exactly 20 weeks to the day. My labor went so fast (about 3 or 4 hours I don't remember the time exactly I was induced) my doctor said I had most likely been in labor that day anyway and that the cause of the problems with the pregnancy was probably something to do with the placenta. We didn't have it or my baby tested because my doctor was pretty certain.
    My favorite memories of my pregnancy are finding out I was pregnant, finding out the gender and then probably just before the end. I had just begun to feel his movements (flutters). I didn't really realize until after what they were and I wish I had realized sooner what they were so my husband could feel them too. I think the biggest things that have helped me other than friends and family have been deciding when we learned how things were ending that we didn't want to be mad at God because He of all beings knows best how to help us through this and as uneasy as it has been that's really helped. Also my religion's music helped. I learned that even though the music would bring the feelings to the surface facing the tears these songs brought out helped me get through the pain of my loss.

  • @TigerMa14
    @TigerMa14 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this video. I noticed at the end you posted it on my angel baby's 5 year anniversary ❤

  • @ericahoroschak5087
    @ericahoroschak5087 2 роки тому +24

    I had a miscarriage in August of this year. I was 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. Named my baby Angel Frances and bought a picture of Jesus holding a baby as a reminder that this baby is a part of our family and our story. “And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus” 🧡

    • @sarahlavonne
      @sarahlavonne  2 роки тому +1

      I love that

    • @RosannaChistiakov
      @RosannaChistiakov 2 роки тому +1

      Amen, that baby is with the Him now and you will meet your baby one day! ❤️🙏

    • @lanasherman6506
      @lanasherman6506 2 роки тому +1

      Love this reminder, my rainbow baby was born September and I have been sad thinking about the child I never knew more often now than before.

    • @natasha757
      @natasha757 2 роки тому +1

      I had a miscarriage in August as well. I went in for my 1st ultrasound at 10 weeks to find an empty gestational sac. It was determined the baby had stopped developing around 6 weeks, meaning I had been carrying for an entire month and had no idea the baby was gone. Its been a rough few months but God is good and we are praying for our future rainbow baby. Someone recently told me that I can count it all joy that I have at least one baby waiting in heaven for my husband and I who was spared from a lifetime of sin in this fallen world. Although it will always be painful wondering who they might have been, those words of comfort have given some solace to my soul.

  • @mrspokitstheriot477
    @mrspokitstheriot477 2 роки тому +2

    Currently bleeding from one. Haven't started grieving yet. Im still kindof in shock. Ive seen some things this weekend. Im a mom to 4 toddlers. And my youngest they didn't expect to make it to birth. (Large subchorionic hemorrhage that didn't start to resolve until 24wks and a chorioangioma found at 19wks).
    Im amazed how much it felt like labour. The pain quickly was how bad it was when I was 8cm dilated with my youngest. The progression felt so much like that labour (my older 3 were inductions) And then when I actually passed it, right before it felt exactly like my water broke. I was shocked.

  • @jacquelinemacatuno4184
    @jacquelinemacatuno4184 2 роки тому

    I went for my 1st prenatal appointment on 12/8 and my baby didn't have an heartbeat. I was Crush.. 😔 I went for an D&C 2 days after and I still can't believe it. I already told everybody I was pregnant so I had to tell them the horrible news.. I haven't been at work since then.. I had to successful pregnancy before this. During my d&c they found a big cyst. I'm scared I hope it's not cancer.. I have to take care of myself 1st before thinking of getting pregnant again. Misscarages is a traumatic experience. Take care all of you. God bless.

  • @sherrichapman7436
    @sherrichapman7436 2 роки тому

    I had a miscarriage in August 2020 and I was completely distraught. I blamed myself in every way possible. Everyone rushed me to get over and told me that you can always try again. I felt alone. I just want to let anyone who is experiencing a loss that it is completely okay to feel sad, confused and angry. Take your time to process and your emotions. If you need to talk I’m here 🖤🖤

  • @TigerMa14
    @TigerMa14 2 роки тому

    Giving a name to our baby after our loss helped SO much in our (my) healing. We didn't know our baby's sex yet, we found out there was no heart beat at my first US at 8 weeks. Since we didn't know the sex we picked Jamie for a gender neutral name.

  • @kirstenalexander36
    @kirstenalexander36 2 роки тому

    I needed this today 🤍🤍

  • @Anonymous-mv9te
    @Anonymous-mv9te 2 роки тому +5

    Future ‘coffee & questions’ question:
    What would be possible reasons for miscarriage twice in a row (one in August, one in October) at 5 weeks gestation? I’ve had one healthy pregnancy, healthy baby - delivered by c section. I know miscarriage is common, but everything I’ve researched says that two in a row is very uncommon.

    • @ByeByeBelly
      @ByeByeBelly 2 роки тому

      Chromosome abnormality is usually the most common cause

    • @ByeByeBelly
      @ByeByeBelly 2 роки тому

      (In the embryos)

    • @anyabrotnei7673
      @anyabrotnei7673 2 роки тому

      I had 3 in a row one at 13 weeks 2 at 8 weeks

  • @ammarahayaz
    @ammarahayaz 2 роки тому

    Empty sac miscarriage? Any details information
    3rd miscarriage in a row
    I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time
    I'm missing home I'll be back home in 4 weeks
    Need prayers 🙏

  • @zuric7035
    @zuric7035 2 роки тому

    Just had my first miscarriage this past week at 10 weeks. It was a missed miscarriage with a D&C. Having a hard time wanting to go back to work and leave my little toddler.

  • @user-yw8jj5jj6e
    @user-yw8jj5jj6e 2 роки тому


  • @birthinghope4868
    @birthinghope4868 2 роки тому +16

    Thank you for this video ❤
    I would love if you could also make a video on Stillbirth. I have experienced a full term loss, and didn't even know it was possible until it happened to me. No one had even told me about laying on my side, kick counts, etc. Awareness for stillbirth is so low, and I would so appreciate someone with your influence making a video about the topic.
    Baby's name: Abigail Hope.
    Stillborn at 39+2 on February 22, 2020.
    Favourite Memories: Finding out I was pregnant with her after 2 years of infertility. Telling her Daddy. Seeing her heartbeat for the first time. How excited our families were when we told them. Finding out she was a girl. When she kicked the mattress so hard in the middle of the night that me AND my husband both woke up from it. 🤣 How she used to start wiggling around whenever she heard her Daddy's voice (even through the car's bluetooth). I'll love her forever, and cherish these memories with her.

    • @abidurrington4135
      @abidurrington4135 2 роки тому

      So sorry to hear this. Sounds so intense, it must be so hard. I agree, a video on stillbirth would be so useful as it's something people don't want to discuss still 😔

    • @birthinghope4868
      @birthinghope4868 2 роки тому

      @@abidurrington4135 thank you ❤

    • @sarac1627
      @sarac1627 2 роки тому

      I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏🏽💙

    • @birthinghope4868
      @birthinghope4868 2 роки тому

      @@sarac1627 thank you ❤

    • @dcrewser89
      @dcrewser89 2 роки тому +1

      I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Abigail Hope. My heart is with you Momma. I also had a full term stillbirth at 41 weeks. My daughter died during labor.
      Kaylie Mae 💕

  • @mkfusato
    @mkfusato 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you so much for making this video ❤️ it is a hard topic to talk about but it’s so important that we do.
    I had two miscarriages (9w and 17w) then a stillborn at 27w. Extensive testing on our babies and ourselves showed nothing wrong with mine or my husband’s genes. Basically that our losses were genetic abnormalities that they didn’t expect to happen again and we were given the green light to try again.
    With each pregnancy, we told our church families as soon as we found out (we didn’t wait until the 2nd trimester). I’m so glad that we did because they were able to both rejoice with us and mourn with us. We also had tremendous support from coworkers, friends, and family along the way who were also there to celebrate when we adopted our oldest son and later when God blessed us with a biological son. It took me a looong time to be willing to try again and I even had to get counseling for anxiety in my pregnancy with our now 3 month old.
    (Adoption is another topic that is scarcely talked about despite how beautiful it is.)
    We remember our angel babies each October (all three of them have significant dates this month), I have their ultrasound pictures in our home, photo albums, and a necklace among other things. There names were akachan (Japanese for “baby”), Elizabeth, and Matthew.
    We don’t want to forget them and I am more than willing to talk with friends about those pregnancies and adoption as I want to help to those questions people have.
    While the sting of their losses has subsided, they’re still in our hearts and we’re grateful how God has worked in us and our hearts to be better parents to our children that we have the privilege of raising.
    Thank you again Sarah for talking about this and the reminder that no one should feel alone in their loss ❤️

  • @TheThomasFamilyVa
    @TheThomasFamilyVa 2 роки тому +10

    I lost my 5 month old son Austin in 2019 (infant loss/child loss) and I have had two miscarriages this year…Channing and Avery ❤️👼

    • @sarahlavonne
      @sarahlavonne  2 роки тому


    • @elizabethadileewyman902
      @elizabethadileewyman902 2 роки тому +1

      Hi momma. I lost my newborn in March 2019 and also had a miscarriage. Here if you need someone 💙

  • @harleybrown7583
    @harleybrown7583 2 роки тому +4

    I had a miscarriage on 10/13/20. I went in for my 10 week ultrasound which was my first one. They had told me that it looked like I lost it around 6 weeks. I ended up having a D&C. I just recently had my son on 9/29/21. I am so thankful with where I am now but I do always think about my miscarriage.

  • @elizabethadileewyman902
    @elizabethadileewyman902 2 роки тому +2

    I’ve lost two: a newborn due to cord prolapse and a miscarriage at 4 weeks 💙
    Sophia LeAnn- 03.31.19 💕
    Adrian Lee- 07.31.17 🦋

  • @stephaniepichard117
    @stephaniepichard117 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for making this video! I had my first miscarriage in August 2019 at 11 weeks and a second miscarriage right before Christmas 2019. My OBGYN suggested we do some blood work to see if there was a reason I was miscarrying. Everything came back normal. On December 25 2020 I was 10 weeks pregnant and was rushed to the ER and due to EXCRUCIATING pain! I had an ectopic pregnancy. My Fallopian tube had ruptured. I was rushed into surgery where they had to removed my right Fallopian tube.
    We are still grieving the losses. I’m currently going to therapy to help me cope. I’m so grateful that I have an incredible support system! Unfortunately not everyone has that. I couldn’t imagine going through this alone. It’s so important we talk about pregnancy and infant loss! We are expected to act like nothing ever happened! It did happen! It was my baby! I loved that baby! I imagined a life with that baby! I would have done for that baby!
    To all the mamas going through a loss I’m sending you love and all the positive vibes.

  • @KaylaDunDunDunIt
    @KaylaDunDunDunIt 2 роки тому +12

    I had a molar pregnancy diagnosed in March, and I hadn’t ever heard of it before. I had two healthy prior pregnancies without complication so I was totally blindsided. The whole process was so traumatic and I’ve been struggling with it a lot lately, so I’ll be reaching out to get some counseling. I highly recommend others do this as well, if it’s available. You don’t have to grieve and deal with it alone.

    • @traceymcswain4354
      @traceymcswain4354 2 роки тому +2

      A friend of mine had a molar pregnancy. They had never heard of it and neither had any of their friends. Maybe this is another topic for Sarab to cover. It sounds like a gap in awareness. I'm so sorry for your loss and happy to hear you're getting the support you need.

    • @KaylaDunDunDunIt
      @KaylaDunDunDunIt 2 роки тому +3

      @@traceymcswain4354 thank you ❤️ it does seem like it isn’t discussed often, even though it happens in about 1 in 1000 pregnancies. It’s extra scary because of the risk of cancer, chemo, and needing to be monitored for months after a d&c. I would love to see a dedicated video on it, there’s not much on yt, and it might be a good resource for those it’s happened to.

    • @carissamendoza4178
      @carissamendoza4178 2 роки тому +2

      I had a molar 9 weeks along back in October 2020 I had no idea it was a think either 🥺

  • @BeckyVm84
    @BeckyVm84 2 роки тому +5

    I had a miscarriage last year. It was a surprise pregnancy as we have 3 older kids and figured we were done, but I was excited about it. When I was 8 weeks along I was working on a stressful client and went to go to the bathroom and wiped blood. I felt like that baby was a girl (I have pretty good intuition with my other pregnancies) so named her Sophie. After that we tried getting pregnant and I had my son this year on the same day last year that that pregnancy would have begun. Which helps it feel very full circle, but i always think about what she would have been like.

  • @lanniebonner2437
    @lanniebonner2437 2 роки тому +2

    Just came across this video and I’m so glad you did it! We lost our sweet Tucker at 28 weeks last September. It is still traumatizing but it’s so nice to know I’m not alone. Currently 12 weeks pregnant with our rainbow and praying for a successful pregnancy and birth 💕

  • @NS-yz8ym
    @NS-yz8ym 2 роки тому +5

    All the ladies who are going through the loss.Sending loads of love ,healing energy🤗❤

  • @mrs.228
    @mrs.228 2 роки тому +5

    Thanks for speaking on the subject. I was expecting one, my mom and sister both had a tubal on the first one, and so my charting and cheap tests helped me figure out I was pregnant 7/2021. It didn’t implant & It was 2.5-3 months later I got a sticky egg. Now that boy who was born premature 6.5 wks early in May this year is about 5 1/2 months old in the bassinet not napping!

  • @ViennaElizabeth
    @ViennaElizabeth 2 роки тому +1

    My girlfriend and I conceived our first baby artificially on my ovulation day - 7th November last year (using a sperm donor) we sadly lost him over Christmas period 2020. We had lots of private scans, the heart beat was there on a Friday, and gone by the Monday. LUCKILY we got a heartbeat teddy bear, so we always have that and multiple scan photos and key rings. I started bleeding on Christmas Day, and passed him at home in the early hours of 28th December 2020. I was 10 weeks pregnant (going from LMP) but poor little bub didn’t grow past the size of a 7/8 week gestation. He is buried in my parents beautiful flower garden. It is the hardest thing I’ve ever been through, we wanted our baby so much and went through so much to conceive (being a lesbian couple). I still feel a lot of grief and pain over our loss, but I am so pleased to say I am currently 38+5 days pregnant and our due date….. 7th November. A full 365 days apart from conceiving our first beautiful baby. X

  • @nattyjo
    @nattyjo 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you for sharing this!!! I’ve had two miscarriages - and you’re so right about celebrating or reminding themselves of the loss as i wear a cheap bracelet from pura vida that’s blue and pink representing a boy or girl that could have been. But Gods timing is perfect and praise God Im pregnant with our rainbow baby at 20 weeks. and I have a 16 month old sweet girl.
    Love your channel!! You are so beautiful inside and out

  • @noramakesthree173
    @noramakesthree173 2 роки тому +7

    I had a miscarriage this month. I was 8.5 weeks pregnant. I saw the heartbeat a few days before. It was absolutely traumatizing, but I am ready to try again. Another baby will not replace the baby we lost, but I do believe it will help me move forward. I have three other children, and have been pregnant 8 times total. My other losses were chemical pregnancies. Miscarriage is such a hard topic of conversation, so thank you for opening up about it.

    • @abidurrington4135
      @abidurrington4135 2 роки тому +1

      So sorry to hear this, especially after hearing the heartbeat I can imagine that makes you feel more connected to baby. Do you mind me asking what a chemical pregnancy is? I've never heard this term 💙

    • @elizabethadileewyman902
      @elizabethadileewyman902 2 роки тому +1

      @@abidurrington4135 A chemical pregnancy is a pregnancy that is far enough along to register a positive pregnancy test but there is no fetus/embryo/baby. Just an empty gestational sac. It can also be that the person only had a positive pregnancy test and then started bleeding either the same day or a few days after which is usually like a heavy period 💙

    • @abidurrington4135
      @abidurrington4135 2 роки тому +1

      Oh I see, thank you for the explanation, that must be difficult as you've just got your hopes up. Sending lots of best wishes for your future conception(s) 🙏

  • @Sarah-nd2gy
    @Sarah-nd2gy 2 роки тому +2

    I have suffered 2 miscarriages, both of them early. Bean I lost just after Christmas in 2019 (I spent New Years Day in the Early Pregnancy Unit having it confirmed that I had indeed lost my baby) and Flossie was Easter 2020 (when I struggled to even get into the EPU because of Covid). I'm still devastated.
    I've had a lot of loss. I have been doing IVF for 4 years and to me, all of those transfers that either didnt implant or else were lost prior to me testing, were just like a miscarriage, because those embryos were still mine and they were alive when they were placed back inside me and they died at some point after that, so I still grieve them and they all have names. Getting a positive pregnancy test for the first time after so many losses was so overwhelmingly amazing, that losing the pregnancy hit really hard. Even though I knew I was high risk for miscarriage, it was still a shock. Getting pregnant for the 2nd time and then being in lockdown was so hard on my mental health as I was completely alone all day every day and I was panicked. I was terrified of being pregnant in an pandemic when I couldnt see anyone, but I was also terrified of losing the baby and became obsessed with checking for blood anytime I went anywhere near a bathroom. I got a bit further along with that pregnancy and I was finally allowing myself to feel calmer and start to enjoy being pregnant, when one day over the Easter weekend, I suddenly felt very unwell and about 2 hours later, I felt a sharp lightening pain flash across my tummy. I checked and there was no blood, but hours later, there was blood. It was nearly a week before I could get into the EPU to check on ultrasound. I know it was irrational, and I know logically it had nothing to do with it, but even now there is a part of me that is terrified the reason I lost Flossie was because I was so panicked about the pregnancy because of the lockdown and that the universe must therefore have decided that I shouldnt be pregnant if I was going to panic about it. Sometimes feelings and knowledge just refuse to marry up.
    I find it difficult to grieve for them, not because I dont have grief for them, but because IVF keeps moving forward and I have to put my grief to one side and push on if I am to have any chance of ever having a baby. But some days it catches up with me. The due date and the loss date are hardest. I even had to leave a work meeting early because I was in floods of tears. They were my babies and I was their mother. For other people that may not be how they see it, but that is how it is for me. I never got to meet them, hold them, I never even got to find out what gender they were. But they were still mine and I miss them.

  • @maddiecrowder
    @maddiecrowder 2 роки тому +1

    My first miscarriage was a partial molar pregnancy diagnosed at 8 weeks along. Lost 9-24-2018. I tried to get pregnant for over a year and a half then suffered the miscarriage. Most people have told me that I shouldn’t mourn the loss of my baby because it’s not a baby. To me though, it was a baby and I named him/her Emerson. I got a baby angel ornament made with Emerson’s name on it with the color purple since purple is for molar pregnancy awareness.

  • @ChrisplussTina96
    @ChrisplussTina96 2 роки тому +8

    I just suffered a miscarriage earlier this month. My midwife has been a huge support in this and my friends and family around me. I'm really thankful you made this.

    • @hannahgleason9885
      @hannahgleason9885 2 роки тому

      So sorry for your loss. ♥️

    • @RosannaChistiakov
      @RosannaChistiakov 2 роки тому

      Thank you for sharing, so sorry for your loss ❤️

    • @krfurdui
      @krfurdui 2 роки тому

      So sorry for your loss! Also had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago… I am glad for these resources so that I can feel less alone.

  • @threeoftrees9286
    @threeoftrees9286 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much for speaking on miscarriage my first miscarriage I was so uninformed I was totally unprepared... I still fight with ptsd almost 11 years later

  • @camillalissidini
    @camillalissidini 2 роки тому +1

    I'd love a video about stillbirth, because Is really important to talk more about these topics

  • @juliejones3260
    @juliejones3260 2 роки тому +1

    My miscarriage started 2 days ago at 7 weeks. I just passed my baby today and this video couldn’t have come at a better time for me.

  • @Rusher4God
    @Rusher4God 2 роки тому +1

    My mom had 7-8 miscarriages in between her 3 living children. I always kind of assumed I would have the same thing happen to me so when I got pregnant with my son I didn’t tell anyone for almost 17 weeks. Perfectly healthy pregnancy. It seems strange now that I thought that, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t still a bit paranoid about it happening in the future. My heart breaks for all the mamas who have lost babies at any stage. ❤️

  • @Ragingbull123
    @Ragingbull123 2 роки тому +1

    Still birth video would be amazing or a sids video

  • @katiebrower5552
    @katiebrower5552 2 роки тому +5

    I needed this video. When I was pregnant with my first I was so worried I would loose the baby - I was always watching for blood up until he was born. We even waited to tell family we were pregnant until I was 16weeks along because I felt fine and was never sick.❤️

    • @shelbiee-97
      @shelbiee-97 2 роки тому

      THIS ! I did the EXACT same thing ! My very first pregnancy was a loss at 7 weeks , then my second I was almost expecting it! Like I almost planned what fertility clinics I wanted to go to if I did lose her ! Thank the heavens I never did, and I am so beyond grateful and thanked god everyday that I remained pregnant 💜 I was super annoying to my midwives and asked so many questions lol

    • @Swizzles89
      @Swizzles89 2 роки тому +1

      I felt the same way too! Both of my sister in laws have about 7 or 8 miscarriages between them. When I was pregnant with my 1st I had bleeding every week until 16 weeks! Everyday I thought is this the day I'll lose my baby? It was hard watching my sister in laws go through the pain of such losses and I'm not even the one who went thru it. Thankfully everything was OK with the pregnancy but the anxiety is real. Prayers for those who have experienced loss and for those who are pregnant now and worrying everyday 💕

  • @RosannaChistiakov
    @RosannaChistiakov 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for this video, Sarah! ❤️
    Had two miscarriages (chemical pregnancy and at 7 weeks) white TTC for two years. The first year and a half was pretty lonely but yes, when you start to share with your community, it helps so much! Was so surprised with how many couples went or going through the same thing my husband and I did.
    I actually started a UA-cam channel about infertility to hopefully help women like me to feel that they are not alone! Although, I did get pregnant 1 month later 😅 18 weeks pregnant now with a baby girl! 😍💖 Praise the Lord! So excited to finally go through all the “firsts”: finding out the gender, naming the baby, etc.

    • @hannahortiz1629
      @hannahortiz1629 2 роки тому +1

      I lost my frist baby 5 years ago at 13 weeks baby was still 8 weeks stoped growing and I didn't get any sighs if anything, then found out at my ultrasound that baby didn't have heartbeat 😭 even tho it was 5years it still hurts for sure, I lost my current child at 4or 5 weeks in May of 2022 it was so hard maybe harder then I thought 😭but I have my rainbow baby now I'm so blessed to have another sweet baby

  • @Aryanna182
    @Aryanna182 2 роки тому +1

    I've already commented on this video about my first baby and his stillbirth. Now I'm back again a little over a year later from his birth to report I've had another stillbirth. I lost my daughter on September 18th at 30 weeks and 4 days of gestation due to a uterine torsion and placental abruption. My pregnancy with her was perfect and wonderful until the afternoon of the 18th when I suddenly had sharp lower abdominal pain, cold sweats, nausea, tunnel vision, and nearly passed out a few times. When my husband got me to the hospital and my doctor got me into surgery for an emergency C-section he discovered the torsion which he'd heard of, but never seen before especially in a case like mine where that was no past trauma to have been the cause.
    My baby's name is Ava Lynnette and my favorite things about this last pregnancy was feeling my baby move inside me because every time she moved I knew she was ok and everytime she moved I treasured it. Also I loved having her daddy interact with her as best he could and as much as he could through me. Right now, I grieve every night and day missing her movements. I'm relying on what I used last time (see my previous comment) to help me through this period of time and my husband and I are thinking to get some counseling too. Though our marriage is fine. Luckily, my doctor has a plan for when we try again (him saying that reassured us that we can try again) and said we can try as soon as we're ready to after my body has healed enough physically. I hope at least that more answers on uterine torsions can be found through this experience.

    • @monicag.1527
      @monicag.1527 Рік тому +1

      I'm so very sorry for both of your losses Valerie 💜 you and your husband will be in my prayers

  • @megtedd9196
    @megtedd9196 2 роки тому +1

    I had a missed miscarriage with my first pregnancy at 13 weeks and had to have a D&C. I named my baby Tatum which means “joy”, and have a small wooden statue of a momma holding a baby on my nightstand in remembrance. I had 2 wonderful ultrasounds before the loss in which I got to see baby T moving around with a strong heartbeat. It was completely unexpected…Through this experience, I’ve learned how precious life really is, and have since been able to offer support to friends that have gone through miscarriage as well.
    My rainbow baby, Cooper was born the following year. There is hope after the storm, mommas! 💕

  • @hannahlehde7601
    @hannahlehde7601 2 роки тому +2

    I would love a video on stillbirth or infant loss. I have never had this happen to me but fear of this all the time and think it would be helpful to not be blind if it did.
    I did have a miscarriage with my first pregnancy. I had just gotten married at age 19 and was attending a university at the time. I was 6 weeks in. Talking about it really helped me.

  • @irene9062
    @irene9062 2 роки тому +2

    I found out I was pregnant on Mother’s Day. It will forever be such a special day even though that baby will never be in my arms earthside. 🫐

  • @ashleygaska3634
    @ashleygaska3634 2 роки тому +1

    Our rainbow baby just turned 5 months!

  • @sammiherbik4935
    @sammiherbik4935 2 роки тому +2

    I almost feel guilty for not having a miscarriage because I don't know how to help those who have had one. Obviously I love my babies I have and I don't want to have a miscarriage, but there is something to say to those who relate in that area! I love your videos!! Thank you for your openness! ❤️

    • @rosabazan6600
      @rosabazan6600 2 роки тому

      One of the best ways to avoid pain is by not asking "Do you have more?"
      Just focus on what you see. If the mama wants to share more then she'll tell you if she's ready. I was asked if I had more children a week after my miscarriage.

    • @traceymcswain4354
      @traceymcswain4354 2 роки тому

      I feel the same way. I know moms who have struggled to get pregnant and had multiple losses. I've found sometimes "I'm so sorry, I love you and I'm here for you" is all that needs to be said. Let her guide the conversation. Or none at all. She may need time to be able to verbalize what she needs

  • @alyssapraiswater6422
    @alyssapraiswater6422 2 роки тому +1

    I celebrated my lost pregnancy's little life by making a birthday cake on his/her due date! I happened to be pregnant at the time (it only took one month when we started trying again!) and it was such a crazy feeling to be holding grief (for the loss) and gratitude (for the next pregnancy) at the same time. I look at my son now and am so thankful for him, knowing that had I not had a miscarriage I never would have conceived him. By the way, I had a blighted ovum miscarriage. I wish there were more info on this because I didn't even know it existed before going in for that first ultrasound...

    • @alyssapraiswater6422
      @alyssapraiswater6422 2 роки тому +1

      ALSO- I want to share that I just gave birth to the baby who I mention above, and this is so special to me... When we were driving him home from the hospital, there was a rainbow in the sky :) Definitely choked up with gratitude for our little rainbow baby. God is faithful and sees us through hard times.

  • @tabithakepner5811
    @tabithakepner5811 2 роки тому

    I had a miscarriage February 2020 and then a missed miscarriage (D&C) June 2020. I just had my 🌈 Rainbow Baby September 2021. He is perfect and even though I had a hard road to get to him (Trying To Concieve for 4 years with fertility meds) worth it 💙. I felt that those two pregnancies were different from my last with my son (we actually didn't find out the gender of my son until he was born in honor of the two before him). I feel they were both girls as the two miscarriage pregnancies were very similar as far as cravings and their out come. I didn't name them, but I think of them like seasons. ❄️winter,⛱️summer, and fall🍁. I'd like to think that it is to show that God has a plan and that the "seasons" of our lives are out of our control, but he has a better plan.

  • @daileyonthedaily8924
    @daileyonthedaily8924 2 роки тому

    I had my first miscarriage in 2018 then I gave birth to my daughter in 2019. I had my second miscarriage just this passed February 2021 and I’m now pregnant due in March. I’m constantly scared and worry about losing my baby. I celebrate their due dates instead of the dates I lost them. I’m very open about my miscarriage, a lot of people come to me for TTC and miscarriage advice. But now I’m finishing my TTC/Pregnancy journey completely I’m wanting to get fixed. I know I can’t handle that heartbreak again. I love all four of my children no matter how long I carried them.

  • @rosabazan6600
    @rosabazan6600 2 роки тому

    Thank you Sarah for talking about this. Suffered my MMC August 14th. I would be 25 weeks today. #theresnoplacelikehome 👶👼🌈

  • @hannylovely5
    @hannylovely5 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for this video. My first baby was a little boy named Gabriel who was stillborn at 39 weeks in September 2019. Losing him was completely devastating and flipped our lives upside down. We went from joyful anticipation to kind of just wandering through the wilderness of the days and weeks that followed. It took a full year before I felt even kind of “normal” emotionally, but even now there are many moments that sneak up on me and the grief that had subsided is right there just as sharp as before.
    We have found so much comfort in our faith in the Lord. He has been so very near and has held us in our suffering. As part of our healing we have had the opportunity to speak into the lives of many other families who have experienced loss, reminding them of the truth we find in scripture and the hope there is in treasuring Christ. We WILL snuggle our sweet Gabriel again at the end of this life in heaven!
    I want to encourage other mamas that your baby MATTERS. They were beautifully made and fully known by our perfect Father in heaven. He is capable of redeeming every circumstance in our lives. He is near to the broken-hearted. He is STILL good, despite the sting of death we feel on this earth.
    #gabrielmatters #mybabymatters #yourbabymatters

  • @zanabanana27
    @zanabanana27 2 роки тому

    Just had my first (and hopefully only) miscarriage. My second pregnancy. Totally unexpected, and happened in my 5th week. Not sure how to feel. I do know we want to try again next month after my body has healed. Thank you for the video. It was much appreciated. 💙

  • @indigomoonchild6638
    @indigomoonchild6638 2 роки тому

    I had a miscarriage August 5 of this year. I was not trying, as I had an almost 2 year old and an 8 month old. It was very unexpected, we were scared at first but then we accepted it and became excited to have a third baby. I was no more than 6 weeks, but probably more like 4-5 weeks. I felt so guilty to feel so sad because I personally know a number of people that have lost pregnancies further along than I was. I felt like a failure, like my body failed. Especially since I was still processing the fact that both of my live births were emergency/ urgent c-sections. It has been very difficult to process and deal with. We have told very few people, out of fear of judgement. I recently decided to seek therapy for other issues as well as this pregnancy loss. After having this miscarriage, it very much resembles a "late period" I had back when I was 17, and one I had when I was 19 as well... which made me a little sad to think I might've had more than one miscarriage.
    My heart goes out to all the others who have lost a pregnancy or child.

  • @abidurrington4135
    @abidurrington4135 2 роки тому

    Watched this video during early pregnancy. Now watching again at 13 weeks going through a miscarriage. Never thought I'd have to come back to this video of all of them but so thankful it's here. Absolutely gutted 😟 💔

  • @amanisnoone7005
    @amanisnoone7005 2 роки тому

    My first pregnancy ended up being a missed miscarriage. For two weeks prior to my first doctors appointment my baby had no heartbeat. But the sac was still producing hormones. I had no bleeding, still had nausea. Had no indication there was anything wrong other than bad cramping that I just attributed to my uterus expanding. My body didn’t want to pass it naturally so I had to have a D&C.
    The entire experience was very traumatic. But exactly five years later I got pregnant with my now 17 month old son and now I have another baby on the way. I’ll always cherish those nine weeks I had with my first baby. But I know he or she lives on in my son and will continue through my other future children. ❤️

  • @ramantalkin24
    @ramantalkin24 2 роки тому

    I had miscarriage 5 days ago, i was 7 weeks pregnant. My doctor was concerned that i had ectopic, so when i started bleeding, we rushed to ER. However, location of pregnancy wasn’t confirmed, i do have another ultrasound in few days to confirm everything is cleared off. I have been bleeding from past 5 days and have had cramps/contractions on and off. I had this urge to push something out and when i did, it was a huge lump of blood clots.It has been traumatizing physically and Mentally. This was my first pregnancy and I don’t how to cope with the loss. I feel as if i have lost confidence in my body, and keep thinking what if it happens again ?

  • @ixamxzim
    @ixamxzim 2 роки тому

    I had my first pregnancy end in miscarriage this mother's day weekend. Should have been 8 weeks, was excited to take ultrasound pics to my grandparents and give them the news on a fitting weekend and ended up finding out I had a missed mc. Took the pills, got a check up and still had some gunk leftover in me, took more and more of the pills until i had to do a d&c to get the last bits out a month later (and then took more pills). 76 miso pills overall. Really sucked. I got a wee little teddy bear to honor this baby that I keep by my bed.
    Recently learned I'm pregnant again and the joy and happiness and love I felt the first time just isn't there yet, it's too scary to let myself relax, but hopefully soon I will feel safe.

  • @aimeeperez8737
    @aimeeperez8737 2 роки тому

    Can you please talk about vanishing twin syndrome. I lost my baby girl twin A at 13 weeks and surviving twin is 5 months old now and I’m still suffering. This specific type of miscarriage I feel gets very disregarded I think because we get to keep one but it still hurts a lot

  • @missjillgrab2971
    @missjillgrab2971 2 роки тому

    Not sure if you will see this, but are you able to talk about a biochemical pregnancy? (unless you mentioned it while I was typing this) I am currently experiencing this Dx and I'd like to know more.

  • @asianikula9091
    @asianikula9091 2 роки тому

    We lost our first baby together 3.5 years ago and we weren't sure of the sex yet but we call him BabyNik because of our last name. We grieved for quite some time, the entire experience brought us closer together as a couple. We still talk about that baby. We ended up having our baby girl almost 2 years ago and we are so blessed❤️

  • @Rylee217
    @Rylee217 2 роки тому

    I've had 5 miscarriages this year. After so many tests, we finally figured out I have a subseptate uterus. Still coping from all these losses but happy to have an answer that can be fixed.

  • @Jlswords1998
    @Jlswords1998 Рік тому

    I get so disappointed when I keep hearing “pregnant people”. The only people who can be pregnant are women, and my pregnancy loss is not something I can share with anyone but another woman.
    By failing to acknowledge this for the sake of making men who want to be called women feel better, or women who want to be men feel better, it is diminishing the meaning of a woman going through a pregnancy, or experiencing a pregnancy loss.
    I get especially disappointed when I see Christian women doing this.

  • @hannahortiz1629
    @hannahortiz1629 2 роки тому

    It's been 5 years since I lost my first baby at 13 weeks but the baby was 8 weeks, on September 14th it would be 5 years! I had another miscarriage in may of this year at 4 or 5 weeks!

  • @mikaeladonegan2430
    @mikaeladonegan2430 2 роки тому +1

    I wish people would talk more about the after effects of the miscarriage. I miscarried in July and 7 weeks and 3 days and my body is still not back to normal. My hormones are all messed up and we’ve not been able to get pregnant again. I want all the other women who have also had a miscarriage that you will always be a mommy :)

    • @mikaeladonegan2430
      @mikaeladonegan2430 2 роки тому +1

      Also I called my baby Baby Bean :) I think it was a girl but obviously I can’t know for sure. She stopped growing at 5 weeks 6 days. I started bleeding on a Monday and went into be checked. They did an ultrasound and the baby was in there and had a heartbeat and im thankful I got to have pictures of my little bean. That night I had contractions and passed the baby in the morning which they confirmed at the drs office the next day. I’m thankful I got pictures I know a lot of people don’t.

  • @nicolasalston5746
    @nicolasalston5746 2 роки тому

    My respect for Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home who freed me from h s v 1 2 torment…!!

  • @keagant6613
    @keagant6613 2 роки тому

    I've been through 3 losses I don't talk about them unless someone else has gone through the same. I've found if they haven't had the experience they are clueless on how to support you

  • @Samluvshobos
    @Samluvshobos 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for making this!
    We lost our son Gideon Matthew last year. Even having a huge support system around me, and a sister who had experienced almost the exact same thing didn't make it any less painful.
    For anyone going through this now, know that even though you feel incredibly alone, you're not, and everything you're feeling we feel it with you. 💕 It's not about "moving on" it's about moving forward. ❤️ You can do hard things, even this!

  • @kimberlycreager6129
    @kimberlycreager6129 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for this. My family just lost our baby boy Davis at 20 weeks in August due to incompetent curvix. It's one of those things that I really wish I did something sooner to prevent it from. Happening. I am currently pregnant with our rainbow baby but we are absolutely terrified.

    • @ammarahayaz
      @ammarahayaz 2 роки тому

      Wish you all the best. Praying for the best for you, keep good hopes had this in my family now she has 2 health sons

  • @tealmcdaniel7121
    @tealmcdaniel7121 2 роки тому

    I lost my baby boy at 16 w 5 days 9/18/21 every day is a struggle

  • @brejayelle
    @brejayelle 2 роки тому +1

    I had 3 miscarriages just last year. It’s rough, but I’m thankful to have had very meaningful conversations with women who have experienced this as well. The hardest part of anything is feeling alone.

    • @NatBenHarte
      @NatBenHarte 2 роки тому +1

      I've had 3 as well. As hard as they were, each one enabled me to connect with other women that I might not normally connect with. It's amazing how we can connect and comfort one another in these situations if we speak up. I hate that my miscarriages happened, but I would not take back those shared tears and difficult conversations for anything.

  • @ammarahayaz
    @ammarahayaz 2 роки тому

    Wow babe you did it.... much needed
    I've been following you since my first pregnancy 2019. My girl Hudaa (guidance) passed away at 8 weeks n I also got a❤ form you 😊
    I have another baby girl husna (beautiful) she's just turned 1 all praise to god now n recently I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago.
    I wasn't so emotional as I've lost a child once, so I look at all the positive stuff my religion teaches us all the rewards thank god it's reassuring.
    I wasn't sure what to expect but it was 40% of postpartum pain for 10 day or so, I didn't think such a earlier miscarriage 6 to 7 weeks would give body pain I thought it was the pushing out the babys pain 😅🙃

    • @ammarahayaz
      @ammarahayaz 2 роки тому

      I looked for recovery tips but didn't find any when I had a miscarriage 6/10/21.
      Like I've mentioned above how my physical state was after the miscarriage, I really did have to rest n felt like baby blues abit gloomy n could even hold heavy items. Felt lots of weakness n haven't been called in for a blood test n no ones been in contact since I came home. So tips on that would be useful please

  • @hcooley17
    @hcooley17 2 роки тому

    I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant with a threatened miscarriage, this was good for me to watch thank you

  • @jessikaking8423
    @jessikaking8423 2 роки тому

    Amen! Love you Sarah

  • @rebekkahhollister
    @rebekkahhollister 2 роки тому +5

    I had a chemical pregnancy last month. I always thought miscarriage, no matter how early, would devastate me... but I honestly feel okay. It's been weird to expect grief but not feel it.
    Maybe it's because it was such an early loss. Maybe it's because I was on birth control and not necessarily wanting another baby right at this time. I would've kept the pregnancy, but I was almost relieved. There is some guilt in that, though.
    It also feels weird to talk about, because the loss was so early that I just hadn't told anyone except my husband.
    And then, not at all to compare or say one thing is "worse" than another, but I have experienced an intrapartum stillbirth, and I think that really impacted how I felt about this pregnancy loss. I was just grateful that it happened so early, if it was going to happen at all.

  • @KaylaNatalie
    @KaylaNatalie 2 роки тому

    I had a very early miscarriage in June 2018 and I was forced to grieve in silence and that did me no favors.. 3 years later I spoke up about it and could finally start to grieve. We named her Rose

  • @georgieibbotson3932
    @georgieibbotson3932 2 роки тому

    I just wanted to say, thanks for making the video. Our baby was due June this year and I’ve had a necklace since last December to remind me of them. I found no one honestly tells you about what to expect, they all just beat around the bush until you have one then I just got a print out of what to expect (which had already happened). I really could have done with knowing I’d see the baby come out, the surprise was quite traumatising. I think there also needs to be more information about the amount of pain, I had what I believe where contractions and am glad I stayed at home. I’ve heard some stories of women who think the doctors can help, and they end up rolling around in pain in the waiting room and passing their baby in a public toilet. All to have the same outcome. I was 9w 5d when I miscarried, also sorry to ramble, after this I left my job and have had to wait to start trying again, it’s going to be 18 months after before we can again. I just wondered if anyone else has been in the same boat because it’s been a real struggle for me. Anyway Thankyou Sarah I think you’re a amazing. Georgie, England x

  • @carissamendoza4178
    @carissamendoza4178 2 роки тому

    I had a molar pregnancy October 2020 by was 9 weeks along when it happened.
    It was devastating, especially because I didn’t even know a molar pregnancy was a thing.

  • @callmebrownielover4832
    @callmebrownielover4832 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this, I have been reflecting lately on my experience with miscarriage at 7-8 weeks pregnant two years ago…My husband and I are trying again now, and I’m filled with mixed emotions. Watching this video was so helpful and comforting, so thank you.

  • @lyss222
    @lyss222 2 роки тому

    My first pregnancy was a miscarriage around 5 weeks. I was grateful it happened early so it was like an extremely heavy painful period. I conceived my daughter the following cycle. My third pregnancy was ectopic and it was so stubborn, it took two rounds of methotrexate to stop it. It was devastating and terrifying. I was so afraid to get pregnant again. Praise God my fourth pregnancy was healthy, and I have a three month old son now. I have no desire to ever be pregnant again! I spend the entire pregnancy worrying constantly 😭. I have a little Willow Tree figurine of an angel hugging a baby in remembrance of my lost babies

  • @ariellasjourney7407
    @ariellasjourney7407 2 роки тому

    Thank you first off for your video.
    I had an ectopic pregnancy and my left fallopian tube was removed in 2019 and a miscarriage in 2020. I don't think I've had a full moment to grieve because I did have a baby who was almost 2 around the time. I did make a personal video on how I feel and went to counseling. I have a tattoo for remembrance , but as a positive I just had my rainbow baby this August🌈

  • @KashaMonique
    @KashaMonique 2 роки тому

    Yes can we please go to what it’s like to lose a baby after 20 weeks. I am currently 19 weeks and had a chemical pregnancy for my first pregnancy and everyday I fear I’ll lose this one too. So I’m very curious to see what loss looks like after 20 weeks.

  • @baileybui9691
    @baileybui9691 2 роки тому

    I miscarried at 15 weeks in April this year. Her name is Sophia, my hospital has a garden for lost babies and we have a stone there for her that we visit. I’m actually due again next April one day before my miscarriage date. It’s been quite a difficult journey to go through. I had a sub chorionic hemorrhage that healed at 10 weeks and then we still miscarried 5 weeks later. I’m being checked for cervical incompetence this pregnancy as well because they could not rule that out due to the nature of my loss. I have been very blessed to have a great support system and there are so many people who go through this and my husband and I don’t feel alone like we did when we first had our loss. I’ve been praying for your egg retrieval Sarah and thank you for sharing what you do here.

  • @cassandrasype264
    @cassandrasype264 2 роки тому

    Thanks for covering this Sarah. You've been such an anchor through my pregnancies ❤ I lost my first pregnancy around 6/7 weeks. I never got to see baby as we lost a couple days before our first ultrasound. I remember feeling so excited when I found out and suprised my husband then so so devastated. We conceived my beautiful son the following month but it tainted the pregnancy. I'm pregnant again, exactly 2 years with almost identical timing as my first pregnancy. I am struggling to connect, feel excited and just keep fearing I will loose it. I know anything can happen at any time. I still cry when people bring up miscarriages. I found a resin mold of a 6 week fetus on etsy with the birth stone and have it on my dresser. I think of it daily.
    Anyways, thanks again for all you do. Your changing the world one mom/dad/parent at a time ❤

  • @littlemissbekah9722
    @littlemissbekah9722 2 роки тому

    In the beginning of my pregnancy I had cramping that was almost at par with period cramps. I also had some very light bleeding (turns out I did have the subchorionic hemorrhage/hematoma she mentioned). I was terrified at my cramps. But, mine ending up resulting in a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby girl who is one and a half now. I know that this is not the case a lot of times and my heart absolutely breaks for anyone who has gone through miscarriage. That was the most helpless I have ever felt and I didn't even miscarry, I just thought I was.

  • @yogeetaramchandani6379
    @yogeetaramchandani6379 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing! A lot of people think that manifestation coaching is all voodoo stuff but, in reality that’s the only thing through with the survival exists.
    Please share the details of your coach so we all could benefit from that. Thank you and stay Blessed!

  • @justinemercier7832
    @justinemercier7832 2 роки тому

    I had a chemical pregnancy then got pregnant again two weeks later. Currently 19weeks. I’m just glad it happened early and was like barely a period. I didn’t really have any grief or guilt because it was so early and I know there just had to be something wrong with the fetus. To miscarry later I’m sure I would definitely feel some grief at the loss.

  • @raquelserenna5092
    @raquelserenna5092 2 роки тому

    This has been a tough year for me I've experienced 2 miscarriages in 5 months. I felt very alone especially cause of covid. I spent 8 hours in the hospital alone with my first one waiting to find out if I truly was or not

  • @meghanadams4306
    @meghanadams4306 2 роки тому

    I suffered from a miscarriage in July 2020 from a subchorionic hematoma. I still struggle with it at times because they say most miscarriages are caused from chromosomal abnormalities. That wasn’t the case for me, so it’s made it harder to cope with in a way. Thank you for posting. The awareness and sharing of stories is so important, it helps to feel like you’re not alone❤️

  • @irene9062
    @irene9062 2 роки тому

    Thank you for making this video. It’s not talked about enough.

  • @randiclassen3590
    @randiclassen3590 2 роки тому

    I miscarried my first baby in December (missed miscarriage at 13 weeks) and my rainbow baby will be here any day now 🤍

    • @jaysonwells1079
      @jaysonwells1079 2 роки тому

      I was diagnosed infertile at my young age but I am happy I meant with (Dr Solomon) How he helps everyone including me and my aunty got pregnant of twins in less than a week,he can help u too

    • @jaysonwells1079
      @jaysonwells1079 2 роки тому

      whtsaap him"**

    • @jaysonwells1079
      @jaysonwells1079 2 роки тому

      ± 2348089808728⏯⏯💕💕

  • @britlynstrauss5777
    @britlynstrauss5777 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much for helping to spread awareness. My first was stillborn due to undiagnosed IC, and after i had two subsequent miscarriages. Nobody talks about the physical aspect or what to do if you want to have baby tested for genetic abnormalities. Yes the emotionally is torture but i hemmoraged so badly i almost needed a transfusion and i wish my doctor had prepared me more. There’s so many options (D&C, the pill, natural) and so many types of miscarriages that it important we all know what can happen and how to handle it physically. It’s a shitty topic no doubt about it but 1 in 4 women will experience some sort of loss and it’s vital that education is out there besides Dr Google. God bless our babies in Heaven!

    • @britlynstrauss5777
      @britlynstrauss5777 2 роки тому

      I also want to add that we donated a cuddle cot in my daughters name and that was the most healing and therapeutic experience. I’m proud of have honored her and having helped other bereaved parents.

  • @summer-time232
    @summer-time232 2 роки тому

    I'm on my second pregnancy and I'm so worried this is gonna happen because I'm having no symptoms at all. I've been having weird dreams about losing the baby..... anyways I'll be finding out tomorrow how far along I am.

    • @annarocha3254
      @annarocha3254 2 роки тому

      I had no symptoms with either of my babies. They're both healthy. Don't worry too much. I hope everything goes well. :)

  • @leafaure1579
    @leafaure1579 2 роки тому

    Thank you. Xx

  • @basicwhitegirl1017
    @basicwhitegirl1017 2 роки тому

    please don't use pregant person, women just use women.