It is pure magic how they build a superhero costume from comic books so accurately but give it so much reality, sometimes even improving apon the originals
Huh, and here I thought it was just a cloth mask. Turns out it's semi-rigid and has swappable eyes. I guess that's what it takes to make it look right, and they certainly did make it look right.
The Deadpool and Wolverine movie suit looked cheap, and the CGI as a whole was terrible. Story and comedy was meh as well. Last 20 minutes was great though. Deadpool 1 still best deadpool movie.
I'm taking notes from all these superhero costume making videos to use when I make my costume in my headquarters before I reveal myself to the city... ;-P
If Deadpool gets one of those annoying Nano masks that retract everytime a character speaks during battle im gonna be so pissed. Keep it as it is, its perfect
It's super awesome to see them making costumes and masks spot on! I am so glad that they could make it just like comics. It's so satisfying to watch on screen. I actually don't like it when they experiment with the comics costume. And most of the times i hate that they change. But thank god they stuck with the comics costume for deadpool..
BurgerMerker i don't see your point.I'm not familiar with green lantern origin story. But When i watched the movie it didn't seem that bad. Idk why it was such a flop. Was it all because of the suit? Now thats not even a real reason for hating the movie like people do. Even Ryan Reynolds wants to forget about the movie. I don't know if he is ashamed or just wants to forget because people didn't like it that much.. i am sure when they made green lantern they intended for people to like it..
Torab Abdullah Tbh i just said it as a meme, i never watched the green lantern but heard those stories about how bad it was and how the suit was so badly done.
Is the eye animated? I thought the mask was CGI because you know in the film when deadpool sometimes had that shocked expression the masks' white eyes expanded and it looked so animated.
What do they end up doing with the molds of celebrities heads and stuff when they're done? Is there just a room with various accurate models of very attractive people in some random warehouse somewhere?
It is pure magic how they build a superhero costume from comic books so accurately but give it so much reality, sometimes even improving apon the originals
They have improved so many costumes by now.
Huh, and here I thought it was just a cloth mask. Turns out it's semi-rigid and has swappable eyes. I guess that's what it takes to make it look right, and they certainly did make it look right.
DaaaahWhoosh yeah i actually thought its a clothes mask aswell
its either that or like spider-man's mask have a face shell underneath the spandex
Its made out of fabric just maybe fake leather so its more rigid. The 3d printed ones are prototypes to build the final design
100% a faceshell
Deadpool's mask itself feels like he is talking...
Whos after legendary Deadpool & Wolverine :)
✋🏻I'm right here buddy, the movie was peak btw
here with u man
The amount of details in this movie... AWESOME !
The Deadpool and Wolverine movie suit looked cheap, and the CGI as a whole was terrible. Story and comedy was meh as well. Last 20 minutes was great though. Deadpool 1 still best deadpool movie.
Probably the best comic book movie costume of all time.
Nah I think Iron Man's is better
busscr but it’s cgi....
Personally I thought the green lantern costume was the best
All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!
come on... it took only a red old pair of jeans and a two pieces of black leather from my girl's jacket.
Wade come on... you try and make it perfect then
Alex, You obviously didn't get the joke.
Wade lets hope your girl doesnt mind the two holes in her jacket
i believe you made the first one :)
Wade I would intelligently add to the conversation but I’m too busy holding on to a unicorn flying over mountains flipping off the fellowship.
A serious Deadpool promo. That's weird...
Making the mask looks a lot harder than the first movie makes it out to be 😂
Yeah lol lowkey annoying.
What ?
@@shizukagozen777 in the first movie wade creates his suit. they mean it seemed a lot easier to make in the movie than in real life lol
not enough, i need a 2 hour docu series about the mask
ok. so it ends just when you're about to see the actual features.... nice work
Right ? So frustrating...
This is really cool! I can't wait till I get to sculpt masks for my own small films!
:D I hope you reach your dream 💛
@@winnergenius Haven't done so yet, but thanks! :)
What has kept you from doing it?
@@CM-lb9ud money and time
rotten for ya bud!
i like to think that while in our world it takes all of this time and effort to create the mask, in the movies it just takes wade a couple days
7 years later and i seriously need a tutorial on how to make one myself 😭♥️
perfection achieved
I'm taking notes from all these superhero costume making videos to use when I make my costume in my headquarters before I reveal myself to the city... ;-P
"No one cared who I was till I put on the mask"
Terrific work there, team.
Magnetic Applications are always a God-level!!
So much work was put into it and it came out great;
I’ll sleep better knowing all this, thanks.
Perfect detailed suit omg 🔥
Really want to see Head-Pool. Please make this happen.
Can't wait for this to come out 😊😊
Bro this already came out
this was 7 years ago bro
the birth of a genre.
Can’t wait for the behind the scenes for making the costumes in D&W
0:15 smears some plaster around pre-made mold pretending to sculpt it...
Send one of those to my home
Thats sick I 3D printed myself a magnetic deadpool mask with eyes able to change ! its sick
Who else was lead here by the Deadpool ED medication style ad?
+Dorian Brooks Before Deadpool, I could barely get it up. But after Deadpool, I'm hard 24/7! Thanks, Ryan!
Dorian Brooks pretty much
I love that he's "The Merc With the Mouth." But his mask makes him look like he has no mouth at all.
Fun how the studio was dumped in Deadpool 3💀😂😭
This movie was eight years ago?
okay, now how do i get one?
Sal Cruz Jr I just made myself one, check out the link below =)
Kong Craftsmanship looks bad
Happy Ikr, looks like Deadpoop
Pay 6000 dollars
If Deadpool gets one of those annoying Nano masks that retract everytime a character speaks during battle im gonna be so pissed. Keep it as it is, its perfect
Love it
All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!
of which material it is made of
It's super awesome to see them making costumes and masks spot on! I am so glad that they could make it just like comics. It's so satisfying to watch on screen. I actually don't like it when they experiment with the comics costume. And most of the times i hate that they change. But thank god they stuck with the comics costume for deadpool..
Green lantern's costume. Sorry i mean green lantern's CGI
BurgerMerker i don't see your point.I'm not familiar with green lantern origin story. But When i watched the movie it didn't seem that bad. Idk why it was such a flop. Was it all because of the suit? Now thats not even a real reason for hating the movie like people do. Even Ryan Reynolds wants to forget about the movie. I don't know if he is ashamed or just wants to forget because people didn't like it that much.. i am sure when they made green lantern they intended for people to like it..
Torab Abdullah Tbh i just said it as a meme, i never watched the green lantern but heard those stories about how bad it was and how the suit was so badly done.
All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!
Is that Laird? I'm reminded of the phone booth call in the 1st Deadpool 2 trailer.
Deadpool never rode on a fly!
Thats so cool i want to see more of the mask
awesome deadpool
but, where?
+Jezer Ayala buy mask :v
All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!
Etsy probably if you want one ASAP and don’t want it super custom made.
I want one!!!
This video was way too short! Would've loved to see more about the process of creating the costume and the mask
Nice ❤️😍😎
All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!
Deadpool mask is wolverines mask and Spider-Man's mask together
more like deathstroke and spiderman
Sheldon Canada exactly my point, thanks!
Sheldon Canada fuck deathstroke
Deadpool would never exist if there's no Deathstroke
Deathstroke was also a clone.
How does it look from inside that eyes of the mask .....?
Like a dense curtain
4 years ago? Man..
here after Deadpool & Wolverine 2024
I have one concern about the mask at 1:15
How would his head fit though?
0:23 this will explain it
Now there’s deadpool 2
I need to buy full costume so where can I buy it
1:09 impressive. pity marvel went from this to a complete cgi cartoon-ish suits
It’s not though. It’s practical. The set photos literally prove that
That's amazing.
Where can I get one of these suits I need one in my life and my brother would like the X force suit
Etsy but they’re not officially made by the people who made the movie.
"3D modeling people" Lol
What are they actually called?
My mask needs to be similar like Tony’s.
Is the eye animated? I thought the mask was CGI because you know in the film when deadpool sometimes had that shocked expression the masks' white eyes expanded and it looked so animated.
The eyes are animated at some points yes
I knew it lol
The eyes are.. CGEYE
blackham7 the mask must be partially animated
moving eyebrows are
impossible with a rigid one😶😶
Thanku fox
U did it very well accurate from comics
Wow. Removable eyes. Had no idea
Take my money!
what kind of fabric did they use?
probably spandex along with leather in some places.
+James H glued all together with panda tears
I need one
I looooove name is Mya by the way
How does he see through the white cloth
tío, poned subtitulo para poder traducirlos
can we buy one please
Johnny Chen full Deadpool costume check this
And to think that Ryan Reynolds "stole" the suit after the movie xD
I want one.
It's funny that it took a team to make the suit but it took Wade like what a couple of tries? I'm not even sure what fabrics he's using.
0:51 #what is it?
Looks like a 3D printed belt buckle
20 : 15 mlm kamis 8 mei 2024 29 syawal 1445H baru liat ini telat 8 tahun 😢😢😢😢
You know they never added the little extra point on the top of his mask
RIP 20th Century Fox, hahaha...
Plz where can I get a mask plz
Are you actually begging for a Movie costume with a budget of probably 10000 dollars?
I need that mask
Where do you get a mask at?
Etsy if you want one ASAP and don’t want it officially made.
Ryan Reynolds has a really nice face.
I want a mask like that can y’all make me one
Wow Nice . Thanks :)
The mask!
Is that detachable eyes is for emotional purposes?
I wonder how wade managed to make this from nothing
Oo this is a serious video
What do they end up doing with the molds of celebrities heads and stuff when they're done? Is there just a room with various accurate models of very attractive people in some random warehouse somewhere?
The clay or whatever material sculptures are disposed. The 3D scan is kept along with mocap if it is used in the process
Henry Rollins should play the part of Cable!
Is that donatello from supernatural..?
Clifford Goodwin that's what I was wondering lmao
Who else thought Deadpool was Spider-Man at first?
I thought is made out of leather