Early in the vid when testing X0 and X1 you are saying X0 goes off after you turn it on in the simulator because on the next rung X1 is off. But on the next scan X0 is off, so why doesn't Y0 turn off ?
Hi Zetetic SpaceMan. Good question. On the first rung, Y0 turns on because X0 is on. The second line of code will change X0 to off. At the end of the program, the physical IO is read again turning X0 on. The first rung turns (keeps) Y0 on and the second line of code changes X0 to off. This cycle will repeat. That is why Y0 is kept on. accautomation.ca/understanding-the-plc-program-scan/ This is the link to the post that will explain in more detail. Regards, Garry
The PLC Software and Simulator is all part of the Do-More Designer Software. The fully functional program is offered free of charge from Automation Direct. accautomation.ca/understanding-the-plc-program-scan This link will take you to the website page of this video. It contains additional information in the video. It will include the links to the software. Do-More Designer Software support.automationdirect.com/products/domore.html Regards, Garry
Thank you for sharing knowledge.
Thank you for sharing conhecimento.Continue with positive attitude!
Thank you Luiz
TQ, your examples are very good.
Thank you for the comment, Sang Nge Yoo.
Great stuff
I appreciate the comment.Here is an additional link that you may find helpful.
Thank you,
Early in the vid when testing X0 and X1 you are saying X0 goes off after you turn it on in the simulator because on the next rung X1 is off. But on the next scan X0 is off, so why doesn't Y0 turn off ?
Hi Zetetic SpaceMan.
Good question. On the first rung, Y0 turns on because X0 is on. The second line of code will change X0 to off.
At the end of the program, the physical IO is read again turning X0 on. The first rung turns (keeps) Y0 on and the second line of code changes X0 to off.
This cycle will repeat. That is why Y0 is kept on.
This is the link to the post that will explain in more detail.
please share your plc scaner simulator
The PLC Software and Simulator is all part of the Do-More Designer Software. The fully functional program is offered free of charge from Automation Direct.
This link will take you to the website page of this video. It contains additional information in the video. It will include the links to the software.
Do-More Designer Software