Oh, this song just brings back childhood memories :D My father used to play Swan Lee for me all the time when I was little! It's first when I got older I actually started listening to it, though - but I'm proud that Denmark actually have talented artists like Pernille :D
Ærgeligt, at den her sang er blevet glemt!
Oh, this song just brings back childhood memories :D My father used to play Swan Lee for me all the time when I was little! It's first when I got older I actually started listening to it, though - but I'm proud that Denmark actually have talented artists like Pernille :D
She is wonderful. Love her voice! GO DENMARK! (:
Great tune!
Dejligt nummer...savner Swan Lee
Swan Lee
gåsehud, håber på et comeback fra swan lee !
Woaw.. nice vid! Love the colores! :D
Nice song too ofc :)
Can anyone tell me where she comes from?
I wish we had women, like Pernille, that actually has talent over here in America.