Many other cities have trams, but some, like Lyon and St Etienne have both trams and trolleybuses! Marseilles and Grenoble are two cities which used to have trolleybuses but nowadays only have trams. France is noted (and envied) for the number of conurbations which have tram systems. Most of these are new tramway ssytems which have opened in the past 25 (or so) years.
@citytransportinfo Those buses were built back in 1998, they were converted to diesel-electric hybrids when Vancouver became privatised under TransLink. Vancouver didn't get any new trolleys until 2006. BC Transit however had 20 new hydrogen buses built in 2009 and they're still running in the smaller settlement of Whistler.
Beautiful new old-fashioned buses! As to your eco-friendliness statements: trolleybuses need overhead wiring, which will have to be installed on walls within the city Limits. Considering the time needed to convince house owners to have their property "wired" and otherwise defaced, it's wiser to take a look at other technologies. There are plans to charge trams' batteries while they halt at a stop, instead of using constant energy from overhead catenary. Could work for buses, too!
@lionsheart8 Its not really meant to... as the longer film shows this bus has many features from other buses, including twin stairways, open rear platforms, triple doorways, and more.
in Minsk, we have the second-largest trolley-buses system in the world, and they can really be a great solution to the pollution problem. Love them. Unfortunately in London they've once got read of trolleys, as far as I know...
Bus route 24 will be fully converted on 22nd June. At present there are only a few on bus route 38. There is more info on london (hyphen) railfan (dot) info As for the risk you mentioned, this applies to most modern double deck buses and after what happened in Croydon a few years ago I now refuse to sit in the upstairs front seats. OK, it was a rare event, but the risk remains - and I do not want to go flying out the window head first to land on the street below, on my head, dead.
@evantis121 Good observation! That curved doorway remains closed at all times when the bus is in 'driver only' mode and the flat door is only opened when calling at bus stops.
@citytransportinfo Running costs have to be taken into consideration. While it does not eliminate pollution completely it still burns less diesel making it more fuel-efficient and hence cheaper to operate per mile (and more incentive for operators to use it). This Borismaster is already costing quite a bit, if they spent any more on making it fully electric the project would have well be dead in the water already.
@otthebot When I get around to completing the longer version of this film I will try to remember that 'lets' is short for 'let us' and therefore should have an apostrophe. If I can find the time this will be done in March 2012.
there were 6 (later 8) prototypes. Its production buses which will number 600+, all being well. Since London has over 7000 buses so I'd like to see many more beyond the 600. Simon
@HitchinTrains I'm not sure about the twin stairways although its not a new idea as , double deckers in cities such as Berlin have twin stairways, as did the Leyland TTL demonstrator of 1935. The TTL was of an innovative low floor design with a floor height of just 14 inches (about 35cm) as well as twin doorways (front / open rear). In many ways it could be the best historic bus that never got built.
I like the way the original trolley bus was scrapped in favour of the diesel powered bus and now they are after an alternate solution to that see they got it right years and years ago
yes, Geneva, Vienna and several other cities are experimenting with fast charging bus batteries at bus stops. Shanghai uses it with capacitor buses. One problem is that the batteries do not last long enough (few years) whilst capacitors can not hold enough charge for more than a few miles, at best. New York stopped buying hybrids when it realised the short longetivity & cost of fresh batteries. Trolley technology still remains the only viable solution to air pollution sourced from large buses
The RCL, RMC and front entrance versions of the Routemaster also had doors! I have a film 'in preparation' showing these Routemaster variants, hopefully it will be online before mid December 2012. Simon
@DANWOODHOUSE I agree with you... but whilst they may use the same building the people behind this bus have different ideas than the old London Transport.
When in 1995 I made the video "City Transport - The Way Forward" I bought a cassette tape of copyright-free music. I used one of the music tracks is this film. I still have the license allowing me to use the music. The name of the cassette tape is: Its Worth Publishing Non-Copyright Series Volume 20 Industrial 3.
yes its true that I very much talk about air pollution. Thats because I passionately believe that TfL could and should be doing more to reduce the pollution, and with 7000+ diesel buses under their control so reducing the pollution these emit in to our streets is directly under their control. What you did not know is that I have been involved in campaigning (by letter) with TfL advocating trolleybuses. So I agree I have used this film as part of that campaign.
@collieultimo I agree, but most people seem to dislike the new bus. OK, I would like some changes, but am hoping that the new bus will prove to be successful with many thousands built. Simon
@Mutleytech They are also clean - no tailpipe pollution! Despite serious issues with air pollution London's transport planners prefer diesel buses. Which is a shame (to put it mildly), Simon
@lionsheart8 Especially for the first year, when teething issues are identified and resolved, I would expect the bus to receive expert maintenance from many people - including Arriva, TfL and the vehicle's builders, Wrightbus. A bigger question is what happens 20 years from now.
On which London bus lines have they been introduced yet ? And what about the risk to be catapulted out your front row seat, through the upper level windshield ? You've only got there a low-level horizontal bar to grip and keep yourself safe (low bar great for the adult front view and for filming, though) And, ahem, I like too trolleybusses, the artist impression shown here should be a success
I've updated the film text with extra information and links. As you will see, I understate the plague which curses almost every city dweller and leads to an estimated 29,000 premature deaths a year and only this week (1st May 2013) has seen a court of law find the UK to be in breach of European air pollution rules, with a formal prosecution now "very likely".
There's a successful electric overhead cable trolley-bus system in Limoges, France. Limoges is one of Europe's "greenest" cities because of this. Most other large cities in France have tram systems instead.
@SaxonRau actually thieves can be stupid enough to try to nick live electric cables - even ones electrified at 25,000v on the railways! buses which are flexible enough to be re-routed overnight are flexible enough to be 'here today / gone tomorrow', leaving passengers in the lurch. With trolleybuses the wiring creates a sense of permamence which gives passengers confidence that they can plan where they live & work around a transport which will not be re-routed at a whim.
Trolleybus Systems are more expensive to buy AND more expensive to run. Mainly because you have to maintain more infrastructure. Thats why there so rarely used.
Route 20? Try asking TfL... it may happen - if you aare very lucky! I've heard rumours of a 2 door / single staircase version. If these rumours are true then 'just perhaps' this could / would be used on suburban services which do not penetrate the centre of London.
Transport for London have ordered 600. They were designed by and are being built by a company in Ballymena, Co Antrim called Wright Bus. Google them, a first class company. Don't knock it.
BGM = Background Music. You also seemed to turn this presentation of a fasinating new London Bus into a rant about air quality standards, well this is your video after all.
Just thinking, the issue of 'pollution', whilst an issue is sometimes misinterpreted somewhat. Diesel/Electric hybrids are not immensely polluting and 'switch' between the two systems. Furthermore, more diesel engine systems are fitted with Ad - Blue or AGR systems, which converted much of the more noxious emissions into less polluting ones by used either a urea - based additive (Ad - Blue) or a catalytic conversion system to convert the more polluting agents into water and nitrogen (non - polluting). The biggest problem with older vehicles, and non bio - diesels etc was the particulates they produced, like the PM10 particles which were emitted, they caused serious issues for air quality and health. With massive improvements in engine technology and fuel development, newer vehicles have greater reduced emissions which are less noxious. Hybrid vehicles have been highly incentivised, rightly so, and the advantages are there to be seen. On the issue of trams, ok, electric.........but the power has to be generated elsewhere, same with Tube trains, where generating stations were/still are on the issue of environmental quality..............somewhat at variance here.
victor furay Are you aware of the London air pollution study which found that despite representing just 10% of the traffic flow diesel buses emitted 66% of the worst kinds of pollution? Also, why do Londoners allow themselves to be fobbed off with something that is "less dirty" when well proven technology exists for us to have something that is as clean as London's many electric trains and Croydon's trams?
Yes, but do they specify which type of diesel vehicles??? Perhaps, not. Yes older diesel engines, I concede are damaging, but the modern diesels and diesel/electric hybrids are not of that mould. Why have manufacturers like Volvo/Scania/MAN and others ploughed millions into such become compliant and they have. The LEZ makes it difficult to operate non - compliant vehicles. The argument against such technology does not stack - up. Back in the early 90's the SEIPH compile reports which stated that particulates from diesel were a major issue, PM10 particles......modern engines don't have that problem......additionally, additives and catalytic conversion systems, have almost got rid of the NOx emissions. Like many people, I would favour system of non - damaging public transport...........trains, tube and trams use electricity produced by generating stations, some of these plants are far from 'green' technology. Road transport is more flexible and adaptable than trains and trams........not having a go.......but there are flaws in every argument and there can never be a total panacea for all ills.
+victor furay A late reply, but I do agree with you, they do have this emission rule in Birmingham where every 5 or so years the progressing emission standards such as euro 2 to euro 3 are not allowed in the city centre unless on a 30 minute frequency, although London doesn't have a "city centre" it should take place there, the next emission rule in Birmingham will take place in 2017 with euro 3 rmissions being forbidden in the city centre.
The rear doors will have a guard on board, or will be locked if there isen't one (supposedly) like on the old Routemaster buses, the middle door is for the exit and for wheelchair access and the front doors are as standard, so no I'm afraid I disagree and see it as an improvement over the old Routemaster design and fused it with modern bus designs.
And many other cities decieded against that. And remove their trolleybusses. With modern catalisators the exaust problem is very little. The point is: You get additional infrastructure to maintain. And you get double the wires for the electricity. A Tram uses the rails as part of the grid. Actually you marry the disadvanteges of a tram and a bus; not the advantages. Only for Hill Climbing capacity the Bus is a good solution.
Currently buses contribute 15% to pollution in London.By 2020 busess manufactured before 2014 will be not good enough.Boris Johnson is lowering limits for vehicles which will hit mostly private cars users.Only in Jan 2015 Oxford Street exceeded limits for whole month in first 4 days if i am not mistaken.On main part of Oxford Street only buses and taxis( mainly diesel) are allowed so i think i it time to reduce buses in this area by 50%.
@jaketen2001 If you knew how much energy is needed to create, store and transport that hydrogen... and the buses are only low-ish capacity single deckers. Vancouver trialled hydrogen buses and found that the energy to power one of them was enough to power 9 trolleybuses! So they bought 230 more trolleybuses.
When routes get blocked. Buses like that are only found in London. Just an example, a few days ago was the Chelsea Parade, that took up many streets and buses had to be diverted. How could trans be diverted?
StaticMuch Trams are not diverted. By keeping them going along their planned routes you place the needs of passengers above the needs of those who want to close roads for whatever reason.
@2TEG oh surely its not THAT bad? I will agree that it is 'different' and even 'distinctive' but thankfully it does not look like some 'Routemaster copycat' designs I've seen from overseas.
well Rome is investing in trolleybuses because they worked out that it would be cheaper to use them and remove all bus derived air pollution than to pay healthcare and social security etc costs for people who develop respiratory illnesses from heavy duty diesel engine exhaust fumes (such as come from diesel buses).
you are so right... its a tragedy that we Brits love to denigrate ourselves and our nation, instead of celebrating the good things about everything British.
Interesting as Hybrid cars are super reliable. Prius model regularly turn up with 400,000+ miles. Electric motors in particular are very reliable and robust mechanically. The problem with "trolley" is that you have to implement a city wide over cabling system? That's probably very difficult to achieve one would suspect in London. It would also look awful. OK in a dreadful place like Croydon, not OK for one of the loveliest cities in the world.
LOL it says merry Christmas at one point. Also, the busses cost a ton of money to make and will only have, like, 6 made. It's disappointing as I would love these on my bus route (20, waltamstow-debden)
@lionsheart8 Yes but the thing is, tfl want futuristic designs, so they're not gonna spend years working on a 1960s bus because London would look very crap... Think of it as an entirely refurbished Metropolitan line but tfl uses the steam trains rather than the new S-stock.
@1mgvideo Hopefully there will be a fleet of these, which will make the unit price much lower - and justify the investment. Apparently much more money was spent / wasted by a different Mayor on some tram schemes which ended up not being built. So at least this time there is something to show for the money! As for the need for specially designed buses, in the past when London did have 'off they shelf' buses they proved unreliable & in the end were scrapped / sold elsewhere.
+Smart1529 Thanks, I'm pleased you liked the film. The music came from some copyright free music that I bought for a video that I made in 1995. Although I did not use this track at the time the license which came with the cassette allowed me to use anything at any time, even for commercial use (which was my 1995 video) so I used this track in this video. The paperwork in the cassette box says that it came from "Its Worth Publishing" and is Volume 20, Industrial 3. There are no specific track names.
The 38 route will get this bus first which will come out of Hackney Central bus garage in east London, hopefully crappy Arriva will maintain their fleet.
(part2) TfL say that they are proud of their efforts to reduce the pollution their buses emit, but when there is a solution that reduces it to zero - yet that is being spurned - so how they can have the audacity to be 'proud' about what they are doing is beyond my comprehension. btw, London's hybrid buses use batteries ... which are full on noxious chemicals; when 'spent' their disposal will represent another looming environmental headache.
@citytransportinfo companies (van Hool, ect) have larger fuel cell buses on the road in various cities, FC buses are not size constrained. I am aware of the energy conversion loses, they are not insignificant but also not a killer. There is plenty of by-product hydrogen out there. Your Vancouver data is incorrect.
Music by 'Its Worth Publishing' Non-Copyright Series, Volume 20, Industrial 3. When, in 1995, I made a commercial video (called "Citytransport - The Way Forwards") I bought a cassette tape from them for the opening and closing credits music. The supplied reproduction license allowed unlimited use, without attribution. btw, once the Internet and personal websites started becoming widespread I created the website and this also explains why I use the name 'citytransportinfo' here at UA-cam.
Soon ALL transports will hover. Once humankind can be guaranteed to not use it for war, we will be able to start using all sorts of technologies - including new non polluting energy systems and anti-gravity technologies. Then trams and buses and trains will merge into something new. When depend on us humans... decade, two decades? At present such technoogies are too dangerous, because there are still too many people who will only think to use them for wage war.
Do you understand the amount of infrastructure that would be needed to be built for a trolley system? And the amount of money it would cost? You still need diesel powered hybrid buses because they can go anywhere. When batteries can hold a charge for much longer, thats when you'll start to see less tailpipes. Building electric trolley lines is not the solution.
+Evan Grabofsky the amount of infrastructure needed for trolleybuses is considerably less than is needed for trams, yet there is widespread agreement that trams are a good thing. Some cities have trolleybuses with batteries so that they can serve unwired roads and stay electric. But batteries only last 7-10 years before needing replacement* I prefer capacitors because they last the life of the bus. (*Rome found that replacement batteries cost 30,000 Euros per bus - ouch!)
Many other cities have trams, but some, like Lyon and St Etienne have both trams and trolleybuses!
Marseilles and Grenoble are two cities which used to have trolleybuses but nowadays only have trams.
France is noted (and envied) for the number of conurbations which have tram systems. Most of these are new tramway ssytems which have opened in the past 25 (or so) years.
Those buses were built back in 1998, they were converted to diesel-electric hybrids when Vancouver became privatised under TransLink. Vancouver didn't get any new trolleys until 2006. BC Transit however had 20 new hydrogen buses built in 2009 and they're still running in the smaller settlement of Whistler.
Beautiful new old-fashioned buses! As to your eco-friendliness statements: trolleybuses need overhead wiring, which will have to be installed on walls within the city Limits. Considering the time needed to convince house owners to have their property "wired" and otherwise defaced, it's wiser to take a look at other technologies. There are plans to charge trams' batteries while they halt at a stop, instead of using constant energy from overhead catenary. Could work for buses, too!
@lionsheart8 Its not really meant to... as the longer film shows this bus has many features from other buses, including twin stairways, open rear platforms, triple doorways, and more.
in Minsk, we have the second-largest trolley-buses system in the world, and they can really be a great solution to the pollution problem. Love them. Unfortunately in London they've once got read of trolleys, as far as I know...
Bus route 24 will be fully converted on 22nd June. At present there are only a few on bus route 38. There is more info on london (hyphen) railfan (dot) info
As for the risk you mentioned, this applies to most modern double deck buses and after what happened in Croydon a few years ago I now refuse to sit in the upstairs front seats. OK, it was a rare event, but the risk remains - and I do not want to go flying out the window head first to land on the street below, on my head, dead.
Good observation! That curved doorway remains closed at all times when the bus is in 'driver only' mode and the flat door is only opened when calling at bus stops.
@citytransportinfo Running costs have to be taken into consideration. While it does not eliminate pollution completely it still burns less diesel making it more fuel-efficient and hence cheaper to operate per mile (and more incentive for operators to use it). This Borismaster is already costing quite a bit, if they spent any more on making it fully electric the project would have well be dead in the water already.
@otthebot When I get around to completing the longer version of this film I will try to remember that 'lets' is short for 'let us' and therefore should have an apostrophe.
If I can find the time this will be done in March 2012.
I think too much space is wasted on staircases, only one set is needed! Also the bus will probably never be used with a conductor, knowing TfL...
@TopGearrules yes headroom is an issue - but the inside was designed by people who design aircraft passenger cabins!
there were 6 (later 8) prototypes. Its production buses which will number 600+, all being well.
Since London has over 7000 buses so I'd like to see many more beyond the 600.
@f1baker there are even plans for versions which do not have the rear door; perhaps for other towns and cities and quieter routes within London.
@HitchinTrains I'm not sure about the twin stairways although its not a new idea as , double deckers in cities such as Berlin have twin stairways, as did the Leyland TTL demonstrator of 1935.
The TTL was of an innovative low floor design with a floor height of just 14 inches (about 35cm) as well as twin doorways (front / open rear). In many ways it could be the best historic bus that never got built.
Fantastic! I'll have to make sure I travel to Hampstead or Pimlico in June to try the new buses on route 24!
Thank you for this first overview. I think it is a good step in modernizing London Transport.
yes, you are right, at first there were problems with the ventilation system. These are now supposed to have been sorted out / cured.
I like the way the original trolley bus was scrapped in favour of the diesel powered bus and now they are after an alternate solution to that see they got it right years and years ago
yes, Geneva, Vienna and several other cities are experimenting with fast charging bus batteries at bus stops. Shanghai uses it with capacitor buses. One problem is that the batteries do not last long enough (few years) whilst capacitors can not hold enough charge for more than a few miles, at best.
New York stopped buying hybrids when it realised the short longetivity & cost of fresh batteries.
Trolley technology still remains the only viable solution to air pollution sourced from large buses
The RCL, RMC and front entrance versions of the Routemaster also had doors!
I have a film 'in preparation' showing these Routemaster variants, hopefully it will be online before mid December 2012.
@DANWOODHOUSE I agree with you... but whilst they may use the same building the people behind this bus have different ideas than the old London Transport.
sorry but what BGM? where is this mentioned in the film?
Only on route 38, and you may have to wait a looong time for one of them to make an appearance.
Good Luck!
When in 1995 I made the video "City Transport - The Way Forward" I bought a cassette tape of copyright-free music. I used one of the music tracks is this film. I still have the license allowing me to use the music.
The name of the cassette tape is: Its Worth Publishing Non-Copyright Series Volume 20 Industrial 3.
yes its true that I very much talk about air pollution. Thats because I passionately believe that TfL could and should be doing more to reduce the pollution, and with 7000+ diesel buses under their control so reducing the pollution these emit in to our streets is directly under their control.
What you did not know is that I have been involved in campaigning (by letter) with TfL advocating trolleybuses. So I agree I have used this film as part of that campaign.
@collieultimo I agree, but most people seem to dislike the new bus.
OK, I would like some changes, but am hoping that the new bus will prove to be successful with many thousands built.
@muscleco its very rare to see it moving! However someone does have a video of it on the road in Trafalgar Square.
@Mutleytech They are also clean - no tailpipe pollution!
Despite serious issues with air pollution London's transport planners prefer diesel buses. Which is a shame (to put it mildly),
@lionsheart8 Especially for the first year, when teething issues are identified and resolved, I would expect the bus to receive expert maintenance from many people - including Arriva, TfL and the vehicle's builders, Wrightbus.
A bigger question is what happens 20 years from now.
Your vid only shows half the rear door closing. What about the other half?
On which London bus lines have they been introduced yet ?
And what about the risk to be catapulted out your front row seat, through the upper level windshield ? You've only got there a low-level horizontal bar to grip and keep yourself safe (low bar great for the adult front view and for filming, though)
And, ahem, I like too trolleybusses, the artist impression shown here should be a success
I've updated the film text with extra information and links.
As you will see, I understate the plague which curses almost every city dweller and leads to an estimated 29,000 premature deaths a year and only this week (1st May 2013) has seen a court of law find the UK to be in breach of European air pollution rules, with a formal prosecution now "very likely".
There's a successful electric overhead cable trolley-bus system in Limoges, France. Limoges is one of Europe's "greenest" cities because of this. Most other large cities in France have tram systems instead.
@SaxonRau actually thieves can be stupid enough to try to nick live electric cables - even ones electrified at 25,000v on the railways!
buses which are flexible enough to be re-routed overnight are flexible enough to be 'here today / gone tomorrow', leaving passengers in the lurch. With trolleybuses the wiring creates a sense of permamence which gives passengers confidence that they can plan where they live & work around a transport which will not be re-routed at a whim.
Trolleybus Systems are more expensive to buy AND more expensive to run. Mainly because you have to maintain more infrastructure. Thats why there so rarely used.
Route 20? Try asking TfL... it may happen - if you aare very lucky!
I've heard rumours of a 2 door / single staircase version. If these rumours are true then 'just perhaps' this could / would be used on suburban services which do not penetrate the centre of London.
I know... I've been there and the Seattle bus tunnel is my 'most watched' film on UA-cam!
All I was saying was that they'll be proper doors used for all 3 entrances/exits on the new buses!
Transport for London have ordered 600. They were designed by and are being built by a company in Ballymena, Co Antrim called Wright Bus. Google them, a first class company. Don't knock it.
The citaros are good.. Why replace them? We are very happy with ours!
BGM = Background Music. You also seemed to turn this presentation of a fasinating new London Bus into a rant about air quality standards, well this is your video after all.
yes well because of the day job which I had at the time I never got to finish the longer version which would have been about 8 minutes duration
Just thinking, the issue of 'pollution', whilst an issue is sometimes misinterpreted somewhat. Diesel/Electric hybrids are not immensely polluting and 'switch' between the two systems. Furthermore, more diesel engine systems are fitted with Ad - Blue or AGR systems, which converted much of the more noxious emissions into less polluting ones by used either a urea - based additive (Ad - Blue) or a catalytic conversion system to convert the more polluting agents into water and nitrogen (non - polluting). The biggest problem with older vehicles, and non bio - diesels etc was the particulates they produced, like the PM10 particles which were emitted, they caused serious issues for air quality and health. With massive improvements in engine technology and fuel development, newer vehicles have greater reduced emissions which are less noxious. Hybrid vehicles have been highly incentivised, rightly so, and the advantages are there to be seen. On the issue of trams, ok, electric.........but the power has to be generated elsewhere, same with Tube trains, where generating stations were/still are on the issue of environmental quality..............somewhat at variance here.
victor furay Are you aware of the London air pollution study which found that despite representing just 10% of the traffic flow diesel buses emitted 66% of the worst kinds of pollution?
Also, why do Londoners allow themselves to be fobbed off with something that is "less dirty" when well proven technology exists for us to have something that is as clean as London's many electric trains and Croydon's trams?
Yes, but do they specify which type of diesel vehicles??? Perhaps, not. Yes older diesel engines, I concede are damaging, but the modern diesels and diesel/electric hybrids are not of that mould. Why have manufacturers like Volvo/Scania/MAN and others ploughed millions into such become compliant and they have. The LEZ makes it difficult to operate non - compliant vehicles. The argument against such technology does not stack - up. Back in the early 90's the SEIPH compile reports which stated that particulates from diesel were a major issue, PM10 particles......modern engines don't have that problem......additionally, additives and catalytic conversion systems, have almost got rid of the NOx emissions. Like many people, I would favour system of non - damaging public transport...........trains, tube and trams use electricity produced by generating stations, some of these plants are far from 'green' technology. Road transport is more flexible and adaptable than trains and trams........not having a go.......but there are flaws in every argument and there can never be a total panacea for all ills.
victor furay
not tell Boris J. to exchange all buses for green ones.
+victor furay A late reply, but I do agree with you, they do have this emission rule in Birmingham where every 5 or so years the progressing emission standards such as euro 2 to euro 3 are not allowed in the city centre unless on a 30 minute frequency, although London doesn't have a "city centre" it should take place there, the next emission rule in Birmingham will take place in 2017 with euro 3 rmissions being forbidden in the city centre.
The rear doors will have a guard on board, or will be locked if there isen't one (supposedly) like on the old Routemaster buses, the middle door is for the exit and for wheelchair access and the front doors are as standard, so no I'm afraid I disagree and see it as an improvement over the old Routemaster design and fused it with modern bus designs.
A Borismaster on route 20? you'll be lucky!
I want them on the 25, as then they'll come to Ilford!!!
From Victoria towards Hackney Central, passing Piccadilly Circus, Green Park station and Angel Station, not to hard to see one.
What company manufactures these?
And many other cities decieded against that. And remove their trolleybusses. With modern catalisators the exaust problem is very little.
The point is: You get additional infrastructure to maintain. And you get double the wires for the electricity. A Tram uses the rails as part of the grid. Actually you marry the disadvanteges of a tram and a bus; not the advantages. Only for Hill Climbing capacity the Bus is a good solution.
Currently buses contribute 15% to pollution in London.By 2020 busess manufactured before 2014 will be not good enough.Boris Johnson is lowering limits for vehicles which will hit mostly private cars users.Only in Jan 2015 Oxford Street exceeded limits for whole month in first 4 days if i am not mistaken.On main part of Oxford Street only buses and taxis( mainly diesel) are allowed so i think i it time to reduce buses in this area by 50%.
Now it's December 2012 and I live in London, still haven't seen 1 of these buses yet :(
I think you mean that the trolleybus was 'right' many decades ago and its wholesale replacement with diesels was an act of folly.
Strange there are no videos of the thing actually moving..
@jaketen2001 If you knew how much energy is needed to create, store and transport that hydrogen... and the buses are only low-ish capacity single deckers.
Vancouver trialled hydrogen buses and found that the energy to power one of them was enough to power 9 trolleybuses! So they bought 230 more trolleybuses.
When routes get blocked. Buses like that are only found in London. Just an example, a few days ago was the Chelsea Parade, that took up many streets and buses had to be diverted. How could trans be diverted?
StaticMuch Trams are not diverted. By keeping them going along their planned routes you place the needs of passengers above the needs of those who want to close roads for whatever reason.
No but the passengers like the Parade. It's a tradition. So it's a good thing that they are diverted.
I really like this bread loaf design.
This is why i adore the nb4ls cos they have 3 doors instead of 2
@2TEG oh surely its not THAT bad?
I will agree that it is 'different' and even 'distinctive' but thankfully it does not look like some 'Routemaster copycat' designs I've seen from overseas.
you've obviously never seen buses overseas! OK, not all types, but some do have 3 sets of doors.
@jaketen2001 Hydrogen is way too expensive to operate. Singapore has stopped using it for this reason as well.
the only thing i would use those for is put in a field and use it as a obstacle for paintball games
well Rome is investing in trolleybuses because they worked out that it would be cheaper to use them and remove all bus derived air pollution than to pay healthcare and social security etc costs for people who develop respiratory illnesses from heavy duty diesel engine exhaust fumes (such as come from diesel buses).
heating system?
what name is this BGM?
you are so right... its a tragedy that we Brits love to denigrate ourselves and our nation, instead of celebrating the good things about everything British.
1 word i cant stop saying: AWESOME
Interesting as Hybrid cars are super reliable. Prius model regularly turn up with 400,000+ miles. Electric motors in particular are very reliable and robust mechanically. The problem with "trolley" is that you have to implement a city wide over cabling system? That's probably very difficult to achieve one would suspect in London. It would also look awful. OK in a dreadful place like Croydon, not OK for one of the loveliest cities in the world.
It depends where you live there are none on the outskirts of London, only central.
I was on it the other day for the first time it's nice.
LOL it says merry Christmas at one point. Also, the busses cost a ton of money to make and will only have, like, 6 made. It's disappointing as I would love these on my bus route (20, waltamstow-debden)
@lionsheart8 Yes but the thing is, tfl want futuristic designs, so they're not gonna spend years working on a 1960s bus because London would look very crap... Think of it as an entirely refurbished Metropolitan line but tfl uses the steam trains rather than the new S-stock.
What is this BGM name?
@1mgvideo Hopefully there will be a fleet of these, which will make the unit price much lower - and justify the investment. Apparently much more money was spent / wasted by a different Mayor on some tram schemes which ended up not being built. So at least this time there is something to show for the money!
As for the need for specially designed buses, in the past when London did have 'off they shelf' buses they proved unreliable & in the end were scrapped / sold elsewhere.
What is the name of the music at the beginning of the video? Great video by the way
+Smart1529 Thanks, I'm pleased you liked the film. The music came from some copyright free music that I bought for a video that I made in 1995. Although I did not use this track at the time the license which came with the cassette allowed me to use anything at any time, even for commercial use (which was my 1995 video) so I used this track in this video. The paperwork in the cassette box says that it came from "Its Worth Publishing" and is Volume 20, Industrial 3. There are no specific track names.
Its May 2012 yet and i live in london, havent seen 1 of these buses yet :(
What this music is name ?
It's a good idea about trolley buses I'll give you that.
The 38 route will get this bus first which will come out of Hackney Central bus garage in east London, hopefully crappy Arriva will maintain their fleet.
or 11 fuel cell buses - as on the RV1.
Great video, miles better than Boris' official one!
Well you havent because they only drive in the area in london called victoria.
Go there and see it
How much does this bus cost again?
WE will get used to it in time, however not a very pleasing design and I bet it will cost an arm
and a leg to manufacture.
yes, 22nd June 2013.
(part2) TfL say that they are proud of their efforts to reduce the pollution their buses emit, but when there is a solution that reduces it to zero - yet that is being spurned - so how they can have the audacity to be 'proud' about what they are doing is beyond my comprehension.
btw, London's hybrid buses use batteries ... which are full on noxious chemicals; when 'spent' their disposal will represent another looming environmental headache.
new bus is smooth and quiet
@citytransportinfo companies (van Hool, ect) have larger fuel cell buses on the road in various cities, FC buses are not size constrained. I am aware of the energy conversion loses, they are not insignificant but also not a killer. There is plenty of by-product hydrogen out there. Your Vancouver data is incorrect.
only 6 made? You're kidding right. My uncle works Wright Bus and they're meant to be making 600 of these.
@CANVECVIDEO I hope so!!! (especialy in the winter).
I found the end a little biased, but other than that, good video.
Song name?
Music by 'Its Worth Publishing' Non-Copyright Series, Volume 20, Industrial 3.
When, in 1995, I made a commercial video (called "Citytransport - The Way Forwards") I bought a cassette tape from them for the opening and closing credits music. The supplied reproduction license allowed unlimited use, without attribution.
btw, once the Internet and personal websites started becoming widespread I created the website and this also explains why I use the name 'citytransportinfo' here at UA-cam.
i've seen one on the route 38, there is only one bus
we have "trolley busses" in Seattle...
Look where the 38 route is. Youll see one.
Apprantly 30 of these are coming for route 24
Soon ALL transports will hover. Once humankind can be guaranteed to not use it for war, we will be able to start using all sorts of technologies - including new non polluting energy systems and anti-gravity technologies.
Then trams and buses and trains will merge into something new.
When depend on us humans... decade, two decades? At present such technoogies are too dangerous, because there are still too many people who will only think to use them for wage war.
Do you understand the amount of infrastructure that would be needed to be built for a trolley system? And the amount of money it would cost? You still need diesel powered hybrid buses because they can go anywhere. When batteries can hold a charge for much longer, thats when you'll start to see less tailpipes. Building electric trolley lines is not the solution.
+Evan Grabofsky the amount of infrastructure needed for trolleybuses is considerably less than is needed for trams, yet there is widespread agreement that trams are a good thing. Some cities have trolleybuses with batteries so that they can serve unwired roads and stay electric. But batteries only last 7-10 years before needing replacement* I prefer capacitors because they last the life of the bus. (*Rome found that replacement batteries cost 30,000 Euros per bus - ouch!)
Comftable than the Go ahead Singapore BT9L
BFDI Match & Sandy Kee kkkkkkkķkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
They're beautiful