Oh, I think it would be great to perform it in Washington D C either before or after Trump, McConnell, Pence and others are forced out and put in prison for life (I would prefer they get what Stepan Razin got!)
My God, what a piece! It comes lolloping at you sideways, like a horror version of a comedy music hall song. Grotesque, grinning, majestic, beautiful, mystical, surreal ... God how I love Shostakovich.
@@pastrychef1985 this piece was written two years after his "Babi Yar" symphony, so there's a bit of that heavy atmosphere from that symphony who found its way in "Stepan Razin".
I first saw a performance of this work in the mid 1960s. It was in the Albert Hall in London and was performed by the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra under Gennady Roschestvenski. It was the first time that a foreign orchestra had performed at the Proms. It was also the first time that there had been a broadcast on BBC 2 in COLOUR!. As always the promenaders had their little joke and held up cards saying "Welcome Gennady" (in Russian) and other cards saying "Do not adjust your sets" (because the colours, .e.g. blue, were painted in the wrong colour.) It was an electric performance and one that will stay with me forever.
Sang this many years ago while in the New Orleans Symphony Chorus. The Symphony at the time had the great honor of having Dmitri Shostakovich's son, Maxim, as music director. He was such a joy to work under. We sang this in English. Maxim S took the time to explain why things were happening - such as at 19:20 with the "happy" music as the crowd is exhorted to dance. He explained that the soldiers probably had guns trained on the crowd - "dance or die". And that ending, where Stepan Razin got the last laugh! Whoa! Didn't see that coming!
My favorite recording of the two cello concertos is New Orleans and Heinrich Schiff with Maxim conducting. What an experience that must have been for you!
Es un portento de música con una dinámica de ambiente de terror, miedo, angustia y tristeza, por la ejecución de un personaje, desconozco la historia del personaje, ya sea por malo o por bueno, suena fuerte y exuberante la Orquesta, te envuelve, te lleva y te transporta, excelente ejecución de la obra.
I used to listen to this piece vers often, and think - how innocent I was - that my recording was good. This one is ... my new reference. I started to listen on my phone ! ... and couldn't stop until the end. ... and burst into tears in front of my woman. - what's wrong ? A bad news ? ... - on the contrary, an excellent one.
Из-за острова на стрежень, На простор речной волны, Выплывают расписные, Острогрудые челны. Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn', Na prostor rěčnoj volny, Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję, Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny. From beyond the wooded island To the river wide and free Proudly sail the arrow-breasted Ships of Cossack yeomanry. На переднем Стенька Разин, Обнявшись, сидит с княжной, Свадьбу новую справляет, Сам весёлый и хмельной. Na pěrědněm Stěn'ka Razin, Obnjąvšis', sidit s knjąžnoj, Svad'bu novujų spravljąjęt, Sam věsjŏlyj i xměl'noj. On the first is Stenka Razin With his princess by his side. Drunk, he holds a marriage revel, Clasping close his fair young bride Позади их слышен ропот: Нас на бабу променял! Только ночь с ней провозился Сам наутро бабой стал . . . . Pozadi ix slyšjŏn ropot: Nas na babu proměnjąl! Tol'ko noč' s něj provozilsją Sam nautro baboj stal . . . . From behind there comes a murmur: "He has left his sword to woo; One short night and Stenka Razin Has become a woman, too." Этот ропот и насмешки Слышит грозный атаман, И он мощною рукою Обнял персиянки стан. Etot ropot i nasměki Slyšit groznyj ataman, I on moşçnojų rukojų Obnjąl pěrsijąnki stan. Stenka Razin hears the murmur Of his discontented band And the lovely Persian princess He has circled with his hand. Брови чёрные сошлися, Надвигается гроза. Буйной кровью налилися Атамановы глаза. Brovi čjŏrnyjě sošlisją, Nadvigajętsją groza. Bujnoj krov'jų nalilisją Atamanovy glaza. His dark brows are drawn together As the waves of anger rise, And the blood comes rushing swiftly To his piercing jet-black eyes. "Всё отдам не пожалею, Буйну голову отдам!" - Раздаётся голос властный По окрестным берегам. "Vsjŏ otdam ně požalějų, Bujnu golovu otdam!" - Razdajŏtsją golos vlastnyj Po okrěstnym běrěgam. "I will give you all you ask for, Head and heart and life and hand!" And his voice rolls out like thunder Out across the distant land. А она, потупя очи, Не жива и не мертва, Молча слушает хмельные Атамановы слова. A ona, potupją oči, Ne živa i ně měrtva, Molča slušajęt xmel'nyję Atamanovy slova. And she, lowering her eyes, Not alive nor dead is she, Silently listens to the cries of the Ataman groggy. "Волга, Волга, мать родная, Волга, русская река, Не видала ты подарка От донского казака! "Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają, Volga, russkają rěka, Ně vidala ty podarka Ot donskoğo kazaka! "Volga, Volga, Mother Volga, Wide and deep beneath the sun, You have ne'er seen such a present From the Cossacks of the Don! "Чтобы не было раздора Между вольными людьми, Волга, Волга, мать родная, На, красавицу возьми!" "Čtoby ně bylo razdora Měždu vol'nymi ljųd'mi, Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają, Na, krasavicu voz'mi!" "So that peace may reign for ever In this band so free and brave, Volga, Volga, Mother Volga, Make this lovely girl a grave!" Мощным взмахом поднимает Он красавицу княжну И за борт её бросает В набежавшую волну. Moşçnym vzmaxom podnimajęt On krasavicu knjąžnu I za bort jęjŏ brosajęt V naběžavšujų volnu. Now, with one swift mighty motion He has raised his bride on high And has cast her where the waters Of the Volga roll and sigh. "Что ж вы, братцы, приуныли? Эй, ты, Филька, чёрт, пляши! Грянем песню удалую На помин её души!.." "Čto ž vy, bratcy, priunyli? Ej, ty, Fil'ka, čjŏrt, pljąši! Grjąněm pěsnjų udalujų Na pomin jęjŏ duši!.." "Dance, you fools, and let's be merry. What is this that's in your eyes? Let us thunder out a chanty To the place where beauty lies!" Из-за острова на стрежень, На простор речной волны, Выплывают расписные Острогрудые челны. Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn', Na prostor rěčnoj volny, Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny. From beyond the wooded island To the river wide and free Proudly sail the arrow-breasted Ships of Cossack yeomanry.
@loboris1995 Polyansky, Segerstam and Rozhdestvensky are the only people I could see conducting this and being so raw, powerful and maintaining the logic of the music
@@operadiversa I prefer 15, but I suppose it's all preference. My fave piece of all time, viola sonata, doesn't have many views, so popularity was never the defining factor of excellence. His Waltz has the most views after all
If you think this is good (which it is),you should try and get hold of Kondrashin's recording with the Moscow Philharmonic and the bass soloist who sang in the premiere of the thirteenth symphony. Absoluyely knockout stuff!
Where may I find the words/lyrics to this symphonic poem by Shostakovich? What a powerful piece of art and music. I love the Russian Language as well as the art of Shostakovich.
Emmanuel Michalakis For your information , Stepan Razin was a 17th century Cossack chieftan who was executed in Moscow for rebelling against the Tsar and inciting rebellion etc . He became a folk hero to the Russians and Ukrainians .
Из-за острова на стрежень, На простор речной волны, Выплывают расписные, Острогрудые челны. Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn', Na prostor rěčnoj volny, Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję, Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny. From beyond the wooded island To the river wide and free Proudly sail the arrow-breasted Ships of Cossack yeomanry. На переднем Стенька Разин, Обнявшись, сидит с княжной, Свадьбу новую справляет, Сам весёлый и хмельной. Na pěrědněm Stěn'ka Razin, Obnjąvšis', sidit s knjąžnoj, Svad'bu novujų spravljąjęt, Sam věsjŏlyj i xměl'noj. On the first is Stenka Razin With his princess by his side. Drunk, he holds a marriage revel, Clasping close his fair young bride Позади их слышен ропот: Нас на бабу променял! Только ночь с ней провозился Сам наутро бабой стал . . . . Pozadi ix slyšjŏn ropot: Nas na babu proměnjąl! Tol'ko noč' s něj provozilsją Sam nautro baboj stal . . . . From behind there comes a murmur: "He has left his sword to woo; One short night and Stenka Razin Has become a woman, too." Этот ропот и насмешки Слышит грозный атаман, И он мощною рукою Обнял персиянки стан. Etot ropot i nasměki Slyšit groznyj ataman, I on moşçnojų rukojų Obnjąl pěrsijąnki stan. Stenka Razin hears the murmur Of his discontented band And the lovely Persian princess He has circled with his hand. Брови чёрные сошлися, Надвигается гроза. Буйной кровью налилися Атамановы глаза. Brovi čjŏrnyjě sošlisją, Nadvigajętsją groza. Bujnoj krov'jų nalilisją Atamanovy glaza. His dark brows are drawn together As the waves of anger rise, And the blood comes rushing swiftly To his piercing jet-black eyes. "Всё отдам не пожалею, Буйну голову отдам!" - Раздаётся голос властный По окрестным берегам. "Vsjŏ otdam ně požalějų, Bujnu golovu otdam!" - Razdajŏtsją golos vlastnyj Po okrěstnym běrěgam. "I will give you all you ask for, Head and heart and life and hand!" And his voice rolls out like thunder Out across the distant land. А она, потупя очи, Не жива и не мертва, Молча слушает хмельные Атамановы слова. A ona, potupją oči, Ne živa i ně měrtva, Molča slušajęt xmel'nyję Atamanovy slova. And she, lowering her eyes, Not alive nor dead is she, Silently listens to the cries of the Ataman groggy. "Волга, Волга, мать родная, Волга, русская река, Не видала ты подарка От донского казака! "Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają, Volga, russkają rěka, Ně vidala ty podarka Ot donskoğo kazaka! "Volga, Volga, Mother Volga, Wide and deep beneath the sun, You have ne'er seen such a present From the Cossacks of the Don! "Чтобы не было раздора Между вольными людьми, Волга, Волга, мать родная, На, красавицу возьми!" "Čtoby ně bylo razdora Měždu vol'nymi ljųd'mi, Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają, Na, krasavicu voz'mi!" "So that peace may reign for ever In this band so free and brave, Volga, Volga, Mother Volga, Make this lovely girl a grave!" Мощным взмахом поднимает Он красавицу княжну И за борт её бросает В набежавшую волну. Moşçnym vzmaxom podnimajęt On krasavicu knjąžnu I za bort jęjŏ brosajęt V naběžavšujų volnu. Now, with one swift mighty motion He has raised his bride on high And has cast her where the waters Of the Volga roll and sigh. "Что ж вы, братцы, приуныли? Эй, ты, Филька, чёрт, пляши! Грянем песню удалую На помин её души!.." "Čto ž vy, bratcy, priunyli? Ej, ty, Fil'ka, čjŏrt, pljąši! Grjąněm pěsnjų udalujų Na pomin jęjŏ duši!.." "Dance, you fools, and let's be merry. What is this that's in your eyes? Let us thunder out a chanty To the place where beauty lies!" Из-за острова на стрежень, На простор речной волны, Выплывают расписные Острогрудые челны. Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn', Na prostor rěčnoj volny, Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny. From beyond the wooded island To the river wide and free Proudly sail the arrow-breasted Ships of Cossack yeomanry.
I actually believe this is a bit heavy for civ V. there are certainly pieces that are better as war music without sounding like a wicked demonic ritual. (I love this piece regardless)
UA-cam may be the salvation of Classical music. I'll probably never hear this piece performed locally. Thank you.
Oh, I think it would be great to perform it in Washington D C either before or after Trump, McConnell, Pence and others are forced out and put in prison for life (I would prefer they get what Stepan Razin got!)
@@Renee2004lr ummmm... no
@Simón Dellepiane Don't you guys have a sense of humor any more????
@Simón Buteler Dellepiane
@@Renee2004lrYou will never be a woman.
My God, what a piece! It comes lolloping at you sideways, like a horror version of a comedy music hall song. Grotesque, grinning, majestic, beautiful, mystical, surreal ... God how I love Shostakovich.
I'm pretty sure he composed this about the time he was re-orchestrating Boris Godunov, and its influence really shows!
So well put
@@pastrychef1985 this piece was written two years after his "Babi Yar" symphony, so there's a bit of that heavy atmosphere from that symphony who found its way in "Stepan Razin".
Sang this in college. What a beast of a work to learn.
Respect, I also sang it in choir, that was huge experience, unforgettable
I first saw a performance of this work in the mid 1960s. It was in the Albert Hall in London and was performed by the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra under Gennady Roschestvenski. It was the first time that a foreign orchestra had performed at the Proms. It was also the first time that there had been a broadcast on BBC 2 in COLOUR!. As always the promenaders had their little joke and held up cards saying "Welcome Gennady" (in Russian) and other cards saying "Do not adjust your sets" (because the colours, .e.g. blue, were painted in the wrong colour.) It was an electric performance and one that will stay with me forever.
Sang this many years ago while in the New Orleans Symphony Chorus. The Symphony at the time had the great honor of having Dmitri Shostakovich's son, Maxim, as music director. He was such a joy to work under. We sang this in English. Maxim S took the time to explain why things were happening - such as at 19:20 with the "happy" music as the crowd is exhorted to dance. He explained that the soldiers probably had guns trained on the crowd - "dance or die". And that ending, where Stepan Razin got the last laugh! Whoa! Didn't see that coming!
Are you mad? guns trained on the crowd ? then how did they beat the foreign interventionists, the White's and the Nazi's?
My favorite recording of the two cello concertos is New Orleans and Heinrich Schiff with Maxim conducting.
What an experience that must have been for you!
@@bryanholden1558 with guns trained on the crowds
@@arionerron4273 You live in a fantasy world created by Hollywood
@@bryanholden1558 ( ಠ_ಠ)☞ Π
Τhe door is that way.
Я рад, что случайно наткнулся на это! Даже на русскоязычном ютубе не всегда можно найти то, что надо
Then I am very happy krasni that you come here. I set this cairn in the past so you don't ever get lost.
My new favorite recording of this piece.
Really beatiful. Congratulations for this video.
Between about 22:00 and 25:00 you can hear that massive blade chopping him to bits while he still breathed. Barbaric.
I am currently studying the Russian language. My goal is to be able to read this poem in the original.
Cullen Bordages so do I
I know Russian and I can't get a word.
@@antongerasin3871 On the contrary, they sing very clearly
SHOSTAKOVICH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Hail Shostakovich!
Es un portento de música con una dinámica de ambiente de terror, miedo, angustia y tristeza, por la ejecución de un personaje, desconozco la historia del personaje, ya sea por malo o por bueno, suena fuerte y exuberante la Orquesta, te envuelve, te lleva y te transporta, excelente ejecución de la obra.
This is so very excellent.
I like this. It sounds like it belongs in an epic silent movie. It really got intense at 4:09.
I never get used to the absurdity of life, I put my headphones on and feel like taking on gods. Only to be killed by another rising hero
I used to listen to this piece vers often, and think - how innocent I was - that my recording was good.
This one is ... my new reference. I started to listen on my phone ! ... and couldn't stop until the end. ... and burst into tears in front of my woman. - what's wrong ? A bad news ? ... - on the contrary, an excellent one.
Keine Worte dies zu beschreiben
24:55 I pissed my pants
Из-за острова на стрежень,
На простор речной волны,
Выплывают расписные,
Острогрудые челны.
Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn',
Na prostor rěčnoj volny,
Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję,
Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny.
From beyond the wooded island
To the river wide and free
Proudly sail the arrow-breasted
Ships of Cossack yeomanry.
На переднем Стенька Разин,
Обнявшись, сидит с княжной,
Свадьбу новую справляет,
Сам весёлый и хмельной.
Na pěrědněm Stěn'ka Razin,
Obnjąvšis', sidit s knjąžnoj,
Svad'bu novujų spravljąjęt,
Sam věsjŏlyj i xměl'noj.
On the first is Stenka Razin
With his princess by his side.
Drunk, he holds a marriage revel,
Clasping close his fair young bride
Позади их слышен ропот:
Нас на бабу променял!
Только ночь с ней провозился
Сам наутро бабой стал . . . .
Pozadi ix slyšjŏn ropot:
Nas na babu proměnjąl!
Tol'ko noč' s něj provozilsją
Sam nautro baboj stal . . . .
From behind there comes a murmur:
"He has left his sword to woo;
One short night and Stenka Razin
Has become a woman, too."
Этот ропот и насмешки
Слышит грозный атаман,
И он мощною рукою
Обнял персиянки стан.
Etot ropot i nasměki
Slyšit groznyj ataman,
I on moşçnojų rukojų
Obnjąl pěrsijąnki stan.
Stenka Razin hears the murmur
Of his discontented band
And the lovely Persian princess
He has circled with his hand.
Брови чёрные сошлися,
Надвигается гроза.
Буйной кровью налилися
Атамановы глаза.
Brovi čjŏrnyjě sošlisją,
Nadvigajętsją groza.
Bujnoj krov'jų nalilisją
Atamanovy glaza.
His dark brows are drawn together
As the waves of anger rise,
And the blood comes rushing swiftly
To his piercing jet-black eyes.
"Всё отдам не пожалею,
Буйну голову отдам!" -
Раздаётся голос властный
По окрестным берегам.
"Vsjŏ otdam ně požalějų,
Bujnu golovu otdam!" -
Razdajŏtsją golos vlastnyj
Po okrěstnym běrěgam.
"I will give you all you ask for,
Head and heart and life and hand!"
And his voice rolls out like thunder
Out across the distant land.
А она, потупя очи,
Не жива и не мертва,
Молча слушает хмельные
Атамановы слова.
A ona, potupją oči,
Ne živa i ně měrtva,
Molča slušajęt xmel'nyję
Atamanovy slova.
And she, lowering her eyes,
Not alive nor dead is she,
Silently listens to the cries
of the Ataman groggy.
"Волга, Волга, мать родная,
Волга, русская река,
Не видала ты подарка
От донского казака!
"Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają,
Volga, russkają rěka,
Ně vidala ty podarka
Ot donskoğo kazaka!
"Volga, Volga, Mother Volga,
Wide and deep beneath the sun,
You have ne'er seen such a present
From the Cossacks of the Don!
"Чтобы не было раздора
Между вольными людьми,
Волга, Волга, мать родная,
На, красавицу возьми!"
"Čtoby ně bylo razdora
Měždu vol'nymi ljųd'mi,
Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają,
Na, krasavicu voz'mi!"
"So that peace may reign for ever
In this band so free and brave,
Volga, Volga, Mother Volga,
Make this lovely girl a grave!"
Мощным взмахом поднимает
Он красавицу княжну
И за борт её бросает
В набежавшую волну.
Moşçnym vzmaxom podnimajęt
On krasavicu knjąžnu
I za bort jęjŏ brosajęt
V naběžavšujų volnu.
Now, with one swift mighty motion
He has raised his bride on high
And has cast her where the waters
Of the Volga roll and sigh.
"Что ж вы, братцы, приуныли?
Эй, ты, Филька, чёрт, пляши!
Грянем песню удалую
На помин её души!.."
"Čto ž vy, bratcy, priunyli?
Ej, ty, Fil'ka, čjŏrt, pljąši!
Grjąněm pěsnjų udalujų
Na pomin jęjŏ duši!.."
"Dance, you fools, and let's be merry.
What is this that's in your eyes?
Let us thunder out a chanty
To the place where beauty lies!"
Из-за острова на стрежень,
На простор речной волны,
Выплывают расписные
Острогрудые челны.
Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn',
Na prostor rěčnoj volny,
Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję
Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny.
From beyond the wooded island
To the river wide and free
Proudly sail the arrow-breasted
Ships of Cossack yeomanry.
the amount of jumpscares in this, good grief ^^;
They're good though aren't they?
ooooooo yes they are
holy cow this is so intense i can headbang to it
Totally mind blowing.
Awesome. Just awesome.
Shostakovich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@loboris1995 Polyansky, Segerstam and Rozhdestvensky are the only people I could see conducting this and being so raw, powerful and maintaining the logic of the music
I do not want to only listen to his I really want to inhale it
Simplemente Increíble y hermosa !)))
How is this not more popular? Is there something I'm missing about Shostakovich? What are his best pieces?
Symphonies 10, 11, 12 (probably Ashkenazy's version, or Barshai)
@@operadiversa I prefer 15, but I suppose it's all preference. My fave piece of all time, viola sonata, doesn't have many views, so popularity was never the defining factor of excellence. His Waltz has the most views after all
His 24 Preludes and Fugues, especially the D minor, are really nice.
His very best Symphony is # 4 followed by #'s 6,8, 10, 13, & 14. Trust me, I've been a fan for a long time.
The 11th have you forgotten????
If you think this is good (which it is),you should try and get hold of Kondrashin's recording with the Moscow Philharmonic and the bass soloist who sang in the premiere of the thirteenth symphony. Absoluyely knockout stuff!
I got it on record. It is excellent.
I did have that on record (LP) , but have not found it on a CD--and yes it is as good as if not better than this rendition.
❤sincere connection to the siege tragedy
Where may I find the words/lyrics to this symphonic poem by Shostakovich? What a powerful piece of art and music. I love the Russian Language as well as the art of Shostakovich.
Emmanuel Michalakis For your information , Stepan Razin was a 17th century Cossack chieftan who was executed in Moscow for rebelling against the Tsar and inciting rebellion etc . He became a folk hero to the Russians and Ukrainians .
+Robert Berger I was curious, too. Who was he that inspired this music and art? Thanks for the info.
Glad to provide it .
Here's a good English translation if that's what you're looking for.
Из-за острова на стрежень,
На простор речной волны,
Выплывают расписные,
Острогрудые челны.
Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn',
Na prostor rěčnoj volny,
Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję,
Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny.
From beyond the wooded island
To the river wide and free
Proudly sail the arrow-breasted
Ships of Cossack yeomanry.
На переднем Стенька Разин,
Обнявшись, сидит с княжной,
Свадьбу новую справляет,
Сам весёлый и хмельной.
Na pěrědněm Stěn'ka Razin,
Obnjąvšis', sidit s knjąžnoj,
Svad'bu novujų spravljąjęt,
Sam věsjŏlyj i xměl'noj.
On the first is Stenka Razin
With his princess by his side.
Drunk, he holds a marriage revel,
Clasping close his fair young bride
Позади их слышен ропот:
Нас на бабу променял!
Только ночь с ней провозился
Сам наутро бабой стал . . . .
Pozadi ix slyšjŏn ropot:
Nas na babu proměnjąl!
Tol'ko noč' s něj provozilsją
Sam nautro baboj stal . . . .
From behind there comes a murmur:
"He has left his sword to woo;
One short night and Stenka Razin
Has become a woman, too."
Этот ропот и насмешки
Слышит грозный атаман,
И он мощною рукою
Обнял персиянки стан.
Etot ropot i nasměki
Slyšit groznyj ataman,
I on moşçnojų rukojų
Obnjąl pěrsijąnki stan.
Stenka Razin hears the murmur
Of his discontented band
And the lovely Persian princess
He has circled with his hand.
Брови чёрные сошлися,
Надвигается гроза.
Буйной кровью налилися
Атамановы глаза.
Brovi čjŏrnyjě sošlisją,
Nadvigajętsją groza.
Bujnoj krov'jų nalilisją
Atamanovy glaza.
His dark brows are drawn together
As the waves of anger rise,
And the blood comes rushing swiftly
To his piercing jet-black eyes.
"Всё отдам не пожалею,
Буйну голову отдам!" -
Раздаётся голос властный
По окрестным берегам.
"Vsjŏ otdam ně požalějų,
Bujnu golovu otdam!" -
Razdajŏtsją golos vlastnyj
Po okrěstnym běrěgam.
"I will give you all you ask for,
Head and heart and life and hand!"
And his voice rolls out like thunder
Out across the distant land.
А она, потупя очи,
Не жива и не мертва,
Молча слушает хмельные
Атамановы слова.
A ona, potupją oči,
Ne živa i ně měrtva,
Molča slušajęt xmel'nyję
Atamanovy slova.
And she, lowering her eyes,
Not alive nor dead is she,
Silently listens to the cries
of the Ataman groggy.
"Волга, Волга, мать родная,
Волга, русская река,
Не видала ты подарка
От донского казака!
"Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają,
Volga, russkają rěka,
Ně vidala ty podarka
Ot donskoğo kazaka!
"Volga, Volga, Mother Volga,
Wide and deep beneath the sun,
You have ne'er seen such a present
From the Cossacks of the Don!
"Чтобы не было раздора
Между вольными людьми,
Волга, Волга, мать родная,
На, красавицу возьми!"
"Čtoby ně bylo razdora
Měždu vol'nymi ljųd'mi,
Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają,
Na, krasavicu voz'mi!"
"So that peace may reign for ever
In this band so free and brave,
Volga, Volga, Mother Volga,
Make this lovely girl a grave!"
Мощным взмахом поднимает
Он красавицу княжну
И за борт её бросает
В набежавшую волну.
Moşçnym vzmaxom podnimajęt
On krasavicu knjąžnu
I za bort jęjŏ brosajęt
V naběžavšujų volnu.
Now, with one swift mighty motion
He has raised his bride on high
And has cast her where the waters
Of the Volga roll and sigh.
"Что ж вы, братцы, приуныли?
Эй, ты, Филька, чёрт, пляши!
Грянем песню удалую
На помин её души!.."
"Čto ž vy, bratcy, priunyli?
Ej, ty, Fil'ka, čjŏrt, pljąši!
Grjąněm pěsnjų udalujų
Na pomin jęjŏ duši!.."
"Dance, you fools, and let's be merry.
What is this that's in your eyes?
Let us thunder out a chanty
To the place where beauty lies!"
Из-за острова на стрежень,
На простор речной волны,
Выплывают расписные
Острогрудые челны.
Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn',
Na prostor rěčnoj volny,
Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję
Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny.
From beyond the wooded island
To the river wide and free
Proudly sail the arrow-breasted
Ships of Cossack yeomanry.
Fucking epic !
Stunning piece, stunning performance. Does anyone know the painting in the video?
Looks like Vadim Repine's works
Vasily Surikov - L'Exécution du chef cosaque Stepan Razin
At c. 3.54 we get the "spitting chorus" as the crowd spits on Stenka. Huee Huee Huee...
Where can I locate the painting/artwork shown: It's brilliant!
It's by Sergei Kirillov, and I've sadly not seen any prints available, though I'm sure a company or two out there would be willing to.
this is lit 🔥🔥🔥
and the fleas jumped from the rags of the poor to the furs of the rich.....mwahahahaaa
Does anyone know why measures 183, 184 and 185 are “missing” in this recording?
This has a very special meaning to me... One I don't want to specify because it is too painful... :...-(
well, if you didn't wanted anyone to ask you shouldn't post it
R u a descendant of Stepan Razin
@@lionsmaine1238 He never seem to have descendants((
This would be a great war piece in Sid Meier's Civilization V.
Especially at 4:08; I can imagine the bass drum being artillery/cannons (depends what era you're in)
I actually believe this is a bit heavy for civ V. there are certainly pieces that are better as war music without sounding like a wicked demonic ritual. (I love this piece regardless)
The Wikipedia article on the real-life Cossack leader who inspired this piece can be found here: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Razin
@renngn he speaks with emotion,,like music ^^
2:55 like the violin solo
Has anyone been able to find the score for this? I can’t find it
no :(
I have the full orchestral score, should you want it.
Still not copyright free 😭
One of his best pieces, but this version is too fast.
Agreed the tempo is too bloody quick
manyak bu herif.
Good rendition, but Schostakovitch wrote it for a real Bass.
still I prefer Kondrashines version :)
anyone else here looking for samples or just me?