Alan Greenspan on Central Banks, Stagnation, and Gold

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @stanleyhutchinson1097
    @stanleyhutchinson1097 9 років тому +44

    Gold conversation and question start's at the 23:00 minute mark.

  • @rayniac211
    @rayniac211 Місяць тому

    Hat's of to that interviewer for being able to keep up with the conversation and summarizing it in the end. I couldn't.

  • @MichaelSHartman
    @MichaelSHartman 9 років тому +4

    Thank you for the both interesting and informative video.

  • @kmvenezia4337
    @kmvenezia4337 8 років тому +7

    She neglected to mention that Greenspan got totally blindsided by the housing crisis and that his policies help make it far worse than it should have been. Where was that in the introduction? I know a high school dropout that saw that coming.

    • @juliansandoval8022
      @juliansandoval8022 4 місяці тому

      even the IMF warned the US about it and they did nothing

  • @gregoryfriday6242
    @gregoryfriday6242 2 роки тому +6

    Allan Greenspan is a man of his word.

    • @gregoryfriday6242
      @gregoryfriday6242 2 роки тому +1

      he said he wanted to be like J.P. Morgan who was known as a man of his word. That it was J.P. Morgan who's word that helped end the financial panic of 1907.
      I feel it is safe to say that through his career and his honesty as well as his keen perceptions on literacy retention for economic data that has occurred during his lifetime. Plus ge kniws how read and write and do math. .. if they would just take the time to take a piece of paper and do some arithemetic... Thank you for your public service.

  • @youtuberate35741
    @youtuberate35741 3 роки тому +1

    I am agree with question on Gold remark? Why porbably every developed countries have gold asset in reserve?

  • @mayheamk
    @mayheamk 10 років тому +5

    please upload the HD versions..

  • @braddeal6445
    @braddeal6445 9 років тому +8

    I listen to these guys talk and it's like listening to a different language. Basic simple concepts are couched in incomprehensible communications. It reminds me of a Catholic priest giving his mass in Latin. Nobody understands but they must accept it as true. I think his whole talk can be summed up by the ending where he speaks about "animal spirits." Containment of the banks animal spirits....that's something I can understand. The little animal is eaten by the bigger animal. That is the end game of fiat currency.
    Brad Deal

    • @freddykrueger5503
      @freddykrueger5503 9 років тому +1

      I think they deliberately cloak simple concepts of printing money in gobblygoop to keep the people they're stealing from confused.

    • @freddykrueger5503
      @freddykrueger5503 9 років тому

      Does that mean he's destroying the economy ;)

    • @tristanwestbrook6235
      @tristanwestbrook6235 9 років тому +2

      I hope to see a news story about this terrorist being dead.

    • @stanleyhutchinson1097
      @stanleyhutchinson1097 9 років тому +2

      It's called Obfuscate he (Greenspan was hired by the Queen of England) to take down America. To created almost unlimited cheap credit for US Gov't. That's why the Queen Knighted him and gave him status of Knighthood, Greenspan is not British or is he? maybe he's a British Agent. Once they take down America they will buy up cheap assets, just like they were about to do to Russia after the fall of Boris Yeltsin and then Putin put a stop to that and kicked out the Rothschild agents who were raping and buying up Russia for cheap while the populace stood in bread and soup lines.

  • @chrism7275
    @chrism7275 5 років тому +8

    More precious metals stackers watched this than finance majors

    • @jc.1191
      @jc.1191 4 роки тому +1

      Sure are. Lol, that stuff is just speculation to me.

  • @kn9ioutom
    @kn9ioutom 9 років тому +9


  • @twhelostl61
    @twhelostl61 Місяць тому

    Money, all of it comes from debt. AG has a specific way of speaking about these these concepts. When he says printing, he is making reference to lending. To get a better handle on Central Banks look up Richard Werner. He is the guy.

  • @thefreesoftwarefoundationc4410
    @thefreesoftwarefoundationc4410 9 років тому

    Wow the CFR has a youtube with public videos? Holy crap. Hi CFR!

  • @normanoro206
    @normanoro206 8 років тому +4

    Alan Greenspan is impressive. This interview showcases the brainpower of the man who helped steer the US (and by extension world) economy during the economic expansion of the 1990s and beyond. This is definitely someone who rolls up his sleeves tirelessly combing through every statistic and data point possible trying to understand where the economy is headed. To be honest, I'm not 100% clear on what he means when he says banks taking their money out of the Fed and re-lending it tightens the money supply (I've never worked at the Fed, but I believe banks re-lending their money should expand the money supply). Furthermore, raising interest rates to coax banks into parking their money at the Fed is usually considered a tightening of monetary policy. On the other hand, the Fed drawing down its reserves by selling assets should tighten the money supply. Conversely, the Fed purchasing assets and putting them in reserve should expand it. However, I'm not certain that's precisely what he meant. Probably just a very rare instance of Greenspan not clearly conveying what he intended to. No one's perfect. Nevertheless, in general, his thoughts on what happens as banks begin lending again are interesting.

    • @mojiotroci1
      @mojiotroci1 8 років тому +3

      He demonstrated this huge brainpower benefitting royally from the financial crisis of 2008. Not seeing it coming would have been impossible for somebody of his expertise, leaving us only the option of him being a criminal.

    • @normanoro206
      @normanoro206 8 років тому +3

      I respectfully disagree. For all his expertise, he probably didn't see the crisis coming with the clarity you seem to assume (its timing in particular); and I'm not sure he benefited from it. That makes him human, not a criminal.

    • @andrewj660
      @andrewj660 6 років тому

      Yes if my hypothesis is correct his brainpower = 1/13 of CFR brainpower.

    • @juliansandoval8022
      @juliansandoval8022 4 місяці тому

      Bullshit! He, along with Paulson and other pricks are 100% responsible for millions of dollars a lot of people lost. And !d!ots like you still lick their a$$...

  • @pywifishingandoutdoors
    @pywifishingandoutdoors 7 років тому +2

    Can anyone help explain what he means by "discounting"?

    • @chrism7275
      @chrism7275 4 роки тому

      Pao Yang pricing in the information

    • @jc.1191
      @jc.1191 4 роки тому

      See discounted future cash flow. Use the 10 year bond to discount the present value of future cash.

  • @anarchic_ramblings
    @anarchic_ramblings 9 років тому +1

    When did this interview take place?

  • @liberty1981
    @liberty1981 Рік тому

    35:52 - Great question

  • @Rob-fx2dw
    @Rob-fx2dw 8 років тому +9

    The presenter is totally wrong in stating that "what got the world out of that funk last time was World War 2" .
    That is often stated out of ignorance of thought but utterly fails the test of reason and historical fact since it produced more misery and lower standards of world wide living than had happend in the past.
    The devestation of WW2 in Europe and China and the Pacific was terrible as was the loss of value of savings caused by the inflation resulting from government taking a much greater share of income to finance a war. There was huge inflation in the USA as was elsewhere.
    It only appeared to some that wealth and increased and they were mainly in the largely untouched US mainland.
    The period after WW2 was the time of growth of wealth when the government's share of production (governemnt expenditure) had shrunken by 50% below it's size in 1944/45.
    If the actions of war produce prosperity for an economy then that action of building massive amounts of armaments and blowing them up would make people wealthy. It doesn't and it is nothing but wastelul of resources which otherwise could be used for the wealth of all.

    • @Ranger4564
      @Ranger4564 8 років тому +1

      Obviously, but she's a shill, hired to "intellectually" legitimize wars, so the government can grow, the fascist state can grow, and the arms dealers can grow. By the way, many people are complicit in this, if they work at organizations which sell parts to / design / facilitate weapons production or distribution or sale. Military is also complicit. Economists / politicians / corporations are also complicit.
      You're complicit if you choose to ignore how your work / actions aid the furtherance of the war machine and the corrupt corporate system. Both are engineered to finance the cabal overlords, and through inflation / property or value destruction, the cabal steals from the citizens every day. As Smedley Butler said and warned, war is a racket. I didn't watch this interview yet, but much media argues against gold, and for war. Sad and criminal, but people listen because they are looking for opinions, since they no longer think for themselves.

    • @Rob-fx2dw
      @Rob-fx2dw 8 років тому +1

      You are absolutely on the money saying that people listen because they are loking for opinions since they no longer think. And war is a racket . Even Dwight D Eisenhower warned in 1961 that the military industrial complex was a threat to democracy. He said "we must never let the weight endanger our liberty or democratic proceses". Unfortunately people have not taken heed of this.

    • @jc.1191
      @jc.1191 4 роки тому

      Well, it lifted the us to the global producer of goods causing an explosion of wealth. Every major country had been blown to bits, and had to rebuild.

    • @Rob-fx2dw
      @Rob-fx2dw 4 роки тому

      @@jc.1191 That is not what lifted the US economy. The economic wealth of the US was reduced by government actions during the depression years. The buying power of the US dollar fell due to government policy which reduced people's wealth in real terms.
      What lifted it is the great expansion of enterprise that resulted from the past 100 years of industrial development and that was what the Japanese admiral Yamamoto (who incidentally had studied in the US ) stated that he feared before Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. By no coincidence the plans of Hoover and FDR stifled development by taking away the wealth of individual investors which resulted in the longest lasting and highest level of unemployment ever in the US.
      Added to that was the benefit of lend lease that provided a financial impetus to the US economy.

  • @楊吉蒂
    @楊吉蒂 7 місяців тому


  • @jpacheco4747
    @jpacheco4747 6 років тому +2

    Greenspan actually says the fed "printing money out thin air" before correcting him self

  • @huiyichen6554
    @huiyichen6554 8 років тому

    Human technologies have advanced, in most frontiers including space tech, info tech, biotech, even in the extraction of oil, but technologies in extraction of gold remains much unchanged. Not only is extraction of gold expensive, the ownership of major gold reserves and mining companies are controlled by the very interest parties that own banks which have gold reserves. So the supply of gold remains relatively much more inelastic than other materials on the earth. So governments around the world use gold to do their under-the-counter accounting.
    Assuming the above is valid, the Fed holds little gold while its balance sheets keeps ballooning, the ECB can keep on buying bonds from European companies, with Brexit the BOE can do the same, that said, there is no way the interest parties should let Donald Trump win the election to talk about debt re-structuring because, the US debt restructuring is already in order. A couple of months after the election a financial crisis would give the Fed the justification to go on QE 4 and that is essentially debt restructuring. It is really in the interest of UK banks to not be in EU when that happens.
    Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
    Common sense tells us common folks to sell shares and bonds and buy lands. Or, with anyone willing to pay attention to the music and determined to find a chair when the music stops, one can hold gold and sell it as the US debt restructuring happens, then buy shares in banks deep in deflation.

  • @kmvenezia4337
    @kmvenezia4337 8 років тому +3

    Typical Greenspan, comes around and changes his mind when he's wrong and that's pretty much most of the time. Thanks for arriving late and telling us the obvious...again

  • @TheFinnmacool
    @TheFinnmacool 9 років тому +8

    Repent Greenspan, repent.

    • @1Ascanius
      @1Ascanius 7 років тому +1

      TheFinnmacool none of them even know the meaning of the word. Peace

  • @imranjaffery5857
    @imranjaffery5857 9 років тому

    Because of Fed America is going to biggest crisis of history but they are calling it just a turmoil. It is very disappointing and discusting.

  • @jdshaman6448
    @jdshaman6448 6 років тому +1

    700bc buy Tripods, 1971 buy Gold, 2018 buy Crypto.

  • @MrSaemisch
    @MrSaemisch 9 років тому

    19:20 is stunningly wrong coming from a former Fed Chairman. Bank lending can never reduce the reserve balances of the banking system. It can only shift them around between banks. Thus the market will never, and can never "wake up one day and demand a higher return on reserves," forcing the Fed to raise the rate to "attract" reserves. The Fed issues all reserves, and supplies them on demand at the stipulated price. Reserves at not gold, and for the most part money never leaves the banking system because deposits are guranteed!

    • @alessandrovittoria6676
      @alessandrovittoria6676 4 роки тому

      Once deposits shift to another institution, and that same institution uses the money to pay for its obligations and then is not able to pay back the deposits, there a lack of money is created and thus the necessity to increase rates to attract more money

  • @metparker
    @metparker 6 років тому

    Interest Interest Interest. Get rid of the interest and the economy will fix itself.

  • 3 роки тому +1

    Ssshhht!!! The devil speaks! 😂😂😂

  • @tomboardman5694
    @tomboardman5694 7 років тому +1

    when pigs come into season they go to butcher! kid's you need to live in your means! Peace :)

  • @69pepe420
    @69pepe420 7 місяців тому +1

    buy bitcoin folks. and some pepe too lol

  • @metparker
    @metparker 6 років тому +2

    Interest Interest Interest. Get rid of the interest go back on the gold standard and the economy will fix itself.

  • @Aethertopia369
    @Aethertopia369 5 місяців тому

    He talks like the central banks are not in cahoots with one another. Question, Is the Federal Reserve backed by gold? No? Well, that seems to be against your advice, concerning.

  • @Saywhatyoumust
    @Saywhatyoumust 9 років тому

    Btw - the woman interviewer is unqualified to interview Greenspan, so this is all BS.

  • @choffses1
    @choffses1 7 років тому +2

    LOCK HIM UP!!!

  • @aijpl9703
    @aijpl9703 3 роки тому

    Obvious Synchronization
    Greenbiz48 is via JPL is Data
    Was there an Error
    (❓❓❓) AUTOdesk boo boo (?)

  • @tudorlucian9013
    @tudorlucian9013 6 років тому

    Is all the gold shipped to Nibiru by now.?.....Q for lizards only .?

  • @scottab140
    @scottab140 9 років тому

    Alan Greenspan tally count of:
    Ughhhh 111111111111111111111
    So...... he is a credible expert in the field of economics looking back in hindsight and with his particular way of articulating the passion of his profession with uuuhhh, basically so many...... pauses?

  • @matthewwhite9260
    @matthewwhite9260 10 років тому +1

    He is senile.

  • @fremontvideos3236
    @fremontvideos3236 10 місяців тому

    let's "revitalize" America with national debt. oh yea, that worked --NOT!!!

  • @briankelly85
    @briankelly85 9 років тому +4


    • @eremselle
      @eremselle 9 років тому +3

      brian kelly As a racist are you aware normal people really think you waste everyones time with your disgusting views

  • @nikhileshkale2665
    @nikhileshkale2665 9 років тому +3

    This Rothschild joker has to be sorted out.

  • @johnathanpierrot7759
    @johnathanpierrot7759 7 років тому

    j public