For everyone who wants to further their knowledge of the Yugas, I have an article on my website which is a good companion to this episode of Enlightenment Today. Click the following link and please share Also, I have noticed that a few people in the comments section are eager to make up their own dates and beliefs about the Yugas, which are all false. I'm not sure why anyone would want to out themselves above the authorities on the Yugas, but I hope people can respect the actual teachings. In this video I explain the actual teachings and all dates and information are correct because they are based on the authorities on the Yugas. I hope everyone reading this and watching this video also respect the authorities of the Puranas and Sri Yukteswar. Pranams.
Good Job, Jason...I'm making a note of this video to show people....I authored a book entitled "The Holy Grail is Found" (Amazon) that any Truth seeker would be glad to find, and it makes a lot of references to Vedic Scriptures and mentions the cycles of time...You might wanna give me a click and watch my "Why Do People Believe Lies" video to get a hint at what I've found to share....
Dear divine brother Jason Gregory Greetings of peace 😊 Many thanks to you for such a wonderful video where you shared knowledge abt this vast topic so was a true delight watching your video..the greatest deed of spreading knowledge that you are doing really deserves applause.. Just a small suggestion brother..Sharing link of an e-book entitled "The Cycle of Time" with you which includes ancient knowledge abt Bharat and uncovered secrets..kindly go through it too once and then share knowledge gained through this book too with others as noble will b amazed to know how time moves in cyclic manner and includes 5 yugas, the shortest among them, Sangamyug or Confluence age is of 100 years and is ongoing now..!! its the brief transition period between Kalyug and Satyug and age of 1 kalpa comprising of 1 cycle is actually 5000 years..!! 😊 This has been supported by various facts and references from our Vedas and Upanishads in this book..thanks alot..lots of spiritual love and divine light from residents of India 😊🙏
Im going back to studying vedic astrology...and this definitely helps. I hope to be able to explain such concepts as well as you in a couple of years! Thanks from Texas Jason, lovely!
As an Indian who is interested to know about topics such as these, but doesn't know where to begin, and doesn't really know the language too well either, this is a big big help man. Thank you.
Finally a clear intro to the yugas, it is hard to come by. Thank you so much, really inspiring. I think it's interesting if we keep in mind that proportions can change; if in a golden age, mankind perceive time as being "slower" because we live more in the "present moment", this same timespan can seem "longer" when we look at it from a (e.g.) Bronze Age perspective. Thus the same applies to human lifespan (people from a Golden Age would think to be living a 100 years, while from our current POV it would seem to be, Idk, 1000 years). It would then seem appropriate to talk about a spiraling "time cycle" rather than a "full circle". We now know (from a western POV) that planets/stars do not move in a full circle pattern, more of a spirale one, like a whole galaxy (on a larger timescale). What I mean is, we should try to apply the relativity (from our own current perspective) of time to this kind of time cycle. What ya think?
Difference between Abrahmic religion and Sanatan Dharma is, abrahmic religion flourish by Ignorance and suffering, Sanatan Dharma flourish by Knowledge and Peace.
Hinduism is far more sophisticated than Christianaty
4 роки тому+1
@ZebraZ Problem is that Science applies consciousness over the material world while Spirituality applies Science within the frame of the individual soul. Spiritual species can reach end-game scenario faster than material species.
I am not sure if it is humbling or terrifying the prospect of us being in a low point of this cycle. Because we are surrounded by evidence that this ancient cycle exists. Even the fact that this video has 23k views yet some viral trend will have millions. Such an eye opening video, will definitely subscribe.
Why love of God is natural instinct ? Why People love their religion, more than their own selves ? Because it is not religion they love, but through religion they love God the creator of universe. And they believe their religion will take them to that only God, who created them and maintaining them. Very important to know is, Love of God is pre-fed in every brain (bios) by God Himself. Example, it is same like, every mom human or animal loves their babies with desperation, risking their own lives because of this uploaded program/instinct. Then it becomes natural instinct to love, that was uploaded by God in every brain, it is not by anyones’ personal efforts or choice, it is out of control passion. Quran 6:108. And ever mom finds his baby in front and express this love to him and that expression has satisfaction. But what about love of God ? God is hidden how can you reach Him ? It is by religion/way you reach God, and then express your love to Him and then you will get that satisfaction which you were hunting. 2:265 And a clever brain knows, the strength of this bonding, between God and humans. And clever brains knows, humans struggle to reach God and satisfy themselves. Specially the brains, that has very old history of understanding religion and playing with religion. They create, compose, superstitious stories (Itihaas) and hacking that instinct as Aryans and Brahmins. And they know how to set a trap, in designing the religions and hijacking love of God to make financial and political gains. And those who don’t reason, think and educate themselves, are their easy pray. They control them, fool them and then rule them. And to retaliate their conspiracies, God advised humanity to education. And these clever brains attack the institution and universities, which God commanded to build. And the very first message God gave was READ ! 96:1 and commanded by education you can connect / attach with God 96:2
@@silverdragon710 moksha or liberation, is to finally get out of the cycles of life and death and become one with the universe. I'm still learning about Hinduism as well so I may get some things wrong, but that's how I understand it
Its our destiny to go through all these vast changes in human consciousness in order to come to realization. there are no mistakes just events bringing us back home to the moment. Thanks Jason .A fascinating and insightful video.
Awesome presentation Jason, good work. There is no need to mention any experts or non-experts or their opinions, the scriptures and texts clearly say that Kali yuga started with the passing of Krishna around 3021 BCE based on astronomical evidences as documented in various texts, applying to both long and short counts.
Great Video indeeed 🧡 Actually, want to share the real fact about kaliyuga see, this present time is the transitional period for the beginning of new chaturyuga or simply the the kaliyuga's final phase of 28th chaturyuga. So diving into the next see, first of all we need to know that, [(1 year of Devas = 360 Human Years) note:- time is different at different parts of the universe, and 'Devas' are the higher level of conscious entity than us, they have subtle bodies, not physical & it can be attained by us too if we go in deep through immense penance, because Devas belong to metaphysical world) So, Satya Yuga: 4800 divine years = 17,28,000 human years (Four times of Kaliyuga) Treta Yuga: 3600 divine years = 12,96,000 human years (Thrice of Kaliyuga) Dwapara Yuga: 2400 divine years = 8,64,000 human years (Twice of Kaliyuga) Kaliyuga: 1200 divine years = 4,32,000 human years This is the fact!! Also, let me tell if we converted 12 hrs of day into deciseconds then, it's result comes 4,32,000 deci-seconds which depicts the figures of one yuga or one kaliyuga. So, it can be understood that all these things are as accurated practically the way they are mentioned, it's all the measurement of time. Most importantly, we all should know that, actually, there's a miscalculation in the age of kaliyuga passsed till now. This is the reason why 'Bhavishyamalika' written almost 500 years back by one of the Panchsakha named Mahapurush Achyutanand of Odisha. & several other Future predictors like Sant Ravidas, Nostradamus, Jay Gurudev including several foreign future pedictors; everyone pointing towards a same point about the ending of Kaliyuga with a great devastation, as it is happening also no doubt about it, with stating the arrival of Lord Kalki for the beginning of Satya Yuga. ( Note:- all the predictions done in 'Bhavishyamalika' is being true every year) (Point to be noted about other future predictors: the predictions of all those astrologers are coming true, each event) So, it's not only about predictions, there are plenty of proofs about it too. As we all know, Dwarika City was built by Almighty Lord Krishna at the end of Dwapara Yuga ( in order to protect his people from the attack of 'Jarasandh') which is found to be much much older, from radio carbon dating of the submerged city by the archeological team it has been found that, the lower remains of layer pf submerged Dwarika city are 32,000 years & it's assumed it can be even older that that, from oceanography it can be concluded and the structures dating back from 200,000 - 400,000 can also be found beneath the layer of 32,000 year old remains (Note:- these findings are done in just initial phases there's still a lot more to find there, chances of finding even more ancient structures after further deep excavation in it) So, after summimg up the date of those remains in different layers takes the figures upto 4,32,000 years which is the total age of Kaliyuga that's why these proofs clearly indicates the Kaliyuga is in it's final phase & we are on the 'transformation period/sangam kaala' for the beginning of Satya Yuga. Now it's obvious, some people may argue by giving the incomplete astronomical preferences & start telling "Mahabharata war just happened 5000 or 7000 years ago" some even say 3000 years old being in dillema. So for those people, let's see, the same astronimical arrangements are aligned at the same positions every 5,000/10,000 years so everybody must try to understand these stuffs more deeply BUT we also should know that there are very rare alignments which occur only once a yuga or in lakh years of time. So, Dwapara Yuga ended 4,32,000 years ago as according to these facts, this is the reason why we aren't getting the remains of any kingdom of that period of time because several external factors with natural calamities played a role for the complete disappearance of those ancient remains. Similarly, The difference of time period & the dynasties that ruled between the regimy of King and his descendants to the age of Siddharth Gautam Buddha (Pre - Bouddha Age : 500 BCE/approxiamtely 2500 years ago) is still in dark, nobody knows till now how many kings came after the some dynasties ruled followed by Janmejaya, the political situations, events between this period isn't revealed till now because, there's a gap of vast timeline between King Janmejaya & Siddharth Gautama Buddha so it's not a time difference of just 2000 years between these two guys from different timeline. (ABOUT JANMEJAYA :-(Son Of King Parikshit/grandson of Pandavas who did Nagdahan Yagnya for the revenge of his father Parikshit) So, there's a miscalculation in the actual time passed of Kaliyuga, lot of disasters happened in this vast timeline of 4,32,000 years, that's why they forgot the actual starting date of kaliyuga & it's age since then, may be from 5,000 years back they again started it's counting from the beginning. This is the only main reason why there's always a debate about the time period of Mahabharata war, if kaliyuga was started just 5,000 years ago from now then why the remains found in Dwarika City built by Lord Krishna at the end of Dwapara Yuga is 32,000 years old and it's asssumed some structures of Dwarika City can be even much more older which are waited to be discovered soon. So, factfully if we look this is the transitional phase for the beginning of Satya Yuga. Same scenarios are around us like; crime will be common at the final phase of kaliyuga, nature will be completely ruined out by humans, it's all happening, as we know nowadays our oceans are full of plastics, each & every resources that we use are polluted We just need to think about it, that how much our nature can resist it & what are some more worst aspects are still left we need to be suffered from. Additionally, there are found several cases of girls of age just 5-10 yers being impregnanted as mentioned in our scriptures like 'Srimad Bhagwatam, Bhavishyapuran etc, these cases are way beyond and a lot more than we imagined of. In the same way, Mughals, Britishers and other invaders tried their best to destroy the existence of Sanatan Dharma at one period of time, that period was full of cruelty, slavery, miseries, injustice that's everyone familiar within! and second thing the consequences. Now, talking about the age of humans during the final phase of kaliyuga let's see what's scripture says. So, the description about the age of humans at the end of kaliyiga was written in the down during the end of Dwapara and arrival of Kali means the transitional period between these two yuga & POINT TO NOTE THAT It was all written as according to the age limit of people belonging to Dwapara yuga because at that time, the age limit of a human was of 1000 years that's 10 times of present age limit of humans .i.e. 100 years. (As per scriptures) So, age of 100 years old man of Kaliyug is equivalent to the 1000 years old man of Dwapara. As according to the time limit of Dwapar Yuga, the age of 12 years man is 10 times of it in Kaliyuga that comes 120 years & as per scriptures, the maximum age of humans will be 12 years at the final phase of Kaliyuga (means as we know 100 years aged man of Kaliyuga equivalent to 1000 years aged man of dwapara so, 12 years guy as per dwapara timeline is 120 years of Kaliyuga) So, now it's obvious that 12 years is max human age depicted in scriptures with respective of dwapara age limit is actually 120 years from above calculation and yeah in this last phase, a normal person can live upto 120 years of life only of he/she follows a disciplined way of life along with practice of yoga, praanayama, right diet plan otherwise it seems almost impossible to live upto actual time limit of this phase also. Similarly, human height will be much smaller at the very end of Kaliyuga as depicted in 'Srimad Bhagwatam' it depicts that, the average height of humans will be of about '3 Hatha' that means 5'5'' this is an indeed an average height of humans worldwide if we calculated the average. ( Note:- It should also be remembered that, height was mentioned in scriptures as per the height of human possess during dwapara yuga, the average height of people during dwapara used to be 12/12.5 feet and on the basis of the physique of that time, height of people in final phase of kaliyuga was calculated which they referred as '3 hathas' as according to the size of hands of people of that time not this time.) So, these all informations & facts clearly points out that we're in very near for the beginning of new satya yuga of 29th chaturyug, it's an actual fact in addition if we take some scientific preference also, the poles movement of earth that happens on approxiamately 400,000 years & it's happening in this present time by changing it's position from Canada to Siberia, Russia which clearly points out on the same thing. And most importantly, "The main reason behind people being in dilemma about Kaliyuga's age is none other than the carelessness of all of us either we are scholars or pandits" As, we all the Pandits scholars and people recited the same quote every year as "Kaliyuge Prathama Charane, Kaliyuge Prathama Charane" but forgot about it's counting in this vast timeline, forgot to add up years, just repeated the same line 'Kaliyuge Prathama Charane' No one counted it further, just recited the same quote actually written by Maharshi Ved Vyasa at the beginning of Kaliyuga at the Pratham Charan/First Phase of Kaliyuga That's why, almost every people are in dillema about the exact years of kaliyuga passed till now, but it can be solved by going through these scientific proofs for some instance: Reference Of Dwarika City: Pole Changes it's Position in each 400,000 years including 32,000 years that's the age of Kaliyug & happens in each end of yuga as per scriptures:
You're doing a great service for westerners. Keep up the great work. Maybe one day we will be whole again. We've been fooled into thinking that we should strive to have, or only want peace, when peace is only a trick. We need to be whole again. Put an ended to our fear of the duality.
@@JasonGregoryAuthor Appreciate what you're doing. Do you recommend anyone else, or any channels that I can access to expand my conscious on this topic?
I've been learning from Swamiji for a while. Originally years ago, I found him as I furthered my studies in Vedanta. He's the real deal and I think you will benefit from him.
I luv this presentation...I was having a heck of a time because the yugas are tricky to remember...I like the references to the phones...It has become an obsession...Everyone is glued to it...
Thank you for the gratitude my friend. A lot goes into creating these presentations. I stick to the traditional knowledge and I love how you appreciate that. And yes, everybody is glued to their phone. I think you will enjoy my vlog on the matter
Considering how short the human life span is I would say the short count is the one we should be most concerned with...But the long couunt could also be taking place at the same time as the short count,kind of like a wheel in a wheel...
Actually it is like that, multiply the value of the short count cycle (24,000) by (365) days of the year and you get 8,640, 000 years which is 2 maha yugas of the long count. Assuming 8,640,000 years are 1 divine year
Jugement day there is a day all will return to thecreator of all... Allah .. The reason all civilisations perished is because they denied what can only be accessed with belief . no méditation can show this ...
Thank you for this nice video. I am reading the book by Swami Sri Yukteswarji and his Guruji Baba Lahari Mahasaya has calculations close to 24, 000 years of Precisional equinoctial cycle of the solar system. THE HOLY SCIENCE by Swami Sri Yukteswarji. We are 319 years in ascending Dwapar Yuga, where the big needle is pointing towards the Constellation of near Aquarius and the smaller end towards Aires. SHIVOHUM SHIVOHAM.
I believe there can be a short cycle yuga within the long cycle yuga system. Hence, we might be experiencing a short dvapara yuga inside the long kali yuga, which softens the effect of long cycle kali yuga. Why can't both systems coexist as a big and complex time system? Actually, just when short cycle dvapara yuga started, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is said to be an incarnation of Krishna Himself, appeard to introduce Sankirtana to soften the effect of Kali Yuga; as well as many saints and philosophers. Though we are in Kali Yuga (long cycle), we might be experiencing an increasing positive effect of a short dvapara yuga, which is mercifully bringing some spiritualism into this age of materialism and violence.
Thank you. Very explicit, i wish i could express myself also in such way. Time passes when chaos grows at accelarating rate, and every attempt to bring order only increases the entropy. The mess is just swept aside. So once you can accept it as it is without trying to organize it with your mind, also time will stop. But human mind is still developing, now it classifies and labels, instead of referring to the world the words redefine it into an order that can not withstand. That brings on the Kali, time and death, black as hindus would say. Mere reflection on the event horizon between two worlds between the eternally running time and timeless dimensions. Between the microkosmos and macrokosmos is the electromagnetic field. Nothing that has any mass will fall back, make your heart weightless.
There is nothing called "Eastern religion System", there is Sanatan Dharma, it is called eastern system. Also, there are other time frame limits and dates for yugas.
I wonder if there wasn't a need for a "reset" which might have caused a necessity for the short count system from the long count. I've read "The Holy Science" and knowing a bit about the life and history of Sri Yukteswar Giri and his guru, have confidence in his appeal.
Reading through Effortless Living at the moment, and I would just like to say thank you so much for sharing all of the knowledge you have accumulated, it really helps greatly understanding my own path of seeking happiness, awakening, and the spiritual understanding of myself in all of it. Sincerely grateful!
🙏Great work 🙏 YUGA TIMELINE of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI of HOLY SCIENCE or Kaivalyam in Hindi 🙏clearly fits RAMAYANA around 5500 BC -6700 BC and Mahabharta around 700 BC which is definitely after 3000 BC. Sri YUKTESHWAR explained through MANU SAMHITA 👍( not manu Samriti) as major correct source of SALOKA for 8 yuga cycle ; same Saloka mentioned in Hari vansh puran👍 too. Also two ancient Greek historians has mentioned 6000 BC Tradition of thousands of years cycles (1000, 2000, 3000 etc cycles👍 instead of Yugas as cycle of 24,000 years) named as SAPTARSHI CALENDERS by ancient Hindus of 6000 BC 👍. Kindly note KALI YUGA SANDHI was at 499 AD🙏 as given by SRI YUKTESHWAR by EQUINOX & WEATHER model. Now Sun is in VIRGO --- PISCES AXIS and note that on 22 SEPTEMBER AUTUMN EQUINOX happen in VIRGO🙏 Constellation. Equinox changes every 2000 years as sun stays in one CONSTELLATION for 2,000 years and for 960 years in one VEDIC NAKSHATRAS. There are references where Vedas are written during times when spring season (and equinox ) happen in different nakshatras of around 6000 BC🙏 Also error in Yuga was due to miscalculated years by multiplying 2400 years of Dwapar x 360 days as equal to 864000 years of Kali Yuga by Bana Bhatt as mentioned by SRI YUKTESHWAR. Timing of YAYATI lineage Karta-veerya-arjun & Datt-atreya Father Atri ( a vedic author of first RIGVEDA Mandla & host of Avatar Ram; teacher of Avatar Parshurama & friend of Vashista from Bhrigu clan ) around 5500 BC. See Dr Gupta code of Harappan Alphabets ( part 1,2,3,4,5,6 on UA-cam) 🙏 RIGVEDA 10 books or divisions; 1028 hymns, 10,600 verses; Reference of Rigveda writing. Reference; MAITRAYANI SAMHITA ; VASANT SAMPDA Vasant season in Punarv- vasu nakshatra; Now 2020 AD Vasant season in Purv- BHADR-Pad. 960 years difference PER NAKSHATRA ; Punarv-vasu- nakshatra; Adra, Mrig-sheera, Rohini, Kritika, Bharani, Ashwani, Revati, Uttar- Bhadra-Pad;Purv- bhadr-pad ; change from today Feb to ancient June. 4 month change meaning 2000 years per month that is 8000 years change ( around 6000 BC). Around 5500 BC ; Jainism Rishab & Avatar Ram both were contemporary cultures beside already existing RIG-VEDIC culture of 6000 BC. Thus Harrapan Vedic literature from 5500 BC and till say 2000 BC mention RISHAB . References; RIGVEDA 6. 16. 47; 10. 166. ??; Atharveda 9. 4.14-15; Taittiriya Brahmana 3. 7.5.13; 4.7. 10.1Yajurveda Ajitanatha, Arishtanemi, Rishab; Bhagvat Puran ; Rishabha Also must note Nuclear fall out Around 700 BC that likely ended Mahabharta war by cosmic bombardment of meteroites around Baluchistan, Mohenjodaro and Lothal region covered all over with superficial meteroitic and ground dust. Last words Ramayana 5500 BC ; Mahabharta and METEROITES SHOWER ( after and after 3000 BC ? around 1000 BC as claimed by some 🙏🙏🙏) ? around 700 BC at end of Dwapar Yuga of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI, start of descending Kali Yuga 1200 year cycle which ended at Sandhi of 499 BC. Ascending Kali Yuga of 1200 years end at 1700 AD. Ascending Dwapar Yuga of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI ( Manu Samriti) start at 1700 AD with 200 years of sandhi ended at 1900 AD. The TRETA of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI start in 4101AD; after 2400 years of Dwapra ( 1700 AD to 4100 AD) 🙏 Kindly enlighten if need revisit🙏
I am speechless!! Having studied Ayurveda and Buddhism in Asia for decades, and knowing of Indian philosophy, Jason Gregory brings more light into it than any other interpreter. You have a practical approach to it, which often lacks in traditional Indian representations. I am sure that you have lived many times before on earth, having come in contact with this wisdom. It still makes me wonder whether we (the conscious people who see behind the facade) should slow down the destructive developments since all is set already. Perhaps the world HAS to face an appocalyptic end, so that something new can evolve. But still, it makes my heart bleed to see, how all the good things our ancestors fought for, all those good values, insights and achievements are going down the drain. To accept this, is for me the greatest challenge. PS: But Sri Yukteshwar`s calculation is not correct. The deepest point was not 1700. Its 2020. Just wait and see.
Thanks Jason , just discovered your channel excited about learning all this wisdom your sharing with us!🙏🎆💙💙 Thank you !!!🙏🌎🙏 om shanti, shanti shanti 🙏🙏🎆
awesome channel Jason. After watching this video I watched Sadhguru's video on Kalki and the yugas and after a bit of working thru all my thoughts and I'm convinced that these systems are based on(collective)consciousness. I think the short count system was naturally born out of the long count since the ancient Rishis spoke of self realization sort of like genetics and epigenetics if that makes any sense, its more of a constant here and now choice and probability and spiritual evolution of all conscious beings. I probably paraphrased you in this comment or am rambling but its fun. I was raised with christian beliefs thru many experiences I went from atheist many years ago and now im finally diving deeply into Hinduism, thanks for your time man.
My problem with the short count system is that it postulates that our solar system is part of a binary system in which our sun is actually in orbit around another star . . . a star as yet unidentified. Sri Yukteswar's cycle period is 24,000 years whereas the observable precession of the equinoxes is nearer to 25,920 years.
Based on the short count system, we are supposed to be in ascending dwapura yuga based on the astronomical observations and the rotation of the solar system around the super sun. There is a video from Sadhguru about it. Dwapara yuga represents an energy driven age and not a materialistic one.
First thing is 1 kalpa is equal to 1000 mahayuga. And you failed to mention that height in satya yuga was 70 to 32feet gets declined over time in every one yuga behaves to be declination from good to bad it can divided into 4 sub yuga which from satya to kali within satya, treta, dwapar ,kali . There many stories like king muchukunda slept for 2 Yuga when he was waked up due to krishna's activity he saw declination in size of human and animals. He was 3 time the size of krishna. And you didn't mention the advance science and power and knowledge declination from every yuga like king ravana who was greatest devotee of God of God's Shiva and was half brahmin and rakshasa. He had pushpak vimana which could travel at speed of electron and had palace of height 13 km it is highest possible structure which could stand on earth with its gravity. He was so knowledgeable that when Lord Ram defeated him in battle he told Lord Laxman to seek knowledge from ravana. Ravana now lives in vaikunth which different swarg (heaven) in vaikunth u have peace and prosperity and in swarg u have only prosperity which can be taken. King muchukunda helped King God Indra who rule swarg in defeating Asuras they were in lack of commander so they called muchukunda after the winning the war for devas which he demanded for sleep he was not able to sleep for even a second for 1 year of immense battle in devalok that 365 years here on earth, then he was sent to earth to sleep. He was given a boon from king that anyone who disturb him or wake him up will be burnt to ashes. Kalyavana was the asura who acquired a boon that no one will be able to defeat him in battle, kalyavana after learning that in pandav kingdom only krishna was able to defeat him he followed krishna to the cave where king muchukunda was sleeping krishna disturbs in dark cave hiding and creating energy blast king wake up from dream in anger energy blazed from his eyes came and kalyavana was turned to ash mistaking him with krishna. In Hinduism, in India we do not consider these stories as myth or something we believe them as human kind history. There are many stories from one can only how universe is and how it behave. You didn't told the bitter truth of Kaliyuga like cow of dharma will stand on only 1 leg, that means people following dharma will be very few and numerous religions will start to form and will be continues to form and divide human till end of kaliyuga. Religious leader will use religion for own benefit, Leader of human around the world will become corrupted, people will sin for small matters and will kill for material things, age and height will decline from 7 ft to 1.5 ft and 150yrs to 20yrs. In Kaliyuga there only one god here on earth he Lord Hanuman and will help Lord Kalki at end of kali yuga after 427000 yrs to win the war with demon kali and restore peace. Lord Hanuman is immortal, and even Brahmastra will be disabled when fired on him. Brahmastr has power to destroy whole universe. Lord Hanuman is from Treta yuga who burned ravana s palace in ramayana 900000 years ago and helped Arjuna in battle of kurukshetra in mahabharata. Although he didn't fight he was sitting on Arjuna chariot which was King Yayati chariot from tretayug from this king Yayati conquered whole world in six days. Arjuna used this chariot we can find chariot impact in some places in India in some stobes. After the battle krishna and Arjuna get down from chariot and krishna asks hanuman that he can lord hanuman then come into true form and fly's into air. After seconds of his leave chariot turned into ashes. Arujuna asked krishna why chariot turned into ashes he because of lord hanuman chariot would have been long destroyed due the use of celestial weapons.
Have you tried to overlay the two systems timelines on top of each other? Sri Yukteshwar's version may very well represent the revolution of the Sun and it's dual around the milky way, with the long form version representing the revolution of the milky way around the eye of Brahma. Thus I see it more like the upward movement of a particle on a sine wave that has a general downward trajectory.
So fascinating! Can you make more of these videos on the yugas! Just helps to ponder why and how we can deal with the current age!!! Thank you so very much!
@@JasonGregoryAuthor It very much sounds like it! I will certainly check out your other videos. Here's what probably baffled me the most about this one. Like I said, I am not raised in the Hindu tradition -- Christian though I never practised as an adult. I had once heard about this alternative timeline idea you are referring to. For me, that other time was about a year ago in a "documentary" that did not refer to Hinduism -- a UA-cam documentary by Damon T Berry. The timeline thing resonated so much with me, together with some other things he was talking about. But because I had never really heard something like it, my mind didn't really know what to do with it -- I wanted to "believe" it, but wasn't sure how I could "reasonably" do that. Yet, I had been "awakened" a few years prior to watching the documentary, so I knew my feeling was telling me *something*. Now you're making clear that there is an entire religion / philosophy / tradition behind that time line idea. And it's neither Damon T Berry who was making something up, nor me just being in my own idiosyncratic imaginary world. There clearly is something about that Cycles of Time perspective that resonates much more deeply within me than the traditional "we are on top of the evolution" perspective that does no longer seem to make any sense. And from other angles, too, Hinduism has resonated here lately.. So yes, I will be checking out your other work. Thanks again!! 🙏🏼😋🌻
Great explanation, Jason. Great channel! Thanks! But there is a recurring question coming up when we talk of Kali Yuga. First and foremost, it's all god's creation, KY also. When it comes to KY, people tend to consider it a problem. That results in the Non-Acceptance of this Yuga. I for myself think that exactly this is the real problem. Isn't it so, that we also must accept the presence of Kali Yuga while we keep our faith rooted in our selves? To a large amount we also lose connection to our spiritual nature, the inner self, while we descend through the different Yugas. I mean: unconditional acceptance is the foundation of love. Love is the foundation of peace. Peace is the absence of fear and ignorance and so it goes on. People are fearing, denying and push aside Kali Yuga. That cannot be the way. At least this is my understanding of it. That doesn't mean I glorify KY but I am accepting it with all it's hurdles. What's your thought on that?
I agree. But also wonder, if Evil, pain and destruction is God’s creation. Is God evil as well as good natured ? If everything is God’s creation, should we also accept rape, stealing and lies - because these are also part of God’s creation since God allows it’s existence and it’s the trademark of the Kali Yuga you that you say you are accepting…
@@thehealingnetwork5362 I have to say I am not omniscient! But yes, I would say so. First and foremost one has to differentiate between Christianity, Islam and Judaism, where only God is full of light and everything else is dark. These belief systems suggest and teach separation and it is a very strong believe today, anchored in most people out there. In Hinduism, God is everything and beyond. Here reigns unity! Of course, the doctrine of karma, the law of cause and effect, has to be incorporated at this point. You could say now: why was I raped, or why do I have to go through all those painful experiences, not someone else? But the collective makes it fair. You are not alone with such experiences! If only you are to be taxed, it would be unfair. But because everyone has to pay their taxes, it's fair. One must not forget that there is a soul in man, but God also gave him a mind. It could well be said that mans mind is dark and full of separation. But the mind only lives as long as you are alive. You get a new one for your next incarnation. Here we come full circle regarding the doctrine of karma! Thank you and greetings from the alps in Austria!
@@wolfgangmarkusgstrein8522 beautifully explained. I agree to all of it but it raises so many other questions. Can I ask something more ..? What are your thoughts on : for instance, why it has to be this way. Why such brutality in the World and in God’s ways… why Souls like say Hitler and similar are given the luck, wealth and opportunities to create so much evil. If the law of karma is this way, it would suggest that Hitler’s Soul did many favourable deeds to be allowed to create so much evils with no immediate consequences in this life. But then why such Soul would do so many good deeds only to come around and create huge negative karma in this Life… why a Soul would have a karma or shall say a Dharma to kill? Why I say Dharma - because they believe it’s their Dharma to do so. And if everyone has a Destiny, it must be in victim’s destiny to have such outcome . Since nothing is accidental. But then that means a killer must be born too. And part of his Dharma would be to be the karmic consequence for the victim by killing. My biggest question is : Why a Soul would choose a life as a killer? (As it knowingly creates huge amount of negative karmic debt).
@@thehealingnetwork5362 Hi again, let me put it this way: God (Isha - in Hindu tradition) is one and has made himself many. These many are us, the people, as well as all other creations here and elsewhere. Accordingly, God experiences himself in us, through us and with us. However, we go the opposite way, because God has made us parts of himself and we have to find the way back to God. The result of this journey will serve the development of God. Paths are varying and can be very difficult, referring to Hitler. I don't think the soul chooses. That would suggest separation within the divine. It is only God's game! At this point one can refer to the words - Let Thy will be done! That is the reason why unconditional acceptance occupies so much space on my way. I enjoy talks like this! Thank you! My name is Wolfgang Markus Gstrein. If interested in extension of talks like that, you will find me on Facebook. Best regards, from the Alps!
As a sanatani, I can say Jason had some kind of religious practice in his previous life & he is continuing in this life too ... Good bro.. Do practise more & always think that what we see or have is temporary.. Only thing we take to next life is our good karma & spiritual practise..
I thought you said we would head from Kali into Satya, but wouldn’t we need to go all the way thru Dwapara and Treta before getting back to Satya? Also, is this really about us “efforting” to bring about positive change? Or is it more about time proceeding thru the cycles causing us to evolve and devolve without effort?
I know it still requires a tremendous amount of effort and there's allot of talk on the internet but very little actual doing. My teacher at Drukama says we're moving out of Kali Yuga but it's still basically like Jason's explaining. Check out the Drukama tradition if it interests you. Be well!
Ricky according to our belief after kali yuga, the universe as we know it comes to an end. Then the big bang happens all over again. That is we move from kali to satya.
The short count is explained in the Holy Science. When heading in to the last Kali the scholars, either due to not wanting to tell others that Kali was coming, or the decent into Kal messed with their brains, making them messing up the scale. Also, the long count does not fit into the human time scale at all, but the short count actually fits.
What makes the vedic scriptures unique from other religious scriptures and beliefs is that it deals as much with this three dimensional reality as it deals with the metaphysical or the other dimensions. Since our limited sensory ability does not allow us to see beyond the physical, the modern world is unable to understand it. It is just like a bear (human beings) is smelling something standing outside an enclosure (different dimensions) and trying to get to it unsuccessfully.
There is also a hybrid concept ,. 24000 *18= 432000 yrs of KY are divided into Kalantarasatyuga , Kalantaratretayuga , Kalantaradwaparayuga , Kalantararakaliyuga(aka Ghorkalyuga) . It's during Ghorkalyuga new Atheist , Gothic and adharmic religions were born , the size of India shrunk , and all great temples destroyed.
If you guys want see how lord Kalki is going to look like video about Srirangam golden vimana...u guys will be amazed by watching.. See this video.. There are Avatar of lord karved on that golden vimana 1 . matsya Avatar 2. Kachha Avtar 3. Varaha Avatar 4 . Narsimha Avatar 5.vamana Avatar 6.parshurama Avatar 7.shree ram Avatar 8.balaram Avatar (elder brother of Krishna) 9.shree Krishna ( supreme personality of godhead) 10 .Kalki Avatar.
Nicely explained. I think the long count is too much for most people to wrap their minds around and people will just forget about the whole thing thing as impractical to deal with..
Well said John. It is amazing how people are somewhat frightened by the magnitude of the long count. For myself personally, I am fascinated by it. Thank you for watching my friend.
Shri Yukteswar's view (short yuga system) seems more logical. What he mentioned as Grand Center (Vishnunavi) is a Black hole towards which our solar system is moving. According to Rigveda there are two types of time - one is Amurta (unconceivable) and another is murta (conceivable/measurable). Vishnu the symbol of energy (for which every work is being performed) and Maheswar/Shiva/Rudra is sitting on Vishnu navi. It is the inhalation of Shiva for which our galaxy system is moving towards Vishnu navi(black hole) and inhalation time of Shiva is the life of our solar system. After 100 Kalpa (some trilion yrs based on yuga system or 1000 mahayuga) one inhalation of Shiva will be completed & our solar system will be in black whole. This is equal to one nimesha (blinking of eye-lid) of Vishnu. Then Shiva will start exhalation (Big Bang) and a new solar system will be created i.e. Brahma(creator) will appear again and it takes about 6 mahayuga to complete the creation of galaxy and life. In that way process continues. Vishnu the source of energy is eternal (adi and ananta), Shiva the symbol of originator and destructor. Brahma is the symbol of creator. This is Amurta (unconceivable) time.
Nice presentation with unique voice and interpretation. Short count yuga system for Regional civilization. We are in early phase Kali yuga hardly we passed out just 7100 years after kurukshetr war. Where is enlighten in west they claim they are Aryans but they don't know the Etimology of arya and swastika. Nazi German Hitler used negative swastika and effect you see clearly.
Thank you. "...cycles begin, end, and are renewed, until a universal cycle is completed in the world, when important events and great occurrences will take place which entirely efface every trace and every record of the past; then a new universal cycle begins in the world, for this universe has no beginning." ~ 'Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, Baha'i Faith
I'd like to see how this works out from a SACRED GEOMETRY point of view! It was obvious to me that it HAS GEOMETRY in the plan when he circled the transition periods! INTERESTING!!
The short system is the right system. In fact, there are many many predictions that say that we're presently creating a shift in our collective consciousness. This shift is towards a positive change. The turmoils, the confusion and chaos we presently experience is part of that change, part of the transition. By 2075 this shift in consciousness will be completed. This is also shown in astrology. So is the present chaos shown in astrology.
@mi la mi There's no such thing as an absurd question. I asked why the cycles began, and your answer was that time is cyclical, which doesn't answer the question.
@baba yaga's son I'm not a bro, and you are too rude to have an intelligent conversation with. If that's your answer, there's a polite way to say it, but I don't agree with you.
@@doriesse824 you will angered to hear that but their is two religion all three yuga dharmic religion ruled and now abrahamic religions are ruling ( by the way abrahamic means in sanskrit is which who rejected the teaching of brahma) and bramha already tells before the yuga started that adharma also have a place in yuga and will be ruling in last yuga ( truth is truth after Krishna dies jesus born 1000 year after and after he died all adharma people attacked all over the world) , also Islam did that , so now you know why brahma maded circular time
I like your video on Taoism.. i like to point out to read the “Holy science” of sri yukteswar..who is connected the great Babaji and lahiri mahasaya.. explains the misunderstanding of interpretation of yugas. According to him we are in early stages of dwapar yuga .. the technology age.. it is undeniably evident..
Intriguing how this is in relevance with modern day science. The yugas timeline is in 4:3:2:1 ratio. longer when the sun is closer to centre of galaxy and shorter when far away. Given our sun is orbiting a black hole which is at the centre of galaxy. We now know time slows down near black hole.
For everyone who wants to further their knowledge of the Yugas, I have an article on my website which is a good companion to this episode of Enlightenment Today. Click the following link and please share Also, I have noticed that a few people in the comments section are eager to make up their own dates and beliefs about the Yugas, which are all false. I'm not sure why anyone would want to out themselves above the authorities on the Yugas, but I hope people can respect the actual teachings. In this video I explain the actual teachings and all dates and information are correct because they are based on the authorities on the Yugas. I hope everyone reading this and watching this video also respect the authorities of the Puranas and Sri Yukteswar. Pranams.
Good Job, Jason...I'm making a note of this video to show people....I authored a book entitled "The Holy Grail is Found" (Amazon) that any Truth seeker would be glad to find, and it makes a lot of references to Vedic Scriptures and mentions the cycles of time...You might wanna give me a click and watch my "Why Do People Believe Lies" video to get a hint at what I've found to share....
Love it Tom. I will check it out brother. Thank you for your gratitude.
Dear divine brother Jason Gregory
Greetings of peace 😊
Many thanks to you for such a wonderful video where you shared knowledge abt this vast topic so was a true delight watching your video..the greatest deed of spreading knowledge that you are doing really deserves applause..
Just a small suggestion brother..Sharing link of an e-book entitled "The Cycle of Time" with you which includes ancient knowledge abt Bharat and uncovered secrets..kindly go through it too once and then share knowledge gained through this book too with others as noble will b amazed to know how time moves in cyclic manner and includes 5 yugas, the shortest among them, Sangamyug or Confluence age is of 100 years and is ongoing now..!! its the brief transition period between Kalyug and Satyug and age of 1 kalpa comprising of 1 cycle is actually 5000 years..!! 😊 This has been supported by various facts and references from our Vedas and Upanishads in this book..thanks alot..lots of spiritual love and divine light from residents of India 😊🙏
@@monishaarora6765 my pleasure. Thank you for watching and I appreciate all your kind words.
Respected Mr. @@JasonGregoryAuthor sir! U r providing a gr8 information! Thanks for the uploaded of this vedio. Once again, hats off to u!
Im going back to studying vedic astrology...and this definitely helps. I hope to be able to explain such concepts as well as you in a couple of years! Thanks from Texas Jason, lovely!
That is wonderful to hear, Nisha. I have plenty of content on Vedic knowledge that I think you will enjoy.
A Sanatani from India. Nice showcase of the Vedic time cycles. Keep care and stay healthy.
Can’t believe there are people who dislike this video.
Glad you appreciate the video my friend.
Some are not fully awakened yet.
@@ep9203 : Yup.
@@peacefuldaizy5717 and others.
As an Indian who is interested to know about topics such as these, but doesn't know where to begin, and doesn't really know the language too well either, this is a big big help man. Thank you.
Excellent delivery and information. Thank you!!☆♡
Thank you my friend. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Finally a clear intro to the yugas, it is hard to come by. Thank you so much, really inspiring. I think it's interesting if we keep in mind that proportions can change; if in a golden age, mankind perceive time as being "slower" because we live more in the "present moment", this same timespan can seem "longer" when we look at it from a (e.g.) Bronze Age perspective. Thus the same applies to human lifespan (people from a Golden Age would think to be living a 100 years, while from our current POV it would seem to be, Idk, 1000 years). It would then seem appropriate to talk about a spiraling "time cycle" rather than a "full circle". We now know (from a western POV) that planets/stars do not move in a full circle pattern, more of a spirale one, like a whole galaxy (on a larger timescale).
What I mean is, we should try to apply the relativity (from our own current perspective) of time to this kind of time cycle.
What ya think?
Love it Brubarov. Thank you for the gratitude my friend.
thus we can also find a relation between the short term and long term theory.
Indeed. As above so below, the third Hermetic Principle, the law of correspondence.
As someone who grew up going to a hindu temple every sunday in Texas outstanding 👏
I found this video helpful. I've been curious about the Yugas for awhile, and am doing research for a punk rock song about the Mahabharata.
So glad it helped Sara.
Difference between Abrahmic religion and Sanatan Dharma is, abrahmic religion flourish by Ignorance and suffering, Sanatan Dharma flourish by Knowledge and Peace.
The Vedas
Hinduism is far more sophisticated than Christianaty
@ZebraZ Problem is that Science applies consciousness over the material world while Spirituality applies Science within the frame of the individual soul. Spiritual species can reach end-game scenario faster than material species.
I am not sure if it is humbling or terrifying the prospect of us being in a low point of this cycle. Because we are surrounded by evidence that this ancient cycle exists. Even the fact that this video has 23k views yet some viral trend will have millions. Such an eye opening video, will definitely subscribe.
Thank you for your kind words Billy. I'm glad you found this video my friend. I hear you on viral trends. I can't quite understand them either.
Why love of God is natural instinct ?
Why People love their religion, more than their own selves ?
Because it is not religion they love, but through religion they love God the creator of universe.
And they believe their religion will take them to that only God, who created them and maintaining them.
Very important to know is,
Love of God is pre-fed in every brain (bios) by God Himself.
Example, it is same like, every mom human or animal loves their babies with desperation,
risking their own lives because of this uploaded program/instinct.
Then it becomes natural instinct to love, that was uploaded by God in every brain,
it is not by anyones’ personal efforts or choice, it is out of control passion. Quran 6:108.
And ever mom finds his baby in front and express this love to him and that expression has satisfaction.
But what about love of God ?
God is hidden how can you reach Him ?
It is by religion/way you reach God, and then express your love to Him
and then you will get that satisfaction which you were hunting. 2:265
And a clever brain knows, the strength of this bonding, between God and humans.
And clever brains knows, humans struggle to reach God and satisfy themselves.
Specially the brains, that has very old history of understanding religion and playing with religion.
They create, compose, superstitious stories (Itihaas) and hacking that instinct as Aryans and Brahmins.
And they know how to set a trap, in designing the religions and hijacking love of God to make financial and political gains.
And those who don’t reason, think and educate themselves, are their easy pray.
They control them, fool them and then rule them.
And to retaliate their conspiracies, God advised humanity to education.
And these clever brains attack the institution and universities, which God commanded to build.
And the very first message God gave was READ ! 96:1
and commanded by education you can connect / attach with God 96:2
definitely terrifying to me
sheer f will Could you elaborate on this? What liberation? If you live in Satya Yuga why do you need to get liberated, liberated from what?
@@silverdragon710 moksha or liberation, is to finally get out of the cycles of life and death and become one with the universe. I'm still learning about Hinduism as well so I may get some things wrong, but that's how I understand it
Amazing explanation & teaching. Thanks! ❤️🙏🏼
Thank you for watching my friend.
Its our destiny to go through all these vast changes in human consciousness in order to come to realization. there are no mistakes just events bringing us back home to the moment. Thanks Jason .A fascinating and insightful video.
Thank you sincerely for this excellent summary and explanation. This was very insightful. Well done man, keep up the enlightening work. Respect.
Wow, this was very very knowledgeable. Very good video!!
Thank you Urjaa. I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
Awesome presentation Jason, good work.
There is no need to mention any experts or non-experts or their opinions, the scriptures and texts clearly say that Kali yuga started with the passing of Krishna around 3021 BCE based on astronomical evidences as documented in various texts, applying to both long and short counts.
Detailed explanation of the yugas.. I never knew about short-term yuga. Amazing work...!
Thank you my friend.
Very very important information. Thanks brother
Love from India
I highly recommend the best book about this topic : The Yuga's by Steinmetz and Selby.
Great Video indeeed 🧡 Actually, want to share the real fact about kaliyuga see, this present time is the transitional period for the beginning of new chaturyuga or simply the the kaliyuga's final phase of 28th chaturyuga.
So diving into the next see, first of all we need to know that,
[(1 year of Devas = 360 Human Years) note:- time is different at different parts of the universe, and 'Devas' are the higher level of conscious entity than us, they have subtle bodies, not physical & it can be attained by us too if we go in deep through immense penance, because Devas belong to metaphysical world)
Satya Yuga: 4800 divine years
= 17,28,000 human years (Four times of Kaliyuga)
Treta Yuga: 3600 divine years
= 12,96,000 human years (Thrice of Kaliyuga)
Dwapara Yuga: 2400 divine years
= 8,64,000 human years (Twice of Kaliyuga)
Kaliyuga: 1200 divine years
= 4,32,000 human years
This is the fact!! Also, let me tell if we converted 12 hrs of day into deciseconds then, it's result comes 4,32,000 deci-seconds which depicts the figures of one yuga or one kaliyuga.
So, it can be understood that all these things are as accurated practically the way they are mentioned, it's all the measurement of time.
Most importantly, we all should know that, actually, there's a miscalculation in the age of kaliyuga passsed till now.
This is the reason why 'Bhavishyamalika' written almost 500 years back by one of the Panchsakha named Mahapurush Achyutanand of Odisha. & several other Future predictors like Sant Ravidas, Nostradamus, Jay Gurudev including several foreign future pedictors; everyone pointing towards a same point about the ending of Kaliyuga with a great devastation, as it is happening also no doubt about it, with stating the arrival of Lord Kalki for the beginning of Satya Yuga.
( Note:- all the predictions done in 'Bhavishyamalika' is being true every year)
(Point to be noted about other future predictors: the predictions of all those astrologers are coming true, each event)
So, it's not only about predictions, there are plenty of proofs about it too.
As we all know, Dwarika City was built by Almighty Lord Krishna at the end of Dwapara Yuga ( in order to protect his people from the attack of 'Jarasandh') which is found to be much much older, from radio carbon dating of the submerged city by the archeological team it has been found that, the lower remains of layer pf submerged Dwarika city are 32,000 years & it's assumed it can be even older that that, from oceanography it can be concluded and the structures dating back from 200,000 - 400,000 can also be found beneath the layer of 32,000 year old remains
(Note:- these findings are done in just initial phases there's still a lot more to find there, chances of finding even more ancient structures after further deep excavation in it) So, after summimg up the date of those remains in different layers takes the figures upto 4,32,000 years which is the total age of Kaliyuga
that's why these proofs clearly indicates the Kaliyuga is in it's final phase & we are on the 'transformation period/sangam kaala' for the beginning of Satya Yuga.
Now it's obvious, some people may argue by giving the incomplete astronomical preferences & start telling "Mahabharata war just happened 5000 or 7000 years ago" some even say 3000 years old being in dillema.
So for those people, let's see, the same astronimical arrangements are aligned at the same positions every 5,000/10,000 years so everybody must try to understand these stuffs more deeply BUT we also should know that there are very rare alignments which occur only once a yuga or in lakh years of time.
So, Dwapara Yuga ended 4,32,000 years ago as according to these facts, this is the reason why we aren't getting the remains of any kingdom of that period of time because several external factors with natural calamities played a role for the complete disappearance of those ancient remains.
Similarly, The difference of time period & the dynasties that ruled between the regimy of King and his descendants to the age of Siddharth Gautam Buddha (Pre - Bouddha Age : 500 BCE/approxiamtely 2500 years ago) is still in dark, nobody knows till now how many kings came after the some dynasties ruled followed by Janmejaya, the political situations, events between this period isn't revealed till now because, there's a gap of vast timeline between King Janmejaya & Siddharth Gautama Buddha so it's not a time difference of just 2000 years between these two guys from different timeline.
(ABOUT JANMEJAYA :-(Son Of King Parikshit/grandson of Pandavas who did Nagdahan Yagnya for the revenge of his father Parikshit)
So, there's a miscalculation in the actual time passed of Kaliyuga, lot of disasters happened in this vast timeline of 4,32,000 years, that's why they forgot the actual starting date of kaliyuga & it's age since then, may be from 5,000 years back they again started it's counting from the beginning.
This is the only main reason why there's always a debate about the time period of Mahabharata war, if kaliyuga was started just 5,000 years ago from now then why the remains found in Dwarika City built by Lord Krishna at the end of Dwapara Yuga is 32,000 years old and it's asssumed some structures of Dwarika City can be even much more older which are waited to be discovered soon. So, factfully if we look this is the transitional phase for the beginning of Satya Yuga.
Same scenarios are around us like; crime will be common at the final phase of kaliyuga, nature will be completely ruined out by humans, it's all happening, as we know nowadays our oceans are full of plastics, each & every resources that we use are polluted
We just need to think about it, that how much our nature can resist it & what are some more worst aspects are still left we need to be suffered from.
Additionally, there are found several cases of girls of age just 5-10 yers being impregnanted as mentioned in our scriptures like 'Srimad Bhagwatam, Bhavishyapuran etc, these cases are way beyond and a lot more than we imagined of.
In the same way, Mughals, Britishers and other invaders tried their best to destroy the existence of Sanatan Dharma at one period of time, that period was full of cruelty, slavery, miseries, injustice
that's everyone familiar within! and second thing the consequences.
Now, talking about the age of humans during the final phase of kaliyuga let's see what's scripture says.
So, the description about the age of humans at the end of kaliyiga was written in the down during the end of Dwapara and arrival of Kali means the transitional period between these two yuga & POINT TO NOTE THAT It was all written as according to the age limit of people belonging to Dwapara yuga because at that time, the age limit of a human was of 1000 years that's 10 times of present age limit of humans .i.e. 100 years. (As per scriptures)
So, age of 100 years old man of Kaliyug is equivalent to the 1000 years old man of Dwapara.
As according to the time limit of Dwapar Yuga, the age of 12 years man is 10 times of it in Kaliyuga that comes 120 years & as per scriptures, the maximum age of humans will be 12 years at the final phase of Kaliyuga (means as we know 100 years aged man of Kaliyuga equivalent to 1000 years aged man of dwapara so, 12 years guy as per dwapara timeline is 120 years of Kaliyuga) So, now it's obvious that 12 years is max human age depicted in scriptures with respective of dwapara age limit is actually 120 years from above calculation and yeah in this last phase, a normal person can live upto 120 years of life only of he/she follows a disciplined way of life along with practice of yoga, praanayama, right diet plan otherwise it seems almost impossible to live upto actual time limit of this phase also.
Similarly, human height will be much smaller at the very end of Kaliyuga as depicted in 'Srimad Bhagwatam' it depicts that, the average height of humans will be of about '3 Hatha' that means 5'5'' this is an indeed an average height of humans worldwide if we calculated the average. ( Note:- It should also be remembered that, height was mentioned in scriptures as per the height of human possess during dwapara yuga, the average height of people during dwapara used to be 12/12.5 feet and on the basis of the physique of that time, height of people in final phase of kaliyuga was calculated which they referred as '3 hathas' as according to the size of hands of people of that time not this time.)
So, these all informations & facts clearly points out that we're in very near for the beginning of new satya yuga of 29th chaturyug, it's an actual fact in addition if we take some scientific preference also, the poles movement of earth that happens on approxiamately 400,000 years & it's happening in this present time by changing it's position from Canada to Siberia, Russia which clearly points out on the same thing.
And most importantly, "The main reason behind people being in dilemma about Kaliyuga's age is none other than the carelessness of all of us either we are scholars or pandits"
As, we all the Pandits scholars and people recited the same quote every year as "Kaliyuge Prathama Charane, Kaliyuge Prathama Charane" but forgot about it's counting in this vast timeline, forgot to add up years, just repeated the same line 'Kaliyuge Prathama Charane'
No one counted it further, just recited the same quote actually written by Maharshi Ved Vyasa at the beginning of Kaliyuga at the Pratham Charan/First Phase of Kaliyuga
That's why, almost every people are in dillema about the exact years of kaliyuga passed till now, but it can be solved by going through these scientific proofs for some instance:
Reference Of Dwarika City:
Pole Changes it's Position in each 400,000 years including 32,000 years that's the age of Kaliyug & happens in each end of yuga as per scriptures:
Thanks for your efforts to produce this content.
Excellent dear Jason ! Many Tks ! I was
Looking for confirmations regarding Yugas ... got it! Xoxo ❤️🌺
Stoked my friend. Best to you.
You're doing a great service for westerners. Keep up the great work. Maybe one day we will be whole again. We've been fooled into thinking that we should strive to have, or only want peace, when peace is only a trick. We need to be whole again. Put an ended to our fear of the duality.
Well said Alex. Thank you for watching my friend.
@@JasonGregoryAuthor Appreciate what you're doing. Do you recommend anyone else, or any channels that I can access to expand my conscious on this topic?
Sure Alex. I'd recommend exploring some videos of Swami Sarvapriyananda. You can find him at the Vedanta NY channel.
@@JasonGregoryAuthor Thank you. I just subscribed, and it looks to have a good amount Of postings. How do you, or did you come knowing of him?
I've been learning from Swamiji for a while. Originally years ago, I found him as I furthered my studies in Vedanta. He's the real deal and I think you will benefit from him.
This video is very informative and well done, thank you for it!
I appreciate the gratitude Cassie. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you get a chance to view my other content.
I luv this presentation...I was having a heck of a time because the yugas are tricky to remember...I like the references to the phones...It has become an obsession...Everyone is glued to it...
Thank you for the gratitude my friend. A lot goes into creating these presentations. I stick to the traditional knowledge and I love how you appreciate that. And yes, everybody is glued to their phone. I think you will enjoy my vlog on the matter
Thank you for this wonderful teaching, excellent!
Considering how short the human life span is I would say the short count is the one we should be most concerned with...But the long couunt could also be taking place at the same time as the short count,kind of like a wheel in a wheel...
Well said my friend.
Are you implying a fractal based model? That's certainly an interesting idea.
Actually it is like that, multiply the value of the short count cycle (24,000) by (365) days of the year and you get 8,640, 000 years which is 2 maha yugas of the long count. Assuming 8,640,000 years are 1 divine year
Jugement day there is a day all will return to thecreator of all... Allah .. The reason all civilisations perished is because they denied what can only be accessed with belief . no méditation can show this ...
Jason ur doing a great job! Keep enlightening people with the knowledge u have learned from ancient hindu texts.
Thank you my friend. I will do.
five people were jealous that his yoga is better than theirs 😂
Love your humor Katherine. Thank you for watching my friend.
Nicely explained. Alot makes sense in relation to this 🙏
I already knew all this as i am hindu,but how he is explaining all these things is commendable,earned a subscriber
Welcome my dear Hindu friend.
Thank you for this nice video.
I am reading the book by Swami Sri Yukteswarji and his Guruji Baba Lahari Mahasaya has calculations close to 24, 000 years of Precisional equinoctial cycle of the solar system.
THE HOLY SCIENCE by Swami Sri Yukteswarji.
We are 319 years in ascending Dwapar Yuga, where the big needle is pointing towards the Constellation of near Aquarius and the smaller end
towards Aires.
I believe there can be a short cycle yuga within the long cycle yuga system. Hence, we might be experiencing a short dvapara yuga inside the long kali yuga, which softens the effect of long cycle kali yuga. Why can't both systems coexist as a big and complex time system? Actually, just when short cycle dvapara yuga started, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is said to be an incarnation of Krishna Himself, appeard to introduce Sankirtana to soften the effect of Kali Yuga; as well as many saints and philosophers. Though we are in Kali Yuga (long cycle), we might be experiencing an increasing positive effect of a short dvapara yuga, which is mercifully bringing some spiritualism into this age of materialism and violence.
Thank you. Very explicit, i wish i could express myself also in such way. Time passes when chaos grows at accelarating rate, and every attempt to bring order only increases the entropy. The mess is just swept aside. So once you can accept it as it is without trying to organize it with your mind, also time will stop. But human mind is still developing, now it classifies and labels, instead of referring to the world the words redefine it into an order that can not withstand. That brings on the Kali, time and death, black as hindus would say. Mere reflection on the event horizon between two worlds between the eternally running time and timeless dimensions. Between the microkosmos and macrokosmos is the electromagnetic field. Nothing that has any mass will fall back, make your heart weightless.
There is nothing called "Eastern religion System", there is Sanatan Dharma, it is called eastern system. Also, there are other time frame limits and dates for yugas.
I think he is trying to explain this in word forms that beginners can understand.
Not eastern system, sanatan means eternal
I wonder if there wasn't a need for a "reset" which might have caused a necessity for the short count system from the long count. I've read "The Holy Science" and knowing a bit about the life and history of Sri Yukteswar Giri and his guru, have confidence in his appeal.
Reading through Effortless Living at the moment, and I would just like to say thank you so much for sharing all of the knowledge you have accumulated, it really helps greatly understanding my own path of seeking happiness, awakening, and the spiritual understanding of myself in all of it. Sincerely grateful!
I believe in ancient texts vedas..the long cycle.
Good choice my friend.
this is maya of kaliyug that humans are trying to create his on theories on sanatan dharm
Very well explained! Thank you so much! God bless you!
Nand Kumar Daryanani
And the same to you as well my friend.
Great video, subscribed. Will go through your content on my free time
Welcome Josh. Glad to have you with me my friend.
🙏Great work
🙏 YUGA TIMELINE of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI of HOLY SCIENCE or Kaivalyam in Hindi 🙏clearly fits RAMAYANA around 5500 BC -6700 BC and Mahabharta around 700 BC which is definitely after 3000 BC. Sri YUKTESHWAR explained through MANU SAMHITA 👍( not manu Samriti) as major correct source of SALOKA for 8 yuga cycle ; same Saloka mentioned in Hari vansh puran👍 too.
Also two ancient Greek historians has mentioned 6000 BC Tradition of thousands of years cycles (1000, 2000, 3000 etc cycles👍 instead of Yugas as cycle of 24,000 years) named as SAPTARSHI CALENDERS by ancient Hindus of 6000 BC 👍.
Kindly note KALI YUGA SANDHI was at 499 AD🙏 as given by SRI YUKTESHWAR by EQUINOX & WEATHER model. Now Sun is in VIRGO --- PISCES AXIS and note that on 22 SEPTEMBER AUTUMN EQUINOX happen in VIRGO🙏 Constellation. Equinox changes every 2000 years as sun stays in one CONSTELLATION for 2,000 years and for 960 years in one VEDIC NAKSHATRAS.
There are references where Vedas are written during times when spring season (and equinox ) happen in different nakshatras of around 6000 BC🙏
Also error in Yuga was due to miscalculated years by multiplying 2400 years of Dwapar x 360 days as equal to 864000 years of Kali Yuga by Bana Bhatt as mentioned by SRI YUKTESHWAR.
Timing of YAYATI lineage Karta-veerya-arjun & Datt-atreya Father Atri ( a vedic author of first RIGVEDA Mandla & host of Avatar Ram; teacher of Avatar Parshurama & friend of Vashista from Bhrigu clan ) around 5500 BC. See Dr Gupta code of Harappan Alphabets ( part 1,2,3,4,5,6 on UA-cam) 🙏
RIGVEDA 10 books or divisions; 1028 hymns, 10,600 verses; Reference of Rigveda writing.
Vasant season in Punarv- vasu nakshatra; Now 2020 AD Vasant season in Purv- BHADR-Pad.
960 years difference PER
NAKSHATRA ; Punarv-vasu- nakshatra; Adra, Mrig-sheera, Rohini, Kritika, Bharani, Ashwani, Revati, Uttar- Bhadra-Pad;Purv- bhadr-pad ; change from today Feb to ancient June. 4 month change meaning 2000 years per month that is 8000 years change ( around 6000 BC).
Around 5500 BC ; Jainism Rishab & Avatar Ram both were contemporary cultures beside already existing RIG-VEDIC culture of 6000 BC.
Thus Harrapan Vedic literature from 5500 BC and till say 2000 BC mention RISHAB . References; RIGVEDA 6. 16. 47; 10. 166. ??; Atharveda 9. 4.14-15; Taittiriya Brahmana 3. 7.5.13; 4.7. 10.1Yajurveda Ajitanatha, Arishtanemi, Rishab;
Bhagvat Puran ; Rishabha
Also must note Nuclear fall out Around 700 BC that likely ended Mahabharta war by cosmic bombardment of meteroites around Baluchistan, Mohenjodaro and Lothal region covered all over with superficial meteroitic and ground dust.
Last words
Ramayana 5500 BC ;
Mahabharta and METEROITES SHOWER ( after and after 3000 BC ? around 1000 BC as claimed by some 🙏🙏🙏) ? around 700 BC at end of Dwapar Yuga of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI, start of descending Kali Yuga 1200 year cycle which ended at Sandhi of 499 BC. Ascending Kali Yuga of 1200 years end at 1700 AD. Ascending Dwapar Yuga of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI ( Manu Samriti) start at 1700 AD with 200 years of sandhi ended at 1900 AD. The TRETA of SRI YUKTESHWAR GIRI start in 4101AD; after 2400 years of Dwapra ( 1700 AD to 4100 AD) 🙏
Kindly enlighten if need revisit🙏
Thanks for the video mate!
Glad you enjoyed brother.
I am speechless!! Having studied Ayurveda and Buddhism in Asia for decades, and knowing of Indian philosophy, Jason Gregory brings more light into it than any other interpreter. You have a practical approach to it, which often lacks in traditional Indian representations. I am sure that you have lived many times before on earth, having come in contact with this wisdom.
It still makes me wonder whether we (the conscious people who see behind the facade) should slow down the destructive developments since all is set already. Perhaps the world HAS to face an appocalyptic end, so that something new can evolve. But still, it makes my heart bleed to see, how all the good things our ancestors fought for, all those good values, insights and achievements are going down the drain. To accept this, is for me the greatest challenge.
PS: But Sri Yukteshwar`s calculation is not correct. The deepest point was not 1700. Its 2020. Just wait and see.
I'm glad to watch this video. Indian and hindu
Loved this explanation! Thank you so much. ✌️❤️
Very very good video very clear and interesting and informative.
Thank you Jason, you’re are very intelligent. We need more f this type of truths!!
Thank you for your kind words Bipin. I will keep creating the content that matters my friend.
This short count system is new to me. Nice to know.
Thanks Jason , just discovered your channel excited about learning all this wisdom your sharing with us!🙏🎆💙💙 Thank you !!!🙏🌎🙏 om shanti, shanti shanti 🙏🙏🎆
awesome channel Jason. After watching this video I watched Sadhguru's video on Kalki and the yugas and after a bit of working thru all my thoughts and I'm convinced that these systems are based on(collective)consciousness. I think the short count system was naturally born out of the long count since the ancient Rishis spoke of self realization sort of like genetics and epigenetics if that makes any sense, its more of a constant here and now choice and probability and spiritual evolution of all conscious beings. I probably paraphrased you in this comment or am rambling but its fun. I was raised with christian beliefs thru many experiences I went from atheist many years ago and now im finally diving deeply into Hinduism, thanks for your time man.
My problem with the short count system is that it postulates that our solar system is part of a binary system in which our sun is actually in orbit around another star . . . a star as yet unidentified. Sri Yukteswar's cycle period is 24,000 years whereas the observable precession of the equinoxes is nearer to 25,920 years.
Love it..thank you
Good video. Especially d fact that our sun revolves around a binary star system is something which is plausible
Great video. Thank you Jason.
Thank you Steve. I appreciate it brother.
Great! Do you have any graphics showing the short-count inside (or comparing to) the long-count system?
Based on the short count system, we are supposed to be in ascending dwapura yuga based on the astronomical observations and the rotation of the solar system around the super sun. There is a video from Sadhguru about it. Dwapara yuga represents an energy driven age and not a materialistic one.
Great video, would be nice if you did review of some of the Hindu stories
First thing is 1 kalpa is equal to 1000 mahayuga. And you failed to mention that height in satya yuga was 70 to 32feet gets declined over time in every one yuga behaves to be declination from good to bad it can divided into 4 sub yuga which from satya to kali within satya, treta, dwapar ,kali .
There many stories like king muchukunda slept for 2 Yuga when he was waked up due to krishna's activity he saw declination in size of human and animals. He was 3 time the size of krishna. And you didn't mention the advance science and power and knowledge declination from every yuga like king ravana who was greatest devotee of God of God's Shiva and was half brahmin and rakshasa. He had pushpak vimana which could travel at speed of electron and had palace of height 13 km it is highest possible structure which could stand on earth with its gravity. He was so knowledgeable that when Lord Ram defeated him in battle he told Lord Laxman to seek knowledge from ravana. Ravana now lives in vaikunth which different swarg (heaven) in vaikunth u have peace and prosperity and in swarg u have only prosperity which can be taken. King muchukunda helped King God Indra who rule swarg in defeating Asuras they were in lack of commander so they called muchukunda after the winning the war for devas which he demanded for sleep he was not able to sleep for even a second for 1 year of immense battle in devalok that 365 years here on earth, then he was sent to earth to sleep. He was given a boon from king that anyone who disturb him or wake him up will be burnt to ashes. Kalyavana was the asura who acquired a boon that no one will be able to defeat him in battle, kalyavana after learning that in pandav kingdom only krishna was able to defeat him he followed krishna to the cave where king muchukunda was sleeping krishna disturbs in dark cave hiding and creating energy blast king wake up from dream in anger energy blazed from his eyes came and kalyavana was turned to ash mistaking him with krishna. In Hinduism, in India we do not consider these stories as myth or something we believe them as human kind history. There are many stories from one can only how universe is and how it behave. You didn't told the bitter truth of Kaliyuga like cow of dharma will stand on only 1 leg, that means people following dharma will be very few and numerous religions will start to form and will be continues to form and divide human till end of kaliyuga. Religious leader will use religion for own benefit, Leader of human around the world will become corrupted, people will sin for small matters and will kill for material things, age and height will decline from 7 ft to 1.5 ft and 150yrs to 20yrs. In Kaliyuga there only one god here on earth he Lord Hanuman and will help Lord Kalki at end of kali yuga after 427000 yrs to win the war with demon kali and restore peace. Lord Hanuman is immortal, and even Brahmastra will be disabled when fired on him. Brahmastr has power to destroy whole universe. Lord Hanuman is from Treta yuga who burned ravana s palace in ramayana 900000 years ago and helped Arjuna in battle of kurukshetra in mahabharata. Although he didn't fight he was sitting on Arjuna chariot which was King Yayati chariot from tretayug from this king Yayati conquered whole world in six days. Arjuna used this chariot we can find chariot impact in some places in India in some stobes. After the battle krishna and Arjuna get down from chariot and krishna asks hanuman that he can lord hanuman then come into true form and fly's into air. After seconds of his leave chariot turned into ashes. Arujuna asked krishna why chariot turned into ashes he because of lord hanuman chariot would have been long destroyed due the use of celestial weapons.
Have you tried to overlay the two systems timelines on top of each other? Sri Yukteshwar's version may very well represent the revolution of the Sun and it's dual around the milky way, with the long form version representing the revolution of the milky way around the eye of Brahma. Thus I see it more like the upward movement of a particle on a sine wave that has a general downward trajectory.
So fascinating! Can you make more of these videos on the yugas! Just helps to ponder why and how we can deal with the current age!!! Thank you so very much!
Wow, very very interesting.
I am a "child of the West" (Europe) but what you're sharing resonates very strongly.
Thanks so much for sharing!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🌻
So glad to hear that my friend. I hope you check out my other videos which I feel will be of your interest.
@@JasonGregoryAuthor It very much sounds like it! I will certainly check out your other videos.
Here's what probably baffled me the most about this one.
Like I said, I am not raised in the Hindu tradition -- Christian though I never practised as an adult.
I had once heard about this alternative timeline idea you are referring to.
For me, that other time was about a year ago in a "documentary" that did not refer to Hinduism -- a UA-cam documentary by Damon T Berry.
The timeline thing resonated so much with me, together with some other things he was talking about.
But because I had never really heard something like it, my mind didn't really know what to do with it -- I wanted to "believe" it, but wasn't sure how I could "reasonably" do that.
Yet, I had been "awakened" a few years prior to watching the documentary, so I knew my feeling was telling me *something*.
Now you're making clear that there is an entire religion / philosophy / tradition behind that time line idea. And it's neither Damon T Berry who was making something up, nor me just being in my own idiosyncratic imaginary world.
There clearly is something about that Cycles of Time perspective that resonates much more deeply within me than the traditional "we are on top of the evolution" perspective that does no longer seem to make any sense.
And from other angles, too, Hinduism has resonated here lately..
So yes, I will be checking out your other work.
Thanks again!!
@@copernicanrevolution2.091 and Jason... It seems you both have an old soul, divine and respectfull 😇🙏👍
Wow this is such a good explanation... And I love your accent....
Thank you for your kind words Tapashya. I never really think about my accent, but people seem to like it. I think I sound funny haha.
Great explanation, Jason. Great channel! Thanks! But there is a recurring question coming up when we talk of Kali Yuga. First and foremost, it's all god's creation, KY also. When it comes to KY, people tend to consider it a problem. That results in the Non-Acceptance of this Yuga. I for myself think that exactly this is the real problem. Isn't it so, that we also must accept the presence of Kali Yuga while we keep our faith rooted in our selves? To a large amount we also lose connection to our spiritual nature, the inner self, while we descend through the different Yugas. I mean: unconditional acceptance is the foundation of love. Love is the foundation of peace. Peace is the absence of fear and ignorance and so it goes on. People are fearing, denying and push aside Kali Yuga. That cannot be the way. At least this is my understanding of it. That doesn't mean I glorify KY but I am accepting it with all it's hurdles. What's your thought on that?
I agree.
But also wonder, if Evil, pain and destruction is God’s creation. Is God evil as well as good natured ? If everything is God’s creation, should we also accept rape, stealing and lies - because these are also part of God’s creation since God allows it’s existence and it’s the trademark of the Kali Yuga you that you say you are accepting…
@@thehealingnetwork5362 I have to say I am not omniscient! But yes, I would say so.
First and foremost one has to differentiate between Christianity, Islam and Judaism, where only God is full of light and everything else is dark. These belief systems suggest and teach separation and it is a very strong believe today, anchored in most people out there. In Hinduism, God is everything and beyond. Here reigns unity! Of course, the doctrine of karma, the law of cause and effect, has to be incorporated at this point. You could say now: why was I raped, or why do I have to go through all those painful experiences, not someone else? But the collective makes it fair. You are not alone with such experiences! If only you are to be taxed, it would be unfair. But because everyone has to pay their taxes, it's fair.
One must not forget that there is a soul in man, but God also gave him a mind. It could well be said that mans mind is dark and full of separation. But the mind only lives as long as you are alive. You get a new one for your next incarnation. Here we come full circle regarding the doctrine of karma!
Thank you and greetings from the alps in Austria!
@@wolfgangmarkusgstrein8522 beautifully explained. I agree to all of it but it raises so many other questions. Can I ask something more ..? What are your thoughts on : for instance, why it has to be this way. Why such brutality in the World and in God’s ways… why Souls like say Hitler and similar are given the luck, wealth and opportunities to create so much evil. If the law of karma is this way, it would suggest that Hitler’s Soul did many favourable deeds to be allowed to create so much evils with no immediate consequences in this life. But then why such Soul would do so many good deeds only to come around and create huge negative karma in this Life… why a Soul would have a karma or shall say a Dharma to kill? Why I say Dharma - because they believe it’s their Dharma to do so. And if everyone has a Destiny, it must be in victim’s destiny to have such outcome . Since nothing is accidental. But then that means a killer must be born too. And part of his Dharma would be to be the karmic consequence for the victim by killing. My biggest question is : Why a Soul would choose a life as a killer? (As it knowingly creates huge amount of negative karmic debt).
@@thehealingnetwork5362 Hi again, let me put it this way: God (Isha - in Hindu tradition) is one and has made himself many. These many are us, the people, as well as all other creations here and elsewhere. Accordingly, God experiences himself in us, through us and with us. However, we go the opposite way, because God has made us parts of himself and we have to find the way back to God. The result of this journey will serve the development of God. Paths are varying and can be very difficult, referring to Hitler.
I don't think the soul chooses. That would suggest separation within the divine. It is only God's game! At this point one can refer to the words - Let Thy will be done! That is the reason why unconditional acceptance occupies so much space on my way.
I enjoy talks like this! Thank you!
My name is Wolfgang Markus Gstrein. If interested in extension of talks like that, you will find me on Facebook. Best regards, from the Alps!
I believe in ancient system.
As a sanatani, I can say Jason had some kind of religious practice in his previous life & he is continuing in this life too ... Good bro.. Do practise more & always think that what we see or have is temporary.. Only thing we take to next life is our good karma & spiritual practise..
Good explanation.
Thank you Sunil. A pleasure to hear from you.
You explained it so nicely.
Thank you for the explanation Jason.
Really sanatan dharma is the most great....... Hinduism is a very logical religion as compared to any other religion of the world.....
I thought you said we would head from Kali into Satya, but wouldn’t we need to go all the way thru Dwapara and Treta before getting back to Satya? Also, is this really about us “efforting” to bring about positive change? Or is it more about time proceeding thru the cycles causing us to evolve and devolve without effort?
I know it still requires a tremendous amount of effort and there's allot of talk on the internet but very little actual doing. My teacher at Drukama says we're moving out of Kali Yuga but it's still basically like Jason's explaining. Check out the Drukama tradition if it interests you. Be well!
Ricky according to our belief after kali yuga, the universe as we know it comes to an end. Then the big bang happens all over again. That is we move from kali to satya.
Good explanation... thank you😊🙏
I'm glad you enjoyed my video.
The short count is explained in the Holy Science. When heading in to the last Kali the scholars, either due to not wanting to tell others that Kali was coming, or the decent into Kal messed with their brains, making them messing up the scale. Also, the long count does not fit into the human time scale at all, but the short count actually fits.
What makes the vedic scriptures unique from other religious scriptures and beliefs is that it deals as much with this three dimensional reality as it deals with the metaphysical or the other dimensions. Since our limited sensory ability does not allow us to see beyond the physical, the modern world is unable to understand it. It is just like a bear (human beings) is smelling something standing outside an enclosure (different dimensions) and trying to get to it unsuccessfully.
Clear explanation - interesting.
There is also a hybrid concept ,. 24000 *18= 432000 yrs of KY are divided into Kalantarasatyuga , Kalantaratretayuga , Kalantaradwaparayuga , Kalantararakaliyuga(aka Ghorkalyuga) . It's during Ghorkalyuga new Atheist , Gothic and adharmic religions were born , the size of India shrunk , and all great temples destroyed.
Nice and well explained...👍
If you guys want see how lord Kalki is going to look like video about Srirangam golden vimana...u guys will be amazed by watching..
See this video..
There are Avatar of lord karved on that golden vimana
1 . matsya Avatar
2. Kachha Avtar
3. Varaha Avatar
4 . Narsimha Avatar
5.vamana Avatar
6.parshurama Avatar
7.shree ram Avatar
8.balaram Avatar (elder brother of Krishna)
9.shree Krishna ( supreme personality of godhead)
10 .Kalki Avatar.
So from which Year Kali Yuga has started according to our modern calendar?
Very nice
Nicely explained. I think the long count is too much for most people to wrap their minds around and people will just forget about the whole thing thing as impractical to deal with..
Well said John. It is amazing how people are somewhat frightened by the magnitude of the long count. For myself personally, I am fascinated by it. Thank you for watching my friend.
Shri Yukteswar's view (short yuga system) seems more logical. What he mentioned as Grand Center (Vishnunavi) is a Black hole towards which our solar system is moving. According to Rigveda there are two types of time - one is Amurta (unconceivable) and another is murta (conceivable/measurable). Vishnu the symbol of energy (for which every work is being performed) and Maheswar/Shiva/Rudra is sitting on Vishnu navi. It is the inhalation of Shiva for which our galaxy system is moving towards Vishnu navi(black hole) and inhalation time of Shiva is the life of our solar system. After 100 Kalpa (some trilion yrs based on yuga system or 1000 mahayuga) one inhalation of Shiva will be completed & our solar system will be in black whole. This is equal to one nimesha (blinking of eye-lid) of Vishnu. Then Shiva will start exhalation (Big Bang) and a new solar system will be created i.e. Brahma(creator) will appear again and it takes about 6 mahayuga to complete the creation of galaxy and life.
In that way process continues. Vishnu the source of energy is eternal (adi and ananta), Shiva the symbol of originator and destructor. Brahma is the symbol of creator. This is Amurta (unconceivable) time.
Thanks most kindly for this video.
Thanks most kindly for your wonderful comment.
Tnx this relate to wat i feel in this life on this earth
Man hat's off to u I'm aameshed ..great keep it up I'm watching the first video from ur channel n going to subscribe
Thank you my friend. Welcome and enjoy all the content.
So nicely explained
Thank you Rajendra.
Nice presentation with unique voice and interpretation.
Short count yuga system for Regional civilization.
We are in early phase Kali yuga hardly we passed out just 7100 years after kurukshetr war.
Where is enlighten in west they claim they are Aryans but they don't know the Etimology of arya and swastika.
Nazi German Hitler used negative swastika and effect you see clearly.
कलियुगे प्रथमचरणे is what is said in the sankalpa done before Hindu ceremonies
Thank you. "...cycles begin, end, and are renewed, until a universal cycle is completed in the world, when important events and great occurrences will take place which entirely efface every trace and every record of the past; then a new universal cycle begins in the world, for this universe has no beginning." ~ 'Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, Baha'i Faith
I'd like to see how this works out from a SACRED GEOMETRY point of view! It was obvious to me that it HAS GEOMETRY in the plan when he circled the transition periods! INTERESTING!!
son: mum i think I have a problem
Mom: it's all because of that phone!
Well researched
Thank you my friend.
The short system is the right system. In fact, there are many many predictions that say that we're presently creating a shift in our collective consciousness. This shift is towards a positive change. The turmoils, the confusion and chaos we presently experience is part of that change, part of the transition. By 2075 this shift in consciousness will be completed. This is also shown in astrology. So is the present chaos shown in astrology.
Is there an explanation for how and why these cycles began?
@mi la mi There's no such thing as an absurd question. I asked why the cycles began, and your answer was that time is cyclical, which doesn't answer the question.
@baba yaga's son I'm not a bro, and you are too rude to have an intelligent conversation with. If that's your answer, there's a polite way to say it, but I don't agree with you.
@@doriesse824 you will angered to hear that but their is two religion all three yuga dharmic religion ruled and now abrahamic religions are ruling ( by the way abrahamic means in sanskrit is which who rejected the teaching of brahma) and bramha already tells before the yuga started that adharma also have a place in yuga and will be ruling in last yuga ( truth is truth after Krishna dies jesus born 1000 year after and after he died all adharma people attacked all over the world) , also Islam did that , so now you know why brahma maded circular time
@@doriesse824 dharma and adharma (you can relate with abrahama ) is ancestory also
There is answer for it in Shiva Purana
Excellent my dear friend Jason! ❤️💓🌷
I like your video on Taoism.. i like to point out to read the “Holy science” of sri yukteswar..who is connected the great Babaji and lahiri mahasaya.. explains the misunderstanding of interpretation of yugas. According to him we are in early stages of dwapar yuga .. the technology age.. it is undeniably evident..
Intriguing how this is in relevance with modern day science. The yugas timeline is in 4:3:2:1 ratio. longer when the sun is closer to centre of galaxy and shorter when far away. Given our sun is orbiting a black hole which is at the centre of galaxy. We now know time slows down near black hole.
Thank you for explaining this B.S
this video is only ture on yuga system on youtube. thanks
Thank you for the gratitude my friend. I'm glad you appreciate the knowledge in this video.