Paul Washer - Explain Old Testament Salvation in Christ Q&A

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • www.heartcrymis...
    How to Explain Old Testament Salvation in Christ?


  • @suehorley6059
    @suehorley6059 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you Father for the faith the old testament saints had in the belief of their love and trust in you Father your word spoken is the same yesterday and today and forever! !Wonderful meggage that came from the Holy Spirit of God, Praise you Father~♥~

  • @InfamousKiddXD
    @InfamousKiddXD 6 років тому +3

    Men have always been saved by believing the testimony that God has given them and in these last days God has spoken trough his son giving testimony of his son! Those are his last words ! And they are perfect because that is why Jesus bore witness of himself yet they didn’t believe him that is why he said my testimony is true because my father also bares witness of me

  • @budcurtis4512
    @budcurtis4512 2 роки тому +1

    Great answer! You didn't add to or go beyond what has been revealed.

  • @asrpci33
    @asrpci33 5 років тому +4

    the gospel of Christ was preached thru types, shadows, and promises in the OT and received by faith alone by the work of the Holy Spirit.

  • @redwine65
    @redwine65 7 років тому +2

    I agree
    Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.
    For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
    All these people died in faith, without having received the things they were promised. However, they saw them and welcomed them from afar. And they acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.

  • @randyd9805
    @randyd9805 2 роки тому +2

    I don't believe all OT saints understood the full gospel, but I do believe they understood that the promised Messiah would atone for man's sins and that the OT sacrifices were a picture of His final sacrifice. When Abraham was tested to offer his only begotten son Isaac that is about as clear as it gets in the OT that Abraham knew God was one day going to offer Himself as the sacrifice for our sins. When Abraham told Isaac "My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together." I don't believe for one second he was talking about that ram caught in the bush by it's horns! He was talking about the Messiah Who would offer Himself as a Lamb for our sins. Other OT passages also make it clear that the Messiah would be beaten and would shed His innocent blood for our sins too. Isaiah chapter 53 is the chapter God used in my own life to show me Christ had died for my sins and that I needed to be saved.
    Job, the oldest book in the Bible says in Job 19:23 "¶ Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book! 24 That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever! 25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: " Job knew clearly that his redeemer, Christ, lived, and that one day he would stand in the latter days upon the earth. This was written before Genesis was penned by Moses. Many prophetic utterances throughout the OT can only point to Christ as our Savior and redeemer.

  • @risingdawn5788
    @risingdawn5788 6 років тому +4

    6:19 I thought Paul might be about to spontaneously combust.

  • @KarenDunham
    @KarenDunham 5 років тому +4

    There is only ONE Gospel - Galatians 3:8 The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and foretold the GOSPEL to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” 9So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.… Hebrews 11:25 choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, 26 considering the reproach of CHRIST greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward. 27By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as SEEING HIM who is unseen. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that he who destroyed the firstborn would not touch them.
    Abraham was preached the GOSPEL- Moses saw the INVISIBLE CHRIST- they knew the Lord!

  • @AdolfiRealEstate
    @AdolfiRealEstate 6 років тому +1

    Each time a lamb was slain by a believer it was not the act of killing or the literal/actual blood that saved them, it was the object lesson of this horrific act connecting it to the messiah to come and believed by faith, makes the most sense.

    • @christopherianlister5212
      @christopherianlister5212 6 років тому

      the bible dates the universe as 6,018 years old. The universe is 13.7 billion years old so why should anybody take this book seriously in the first place? a fairy tale is more credible. PS this preacher already conceded he goes on faith which means he has no evidence and believes as he gave up on whats true.

    • @AlftraZignTriOxide
      @AlftraZignTriOxide Рік тому

      ​@@christopherianlister5212 the dating of the Cosmos is disputed both evidentially and philosophically. You can't make that claim about the age of the universe without blind faith in expert opinions.
      Also, when Christians say "faith" they are not referring to blind faith. The biblical definition of faith in this context is rather a complete trust in the Person of Christ. You could compare it to the faith you have in a pilot or a chef to do their job. You don't see either of them do it, you never meet them or even see them. And yet you know they exist. Everyone knows God exists, the fool says in his heart "there is no God." Faith in God doesn't mean the mere belief in the existence of God and His Word, but rather the unconditional trust we have in Him and His Word.
      The question is NOT about who has faith here. It's about where your faith is. Is it in fallible man or the infallible God? Your faith is blinder than the Christian's.
      There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
      Proverbs 14:12 ESV
      Recognize your sinful state before God and how you've broken the moral law. The Bible says the wages of sin is death. And yet God is not willing that any man should perish so He incarnated as a Man on earth. He died on the Cross taking the sin for all those who trust in Him. Turn from your sin and trust in Christ to be saved from the judgement awaiting and be made a new creature in Christ with a new heart and new desires.

    @PHILHAMILT0N Рік тому

    So helpful this

  • @pm5206
    @pm5206 8 років тому +10

    Salvation by faith is not a 2,000 year old concept. It has been that way for nearly 6,000 years. So yes, they knew more about the promise of the Messiah than many Christians today realise. This idea that Torah is done is nonsense. That is why Jews have a hard time believing Christianity because a lot of it is religious and not Biblical. Yeshua was a Torah observant Jewish Messiah who preached salvation and obedience and did signs and wonders to prove His divinity and Messiahship. It is important to have a Hebrew Torah mindset while reading and learning Yeshua. He is coming again and already came as promised and recorded in scripture and evidence is overwhelming. Praise Yeshua for His salvation. Yeshua means salvation. Isaiah 9:6. Acts 4:12.

    • @Romans8Ministries
      @Romans8Ministries 7 років тому


    • @Heightofacloud
      @Heightofacloud 6 років тому

      You made my day with this comment. As a new Torah Observant Yeshua follower I am happy that people like you are out there and still can watch and critique people like Paul Washer who almosttttt have it but just aren't quite there when it comes to the truth of Yahweh's instruction still being relevant.

    • @engagethebroken7698
      @engagethebroken7698 5 років тому

      Jews don't have a hard time believing because Christians don't observe the Torah, they don't believe that Christ was the promised Messiah. Their unbelief is from a hardened heart.
      As for Christians, you're right! Religiosity has overrun and blinded many. However, stumbling humans have issue because they are unwilling to surrender to Christ as Lord and Savior.
      Yeshua said this would happen. He also stated the law and prophets were fulfilled in Him. Thus, the hook of Hebrews.
      PS - I too, am a Messianic Jew.

  • @pm5206
    @pm5206 8 років тому +4

    The pre Messianic followers were saved by knowing the coming of Messiah as promised in Genesis 3:15. Here is an example. Eve bared Cain and she thought at first Cain was the Messiah. She has faith that Yahweh would provide atonement for sins and restore mankind and the earth back to paradise. She did nothing to earn salvation. Her husband Adam was clothed with lamb skins. Abel who was Eve's righteous son (he sinned) offered a one year old male lamb without blemish which represents the Messiah. He knew the promise and his sins were covered by the sacrifice of the lamb, eventually Yeshua. That applies to all followers of Yahweh from Adam and Eve to Yeshua's day. Today, we look back and by faith that he came and his sacrifice, we are saved. So salvation by grace through faith has been the same since Adam sinned. The Torah has never changed and will not change. It is important to understand the Torah and Gospels. The gospel was preached during the Existing as Paul said.

    • @guineapig55555
      @guineapig55555 6 років тому

      Which Christian denomination is closest to yours?

  • @krazyswede11
    @krazyswede11 11 років тому +1

    I'm with TrustinJC. Paul divides salvation, Jesus taught faith and faithfulness.

    • @christopherianlister5212
      @christopherianlister5212 6 років тому

      the bible dates the universe as 6,018 years old. The universe is 13.7 billion years old so why should anybody take this book seriously in the first place? a fairy tale is more credible. PS this preacher already conceded he goes on faith which means he has no evidence and believes as he gave up on whats true.

    • @christar331
      @christar331 5 років тому

      @@christopherianlister5212 copy and paste much?

  • @stick1to2the3issue
    @stick1to2the3issue 15 років тому

    I don't think that Washer would disagree with you when you say the old testament saints knew the Father and therefore knew the Christ. However Washer clearly isn't sure the degree to which the old testament isrealites had a concept of Christ.
    you are right they started trusting in their works to save them rather than relying on God to credit their faith as righteousness.

  • @EmilioMendez
    @EmilioMendez 6 років тому

    No always is who knows more, but who is more creative!

  • @olegig5166
    @olegig5166 4 роки тому

    IMHO any discussion of OT salvation must include a definition of "saved" , was he saved from hell, or is he saved to heaven?
    The OTSaint was saved from hell by following the instructions given to him from God.
    The OT Saint was kept in Abraham's bosom (Luke 16) until the blood of Christ was shed after which Christ preached to them, covered them with his blood, placed them in the Lord, and carried them up to Heaven.

  • @shivanandanmathan7998
    @shivanandanmathan7998 4 роки тому

    If old testament people are saved then what about Acts 4:12 which says that there is salvation in no other name than Jesus. What about John saying that no one go to the Father except through Me(Jesus)?

  • @michaelcharlez
    @michaelcharlez 15 років тому

    good points that Old testament all were saved by virtue of the death of Christ. I have one query though. You mentioned the dead patriarchs are "in heaven". Scripture teaches resurrection of the dead, and the dead lay in their graves until that day, which is why Jesus resurrected, to show He conquered death for all who believe in Him and receive pardon. Read these verses. Acts 2:29-34; 1 Thess 4:13-18; John 5:25,28,29; Mark 12:18-27; John 11:19-24; Dan 12:1,2; Job 19:25-27; Psa 115:17; 146:4;

  • @LothairOfLorraine
    @LothairOfLorraine 6 років тому

    Abraham would not have understood the promise of a messiah in the same way we do. For him, living at about 1800bc, his image of a messiah would have been similar to the "kinsman-redeemer" in the Bk of Ruth, not a crucified God-man who shifts in office from King to Mediator.

    • @xxxmmm3812
      @xxxmmm3812 5 років тому

      he believed and trusted God although He didnt understand

  • @stick1to2the3issue
    @stick1to2the3issue 15 років тому

    An honest question: Although I am not sure, I happen to think that God may supernaturally reveal him self to tribes and such who never encounter Christianity and saves even today based on their belief in what he says in the revalation (or what he tells them to do).
    They are still saved only through the sacrifice of Christ, but God still credits the faitht they have as righteousness.....its a real thinker anyways..

    • @numaisreginald3671
      @numaisreginald3671 4 роки тому

      I think so as you do..if i would still believed in the Christian God

  • @UnashamedofJesus
    @UnashamedofJesus 6 років тому +1

    Genesis 18 Jesus is revealed to Abraham

    • @jeffayers65
      @jeffayers65 5 років тому

      Unashamed of Jesus And how was Abraham saved and asked 12 when the Abraham a covenant was given IV and ask 15 when he specifically said he believed in the Lord and it was counted to him for righteousness? Dan years and years later Jesus Christ was revealed to him? How does that make any sense

    • @UnashamedofJesus
      @UnashamedofJesus 5 років тому +1

      @@jeffayers65 I don't understand your question.. Abraham and Daniel obviously had more revelation than the average person

  • @TrustinJC
    @TrustinJC 11 років тому

    Why does he say we always go to Romans 3? Wouldn't it be better to listen to what Jesus tells us? Or his brother, James?
    The only one who taught no ones sins were ever forgiven except for the atoneing work of Christ is Paul.
    Scripture is full of examples of sins being forgiven in the OT.
    For crying out loud, Enoch and Elijah were taken to heaven without dying.
    Job, Abraham, and Joseph were declared righteous.
    He says everyone is in agreement with what he stated. But that's not true.

  • @rangepro
    @rangepro 2 роки тому

    Lev_5:13 And the priest shall make an atonement for him as touching his sin that he hath sinned in one of these, and it shall be forgiven him: and the remnant shall be the priest's, as a meat offering. >>>>>>>>>>>>>and it SHALL BE FORGIVEN HIM!!.............READ , READ , READ, READ!!!

  • @Bev4Drawing
    @Bev4Drawing 14 років тому +1

    @stick1to2the3issue LOL! You don't know. No one does. But if Jesus so desired he could. I don't think he would do it without letting the Body of Christ know about it but he's God. He does as he see fit. ^-^

  • @stick1to2the3issue
    @stick1to2the3issue 14 років тому

    @YamiKazeSora exactly he does as he sees fit. glad you agree.

  • @MrBazinthenow
    @MrBazinthenow 5 років тому

    I thought regeneration precedes faith ?

  • @TrustinJC
    @TrustinJC 11 років тому

    Jesus said he did not come for the righteous.
    Well, if he didn't come for the righteous, this means there were righteous people.
    Everything that Washer teaches is hinged on the teachings of one writer - that being apostle Paul. But no other writer supports what Paul taught.

    • @christopherianlister5212
      @christopherianlister5212 6 років тому

      the bible dates the universe as 6,018 years old. The universe is 13.7 billion years old so why should anybody take this book seriously in the first place? a fairy tale is more credible. PS this preacher already conceded he goes on faith which means he has no evidence and believes as he gave up on whats true.

  • @IasonIsrael
    @IasonIsrael 5 років тому

    Is this posted with permission?

  • @AdolfiRealEstate
    @AdolfiRealEstate 6 років тому

    "Thy way of God is in the Sanctuary" The entire plan of salvation and the final eradication of sin is taught in an elaborate object lesson.

  • @damianwhite504
    @damianwhite504 Рік тому

    Paul Washer looks like Tony Bennett

  • @MyPrince92
    @MyPrince92 12 років тому


  • @RocknRollStrutnStroll
    @RocknRollStrutnStroll 12 років тому

    ~"Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its men and their animals, even if these three men--Noah, Daniel and Job--were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign LORD.~
    ~Ezekiel 14:13-14~

  • @anthonybearden9023
    @anthonybearden9023 5 років тому

    just as Abraham "believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness"? Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, "In you shall all the nations be blessed." So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.
    Galatians 3:6‭-‬9 ESV

  • @wellsbranchdude
    @wellsbranchdude 14 років тому

    Of course all of this is totally true.
    I can testify to that.
    My brother died and he Resurrected 3 days later. He did not die from my sins though, the one who died for my sins is my cousin. Also My sister had a son from the holly ghost and she had a virginal birth of course.
    Did I mention that I walk on water? I cannot turn water into wine, but my neighbor can. He is always drunk because every time he drinks water it turns into wine with the consequences you would expect.
    So I agree with Paul

  • @logantatman5938
    @logantatman5938 10 років тому

    No other writers need to agree with Paul. If Paul's teachings are in the Bible, they are there because God choose that to be.

  • @FoxyFreddie
    @FoxyFreddie 13 років тому

    @bigjuice777 implying I search for this claptrap when it's shoved into my Recommended list erroneously having watched a debate on Creationism.
    I'd gladly not watch any of this but I also reserve the right to comment on things I dislike as well as like and I would not deny you the same.

  • @beto88keys
    @beto88keys 13 років тому

    @FoxyFreddie I think you are interested in what the bible has to say!! You are searching!! If you are not searching, then get out of here, LOL

  • @hectorkjv_1611
    @hectorkjv_1611 5 років тому +2

    Unsaved devil.

    • @xxxmmm3812
      @xxxmmm3812 5 років тому

      how christian of you

    • @CaldwellApologetics
      @CaldwellApologetics 4 роки тому

      Why are you trolling the channel? That does not bode well.

  • @FoxyFreddie
    @FoxyFreddie 14 років тому

    It's hilarious that so much earnest interpretation is being put into a fairy tale.
    Please do "The three little pigs" next that's my favourite.