🗣 Hey Karen's! Dont call the cops on the kids riding quads & dirt bikes! If you have a problem or an issue, with crime? It's not us! Talk to us! If silly young kids ride they ain't doing drugs or robbing. They probably just dont have anywhere else to ride & if you're cool they will be cool.
Wow!!! Amazing!
Hello Marcus😘
They need to STOP having cops pulling ANYBODY over for non-moving traffic infractions, period! Just note their address and send them the ticket!
Love my YZ! Don’t do this!
first? u go girl
🗣 Hey Karen's! Dont call the cops on the kids riding quads & dirt bikes! If you have a problem or an issue, with crime? It's not us! Talk to us! If silly young kids ride they ain't doing drugs or robbing. They probably just dont have anywhere else to ride & if you're cool they will be cool.
What, No Trans ?
Do they wear tampons!