Piper's Pregnancy Problems! I CHARMED

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @viramontesesmy
    @viramontesesmy 4 місяці тому +8

    One of my favorite episodes 🖤

  • @Marquelworld
    @Marquelworld 4 місяці тому +12

    This why charmed always be my show sisterhood

  • @sandiego2380
    @sandiego2380 4 місяці тому +22

    such a beautiful backyard and they never show it ever again after this episode which is a shame! But weird also that 5 years of the house passed and this is the first time we actually see the backyard.

    • @johnvincentcarillogomez3159
      @johnvincentcarillogomez3159 4 місяці тому +3

      This was shown in Season 4, Brain Drain episode.

    • @calvinallen3424
      @calvinallen3424 4 місяці тому +5

      They should have had the wedding out there

    • @PittsburghSportsFan43
      @PittsburghSportsFan43 4 місяці тому +2

      @calvinallen3424 Both Paige and Piper got married in the Manor. They could have done it with one of them.

  • @SrdjanSAbo-d2b
    @SrdjanSAbo-d2b 24 дні тому

    Or maybe down is my fav part❤ it shows good husband and great sisters allways ready to help❤

  • @sifilore
    @sifilore 4 місяці тому +15

    They had to give back the "magical farm animals", I wouldn't. Not the unicorn or golden geeses. Speaking of which, in a movie of Abbott and Costello Jack and the Beanstalk from 1952, said the golden eggs were 14 karat.
    Oh and for the unicorn, personally wish for alicorns to become popular in medias (unicorn-pegasus hybrid).

  • @adriananderson7079
    @adriananderson7079 4 місяці тому +16

    Wyatt was born on a wiccan holiday in the location of the nexus. Can someone say twice blessed? Comics aside we never found out what twice blessed means.

    • @BlackGirlMarvel
      @BlackGirlMarvel 4 місяці тому +7

      Twice blessed in the show, during this time had a double meaning imo. Twice blessed meaning witch/whitelighter and Twice blessed meaning born on a Wiccan holiday during a natural phenomenon (the aurora borealis). That's how I saw it until the comics, in my opinion cheapened it by making it so the Elders could give it and take it away, that makes no sense.

    • @adriananderson7079
      @adriananderson7079 4 місяці тому +2

      @@BlackGirlMarvel its debatable whether the comics are canon but throughout the show Chris nor paige was referred to as twice blessed. Also if Wyatt chooses evil then he will become part darklighter and lose his twice blessed status if thats what it means. But maybe someone should ask the actors during their q&a with fans.

  • @MikeyPhoenix_
    @MikeyPhoenix_ 4 місяці тому +52

    I love that the nurse is Billie Eillish’s mom

    • @chianeperry2464
      @chianeperry2464 4 місяці тому +7

      No way 😮😮

    • @Code_with_merboy
      @Code_with_merboy 4 місяці тому +8

      My brain is not braining

    • @maryrosesanluis143
      @maryrosesanluis143 4 місяці тому +7

      Her coat looks like a doctor though... she was a doctor. The nurses wear scrubs though. Its amazing to see Billie Eilish's mom here just for this episode

    • @anirai1516
      @anirai1516 4 місяці тому +2

      Wow, really I didn’t know that.

    • @brolly2612
      @brolly2612 4 місяці тому +1


  • @ryanappleton3653
    @ryanappleton3653 4 місяці тому +6

    This is one of the rare instances where the notion that Piper should've seen a doctor in the early stages of her pregnancy. Her instincts were right to give birth at a hospital, bc the 1st priority is to have a healthy baby be born with ten fingers and toes, two eyes and ears, a mouth and nose.
    I understand that the concern of risking magic exposure, but that should never diminish the well-being of a newborn and the mother.
    Leo for saying that "high blood pressure is a state of mind" 😤😱🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊 just shut up!

  • @PittsburghSportsFan43
    @PittsburghSportsFan43 4 місяці тому +5

    Why is Phoebe always jumping in bed with her sisters while they're in the hospital? She did it with Piper here and in Awakened and with Paige in The Importance of Being Phoebe. I don't think she ever did it with Prue, but that would be incredibly annoying.

  • @williamtj21
    @williamtj21 24 дні тому

    3:19 omg Leo so cute

  • @elizabethharrison7306
    @elizabethharrison7306 3 місяці тому +2

    Charmed sisters Holly Rose Shannon Doherty Love my favorite one fan BIG season DVD 📀 Dolls 💖💖💖💖🎶🌁

  • @melisaprietoaboitiz7184
    @melisaprietoaboitiz7184 3 місяці тому +1

    The Bewitched reference

  • @Gor85
    @Gor85 3 місяці тому

    Very nice scenes😊Sisterly moments. Piper farting in front of them😀Leo chasing goose. Very very special day😀

  • @TheBandit025Nova
    @TheBandit025Nova 4 місяці тому +7

    Wyatt your hurting your mom

  • @tiareikimotu4900
    @tiareikimotu4900 2 місяці тому +1


  • @calvinallen3424
    @calvinallen3424 4 місяці тому

    Aww that's Phoebe's last remaining family member

  • @JessicaWebber840
    @JessicaWebber840 3 місяці тому

    What season

  • @ravenbaa7989
    @ravenbaa7989 9 днів тому

    lol 6 weeks she barely pregnant 😂