Deadpool | The Making of the Mask | 20th Century FOX

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mrvaporiz
    @mrvaporiz 3 роки тому +277

    It is pure magic how they build a superhero costume from comic books so accurately but give it so much reality, sometimes even improving apon the originals

    • @shizukagozen777
      @shizukagozen777 4 місяці тому +4

      They have improved so many costumes by now.

  • @DaaaahWhoosh
    @DaaaahWhoosh 7 років тому +1854

    Huh, and here I thought it was just a cloth mask. Turns out it's semi-rigid and has swappable eyes. I guess that's what it takes to make it look right, and they certainly did make it look right.

    • @lukayonny5898
      @lukayonny5898 7 років тому +13

      DaaaahWhoosh yeah i actually thought its a clothes mask aswell

    • @HirstMovies
      @HirstMovies 3 роки тому +8

      its either that or like spider-man's mask have a face shell underneath the spandex

    • @BobThef
      @BobThef 5 місяців тому

      Its made out of fabric just maybe fake leather so its more rigid. The 3d printed ones are prototypes to build the final design

    • @gogossake
      @gogossake 4 місяці тому +2

      100% a faceshell

  • @dannybenhur6123
    @dannybenhur6123 6 років тому +221

    Deadpool's mask itself feels like he is talking...

  • @DinushaJayaranga
    @DinushaJayaranga 4 місяці тому +266

    Whos after legendary Deadpool & Wolverine :)

      @JKREDITZZ 4 місяці тому +12

      ✋🏻I'm right here buddy, the movie was peak btw

    • @shantilkhadatkar1195
      @shantilkhadatkar1195 4 місяці тому +4

      here with u man

    • @shizukagozen777
      @shizukagozen777 4 місяці тому +2

      The amount of details in this movie... AWESOME !

    • @zonbilol7883
      @zonbilol7883 4 місяці тому +2

      The Deadpool and Wolverine movie suit looked cheap, and the CGI as a whole was terrible. Story and comedy was meh as well. Last 20 minutes was great though. Deadpool 1 still best deadpool movie.

    • @Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh
      @Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh 2 місяці тому


  • @forbiddencolor
    @forbiddencolor 7 років тому +203

    Probably the best comic book movie costume of all time.

    • @busscr
      @busscr 6 років тому +4

      Nah I think Iron Man's is better

    • @astro_zombie6662
      @astro_zombie6662 6 років тому +7

      busscr but it’s cgi....

    • @leelabrah7106
      @leelabrah7106 6 років тому


    • @sadladd
      @sadladd 6 років тому +4

      Personally I thought the green lantern costume was the best

    • @prerakgala8117
      @prerakgala8117 6 років тому
      All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!

  • @WadeWilson-
    @WadeWilson- 6 років тому +319

    come on... it took only a red old pair of jeans and a two pieces of black leather from my girl's jacket.

    • @OceanWarzGTFO
      @OceanWarzGTFO 6 років тому +8

      Wade come on... you try and make it perfect then

    • @WadeWilson-
      @WadeWilson- 6 років тому +32

      Alex, You obviously didn't get the joke.

    • @shariq5261
      @shariq5261 6 років тому +8

      Wade lets hope your girl doesnt mind the two holes in her jacket

    • @arthurfleck8681
      @arthurfleck8681 6 років тому +3

      i believe you made the first one :)

    • @quietdemon8138
      @quietdemon8138 6 років тому +8

      Wade I would intelligently add to the conversation but I’m too busy holding on to a unicorn flying over mountains flipping off the fellowship.

  • @dikinebaks
    @dikinebaks 6 років тому +99

    A serious Deadpool promo. That's weird...

  • @CM8Vids
    @CM8Vids 6 років тому +88

    Making the mask looks a lot harder than the first movie makes it out to be 😂

    • @donkeykong4983
      @donkeykong4983 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah lol lowkey annoying.

    • @shizukagozen777
      @shizukagozen777 4 місяці тому +1

      What ?

    • @shahoodiq7466
      @shahoodiq7466 4 місяці тому +1

      @@shizukagozen777 in the first movie wade creates his suit. they mean it seemed a lot easier to make in the movie than in real life lol

  • @mohawho8251
    @mohawho8251 9 місяців тому +4

    not enough, i need a 2 hour docu series about the mask

  • @360.Tapestry
    @360.Tapestry 6 років тому +46

    ok. so it ends just when you're about to see the actual features.... nice work

  • @thegoatonstrawberrytoast9312
    @thegoatonstrawberrytoast9312 8 років тому +13

    This is really cool! I can't wait till I get to sculpt masks for my own small films!

  • @MrRandomhere
    @MrRandomhere 9 місяців тому +3

    i like to think that while in our world it takes all of this time and effort to create the mask, in the movies it just takes wade a couple days

  • @brownricechild
    @brownricechild 10 місяців тому +8

    7 years later and i seriously need a tutorial on how to make one myself 😭♥️

  • @shivrajgill1683
    @shivrajgill1683 3 роки тому +3

    perfection achieved

  • @igorschmidlapp6987
    @igorschmidlapp6987 9 місяців тому +3

    I'm taking notes from all these superhero costume making videos to use when I make my costume in my headquarters before I reveal myself to the city... ;-P

  • @jaysnow4074
    @jaysnow4074 6 років тому +6

    "No one cared who I was till I put on the mask"

  • @MrMjolnir69
    @MrMjolnir69 4 місяці тому +3

    Terrific work there, team.

  • @calvingrex
    @calvingrex 6 років тому +2

    Magnetic Applications are always a God-level!!

  • @nadirbaitsaleem7270
    @nadirbaitsaleem7270 7 років тому +1

    So much work was put into it and it came out great;

  • @davidwpatterson
    @davidwpatterson 6 років тому +3

    I’ll sleep better knowing all this, thanks.

  • @jambrud123
    @jambrud123 Рік тому +1

    Perfect detailed suit omg 🔥

  • @geribaldi2
    @geribaldi2 6 років тому +2

    Really want to see Head-Pool. Please make this happen.

  • @thatonemexicant8989
    @thatonemexicant8989 10 місяців тому +2

    Can't wait for this to come out 😊😊

  • @stormrain5776
    @stormrain5776 6 років тому

    the birth of a genre.

  • @toanuva6178
    @toanuva6178 4 місяці тому

    Can’t wait for the behind the scenes for making the costumes in D&W

  • @foxsaint1051
    @foxsaint1051 4 роки тому +11

    0:15 smears some plaster around pre-made mold pretending to sculpt it...

  • @LuisRdzG10
    @LuisRdzG10 6 років тому +1

    Send one of those to my home

  • @BobThef
    @BobThef 5 місяців тому +1

    Thats sick I 3D printed myself a magnetic deadpool mask with eyes able to change ! its sick

  • @broodo1
    @broodo1 8 років тому +92

    Who else was lead here by the Deadpool ED medication style ad?

    • @eitshyte6132
      @eitshyte6132 8 років тому +6

      +Dorian Brooks Before Deadpool, I could barely get it up. But after Deadpool, I'm hard 24/7! Thanks, Ryan!

    • @joicecook237
      @joicecook237 6 років тому

      Dorian Brooks pretty much

  • @Dante1920
    @Dante1920 4 місяці тому

    I love that he's "The Merc With the Mouth." But his mask makes him look like he has no mouth at all.

  • @joshuabanda6204
    @joshuabanda6204 3 місяці тому +1

    Fun how the studio was dumped in Deadpool 3💀😂😭

  • @SimonSeville911
    @SimonSeville911 4 місяці тому +3

    This movie was eight years ago?

  • @MACsDaddyNotYours
    @MACsDaddyNotYours 8 років тому +393

    okay, now how do i get one?

    • @dreamfactory1905
      @dreamfactory1905 6 років тому +3

      Sal Cruz Jr I just made myself one, check out the link below =)

    • @RedStreak24
      @RedStreak24 6 років тому +14

      Kong Craftsmanship looks bad

    • @dreamfactory1905
      @dreamfactory1905 6 років тому +8

      Happy Ikr, looks like Deadpoop

    • @inferno
      @inferno 6 років тому +1


    • @SasukeUchiha-eo5gg
      @SasukeUchiha-eo5gg 4 місяці тому

      Pay 6000 dollars

  • @AJGalecki
    @AJGalecki 9 місяців тому +1

    If Deadpool gets one of those annoying Nano masks that retract everytime a character speaks during battle im gonna be so pissed. Keep it as it is, its perfect

  • @deadpoollover9495
    @deadpoollover9495 8 років тому +3

    Love it

    • @prerakgala8117
      @prerakgala8117 6 років тому
      All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!

  • @syedtanveerali9080
    @syedtanveerali9080 2 роки тому +2

    of which material it is made of

  • @torababdullah7952
    @torababdullah7952 6 років тому +3

    It's super awesome to see them making costumes and masks spot on! I am so glad that they could make it just like comics. It's so satisfying to watch on screen. I actually don't like it when they experiment with the comics costume. And most of the times i hate that they change. But thank god they stuck with the comics costume for deadpool..

    • @BurgerPwner
      @BurgerPwner 6 років тому

      Green lantern's costume. Sorry i mean green lantern's CGI

    • @torababdullah7952
      @torababdullah7952 6 років тому

      BurgerMerker i don't see your point.I'm not familiar with green lantern origin story. But When i watched the movie it didn't seem that bad. Idk why it was such a flop. Was it all because of the suit? Now thats not even a real reason for hating the movie like people do. Even Ryan Reynolds wants to forget about the movie. I don't know if he is ashamed or just wants to forget because people didn't like it that much.. i am sure when they made green lantern they intended for people to like it..

    • @BurgerPwner
      @BurgerPwner 6 років тому

      Torab Abdullah Tbh i just said it as a meme, i never watched the green lantern but heard those stories about how bad it was and how the suit was so badly done.

    • @prerakgala8117
      @prerakgala8117 6 років тому
      All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!

  • @victorrain
    @victorrain 6 років тому

    Is that Laird? I'm reminded of the phone booth call in the 1st Deadpool 2 trailer.

  • @Michael.OJackson
    @Michael.OJackson 9 місяців тому +1

    Deadpool never rode on a fly!

  • @MrUFCFan12345
    @MrUFCFan12345 6 років тому

    Thats so cool i want to see more of the mask

  • @Muhammedthemaverick
    @Muhammedthemaverick 8 років тому

    awesome deadpool

  • @minisadxd
    @minisadxd 8 років тому +37


    • @elbemba1997
      @elbemba1997 8 років тому

      but, where?

    • @minisadxd
      @minisadxd 8 років тому

      +Jezer Ayala buy mask :v

    • @prerakgala8117
      @prerakgala8117 6 років тому
      All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!

    • @donkeykong4983
      @donkeykong4983 3 роки тому +1

      Etsy probably if you want one ASAP and don’t want it super custom made.

  • @arrow_legion7855
    @arrow_legion7855 8 років тому +1

    I want one!!!

  • @manollobango
    @manollobango 4 місяці тому

    This video was way too short! Would've loved to see more about the process of creating the costume and the mask

  • @DdullieDduddongie
    @DdullieDduddongie 6 років тому +1

    Nice ❤️😍😎

    • @prerakgala8117
      @prerakgala8117 6 років тому
      All the Deadpool 😍 fans out there, Check out this 3d printed Deadpool mask tutorial!!

  • @mynamejeff2089
    @mynamejeff2089 7 років тому +54

    Deadpool mask is wolverines mask and Spider-Man's mask together

    • @sheldongaboury6686
      @sheldongaboury6686 7 років тому +13

      more like deathstroke and spiderman

    • @mynamejeff2089
      @mynamejeff2089 7 років тому +2

      Sheldon Canada exactly my point, thanks!

    • @corndog1813
      @corndog1813 6 років тому +1

      Sheldon Canada fuck deathstroke

    • @crowzine7476
      @crowzine7476 6 років тому +5

      Deadpool would never exist if there's no Deathstroke

    • @stormrain5776
      @stormrain5776 6 років тому +1

      Deathstroke was also a clone.

  • @shaizanz
    @shaizanz 6 років тому +7

    How does it look from inside that eyes of the mask .....?

  • @raiNjErs
    @raiNjErs 3 роки тому +1

    4 years ago? Man..

  • @GUBBI_1025
    @GUBBI_1025 4 місяці тому +2


    @NV_NYR.YOUTUBE 4 місяці тому +2

    here after Deadpool & Wolverine 2024

  • @zgralewski
    @zgralewski 8 років тому


  • @endergamez5874
    @endergamez5874 5 років тому

    I have one concern about the mask at 1:15
    How would his head fit though?

  • @emmawoolnough1049
    @emmawoolnough1049 6 років тому

    Now there’s deadpool 2

  • @Akshini_Perera
    @Akshini_Perera 6 років тому

    I need to buy full costume so where can I buy it

  • @qpwoeiruty108
    @qpwoeiruty108 9 місяців тому +2

    1:09 impressive. pity marvel went from this to a complete cgi cartoon-ish suits

    • @thefilmrookie3099
      @thefilmrookie3099 9 місяців тому +2

      It’s not though. It’s practical. The set photos literally prove that

  • @Ramen117
    @Ramen117 8 років тому

    That's amazing.

  • @TheRealWungleBungle
    @TheRealWungleBungle 6 років тому +4

    Where can I get one of these suits I need one in my life and my brother would like the X force suit

    • @donkeykong4983
      @donkeykong4983 3 роки тому

      Etsy but they’re not officially made by the people who made the movie.

  • @tweepy123
    @tweepy123 6 років тому


  • @leakpeak555
    @leakpeak555 10 місяців тому


  • @elpato2182
    @elpato2182 6 років тому +1

    "3D modeling people" Lol

  • @wendigovertigo
    @wendigovertigo 4 роки тому +1

    My mask needs to be similar like Tony’s.

  • @blackham7
    @blackham7 8 років тому +15

    Is the eye animated? I thought the mask was CGI because you know in the film when deadpool sometimes had that shocked expression the masks' white eyes expanded and it looked so animated.

    • @kareefie4265
      @kareefie4265 8 років тому +33

      The eyes are animated at some points yes

    • @blackham7
      @blackham7 8 років тому +1

      I knew it lol

    • @AyAy008
      @AyAy008 6 років тому +16

      The eyes are.. CGEYE

    • @reneeverlaan3056
      @reneeverlaan3056 6 років тому

      blackham7 the mask must be partially animated
      moving eyebrows are
      impossible with a rigid one😶😶

  • @TESLA-co3vg
    @TESLA-co3vg 4 місяці тому

    Thanku fox

  • @angribee4927
    @angribee4927 6 років тому


  • @pramodpatil6041
    @pramodpatil6041 4 місяці тому +1

    U did it very well accurate from comics

  • @Vinstinctify1
    @Vinstinctify1 6 років тому

    Wow. Removable eyes. Had no idea

  • @Dameleon6
    @Dameleon6 6 років тому


  • @M7Reaper
    @M7Reaper 4 місяці тому +1

    Take my money!

  • @jamesh3123
    @jamesh3123 8 років тому +4

    what kind of fabric did they use?

  • @Account1746
    @Account1746 4 місяці тому

    I need one

  • @emilyblocker8367
    @emilyblocker8367 5 років тому

    I looooove name is Mya by the way

  • @ag4study957
    @ag4study957 6 років тому

    How does he see through the white cloth

  • @phantom1597
    @phantom1597 6 років тому

    tío, poned subtitulo para poder traducirlos

  • @roveism
    @roveism 6 років тому

    can we buy one please

    • @melissaramphort
      @melissaramphort 6 років тому

      Johnny Chen full Deadpool costume check this

  • @victoriacastillo9484
    @victoriacastillo9484 6 років тому

    And to think that Ryan Reynolds "stole" the suit after the movie xD

  • @TherealDEXIL
    @TherealDEXIL 6 років тому

    I want one.

  • @destroyerblackdragon
    @destroyerblackdragon 5 років тому

    It's funny that it took a team to make the suit but it took Wade like what a couple of tries? I'm not even sure what fabrics he's using.

  • @karishmahniazkilam6129
    @karishmahniazkilam6129 6 років тому +4

    0:51 #what is it?

    • @zacciswacc594
      @zacciswacc594 4 місяці тому

      Looks like a 3D printed belt buckle

  • @heiseirider1051
    @heiseirider1051 7 місяців тому

    20 : 15 mlm kamis 8 mei 2024 29 syawal 1445H baru liat ini telat 8 tahun 😢😢😢😢

  • @Normal-Lad
    @Normal-Lad 4 місяці тому

    You know they never added the little extra point on the top of his mask

  • @jadinrosh7112
    @jadinrosh7112 6 років тому +1


  • @VoltbeatZero
    @VoltbeatZero 4 місяці тому +1

    RIP 20th Century Fox, hahaha...

  • @knockout5173
    @knockout5173 6 років тому

    Plz where can I get a mask plz

    • @barer7717
      @barer7717 6 років тому

      Are you actually begging for a Movie costume with a budget of probably 10000 dollars?

  • @MisterKhiladi0
    @MisterKhiladi0 6 років тому

    I need that mask

  • @thomaskishmanii2675
    @thomaskishmanii2675 8 років тому

    Where do you get a mask at?

    • @donkeykong4983
      @donkeykong4983 3 роки тому

      Etsy if you want one ASAP and don’t want it officially made.

  • @fmo1868
    @fmo1868 6 років тому

    Ryan Reynolds has a really nice face.

  • @iimbry
    @iimbry 4 роки тому

    I want a mask like that can y’all make me one

  • @738alejo
    @738alejo 6 років тому

    I WANT A SUIT!!! 😧

    • @738alejo
      @738alejo 6 років тому

      Wow Nice . Thanks :)

  • @BloodDragoon
    @BloodDragoon 7 років тому

    The mask!

  • @mancerrss
    @mancerrss 6 років тому

    Is that detachable eyes is for emotional purposes?

  • @cartoonnationanimation7359
    @cartoonnationanimation7359 6 років тому

    I wonder how wade managed to make this from nothing

  • @TheLocalSetup
    @TheLocalSetup 6 років тому

    Oo this is a serious video

  • @penyginger
    @penyginger 3 місяці тому

    What do they end up doing with the molds of celebrities heads and stuff when they're done? Is there just a room with various accurate models of very attractive people in some random warehouse somewhere?

    • @AXCBER
      @AXCBER 3 місяці тому

      The clay or whatever material sculptures are disposed. The 3D scan is kept along with mocap if it is used in the process

  • @gelasmerah1551
    @gelasmerah1551 8 років тому


  • @humanperson3601
    @humanperson3601 8 років тому

    Henry Rollins should play the part of Cable!

  • @dexterandrew7014
    @dexterandrew7014 6 років тому +5

    Is that donatello from supernatural..?

    • @DjArtsy
      @DjArtsy 6 років тому

      Clifford Goodwin that's what I was wondering lmao

  • @lilcrazyart8306
    @lilcrazyart8306 9 місяців тому +1


  • @Ally_Love
    @Ally_Love 6 років тому +1

    Who else thought Deadpool was Spider-Man at first?

  • @Escapecheesebot
    @Escapecheesebot 10 місяців тому


  • @mritellthings8554
    @mritellthings8554 6 років тому

    I thought is made out of leather