As a spaniard, everytime I hear someone speaking greek I think they are speaking spanish until I pay attention to what they are saying and I realize I don't get anything of what they're talking. It does sound pretty similar, we share most of the sounds.
+Keyser Bronson Yep. Spaniards are the only ones that sound exactly the same as a Greek person when they speak Greek. Anglophones might speak the language for 20 years and still retain an accent.
+Keyser Bronson its a mediterranean thing probably. along with the correlation between latin and greek... we got the same climate which affects the frequency of vowels in our words, so the way our words were formed "match"...
+Keyser Bronson No, Greek and Spanish dont share most of the roots. What do you mean "most"? They are almost completely different languages. The only thing they have in common is that they belong in the superfamily of IndoEuropean languages The number of roots Greek shares with Spanish, is the same with the ones it shares with French and German,because they also are in this family but Greek doesnt sound so much alike with them as it does with Spanish. So its just coincidence...
+LernaeanHydra Hmmm... When did I say such a thing as that Greek and Spanish share most of the roots? I said most of the sounds, meaning phonems, which is absolutely true. Spanish and most romance languages, plus English have many words that derive from Ancient Greek though, but not the other way around. Anyway, I never claimed they share anything else but the sounds, the rythm and cadence of speech.
As a Spanish speaker, I have to agree. It is absolutely beautiful to my ears. The modern pronunciation, anyway. I have tried studying it off and on over the years as I am a big admirer of the literature, the culture and, OMG! the food! Anyway, the modern pronunciation is very easy for me to grasp and I haven't found any words I can't pronounce perfectly. The "reconstructed" or "erasmian" pronunciation for the Ancient or Classical or Koine forms is very difficult for me and I don't think it would have sounded as nice as it does now. The vowels are nice and crisp in the greek of today, the consonants are very straightforward for anyone who speaks a southern European language. The spelling is a real challenge because too many letters and letter combinations have the same sound. The rhythm of the language is very intuitive for us. It kind of sings. Very nice. As a man, I find it especially captivating to hear the girls speak Greek. The culture is easily understandable to me as well. I come from Latin America. Family is everything to us, we are loud, proud obnoxious and we love to eat *especially meat!) which, I understand is very similar to Greeks. All around, a great people, a great language and a great culture. IMHO.
+IsReality Real Greeklish is when you write greek with the latin alphabet, for example using "w" for "ω" ? That's the way I've learned Orfeas Peridis lyrics :)
I am Spanish but I used to live in Cyprus, so I know Greek and Spanish. When I first moved there I heard people talking in the streets and I thought they were talking in Spanish (European Spanish) but when I came closer they were actually talking in Greek. It was quite awkward but funny at the same time. It sounded like Spanish gibberish to me hahaha
Funny part is, it sounds nothing like Portuguese lol. Definitely more like Spanish. I think they said that bc it sounded like Spanish to them but they knew it wasn't
When I first moved to Greece it did indeed sound like a never ending slow of gibberish to me. But after a few weeks I started noticing gaps and pauses, which I presumed were spaces and punctuations. Then slowly but surely I started to understand it, but it took many years of practice, lessons and dedication to get to my level of fluency and understanding. Even now though I meet people I cannot understand as they speak so fast. One thing that helped was learning the alphabet, which enabled me to read the newspaper out loud with only a few mistakes. It is a very phonetic language barring a few dipthongs and vowel/consanant combinations which change the pronunciation of some of the letters. But after 2 months I did indeed read the newspaper out loud in front of my future mother-in-law who asked her daughter how I was doing that when I supposedly;y didn't know Greek, to which her reply was "Don't worry mum he doesn't understand a word of what he's reading". But for me it is a beautiful language perfect for expressing oneself, and also has taught me so much about my own native British English. :)
Ευχαριστώ! Εξασκούμαι κάθε μέρα και προσπαθώ να μάθω κάτι καινούριο κάθε μέρα. Έχω μια φίλη αρχαιολόγος και σκηνοθέτης που ξέρει και αρχαία και νέα ελληνικά σε εξαιρετικό επίπεδο που. μου διορθώνει συνεχεία και παίζω και σκραμπλ στα ελληνικά μαζί της. Και όπως βλέπεις ξέρω και να γράφω. Τωρα είμαι σε επίπεδο που είναι όλα στην λεπτομέρεια, δηλαδή, στην σύνταξη και τα μικρά λάθη που κάνω ακόμα μετά από 10 χρόνια. :)
Μπράβο καλά τα πας λίγα λαθάκια μονο αλλά τα πας αρκετά καλά βλέπω. Εχω μια φίλη από την Ρωσσία οπου κατάφερε να μιλήσει ελληνικά μετά από 6 χρόνια στην Ελλάδα. Συνέχισε την καλή δουλειά και καλή τύχη!
@@matthewcooper6884 Κάνεις αρκετά καλή δουλεία και πίστεψε με, οι άνθρωποι από το εξωτερικό που μαθαίνουν Ελληνικά, μαθαίνουν καλύτερα από εμάς, γιατί τα Ελληνικά αποτελούν την μητρική μας γλώσσα και κάνουμε συνέχεια σφάλματα, ενώ οι ξένοι που μαθαίνουν την γλώσσα μας την μαθαίνουν πολύ καλά τόσο γραμματικά όσο και ορθογραφικά!
To me it sounds like a mix of Spanish and Portuguese and a little Italian. I have heard it from some of my colleagues from Greece, so now can a recognize it a little. It sounds a little faster then Spanish or Portuguese. Plus, Greek colleagues are one of the most technical and professional people I have ever worked with.
Greek sounds fast but that is simply because the words are long. You hear 10-15 words when 3-4 are being spoken. When you learn Greek you soon realise that it is quite of the slower paced languages necessarily, first due to its long words, then due to its syllables (usually one consonant, one vowel). Notice for example how ethnic Greeks who speak English at a very good level, they still speak it at a slower pace than other foreign speakers who may as well speak English at a worse level.
I have spent 4 years in Thessaloniki so, I have learnt Greek quite fast. Maybe due to the same culture. It's so melodic and harmonic language, maybe the language of romanticism💙. Greetings from your neighbor Turkey. Long live Hellas!
Thank you very very much for your kind words friend!!!👍♥️♥️♥️😊 My hometown is the city of Veria (Vergina) 1 hour only from Thessaloniki where i study Philosophy at Aristotle's University! Did you also come to Thessaloniki for studies!? I have encountered many foreigners from all the Balkans, Italy, Turkey even from Palestine and Israel who came to Aristotle's University for studies!
It's because Latin language that is mostly related with Italian, Spanish and Portuguese is originated from Greek language. So the etymology and acoustics are similar.
+EpiritPirro You are naive... Modern Greek have lots to do with ancient Greek, is the evolution from Mycenean Greek, into Classic Greek, to Hellenistic Greek, to Byzantine Greek, and finaly Modern Greek... It sounds nothing like arabic most of those people said Spanish. Latin alphabet derived from Greek alphabet along with many words that took from Greek language. The language itself have the same characteristics, each syllables has one or two consonants following by one clear vowel letter. Spanish, Italian and Greek share this characteristic. Arabic is nothing like that have many consonants following by one very clear vowel. Wikipedia this: "Across its history, the syllabic structure of Greek has varied little: Greek shows a mixed syllable structure, permitting complex syllabic onsets but very restricted codas. It has only oral vowels and a fairly stable set of consonantal contrasts." Dude learn history and then speak... I have been teached both modern and ancient Greek and believe me you are wrong. PS: You took one second probably because you are an albanian nationalist fascist. Anyone can realize their neighbor countries' languages... You are biased against Greeks so all you say is crap. Therefore, your next comments will be erased... Nobody will be able to see them, so don't bother write a reply. Epirit Pirro (By the way Pirros of Epirus was greek)
since we're talking about sounds, not grammar/syntax, the languages which have the most common phonems with modern Greek (and I know, I've built speach recognition systems and this is always a problem) are, surprisingly, Japanese and Spanish.
EpiritPirro you are wrong modern greek is exactly the same as ancient greek there is some changes in grammar and ofc latin is based on greek!! just look the alphabet...
latin never originated from Greek !! Latin originated from the italic dialects from Italy ...and Latin was already in use by the time Koine greek was spreading world wide
Not exactly originated but fundamentally altered and transformed. The half of Latin words have Greek etymology. Also the alphabet is taken from Greek language...
@@play-toe2053 But greek letters haven't really changed over time, π is still pi, χ, α, β and whatnot. Aren't these letters still being used internationally? I don't get what you mean by ''language evolution''
I am Greek Australian and I just love the Greek language. People get confused coz Greek and Spanish are from the few languages not having like a real accent.
I'm a student of Greek, Spanish and Portuguese and I can affirm that Greek indeed sounds like Castilian Spanish to me, despite belonging to totally different families. Their phonologies possess the exact same sounds and are spoken with a similar rhythm.
Dear Lord, what a shame to not recognize Greek!!! Not speak, not be able to read - just recognize it and if you are a University student, yes, you are expected to know a few basic words originating in Greek and that penetrated our modern languages. No matter what you study! All languages that have largely contributed to the evolution of the human civilization through their contribution deserve some respect - whether it's Hebrew, Arabic or Greek or Latin (without entering into sophisticated linguistic details concerning their different branches and regions where they are or were spoken). I am Romanian and I could never ever expect someone in the West be able to make a distinction between Romanian or Bulgarian or you name it...But GREEK!!!???!!! GREEK???!!!???
I don't want to offend anybody but people from North America and Europe seem to think they are the only ones living in this huge world. I mean, seriously, you don't know what GREEK sounds like? I can understand when they do not detect Turkish but Greek, one of the oldest cultures out there with undescribable historical heritage, they should have studied Ancient Greece in school. This coming from a Russian.
You are right and i think they are studying ancient Greek in their school so they have to know how Greek sounds not to talk like me that i'm from Greece but i know them and they don't know me (Greece) hows that possible?
umm no, that's a myth. You can actually get the whole Greek literature since ancient times on DVD (search for project TLG) and what you mentioned is the word count. BTW by far the most word rich language is English (due to the absorbtion of many other words from other languages, plus the fact that it's the lingua franca of the 20th and 21st century)
Few days ago i was at the Agora of Smyrna(σμύρνη). There were so many tablets that are written in Ancient Greek. I have tried to decode them with my basic Modern Greek knowledge. It was so fucking beautiful! The first thing i read was something like this and it gave me shivers: ΚΟΣΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΙΟΝΙΑΣ ΣΜΥΡΝΑΤΩΝ ΠΟΛΙΣ
@@owerty people of ionia (easternmost part of anatolia) smyrni (smyrni used to be greek, now its izmir) city. Other translation might be World of ionia smyrni city
Η άβολη στιγμή που διαβάζω ελληνικά σχόλια και καταλαβαίνω ότι: α} μερικοί ακόμα δεν έχουν καταλάβει ότι το βίντεο δεν το έφτιαξε Έλληνας και του απαντάνε στα Ελληνικά λες και θα καταλάβει. β} μερικοί θεωρούν ότι οι ξένοι είναι ηλίθιοι στο βίντεο επειδή δυσκολεύονται να βρουν τη γλώσσα λες και οι ίδιοι μπορούν να αναγνωρίσουν όλες τις διαλέκτους της Γης ανα πάσα στιγμή. γ} μερικοί σχολιάζουν πράγματα ή κάνουν κακό χιούμορ που μόνο Έλληνες το καταλαβαίνουν έτσι κι αλλιώς σε ένα βίντεο που απευθύνεται σε διάφορες εθνικότητες και νομίζουν ότι είναι αστείοι. Το κερασάκι στην τούρτα έίναι ότι κάποιοι τους απαντάνε κιόλας. δ} μερικοί δεν χάνουν ευκαιρία σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος, σε οποιοδήποτε βίντεο με οποιοδήποτε θέμα που έχει έστω και την απειροελάχιστη σχέση με ελλάδα να γράψουν πόσο γαμιστεροί είμαστε και ότι όλοι οι άλλοι λαοί είναι βάρβαροι και ότι εμείς τα κάνουμε όλα τέλεια και από μας προέκυψαν όλα και γενικά να δείξουν για ακόμα μια φορά πόσο ψωνάρες είμαστε.... ε} τελικά είμαστε μίλια πίσω στην ιντερνετική παιδεία βάση των σχολιών και την ηλιθιοτήτων που είδα να γράφονται. (με εξαιρέσεις φυσικά) στ} περιμένω σαχλό σχόλιο-απάντηση ή απλό βρισίδι από κάποιο τυπάκι που προσβλήθηκε από αυτά που γράφω. Do your worst.
+Vasilis F. Βασικα ειμαστε μιλια πισω, οπως λες, στην παιδεια γενικοτερα και οχι μονο. Εξου και αυτα που τραβαμε "ΑΚΟΜΗ" ετη 2016. Πνευματικη κριση που λενε!
+Heritage Inmoshun For people that know the languages, they don't. But people that lack complete knowledge upon either, they could mistake them. I've heard lots of foreigners mistake Greek for Spanish, but for a guy that knows either, they don't really sound the same.
+King Dawg I'm Greek and i agree.To me they sound completely different but i can pronounce Spanish easy.When it comes to talking i think that Greek are closer to Portuguese.
It is true that Greek and Spanish sound similar - an accidental case as the two nations had not intense direct interaction. So similar they are that often Spanish people turn heads in airports when they hear Greek talking at 5 meters distance trying to figure out the discussion, the inverse occuring less often as more Greeks are familiar with Spanish. It was 100% logical that American students who are aware of Spanish accent but not of Portuguese one to imagine that this Spanish-like accent could be Portuguese, yet Portuguese in reality has a totally different accent to Spanish.
@@pavlidou2901 ακριβώς ρε φίλε, επειδή είναι η μητρική σου γλώσσα, ξέρεις καλά πώς πρέπει να ακουστεί. Κι εγώ το ίδιο θα έλεγα όταν μου λένε τα Βιετναμέζικα μοιάζουν με τα Κινέζικα, ή τα Ταϊλανδικά. Φωνητικά τα Ελληνικά και τα Ισπανικά έχουν πολλά κοινά αν τα συγκρίνεις με τις άλλες γλώσσες, ακόμα και με τα Αγγλικά. Οι λέξεις είναι συνήθως πιο μεγάλες δλδ έχουν πολλές συλλαβές. Οι συλλαβές συνήθως αποτελούνται από ένα σύμφωνο και ένα φωνηέν (αντιθέτως στα Κινέζικα και τα Βιετναμέζικα μπορεί να έχουμε πολλαπλά φωνηέντα σε μια συλλαβή). Επίσης, εύκολα μπορεί να εντοπίσει κανείς κάποια κοινά συνηθισμένα σύμφωνα όπως το ρ (το λεγόμενο rhotic r και όχι non-rhotic στα αγγλικά), το θ (ισπανικά στην Ισπανία), το σ… Αυτές είναι οι δικές μου παρατηρήσεις, σίγουρα υπάρχουν και άλλα στοιχεία αλλά δεν είμαι σε θέση να τα επισημάνω καθώς κανένας γλωσσολόγος δεν είμαι :)
@@pavlidou2901 επίσης φυσικά και μπορώ να τα ξεχωρίσω. Απλώς αν έβαζα τον εαυτό μου σε θέση ενός Βιετναμέζου, χωρρίς να καταλάβω τι λένε, αυτό θα συμπεραινα
6.Ας δούμε τι είπαν για την Ελληνική γλώσσα… Κικέρων (ο ενδοξότερος ρήτωρ της αρχαίας Ρώμης): «Ει οι θεοί διαλέγονται, τη των Ελλήνων γλώττι χρώνται» Huan Azio (Βάσκος γερουσιαστής): «Διά την διεθνοποίησιν της Ελληνικής γλώσσης μεγάλην έχομεν ευθύνην, ως ουκ ούσαν άλλην γλώσσαν αυτής ανωτέραν». Errieta Valter (Γαλλίδα γλωσσολόγος): «Η Ελληνική γλώσσα είναι η μόνη στην Ευρώπη που δεν υπέκυψε σε καμία κατοχή». Wandruska (καθηγητής Γλωσσολογίας Πανεπ. Βιέννης): «Οι ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες φαίνονται ως διάλεκτοι της Ελληνικής». Sagredo και Puhana (Βάσκοι Ελληνιστές): «Η Ελληνική γλώσσα και παιδεία αποτελουσι το θεμέλιον του Δυτικού πολιτισμού. Πάντες δε Ευρωπαίοι οφειλέται της Ελλάδος εσμέν». M. Ventris (‘Aγγλος επιστήμων που αποκρυπτογράφησε τη Γραμμική γραφή Β’): «Η αρχαία Ελληνική γλώσσα ήτο και είναι η ανωτέρα όλων των παλαιοτέρων και νεωτέρων γλωσσών». U. Wilamowitz (Γερμανός φιλόλογος): «Η Ελληνική φυλή, ανωτέρα κάθε άλλης, είναι και μητέρα κάθε πολιτισμού». Βολταίρος (Γάλλος διανοητής): «Είθε η Ελληνική γλώσσα να γίνει κοινή όλων των λαών». Var. Goeger (Γερμανός σοφός): «Ο Ευρωπαϊκός πολιτισμός ξεκινά από την Ελλάδα». Goethe (ο κορυφαίος Γερμανός ποιητής): «Η Ελλάδα είναι ο νους και η καρδιά της οικουμένης». Ακαδημία Επιστημών της ΕΣΣΔ, «Παγκόσμια Ιστορία»: «Χωρίς τα θεμέλια που έθεσαν οι Έλληνες δεν θα υπήρχε ο νεώτερος ευρωπαϊκός πολιτισμός. Η Ελληνική λογοτεχνία είναι η αρχαιότερη της Ευρώπης». Hellen Keler (η διάσημη τυφλή Αμερικανίδα συγγραφέας): «Όπως το βιολί είναι το τελειότερο μουσικό όργανο, έτσι και η Ελληνική γλώσσα». H.F. Kitto (‘Aγγλος καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου): «Όλοι οι κλάδοι της λογοτεχνίας και της επιστήμης αρχίζουν με τους Έλληνες. Η Ελληνική γλώσσα είναι η πιο καθαρή και η πιο πλούσια στον κόσμο». Irina Kovaleva (Ρωσσίδα καθηγήτρια Πανεπιστημίου Μόσχας): «Η Ελληνική γλώσσα είναι όμορφη σαν τον ουρανό με τ’ άστρα». Maurice Kruaze (Γάλλος Ακαδημαϊκός): «Οι άνθρωποι θα ανατρέχουν πάντα στις πηγές της Ελληνικής κλασσικής αρχαιότητας για να δροσιστούν». Furtvengler (καθηγήτρια Πανεπιστημίου Βιέννης): «Η Ρώμη στάθηκε μία αιώνια πόλη, αλλά η Αθήνα είναι κόσμος ολόκληρος». Marianne McDonald (η πρωτεργάτις του TLG) «Η γνώση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας είναι απαραίτητο θεμέλιο υψηλής πολιτιστικής καλλιέργειας». Karl Marx (ο θεμελιωτής του Μαρξισμού): «Οι αξίες του Ελληνικού Πολιτισμού παραμένουν άφθαστα πρότυπα». Bernard Shaw (Ιρλανδός συγγραφέας): «Αν στη βιβλιοθήκη σας δεν έχετε έργα των αρχαίων Ελλήνων συγγραφέων, τότε μένετε σ’ ένα σπίτι χωρίς φως». Martin Heideger (φιλόσοφος): «Για τους Έλληνες η ύψιστη προίκα τους είναι η γλώσσα τους, στην οποία η παρουσία (φιλοσοφικός όρος) ως τοιαύτη φθάνει στην εκκάλυψη και στην κάλυψη. Όποιος δε μπορεί να δει τη δωρεά ενός τέτοιου δώρου προς τον άνθρωπο και όποιος δε μπορεί ν’ αντιληφθεί τον προορισμό ενός τέτοιου πεπρωμένου, καθόλου δε θ’ αντιληφθεί τον λόγο περί του προορισμού του είναι, όπως ο φυσικός τυφλός δε μπορεί ν’ αντιληφθεί τι είναι το φως και το χρώμα». «Τα αρχαία Ελληνικά δεν είναι μία γλώσσα, αλλά «Η Γλώσσα»». Werner Heisenberg (Γερμανός φυσικομαθηματικός-φιλόσοφος): «Η θητεία μου στην Ελληνική γλώσσα υπήρξε η σπουδαιότερη πνευματική μου άσκησις. Στη γλώσσα αυτή υπάρχει η πληρέστερη αντιστοιχία μεταξύ της λέξεως και του εννοιολογικού της περιεχόμενου». Marriane McDonald (η πρωτεργάτις του TLG): «Η Γλώσσα της Ελευθερίας, ο Ένδοξος θησαυρός της Ελλάδος, η Δόξα της Ελλάδος, ανήκει σε όλους μας και έχει διαμορφώσει την επιστημονική και λογοτεχνική κληρονομιά του Δυτικού Κόσμου.
+Συμμετοχικη Δημοκρατια Μόνο που τα παραπάνω, αν λέχθησαν όπως τα μεταφέρεις, τα είπαν για τα αρχαία ελληνικά και την κλασσική γραμματεία. Κανείς από τους παραπάνω δεν ενδιαφερόταν για τους Νεοέλ., οπότε πάρτο χαλαρά. Επίσης ο Goethe, σαν έμαθε για την δολοφονία του Καποδίστρια δεν θέλησε να ξανακούσει για τους Έλληνες.
ΣΚΡΟΥΤΖ ΜΑΚ ΝΤΑΚ δεν υπαρχουν Νεο-Ελληνες.Υπαρχουν Ελληνες με ιστορικη συνεχεια χιλαιδων ετων.περαν τουτου η δολοφονια του Καποδιστρια δεν εγινε απο ''Ελληνες'..ετσι συμφερει την καθεστωτικη λουμπεναρια ετσι λεει.οι Μεγαλες Δυναμεις κανανε κουμαντα και τελειωνανε τις ''δουλειες ''για να ειμαστε υποτελεις.αυτα τα ολιγα...
I speak Spanish and to me it sounds like Spanish. First time I heard someone speaking Greek I was living in Germany so I rarely heard Spanish so my ears thought I heard a fellow Spanish speaker and started eavesdropping . I realized I couldn’t understand anything at all . I put one of the words I heard into google and realized I was listening to Greek.
As a Greek I can pronounce perfectly Spanish but I don't know the meaning of the words...which means I can't speak Spanish so I had many years this question, how its possible?
Το γεγονός ότι έβαλε να δούνε Τατιάνα Στεφανίδου ας πούμε;;; XD Έπρεπε να βάλει Μερκούρη ή κανένα τραγούδι του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη να βλέπαμε τι χαμός θα γινόταν! XD
No it's not the pronounciation, it's the grammar, I'm Learning Greek and it's really difficult , but it's the most beautiful language in the world ! I am serious.
I am a Greek and I realised how difficult my language is when I started to learn the Arabic language , Greek has actually one of the hardest grammars..
I am american, these people make me ashamed to be american, but to my ear Greek does sound really similar to Spanish, Greek is a very beautiful language, maybe I shall learn it some day
there’s no reason to be ashamed of where you were born, especially if the reason is because they didn’t guess one language out of all the languages in the world
Microphono good god is the microphone. These guys never learn unfortunately how many thaousants of English words are based in Greek language. Informantianlly look here. Marianne McDonalnd.Thesaurus Linguae Graecae! Respect to all of you. Thanks.
I am not Greek I am from Argentina but I can't believe the ignorance of the people, maybe u cant recognice only listening but if u see how they write you can recognice some letters are use in mathematics and u have in the calculator (PI) so if u have maths in the school u can recognice is Greek.
Lissandra Freljord Yea man, no shit. Unlike Brazil tho Portugal's only neighbors are Mediterranean and Portuguese peoples' ancestors are Mediterranean themselves. As a result Portuguese people follow the Mediterranean way of life, they always were. What European culture do you think that brings them closer to, Anglosaxon, Germanic, Balkan or french?
I'm Basque and I thought that it was Spanish, then I tried to understand what they where saying and I realized that it was a different language. The same happened to a friend.
Awesome language! It's one of the most beautiful languages of the world. I can distinguish the sound of Greek, I don't know, it's very south Italian-like. Ps. I don't like native English speakers. They self-invented stereotypes and accent they think that are actually true. They think that Spanish is just the Mexican variety and that Italian speaks like Super Mario.
Your language is awesome greetings from Turkey to my Greek brothers.. And I want to ask you one question does this word means anyting in Greek : "otolino - laringo - logos" ?
+Denizcan Köse greetings my brother from Greece. Yes this is a specialty of a doctor. To be more accurate it means otorhinolaryngologist (medical doctor of ear, nose and throat). I hope i helped. :)
oto-rino-laringo-logos. ota is the ear, rino is the nose,laringas is larinx (the a becomes o so as to connect the first word to the one follwing which is logos. It actually mean the physician who specializes on the maladies of the ear-nose-larinx system . if you are interested ths is the greek spelling. ωτορινολαρινκολογος. As you can see there are many O (OMIKRON) This is the mirracle "O" as its widely known. It helps connect one word to another, to another and so on in such a way as the combination of different words become one .
Once I was in France with a friend and we entered a Disney store. We had a walk around while chatting,then we split up. When I was alone, a lady who was working there, asked me in French, if I needed any help. I didn`t understand her as I don't speak French. She realised it after I told her in English that I don't speak French. Then she asked me the same in Spanish! Then I told her that I'm not Spanish either. She was surprised when she heard that my language was Greek! That was a fun moment!
A spanish speaker will say that greek sounds like someone trying to speak spanish and greek speaker will say that spanish sounds like someone trying to speak greek. This has to do with the phonology of the two (in other words, the sounds of the letters), as they both share similar sounds for almost every letter that they have.
Funny they though it was portugese. Its very different sound. I was once in Italy waiting in a line in a bank and speaking in greek with some friends of mine. Behind was a gentleman, after a while he asked as: Are you from Spain? We said "no we are from Greece". And he said to us "Then way do you speak spanish?" ha..ha...ha...ha... we cried...ha...ha....ha....
I’ve heard Greek way to much to the point where I know it’s Greek 😂😂 my friends father spoke Greek and I didn’t know he spoke it and I asked if he was Greek he said yes. I love this language it’s so beautiful I’m learning it since I love it so much
I can totally see how people can mistake it for Spanish. The vowels are fairly similar, consonants like "t,d,n" are said at the teeth and not the alveolar ridge, and both Spanish and Greek are similar in that the vowels still retain their quality even if they are not accented. In English, we have many more vowels, we do not say "t,d,n" at the back of the teeth, and if we do not accent a syllable the vowel may turn into "schwa". For example you have "human" and "humanity" . Look at the differences in the "a" sound when it is accented and when it is not. Russian does something similar. There vowels can change when they are not accented .After I had studied some Spanish and was in an area of an airport with many Caribbean flights there happened to be one flight that I didn't realize was going to Greece. I was convinced that the language spoken was Spanish but with some kind of Caribbean dialect. I also saw a Greek tv show that I did not know the origin of and thought it might have come from Spain. Even my brain has difficulty distinguishing the two languages. I became fluent in Spanish and then about 5 years or so later became fluent in Greek. I lost my ability to speak Spanish when I learned Greek. Everything wants to come out Greek when I speak Spanish. This does not happen to me when I try to speak Russian or German. My brain must have processed the Greek to near to the Spanish in brain storage.
Very Very Interesting ! I am Greek and i was always wondering how Greek sounds like to foreigners. The answer i was always taking from Americans was WEIRD ! >>As for the comment with the most thumbs up : He is accusing you in a gentle way for disgracing Greeks by letting foreigners listening Greek Language from the most hated show hostess in Greece if not in entire Europe.
A lot of Greek words are used in the Spanish language because of the Roman conquest of Hispania (Spain). They brought the Greek and Latin language to the region which influenced modern Spanish.
As a Spanish native speaker I have to say that Greek is phonetically the most closely related language to Spanish. Both the intonation and the vocalization (the way in which the words are pronounced) are really, really similar in Greek and Spanish spoken in Europe. It´s a pity that both languages are not mutually intelligible…..but the phonetics is basically the same.
@@beda5107 not really. Reason being Italian doesn't have the "x" or "jota" sound, nor does it have the θ sound. Those are specific to Greek and Spanish. Italian and Spanish however are closest grammatically and syntax wise but definitely not phonetically.n
Spanish and Greek are quite phonetically similar to the point that you will probably confuse a spanish accent/greek accent when one or the other starts speaking english.
Greek can be very complex sometimes we have 5 ways to say I = ι υ η οι ει all of these letters make the same sound we also have double letters αι ει οι
I assume that the people in the video know or are familiar with Spanish at some level. The Greek language sounds like Spanish but it differs from Portuguese. As far as they know, Portuguese and Spanish are very similar, so once they figured it's not Spanish, they took an educated guess and said Portuguese.
So brilliant! All my life, living in England, people ask me to speak Greek just so they can hear what it sounds like. We giggle and joke and I teach some words. It's as though all people, everywhere have an innate desire to hear other languages, to make connections of their own and to just enjoy mimicking and learning.
Probably ancient greek, but not modern greek it has nothing to do with the ancient one stop trying to make like greek is some fucking alien language all supreme and shit
+Έχω πούτσο ίσα με τον VY Μεγάλο Κύνο I'm going to guess you are Greek aswell and i respect that you came and stood up for actual facts. Pce. I Love Greece that i want to live there so much but sometimes the nationalists can take it over the top with their patriotism.
Yes coz Spanish and maybe Italian are the language that have remained more closely to the mother Greek language not only as written language but also as pronunciation.😊
geokastro21 IT didn't came from greek. Both languages belong to the same family of languages - indoeuropean but they are not in the same group. Even my language is indoeuropean and I speak Polish. It's not like that. You could say as well that Polish is a romanic language because we've got A LOT of words which came from latin. Latin just took many words from ancient greek like my language did from ancient latin and greek.
Grammar is the same? No it is not. It is similar because as I said they both belong to indoeuropean languages family. My language Polish has similar grammar to Greek and Latin because of the same reason. Start to learn Sanskrit (the ancient language of India). It has also similar grammar because it is also the indoeuropean language is still not the same group. Greek belongs to the hellenic group of languages, latin to romanic languages, polish to slavic languages and sansrit to indian languages. All indoeuropean languages have similar grammar but seriously latin didn't came from greek. Both languages came from indoeuopean language.
Rubiagirl86 Slavic is based on Greek because the language created from kirilos and methodios from Byzantium who had Greek as the main language and Greeks just took the Phoenix alphabet
What do you mean with "wrong"? In modern greek the 'β' is pronounced as a /v/. In antiquity it used to represent a /b/ sound. Technically speaking, Greeks are pronouncing few letters different (or "wrong") _today._
@@dorakemba2899 What makes you believe that, just because you learned the Erasmian pronunciation ? I mean there was always a use of μ+π = μπ for the sound of the Latin b and there is no other v sound in Greek even though there are so many words need it. You are saying that words like Βασιλεύς (King) sometime in history changed sound? together with all the other thousands of words and not even one survived and kept the original b sound? I mean Erasmus was a great medieval scholar but his sources in Greek were all from westerners, not one Greek scholar was asked to help, and its natural to end up with version of Greek that is easier to them. There is actually a difference from the Classical (Attic) Greek and the newer ones (Hellenistic, Koine, medieval and modern) but its all about the sound of the short (βραχέα) and long (μακρά) vowels but that's another story.
It would be nice to see these kind of videos filmed across the globe, just to see who is generally better at recognizing languages ( and letters obviously)
Too many languages in the world contain thousands of words that come from the Greek language. It is the oldest language on the planet with such a developed vocabulary!
When I was very young, my parents introduced me to their friend from Greece and when I heard him speak, i thought he spoke Spanish, which I heard from spanish TV series.. Not until I learned in school about the country, did i realise that the Greeks don't speak a dialect of spanish... :O The language sounds beautiful anyway :D
My native language is English and I'm an American... I've only met one Greek person and she spoke English to me (naturally, because I don't know Greek and we were in the US, but I think Greek would be an amazing language to learn), so I didn't know what Greek sounded like :) thanks for this awesome video!
That's indeed true. Spanish and Greek pronunciation, especially Castilian Spanish (although I'm not so sure) are really close. As Greek, I was also confused some times. I remember my brother was watching a football game from Spain and, until I understand the language, I thought it was Greek by only listening to the accent. Greetings from Greece :-)
Ages ago I watched this talk show host saying quite often Portuguese is mistaken for Greek in Europe. Since Brazilian Portuguese differs from the European one phonetically to a large extent, I wonder which variety it would apply to more.
Quisiera entender un poquito de inglés como para comprender que dicen, solo lo vi porque me me apareció y a la vez me parece muy interesante el idioma griego y los lenguajes antiguos.
The Indian girl's pronunciation was extremely good actually... she was saying non-words ofcourse, but the pronunciation was actually perfect. It's obvious there's some connection there, Indian/Sanscrit/Greek
Greek and European Spanish have most of the same sounds. So they’re often confused in spoken language, even though they’re each from totally different language families.
Με Τατιάνα Στεφανίδου θα καταλάβουν Ελληνικά οι άνθρωποι;
Αχαχαχαχα, έλα ντε...
Th. Io. ελά ντε 😂😂😂
χαχαχα αυτό ακριβώς!
As a spaniard, everytime I hear someone speaking greek I think they are speaking spanish until I pay attention to what they are saying and I realize I don't get anything of what they're talking. It does sound pretty similar, we share most of the sounds.
+Keyser Bronson Also, greek people who I met who speak spanish have pretty much a neutral accent.
+Keyser Bronson Yep. Spaniards are the only ones that sound exactly the same as a Greek person when they speak Greek. Anglophones might speak the language for 20 years and still retain an accent.
+Keyser Bronson its a mediterranean thing probably. along with the correlation between latin and greek... we got the same climate which affects the frequency of vowels in our words, so the way our words were formed "match"...
+Keyser Bronson No, Greek and Spanish dont share most of the roots. What do you mean "most"? They are almost completely different languages. The only thing they have in common is that they belong in the superfamily of IndoEuropean languages The number of roots Greek shares with Spanish, is the same with the ones it shares with French and German,because they also are in this family but Greek doesnt sound so much alike with them as it does with Spanish. So its just coincidence...
+LernaeanHydra Hmmm... When did I say such a thing as that Greek and Spanish share most of the roots? I said most of the sounds, meaning phonems, which is absolutely true. Spanish and most romance languages, plus English have many words that derive from Ancient Greek though, but not the other way around. Anyway, I never claimed they share anything else but the sounds, the rythm and cadence of speech.
Καλα ρε παλικαρι μου Τατιανα τους εβαλες να ακουσουν;;
+Γεώργιος Παπακαλιάτης to pio gluko tsimpouki kanei.. tora kai sto E
+Liar Lawyer xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa!!!!! Ma ela mou nte! :D
+Davian “Captain” Thule Σύμφωνα με τον Στέφανο Χίο; :-P
as a portuguese speaker, greek is SO beautiful!
haha thats so weird because I am greek and I absolutely adore the portugese language. It is so melodic
thanks i always wanted to know what other countries think about us
Leonardo Fernandes 🙋🙏
As a Spanish speaker, I have to agree. It is absolutely beautiful to my ears. The modern pronunciation, anyway. I have tried studying it off and on over the years as I am a big admirer of the literature, the culture and, OMG! the food! Anyway, the modern pronunciation is very easy for me to grasp and I haven't found any words I can't pronounce perfectly. The "reconstructed" or "erasmian" pronunciation for the Ancient or Classical or Koine forms is very difficult for me and I don't think it would have sounded as nice as it does now. The vowels are nice and crisp in the greek of today, the consonants are very straightforward for anyone who speaks a southern European language. The spelling is a real challenge because too many letters and letter combinations have the same sound. The rhythm of the language is very intuitive for us. It kind of sings. Very nice. As a man, I find it especially captivating to hear the girls speak Greek. The culture is easily understandable to me as well. I come from Latin America. Family is everything to us, we are loud, proud obnoxious and we love to eat *especially meat!) which, I understand is very similar to Greeks. All around, a great people, a great language and a great culture. IMHO.
+philomelodia Thank you so much for your kind words! :) Most Greek people love Spain as well.
I love greek, their pronunciation and their voices are beautiful. I'm currently self learning greek, and I can proudly say that I can read it now :D
+Nikos Smouliotis ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ :)
+Nikos Smouliotis faswse thn
+Luna you should keep your mind on Duolingo as well ;)
+ΣΚΡΟΥΤΖ ΜΑΚ ΝΤΑΚ Yeah, already have it ;)
+IsReality Real Greeklish is when you write greek with the latin alphabet, for example using "w" for "ω" ? That's the way I've learned Orfeas Peridis lyrics :)
"Greek sounds more Spanish than Greek!" - A Canadian Genius.
Xe M Greece was first
Omg yeah
Basically Spanish sounds more Greek than Spanish...
Actually Greece is the oldest country....
Εγω θα έβαζα Τάκη Τσουκαλά Χαχαχαχαχχα
ναι με ποιον μιλαω με αυτον αντε γεια
+dimitra akon Άντε γειά!
Μην απογοητεύεστε! Ούτε οι Έλληνες την καταλαβαίνουμε.
Sokratis St χαχαχαχαχαχ
Sokratis St ΑχΧαχαχαχαχαχαχα
πολυ βαθυ αυτο που ειπες! :) αννννν καταλαλαβεσ τι ειπες! :P
Sokratis St χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα
τι εννοεις ρ?
I am Spanish but I used to live in Cyprus, so I know Greek and Spanish. When I first moved there I heard people talking in the streets and I thought they were talking in Spanish (European Spanish) but when I came closer they were actually talking in Greek. It was quite awkward but funny at the same time. It sounded like Spanish gibberish to me hahaha
I'm greek and i know what you mean. Sometimes i watch spanish movies and to me they sound like greek gibberish.
niva2gr for real?
Yes. Sometimes when i don't pay attention spanish sounds like greek to me.
I'm Greek too but I don't think Greek sound like Spanish to me
Elinor Jones Maybe you haven't listened too much Spanish. Especially Spanish from Spain. Spanish from Latin America sounds different.
My neighbours are Greek so I knew. I love the language, culture and food. I'd love to learn the language one day it's beautiful.
Pita with gyros
I'm portuguese and greek was always a language very familiar to me. It's beautiful
Ombregado 🇵🇹🇬🇷
Greek sounds way more like Iberian Spanish. Greek has a lot of lisp sounds that exist in Spanish but not in Portuguese.
Alvaro Favela greek was an language before spanish soooo....spanish sounds like greek
Κανένας Έλληνας εδώ ? #GreekMalakas ? Όχι ? Καλά
Γεια σας μαλάκες μου :)
+Ιωάννα Μοιρώτσου
Σαν δε ντρέπεσαι κοπέλα πράμα... :p
KatorNia Χαχαχα τί να κάνουμε είμαστε νταρντάνες ;)
As a Brazilian this is interesting. I love how the Greek language sounds, and most of these people thought it was Portuguese.
Funny part is, it sounds nothing like Portuguese lol. Definitely more like Spanish. I think they said that bc it sounded like Spanish to them but they knew it wasn't
When I first moved to Greece it did indeed sound like a never ending slow of gibberish to me. But after a few weeks I started noticing gaps and pauses, which I presumed were spaces and punctuations. Then slowly but surely I started to understand it, but it took many years of practice, lessons and dedication to get to my level of fluency and understanding. Even now though I meet people I cannot understand as they speak so fast.
One thing that helped was learning the alphabet, which enabled me to read the newspaper out loud with only a few mistakes. It is a very phonetic language barring a few dipthongs and vowel/consanant combinations which change the pronunciation of some of the letters. But after 2 months I did indeed read the newspaper out loud in front of my future mother-in-law who asked her daughter how I was doing that when I supposedly;y didn't know Greek, to which her reply was "Don't worry mum he doesn't understand a word of what he's reading".
But for me it is a beautiful language perfect for expressing oneself, and also has taught me so much about my own native British English. :)
Matthew Cooper I'm Greek and I know it is a difficult language but keep practicing and you will get better. Good luck!
Ευχαριστώ! Εξασκούμαι κάθε μέρα και προσπαθώ να μάθω κάτι καινούριο κάθε μέρα. Έχω μια φίλη αρχαιολόγος και σκηνοθέτης που ξέρει και αρχαία και νέα ελληνικά σε εξαιρετικό επίπεδο που. μου διορθώνει συνεχεία και παίζω και σκραμπλ στα ελληνικά μαζί της. Και όπως βλέπεις ξέρω και να γράφω. Τωρα είμαι σε επίπεδο που είναι όλα στην λεπτομέρεια, δηλαδή, στην σύνταξη και τα μικρά λάθη που κάνω ακόμα μετά από 10 χρόνια. :)
Μπράβο καλά τα πας λίγα λαθάκια μονο αλλά τα πας αρκετά καλά βλέπω. Εχω μια φίλη από την Ρωσσία οπου κατάφερε να μιλήσει ελληνικά μετά από 6 χρόνια στην Ελλάδα. Συνέχισε την καλή δουλειά και καλή τύχη!
+Matthew Cooper Μπράβο σας! Από το σχόλιο σας φαίνεται πως οι γνώσεις σας της ελληνικής γλώσσας βρίσκονται σε πολύ υψηλό επίπεδο! :)
@@matthewcooper6884 Κάνεις αρκετά καλή δουλεία και πίστεψε με, οι άνθρωποι από το εξωτερικό που μαθαίνουν Ελληνικά, μαθαίνουν καλύτερα από εμάς, γιατί τα Ελληνικά αποτελούν την μητρική μας γλώσσα και κάνουμε συνέχεια σφάλματα, ενώ οι ξένοι που μαθαίνουν την γλώσσα μας την μαθαίνουν πολύ καλά τόσο γραμματικά όσο και ορθογραφικά!
To me it sounds like a mix of Spanish and Portuguese and a little Italian. I have heard it from some of my colleagues from Greece, so now can a recognize it a little. It sounds a little faster then Spanish or Portuguese. Plus, Greek colleagues are one of the most technical and professional people I have ever worked with.
Greek sounds fast but that is simply because the words are long. You hear 10-15 words when 3-4 are being spoken. When you learn Greek you soon realise that it is quite of the slower paced languages necessarily, first due to its long words, then due to its syllables (usually one consonant, one vowel). Notice for example how ethnic Greeks who speak English at a very good level, they still speak it at a slower pace than other foreign speakers who may as well speak English at a worse level.
It's funny but portuguese and greek really sounds familiar. Long live to Greece!
From Rio//Brasil.
I have spent 4 years in Thessaloniki so, I have learnt Greek quite fast. Maybe due to the same culture. It's so melodic and harmonic language, maybe the language of romanticism💙. Greetings from your neighbor Turkey. Long live Hellas!
Thank you very very much for your kind words friend!!!👍♥️♥️♥️😊 My hometown is the city of Veria (Vergina) 1 hour only from Thessaloniki where i study Philosophy at Aristotle's University! Did you also come to Thessaloniki for studies!? I have encountered many foreigners from all the Balkans, Italy, Turkey even from Palestine and Israel who came to Aristotle's University for studies!
Merhaba kardeşim.Yunanistan'dan selamlar.Çok yaşa Türkiye.❤
same culture? um no.
"Same Culture" -Turkey. LOL Get outta here, mate. Thank you.
Beautiful language!!!! Could never mistake it for any other language. M'aresi para poli
Greek is so beautiful. I love the Greeks, too.
The most beautiful language ever!!!
thank you so much
Ευχαριστώ πολύ
Aw thanks that's very kind
It's because Latin language that is mostly related with Italian, Spanish and Portuguese is originated from Greek language. So the etymology and acoustics are similar.
+EpiritPirro You are naive... Modern Greek have lots to do with ancient Greek, is the evolution from Mycenean Greek, into Classic Greek, to Hellenistic Greek, to Byzantine Greek, and finaly Modern Greek... It sounds nothing like arabic most of those people said Spanish. Latin alphabet derived from Greek alphabet along with many words that took from Greek language. The language itself have the same characteristics, each syllables has one or two consonants following by one clear vowel letter. Spanish, Italian and Greek share this characteristic. Arabic is nothing like that have many consonants following by one very clear vowel. Wikipedia this:
"Across its history, the syllabic structure of Greek has varied little: Greek shows a mixed syllable structure, permitting complex syllabic onsets but very restricted codas. It has only oral vowels and a fairly stable set of consonantal contrasts."
Dude learn history and then speak... I have been teached both modern and ancient Greek and believe me you are wrong.
PS: You took one second probably because you are an albanian nationalist fascist. Anyone can realize their neighbor countries' languages... You are biased against Greeks so all you say is crap. Therefore, your next comments will be erased... Nobody will be able to see them, so don't bother write a reply. Epirit Pirro (By the way Pirros of Epirus was greek)
since we're talking about sounds, not grammar/syntax, the languages which have the most common phonems with modern Greek (and I know, I've built speach recognition systems and this is always a problem) are, surprisingly, Japanese and Spanish.
EpiritPirro you are wrong modern greek is exactly the same as ancient greek there is some changes in grammar and ofc latin is based on greek!! just look the alphabet...
latin never originated from Greek !! Latin originated from the italic dialects from Italy ...and Latin was already in use by the time Koine greek was spreading world wide
Not exactly originated but fundamentally altered and transformed. The half of Latin words have Greek etymology. Also the alphabet is taken from Greek language...
There is no excuse for anyone who has learned maths and algebra not to recognize the Greek alphabet.
Yes, there is. It's called "language evolution". More like there is no excuse you to not know about your language evolution.
@@play-toe2053 But greek letters haven't really changed over time, π is still pi, χ, α, β and whatnot. Aren't these letters still being used internationally? I don't get what you mean by ''language evolution''
@@KellyKar Who are you?
@@play-toe2053 I'm Sock- rah- Tess
@@KellyKar Don't necro threads.
I am Greek Australian and I just love the Greek language. People get confused coz Greek and Spanish are from the few languages not having like a real accent.
I'm a student of Greek, Spanish and Portuguese and I can affirm that Greek indeed sounds like Castilian Spanish to me, despite belonging to totally different families. Their phonologies possess the exact same sounds and are spoken with a similar rhythm.
M. Soutelo totally agree!
Latin was created from the Greek. That's why
Dear Lord, what a shame to not recognize Greek!!! Not speak, not be able to read - just recognize it and if you are a University student, yes, you are expected to know a few basic words originating in Greek and that penetrated our modern languages. No matter what you study! All languages that have largely contributed to the evolution of the human civilization through their contribution deserve some respect - whether it's Hebrew, Arabic or Greek or Latin (without entering into sophisticated linguistic details concerning their different branches and regions where they are or were spoken). I am Romanian and I could never ever expect someone in the West be able
to make a distinction between Romanian or Bulgarian or you name it...But GREEK!!!???!!! GREEK???!!!???
Your language is beautiful, komshu!! 🇬🇷🇹🇷
❤🇹🇷❤🇬🇷❤ FOREVER❤
Greek flag and a trash flag
I'm a Spanish speaker from Colombia and I've always thought that Greek sounds like Spanish from Northern Spain but as if I couldn't understand it.
I don't want to offend anybody but people from North America and Europe seem to think they are the only ones living in this huge world. I mean, seriously, you don't know what GREEK sounds like? I can understand when they do not detect Turkish but Greek, one of the oldest cultures out there with undescribable historical heritage, they should have studied Ancient Greece in school. This coming from a Russian.
Don't you know? It's actually called Planet America ;) jkjk ahah privet iz Canada, ya lyublyu russya !
my thoughts exactly! thank you.
You are right and i think they are studying ancient Greek in their school so they have to know how Greek sounds not to talk like me that i'm from Greece but i know them and they don't know me (Greece) hows that possible?
Πρόδρομος Καρανδρέας say that again
Elena Hoser thank you
I'm from Greece and that was so funny to watch. I never thought that it was that hard for foreigners to recognise or mimic the greek language
Greek language is the richest in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types
thing is unfortunatelly that we are not using them all..language can alter a persons personality
thing is unfortunatelly that we are not using them all..language can alter a persons personality
umm no, that's a myth. You can actually get the whole Greek literature since ancient times on DVD (search for project TLG) and what you mentioned is the word count. BTW by far the most word rich language is English (due to the absorbtion of many other words from other languages, plus the fact that it's the lingua franca of the 20th and 21st century)
agarwaengrc Greek language holds the Guinness record with 5 million words, English has one million words. Greek is a lot richer than English
can you give us a link from the official guiness homepage?
because i am searching this and i cant find such a record.
Few days ago i was at the Agora of Smyrna(σμύρνη). There were so many tablets that are written in Ancient Greek. I have tried to decode them with my basic Modern Greek knowledge. It was so fucking beautiful! The first thing i read was something like this and it gave me shivers:
What's the translation of result ?
@@owerty people of ionia (easternmost part of anatolia) smyrni (smyrni used to be greek, now its izmir) city. Other translation might be World of ionia smyrni city
@@owerty Κόσμος can mean both world and people
@@abcd-mm3wf thanks
@@owerty i meant to say westernmost.
Η άβολη στιγμή που διαβάζω ελληνικά σχόλια και καταλαβαίνω ότι:
α} μερικοί ακόμα δεν έχουν καταλάβει ότι το βίντεο δεν το έφτιαξε Έλληνας και του απαντάνε στα Ελληνικά λες και θα καταλάβει.
β} μερικοί θεωρούν ότι οι ξένοι είναι ηλίθιοι στο βίντεο επειδή δυσκολεύονται να βρουν τη γλώσσα λες και οι ίδιοι μπορούν να αναγνωρίσουν όλες τις διαλέκτους της Γης ανα πάσα στιγμή.
γ} μερικοί σχολιάζουν πράγματα ή κάνουν κακό χιούμορ που μόνο Έλληνες το καταλαβαίνουν έτσι κι αλλιώς σε ένα βίντεο που απευθύνεται σε διάφορες εθνικότητες και νομίζουν ότι είναι αστείοι. Το κερασάκι στην τούρτα έίναι ότι κάποιοι τους απαντάνε κιόλας.
δ} μερικοί δεν χάνουν ευκαιρία σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος, σε οποιοδήποτε βίντεο με οποιοδήποτε θέμα που έχει έστω και την απειροελάχιστη σχέση με ελλάδα να γράψουν πόσο γαμιστεροί είμαστε και ότι όλοι οι άλλοι λαοί είναι βάρβαροι και ότι εμείς τα κάνουμε όλα τέλεια και από μας προέκυψαν όλα και γενικά να δείξουν για ακόμα μια φορά πόσο ψωνάρες είμαστε....
ε} τελικά είμαστε μίλια πίσω στην ιντερνετική παιδεία βάση των σχολιών και την ηλιθιοτήτων που είδα να γράφονται. (με εξαιρέσεις φυσικά)
στ} περιμένω σαχλό σχόλιο-απάντηση ή απλό βρισίδι από κάποιο τυπάκι που προσβλήθηκε από αυτά που γράφω. Do your worst.
+Vasilis F. who cares about your opinion.....
+mef you did bother to write this though so...
mef bye.
+Vasilis F. Βασικα ειμαστε μιλια πισω, οπως λες, στην παιδεια γενικοτερα και οχι μονο. Εξου και αυτα που τραβαμε "ΑΚΟΜΗ" ετη 2016. Πνευματικη κριση που λενε!
Haha I'm part Greek part Brazilian (where we speak Portuguese) this was funny to watch😂
+Anna Anastassaki Do you think they sound similar?
+Heritage Inmoshun For people that know the languages, they don't. But people that lack complete knowledge upon either, they could mistake them. I've heard lots of foreigners mistake Greek for Spanish, but for a guy that knows either, they don't really sound the same.
+King Dawg I'm Greek and i agree.To me they sound completely different but i can pronounce Spanish easy.When it comes to talking i think that Greek are closer to Portuguese.
+Heritage Inmoshun Absolutely not😂
this is more funny for the ppl from Greece ( AND THATS ALSO ME )
It is true that Greek and Spanish sound similar - an accidental case as the two nations had not intense direct interaction. So similar they are that often Spanish people turn heads in airports when they hear Greek talking at 5 meters distance trying to figure out the discussion, the inverse occuring less often as more Greeks are familiar with Spanish. It was 100% logical that American students who are aware of Spanish accent but not of Portuguese one to imagine that this Spanish-like accent could be Portuguese, yet Portuguese in reality has a totally different accent to Spanish.
Yes, the phonology of Portuguese is much closer to Russian, I believe.
As a Vietnamese speaking Greek and learning Spanish, I absolutely agree that Greek and Spanish sound very similar!
I speak both and I'm greek and no it doesn't lol
@@pavlidou2901 ακριβώς ρε φίλε, επειδή είναι η μητρική σου γλώσσα, ξέρεις καλά πώς πρέπει να ακουστεί. Κι εγώ το ίδιο θα έλεγα όταν μου λένε τα Βιετναμέζικα μοιάζουν με τα Κινέζικα, ή τα Ταϊλανδικά. Φωνητικά τα Ελληνικά και τα Ισπανικά έχουν πολλά κοινά αν τα συγκρίνεις με τις άλλες γλώσσες, ακόμα και με τα Αγγλικά. Οι λέξεις είναι συνήθως πιο μεγάλες δλδ έχουν πολλές συλλαβές. Οι συλλαβές συνήθως αποτελούνται από ένα σύμφωνο και ένα φωνηέν (αντιθέτως στα Κινέζικα και τα Βιετναμέζικα μπορεί να έχουμε πολλαπλά φωνηέντα σε μια συλλαβή). Επίσης, εύκολα μπορεί να εντοπίσει κανείς κάποια κοινά συνηθισμένα σύμφωνα όπως το ρ (το λεγόμενο rhotic r και όχι non-rhotic στα αγγλικά), το θ (ισπανικά στην Ισπανία), το σ… Αυτές είναι οι δικές μου παρατηρήσεις, σίγουρα υπάρχουν και άλλα στοιχεία αλλά δεν είμαι σε θέση να τα επισημάνω καθώς κανένας γλωσσολόγος δεν είμαι :)
@@pavlidou2901 επίσης φυσικά και μπορώ να τα ξεχωρίσω. Απλώς αν έβαζα τον εαυτό μου σε θέση ενός Βιετναμέζου, χωρρίς να καταλάβω τι λένε, αυτό θα συμπεραινα
I m Greek and i laughed so much! You picked the most obnoxious persona of Greek tv! I enjoyed your video so much! Thank you!
6.Ας δούμε τι είπαν για την Ελληνική γλώσσα…
Κικέρων (ο ενδοξότερος ρήτωρ της αρχαίας Ρώμης): «Ει οι θεοί διαλέγονται, τη των Ελλήνων γλώττι χρώνται»
Huan Azio (Βάσκος γερουσιαστής): «Διά την διεθνοποίησιν της Ελληνικής γλώσσης μεγάλην έχομεν ευθύνην, ως ουκ ούσαν άλλην γλώσσαν αυτής ανωτέραν».
Errieta Valter (Γαλλίδα γλωσσολόγος): «Η Ελληνική γλώσσα είναι η μόνη στην Ευρώπη που δεν υπέκυψε σε καμία κατοχή».
Wandruska (καθηγητής Γλωσσολογίας Πανεπ. Βιέννης): «Οι ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες φαίνονται ως διάλεκτοι της Ελληνικής».
Sagredo και Puhana (Βάσκοι Ελληνιστές): «Η Ελληνική γλώσσα και παιδεία αποτελουσι το θεμέλιον του Δυτικού πολιτισμού. Πάντες δε Ευρωπαίοι οφειλέται της Ελλάδος εσμέν».
M. Ventris (‘Aγγλος επιστήμων που αποκρυπτογράφησε τη Γραμμική γραφή Β’): «Η αρχαία Ελληνική γλώσσα ήτο και είναι η ανωτέρα όλων των παλαιοτέρων και νεωτέρων γλωσσών».
U. Wilamowitz (Γερμανός φιλόλογος): «Η Ελληνική φυλή, ανωτέρα κάθε άλλης, είναι και μητέρα κάθε πολιτισμού».
Βολταίρος (Γάλλος διανοητής): «Είθε η Ελληνική γλώσσα να γίνει κοινή όλων των λαών».
Var. Goeger (Γερμανός σοφός): «Ο Ευρωπαϊκός πολιτισμός ξεκινά από την Ελλάδα».
Goethe (ο κορυφαίος Γερμανός ποιητής): «Η Ελλάδα είναι ο νους και η καρδιά της οικουμένης».
Ακαδημία Επιστημών της ΕΣΣΔ, «Παγκόσμια Ιστορία»: «Χωρίς τα θεμέλια που έθεσαν οι Έλληνες δεν θα υπήρχε ο νεώτερος ευρωπαϊκός πολιτισμός. Η Ελληνική λογοτεχνία είναι η αρχαιότερη της Ευρώπης».
Hellen Keler (η διάσημη τυφλή Αμερικανίδα συγγραφέας): «Όπως το βιολί είναι το τελειότερο μουσικό όργανο, έτσι και η Ελληνική γλώσσα».
H.F. Kitto (‘Aγγλος καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου): «Όλοι οι κλάδοι της λογοτεχνίας και της επιστήμης αρχίζουν με τους Έλληνες. Η Ελληνική γλώσσα είναι η πιο καθαρή και η πιο πλούσια στον κόσμο».
Irina Kovaleva (Ρωσσίδα καθηγήτρια Πανεπιστημίου Μόσχας): «Η Ελληνική γλώσσα είναι όμορφη σαν τον ουρανό με τ’ άστρα».
Maurice Kruaze (Γάλλος Ακαδημαϊκός): «Οι άνθρωποι θα ανατρέχουν πάντα στις πηγές της Ελληνικής κλασσικής αρχαιότητας για να δροσιστούν».
Furtvengler (καθηγήτρια Πανεπιστημίου Βιέννης):
«Η Ρώμη στάθηκε μία αιώνια πόλη, αλλά η Αθήνα είναι κόσμος ολόκληρος».
Marianne McDonald (η πρωτεργάτις του TLG) «Η γνώση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας είναι απαραίτητο θεμέλιο υψηλής πολιτιστικής καλλιέργειας».
Karl Marx (ο θεμελιωτής του Μαρξισμού): «Οι αξίες του Ελληνικού Πολιτισμού παραμένουν άφθαστα πρότυπα».
Bernard Shaw (Ιρλανδός συγγραφέας): «Αν στη βιβλιοθήκη σας δεν έχετε έργα των αρχαίων Ελλήνων συγγραφέων, τότε μένετε σ’ ένα σπίτι χωρίς φως».
Martin Heideger (φιλόσοφος): «Για τους Έλληνες η ύψιστη προίκα τους είναι η γλώσσα τους, στην οποία η παρουσία (φιλοσοφικός όρος) ως τοιαύτη φθάνει στην εκκάλυψη και στην κάλυψη. Όποιος δε μπορεί να δει τη δωρεά ενός τέτοιου δώρου προς τον άνθρωπο και όποιος δε μπορεί ν’ αντιληφθεί τον προορισμό ενός τέτοιου πεπρωμένου, καθόλου δε θ’ αντιληφθεί τον λόγο περί του προορισμού του είναι, όπως ο φυσικός τυφλός δε μπορεί ν’ αντιληφθεί τι είναι το φως και το χρώμα». «Τα αρχαία Ελληνικά δεν είναι μία γλώσσα, αλλά «Η Γλώσσα»».
Werner Heisenberg (Γερμανός φυσικομαθηματικός-φιλόσοφος): «Η θητεία μου στην Ελληνική γλώσσα υπήρξε η σπουδαιότερη πνευματική μου άσκησις. Στη γλώσσα αυτή υπάρχει η πληρέστερη αντιστοιχία μεταξύ της λέξεως και του εννοιολογικού της περιεχόμενου».
Marriane McDonald (η πρωτεργάτις του TLG): «Η Γλώσσα της Ελευθερίας, ο Ένδοξος θησαυρός της Ελλάδος, η Δόξα της Ελλάδος, ανήκει σε όλους μας και έχει διαμορφώσει την επιστημονική και λογοτεχνική κληρονομιά του Δυτικού Κόσμου.
δεν φταινε...ποτε δεν τα διδαχθηκαν απο το ανθελληνικο λομπυ της παιδειας..το συστημα βγαζει ειδικευμενους εργατες οχι παιδευμενους πολιτες...
+Συμμετοχικη Δημοκρατια Μόνο που τα παραπάνω, αν λέχθησαν όπως τα μεταφέρεις, τα είπαν για τα αρχαία ελληνικά και την κλασσική γραμματεία. Κανείς από τους παραπάνω δεν ενδιαφερόταν για τους Νεοέλ., οπότε πάρτο χαλαρά.
Επίσης ο Goethe, σαν έμαθε για την δολοφονία του Καποδίστρια δεν θέλησε να ξανακούσει για τους Έλληνες.
ΣΚΡΟΥΤΖ ΜΑΚ ΝΤΑΚ δεν υπαρχουν Νεο-Ελληνες.Υπαρχουν Ελληνες με ιστορικη συνεχεια χιλαιδων ετων.περαν τουτου η δολοφονια του Καποδιστρια δεν εγινε απο ''Ελληνες'..ετσι συμφερει την καθεστωτικη λουμπεναρια ετσι λεει.οι Μεγαλες Δυναμεις κανανε κουμαντα και τελειωνανε τις ''δουλειες ''για να ειμαστε υποτελεις.αυτα τα ολιγα...
Συμμετοχικη Δημοκρατια Είναι και αυτό μία άποψη.
Συμμετοχικη Δημοκρατια σ αυτό που λες για τον Καποδίστρια συμφωνώ.
I speak Spanish and to me it sounds like Spanish. First time I heard someone speaking Greek I was living in Germany so I rarely heard Spanish so my ears thought I heard a fellow Spanish speaker and started eavesdropping . I realized I couldn’t understand anything at all . I put one of the words I heard into google and realized I was listening to Greek.
As a Greek I can pronounce perfectly Spanish but I don't know the meaning of the words...which means I can't speak Spanish so I had many years this question,
how its possible?
Το γεγονός ότι έβαλε να δούνε Τατιάνα Στεφανίδου ας πούμε;;; XD Έπρεπε να βάλει Μερκούρη ή κανένα τραγούδι του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη να βλέπαμε τι χαμός θα γινόταν! XD
Pavlina Χααχαχααχ
Ισχυει ααχαχαχα
Mia ora legane gia mia gria ekei pera , eleos allo video then vazane
Omg +φωνω χαχαχαχαχ~
Greek language sounds very interesting and nice to listen to, but omg I think it is very hard to learn it... greetings to our greek brothers... 😋
the difficult thing is the pronounciation. greetings from Greece
No it's not the pronounciation, it's the grammar, I'm Learning Greek and it's really difficult , but it's the most beautiful language in the world ! I am serious.
I am a Greek and I realised how difficult my language is when I started to learn the Arabic language , Greek has actually one of the hardest grammars..
Where do you from? :)
Ιωάννα Μοιρώτσου Serbia :)
I am american, these people make me ashamed to be american, but to my ear Greek does sound really similar to Spanish, Greek is a very beautiful language, maybe I shall learn it some day
Calbert Irons They're Canadian
there’s no reason to be ashamed of where you were born, especially if the reason is because they didn’t guess one language out of all the languages in the world
Microphono good god is the microphone. These guys never learn unfortunately how many thaousants of English words are based in Greek language. Informantianlly look here. Marianne McDonalnd.Thesaurus Linguae Graecae!
Respect to all of you. Thanks.
+telosfd to "thaousants" ola ta lefta :)
τι "thaousants" ρε ζωντοβολο??? εκλαψα απο τα γελια .......
Το ινετρνετ δεν ειναι να βλεπεις μονο τσοντες ασχετε, ρωτα γι'αυτο που εγραψα και λιγοτερο σανο.
nobody cares. stop spamming irrelevant stuff.
I am not Greek I am from Argentina but I can't believe the ignorance of the people, maybe u cant recognice only listening but if u see how they write you can recognice some letters are use in mathematics and u have in the calculator (PI) so if u have maths in the school u can recognice is Greek.
You are so right! they also confused it with portuguese.
I's a foreign language dude. At least they were guessing countries around the Mediterranean, you gotta give them that.
LazyMe420 Portugal is not in the Mediterranean nor is Brazil.
Lissandra Freljord
Yea man, no shit. Unlike Brazil tho Portugal's only neighbors are Mediterranean and Portuguese peoples' ancestors are Mediterranean themselves. As a result Portuguese people follow the Mediterranean way of life, they always were. What European culture do you think that brings them closer to, Anglosaxon, Germanic, Balkan or french?
I'm American and I feel the same. How could someone mistake Greek for Arabic?
Καλα την Τατιανα τους βαλατε? Εδω ουτε εγω δεν καταλαβαινα τι ελεγε χD
RWB Yang kala egw tha tous evaza eliniki tsonta oxi plaka kano to upotrofia tha evala
malaka nai kai egw auto nomiza sthn arxh ala dn nomizw na einai tatiala
okmc aka Αυτη ειναι. Την φωνη της την γνωριζω απο χιλιομετρα xD
RWB Yang Κατι για μια γιαγιά στην γωνία έλεγε
I'm Basque and I thought that it was Spanish, then I tried to understand what they where saying and I realized that it was a different language. The same happened to a friend.
I am Greek and I've been literally studying in Italy. EVERY PERSON that hears me speaking Greek, asks me if I am from Spain!
Your language project looks really awesome :))) Thank you for including Greek as well. Καλή συνέχεια!
Awesome language! It's one of the most beautiful languages of the world. I can distinguish the sound of Greek, I don't know, it's very south Italian-like. Ps. I don't like native English speakers. They self-invented stereotypes and accent they think that are actually true. They think that Spanish is just the Mexican variety and that Italian speaks like Super Mario.
Your language is awesome greetings from Turkey to my Greek brothers.. And I want to ask you one question does this word means anyting in Greek : "otolino - laringo - logos" ?
+Denizcan Köse greetings my brother from Greece. Yes this is a specialty of a doctor. To be more accurate it means otorhinolaryngologist (medical doctor of ear, nose and throat). I hope i helped. :)
+Demos Papajim +giannis Ti Thank you a lot ..
Denizcan Köse go fuck yourself you took our 25% and you want more stfu
oto-rino-laringo-logos. ota is the ear, rino is the nose,laringas is larinx (the a becomes o so as to connect the first word to the one follwing which is logos. It actually mean the physician who specializes on the maladies of the ear-nose-larinx system . if you are interested ths is the greek spelling. ωτορινολαρινκολογος. As you can see there are many O (OMIKRON) This is the mirracle "O" as its widely known. It helps connect one word to another, to another and so on in such a way as the combination of different words become one .
Denizcan Köse lol
I love greek and greeks from Serbia :3 i even know to read and write on greek btw we are werry similar people ;)
Love Serbia
Can someone help me translate the title into Greek?
+Heritage Inmoshun Πως τα ελληνικά ακούγονται στους ξένους
+Rezwalker actually it is:
"Πως ακούγονται τα Ελληνικά στους ξένους"
+Rezwalker Πως ακούγονται τα Ελληνικά στους ξένους
+Heritage Inmoshun
It's actually Πώς ακούγονται τα ελληνικά στους ξένους, πώς needs accent since it's a question
+Heritage Inmoshun Πώς not Πως
Sounds like music, i love it😍 hellas ole😍
Once I was in France with a friend and we entered a Disney store. We had a walk around while chatting,then we split up. When I was alone, a lady who was working there, asked me in French, if I needed any help. I didn`t understand her as I don't speak French. She realised it after I told her in English that I don't speak French. Then she asked me the same in Spanish! Then I told her that I'm not Spanish either. She was surprised when she heard that my language was Greek! That was a fun moment!
A spanish speaker will say that greek sounds like someone trying to speak spanish and greek speaker will say that spanish sounds like someone trying to speak greek.
This has to do with the phonology of the two (in other words, the sounds of the letters), as they both share similar sounds for almost every letter that they have.
I'm Sardinian and I live in Athens, when I arrived I thought it sounded like Spanish as well
Funny they though it was portugese. Its very different sound. I was once in Italy waiting in a line in a bank and speaking in greek with some friends of mine. Behind was a gentleman, after a while he asked as: Are you from Spain? We said "no we are from Greece". And he said to us "Then way do you speak spanish?" ha..ha...ha...ha... we cried...ha...ha....ha....
I speak spanish so to me it didn't sound like spanish, it totally sounded like portuguese, but a "made up crazy portuguse" with invented words.
I’ve heard Greek way to much to the point where I know it’s Greek 😂😂 my friends father spoke Greek and I didn’t know he spoke it and I asked if he was Greek he said yes. I love this language it’s so beautiful I’m learning it since I love it so much
Well, being greek and having heard spanish speaking greek, I can understand that the accent may sound pretty similar.
really cool...
I can totally see how people can mistake it for Spanish. The vowels are fairly similar, consonants like "t,d,n" are said at the teeth and not the alveolar ridge, and both Spanish and Greek are similar in that the vowels still retain their quality even if they are not accented. In English, we have many more vowels, we do not say "t,d,n" at the back of the teeth, and if we do not accent a syllable the vowel may turn into "schwa". For example you have "human" and "humanity" . Look at the differences in the "a" sound when it is accented and when it is not. Russian does something similar. There vowels can change when they are not accented
.After I had studied some Spanish and was in an area of an airport with many Caribbean flights there happened to be one flight that I didn't realize was going to Greece. I was convinced that the language spoken was Spanish but with some kind of Caribbean dialect. I also saw a Greek tv show that I did not know the origin of and thought it might have come from Spain. Even my brain has difficulty distinguishing the two languages. I became fluent in Spanish and then about 5 years or so later became fluent in Greek. I lost my ability to speak Spanish when I learned Greek. Everything wants to come out Greek when I speak Spanish. This does not happen to me when I try to speak Russian or German. My brain must have processed the Greek to near to the Spanish in brain storage.
Very Very Interesting !
I am Greek and i was always wondering how Greek sounds like to foreigners.
The answer i was always taking from Americans was WEIRD !
>>As for the comment with the most thumbs up : He is accusing you in a gentle way for disgracing Greeks by letting foreigners listening Greek Language from the most hated show hostess in Greece if not in entire Europe.
αντιπροσωπευτικό παράδειγμα ελληνομάθειας η Τατιάνα.
Θελει προσπαθεια για τοσο ακυρο σχολιο
Σ αγαπο Ελλάδα ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Σ αγαπω Σερβια
Love to Serbia ❤️
Greek is a beauthiful language,in Portuguese we have many Greek words but is not similat to Greek. .
Hi from Greece, that experiment was really nice
A lot of Greek words are used in the Spanish language because of the Roman conquest of Hispania (Spain). They brought the Greek and Latin language to the region which influenced modern Spanish.
As a Spanish native speaker I have to say that Greek is phonetically the most closely related language to Spanish. Both the intonation and the vocalization (the way in which the words are pronounced) are really, really similar in Greek and Spanish spoken in Europe.
It´s a pity that both languages are not mutually intelligible…..but the phonetics is basically the same.
I think phonetically is the closest AFTER Italian. Italian is really the closest to Spanish phonetically.
@@beda5107 not really. Reason being Italian doesn't have the "x" or "jota" sound, nor does it have the θ sound. Those are specific to Greek and Spanish. Italian and Spanish however are closest grammatically and syntax wise but definitely not phonetically.n
And the Oscar goes to.. Skatianna Stefanidou
Spanish and Greek are quite phonetically similar to the point that you will probably confuse a spanish accent/greek accent when one or the other starts speaking english.
really nice vid! Keep making this kind of videos
Greek can be very complex sometimes we have 5 ways to say I = ι υ η οι ει all of these letters make the same sound we also have double letters αι ει οι
I assume that the people in the video know or are familiar with Spanish at some level. The Greek language sounds like Spanish but it differs from Portuguese. As far as they know, Portuguese and Spanish are very similar, so once they figured it's not Spanish, they took an educated guess and said Portuguese.
They didn't detect any common Spanish words so they went for the second closest thing, Portuguese.
Greek sounds like european spanish only.
Wrong, it sounds like both but
yes a little more spaniard.
Izakokomarixyz i disagree. I am a caribbean spanish speakers and only could confuse greek with european spanish. Because of The kind of lisp sound.
Exactly, you speak Spanish and could differentiate between the two
languages much better than non-spanish/non-greek speakers.
So brilliant! All my life, living in England, people ask me to speak Greek just so they can hear what it sounds like. We giggle and joke and I teach some words. It's as though all people, everywhere have an innate desire to hear other languages, to make connections of their own and to just enjoy mimicking and learning.
Greek, Mother of all languages!! The only one which has mathematical background.
+Killuminati GR Πού είναι τα μηνύματα;
Your ignorance and stupidity, if not a troll, is real.
Probably ancient greek, but not modern greek it has nothing to do with the ancient one stop trying to make like greek is some fucking alien language all supreme and shit
+Έχω πούτσο ίσα με τον VY Μεγάλο Κύνο I'm going to guess you are Greek aswell and i respect that you came and stood up for actual facts. Pce. I Love Greece that i want to live there so much but sometimes the nationalists can take it over the top with their patriotism.
I'm Portuguese,I understand Spanish and yes,Greek has the same vocal sonds as Spanish.
Yes coz Spanish and maybe Italian are the language that have remained more closely to the mother Greek language not only as written language but also as pronunciation.😊
When I heard Greek first time in my life I also thought it was a romanic language.
because latin comes from greek language
geokastro21 IT didn't came from greek. Both languages belong to the same family of languages - indoeuropean but they are not in the same group. Even my language is indoeuropean and I speak Polish. It's not like that. You could say as well that Polish is a romanic language because we've got A LOT of words which came from latin. Latin just took many words from ancient greek like my language did from ancient latin and greek.
Rubiagirl86 I study both Ancient Greek and Latin and the grammar is the same but not so complicated
Grammar is the same? No it is not. It is similar because as I said they both belong to indoeuropean languages family. My language Polish has similar grammar to Greek and Latin because of the same reason. Start to learn Sanskrit (the ancient language of India). It has also similar grammar because it is also the indoeuropean language is still not the same group. Greek belongs to the hellenic group of languages, latin to romanic languages, polish to slavic languages and sansrit to indian languages. All indoeuropean languages have similar grammar but seriously latin didn't came from greek. Both languages came from indoeuopean language.
Rubiagirl86 Slavic is based on Greek because the language created from kirilos and methodios from Byzantium who had Greek as the main language and Greeks just took the Phoenix alphabet
It's so frustrating being a math major in america and hearing all your professors pronouncing the Greek alphabet wrong...
What do you mean with "wrong"?
In modern greek the 'β' is pronounced as a /v/. In antiquity it used to represent a /b/ sound. Technically speaking, Greeks are pronouncing few letters different (or "wrong") _today._
Well it’s the Greek language not the American Math Major language is it 😤
@@dorakemba2899 What makes you believe that, just because you learned the Erasmian pronunciation ? I mean there was always a use of μ+π = μπ for the sound of the Latin b and there is no other v sound in Greek even though there are so many words need it. You are saying that words like Βασιλεύς (King) sometime in history changed sound? together with all the other thousands of words and not even one survived and kept the original b sound? I mean Erasmus was a great medieval scholar but his sources in Greek were all from westerners, not one Greek scholar was asked to help, and its natural to end up with version of Greek that is easier to them. There is actually a difference from the Classical (Attic) Greek and the newer ones (Hellenistic, Koine, medieval and modern) but its all about the sound of the short (βραχέα) and long (μακρά) vowels but that's another story.
For the record Greek doesn't sound like Spanish. Spanish sounds like Greek.
Greek sounds pretty cool.
It would be nice to see these kind of videos filmed across the globe, just to see who is generally better at recognizing languages ( and letters obviously)
Too many languages in the world contain thousands of words that come from the Greek language.
It is the oldest language on the planet with such a developed vocabulary!
When I was very young, my parents introduced me to their friend from Greece and when I heard him speak, i thought he spoke Spanish, which I heard from spanish TV series..
Not until I learned in school about the country, did i realise that the Greeks don't speak a dialect of spanish... :O The language sounds beautiful anyway :D
All the world love Greece and a big love from KURDÎSTAN TO GREECE❤
Biji Kurd u Kurdistan!
Free Kurdistan 🇬🇷❤️🇨🇾
Ποτέ μου δε σκέφτηκα ότι τα Ελληνικά ακούγονται ως Ισπανικά! Πολύ ωραίο βίντεο όμως! Είχε πλάκα! Χαιρετίσματα από Ελλάδα!
Beatifull language :-) much love from Turkey.
My native language is English and I'm an American... I've only met one Greek person and she spoke English to me (naturally, because I don't know Greek and we were in the US, but I think Greek would be an amazing language to learn), so I didn't know what Greek sounded like :) thanks for this awesome video!
''it sounds a lot more spanish than greek'' thats a bright student right there.... lol
Very beautiful language
That's indeed true. Spanish and Greek pronunciation, especially Castilian Spanish (although I'm not so sure) are really close. As Greek, I was also confused some times. I remember my brother was watching a football game from Spain and, until I understand the language, I thought it was Greek by only listening to the accent. Greetings from Greece :-)
I've always wanted to see what others think of Greek language nice vid
Nobody should be offended by this, it's legitimately amusing. Thank you for the video.
Ages ago I watched this talk show host saying quite often Portuguese is mistaken for Greek in Europe. Since Brazilian Portuguese differs from the European one phonetically to a large extent, I wonder which variety it would apply to more.
Rodrigo Silva I am Greek and I have a Brazilian friend. I don't think there is that much similarity
Quisiera entender un poquito de inglés como para comprender que dicen, solo lo vi porque me me apareció y a la vez me parece muy interesante el idioma griego y los lenguajes antiguos.
2:57 She says mikrofono which is microphone and it is a Greek word.
Good job. Next time try to copy Μακελειο tv show with Στεφανος Χιος.
smanos03 axaxa axaxa foveros
smanos03 κλαίω
Έκλαψα. 😂😂😂
I can easly recognize this sexy language a mile away..Turk fella here.
As a Portuguese speaker, whenever I hear an audio in Greek I imagine it is Spanish or Portuguese for a few seconds, it's so weird
tatiana ? really? mother of god she is a terrible presenter.. anyways good job on the video my asian friend
- a Greek
The Indian girl's pronunciation was extremely good actually... she was saying non-words ofcourse, but the pronunciation was actually perfect. It's obvious there's some connection there, Indian/Sanscrit/Greek
Greek and European Spanish have most of the same sounds. So they’re often confused in spoken language, even though they’re each from totally different language families.
Are the women in that video talking about that weird optical illusion with the old lady that can also look like a young girl?